Vela Adan e 201112 PHD
Vela Adan e 201112 PHD
Vela Adan e 201112 PHD
A Thesis
Presented to
The Academic Faculty
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in the
School of Mechanical Engineering
Approved by:
It is impossible to find the perfect words to thank my advisors, family, colleagues and friends
for supporting my dream of obtaining a Ph.D. in engineering. They have influenced me with
their academic and life wisdom to make me a better engineer and person. In particular,
I want to thank my advisors Dr. William Singhose, Dr. John-Paul Clarke and Dr. Eric
Feron. In Dr. William Singhose, I found more than a mechanical engineering advisor. He
introduced me to Georgia Tech as an undergraduate, and later welcomed me into his lab.
He has always guided my Ph.D. studies with challenging and intriguing questions. Through
Dr. John-Paul Clark and Dr. Eric Feron, I learned to appreciate the practical and the
theoretical sides of air transportation research. Each has taught me to push the boundaries
of research and to never be apprehensive about exploration. I would not have acquired the
knowledge, nor the skills, to complete my Ph.D. studies without the wisdom and guidance
of my advisors.
I also want to thank Dr. Karen Feigh. She taught me the importance of human-
centric air traffic control. I must also thank Dr. Daniel Delahaye for inviting me to study
air traffic control at ENAC. He always encouraged a fun and challenging discourse on air
traffic control. For supporting me from my first days as a Ph.D. student until now, I would
like to thank Dr. Senay Solak. He continues to inspire me with his work in Operations
Research. He will remain a role model and a source of inspiration. I also thank Dr. Senay
to Dr. Khalid Sorensen and Dr. Joshua Vaughan, who gave me advice at every turn of my
Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. process and beyond. For teaching me about the realities of
aircraft and air traffic control, I want to acknowledge Jim Brooks and Gaurav Nagel.
Next, I want to acknowledge all my friends and co-workers who have shared and sup-
ported my struggles. A special mention goes to Dr. Kuemjin Lee, Dr. Maxime Gariel, and
Dr. Erwan Saluan, who have been comrades in research.
To conclude, I want to thank my family. They are the greatest support system in my
life, starting with my parents who devoted their lives to inspire me and many young people
to study math, science and engineering. I also thanks my brother and sister who have given
From 2010 to 2030, the number of instrument flight rules aircraft operations handled
approximately 39 million flights to 64 million flights. The projected growth in air trans-
portation demand is likely to result in traffic levels that exceed the abilities of the unaided
air traffic controller in managing, separating, and providing services to aircraft. Conse-
quently, the Federal Aviation Administration, and other air navigation service providers
around the world, are making several efforts to improve the capacity and throughput of
existing airspaces. Ultimately, the stated goal of the Federal Aviation Administration is to
In an effort to satisfy air traffic demand through the increase of airspace capacity, air
navigation service providers are considering the inclusion of advisory conflict-detection and
olution decision-support tools identify potential conflicts and propose resolution commands
for the air traffic controller to verify and issue to aircraft. A number of researchers and air
and resolution tools into air traffic control systems will reduce or transform controller work-
conflict-detection and resolution tools, this thesis provides a detailed study of the con-
flict event process and the implementation of conflict-detection and resolution algorithms.
Specifically, the research presented here examines a metric of controller taskload: how many
resolution commands an air traffic controller issues under the guidance of a conflict-detection
and resolution decision-support tool. The goal of the research is to understand how the for-
the controller taskload (system demands) associated with the conflict-resolution process,
and implicitly the controller workload (physical and psychological demands). Furthermore
this thesis seeks to establish best practices for the design of future conflict-detection and
resolution systems.
conflict-detection and resolution systems, this thesis focuses on abstracting and parameteriz-
ing the behaviors and capabilities of the advisory tools. Ideally, this abstraction of advisory
approach of simulating specific conflict-detection and resolution systems limits the type of
conclusions that can be drawn concerning the design of more generic algorithms.
the thesis reveals that the most effective approach to reducing conflict-resolution taskload
DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
I INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Thesis Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
II AIRSPACE MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Sampling Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4 Separation Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5 Application and Verification of the Sampling Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.5.1 Spatial Distribution of Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.5.2 Maximum Altitude Distribution of Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.5.3 Distribution of Aircraft Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.6 Scaling for Equitable Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.7 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2 Representing aircraft and potential conflicts through graphs . . . . . . . . 72
4.3 Review of Conflict Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
APPENDIX A — DECISION POLICIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
in the conflict-resolution taskload distribution over 2.5 minutes for ZMP42 . 131
9 Knowledge-Based Policy Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
1 Map of the 20 Air Route Traffic Control Centers covering the continental
United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Center map for Minneapolis Center (ZMP) with high-alitude sector boundaries. 3
3 Under current operations controllers use radar and vocal communication sys-
tems to track and issue commands to aircraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Conflict-detection and resolution decision-support tools provide possible res-
olution solutions to air traffic controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 Representation of factors affecting controller workload.[66] . . . . . . . . . . 8
6 Chapter dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7 High-altitude traffic pattern for June 14th , 2007 in Minneapolis Center. . . 18
8 High-altitude boundaries for Areas in ZMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
9 High-altitude sectors boundaries in Area 6 of ZMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10 Diurnal aircraft counts within Minneapolis Center for the dates May, 21,
2007 through June 17th, 2007. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
11 Spatial clustering of origins described by latitude and longitude. . . . . . . 21
12 Distribution for origin-destination pairs for flights within Minneapolis Center. 22
13 Clustering relationships between repeated origin-destination pairs and air-
craft fights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
14 Example conflict between two aircraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
15 Spatial distribution of aircraft for June 14th , 2007 and a generated traffic
scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
16 Distribution of maximum aircraft altitudes for June 14th , 2007 and a gener-
ated traffic scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
17 Distribution of aircraft models for June 14th , 2007 and a generated traffic
scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
18 Illustrative example of the subsampling procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
19 Extrapolated conflict totals based on sub-sampled traffic scenarios. . . . . . 34
20 Coefficient of determination, R2 for models based on sub-sampled traffic
scenarios used to predict conflict totals as a function of traffic intensity in
each sector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
21 Example of conflict graph G with three conflict-clusters. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
22 Potential conflicts can be characterized by the number of aircraft involved
and overall complexity of generating a resolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
23 Conflict totals for sectors in Minneapolis Center over a 24hr time period when
Dmin = 9 NM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
24 Traffic Density Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
25 ZMP12 : Probability distribution of flight phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
26 ZMP42 : Probability distribution of flight phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
27 ZMP16 : Probability distribution of flight phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
28 Location of uncontrolled conflicts according to conflict configuration. . . . . 47
29 Discrete empirical probability distribution of uncontrolled conflict crossing
angles (5o increments). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
30 Cumulative number of uncontrolled conflicts for sectors ZMP12, ZMP17, and
ZMP42, when Dmin = 9 NM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
31 Cumulative number of aircraft arrivals for sectors ZMP12, ZMP17, and ZMP42. 49
32 Simulated number of uncontrolled conflicts and best-fit lines according to
traffic intensity and separation distance for ZMP42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
33 min = 9 NM. . . . . . . . . . .
Average rate of uncontrolled conflicts when Dsep 52
34 Cumulative distribution of the number of uncontrolled conflicts for the bus-
min = 9 NM for ZMP12. . . . . . . .
iest 5 minute period of the day when Dsep 53
35 Cumulative distribution of the number of uncontrolled conflicts for the bus-
min = 9 NM for ZMP16. . . . . . . .
iest 5 minute period of the day when Dsep 53
36 Distribution of the number of uncontrolled conflicts for the busiest 5 minute
min = 9 NM for ZMP42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
period of the day when Dsep 54
37 Distribution of the number of aircraft invovled in each conflict cluster as
min = 9 NM for ZMP42. . . . . . . . . . . . .
traffic intensity increases for Dsep 55
38 Distribution of the number of edges in each conflict cluster as traffic intensity
min = 9 NM for ZMP42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
increases for Dsep 55
39 Fraction of pairwise uncontrolled conflicts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
40 Average growth of conflict clusters as intensity increases. . . . . . . . . . . . 57
41 Number of expected conflicts versus number of expected aircraft in each cluster. 58
42 Two conflict clusters of differing conflict complexity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
43 Representation of the event process within an airspace, and method for cal-
culating the minimum estimated controller communication time. . . . . . . 61
44 Average utilization time with upper and lower quartiles for ZMP42. . . . . 63
45 Average utilization time with upper and lower quartiles for Tw = 5 minutes. 63
46 Probability of over-utilization for different time-windows, Tw . . . . . . . . . 65
47 Air traffic controller deferring to an advisory conflict-detection and resolution
system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
48 Example graph representation of aircraft and potential conflict relationships. 73
49 Conflict-resolution problem solved in a receding-horizon control framework. 84
50 Safety region around an aircraft (not to scale) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
51 Parameters determining labeling of potential conflicts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
52 Representation of potential conflicts that are considered in the decision-
making process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
53 Larger values of the guaranteed conflict-free time, HR , help to prevent sec-
ondary conflicts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
54 With solve-times of δt, trajectory predictions are updated for each imple-
mentation of the conflict-resolution tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
55 Sector map of ZMP42 with jetroutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
56 Example application of the minimum vertex cover problem. . . . . . . . . . 100
57 In the planar case, there exist two topologically distinct options for each
resolution command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
58 Finding solution to the motion planning problem becomes increasingly diffi-
cult as time horizons increase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
59 Two example resolution solutions for a potential conflict . . . . . . . . . . . 106
60 Difference between avoidance maneuvers and closed-loop resolution commands.107
61 Traffic density map of ZMP center, highlighting sectors of interest. . . . . . 115
62 Qualitative behavior of conflict-resolution taskload with regards to the traffic
intensity and aircraft spacing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
63 Qualitative behavior of conflict-resolution taskload with regards to the un-
certainty and solve-time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
64 Qualitative behavior of conflict-resolution taskload with regards to the decision-
horizon time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
65 Qualitative behavior of conflict-resolution taskload with regards to conflict-
free resolution time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
66 FCFS parameter sensitivity analysis: Range of percent reduction in conflict-
resolution taskload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
67 MCRT parameter sensitivity analysis: Range of percent reduction in conflict-
resolution taskload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
68 Representative timeline of conflict-resolution advisories. . . . . . . . . . . . 126
69 Percent of configurations for which the MCRT policy is statistical different
from a rule-based heuristic policy (Reject Ho ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
70 Maximum difference in the expected conflict-resolution taskload between the
MCRT policy and the random policy over a range of configurations. . . . . 129
71 Probability distributions of the conflict-resolution taskload for the busiest 2.5
minute time period in each traffic scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
72 Expected number of advisory resolution commands for the FCFS policy at
1X, 2X, and 3X traffic intensities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
73 Required value of HR to match a reduction in aircraft spacing (ZMP12). . . 136
74 Required value of HR to match a reduction in aircraft spacing (ZMP42). . . 136
75 Required value of HR to be equivalent to a reduction in the separation re-
min = 0.5 NM (ZMP42). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
quirements of ∆Dsep 137
76 Percent decrease in the conflict-resolution taskload by reducing aircraft spac-
ing when compared to Dsep initial = 9 NM. (At the 1X, 2X, and 3X traffic
intensities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
77 r = 0). . . . . . .
Conflict-resolution taskload for ZMP42 (FCFS, δt = 0, Dsep 139
78 Percent reduction in conflict-resolution taskload compared to HR = 6 min-
utes (ZMP42). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
79 Relative reductions in conflict-resolution taskload for ZMP12 and ZMP16. . 141
80 Distribution of aircraft transit times [minutes] through sector (1 minute in-
crements). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
81 Distribution of inter-arrival times [minutes] between the first and last poten-
tial conflict of an aircraft (1 minute increments). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
82 Conflict-resolution taskload as a function of the solve-time and uncertainty
parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
83 Required value of HR to match faster solve-times. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
84 Representative summary of analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
85 Taking full advantage of conflict-resolution systems may require a system-
wide airspace redesign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
86 Different phases of flight considered in the knowledge-based policy. . . . . . 160
Acknowledgement When an aircraft enters an airspace, the pilot must announce his pres-
ence to the air traffic controller managing it. The air traffic controller responds
by acknowledging the pilot.
Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Organization responsible for managing aircraft
in an airspace on behalf of a nation or a number of nations.
Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) A large volume of airspace, defined by ver-
tical and lateral boundaries. Commonly referred to as centers. Centers are
divided into a number of sectors. In the United States, a center covers several
Air Traffic Controller The acting agent of an air navigation service provider. The air
traffic controller is responsible for managing the traffic and ensuring required
spatial separation between all aircraft in an airspace.
Airspace Capacity The nominal number of aircraft an air traffic controller is able to man-
age under reasonable workload.
Clearance-Based Control The current operational protocol for managing aircraft. Air-
craft trajectories are managed in piecewise increments through a sequence of
request and clearances.
Conflict When any two aircraft break minimum separation requirements. For the en
route environment aircraft must maintain 5NM lateral, and 1,000ft vertical
separation from each other at all times.
Controller Workload The amount of effort, both physical and psychological, expended
in response to system demands (task load) and also in accordance with the
operator’s internal standard of performance.
Direct Routing When aircraft fly between two points in space along the shortest path.
Federal Aviation Adminstration (FAA) The air navigation service provider for the United
States of America.
Hand-off When an aircraft transitions from one airspace to another, the air traffic con-
troller in the originating airspace provides the aircraft with the communication
frequency of the destination airspace. The pilot of the aircraft is then expected
to communicate with the controller in the destination airspace in order to be
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) A set of rules and regulations aircraft and controllers must
operate under when guided by instrumentation (e.g. GPS and Radar). For en
route aircraft this is typically for aircraft above 20,000ft.
National Airspace System Refers to a volume of airspace, and the people, procedures,
equipment, and facilities required to manage it.
NextGen The conceptual next generation air traffic system for the Federal Aviation Ad-
Potential Conflict A potential conflict exists between two aircraft when the best avail-
able information predicts that their aircraft trajectories will violate separation
Sector A singular unit of airspace under the control of one or two air traffic controllers.
Separation requirement The minimum required distance between any two aircraft. If
separation requirements are violated, then a conflict is deemed to have occured.
SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) is the conceptual next generation
air traffic system for EUROCONTROl.
Taskload The number of tasks or frequency of task occurrence associated with a specific
job description.
Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) A future operational protocol and concept for man-
aging aircraft. Replacing clearance-based operations, trajectory-based oper-
ations supports longer-term path planning of aircraft. Instead of providing
clearance for individual aircraft actions (heading, altitude, and speed changes),
the air traffic controller approves complete trajectories.
This thesis is concerned with providing support for the design of decision-support tools to
aid air traffic controllers. The projected growth in air transportation demand is likely to
result in traffic levels that exceed the abilities of the unaided air traffic controller in man-
aging, separating, and providing services to aircraft. From 2010 to 2030, the number of
instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft operations handled by Federal Aviation Administra-
tion (FAA) en route traffic centers is predicted to increase from approximately 39 million
flights to 64 million flights [35]. Consequently, the FAA, and other air navigation service
providers (ANSP) around the world, are making several efforts to improve the capacity and
new traffic flow management tools, and automated data communication and navigation sys-
tems [49, 86]. Ultimately, the stated goal of the Joint Planning and Development Office is
to triple the available capacity of the National Airspace System by 2025 [95].
National Airspace System. In order to address how air traffic controllers can be best
(NAS). The National Airspace System, as operated by the FAA, enables the safe and ef-
includes people, airspaces, technologies, practices, procedures, and policies. Major func-
tional elements of the National Airspace System include the 22 Air Route Traffic Control
Centers (ATRCC), whose responsibilities include managing en route aircraft. A map of the
20 centers spanning the continental United States is shown in Figure 1. Each center is strat-
which are further subdivided into en route sectors. Figure 2 provides an example center
map with a subset of the high-altitude sector boundaries for Minneapolis Center (ZMP).
120° W 110° W 100° W 90° W 80° W 70° W
Figure 1: Map of the 20 Air Route Traffic Control Centers covering the continental United
Depending on traffic conditions, one or two air traffic controllers are responsible for man-
aging aircraft traffic in a sector. The primary objective of the air traffic controller working
an en route sector is to ensure the proper separation of aircraft at all times. A variety of
Airspace Redesign. In an effort to limit the workload of controllers in the face of in-
creasing traffic demand, airspaces have been redesigned with smaller and more specialized
sectorizations for air traffic controllers to manage. Such sectorization allows air traffic con-
trollers to monitor a smaller set of aircraft, while decreasing variance in traffic patterns.
Examples of such airspace redesign include sectors ZMP15 and ZMP16 in Minneapolis cen-
ter, both which are dominated by aircraft arrivals into Minneapolis - St. Paul International
Airport and are significantly smaller than other sectors in the center, c.f. Figure 2. There
exist limits for which the strategy of sectorization will remain fruitful in limiting controller
workload. The introduction of smaller sectors inherently reduces the amount of traffic that
any single sector can absorb, and places restrictions on the types of conflict-resolution ma-
and greater coordination between adjacent sectors. The advantage of smaller sectors in
terms of managing controller workload and traffic complexity is reaching its limits. Thus,
100° W 95° W 90° W 85° W
48° N ZMP25
46° N ZMP11
° ZMP19
44 N ZMP15
42° N
40 N
Figure 2: Center map for Minneapolis Center (ZMP) with high-alitude sector boundaries.
while airspace redesign, along with the introduction of tighter navigation standards, will
result in further capacity gains, these changes alone are not sufficient to accommodate the
Automated Conflict-Resolution. There has also been a significant investment into the
study and development of aircraft conflict and conflict-resolution systems in order to increase
capacity. Implicitly, conflict-detection algorithms are designed to identify conflicts and en-
A number of researchers and ANSPs hypothesize that conflict-detection and resolution tools
will reduce or transform controller workload by decreasing the amount of time and mental
effort controllers spend detecting and resolving potential conflicts [8, 23, 89, 98]. Indeed, the
conflict-detection and resolution process can be time consuming. Under current operations,
for each potential conflict, air traffic controllers are required to discern if intervention is
required; generate resolution commands for one or more aircraft; verbally issue the com-
mands to the aircraft; and monitor and ensure the implementation of the commands. For
potential conflicts between two aircraft, one study estimates the average total time required
from controllers, excluding monitoring implementation, is 27.6 seconds [20]. Despite the ap-
tasks to a computer system, there are still concerns that conflict-detection and resolution
algorithms do not aid and could hinder air traffic control performance. Furthermore, prac-
tical implementation has not been achieved. From a human-factors perspective, researchers
have begun to address the topic of ‘allocation of function’ in air traffic control: that is, what
functions and levels of control should be designated to humans or computers. Early results
have exposed a number key benefits and drawbacks of various levels of automation.
Early examples of conflict-resolution algorithms include [28, 69, 70], with a more compre-
hensive survey of proposed models presented in [56]. More recent research and development
ably safe solutions while attempting to satisfy aircraft dynamic limitations [16, 25]. The
and resolution system. Such an automated system is consistent with the proposal, advo-
cated by some air traffic operators and researchers, that the tactical role of radar air traffic
controllers should eventually transition into one of supervisory control of aircraft; an ex-
rithms. All automated approaches require advanced digital communication and navigation
sub-systems to directly communicate with – and control – aircraft. The development and
implementation of these systems are hindered by the slow uptake of the advanced avionics re-
quired to fully support them. Furthermore, the safety guarantees of these conflict-resolution
as all algorithms make use of simplified aircraft models. Such systems are in contrast to
current operations, which are depicted in Figure 3. As it stands, air traffic controllers use
radar systems and vocal communication to manage and issue commands to aircraft. There
these systems, air traffic controllers are responsible for generating resolution commands on
Vocal Communication
Vocal Communication
Figure 3: Under current operations controllers use radar and vocal communication systems
to track and issue commands to aircraft.
their own.
While there are many proponents for automated conflict-detection and resolution algo-
rithms to automate air traffic systems and separate aircraft, human-factors research has
identified potential hazards. When acting in a supervisory role, under greater levels of
automation, air traffic controllers lose situational awareness and are unable to identify all
future conflicts [64]. Thus, if automated conflict-detection and resolution systems fail to
provide a guaranteed safe solution or the resolution command is not implemented properly,
then it is unlikely an air traffic controller, acting in a supervisory role, will be able to identify
the failure. Furthermore, in the event when air traffic controllers are completely removed
from the system, the lack of fall-back options in the case of failure or nonconforming aircraft
researchers because such a framework ultimately leads to skill atrophy [71, 51]. In cases of
system failure, air traffic controllers lack the proper training and preparedness to respond
appropriately. There are also major concerns about the adverse impact on motivation of
Mixed Automation for Conflict-Resolution. Other efforts have been directed at
mixed-levels of automation in the conflict-resolution process that are more consistent with
for including automation concepts into air traffic control, introduced the concept of ‘sub-
liminal control.’ In this approach, significant portions of traffic are deconflicted or further
spaced with minor automated speed control commands (±6%); speed-change commands of
this magnitude are not perceptible to pilots or controllers. The use of minor speed changes
to space aircraft reduces both the total number of aircraft that controllers actively mon-
itor for potential conflicts and the number of resolution commands that controllers issue.
There exist numerous publications related to the ERASMUS project and subliminal control
[22, 29, 40]. Early human-in-the-loop simulation studies suggest that controller workload is
Despite the potential benefits of subliminal-control, there are concerns about the practi-
cality and ability to implement the systems in the real world: any subliminal-control system
would require advanced data communication and navigation systems to control aircraft di-
rectly. Studies have also indicated that mixed-modes of operation that include dynamic
allocation of separation tasks leads to ambiguity about who is in control and who is respon-
sible for recovery in the case of system failure: pilots or controllers. There is also concern
that the process may lead to loss of job satisfaction for air traffic controllers as a greater
Improving User Displays. Another approach that has received considerable support
from human-factors researchers is the improved design of cognitive and display tools to
provide information in a manner that aids air traffic controllers in parsing information and
coming to quick and appropriate decisions, an example of which is provided in [57]. Overall,
this framework requires little adjustment to the fundamental work practice and methods
remain suitable at high traffic volumes when taskload demands grows large.
Vocal and Data
detection and resolution decision-support tools to aid air traffic controllers, without re-
to air traffic controllers are an alternative to fully- or semi-automated systems that re-
of the control structure for human-in-the-loop control with conflict-detection and resolu-
conflict-detection and resolution decision-support tools identify conflicts and propose reso-
lution commands for the air traffic controller to verify and issue to aircraft. The solution
trajectories can then be uploaded through a data-link into the aircraft flight management
volumes and neutral effects on situational awareness. Much like automated or highly-
Mediating Factors
Quality of
Source Factors Result
ATC Complexity:
Air Traffic Individual Controller
Pattern and Sector Differences Workload
large traffic loads, and provide solutions in real-time. Furthermore, because the air traffic
controller is still part of the decision process and has the option to accept or reject pro-
posed solutions, there exists a safety fall-back. However, concerns still remain about the
skill atrophy of controllers and the proper design the decision-support tools. For example,
controllers neither overly depend on the tools nor lack faith in the tool and disregard it
[75, 91].
control operations requires a fundamentally different approach to the design and imple-
acknowledge the role of the controllers and accommodate their abilities. Central to deter-
mining the potential success of decision-support tools for separation assurance, research is
required to demonstrate real and meaningful benefits. There is a need to establish that the
inclusion of conflict-resolution decision-support tools will reduce, or at the very least not
worsen, controller workload, while improving service. The research presented here seeks to
resolution tools affect the controller. Specifically, the metric of interest is the taskload as-
sociated with the conflict-resolution process, which is implicitly tied to controller workload.
Controller Workload. Controller workload associated with air traffic control corre-
sponds to the stress, or “...the amount of effort, both physical and psychological, expended
in response to system demands (task load) and also in accordance with the operators internal
standard of performance” [94].’ The factors leading to controller workload are numerous. In
the review by Mogford et al [66], the authors identify four factors that influence controller
workload: air traffic control complexity, quality of equipment, individual differences, and
controller cognitive strategies. Air traffic control complexity refers to a set of descriptions of
the prevailing air traffic patterns and sector characteristics that aid or hinder in the manage-
ment of aircraft. The next three factors (equipment, individual differences, and strategies)
are referred to as mediating factors. Quality of equipment, for example, considers the accu-
racy of radar systems or the usability of user displays and interfaces for computer-support
tools. Individual differences account for anxiety levels, personality, age, and experience,
which have been demonstrated to correlate with controller workload. And lastly, controller
cognitive strategies incorporate how controllers adjust their strategies in managing traffic
according to pressures from increasing traffic demands. For example, at low traffic volumes
controllers consider a wide variety of information and options in managing traffic, while
at high traffic volumes, controllers limit the amount of information they consider and ad-
just management strategies based on economy, including strategies for resolving potential
through a set of intrinsic properties associated with source factors, without directly dealing
with the mediating factors. They established the term air traffic control complexity (some-
times simply referred to as complexity) to indicate the relative ease or difficulty of managing
traffic within an airspace. The dynamic density of an airspace is a validated and commonly
used measure of complexity [17, 55, 58, 93]. Initially, the goal of dynamic density was to
match the perceived workload of air traffic controllers by considering a large set of mea-
surable factors (number of aircraft in the airspace, distribution of aircraft speeds, spatial
were established to estimate controller workload. Kopardekar et al. [55] present a review
of regression parameters used to compute the dynamic density. While only accounting for
half the variance in controller workload, dynamic density established that the number of
potential conflicts and aircraft maneuvers, in addition to the local density of aircraft and
More recent efforts seek to establish intrinsic measures of complexity using different fea-
tures than those accounted for in dynamic density. Prandini et al. [78] propose probabilistic
air traffic complexity measures based on aircraft occupancy within the airspace. A similar
probability model based on traffic flows is proposed in [84]. The authors demonstrate how
parameterized generative models can be used to create airspace maps to highlight regions
of high traffic or regions where aircraft interactions and conflicts are more likely. Delahaye
and Puechmorel [24] propose a complexity measure based on non-linear dynamical systems.
A common theme to the previous works is that they all implicitly consider aircraft
the spatial density of aircraft and number of potential conflicts in its measure. Furthermore,
aircraft altitude, heading, and speed changes. These maneuver actions are often in response
separation. The second set of complexity measures discussed are based on either a measure
Regardless, all the previous methods implicitly consider potential conflicts, and the resulting
conflict-resolution process.
There should be no surprise that aircraft interactions and conflicts are sources of com-
plexity and controller workload. The primary objective of the air traffic controller is to
ensure the proper separation of aircraft, thereby avoiding collisions, at all times. Thus,
Research Needs. In an effort to understand the potential workload implications of in-
troducing conflict-detection and resolution tools into air traffic control systems, a detailed
study of the conflict event process and the implementation of the separation algorithms
are necessary. Specifically, the research presented here addresses the conflict taskload re-
quirements to resolve traffic. That is, the studies contained in this thesis examine how
many resolution commands air traffic controllers issue in order to separate traffic under the
valid given the importance of the conflict-resolution process to influencing controller work-
load, as implicitly validated by dynamic density and other methods. Addressing taskload
Studying and modeling the conflict-detection and resolution event process enables an as-
sessment of the number of potential conflicts air traffic controllers can expect to encounter,
the structure of the potential conflicts (i.e. how many aircraft are involved), and the manner
in which the potential conflicts occur in time. Furthermore, analysis of potential conflicts fa-
cilitates a discussion of the best practices for designing and implementing conflict-detection
and resolution systems in an effort to regulate the number of resolution commands used to
space aircraft.
The method by which conflict-detection and resolution algorithms identify and resolve
conflicts is critical to the function of a decision-support tool. Much like human air traffic
controllers assess potential conflicts and determine conflict-resolution solutions, any human-
in-the-loop decision-support tool will be required to do the same. The process by which these
tasks occur is not straightforward. The ability to identify potential conflicts depends on the
accuracy of trajectory prediction and aircraft position reporting systems. Meanwhile, the
guarantee that any resolution command ensures conflict-free travel for aircraft depends on
the accuracy of the conflict-detection algorithms and the strength of the conflict-resolution
the accuracy and availability of information in regards to trajectory prediction and con-
flict detection. Ultimately, any conflict-detection and resolution algorithm must consider if,
when, and what resolution commands should be issued. These considerations are a func-
tion of both the information available and the policy under which the conflict-resolution
algorithm operates.
In the face of increasing air traffic, there is a growing need to design systems to support,
not replace, air traffic controllers in managing and separating aircraft. If human-in-the-
loop decision-support tools for conflict-detection and resolution are to be integrated into
the repertoire of air traffic controllers, then it is vital that the tools operate in a manner
and resolution algorithms must account for taskload implications inherent in any design.
• Generate a method to model traffic in order to assess the conflict event-process within
an airspace.
algorithms to manage the number of resolution commands used to prevent air traffic
By researching the topics above, the major contribution of the thesis is to derive per-
formance reference models that serve as a comparison tool, and ideally, to establish best
practices for the design of real-world conflict-detection and resolution systems. Lastly, un-
derstanding how the design of conflict-detection and resolution systems affects controller
The thesis is divided into two major sections. The first major section, begins with Chapter
2 introducing a procedure for modeling uncontrolled air traffic within an airspace. The
resulting traffic model serves as a basis for the remainder of the thesis, except where stated.
The traffic model enables the analysis of the conflict event process presented in Chapter
3, where the temporal and spatial distributions of conflict events are explored. Multiple
airspaces are studied to demonstrate that the design and structure of an airspace results
in different levels of air traffic control complexity. The analysis in Chapter 3 motivates the
Following the initial analysis, the second major section, beginning with Chapter 4,
described. The abstraction considers the implementations and design features for conflict-
detection and resolution algorithms. Using the uncontrolled traffic models developed in
a process for executing traffic simulation is described in Chapter 6. From the simulations
air traffic controllers using these tools are analyzed and best practices are proposed in
in Figure 6.
Chapter 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 2
Graph Model
Traffic Model of Traffic
Chapter 3 Chapter 5
Initial Conflict Abstraction of
Analysis Tools
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
In this chapter, a methodology for generating an uncontrolled open-loop air traffic model
is presented. The resulting uncontrolled traffic model approximates air traffic within an
airspace as if aircraft flew irrespective of each other and without controller input. The
uncontrolled air traffic model enables characterization of the conflict-event process within
a sector and is later used to assess the performance of conflict-detection and resolution
algorithms. Specifically, the uncontrolled air traffic model attempts to replicate potential
conflicts that would be commonly resolved in real-world operations - in both location and
aircraft configuration and structure. The traffic model is based on a re-sampling of historical
Using resampled historical radar data, scenarios of mock 4D uncontrolled flight trajec-
tories are created that include variations over a range of variables. The goal is to replicate
variance that is commonly found in air traffic, even for aircraft flying along the same path.
In practice, variations in aircraft trajectories commonly appear in aircraft climb rates and
speeds. These differences are due to airline and pilot preferences, as well as present atmo-
spheric conditions, aircraft and engine capabilities, flight management systems (FMS), and
aircraft weight.
collecting historical flight plan information and simulating aircraft traffic along the flight
plans with stochastic properties, similar to that in [3, 10]. It is also an alternative to using
the software described in [10], which was inaccessible due to security restrictions.
collecting historical flight plan information and simulating aircraft traffic along the flight
plans with stochastic properties, similar to that in [3, 10]. By re-sampling aircraft trajecto-
ries, proprietary aircraft and engine manufacturer data, as well as sophisticated simulation
software are not required. The methodology described here is an alternative to using the
software described in [10], which was inaccessible due to security restrictions. Properties of
the methodology for generating high-intensity traffic are verified to be consistent with the
software in [10].
The traffic model created in this chapter is used throughout the remainder of the thesis,
except where noted. First, in Section 2.1 a list of assumptions required for the development
and the use of the model is given. In Section 2.2, a description of the data set used to
construct the uncontrolled open-loop model is provided. Next, Section 2.3 details the pro-
cedure for creating sample traffic days of uncontrolled air traffic. Section 2.4 defines how
potential aircraft conflicts are identified. Finally, verification of key properties is provided
in Section 2.5.
2.1 Assumptions
The open-loop traffic model generated in this thesis attempts to represent uncontrolled air
traffic within an airspace, as if aircraft flew irrespective of each other, and without controller
input. The traffic model is based on a re-sampling procedure of historical flight data. The
• A traffic pattern can be parameterized by the origin and destination of each flight. Re-
sampling flights to maintain the same origin-destination pairs results in traffic cases
that mimic the original spatial traffic pattern. Replicating the spatial traffic pattern
• Scaling traffic by reducing the time frame over which it occurs is equivalent to in-
creasing the total amount of traffic (i.e. simulating 24 hours of traffic over 8 hours is
similar to three times the traffic in a 24 hour time period). By extension, a 20 minute
time period with triple the traffic demand can be scaled over a longer time period to
volumes have increased, the traffic, aircraft, and sector properties remain similar.
From a practical perspective, this is a tenuous assumption, as almost surely, fleet mixes
and sector boundaries will change in time. Furthermore, there is limited understanding
• The sampling procedure models uncontrolled air traffic in a manner that allows for
• The validity of the uncontrolled traffic model in an airspace is preserved despite pos-
The traffic model of uncontrolled flight trajectories is based on 28 days of Performance Data
Analysis and Reporting System (PDARS) data. The PDARS data set includes aircraft radar
covering the dates May, 21, 2007 through June 17th, 2007, over Minneapolis Center (ZMP).
Each day of flight data is compiled separately. The complete data set contains 107,671
high-altitude flights that pass at or above 20,000 ft at some point in their trajectory; this
includes both general aviation and scheduled flights. A single day of traffic includes data
for flights departing their origin on the stated day. Thus, a flight leaving from California
late-night may appear inside ZMP within the 25th hour of the day.
A presence map of the traffic over the the center is presented in Figure 7 for June 14th ,
2007. Darker regions of the map indicate areas of high traffic; conversely, low traffic regions
are lighter in color. Over the 28 days, variations in the traffic pattern exist due to weather
and wind conditions, as well as origin-destination demand. However, qualitatively, the daily
Minneapolis center is divided into 6 major areas according to function, traffic type,
and volume. The area boundaries are illustrated in Figure 8. Each area is further sub-
divided into sectors; each sector spans a given area and altitude bound. Typically, the
busier areas, by aircraft count, are located in the southern regions of the center, while the
least busy areas are in the north. Accordingly, the sector divisions within each area are
Figure 7: High-altitude traffic pattern for June 14th , 2007 in Minneapolis Center.
48° N
Area 4
Area 1
45° N Area 2
Area 3
Area 5
42° N
Area 6
98° W 96° W 94° W
42° N
41° N ZMP42 ZMP40 ZMP39
different. For some sectors in Area 1 and Area 4, where traffic volumes tend to be light,
an air traffic controller manages the airspace from the ground up, excluding any special
airspaces (restricted, military, airport, etc.). In contrast, Area 6, contains highly stratified
sectors; the high-altitude sector boundaries are illustrated in Figure 9. Two low altitude
sectors cover the airspace from ground-level to just under FL240. High altitude airspace is
divided by Sectors 38 and 39 controlling aircraft from FL240 to FL340, and Sectors 42 and
43 controlling aircraft from FL340 to FL390. Finally, the air traffic controller for Sector 40
is responsible for managing all aircraft at FL400 and above in Area 6. The vertical division
of Area 6 is an example of the sectorization of en route centers that is reaching its useful
Traffic within the center fluctuates over the course of a day and from day to day. The
25th , 50th , and 75th percentiles for the daily aircraft traffic counts in the center are given
in Figure 10. While keeping a relatively consistent shape, the demand does vary between
days. Additionally, demand is seasonally varying, especially in the northern areas [36].
Accordingly, while the air traffic model presented in this chapter seeks to aid in modeling
the conflict-detection and resolution process, it must be understood that the resulting model
cannot exactly represent all days, as variation between days and within days exists.
Aircraft Count in Center
25th Percentile
50 50th Percentile
75th Percentile
0 5 10 15 20 25
Hour of Day
Figure 10: Diurnal aircraft counts within Minneapolis Center for the dates May, 21, 2007
through June 17th, 2007.
To generate potential conflicts based on realistic air traffic patterns, flight data from a seed
day is used to create 100 new scenarios of uncontrolled flight trajectories. A scenario of
uncontrolled flight data approximates the traffic pattern of the seed day. The uncontrolled
flight trajectories represent flight paths that aircraft would fly irrespective of other aircraft,
and as if air traffic controllers provided no input. In generating the 100 traffic scenarios,
flights from all days, excluding the seed day, are sampled according to the origin-destination
pairs of the seed day to populate the flight trajectories. By sampling according to origin-
destination pairs found in the seed day, the overall traffic pattern within the center is
preserved. Preservation of other key metrics is demonstrated in Section 2.5. Based on the
100 traffic scenarios, the timespan over which the flights occur is reduced to increase the
The first step in the resampling process is to index all flights according to origin-
destination pairs, and to identify the entry and exit times of the aircraft. In the PDARS
data, the origin and destination information of the flight plan is described according to fixes
(e.g. NASAL), airports (e.g. KATL), and latitude-longitude data (e.g. 4510N/10354W).
Origin and destination pairs that are described by fixes and airports are indexed directly.
For approximately 4% of the flights (4329 trajectories), the origin data is described by
latitude and longitude. In these cases, the origins are manually clustered by location and
104° W 100° W 96° W 92° W 88° W 84° W 80° W
50° N
48° N
46° N
44° N
42° N
Latitude / Longitude Origin
40° N
38° N Center Boundary
indexed sequentially. Any latitude-longitude origins that are not clustered form an ‘outlier’
cluster. Figure 11 illustrates the complete set of origins described by latitude and longitude,
Following clustering and indexing, a total of 11,014 origin-destination pairs are iden-
tified. Ranking the origin-destination pairs according to the number of occurrences, the
frequency distribution, as well as the probability and cumulative distributions, are depicted
in Figure 12. As an example, the most common origin-destination pair, ROBBY to KMSP,
occurs 2442 times. The fix ROBBY is located outside and to the south of ZMP, near the bor-
der with Chicago Center; KMSP corresponds to Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport.
According to the relationships illustrated in Figure 13, 224 origin-destination pairs repeat
at least 100 times over 28 days and account for ∼ 52% of the traffic. Origin-destination
pairs that occur less than 10 times are declared to be rare. Rare origin-destination pairs
account for 15% of all flights, yet constitute 9639 of the 11014 pairs. The classification
of rare origin-destination pairs is later used by the sampling procedure in creating new
For a seed day with M flights passing through the center, the origin-destination pairs
s = {(O s , D s ), . . . , (O s , D s )}, and the arrival
are given by the set of ordered pairs, Pod 1 1 M M
3 −2
10 10
Cumulative Distribution
Probability Distribution
10 0.6
1 −4
10 10
10 0
0 5000 10000 0 5000 10000 0 5000 10000
Origin−Destination Pair Origin−Destination Pair Origin−Destination Pair
Figure 12: Distribution for origin-destination pairs for flights within Minneapolis Center.
Number of OD Pairs
Figure 13: Clustering relationships between repeated origin-destination pairs and aircraft
times into the center T s = {T1s , . . . , TM
s } for all flights. Here, the superscript ‘s’ indicates
that the variable relates to the seed day. For an arbitrary ith day, the origin-destination
i and T i are defined in a similar manner. Furthermore, all flights
pairs and arrival times Pod
are indexed for each day, such that Fji = {(x1 , y1 , z1 , t1 ), . . . , (xk , yk , zk , tk )} corresponds to
the space-time trajectory points for the j th flight of the ith day. The spatial values are
given in longitude (degrees), latitude (degrees), and altitude (x100ft); time is measured in
seconds from midnight (Coordinated Universal Time) on 1/1/1970, i.e. unix time. For
each new traffic scenario, the re-sampling procedure assigns origin-destination pairs and
flight trajectories to F rs , thus, generating a resampled traffic model. The procedure for
When resampling the seed day with uncontrolled flight trajectories to create each traffic
scenario, the first step is to set P rs = P s , thereby preserving the traffic demand pattern
within the center. Next, arrival times for each of the resampled trajectories are assigned
according to the original arrival times of the seed aircraft, and the desired traffic intensity.
For the resampled model, the arrival time for each aircraft includes a normal random term,
By adding the random normal variable σN to the original arrival times, Tjs , arrival times
are slightly perturbed. When I = 1, the scaling value implies that the traffic intensity
of the resampled traffic case matches the seed day. For I = 3, the traffic case is three
times the traffic intensity. Dividing by the intensity term I compresses the time frame over
which traffic is simulated. Later in the thesis, analysis focuses on the number of potential
conflicts in a traffic scenario. A multiplicative factor is required to scale conflict counts for
the compressed traffic cases (i.e. I > 1). Scaling allows study of the compressed traffic
cases over a standard 24 hour day. Otherwise, unequal day lengths prevent meaningful
comparison between any two different traffic intensities. For the traffic scenarios generated
For each flight trajectory Fjrs in F rs , a new flight trajectory is sampled from all other
flights with the same origin-destination pair given by (Ojrs , Djrs ). If an arbitrary origin-
destination pair, (Ojrs , Djrs ), is classified as rare, then the origin-destination pair and the
new trajectory is resampled from all origin-destination pairs that are also rare and that occur
within 15 minutes of the original arrival time of the seed aircraft, Tjs . By constraining rare
flights to be sampled within a 30 minute window of the original arrival time, the approximate
behavior of traffic around the same time of day is preserved. The time values for the space-
time trajectory are reset, starting with the resampled arrival time Tjrs . Thus, if the sampled
flight originally contained trajectory points for times {t1 , . . . , tk }, then the new times for
the resampled flight trajectories are {Tjrs , t2 − t1 + Tjrs , . . . , tk − t1 + Tjrs }. Through this
sampling procedure, all flight trajectories are decorrelated and do not contain controller
actions relative to one another. Each traffic scenario can then contain potential conflicts.
The last steps of the sampling procedure include parsing aircraft trajectories according
to the sectors they pass through. First, each flight trajectory is interpolated at 1 second
increments. Portions of a trajectory that pass through a given sector are isolated. The
isolated trajectory is then projected into a local coordination frame using the standard
gnomonic projection about the centroid of the sector. The projection generates a local
coordination frame in units of NM for the X-Y axis. Also calculated are the arrival and exit
times of the aircraft for the sector. The process is repeated for each sector and for all flights
in the resampled traffic scenario. The final result is a set of trajectories that corresponds
to a traffic scenario for a specified sector. Traffic scenarios for individual sectors are of
The complete resampling procedure provides a method for generating uncontrolled flight
trajectories through each sector. Initialized with a large set of aircraft trajectories and
origin destination data - selecting a seed day, traffic intensity and sector - the output of the
resampling procedure is 100 traffic scenarios with aircraft trajectories passing through the
specified sector.
2.4 Separation Detection
For the purposes of determining controller-action taskloads associated with the conflict-
resolution process, relative aircraft distances are checked to determine if aircraft pairs come
in close proximity. According to the relative proximity of aircraft pairs, action by the
controller may be required. In this section, a mathematical description of the time and
distance at which aircraft come in close proximity is provided. The proximity distances and
times are calculated for all traffic scenarios and traffic intensities. Later chapters of this
thesis make use the distances and times as estimated measurements for detecting potential
Given a sector and traffic scenario, aircraft separation distances are calculated. Denote
the trajectory of an arbitrary aircraft Ai in the local frame by the parametric functions
(xi (t), yi (t), zi (t)), representing the position and altitude of the aircraft in time. For two
aircraft, Ai and Aj , the separation distance Di,j (t), at any point in time, is
(xi (t) − xj (t))2 + (yi (t) − yj (t))2 if |zi (t) − zj (t)| < 1000
Di,j (t) = (2)
between two aircraft Ai and Aj is said to occur if the aircraft come within 5NM laterally,
and 1000 ft vertically of each other, i.e. when Di,j (t) < 5NM for some value of t. Thus,
if a conflict-detection probe indicates the potential for a conflict in the near-term (e.g. 5
minutes), then the air traffic controller should issue resolution commands to at least one
aircraft to ensure a conflict does not occur. Otherwise, without resolution, conflict is likely.
flict between two aircraft depends on the certainty of trajectory prediction tools and their
miss , is
uncontrolled minimum miss-distance. The uncontrolled minimum-miss distance, Di,j
defined as
Di,j = min Di,j (t) (3)
Di,j>15 NM
Di,j<15 NM
Flight Level 310
Di,j<12 NM
300 Di,j<10 NM
290 Di,j<8 NM
Di,j<5 NM
−80 −100
−20 −40 −60
Figure 14: Example conflict between two aircraft.
two aircraft breaking the 5NM mile separation requirement. In this case, one aircraft is
ascending, while the other aircraft is in level flight. In the figure, as the two aircraft close
in lateral and vertical distance, the trajectories lines grow thicker and become darker and
more red in color. After passing each other, the thinner green segments of the trajectories
For the purposes of this thesis, the time of the uncontrolled minimum miss-distance is
of interest. For the aircraft pair Ai and Aj , the critical time is denoted by tci,j , and given
The critical times values are later used in Chapter 6 to indicate the predicted time of
potential conflict between two aircraft when simulating conflict-detection and resolution
miss , and
Based on the mathematical descriptions above, the minimum miss-distances, Di,j
the critical times, tci,j , are calculated for all pairs of aircraft. For aircraft pairs with minimum
miss-distances less than 15NM, qualitative and quantitative information pertaining to the
flights is saved (e.g. flight-phase, conflict-angles, groundspeed). The information is later
The resampling procedure is applied using June 14, 2007 as the seed day. Over the 28 days
of traffic, June 14th corresponds to the day with the largest observed traffic load. Thus, the
day provides a nominal lower bound on the maximum capacity of the center. In line with
the goal of the Joint Office of Planning and Development, which envisions a tripling of the
National Airspace System (NAS) capacity [49], increasing the traffic intensity for June 14th ,
according to the resample procedure, provides a reasonable test-bed. For the remainder of
the thesis the traffic scenarios of uncontrolled aircraft trajectories generated from the seed
day are used for study. In this section, the center-wide traffic scenarios are tested to support
the assumption that the resampling procedure yields traffic scenarios similar to the seed
day. In particular, the spatial, aircraft model, and maximum altitude distributions are
Because the statistical tests are only concerned with the spatial, aircraft model, and
altitude distributions, they only need to be applied to the traffic scenarios for a single
traffic intensity. Each of the metrics is independent of the time scaling found in Equation 1,
and as such, any statistical results for one traffic intensity holds for all traffic intensities.
To verify that the 2D spatial distribution of the resampled uncontrolled trajectories match
that of the seed day, the distributions are compared using a two-sample Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test (KS test). The two-sample KS test is used to verify if two empirical dis-
tributions are sampled from the same distribution. The null hypothesis and alternative
Figure 15: Spatial distribution of aircraft for June 14th , 2007 and a generated traffic scenario.
Rejection of the null hypothesis is quite meaningful, as it implies that the resampled
traffic scenarios are not representative of the seed day. Instead of the more stringent α = .01
value, setting α = .05 takes a more conservative approach in determining if traffic scenarios
are similar.
spatial aircraft counts over the center must be reshaped to be consistent with testing. The
single-dimension empirical distribution for the seed day is generated by first overlaying a
set of 5NM by 5NM bins over the airspace. For each aircraft that passes over an arbitrary
bin bi , the single-dimension sampled distribution includes the value i. For example, if 64
aircraft pass through the piece of airspace corresponding to bin, b13 , then the value 13 is
For the historical June 14th seed day, the empirical spatial distribution of aircraft within
the center is represented by the frequency map in Figure 15. Each bin index i is calculated
according to the X and Y indicies generated by the 5NM by 5NM grid. As an example,
the figure also includes the spatial distribution of aircraft for one of the traffic scenarios
generated using the resampling procedure. Applying the KS test (with α = .05) between
the seed day and the 100 traffic scenarios, the null hypothesis is never rejected. Thus, it
cannot be stated with certainty that the sampled spatial distributions come from different
The KS test supports the assumption that the spatial traffic patterns of the resampled
traffic scenarios are representative of the original seed day (see Section 2.1). However,
despite accepting the null hypothesis for each case, any spatial correlation in the empirical
distributions cannot be accounted for in the verification procedure due to reordering of the
bins. Additionally, any correlations between aircraft flight trajectories cannot be verified
by the KS test.
The previous verification test checked that the spatial distribution of aircraft trajectories
in the X-Y plane for the seed day and generated traffic scenarios are similar. To complete
verification of the spatial distribution of aircraft, another study is required that considers
the vertical direction. Division of the test into the planar and vertical directions is re-
quired because a complete comparison of the 3D spatial distributions is not meaningful; the
sparseness of the trajectories ensures that the possibility of rejecting the null hypothesis is
extremely unlikely. To consider the vertical distribution of aircraft, the maximum attained
altitudes of the seed day and generated traffic scenarios are compared.
For each flight, the maximum altitude attained by each aircraft is extracted. Let
Asmax = {As1 , . . . , AsM } be the set of maximum altitudes for each aircraft in the seed day,
where the maximum altitude of the j th flight is given by Asj = max(zi | (xi , yi , zi , ti ) ∈ Fjs ).
Figure 16. As shown in the figure, the distributions of maximum altitudes between the two
400 Generated
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Maximum Altitude [x100ft]
Figure 16: Distribution of maximum aircraft altitudes for June 14th , 2007 and a generated
traffic scenario.
data-sets are similar. When applying the KS test to verify or refute if the samples come
from the same distribution, the null hypothesis is accepted. More so, the null hypothesis is
that the aircraft model types in the generated traffic scenarios are representative of the seed
day. Thus, the two sample KS test is applied to verify or refute that the distribution of
aircraft models are similar. Maintaining similar distributions of aircraft models is important
that results in differences in aircraft dynamics (especially climb rates). Furthermore, the
decision-making process for conflict-resolution (for both automated systems and human air
traffic controllers) must consider the dynamic capabilities of aircraft in implementing any
resolution commands.
The distribution of the top 20 aircraft models found in the seed day are shown in
Figure 17. The figure also includes the frequency of occurrence for the same 20 aircraft
in one of the generated traffic scenarios. When applying the two-sample KS-test to the
complete distribution of aircraft models, the null hypothesis is accepted; the empirical
distribution of aircraft model types for the seed day and the generated traffic scenarios
are similar. Matching aircraft model distributions is an example of how the resampling
400 Historical
300 Generated
Aircraft Model
Figure 17: Distribution of aircraft models for June 14th , 2007 and a generated traffic sce-
procedure maintains specific properties despite the fact that the procedure only considers
As the traffic intensity increases, i.e. for I > 1, the length of each simulation day decreases
inversely proportional to the intensity factor. A result of the compressed time scale is that
aircraft are more closely spaced, and thus, the likelihood for potential conflicts increases.
Problematic however, is that when considering the number of potential conflicts in each
traffic scenario across traffic intensities, unequal lengths of day prevent fair comparison
directly; the number of conflicts in an 8 hour day (3X intensity) is not equivalent to the
number of conflicts in a 12 hour day (2X intensity) or 24 hours day (1X intensity). In
this section, a scaling factor applied to the compressed days is proposed, thereby allow-
ing equal comparison of conflict counts across all traffic intensities. Validity of a scaling
factor is tested through a process that extrapolates conflict totals from subsampled traffic
data. Additionally, in the process of verifying the scaling factor, the expected number of
The primary metric of interest in this section is the mean total number of uncontrolled
conflicts that occurs in a 24 hour day for each traffic intensity level within a sector. The
labeling of an uncontrolled conflict follows the definition provided in Section 2.4; a conflict
miss (t), is less than 5NM
occurs when the minimum-miss distance between two aircraft, Di,j
at some point in time. Uncontrolled conflict totals at the sector level, not the center level,
are of particular interest; controllers are responsible for managing and separating aircraft
in a single sector. While the mean conflict totals for compressed traffic intensities I > 1 can
be extracted for the native shortened simulation day, a scaling factor is required to estimate
the total number of conflicts over a 24 hour day. Accordingly, the following hypothesis is
Hypothesis 1. Denoting N̄CI,C to be the average number of uncontrolled conflicts for the
traffic intensity I > 1 for the compressed day, and E[NCI,24 ] to be the expected number of
conflicts for the traffic intensity I > 1 over a 24 hour period, then
E[NCI,24 ] = k1 I 2 + k2 I. (6)
scenarios with traffic intensities I < 1. The procedure for generating subsampled traffic
between other subsampled intensities. Next, the average conflict totals of the subsampled
traffic are extrapolated for higher intensity values (i.e. I > 1) to demonstrate that the
expected number of conflicts in a 24 hour day for the compressed traffic scenarios matches
The process for generating the subsampled traffic is detailed in Procedure 1, and de-
picted in Figure 18. In the procedure, the variables P rs , F rs , T rs correspond to the origin-
destination pairs, trajectories, and aircraft arrival times of a resampled traffic scenario with
traffic intensity I = 1. These variables were previously generated using the process outlined
in Section 2.3. For the subsampled traffic intensity Is < 1, a new traffic scenario is cre-
ated by randomly removing aircraft and trajectories from the original 1X resampled traffic
reduced as aircraft are removed from a traffic scenario. The aircraft that remain are used to
A4 A4 A4
A5 A5
A1 A1 A1
A2 A2 A2
A3 A3
populate the variables P rs,Is , F rs,Is , T rs,Is , which corresponding to the origin-destination
pairs, trajectories, and aircraft arrival times of the subsampled traffic scenario.
c1 = 0, c2 = 0
while c1 <= N do
c1 = c1 + 1
c2 = c2 + 1
= Pcrs
= Fcrs
= Tcrs
end if
end while
pled traffic scenarios that occur over a 24 hour time period and contain a fraction of the
400 Interpolated from
subsampled data
over 24 Hrs
200 ZMP42 ZMP28
100 ZMP22
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Traffic Intensity
Figure 19: Extrapolated conflict totals based on sub-sampled traffic scenarios.
original flights. For a subsampled traffic intensity value of Is = .5, the expected number of
aircraft in each subsampled traffic scenario is half that in the original resampled 1X traffic
scenario. Again, because the uncontrolled conflict totals in each case corresponds to a 24
hour time period, no scaling is required for direct comparison of uncontrolled conflict totals
between intensities.
For traffic intensities I = [.3, .4, .5, . . . , 1], the average total number of uncontrolled
conflicts occurring over the 24 hour simulation is illustrated in Figure 19 for sectors ZMP22,
ZMP28, and ZMP42. The resampling process for creating the 1X traffic scenarios, and the
subsampling procedure for generating lower traffic intensity scenarios, yield traffic scenarios
totals for the 24 hour day, assuming a quadratic model of the form
E[NCI,24 ] = k1 I 2 + k2 I + k3 , (7)
where I corresponds to the traffic intensity. At I = 0, the traffic intensity implies that there
are no aircraft in the sector and hence no potential conflicts. Accordingly, the y-intercept
value for the quadratic model is set to k3 = 0. The remaining coefficient terms, k1 and k2 ,
are calculated by the least-squares solution
2 .3,24
.3 .3 E[NC ]
E[NC.4,24 ]
.4 .4
A= , b = , K = k1 k2 .
.. .. ..
. . .
1 1 E[NC1,24 ]
The interpolated quadratic lines of best-fit for sectors ZMP22, ZMP28, and ZMP42 are
shown in Figure 19 and extrapolated up to the 3X traffic intensity. The extrapolated best-
fit lines only consider the 1X and subsampled traffic intensities they do not take into account
The extrapolated quadratic line of best-fit provides a basis to verify that the 24 hour
uncontrolled conflict totals can be estimated by scaling the compressed conflict totals (i.e.
E[NCI,24 ] = N̄CI,C × I for traffic intensities with I > 1). Figure 19 includes the estimated
24 hour uncontrolled conflict totals, E[NCI,24 ], according to the hypothesized scaling for the
To assess the validity of the extrapolated expected results with the hypothesize of un-
calculated. In the general case, with observed values θ̂, and modeled values θ, the R2 value
is given by
− θi )2
2 i (θ̂i
R =1− P . (9)
i (θi − mean(θ̂))2
An R2 value close to 1 indicates a good fit. The R2 values for the average 24 hour scaled
uncontrolled conflict totals in each of the 22 sectors are provided in Figure 20 . In the
calculations, the observed values, θ̂, are given by scaling the uncontrolled conflict totals
N̄CI,24 to E[NCI,24 ] for the compressed traffic intensities according to Hypothesis 1. The
line of best-fit from Equation 7 and Equation 8 using the sub-sampled traffic scenarios. For
all sectors, the R2 values approach 1. Therefore, the hypothesis that scaling the uncontrolled
11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 38 39 40 42 43
ZMP Sector
Figure 20: Coefficient of determination, R2 for models based on sub-sampled traffic scenarios
used to predict conflict totals as a function of traffic intensity in each sector.
conflict totals according to Equation 5 is believed to be valid. Even for the worst-case
fit, corresponding to ZMP22, the R2 value is .9478. Later studies in this thesis extend
The quadratic model in Hypothesis 1 follows the relationship between traffic intensity
and uncontrolled conflicts also described in the study found in [48]. Furthermore, the
quadratic model is consistent with the analytical results in [85]. By maintaining similar
conflict models, aspects of the compressed traffic model for generating potential conflicts at
2.7 Review
This chapter presents a modeling procedure to generate uncontrolled traffic scenarios based
on a seed day. The goal of the modeling procedure is to create uncontrolled traffic sce-
narios that contains the same variations present in current air traffic operations, yet that
match the original traffic pattern of the seed day without being overly specific. Hypoth-
esis testing demonstrated that it is likely both these goals were achieved (i.e. the null
ries, the ultimate goal of creating traffic scenarios that manifest in potential conflicts similar
to real-world operations is achieved. Extending upon this idea, it is also desired that the
generated potential conflicts match the behaviors and properties at current traffic levels,
and that they also model potential conflicts at higher traffic intensities than have yet to be
observed in real-world operations. Key properties include: the number of aircraft involved,
the location of the potential conflicts, the flight phase of each aircraft, etc. If these and
other key properties are maintained, then it can be assumed that the overall experience of
the air traffic controller is preserved according to the air traffic model. While many of these
key properties cannot be verified, the overall modeling procedure suggests a satisfactory
While other models ([3, 10]) exist for generating uncontrolled aircraft trajectories, the
model presented here is a first in creating traffic scenarios without flight plans, while at-
should be noted, however, that there is limited scope in the relevance of the proposed pro-
cedure for generating traffic scenarios. Thus, the procedure may only be applicable to the
study at hand involving the characterization of the conflict-detection and resolution process.
To gain a better understanding of the traffic and the conflict event-process within a sector, an
initial study of the uncontrolled flight plans generated in Chapter 2 is provided. The analysis
in this chapter motivates the improvement of conflict-detection tools and the introduction
of conflict-resolution systems in air traffic control. The analysis focuses on the number
of potential conflicts and the rate at which potential conflicts occur for uncontrolled air
traffic over a single day. Additionally, a taskload utilization analysis is performed based on
the minimum required communication time between controllers and pilots. Ultimately, the
analysis framework and the results motivate the inclusion of unified conflict-detection and
resolution decision-support tools to aid air traffic controllers in managing and separating
In current en route operations, a conflict occurs between two aircraft when they break
traffic controller identifies a pair of aircraft that has the potential to break minimum sepa-
ration requirements, the event is labeled a potential conflict. For a potential conflict, the air
traffic controller should take action to prevent its occurrence. Thus, the number of poten-
tial conflicts arising in an airspace is one measure of controller’s effort . While there are a
number of other tasks that controllers must attend to in current day operations - including,
but not limited to, acknowledgements, hand-off, and clearances - the time spent resolving
potential conflicts can become taxing. One study estimates that for each potential conflict,
the controller spends 27.6 seconds identifying it, generating a resolution command, and
communicating the command to the appropriate aircraft [20]. More so, this time does not
include verification that the resolution command is properly implemented by the pilots and
aircraft. As traffic levels increase, air traffic controllers will likely dedicate greater amounts
of time and mental effort to handling potential conflicts. This chapter demonstrates that
if current practices are continued, then the effort required to separate aircraft will reach
a point when air traffic controllers are no longer able to maintain situation awareness and
To estimate the number of potential conflicts an air traffic controller resolves, the uncon-
trolled flight paths generated in the previous chapter are processed to identify uncontrolled
potential conflicts. An uncontrolled potential conflict is said to occur if any two aircraft
min NM and 1000 ft of each other; unless stated otherwise, D min = 9 NM
come within Dsep sep
min is not prescribed by the 5 NM en route regulation). The separation distance
(Note, Dsep
min , and used in the labeling of potential conflicts, is an approx-
criteria of 9 NM, set by Dsep
imate value related to controller action and concern [6, 7, 40, 101]. This is not to say a
dangerous situation will arise if aircraft come within 9 NM. Rather, the separation distance
reflects the fact that controllers behave conservatively in how they space aircraft. The extra
buffer distance beyond the 5 NM requirement is a result of cautious actions taken by air
traffic controllers to ensure clear separation between aircraft. Thus, if aircraft come within
min of each other, the model in this chapter assumes the air traffic controller issues a reso-
min is henceforth referred to as the aircraft
lution command. Accordingly, the parameter Dsep
spacing distance.
undirected graph model is formed to represent the conflict relationships between all aircraft.
For a scenario representing a single day of traffic, the corresponding constructed conflict
graph is denoted by G = (V, E). Aircraft are represented by nodes in the vertex set V =
an undirected edge in the edge set E. That is, for a potential conflict between aircraft Ai
and Aj , there is an edge (ni , nj ) ∈ E. An example conflict graph is provided in Figure 21.
For this chapter, the graph is assumed to be static and complete, implying that accurate
min = 9 NM aircraft spacing
knowledge of the uncontrolled flight plans exists up to the Dsep
distance. It is then assumed that all uncontrolled potential conflicts coming within 9 NM
are deemed to require a resolution command. By taking this approach, the graph represents
all aircraft passing through the airspace and all potential conflicts an air traffic controller
n1 n5 n6
n3 n4 n8 n9
would attempt to resolve. A more formal model on the creation and definition of the conflict
potential conflicts in a day, for an arbitrary airspace, is given by the total number of edges
Definition 1. For a conflict graph, G = (V, E), representing traffic for a predefined time
period and airspace according to the modeling description in Chapter 2, the number of un-
The analysis in this chapter also considers the complexity of potential conflicts. Here,
the complexity of a cluster of potential conflicts is associated with the number of potential
conflicts and the number of aircraft involved. Consider the examples of potential conflicts
provided in Figure 22. For each case, let aircraft be traveling on the same flight-level at
equal speeds. For the potential conflict between two aircraft illustrated in Figure 22a,
the conflict complexity is said to be low (e.g. similar aircraft speeds and no emergency
situations related to the aircraft). There is only one potential conflict and two aircraft.
Hence, the conflict-resolution problem is straight forward to solve barring any other difficult
circumstances outside the two aircraft (e.g. weather, airspace restrictions, or other aircraft).
In fact, the safety of a number of pairwise conflict-resolution algorithms has been formally
verified [26, 37, 61]. Figure 22b shows a set of 4 aircraft converging to a single point at
the same time. The conflict complexity for this configuration is considered to be higher; a
larger number of aircraft is involved, and all aircraft have potential to be in conflict with
one another. However, the number of aircraft does not necessarily imply a high level of
A4 A1
A1 A1 A3 A4
A2 A2 A6
(a) Simple poten- (b) A high complex- (c) A low complexity set of po-
tial conflict with ity set of potential con- tential conflicts with many air-
two aircraft. flicts with many air- craft.
Figure 22: Potential conflicts can be characterized by the number of aircraft involved and
overall complexity of generating a resolution.
Figure 22c depicts a single aircraft that has potential conflicts with 5 other aircraft. While
the number of aircraft in this example is greater than that in Figure 22b, with the same
number of potential conflicts, the conflict complexity is considered less. Resolution of all
potential conflicts is possible with a single aircraft maneuver. Provided sufficient time and
In general, the notion of conflict complexity is somewhat vague; while there is some
relationship between the number of aircraft involved as well as the number of potential con-
flicts, other factors such as geometry and variation in aircraft properties (e.g. groundspeed
or dynamic capabilities) are also important. Furthermore, conflict complexity is not only
intrinsic to the circumstances of the potential conflicts but also depends on the conflict-
resolution process. Poor decision making that creates secondary conflicts or overly complex
dynamic models can make the conflict-resolution problem difficult to solve, and possibly
number of uncontrolled conflicts; the rate at which the uncontrolled conflicts occur; and
the average number of aircraft and potential conflicts involved in multi-aircraft conflicts.
Based on the air traffic model described in Chapter 2, analysis indicates that as the traffic
volume increases, the number of potential conflicts in an airspace and the average number
of potential conflicts per aircraft increase. Growing complexity supports the claim that air
of an air traffic scenario. Making use of the definition provided in [41], the term conflict
clusters is introduced.
pairs in potential conflict. For example, if aircraft Ai and Aj have a potential conflict, and
Aj and Ak have a potential conflict, then Ai , Aj , and Ak , form part of a conflict cluster,
Figure 21 representing a simple traffic scenario. The conflict graph contains 3 conflict-
clusters. Two conflict clusters, i.e. sub-graphs, represent aircraft that all have potential
conflicts with each other. In the third sub-graph, although there is no potential conflict
between aircraft A6 and A9 , represented by nodes n6 and n9 , they still form part of the
3.1 Assumptions
This chapter analyzes the number of uncontrolled conflicts occurring in an airspace. It also
determine the likelihood that events in an airspace require more attention than the air traffic
controller can provide within a given timeframe. Both these studies and their associated
• Potential conflicts affect the air traffic controller uniformly. Further, the amount of
effort required by the air traffic controller in spacing aircraft is uniform, regardless of
the conflict configuration. For example, the difficulty of resolving a potential conflict
• The number of potential conflicts is unaffected by the conflict-resolution process.
considers lateral separations between aircraft at the same flight-level. The value of
min is used to label potential conflicts as requiring resolution.
parameter Dsep
• Communication times between controllers and pilots for specific events are static,
regardless of situational factors within the airspace. Furthermore, events (e.g. hand-
off, potential conflicts) are handled by the controller in the order they occur.
The second assumption is removed in future chapters in the thesis. This allows for
comparison of advisory conflict-detection and resolution tools in reducing the effort related
In current operations, an air traffic controller’s priority is to maintain a safe airspace. Thus,
if the number of potential conflicts an air traffic controller is presented with regularly exceeds
his or her ability to resolve them in the required amount of time, then systematic change
is required. Otherwise, if air navigation service providers such as the Federal Aviation
Administration do not address the issue of overworked air traffic controllers, then unsafe
Following the traffic model presented in Chapter 2, Hypothesis 1, and the labeling of un-
controlled conflicts utilizing the spacing parameter Dmin = 9 NM, analysis indicates that as
traffic intensity increases, the number of uncontrolled conflicts increases as well. Figure 23
illustrates the expected number of uncontrolled conflicts for the 100 traffic scenarios rep-
resenting June 14th for different traffic intensities. Considering all sectors in Minneapolis
Center (ZMP), ZMP42 contains the greatest average number of uncontrolled conflicts over
the 24 hour time period at each traffic intensity. The sector is located in the southern region
of the center and contains a portion of the airspace between FL350 and FL380. Because
of Uncontrolled Conflicts
800 I=1X
Expected Number
600 I=3X
11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 38 39 40 42 43
Figure 23: Conflict totals for sectors in Minneapolis Center over a 24hr time period when
Dmin = 9 NM.
of the sector’s spatial location and air traffic demand within the National Airspace, the
majority of traffic within ZMP42 is high altitude cruising aircraft traveling eastbound or
westbound. Figure 24a, a density plot of the traffic within the sector, illustrates the east-
bound and westbound nature of the traffic flow, as well as the 2D spatial traffic distribution
over the airspace. Two other airspaces of interest are sectors ZMP12 and ZMP16. These
two sectors contain air traffic patterns representative of distinct classes of airspace. In the
following analysis, the key differences between the sectors are highlighted.
The sector ZMP12 is similar to ZMP42, in that the majority of traffic is in its cruising
phase. However, there are numerous distinctions between ZMP12 and ZMP42. First, air
traffic within ZMP12 is more diverse in directionality, and according to the traffic density
map in Figure 24b, air traffic is relatively sparse outside of primary traffic flows that cover an
area 67% larger than ZMP42. Additionally, traffic in ZMP12 covers a larger range of flight
levels from FL240 and up and, as such, has a greater fraction of ascending and descending
ascending, descending, and cruising traffic is visible by flight phases distributions shown in
Figure 25a and Figure 26a. While 92.5% of all traffic in ZMP42 in its cruising phase, the
Unlike ZMP12 and ZMP42, sector ZMP16 is dominated by descending traffic (∼ 73%).
The sector is located near Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport; as such, much of
the traffic in ZMP16 corresponds to arrivals coming from the east that are headed towards
the airport. Because of the dominant traffic pattern within the sector, as illustrated in
Figure 24c, the majority of uncontrolled conflicts occur at the merge point near the center
of the sector. Uncontrolled conflicts also occur along each of the arrival routes as aircraft
are lining up to enter the airport terminal area. Accordingly, the qualitative characteristics
of the uncontrolled conflicts in ZMP16 are different from those in ZMP12 and ZMP42. As
shown in Figure 25, Figure 27, and Figure 26, the distribution of ascending, descending
and cruising aircraft is different between the sectors, and likewise, so is the classification
of uncontrolled conflicts. In sector ZMP12, most aircraft are found in their cruising phase,
while a sizable remainder of flights are either ascending or descending at some point in
the sector. Accordingly, most of the uncontrolled conflicts involve at least one cruising
aircraft and smaller fractions involve two aircraft that contain a combination of ascending
and descending flights. In contrast, for ZMP42, which contains an even greater percentage
of cruising aircraft, approximately 60% of all uncontrolled conflicts involve two cruising
aircraft. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 26b, less than 1% of the uncontrolled conflicts
involve two aircraft that are ascending or descending, or a combination of the two.
The location of uncontrolled conflicts is also a reflection of the dominant traffic patterns
within the airspaces. As mentioned previously, and illustrated in Figure 28a, the majority
of uncontrolled conflicts in ZMP16 occurs at the merge point in the direction of a major
airport and along each of the descent routes. The traffic pattern in ZMP42 engenders un-
controlled conflicts along the dominant eastbound and westbound traffic routes. In contrast,
as shown in Figure 28b, with a larger fraction of crossing traffic, a significant portion of
60 30
40 20
20 10
0 0
Flight Phase Conflict Configuration
(a) Aircraft flight phase distribution (b) Conflict configuration distribution
60 40
0 0
0 0
#Descending aircraft≥1 #Cruising aircraft≥1 Two cruising aircraft
others others others
(a) ZMP16 (b) ZMP12 (c) ZMP42
uncontrolled conflicts occurs at route crossings in ZMP12. This leaves large areas of the
airspace void of potential conflicts. The difference in routing and conflict manifestation
between ZMP12 and ZMP42 is also expressed through the distribution of aircraft crossing
angles for the uncontrolled conflicts. As shown in Figure 29a and Figure 29c, the uncon-
trolled conflict crossing angles for ZMP12 are more evenly dispersed than for ZMP42. A
larger fraction of uncontrolled conflicts occurs at high crossing angles (i.e., 45o − 135o ) for
the conflict angles, the three sectors in ascending order of entropy are ZMP16 (H 0 = 2.49),
ZMP42 (H 0 = 2.76), and ZMP12 (H 0 = 3.36); higher values of entropy indicate greater
diversity. Again, the distribution of the crossing angles in ZMP12 is a result of the mix-
ture of east-west and north-south traffic, while ZMP42 is dominated by east-west traffic.
The function that ZMP16 serves in providing a rough initial spacing of traffic landing at
Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport is apparent in the the crossing angles as well. The largest
bulk of conflict crossing angles is between 0o − 30o , with a large peak around 0o , which is a
consequence of the merging and spacing operations along dominant traffic flows within the
The variety in conflict configurations and flight phases demonstrates that for an advisory
conflict-resolution algorithms that only consider level flight aircraft are inappropriate for
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Crossing Angle: θ [degress] Crossing Angle: θ [degress] Crossing Angle: θ [degress]
(a) ZMP12 (b) ZMP16 (c) ZMP42
Figure 29: Discrete empirical probability distribution of uncontrolled conflict crossing angles
(5o increments).
The total number of conflicts is not completely representative of the conflict-event pro-
cess within each sector. In fact, the conflict-event process is non-homogeneous and varies
according to traffic demand over the day. As shown in Figure 30, during the early morn-
ing and late night, the change in the cumulative number of uncontrolled conflicts is small
in comparison to the time period between 10AM and 8PM. An initial assessment of the
relationship between aircraft arrivals and conflict events is possible by comparing their cu-
mulative counts. As shown in Figure 31, the hours between 10AM and 8PM account for the
greatest traffic throughput in the sectors, which thereby drives the conflict-event process
during the same time period. When analyzing the effort required by air traffic controllers
to separate aircraft, these peak hours are most relevant; outside these times, air traffic
controllers are unlikely to exceed their workload limits. This result is further supported by
Considering the 10 hour time window between 10AM and 8PM for each sector, it is
asserted that the number of uncontrolled conflicts is heavily dictated by the traffic intensity
and aircraft spacing distances. Applying and extending the assertion from Hypothesis 1 in
Hypothesis 2. The expected number of uncontrolled conflicts in a sector with traffic in-
min , and time window w, denoted by E[N I,w ] can be estimated
tensity I, spacing distance Dsep C
of Uncontrolled Conflicts
ZMP12: Average
Cumulative Number
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time of Day [HR]
Figure 30: Cumulative number of uncontrolled conflicts for sectors ZMP12, ZMP17, and
ZMP42, when Dmin = 9 NM.
ZMP12: Average
Cumulative Number
of Aircraft Arrivals
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time of Day [HR]
Figure 31: Cumulative number of aircraft arrivals for sectors ZMP12, ZMP17, and ZMP42.
Table 1: Best-fit coefficients for the uncontrolled conflict models.
E[NCI,w ] = c1 I 2 (Dsep
min 2
) + c2 I 2 Dsep
min min
+ c3 IDsep min 2
+ c4 I(Dsep ) . (10)
For the 10 hour time window considered, the coefficients (c1 , c2 , c3 , and c4 ), calculated
according to the least-squares best-fit of Equation 10, for sectors ZMP12, ZMP16, and
ZMP42 are provided in Table 1. Also included in Table 1 are the R2 for each line of best-fit
When considering the relative influence each coefficient plays, the term I 2 Dsep
min is most
important in determining the expected number of uncontrolled conflicts; a best-fit with only
marginally. The major implication of such a result is that the number of uncontrolled
simple model.
Dsep = 3 NM
of Conflicts [10-20HR]
600 min
Dsep = 4 NM
Average Number
Dsep = 5 NM
400 min
Dsep = 6 NM
Dsep = 7 NM
Dsep = 8 NM
Dsep = 9 NM
Dsep = 10 NM
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Traffic Intensity
Figure 32: Simulated number of uncontrolled conflicts and best-fit lines according to traffic
intensity and separation distance for ZMP42.
increased accuracy in trajectory prediction and aircraft position sensing. Reducing aircraft
spacing provides the opportunity to reduce the number of labeled potential conflicts re-
quiring resolution. Otherwise, if air traffic controllers continue to space aircraft at 9 NM,
and perform their tasks according to current methods, then a tripling in traffic intensity
will results in approximately an 850% increase in the expected uncontrolled conflict rate for
ZMP42 (700% and 800% increase for ZMP12 and ZMP16, respectively).
compared to current uncontrolled conflict counts, air traffic controllers in ZMP42 would
be required to space aircraft at 1.2 NM (1.5 NM for both sectors ZMP12 and ZMP16).
First, conflict-resolution tools, human air traffic controllers included, are required to issue
resolution commands minutes in advance of a potential conflict to ensure smooth and phys-
are issued seconds before a potential conflict, the range of solutions that are dynamically
acceptable shrink significantly. Because of the required buffer time between issuing a reso-
lution command and when the potential conflict may occur, the uncertainty in predicting
aircraft trajectories must decrease significantly to allow for 1.2 NM separation. For current
10 I = 1X 10 10
I = 1.5X
I = 2X
5 I = 2.5X 5 5
I = 3X
0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Time of Day [HR] Time of Day [HR] Time of Day [HR]
(a) ZMP12 (b) ZMP16 (c) ZMP42
min = 9 NM.
Figure 33: Average rate of uncontrolled conflicts when Dsep
systems, estimates indicate that uncertainty in the along track position of aircraft grows at
a rate between .20-.25 NM/minute [47, 74, 103] at the 1 standard deviation level. Thus,
over 5 minutes, the 1.2 NM separation distance is almost eclipsed by the uncertainty in pre-
dicting the aircraft positions. The difficulty of predicting aircraft trajectories is exacerbated
advance, spacing aircraft at 1.2 NM is potentially unsafe due to the wake vortexes shedding
off aircraft. These wake vortexes can interfere with the stability of other nearby aircraft [99].
As it stands, aircraft at airports are required to maintain spacing separations for arrival
and departure procedures to prevent unsafe operating conditions due to wake turbulence
[44]. Also preventing smaller aircraft spacings is the ever-present safety margin needed in
case of aircraft or system failures. For example if aircraft position sensing systems go down
(i.e. ADS-B, or radar) or aircraft lose controllability through the loss of a rudder, ailerons,
or engine, then small separation distances hinder the ability of controllers and nearby pilots
the effort required by air traffic controllers in managing an airspace, then the rate that
Figure 33, for sectors ZMP12 and ZMP16, the rate of uncontrolled conflicts remains below
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Number of Conflicts Number of Conflicts Number of Conflicts
(a) 1X Traffic (b) 2X Traffic (c) 3X Traffic
Figure 34: Cumulative distribution of the number of uncontrolled conflicts for the busiest
min = 9 NM for ZMP12.
5 minute period of the day when Dsep
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Number of Conflicts Number of Conflicts Number of Conflicts
(a) 1X Traffic (b) 2X Traffic (c) 3X Traffic
Figure 35: Cumulative distribution of the number of uncontrolled conflicts for the busiest
min = 9 NM for ZMP16.
5 minute period of the day when Dsep
5 per 5 minute time period. For ZMP42, the average uncontrolled conflict rate reaches
that air traffic controllers require 30 seconds to resolve each potential conflict, and little
follow-up or conformance checking is required, then the average conflict rates are still within
required limits to provide sufficient time for air traffic controllers to space aircraft. Further,
when one considers that air traffic controllers often employ quick and simple resolution
commands during heavy traffic loads [52], thereby reducing the time required to resolve
each potential conflict, then even at 3X traffic intensity, the average conflict rates may
appear to be manageable by air traffic controllers, when excluding other tasks (aircraft
Perhaps more telling to future concerns is the distribution of the number of uncontrolled
conflicts within the busiest 5 minute time period over each of the 100 traffic scenarios. This
distribution provides information about the conflict-resolution taskload during the busiest
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Number of Conflicts Number of Conflicts Number of Conflicts
(a) 1X Traffic (b) 2X Traffic (c) 3X Traffic
Figure 36: Distribution of the number of uncontrolled conflicts for the busiest 5 minute
min = 9 NM for ZMP42.
period of the day when Dsep
time period of a given day. For sectors ZMP12 and ZMP16, as the traffic intensities increases
the mean and variance of the number of uncontrolled conflicts in the busiest 5 minutes
increase as well. These results are illustrated in Figure 34 and Figure 35 and are indicated
by the rightward shifting and increased width of the probability distribution functions.
For both sectors, at the 3X traffic intensity, there is a measurable probability that 10
or more uncontrolled conflicts will occur during the 5 minute period. Because of the air
traffic patterns within the sectors that bring about merging and spacing operations, the
large fraction of ascending and descending traffic, and the high angles of intersection, the
complexity and controller workload of resolving such conflicts becomes increasingly difficult
for the unaided air traffic controller [58]. Assuming an ability to resolve each conflict in
30 seconds, then the case of encountering 10 conflicts in 5 minutes leaves no time for the
air traffic controller to complete any other tasks - even those that maintain situational
awareness. Taken together, not only is the number of potential conflicts large, but so is the
Figure 36 shows distribution of the number of uncontrolled conflicts in ZMP42 for the
1X, 2X, and 3X traffic intensities. The number of uncontrolled conflicts in ZMP42 at 3X
traffic intensity is quite troubling. For approximately 20% of the traffic scenarios, during the
busiest 5 minute time period, 20 or more uncontrolled conflicts occur. If a scenario like this
manifested in real-world operations, then the air traffic controller would be required to issue
a resolution command, on average, every 15 seconds for a sustained period of time. Such
1 1 1
Figure 37: Distribution of the number of aircraft invovled in each conflict cluster as traffic
min = 9 NM for ZMP42.
intensity increases for Dsep
1 1 1
P (Ne < ne )
P (Ne < ne )
P (Ne < ne )
0.8 I = 1X 0.8 0.8
0.6 I = 1.5X 0.6 0.6
0.4 I = 2X 0.4 0.4
I = 2.5X
0.2 0.2 0.2
I = 3X
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Number of conflicts: ne Number of conflicts: ne Number of conflicts: ne
(a) ZMP12 (b) ZMP16 (c) ZMP42
Figure 38: Distribution of the number of edges in each conflict cluster as traffic intensity
min = 9 NM for ZMP42.
increases for Dsep
Even at the 2X traffic intensity, the number of uncontrolled conflicts in ZMP42 is quite
large. In fact, the distribution of uncontrolled conflicts is similar to ZMP12 and ZMP16 at
the 3X traffic intensity. This result indicates that if a uniform growth in air traffic demand
occurs, then ZMP42 will be impacted much earlier than other airspaces.
As traffic intensity increases, not only will the number and rate of potential conflicts
grow, but so will the complexity. Analysis of the traffic scenarios for each sector indicates
that with growing traffic intensity, the number of aircraft and number of uncontrolled con-
flicts associated with each conflict cluster increases. The sampled cumulative distributions
for both measures are provided in Figure 37 and Figure 38. The sampled distributions
for the sectors show that both the mean and variance for both measures of complexity
Average Fraction of
Pairwise Conflicts
0.2 ZMP42
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Traffic Intensity
(number of aircraft and number of conflicts) increase with traffic intensity (indicated by
the movement of the cumulative probability distributions towards larger values). From the
sampled distributions, more concise information can be extracted, such as the fraction of
conflict clusters that only include two aircraft (i.e. strictly pairwise conflicts). As shown
in Figure 39, as traffic intensity grows, the fraction of pairwise conflicts decreases. Such
a result implies that with multiplying traffic intensity, the ability of humans and conflict-
resolution tools to remain applicable while still using pairwise decision-making strategies
becomes increasingly limited. Additionally, with larger conflict clusters, the secondary ef-
should consider more than just the two aircraft that are part of the immediately pending
potential conflict. Other aircraft that form part of the same conflict cluster can be affected.
Despite the growth in conflict complexity with regards to the number of aircraft and
number of conflicts involved, there are indications that conflict complexity growth is only
weakly “quadratic,” especially when compared to the growth rate of uncontrolled conflicts.
That is, while the total number of uncontrolled conflicts in a sector grows quadratically, the
conflict complexity for each cluster grows at a much slower rate. Consider Figure 40a and
Figure 40b, which depict the average number of aircraft and average number of uncontrolled
conflicts per cluster. As traffic intensity increases, the growth in the number of aircraft and
uncontrolled conflicts is approximately linear. More interesting, is that when plotting the
number of aircraft per cluster versus the number of conflicts, their relationship is linear, as
3.5 2.5
Average Number of
3 ZMP42 2
2.5 1.5
2 1
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
(a) Average number of aircraft per conflict (b) Average number of conflicts per conflict
cluster, with quadric line of best fit. cluster, with quadric line of best fit.
Table 2: Coefficients and R2 values for least-squares lines of best-fit considering the ratio
of conflict complexity.
Sector Slope R2
ZMP12 1.135 .9997
ZMP16 1.300 .9977
ZMP42 1.218 .9995
shown in Figure 41. Table 2 contains the slope of the least-squares linear fit, along with
the coefficient of determination value, R2 , associated with each linear fit. The coefficient of
determination values indicates a strong fit with the linear model for the three sectors.
The relative rate of growth between the two complexity measures, i.e. the slopes pro-
to the amount of effort required to deconflict clusters as the cluster sizes grow. Consider
the two conflict clusters illustrated in Figure 42. In order to completely resolve all potential
conflicts, the first conflict cluster requires at least 2 maneuvers. Meanwhile, the second con-
flict cluster can be resolved with a single resolution command issued to the aircraft A5 . The
first conflict cluster corresponds to a special type of graph referred to as a complete graph;
complete graphs have edges connecting each node. For a complete graph with n nodes, the
total number of edges is n(n − 1)/2 [72], and accordingly, requires n(n − 1)/2 − 1 resolution
commands to prevent all potential conflicts. For the conflict-resolution problem requiring
2 2.5 3
Average Number of
Aircraft per Cluster
Figure 41: Number of expected conflicts versus number of expected aircraft in each cluster.
n1 n6
n3 n4
that all potential conflicts are resolved (i.e. edges removed from the graphs), conflict clus-
ters associated with complete graphs require equal or more resolution commands than any
other type of conflict cluster with the same number of nodes. Therefore, because the lines
of best fit in Figure 41 grow linearly, and not according to n2 , there is indication that the
conflict clusters are not exclusively complete graphs (outside of pairwise conflicts). In the
able to appropriately select which aircraft to maneuver in order to reduce to the number of
commands used to space aircraft. For example, maneuvering aircraft A5 , instead of both
A4 and A6 , resolves all potential conflicts. The selection of which aircraft to maneuver to
The linear fit between between the number of aircraft and the number of conflicts
dictates that on average, every additional aircraft in a conflict cluster is associated with
just over one potential conflict; a larger slope signifies faster complexity growth. For the
three sectors considered, the conflict complexity ratio of ZMP16 is the greatest, followed by
ZMP42, and ZMP12.
Despite the prior section’s emphasis on the conflict counts as a measure of difficulty, a more
mine when controllers encounter scenarios that are beyond their capabilities. The process
described here in detecting unmanageable traffic levels is based on a taskload and commu-
nications model that is associated with the control process between air traffic controllers
and aircraft.
As it stands, the capacity to properly manage and separate air traffic directly depends
current operations, instead of relying on controller workload as a measure for sector ca-
pacities, the Federal Aviation Administration has relied on a simple proxy: the number of
aircraft present in a sector. The limit on this value is established by the Monitor Alert Pa-
rameter (MAP). If aircraft counts are within the MAP value, then it is assumed that traffic
conditions are within the controller’s abilities. However, MAP values do not accurately rep-
resent sector capacity - and often times lead to congestion, or conversely, under-utilization
of the airspace because they does not accurately address performance limits.
Radio communication time has been considered an objective metric to evaluate con-
troller workload while managing traffic. A series of experiments have concluded that re-
alistic radio activities can be used to provide objective measures of workload [14, 21, 87].
Additionally, other studies have demonstrated the high correlation between communication
duration and controller workload, thereby effectively validating communication time as an-
other workload measure [63, 77]. By its very nature, communication time can be related to
tion is used in both the management and control of aircraft, if events within the airspace
require greater amounts of communication than time permits, then some fundamental limit
has been reached. Accordingly, this section, and the proposed communication model, stud-
ies how often communication requirements exceed reasonable capabilities of the air traffic
least twice by the managing air traffic controller: once to acknowledge the aircraft as it
enters the sector and again when the aircraft is handed-off to the next sector. Another
prevalent communication type typically occurs when an airspace is congested and there is
the potential for conflict. Provided sufficient concern by air traffic controllers exists that a
pair of aircraft might conflict, then a resolution command is issued. In the case of a potential
conflict, air traffic controllers must determine safe routes for all aircraft and communicate
them to each pilot. For this process to occur in a safe manner, there must also be sufficient
time for the controller to gain situational awareness and to monitor conformance of the
resolution commands. Finally (as part of the current system of clearance based control, in
which requests are made by pilots, and verified for safety by the controller), any request for
changes in heading, speed or altitude requires communication. The most common of these
Using the 100 traffic scenarios created in Chapter 2, an event process for each scenario
is generated. The set of events considered as part of each scenario’s event process includes
entering and exiting aircraft, as well as the detection and resolution of potential conflicts.
Further, entering aircraft are classified according to whether or not they require clearances
for altitude changes. Each of the events gives rise to a response and communication se-
quence between the controller and the pilots. By summing up the communication time, a
measure of the required control effort is generated. However, in this case, because some
communication events are not accounted for (e.g. read-backs, and weather and congestion
advisories), the estimated communication times represent a lower bound, when assuming
The event process for a traffic scenario is represented by the function fevent (t), which
contains a sequence of Dirac delta functions. An example depiction of fevent (t) is illustrated
in Figure 43. The magnitude of each Dirac delta function corresponds to the amount of
Ascending arrival Event Time Line
Cruising arrival Tw
Descending arrival
Exiting aircraft
fevent (t) t t=0
Potential conflict
Wwindow (t)
Figure 43: Representation of the event process within an airspace, and method for calcu-
lating the minimum estimated controller communication time.
time and effort required to communicate commands and information between the controller
and the pilots for that event. For example, when an aircraft enters an airspace and requests
to ascend in altitude, the communication time from the initial acknowledgement to the
granted clearance takes approximately 11 seconds - that is, if the air traffic controller does
not detect any immediately pending conflicts as a result of the maneuver. Table 3 contains
the communication times associated with each event considered in this communications
model. Except for potential conflicts, the communication times are averages based on a
sample audio recording of air traffic controllers within the Atlanta Center on November 3,
2010 over a 1 hour time period. The communication time for potential conflicts is selected
to be 20 seconds. While the time is less than the previously cited 27.6 seconds [20], it is
representative of more efficient actions taken by the air traffic controller. In this way, the
resulting model for channel utilization more closely approximates a lower bound on real-
world practices. Denoting the sequence of times for arriving level aircraft by {tarr,l
n }; arriving
{texit con
n }; and potential conflicts by {tn }; the complete event process function for a traffic
scenario is
+ W arr,a (δ(t − i )) + W exit (δ(t − texit
i )) (11)
i i
+ W con (δ(t − tcon
i )),
where the weightings W arr,l , W arr,d , W arr,a , W exit , and W con correspond to the times in
Table 3: Average communication time for each event.
Table 3.
To calculate the communication time over all time intervals for an entire traffic scenario,
the event process function fevent (t) is convolved with a square-function centered at 0 with
the appropriate time-width. That is, for a time interval of Tw minutes, the square-function
1, if t < Tw
hsq (t) = (12)
0 else.
The percent utilization of the communication channel for the time window Tw , denoted
If at time t, UTw (t) = 1, then events within the airspace require that the air traffic controller
and pilots communicate for the complete Tw minutes. Note, the case when UTw (t) > 1
does not necessarily imply infeasibility in regards to the communication and control limits.
In practice, some communication events can be processed earlier (e.g hand-offs) or later
(e.g. acknowledgements, and clearances) than normally would occur without loss of safety
or situational awareness. Thus, time-shifting of events can still allow for feasibility over
shorter time windows. However, while UTw =2.5 (t) > 1 and UTw =5.0 (t) > 1 might still be
I = 1.0X I = 1.0X
1.5 I = 2.0X 1.5 I = 2.0X
I = 3.0X I = 3.0X
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
(a) Tw = 2.50 minutes (b) Tw = 5.00 minutes
I = 1.0X I = 1.0X
1.5 I = 2.0X 1.5 I = 2.0X
I = 3.0X I = 3.0X
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
(c) Tw = 10.00 minutes (d) Tw = 20.00 minutes
Figure 44: Average utilization time with upper and lower quartiles for ZMP42.
The expected utilization times, E[UTw (t)], for ZMP42 for different values of Tw and
traffic intensities are shown in Figure 44. Similar to conflict counts within the sector, the
expected utilization time increases significantly during peak traffic hours. Furthermore, as
traffic intensity increases, the average utilization time multiples. The utilization times for
While it is tempting to use the utilization times UTw (t) to estimate controller workload
or to establish when traffic conditions exceed reasonable workload limits, such an approach
I = 1.0X I = 1.0X
1.5 I = 2.0X 1.5 I = 2.0X
I = 3.0X I = 3.0X
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
(a) ZMP12 (b) ZMP16
Figure 45: Average utilization time with upper and lower quartiles for Tw = 5 minutes.
is not taken. Because the manifestation and dictation of workload limits in each of the
sectors and for each controller are different, it is not possible to establish a consistent
bound. As noted in prior results in this chapter, the type of potential conflicts commonly
encountered varies significantly between the sectors. Because the effort required to resolve
different types of conflicts is not uniform, a simplistic model that linearly scales and sums
the communication times does not accurately capture controller workload. Furthermore,
upon a passive [air traffic controller] but, rather, is something the [air traffic controller]
actively manages” [59]. In virtually all aspects of their role, air traffic controllers adjust
their strategies in response to system changes, future occurrences, and perceived workload.
Instead of using UTw (t) as a measure of controller workload, the utilization time is
checked to see if it ever exceeds the value of 1. In this manner a more robust and conser-
vative approach is taken to understanding the limits of air traffic controllers. And again,
there should be an understanding that if events within an airspace require more time than
is available, then no matter what strategies the controller takes in regulating his or her
Following the analysis framework above, the probability that utilization rates exceed the
capability of the air traffic controller at some point during the day, i.e. P (∃t|UTw (t) > Tw ),
are no longer manageable – likely well beyond human controller workload limits. Figure 46
shows the cumulative probability distributions of excessive utilization for different values
of Tw . According to the results in Figure 46c, for the 5 minute time window, at 1.7X
traffic levels in ZMP42, the minimum required communication and control effort exceeds
the time allowed approximately 50% of the time. For the sectors ZMP12 and ZMP16, the
corresponding traffic levels when utilization rates at Tw = 5 minutes are broken 50% of
the time occurs at the 2.6X and 3X traffic intensities, respectively. The results suggest
that these traffic intensities, while potentially manageable, are risky. This conclusion is
to maintain safe operating conditions at the 2X traffic level, and fail at the 3X traffic level.
1 1
P (UTw (t) > Tw )
Working under the assumption that air traffic controllers are unable to manage sustained
efforts, perhaps equally important is identifying traffic levels when P (∃t|UTw =10 (t) > 1).
That is, air traffic controllers are presented with scenarios that require more than 10 con-
tinuous minutes of communication and control time. For the sectors ZMP12, ZMP16, and
ZMP42, breaking medium-term communication and control limits occurs at the 2.25X,
2.25X, and 1.5X traffic intensities. While more restrictive than the 50% limit set above,
these margins are more reflective of the longer-term management of airspaces. Even at these
traffic levels, there exists the probability that within 5 minute time windows, communication
This chapter explores the uncontrolled conflict event process in sectors as traffic intensity
increases. Assuming that air traffic control continues with the same policies, practices,
and technologies in current operations, the forecast models suggest that increased traffic
intensities will ultimately lead to traffic scenarios that are beyond the capabilities of the
unaided air traffic controller. Of particular concern is the quadratic growth rate of uncon-
trolled conflicts in relation to traffic intensity. For a doubling in traffic, the conflict count
model proposed in this chapter predicts that uncontrolled conflicts will quadruple. And for
sectors that are already heavily sectorized, more radical changes beyond airspace redesigns
continue to grow in the coming decades. To ameliorate problems associated with increased
traffic levels, it is conjectured that there is a pending need to aid the air traffic con-
sensing of aircraft. Thus, while traffic intensity cannot be controlled, efforts to improve
trajectory prediction and position sensing systems will likely enable a reduction in air-
min . Results in this chapter indicate that by reducing aircraft
craft spacing distances, Dsep
spacing, air traffic controllers can make use of improved trajectory prediction tools to re-
duce the number of potential conflicts that need resolution commands. With a reduction
in the excessive labeling of potential conflicts, the conflict-resolution taskload will surely
decrease. However, there are limits to which decreased separation standards can aid the
air traffic controller. Because of the potential for failure of position-reporting systems and
the ever-present error in trajectory prediction (even if uncertainty is reduced), aircraft are
conflict-resolution tools may be able to supplement the gains made by reducing aircraft
One primary advantage of advisory conflict-resolution tools is that they transfer part of
the mental taskload from the human controller to a computer system. Such transference is
taskload, but also because potential conflicts will become increasingly complex with greater
traffic intensity. Potential conflict-clusters will evolve to contain greater numbers of air-
craft and interactions. While previously the conflict-resolution process could be solved in
a sequential pairwise fashion with little worry, greater traffic loads generating more com-
plex conflict inactions will inhibit this strategy. Computer decision-support tools have the
potential to play a key role in resolving these more complex conflict scenarios. However,
should not be considered straight forward. As demonstrated in this chapter, any conflict-
resolution tool will be presented with handling a wide arrays of problems, conflict types (e.g
In summary, this chapter has indicated a great need for improvement in the polices,
practices, and technologies used in current day air traffic control. Barring any adjustments,
the human controller will be overwhelmed with the requirements of managing and separating
systems and introduce advisory conflict-resolution tools into the repertoire of air traffic
Through simulations of uncontrolled air traffic at high intensities, the previous chapter rev-
eled that the rate of potential conflicts, in addition to other air traffic control events (e.g.
acknowledgements, clearances), will one day hinder the ability of the air traffic controller
air navigation service providers are taking action by developing next generation conceptual
systems such as NextGen and SESAR. These next generation systems adjust policies and
practices, and integrate new technologies. Researchers and air navigation service providers
hypothesize that these adjustments will aid air traffic controllers by reducing and trans-
future air traffic demand. While there are numerous components to these next genera-
systems is a promising component. This chapter begins to explore the design, capability,
As stated previously, the metric of interest for this thesis is the taskload associated with
air traffic controller issues when acting in conjunction with an advisory conflict-detection
quired by air traffic controllers to manage and separate aircraft within an airspace. While
taskload measures are unable to account for hidden mental processes in the daily work of
air traffic controllers, the measures do provide a metric by which to understand controller
effort [62].
Taskload can correspond to a number of actions (acknowledgements, hand-offs, clear-
ances, etc); however, the metric studied here is the number of resolution commands issued
Already, one study has supported the theoretical framework of addressing conflict-
resolution taskload as a proxy for controller workload when operating under an advisory
described in [53], air traffic controllers were tasked with managing a high traffic inten-
sity airspace using current practices and procedures, and later using an advisory conflict-
detection and resolution system. In a second set of experiments, using an advisory conflict-
detection and resolution tool, human simulation studies were performed under a 4D trajec-
tory based operations (TBO) framework with an automated acknowledgement and hand-off
system. Both these operational settings are representative of other proposed concepts within
next generation air traffic systems [50]. Trajectory-based operations is an alternative to the
current clearance-based procedures now found in air traffic control. Instead of aircraft being
cleared to make individual movements along a trajectory (e.g. heading or altitude changes),
complete trajectories are approved by the air traffic controller. In contrast to the current
[50]. Automated acknowledgement and hand-off systems also represent a significant depar-
ture from current practice in which air traffic controllers and pilots are expected to make
vocal contact with one another. By off-loading these tasks to an automated system, hu-
man controllers are able to focus their attention on their primary task of ensuring safety
through conflict-detection and resolution. Studies have already demonstrated the benefits
A number of key results emerged from the study in [53]. First, when working under
Data Communication
Data Communication
current procedures, air traffic controllers are barely able to mange 2X traffic intensities,
and fail at 3X traffic levels. More pertinent to this chapter is that, when operating under
an advisory conflict-detection and resolution system (with TBO and automated hand-offs),
the measure most correlated to controller workload is the number of pending conflicts an
note one key statement made by the authors of [53]: “At the 3X level controllers and students
accepted almost all advisories (∼ 98%) due to time pressure.” Effectively, the authors
have indicated that at high traffic levels, air traffic controllers are unable to appropriately
use the advisory system in the manner it was intended. Instead of checking trajectory
solutions for safety, and potentially rejecting and deriving alternatives, the human controller
operates as an open gate, automatically accepting all proposed solutions when overloaded.
This situation is depicted in Figure 47. Implicitly, the advisory human-in-the-loop system
reverts towards an automated system with the conflict-detection and resolution tool directly
managing and separating aircraft. When considering that in the study the conflict-detection
and resolution system failed to identify or resolve all potential conflicts, then such deference
behavior is of great concern. As best put by the author of [30], “There is a long history of
cases in which operators are reportedly unaware of automation failures and do not detect
critical system state changes when acting as monitors of automated systems.” Further,
“since the systems to be monitored continue to increase in complexity with the addition of
automation, an increased trend towards large catastrophic failures often accompanies the
incorporation of automation.”
In response to the results above, the research goal of this thesis is to enable the design of
advisory conflict-detection and resolution tools to be more consistent with the capabilities
of human air traffic controllers. By making the best use of information, tools can be
order to manage time pressures. By studying the implementation, capabilities, and policies
behind an advisory conflict-detection and resolution system, the discovery of best practices
is possible.
taskload, a three step process is taken. First, in this chapter, graph based models are
introduced and developed to describe the conflict-detection and resolution process. The
graph models are an extension of the work introduced in [41]. In later chapters, human-
their behavior and characteristics. Finally, the abstracted models are applied to the pre-
viously generated traffic scenarios to understand how their implementations can reduce to
conflict-resolution taskload.
4.1 Assumptions
To support the modeling of the conflict-detection and resolution process utilizing graphs,
• The conflict detection and resolution process can be modeled according to a discrete-
• A dynamically feasible resolution command always exists to resolve potential conflicts.
in Figure 48a. Aircraft trajectories are assumed to occur in 3D space across multiple flight-
levels. According to aircraft intents, each aircraft has the potential to be in multiple conflicts
if no control action is taken. For the en route environment, two aircraft are declared to be
in conflict if they come within 5 NM laterally and 1,000ft vertically of each other. Federal
Aviation Administration regulations require that air traffic controllers issue resolution com-
mands to resolve any identified potential conflicts before they are realized. In the context
Definition 4. A potential conflict between two aircraft is defined to exist if, according to
the best available trajectory information and predictions, the two aircraft might come into
When and how a potential conflict is identified is addressed later in Section 5.3.
Aircraft and potential aircraft conflict relationships are represented by means of a graph.
A representation of the potential conflicts for the example in Figure 48a is given by the
undirected graph, G = (V, E), depicted in Figure 48b. Aircraft are represented by nodes
in the vertex set V = {n1 , ..., nM }, where node ni corresponds to aircraft Ai . Following
regulations, for any pair of aircraft, (Ai , Aj ), that are in potential conflict, the air traffic
controller must issue a resolution command to at least one of the aircraft. Potential conflicts
are indicated by an undirected edge in the edge set E. That is, for the potential conflict
between aircraft Ai and Aj , (ni , nj ) ∈ E. Adhering to the definitions above, the following
potential conflict relationships. Aircraft are represented by nodes in the vertex set V, and
Track A2
Potential Conflict A4 n2 n4
(a) Aircraft traversing airspace (b) Conflict graph representation
A1 n2 n4
Track A2
Potential Conflict A4 Issue resolution command
Track A2
Potential Conflict A4 n2 n4
(e) Proposed solution implemented (f) Conflict graph updated according to
new trajectory
Figure 48: Example graph representation of aircraft and potential conflict relationships.
Working in this framework, if the graph is completely disconnected, then the airspace
is conflict-free and requires no action from the air traffic controller. Otherwise, edges exist
within the graph and the air traffic controller should issue resolution commands to resolve
potential conflicts. The act of issuing resolution commands to aircraft, assuming appropri-
ate selection and implementation of the maneuvers, removes edges in the conflict graph.
Through a series of controller actions, potential conflicts are resolved and correspondingly,
completely disconnected.
proposed, as indicated in Figure 48c and Figure 48d. Following issuance of the resolution
commands, potential conflicts are considered resolved and edges are removed from the
graph G, as depicted in Figure 48e and Figure 48f. If aircraft A3 is also issued a resolution
command, then it is possible to resolve all potential conflicts, such that the associated graph
is completely disconnected.
The graph representation above is static; however, it can be extended to the dynamic
case. A dynamic conflict graph is able to account for changes in the airspace as aircraft
enter or exit and as potential conflicts are detected and resolved. Ultimately, a dynamic
To facilitate modeling of dynamic conflict graphs, a series of terms are introduced. Each
term aids in describing if an aircraft belongs to the vertex set or is part of an element in
the edge set. Furthermore, a distinction is made to indicate if an aircraft is able to accept
The dynamic conflict graph is indicated by the discrete-time system, G(k) = (V(k), E(k)).
The set V(k) corresponds to the set of nodes belonging to the graph at time-step k. Simi-
To construct dynamic conflict graphs, the definitions below are necessary. In accordance
with the purpose of the thesis, relevant terms are defined given the existence of an advisory
Definition 6. An aircraft is visible when the decision-support tool is aware of the aircraft’s
then ni ∈ V(k).
the aircraft a resolution command. In this case, the decision-support tool is permitted to
generate a resolution command for the aircraft and propose a solution trajectory to the air
when it is located within the airspace of the managing air traffic controller or handed-off by
Definition 8. A potential conflict between two aircraft, (Ai , Aj ), is visible if the decision-
support tool predicts and identifies the potential for loss of separation. In this case, if a
In the dynamic case, the conflict graph grows and shrinks incrementally with the arrival
and departure of aircraft, and the identification and resolution of potential conflicts. Begin-
ning with the conflict graph G(k) = (V(k), E(k)), the graph is updated with the occurrence
of each event (e.g. arrival, departure, identification of a potential conflict) during each time-
step. For the time-step k, V + (k) corresponds to the set of new aircraft arriving into the
airspace over the considered interval of time. Any new potential conflicts identified within
the same time-step are described by the edge set E + (k). The new edges in E + (k) include
both potential conflicts generated by the arriving aircraft in V + (k), and any new conflicts
detected from aircraft already in the airspace. As such, E + (k) may contain nodes (aircraft)
that were already in the graph (airspace) prior to time-step k. During the conflict-detection
process, it is also possible that updated information and trajectory predictions indicate that
a potential conflict will no longer occur. The set of unrealizable potential conflicts is desig-
nated by E − (k). Following similar notation, V − (k) denotes the set of nodes corresponding
For the dynamic graph model, resolution commands are not issued at the beginning
of time-step k, but rather throughout it. Thus, the resolution process during time-step k
is not considered completed until the end of the interval. Consider a temporary graph,
G T (k) = (V T (k), E T (k)), just prior to time-step k + 1, representing the airspace before any
resolution commands have been issued, but taking into account other events within the
The temporary vertex set V T (k) contains aircraft already in the airspace, and new aircraft
entering the airspace. The edge-set E T (k) is representative of existing unresolved potential
Suppose that conflict-resolution actions act on the temporary graph G T (k). Let CRP
its input G T (k) and returns M, the set of nodes corresponding to maneuvering aircraft.
Based on the conflict-resolution procedure, the edge set is updated to provide the graph
G(k + 1) at the next time-step. For a resolution command issued to aircraft Ai to prevent
a conflict with Aj , where ni ∈ M, assume that the new advisory trajectory also prevents
issued a resolution command, then the edge (ni , nj ) is removed from the temporary graph.
Additionally, it is possible that other edges that satisfy (ni , ∗) ∈ E(k) are removed as
well, depending on the resolution command selected. Accordingly, let E r (k) represent any
removed edges by means of the conflict-resolution procedure such that G(k + 1); the graph
V(k + 1) = V T (k) \ V − (k)
T r
E(k + 1) = E (k) \ E (k).
The process described above does not require that all potential conflicts detected by
the advisory system be resolved at the current time-step. But, at the very least, pending
potential conflicts that will become realized in the next time-step without action must be
Note that the modeling here makes no distinction between trajectory-based operations
and clearance-based control of aircraft. While the modeling procedure accurately accounts
for the number of commands issued to resolve potential conflicts, in the case of clearance-
based control, any subsequent maneuvers to place the aircraft back on its intended path
are not accounted for when using lateral maneuvers (e.g. vectoring/heading commands). A
Ultimately, by following the discrete-time dynamic model dictated by the graph G(k),
The need for decision-support tools to aid air traffic controllers in the conflict-detection and
resolution process has motivated many researchers to create systems that provide advisory
support. While they transform controller practice and reduce controller workload, there is
limited understanding of how best to design and implement advisory decision-support tools.
The design of an advisory system is particularly important when one considers that no
the workload implications of any such system. This chapter takes a first step towards
modeling the conflict-detection and conflict-resolution process using graphs. In the ensuing
chapters, the graph modeling is exploited to assess the amount of effort required by air
While modeling potential conflicts through graphs is based on fundamental relationships,
the temporal dynamics rely on a number of assumptions and process constraints. Because
the dynamic graphs are discrete-time systems, the process by which aircraft arrive and
depart and potential conflicts are identified and resolved within each time-step are grouped
together. As a result of the modeling, the order in which each task is processed within
a time-step is not defined, however, some basic ordering is implicit. In the case when
an aircraft enters an airspace, the aircraft should be visible to the conflict-detection and
of the implemented conflict-detection and resolution program and thus, is left as general as
possible. Furthermore, while not directly addressed in this chapter, future modeling and
constant time-step between subsequent values of k. While most research in the current
time-steps or event-based modeling [16, 83, 100, 101], there are no requirements for such
In the previous chapter, a dynamic graph model, G(k) = (V(k), E(k)), representing air-
craft and their potential conflict relationships was introduced: aircraft appear as nodes,
and potential conflicts are indicated by edges. At each time-step, the vertex and edge sets
are updated as aircraft enter and exit the airspace, and potential conflicts are identified
to act on the conflict graph as an advisory controller. There is a remaining need to de-
tail how potential conflicts are identified, and how conflict-resolution algorithms resolve
potential conflicts and prevent future secondary conflicts. Instead of specifying the exact
on developing abstractions of the behaviors and capabilities of the tool acting on the dy-
taskload properties for many types of advisory systems can be explored. In this chapter, a
ing them in high-fidelity simulations, and analyzing their conflict-resolution taskload. Such
an approach of simulating specific conflict-detection and resolution systems limits the type
of conclusions that can be drawn concerning the design of more generic algorithms: any
and implementing simulations in a framework consistent with their abstracted representa-
tions, broader statements on the relationship between the design of algorithms and conflict-
resolution taskload, as well as best practices, can be investigated. Based on the discovery
of best practices, a more guided approach can then be taken in the design of future conflict-
In this thesis, conflict-detection and resolution systems are abstracted and parameterized
Properties 1 and 2 relate strictly to the conflict-detection process. Specifically, they cor-
respond to the capability of position sensing systems and trajectory prediction tools used
to measure and forecast aircraft positions. Based on the capabilities and limitations of
trajectory prediction and measurement systems, policies and regulations that set aircraft
spacing distances are established. The next three properties are primarily associated with
Furthermore, while the policy and information used to make decisions is a design property
with some leeway, the amount of conflict-free time a resolution system can guarantee is an
active area of research strongly correlated to the relative “strength” of an algorithm. Finally,
the solve-time is a coupling factor between the conflict-detection and conflict-resolution pro-
It is worth noting that the assessment of conflict-resolution taskload (i.e. the number
require information concerning which aircraft are in the airspace, what are their intents (i.e.
flight-plans), where potential conflicts are located, and which conflicts require resolution im-
mediately. Because conflict-resolution tools do not have access to this information natively,
they must rely on conflict-detection probes for information when generating solution trajec-
tories. Thus, when analyzing advisory decision-support tools for conflict-resolution, both
the detection process and the resolution process must be considered concurrently.
Further, for conflict-detection and resolution systems, the manner in which potential
pable of resolving near-term pending potential conflicts that are passed to the algorithm
as constraints by the conflict-detection system. Potential conflicts that are too far into the
future and contain too much uncertainty can be temporarily ignored until more accurate
information is available. Otherwise, if all identified potential conflicts are immediately for-
warded to a conflict-resolution tool and required to be resolved, then the number of advisory
resolution commands can result in superfluous conflict-resolution taskload. That is, poor
handling of uncertainties in aircraft trajectories can identify false potential conflicts that
never arise.
For the remainder of the chapter, the abstraction of conflict-detection and resolution
systems is made in regards to the properties listed above. In the next sections, a receding-
horizon control model, consistent with the dynamic conflict graph representation, is pro-
posed for describing the process by which the conflict-detection and resolution occurs; a
framework for abstracting how potential conflicts are identified is described; and finally,
systems, the advisory decision-support tools can be parameterized according to how they
5.1 Assumptions
mum standards for behaviors are required. The assumptions supporting the abstraction of
control framework.
• Potential conflicts, once labeled as not requiring resolution due to updated position
in the vertical direction. Based on the uncertainty model, a cylindrical safety region
aircraft resolution commands ensure that potential conflicts are cleared, and not just
• The conflict-resolution algorithm has the most recent trajectory prediction informa-
• The advisory resolution trajectories are considered to be acceptable to the air traffic
controller and pilot, because resolution commands are guaranteed conflict-free for a
• The air traffic controller implements resolution commands as suggested by the advi-
quired and without delay by the air traffic controller and pilot.
The last three assumptions concerning the implementation of advisory commands re-
quire a brief discussion. Despite assuming the air traffic controller implements each advisory
resolution solution as proposed by the conflict-resolution tool, that does not imply that the
air traffic controller lacks the time to verify the safety of each resolution command. Fur-
thermore, the case of rejecting advisory resolution commands is currently ignored. As one
assumption states, advisory resolution commands are assumed to be acceptable to the air
For the dynamic conflict-graph model presented in Section 4.2, the process of iteratively
work. As used in this thesis, Figure 49 illustrates the corresponding implementation schematic
Starting at the current time t, a conflict-detection tool looks at least TR minutes into
the future to check for any potential conflicts. This advanced planning is to ensure that
if resolution commands are issued, then they remain dynamically feasible and safe, even
if there is a delay in implementation by the pilot. Additionally, the buffer time provides
the air traffic controller with sufficient time to generate an alternative resolution command
if he or she elects to reject the advisory commands. The selection of TR allows for some
t Time
When potential conflicts are detected, the conflict-resolution tool can limit its scope
to only consider a subset of potential conflicts. Specifically, those pending conflicts that
occur within a finite time window of length HD . Limiting the scope prevents unnecessary
consideration of uncertain potential conflicts that are too far into the future. Furthermore,
reducing the scope enables real-time computation of resolution commands for a small set of
aircrat and potential conflicts. Based on the potential conflicts within the HD time window,
generated. The modeling procedure assumes that each trajectory solution is guaranteed
In the case of receding-horizon control, only the resolution commands associated with
The complete conflict-detection and resolution process is then repeated δt minutes later,
ad infinitum. At each δt time step, the positions of aircraft are updated. This ensures that
thereby preventing any unnecessary resolution commands due to uncertainty. The meaning
Dsep /2
Aircraft position
and implementation behind the parameters HD , HR and δt are later explored in Section 5.3
and Section 5.4 in relation to the abstraction of conflict-detection and resolution tools.
wise, potential conflicts are not identified with sufficient time to resolve them before they
become realized. Also, because the implemented resolution commands are guaranteed to
exist for at least TR + HR minutes, potential conflicts cannot occur between current time t
and t + TR .
Before applying any conflict-resolution algorithms, potential conflicts must first be detected.
min and D r
Based on these characteristics, two parameters Dsep sep are identified to describe
conflict-detection tools.
around each aircraft that no other aircraft’s safety region is permitted to penetrate. For an
aircraft’s current position, Figure 50 depicts the safety region surrounding it. The radius
min , while the
of the safety region is set by the lateral aircraft spacing requirement of Dsep
vertical buffer is set to 500 ft in each direction. Safety regions are used to classify if
potential conflicts exists. When trajectory predictions forecast that the safety regions of
two aircraft will overlap at some point in time, the aircraft are said to have a potential
conflict. Figure 51a depicts an example of a potential conflict between two aircraft flying
Projected Position
min r
Dsep + Dsep ∆τ
Current Position Current Position
(a) Potential conflicts are indicated by (b) Trajectory prediction with uncer-
overlapping safety regions tainty
radius of the safety region is modeled to grow linearly in time, as depicted in Figure 51b.
r , the radius of the safety region, when projected ∆τ
For a constant growth rate of Dsep
min at the current time, to D min + D r ∆τ in the future.
minutes in advance, grows from Dsep sep sep
Again, potential conflicts are identified according to overlapping safety regions. Growing
the safety regions over time around the predicted aircraft positions is a robust approach to
ing systems and trajectory-prediction tools. As stated previously, high altitude en route
regulations state that aircraft should always maintain a minimum separation of 5 NM. In
practice however, air traffic controllers begin to issue resolution commands when it appears
aircraft trajectories will come within 8-9 NM of each other. While 4 NM, and even 2 NM
separations are still far from a mid-air collision, uncertainty in radar systems inhibit air
traffic controllers from spacing aircraft at these tight distances. For common en route radar
systems, position updates arrive approximately every 12 seconds from a filtered radar data
stream [76]. Because radar position reports degrade with distance, over 250 NM, “aircraft
less than 5 miles apart could theoretically swap positions on radar monitors [76].” So while
radar systems may indicate clearance at 5 NM, noises in sensor measurements can obscure
the fact that aircraft are much closer, even if filtering algorithms (e.g. alpha-beta filters) are
present to estimate aircraft positions [102]. Ultimately, future reductions in aircraft spacing
requirements will require a safety assessment that considers radar error, as well as other
factors such as potential stresses and failures (airspace structure, controller/aircrew work-
load, communication systems), in order to limit the acceptable risk for a mid-air collision
[60]. Further, air traffic controllers add their own safety buffers to ensure they adhere to
safety regulations. In designing advisory conflict-detection and resolution tools, the conflict-
detection sub-system will be required to mimic the same behavior as air traffic controllers.
min is initially tied to aircraft separation requirements (i.e. 5 NM), it is best to
While Dsep
think of the term in regards to how conflict-detection and resolution systems space aircraft.
min parameter,
That is, if an advisory system detects a potential conflict according to the Dsep
then it advises a resolution trajectory to the air traffic controller. Note, however, in practice
the air traffic controller is not required to implement the proposed trajectory if they feel it
is unnecessary. This potential case occurs when the conflict-detection and resolution system
predicts a potential conflict, yet the air traffic controller is confident one will not occur.
simplification based on prior studies. Recent works have indicated that the along-track
error in trajectory position grows linearly along straight paths [34, 42, 74] - hence, the use
r . The short-coming of such an approach
of a linear model based on the parameter Dsep
is that uncertainty is assumed to grow isotropically in the X-Y plane. Additionally, the
model assumes no uncertainty in the vertical direction. This simplified model does not
replicate the types of errors associated with position reporting systems and trajectory-
min and D r
prediction tools [96, 67, 39]. Nonetheless, the parameters Dsep min enable a basic
model to understand how potential conflicts are labeled according to aircraft spacing and
min , the aircraft spacing distance indicating advisement
Based on the two parameters Dsep
of a resolution command; and Dsep the growth rate in position uncertainty, the behavior
min is the aircraft
of the conflict-detection process can be parameterized. The parameter Dsep
spacing distance used to label potential conflicts that require advisories. Based on the
around each aircraft. When the safety regions encircling the forecast positions of the two
aircraft overlap in space-time, the conflict-detection tool dictates that according to current
information the conflict-resolution tool advise a resolution command. The parameter Dsep
should be set to a value greater than or equal to the minimum required separation distance.
Definition 11. The uncertainty parameter Dmin represents the growth in trajectory pre-
Much like conflict-detection tools, the capabilities and behaviors of conflict-resolution al-
to as the decision-horizon time and the conflict-free resolution time. Additionally, the
abstraction also makes use of δt, the solve-time parameter. The parameters HD , HR , and
δt are first described assuming the presence of a conflict resolution procedure (CRP), such
as the one introduced in Chapter 4. Next, the decision policies forming the backbone of
5.4.1 Implementations and Capabilities: HD , HR , and δt
a dynamic conflict graph is described according to Equation 16. Taking as its input the
temporary conflict graph at the current time step, G T (k), the conflict-resolution procedure,
CRP , outputs resolution commands to a set of aircraft M. That is, M = CRP (G T (k)). It
is important to note that the decision of which aircraft to maneuver need not be based on
procedure did consider all aircraft and potential conflicts, even those far into the future,
there exists the possibility that the conflict-resolution problem would no longer be com-
the horizontal plane, for n aircraft involved in potential conflicts, the number of possible
discrete decisions scales according to n(n − 1)/2. At 2X traffic levels, it is not uncommon
any other necessary calculations (fuel-burn, topologically similar yet alternative routes),
implementation-time, even with simple algorithms [100]. Section 5.5 has a more detailed
To simplify the search for resolution commands, the conflict-resolution procedure can
trim G T (k) to limit the amount of information it considers in generating resolution trajec-
tories. Trimming of temporary conflict graph G T (k) yields a sub-graph referred to as the
decision graph, denoted Ĝ(k). The size of the decision-graph is established by the parameter
HD , the decision-horizon time. Now, instead of considering all potential conflicts, only a
subset of them are considered when solving the conflict-resolution problem. More formal
indicates the time range over which conflict-resolution algorithms consider potential conflicts
Definition 13. The decision-graph, Ĝ(k) = (V̂(k), Ê(k)), at time-step k, for the current
Conflict considered in decision−making N3
A2 N2 N4
(a) Small value of HD (b) Ĝ(k): Small value of HD
A2 N2 N4
(c) Larger value of HD (d) Ĝ(k): Larger value of HD
Figure 52: Representation of potential conflicts that are considered in the decision-making
where the values tci,j are the predicted potential conflicts times given by Equation 4.
A better understanding of the use of decision graphs and the decision-horizon time
can be gained through the examples illustrated in Figure 52. When HD is small, the
and A2 (see Figure 52a and Figure 52b). Consequently, the conflict-resolution procedure
generates a resolution command for one of the aircraft assuming that aircraft A3 and A4
to include the potential conflicts between aircraft A1 and A4 , and between aircraft A2 and
A3 . Thus, when deciding how to resolve the potential conflict between A1 and A2 , the
future resolution actions of A3 and A4 are considered, assuming that they are required to
maneuver. In contrast, for the prior case with a small value of HD , the conflict-resolution
interaction with conflict-detection tools beyond the initial labeling of potential conflicts.
Because the value of HD relates to how far in advance potential conflicts are considered,
is perhaps most related to the ability to ensure separation between aircraft. If an algorithm
is unable to generate resolution commands that maintain proper spacing, then its value
algorithm poorly routes aircraft, thereby generating secondary conflicts, then the advisory
tool might create more work than it was intended to resolve. In parameterizing the strength
duced. The value of HR represents the amount of time a conflict-resolution algorithm can
The importance of the conflict-free resolution time HR is illustrated in Figure 53. When
resolving a potential conflict, there is little value in issuing a resolution command to pre-
vent one conflict if it generates another. As such, the relative size of HR is important.
only be guaranteed for short time-horizons, then air traffic controllers might be required to
While the conflict-free time is stated as guaranteed, this is an assumption used only for
Potential Conflict
(a) Original traffic scenario
Resolved Path
(b) Resolved scenario with small HR generating sec-
ondary conflict
Resolved Path
(c) Resolved scenario with larger HR avoiding secondary
Figure 53: Larger values of the guaranteed conflict-free time, HR , help to prevent secondary
mathematical modeling purposes. There are no guaranteed conflict-free algorithms. Fur-
thermore, the lack of provably safe algorithms is one argument supporting the implemen-
conflict-free time can be thought of as an expected value that is satisfied with probability
1 − , where → 0.
δt: Solve-Time. The parameter δt is used to describe how often the conflict-resolution
identification of potential conflicts which might not occur. While a rapid update rate for
can only make use of information available when it begins solving the conflict-resolution
Consider the case when the conflict-detection system prompts a conflict-resolution al-
gorithm to resolve a number of potential conflicts. Also suppose that while the conflict-
resolution problem is being solved, the conflict-detection system updates the state of po-
tential conflicts such that one potential conflict is identified to no longer occur. Because
thus, a resolution advisory is generated for the no-longer existent potential conflict.
The conflict-resolution algorithm gets snap-shots of the airspace, and must make de-
cisions using the best available information. An illustration of this idea is provided in
Figure 54. From the perspective of the conflict-resolution tool, the current positions and
trajectories of aircraft are updated every δt minutes. And likewise, the safety region around
Definition 15. The parameter δt corresponds to the solve-time, or how often the conflict-
resolution problem is solved. Accordingly, aircraft position and trajectory prediction, and po-
Predicted Position
2δt later
Actual Trajectory
Predicted Trajectory Predicted Position
δt later
Trajectory Prediction
Figure 54: With solve-times of δt, trajectory predictions are updated for each implementa-
tion of the conflict-resolution tool.
In Section 5.5 a discussion of solution times and the parameters HD and HR is provided.
Once potential conflicts are identified, the role of the advisory conflict-resolution algorithm
is to select which aircraft should receive resolution commands. This section details three
underlying policies for selecting aircraft. The first policy implements a simple first-come,
first-served (FCFS) heuristic. The second policy randomly selects aircraft to maneuver until
all potential conflicts are resolved. The final policy, is the Minimum Conflict-Resolution
Taskload (MCRT) policy, which minimizes the number of resolution commands used to
deconflict traffic.
Other conflict-resolution policies are detailed in Appendix A, all of which are ruled-based
The three policies highlighted in this section are specifically chosen to better understand
the bounds on conflict-resolution taskload. The MCRT policy minimizing the number of
resolution command proposed at each time-step. Thereby approaching a lower bound on the
conflict-resolution taskload when implemented over long time periods. The FCFS policy is
representative of other generic rule-based heuristic policies. And finally, the random policy
serves as a pseudo-upper bound and baseline standard for determining if other policies result
within the receding-horizon framework, receives as part of its input a description of the
includes the temporary conflict-graph, G T (k), for the current time-step. Following the
procedure then forms the decision graph, Ĝ(k) = (V̂(k), Ê(k)). Aircraft that are visible to
the automated system at the time-step k, are represented by the vertex set V̂(k). Potential
tential conflicts according to the order in which they are predicted to occur.
The decision policies presented in this thesis are representative of non-cooperative conflict-
resolution policies that maneuver only aircraft involved in potential conflicts. While there
does not exist a formal definition for cooperative or non-cooperative conflict-resolution poli-
Consider a potential conflict between aircraft Ai and Aj that requires at least one
aircraft to maneuver. Let Ci and Cj represent the cost of maneuvering one aircraft or the
other. Additionally, let Ci,j be the cost of maneuvering both aircraft to resolve the potential
Ci,j ≤ Ci + Cj (20)
aircraft is the preferred option over maneuvering a single aircraft. Conversely for non-
for each pairwise conflict. Therefore, in the case of a single pairwise conflict, only one
heuristic that uses sequential path planning to generate safe aircraft trajectories. When
implemented with conflict-priority ordering, conflicts are resolved sequentially until none
remain. For each conflict-pair, (Ai , Aj ), the aircraft arriving first into the sector is given
priority, and thus, the aircraft arriving later is issued an advisory resolution command.
The algorithm for implementing the FCFS policy with conflict-priority ordering at time-
step k is found in Procedure 2. Procedure 2 is initialized with the decision graph, Ê(k), then
potential conflicts are processed in the order of predicted occurrence. The predicted time of
occurrence for each potential conflict between aircraft Ai and Aj is denoted by the variable
tci,j . Once the nearest pending unresolved potential conflict is identified, the arrival times
for the aircraft are compared to determine which aircraft to maneuver. In Procedure 2,
the temporary decision vector, mT , contains the ordered set of aircraft that are issued
resolution commands according to the FCFS policy with conflict-priority ordering. The
value of mTq refers to the q th aircraft to be issued a resolution command. Because the
receding-horizon control framework only issues resolution commands to those aircraft with
potential conflicts occurring in the [t + TR , t + TR + δt] time interval, later potential conflicts
are left to be solved in the future. The final step of the procedure is to segregate the
aircraft associated with near-term potential conflicts. The output is M, the set of aircraft
Procedure 2 First-Come, First-Served with Conflict-Priority Ordering
E T ← Ê(k), q = 0
while card(E T ) do
q =q+1
ET ← ET \ (mTq , ∗)
end while
I = [t + TR , t + TR + δt]
M = {m | m ∈ mT ∩ ∃tcm,∗ ∈ I}
process for resolving potential conflicts; the procedure for FCFS without conflict-priority
The primary advantages of the FCFS policy is that it provides a straightforward proce-
dure to decide which aircraft are issued resolution commands. In regards to queuing for a
service, the idea of prioritizing aircraft according to entry times appears sensible. However,
one disadvantage of the FCFS policy is that there exists the possibility of consistently favor-
ing aircraft traveling along specific routes. For example, consider the jetroutes illustrated
in Figure 55 for ZMP42. For east-bound traffic along route J64, and north-bound traffic
along route J25, a common point along the jetroutes promotes the possibility of potential
conflicts. When operating under a FCFS policy, in the case of a potential conflict, the air-
craft traveling along J64 are given priority over aircraft on J25 because they arrive into the
sector earlier (as estimated by the distance between the aircraft entry points into the sector
and the potential conflict). Through the FCFS decision mechanism, aircraft flying along
specific routes are consistently favored over others, which could be considered as ‘unfair’
by air traffic carriers that heavily traffic the unfavored routes. While there is no direct
95° W
42° N J25
40° N
fairness is often noted by designers of algorithms [2, 15, 45, 97, 101].
serves two purposes. First, in contrast to the FCFS policy, a random policy for assigning
which aircraft are maneuvered does not contain biases that are favorable to a particular
with the conflict-resolution taskload of other heuristic policies. For example, if the conflict-
resolution taskload of the FCFS policy is greater than that for the random policy, then it
can be stated that the FCFS policy yields excessive conflict-resolution taskload.
Procedure 3 Random with Conflict-Priority Ordering
E T ← Ê(k), q = 0
while card(E T ) do
q =q+1
ET ← ET \ (mTq , ∗)
end while
I = [t + TR , t + TR + δt]
M = {m | m ∈ mT ∩ ∃tcm,∗ ∈ I}
One possible random policy is described by Procedure 3. The policy randomly selects
which aircraft are issued advisory resolution commands according to conflict-priority order-
have relied on fixed procedures to determine which aircraft should be issued a resolution
command. Further, none of the policies explicitly consider the potential repercussions on
(MCRT), overcomes this short-coming. Furthermore, the policy seeks to established a lower-
bound on the amount of effort required to manage an airspace according to the capabilities
establishing the amount of effort required by air traffic controllers to manage and separate
aircraft within an airspace when using an advisory decision-support tool. Currently, the
Through a graph-based approach, tools from graph theory are applied to determine a lower
x x
n1 n6 n1 n6
n4 n4
n2 n5 n2 n5
n3 n3
ni Removed Node
x x
(a) Initial graph. (b) Resulting graph.
minimum vertex cover problem for graphs. According to [104], the minimum vertex cover
problem (MVCP) asks: ‘What is the minimum number of nodes that can be removed from
a graph, such that the remaining graph is completely disconnected?’ The corresponding act
of removing a node ni from the graph G, is equivalent to issuing the aircraft Ai a resolution
Figure 56. Following removal of the nodes, the remaining graph is completely disconnected
as illustrated in Figure 56b. (Note, the minimum vertex cover problem can have multiple
solutions.) In the case of applying the minimum vertex cover problem to conflict-resolution,
instead of removing nodes from the graph, any edges associated with the node are removed
from the edge set. That is, if aircraft Ai is issued a resolution command, then after applying
The minimum vertex cover problem can be expressed as a Mixed Integer Linear Pro-
gram (MILP). While, there exist efficient large-scale methods for solving the NP-complete
minimum taskload problem [18, 19, 88], given the relative size of the conflict graphs found
in air traffic (i.e. less than 20 aircraft per conflict cluster, see Chapter 3 and [41]), the MILP
formulation can be solved with sufficient speed (i.e. 0.02 seconds) by most standard integer
program solvers (e.g. CPLEX or LPSolve, and even Matlab).
For the decision graph Ĝ(k) = (V̂(k), Ê(k)) with M aircraft, let Ri be a binary variable
indicating if aircraft Ai is to be issued a resolution command. If any two aircraft have nodes
within the edge set Ê(k), then at least one of the corresponding binary variables must be
resolution commands is equivalent to minimizing the sum of the binary variables, Ri . The
min i=1 Ri
Ri ∈ {0, 1} ∀ i = 1 . . . M
The solution to the MVCP for conflict resolution is then given by the indices of the non-zero
The optimization problem in Equation 22 serves as the foundation for the minimum
conflict-resolution taskload policy. The procedure for the MCRT policy is given in Procedure 4.
The function M V CP (Ê(k)) represents the application of the minimum vertex cover prob-
I = [t + TR , t + TR + δt]
M = {m | m ∈ mT ∩ ∃tcm,∗ ∈ I}
from a practical perspective, the ability to design an algorithm with large values of HD and
HR , and a small value of δt is challenging. That is, considering large amounts of information
Option 1
Aircraft 1 Aircraft 2
Option 2
Figure 57: In the planar case, there exist two topologically distinct options for each resolu-
tion command.
Consider a potential conflict between two aircraft, as illustrated in Figure 57. Assuming
reasonable behavior of aircraft routings (e.g. no loops), there exist two topologically distinct
options for one aircraft maneuver around the other. For the case presented in the figure,
these options are colloquially posed as “left or right.” Recognizing that “left or right” is
a relative term, it does not matter which aircraft is actually issued the maneuver. And
fundamentally, for the planar case there are only two options regardless of the aircraft
configuration (e.g. trailing aircraft: pass or stay behind; crossing aircraft: pass in front
or pass behind) that represent two disconnected solution spaces. When extended to the
combinations for the “left or right” option is given by n(n − 1)/2, i.e. n choose 2.
For optimal formulations, the only way to ensure an optional solution is to exhaus-
tively search through all possible decision-options (e.g. using branch and bound methods
[80]). Thus, as the number of aircraft grows large, the disconnected solution space makes
optimization difficult. This process can be quite time consuming when other options and
constraints are considered. For example, constraints associated with aircraft dynamics re-
strict the size of each disconnected solution space, thereby making it challenging to even
find initial feasible solutions to begin optimizing over (e.g. applying gradient descent meth-
ods). Furthermore, when relaxing which aircraft are allowed to maneuver, the “left or
right” disconnected spaces are further subdivided into at least three options for each air-
craft pair: maneuver aircraft 1, maneuver aircraft 2, maneuver both aircraft, maneuver no
aircraft (assuming this option is allowable). With each disconnected sub-space, solution
times generally increase. In the worst case, solution times grow exponentially.
issues associated with optimal formulations by providing a fixed search procedure through
a library of possible trajectory solutions. Because of the fixed library size, and a prescribed
and dictated heuristic search procedure, rule-based methods often run in real-time [32, 73].
related to the heuristic search procedure and the size of the solution library. Furthermore,
based search, these methods only consider pairwise conflicts when generating resolution
commands. Thus, when resolving one potential conflict, possible secondary effects related
There are key distinctions between rule-based and optimal formulations in their solu-
tion times and implementations. The rule-based methods require that HD = 0 minutes, as
only individual potential conflicts are considered at each time-step. Optimal formulations
allow HD to be set at any desired value. However, as HD grows, the number of potential
conflicts considered in the optimal formulation increases. As such, the solution space be-
comes increasingly disconnected (scaled by n(n − 1)/2), thereby making it difficult to solve
course attempts around this problem have been made by a number of researchers, partic-
In the degenerate case when HD = 0 for the rule-based heuristics, a set of n problems
is solved with 2(n − 1) binary decision-options. While requiring a greater number of binary
decisions than the simultaneous problem (n(n − 1)/2 total binary decisions), the complete
set of smaller problems can be solved faster than the simultaneous formulation [4].
Increasing the value of HR is similarly constrained by the requirement for advisory tools
to issue resolution commands in real-time. Consider the dynamic routing problem illus-
trated in Figure 58, in which an aircraft must find a path through moving weather (moving
weather is a proxy for other aircraft). At each point along the aircraft trajectory, x(t),
the constraint x(t) 6∈ W(t) ∀t (where W(t) represents weather blockages) must be satis-
fied at each time-step. For the path planning problem, as HR increases, the number of
Figure 58: Finding solution to the motion planning problem becomes increasingly difficult
as time horizons increase.
weather blockage constraints scales linearly. Meanwhile, additional constraints that ensure
trajectory solutions satisfy aircraft dynamics (e.g. turn rates and stall speeds) are included.
Furthermore, what makes the path planning problem even more difficult is that trajecto-
ries around moving weather (or aircraft) are inherently nonlinear, nonconvex, and multi-
segmented. These properties prevent application of fast linear optimization algorithms (e.g.
simplex) in solving the routing problem, and they require any rule-based algorithm to have
In summary, large values of HR and HD are preferred for improved optimality and
practice. In many cases, with current computational constraints, the solution times for
special cases of interest. These special cases are representative of absolute lower bounds, or
perfect knowledge and capabilities: all potential conflicts are correctly identified far into
the future without the need for conservatively safe buffers, and all resolution commands are
policy is applied with these parameters, the solution represents the minimum number of res-
olution commands used to separate aircraft. The solution serves as an absolute lower bound
for all policies for a given traffic scenario. Thus, based on the solution to this special imple-
mentation, all other implementations in the remaining parameter space and policy space,
conflicts are identified, they are resolved immediately without delay in computation.
pairwise sequential conflict resolution common to rule-based heuristic policies. The conflict-
contains a single potential conflict (assuming simultaneity of potential conflicts does not
than HD ; otherwise, within each time-interval not all conflicts are detected. Taking this
case to an extreme, when the guaranteed conflict-free resolution time, HR , is small (e.g.
1 minute), the system behaves reactively ,solving conflicts as they appear and only in the
short-term. Such behavior is similar to the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
which is designed to resolve any last-second conflicts that were not identified and resolved
by the air traffic controller. TCAS represents the last line of safety, and its use is considered
to be a failure. However, a difference between the previous policies described and TCAS,
At this stage, with the exception of the specification of conflict-free times, no assumptions
are made concerning the nature of the resolution commands provided by the decision-
support tool. That is, each resolution command can consist of any number and type of
As an example, consider a potential conflict between two aircraft flying at level flight.
Two possible resolution solutions include a flight level change and a lateral change for one of
Top View
Side View
Original Trajectory
Resolved Trajectory
(a) Vertical resolution solu- (b) Lateral resolution solution.
the aircraft. As illustrated in Figure 59, in the latter case, a lateral resolution command can
consist of multiple heading changes. Lateral maneuvers contain multiple heading resolutions
to ensure that the aircraft returns to its original path. This type of path is refer to as a
‘closed loop’ trajectory. In other cases, if the heading change aligns with a future point in
the flight plan, then a direct routing can be issued. This bypasses segments of the original
flight plan. Because of the distinction between a resolution command and a resolution
Under current clearance-based control operations, the air traffic controller issues vocal
clearances for each resolution maneuver by an aircraft. So, the conflict-detection and resolu-
tion model proposed in this thesis may account for each resolution maneuver used to prevent
a conflict, but future maneuvers to ensure a close-loop trajectory are not considered. As
bound. When only vertical maneuvers are used to deconflict traffic, the number of maneu-
Under the future NextGen system, the manner in which aircraft are issued resolution
commands is likely to change. A major component of the NextGen system is the inclusion
conflicts, a complete trajectory is approved and communicated to the aircraft. The trans-
mission of the new trajectory information can be communicated in multiple ways; however,
Top View Top View
Desired Desired
Exit Exit
(a) Closed-loop resolution (b) Avoidance maneuver.
Figure 60: Difference between avoidance maneuvers and closed-loop resolution commands.
the most likely manner will be through digital data channels. Adherence to the amended
trajectory is made possible through improved navigation aids such as GPS. Assuming air-
craft conform to their trajectories, then air traffic controllers are only required to track
aircraft that have potential conflicts and to provide additional services (e.g. congestion
and weather alerts) to aircraft as requested. For trajectory-based operations, the conflict-
resolution taskload of each policy more closely approximates the amount of effort required
by the controller. Only in the case of amendments to a trajectory, is the air traffic controller
rithms. As previously stated in Section 5.1, the model here assumes existence of resolution
trajectories that clear potential conflicts, not just avoid them, as there is a critical distinction
between the two cases. A visual representation that distinguishes between the avoidance
in Figure 60. For the closed-loop resolution solution in Figure 60a, the aircraft reaches its
destination. In contrast, for avoidance maneuvers there is no guarantee that aircraft are
guided to their desired destinations. Instead, by constantly avoiding conflict, the aircraft is
5.8 Review
In a major literature review by Kuchar and Yang [56], the authors created a classification
system to describe conflict-detection and resolution systems. The taxonomy they utilized
considered whether the algorithms were probabilistic, deterministic, or robust; the types
of resolution maneuvers allowed (vertical, heading, speed); the solution methodology (pre-
scribed, optimized, force field, manual); and whether the formulations were pairwise or
global. In classifying algorithms, some properties and concerns of the conflict-detection and
resolution tools can be readily identified and compared (e.g. deterministic prescribed algo-
rithms fail to capture uncertainty, however they can be solved rapidly). In a similar fashion,
this chapter attempt to capture the capabilities of the algorithms. In doing so, assessments
detection and resolution problem is continuously solved. At each time-step, potential con-
flicts are identified and resolved. The resolution commands for potential conflicts occurring
in the near future are immediately advised to the air traffic controller by the decision-support
tool. Potential conflicts that occur later in the future are still identified and resolved in the
context of immediately pending conflicts; however, advisory commands are not proposed to
behaviors and capabilities of the conflict-detection and resolution systems are provided.
Conflict-detection systems are described according to how potential conflicts are labeled as
in advance potential conflicts are considered and for how long resolution commands are
guaranteed to be conflict-free.
Without actually delineating how the resolution maneuvers are selected, the framework
and parameterization of the conflict-detection and resolution tools has been extended be-
yond that conceived by Kuchar and Yang. By characterizing advisory tools according to key
model parameters and policies, a common methodology for analyzing the conflict-resolution
taskload of algorithms is now possible.
In the previous chapters, a model for generating uncontrolled traffic scenarios is proposed, a
the relationship between conflict-resolution taskload and the design and implementation of
to extract relevant information. In this chapter, the simulation model used to implement
the conflict-resolution taskload for each traffic scenario and implementation is recorded, and
with the prior abstractions, is in representing the conflict-detection and resolution pro-
cess without specifying the exact trajectory solutions used in resolving potential conflicts.
When resolution trajectories are not specified, the manner by which secondary conflicts
are generated is ill-defined. Prior to describing the process for simulating the abstracted
conflict-detection and resolution tools, some additional properties related to the conflict-
resolution process must be stated such that approximations can be placed into context.
When an air traffic controller or conflict-resolution tool issues a command, ideally, the
resulting aircraft trajectory reduces or removes the possibility of future potential conflicts
o (A |tc ∈ [t, t + ∆τ ]) denote the probability for aircraft A to
in the near-term. Let Pcon i i,∗ i
have a potential conflict in the time interval [t, t + ∆τ ] prior to any resolution commands.
+ (A |tc ∈ [t, t + ∆τ ]) denote the probability of potential conflict after aircraft
And let Pcon i i,∗
Pcon (Ai |tci,∗ ∈ [t, t + ∆τ ]) < Pcon
(Ai |tci,∗ ∈ [t, t + ∆τ ]) (23)
should be satisfied for some value of ∆τ ∈ R+ . It is desired that all possibility for a
potential conflict disappears after implementing a resolution command, such that
Pcon (Ai |tci,∗ ∈ [t, t + ∆τ ]) = 0. (24)
Now, what occurs beyond TR +HR minutes is of particular interest in this chapter. Conflict-
resolution solutions are modeled not to satisfy Equation 24 for ∆τ > (TR + HR ), so there
always exists some probability of secondary conflicts. As it stands, the dynamic graph model
and the abstractions of conflict-detection and resolution tools do not directly indicate how
act of generating specified resolution commands is exactly what the abstraction of conflict-
detection and resolution tools aims to avoid. This chapter presents a method for mimicking
secondary conflicts.
To generate traffic scenarios for simulating the abstracted advisory conflict-detection and
resolution tools, the conflict relationships described by the complete uncontrolled graphs
G = (V, E) introduced in Chapter 3 are used. The uncontrolled graph approximates po-
tential conflict relationships that would occur if aircraft flew irrespective of each other and
without any input from an air traffic controller. For the purposes of simulation, the uncon-
trolled graph is expanded to include potential conflicts beyond the standard 5 NM minimum
separation requirement. Instead, all aircraft pairs, (Ai , Aj ), that come within 15 NM and
1000 vertical feet of each other are included as part of the complete edge set E. Also,
miss , as well as the predicted
encoded as part of the graph is the minimum miss-distance Di,j
As noted previously, the use of uncontrolled conflict graphs, G, is not directly applicable to
the dynamic graphs, G(k), modeled in Chapter 4. For simulations, a proxy for the dynamic
graph is required because the realization of secondary conflicts is not directly possible with-
istic sampling of the uncontrolled conflict graph adds and removes nodes and edges to the
proxy dynamic graph, thereby mimicking entering and exiting aircraft and the detection
graph G = (V, E). The conflict-detection and resolution process is applied at discrete time-
The output of the function is the graph G̃(k). The graph G̃(k) represents an approximation
Aircraft Ai , as represented in the approximated dynamic graph, is considered visible and
controllable if its arrival time, tai , is greater than t + TR . Furthermore, all potential conflicts
The next steps correspond to the conflict-resolution procedure. Based on the approxi-
mated dynamic graph G̃(k), an approximated decision-graph, Ĝ(k), is constructed to include
only those potential conflicts within HD + TR of the current time. The conflict-decision pol-
icy (e.g. FCFS, MCRT, random) is applied through the function CR(Ĝ(k)) in step 7.
Implicit in the function call is that any other additional information required in deciding
which aircraft to maneuver (e.g. arrival times, flight phase, etc) is included. After applying
the decision policy, the output of the function is the set of maneuvering aircraft M. Based
on which aircraft are maneuvered, the uncontrolled conflict-graph, G = (V, E), is updated.
For an aircraft Ai that is issued a resolution command at time t, all future potential conflicts
then repeated until the time-span for the traffic scenario, as defined by tsim , is completed.
2: k = 0, t = 0
4: k = k + 1, t = t + δt
5: min , D min )
G̃(k) = CD(G, t, Dsep r
˜ ˜ ˜
6: Ĝ(k) = (V̂(k), Ê(k)) where
V̂(k) = Ṽ(k)
Ê(k) = {(ni , ni )|(ni , ni ) ∈ Ẽ(k) ∩ tci,j ≤ (t + TR + HR )}
7: M = CR(Ĝ(k))
9: E = E \ Er
The final steps 8 and 9 of the simulation procedure are key to approximating secondary
of conflict during the interval [t, t + TR + HR ] is zero. In other words, Equation 24 holds
the uncontrolled conflict graph G are maintained even after resolution commands are imple-
mented. In this way, the simulation keeps the probability of conflict outside the time interval
[t, t+TR +HR ] constant when a resolution command is issued. Not only does the probability
of potential conflict remain statistically similar for the open interval (t + TR + H + R, ∞),
but so does the set of aircraft for which potential conflicts might involve. In this sense, the
Pcon (Ai |tci,∗ ∈ (t + TR + HR , ∞)) = Pcon
(Ai |tci,∗ ∈ (t + TR + HR , ∞)) (27)
when applying a wide range of conflict-detection and resolution policies, without actually
Resolution commands often take aircraft off their intended paths, either due to altitude
changes or lateral movements. As such, the aircraft maneuvers might cause interactions
that would not have occurred if aircraft maintained their desired routes. However, there
TR + HR minutes after a resolution command remain the same or change. Therefore, the
assuming that conflict-free resolution commands of length HR always exists. As such, future
Using the simulation described in Procedure 5, a wide variety of parameter settings and
traffic cases are considered in the execution of the abstracted conflict-detection and resolu-
tion tools. In line with the intent of supporting a 3X traffic demand by 2025, simulations
consider 50 traffic scenarios for intensities from 1X to 3X current traffic levels. The sce-
narios are selected from the 100 uncontrolled traffic scenarios generated in Chapter 2, and
parsed down to consider only the 10 hour window between 10AM and 8PM. Explicitly
the traffic intensities, I, come from the set, {1, 1.25, 1.5, . . . , 2.75, 3}X for the three sectors,
ZMP12, ZMP16, and ZMP42. A description of the traffic and a primary conflict analysis
of the considered airspaces was provided Chapter 3. The three sectors chosen for simula-
tion are representative of distinct classes of airspaces commonly found in en route centers.
ZMP42 is a high altitude sector with the most traffic flowing east-bound or west-bound;
the majority of traffic in ZMP16 is beginning its initial descent into Minneapolis St-Paul
International Airport; and ZMP12 is a large high-altitude sector with numerous crossing
routes. Figure 61 illustrates each sector’s location and traffic within the airspace.
min × D r × δt × H × H ), for each traffic
The parameter or configuration space, (I × Dsep sep D R
scenario and decision policy covers a wide range, from best-case to a slightly degraded
Figure 61: Traffic density map of ZMP center, highlighting sectors of interest.
version of current-day operations. The range of values for each parameter are as follows:
• Dsep
min ∈ {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} NM
• Dsep
r ∈ {0, 1/6, 1/3, 1/2} NM/min
• δt ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} minutes
Appendix A are included as part of the simulations. A total of 45,662,400 simulations were
run, covering a range of airspaces, traffic intensities, decision policies, and configurations.
Using the abstracted models in Chapter 5, and the simulation environment in Chapter 6,
The abstraction of conflict-detection systems considers how potential conflicts are iden-
min and D r . The value D min , the aircraft
tified. The corresponding parameters are Dsep sep sep
spacing distance, defines a safety region around each aircraft that no other aircraft is al-
lowed to penetrate. If two safety regions are projected to overlap in time, then a resolution
policy used to select which aircraft are maneuvered; how much information is used in the
decision-making process; how long resolution commands are guaranteed conflict-free; and
how often the conflict-resolution problem is solved. Example decision policies include a
simple first-come, first-served policy, a policy that maneuvers randomly selected aircraft,
and an optimal decision policy that uses the least possible number of resolution commands.
min , D r , δt, H , and H ) and changing the
Adjusting each of the parameters (Dsep sep D R
polices, simulations are executed at different traffic intensities. Following the completion
of the simulations, the conflict-resolution taskload is extracted for each traffic scenario and
configuration, and scaled according to the traffic intensity (see Hypothesis 1 in Chapter 2).
The next section explores basic relationships between each parameter and the conflict-
resolution taskload. A series of sensitivity analysis studies are then performed. The goal is
to extract best practices, enabling the design of advisory conflict-detection and resolution
The first sensitivity analysis seeks to understand the potential benefits of improving a
single parameter. Understanding the potential impact of a single parameter and its behav-
ior with regards to conflict-resolution taskload, helps motivate the subsequent studies. In
relationships to conflict-resolution taskload. The next section addresses the relative value of
reduced aircraft spacing as compared to improved conflict-resolution tools. Section 7.5 fol-
lows with a study that considers the benefit of long-term guaranteed conflict-free resolution
commands. Finally, the last analysis examines how uncertainty and solve-times should be
managed. Based on results from each of the studies, suggestions for the design of advisory
considered term.
Traffic Intensity and Aircraft Spacing. Figure 62 illustrates the quadratic and linear
ration description, the quadratic and linear models hold. Averaging 50 simulation runs for
each configuration and applying a least-squares fit, errors between predicted averages and
simulation averages closely match. Table 4 contains the worst-case average and maximum
errors over all implementations, policies, sectors, and traffic intensities. As indicated in
the table, the quadratic model (E[N ] = cI 2 ) for predicting the conflict-resolution taskload
as a function of traffic intensity has a maximum error of 5.6 resolution commands. Like-
min (E[N ] = cD min ) is always within 1.8 resolution commands
wise, the linear model for Dsep sep
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
200 300
0 4 6 8 10
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Dsep [NM]
(a) Traffic Intensity (b) Aircraft Separation
Figure 62: Qualitative behavior of conflict-resolution taskload with regards to the traffic
intensity and aircraft spacing.
Table 4: Worst-case model errors between simulation averages and predicted averages over
all configurations, traffic intensities, and sectors.
Parameter Max Abs. Error Mean Abs. Error Max % Error Mean % Error
I 5.6 3.19 8.3% 4.4%
Dsep 1.8 0.2 1.1% 0.2%
Dsep 11.6 1.3 6.8% 1.4%
δt 4.7 0.4 1.5% 0.3%
of the expected conflict-resolution taskload generated by the simulations. The model de-
scribing the conflict-resolution taskload according to the intensity, I, and aircraft spacing,
min , remains the same with controlled or uncontrolled traffic. Recall that a prior study
Uncertainty and Solve-Times. Isolating the terms Dsep and δt individually, the ex-
pected conflict-resolution taskload grows linearly with each parameter, as shown in Figure 63.
The corresponding models predicting the conflict-resolution taskload are E[N ] = c1 +c2 Dsep
and E[N ] = c3 + c4 δt. For some implementations, the slope of the line of best-fit for the
uncertainty on the conflict-resolution taskload is small, and vice versa. The linear models
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
400 520
0 0.2 0.4 0 1 2 3 4
Dsep [NM/min] δt [min]
(a) Prediction Uncertainty Growth (b) Solve-Time
Figure 63: Qualitative behavior of conflict-resolution taskload with regards to the uncer-
tainty and solve-time.
parison to the other parameters. For the decision-horizon time, when using a rule-based
dent of HD , as shown by the constant trend-lines in Figure 64a and Figure 64b. The inde-
of the procedures describing rule-based policies. For the rule-based heuristic policies with
selection of which aircraft to maneuver does not depend on the decision-graph. Thus, the
size of the decision-graph, dictated by HD , does not change which aircraft are maneuvered.
In contrast, the minimum conflict-resolution taskload policy (MCRT) does not exhibit this
property, as shown in Figure 64c. With larger values of HD , the decision-graph increases
in size, thereby providing the policy with more information to make optimal decisions.
δE[N ]
lim →0 (28)
HD →∞ δHD
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
500 500 500
480 480 480
460 460 460
440 440 440
420 420 420
400 400 400
0 20 40 60 80 ∞ 0 20 40 60 80 ∞ 0 20 40 60 80 ∞
HD [min] HD [min] HD [min]
(a) Random (b) First-Come First-Serve (c) Minimum Conflict-Resolution
Figure 64: Qualitative behavior of conflict-resolution taskload with regards to the decision-
horizon time.
Conflict-Free Resolution Time. The plots in Figure 65 demonstrate the value of im-
increases the conflict-free resolution time, which prevents secondary conflicts. The plots
represent the random policy and MCRT policy for the same setting and parameter con-
min × D r × δt, H ). For both decision policies, as H increases, the
figuration (I × Dsep sep D R
expected conflict-resolution taskload decreases. Similar to the previous case with HD , there
are diminishing returns on improving the conflict-free time. It is worth noting that for
the same configuration, the conflict-resolution taskload for both the random policy and the
MCRT policy closely match. Minor differences in the conflict-resolution taskload between
the optimal and random polices suggests that the choice in decision-policy has limited effect
lationships indicated by Figure 62 and Figure 63, there is a temptation to formulate the
min , D r , δt) around constant values of H
polynomial model, E[N ] = f (I, Dsep sep D and HR ,
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
Conflict-Resolution Taskload
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
0 20 40 60 80 ∞ 0 20 40 60 80 ∞
HR [min] HR [min]
(a) Random (b) Minimum Conflict-Resolution
min r
f (I, Dsep , Dsep , δt) = c1 (I 2 )(Dsep
min r
)(Dsep ) + c2 (I 2 )(Dsep
min r
)(Dmin )(δt)
+ c3 (I 2 )(Dmin
) + c4 (I 2 )(Dmin
min r min r
+ c5 (I)(Dsep )(Dmin ) + c6 (I)(Dsep )(Dmin )(δt)
min min
+ c7 (I)(Dsep ) + c8 (I)(Dsep )(δt). (29)
A complete model enables prediction of the conflict-resolution taskload for any given traf-
fic scenario and conflict-detection and resolution system. However, besides providing the
conflict-resolution taskload, such a complete model provides little insight. Because traffic in
each sector is unique (as demonstrated in Chapter 3), any best-fit coefficients are not con-
sistent across airspaces. Therefore, study of the best-fit coefficients for the complete model
does not allow for more general conclusions on the relationship between the parameters and
taskload with regards to the parameters HD and HR . Also, the relationships indicated in
Figure 64c and Figure 65 do not correspond to simple functions (e.g. 1/x, e−x ). Certainly,
it is possible to truncate the results over the range HD ∈ [0, 20] minutes and HR ∈ [0, 20]
minutes for model fitting. Doing so allow a 4th -order polynomial in HD and HR to describe
the conflict-resolution taskload; lower order polynomials result in a poor fit. A complete
model that considers all parameters, including HD and HR over the truncated domain, re-
from the coefficients increasingly difficult, even when focusing on a single sector.
alternative methods for understanding the relative importance of each parameter are pre-
simulation data. The goal of the sensitivity analysis is to understand how improving one
particular parameter can aid in reducing the conflict-resolution taskload. More specifically,
what are the upper and lower bounds of improvement. Along these lines, the following
Replacing HR with another parameter and updating the remaining configuration, answering
a more generic form of the question above provides upper and lower bounds of improvement
To support the sensitivity analysis, some additional notation is required. Let CP denote
the subset of configurations with equal parameter values, excluding the parameter P . So
min r
c1 = (I1 , Dsep,1 , Dsep,1 , δt1 , HD,1 , HR,1 ),
min r
c2 = (I2 , Dsep,2 , Dsep,2 , δt2 , HD,2 , HR,2 ),
it is required that all parameters are equal except the parameter corresponding to P . For
example, CHD corresponds to the space of configurations in which the parameter HD varies,
Following this notation, E[N ]CHD , denotes the expected conflict-resolution taskload as
min , D r , δt, H ,
a function of HD , for a specific configuration with constant values of I, Dsep sep R
For the more generic question, the greatest possible improvement and the smallest pos-
max(E[N ]cP ) − min(E[N ]cP )
RPmax = max (31)
cP ∈CP max(E[N ]cP )
max(E[N ]cP ) − min(E[N ]cP )
RPmin = min , (32)
cP ∈CP max(E[N ]cP )
respectively. The values RPmax and RPmin are henceforth referred to as the dynamic range of
Figure 66 and Figure 67 for the FCFS and MCRT policies over the sectors ZMP12, ZMP16,
and ZMP42. All parameters consider the complete range of simulation values (see Section 6.3),
min . Instead, for D min , the potential improvement from changing aircraft spac-
except for Dsep sep
ing from 9 NM to 4 NM is tested to better reflect the change from current operations to
future operations. The dark bars indicate the range of improvement for a single variable. For
example, for the FCFS policy in ZMP12, improvement of the conflict-free time, HR yields a
min = 0% and Rmax = 20%.
maximum reduction in conflict-resolution taskload between RH R HR
The dynamic ranges in Figure 66 and Figure 67 indicate that the largest reduction in
conflict-resolution taskload comes from reducing aircraft spacing. The best-case improve-
ments show that reducing aircraft spacing can decrease the conflict-resolution taskload ap-
proximately 60%, regardless of the sector or decision policy. Moreover, even the lower bound
min is large, (Rmin ∼ 45%), and exceeds the best-case improvement
of improvement for Dsep Dmin sep
% Reduction
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
0 0 0
min δt D r HR HD
Dsep min δt D r HR HD
Dsep min δt D r HR HD
sep sep sep
Figure 66: FCFS parameter sensitivity analysis: Range of percent reduction in conflict-
resolution taskload.
% Reduction
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
0 0 0
min δt D r HR HD
Dsep min δt D r HR HD
Dsep min δt D r HR HD
sep sep sep
Figure 67: MCRT parameter sensitivity analysis: Range of percent reduction in conflict-
resolution taskload.
reductions in conflict-resolution taskload. However, there are variations between the sectors.
For example, the improvement of increasing HR shows greatest potential benefit in sector
r . That is, Rmax ≥ Rmax ≥ Rmax . However, the ordering of the
ZMP42, over δt, and Dsep HR δt r
best-case improvements is not the same for ZMP12 and ZMP16. For the MCRT and FCFS
max ≥ Rmax ≥ Rmax for ZMP12 and ZMP16.
policies, Figure 66 and Figure 67 show that Rδt r
Dsep HR
For both policies, and all sectors, the sensitivity analysis indicates that the decision-
horizon time, HD , has the least impact on the conflict-resolution taskload. In the case of
max = 0, indicating that the decision-horizon has no effect on the conflict-
the FCFS policy, RH D
resolution taskload. This result is the same result illustrated in Figure 64b of Section 7.1.
Perhaps more interesting is that there exist configurations where improvement to a sin-
r , H , and
gle parameter does not reduce the conflict-resolution taskload. For P = δt, Dsep R
HD , the lower bound improvement is RPmin = 0 for both policies across all three sectors.
Such a result is surprising. However, it might indicate that at lower traffic levels, the bene-
taskload over a subset of parameters allows others to be less than ideal. For example, if
such a result might imply that instead of improving trajectory-prediction tools, systems can
result of uncertainty.
Results in Section 7.1 indicate the potential for only limited gains when implementing the
MCRT policy over other rule-based heuristic policies (recall the comparison of the conflict-
resolution taskload curves in Figure 65). In this section, a more detailed consideration
Using statistical tests, A-B comparisons are made to determine the value of minimizing the
The first set of tests considers the conflict-resolution taskload over the 10 hour time
period for each of the 50 traffic scenario. Using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s
Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test, multiple comparisons are made to test if there
is a statistical difference between any two decision policies for a set configuration [82]. The
degrees of freedom for Tukey’s HSD test is 392 (8 × 50 − 8). For a specific configuration
min × D r × δt × H × H ), let N A and N B denote the conflict-resolution taskload
(I × Dsep sep D R i i
for traffic scenario i, and decision policies A and B. The mean conflict-resolution taskload is
given by E[N A ] and E[N B ]. The Tukey’s HSD test (α = .05) is applied with the following
Ho : E[N A ] = E[N B ]
Ha : E[N A ] 6= E[N B ]
When the null hypothesis, Ho , is accepted, then the conflict-resolution taskloads of the
(a) Policy A
(b) Policy B
(c) Policy C
two policies are similar. Otherwise, acceptance of the alternative hypothesis implies that
ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD testing requires that the observed conflict-resolution taskload
data come from normal distributions. Additionally, it is required that data samples are
independent from each other, i.e. NiA is independent from NjA for i 6= j. Both properties
decision policies. Each pulse along the timelines indicates that a resolution command is
advised. When the conflict-resolution taskloads are similar, the number of pulses closely
match, indicating no significant difference between the two policies. For the advisory time-
lines of Policy A and Policy B, matched testing would indicate no difference between the
The hypothesis testing is applied between all policies, matching traffic configurations
and scenarios. A summary of the test results is provided in Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7
for sectors ZMP12, ZMP16, and ZMP42, respectively. Policies 1-7 correspond to rule-based
heuristic policies, while Policy 8 corresponds to the MCRT policy. In each table entry,
the total number of configurations that are statistically different according to the testing
procedure is listed. As a reference, there are 48,384 configurations for each policy and sector
min , D r , δt, H , and H .
covering a range of values for the settings I, Dsep sep D R
Table 5: Policy Comparisons: ZMP12
Policy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1580
2 - - 0 0 0 0 0 2665
3 - - - 0 0 0 0 2665
4 - - - - 0 0 0 2379
5 - - - - - 0 0 1616
6 - - - - - - 0 2382
7 - - - - - - - 2268
8 - - - - - - - -
Policy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 4715
2 - - 0 0 0 0 0 3913
3 - - - 0 0 0 0 3913
4 - - - - 0 0 0 3810
5 - - - - - 0 0 4400
6 - - - - - - 0 4944
7 - - - - - - - 4869
8 - - - - - - - -
A major result of the analysis demonstrates that there is no statistical difference between
any of the rule-based heuristic policies. As shown in the three tables, between the seven
policies, all of the configurations accept the null hypothesis. Based on this result, the
Policy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 12322
2 - - 0 0 0 0 0 14261
3 - - - 0 0 0 0 14261
4 - - - - 0 0 0 13861
5 - - - - - 0 0 13298
6 - - - - - - 0 13508
7 - - - - - - - 12937
8 - - - - - - - -
8 8 8
% Reject Ho
% Reject Ho
% Reject Ho
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
(a) ZMP12 (b) ZMP16 (c) ZMP42
Figure 69: Percent of configurations for which the MCRT policy is statistical different from
a rule-based heuristic policy (Reject Ho ).
The hypothesis testing reveals that in many cases there is a statistically relevant dif-
ference between the seven rule-based heuristic policies and the MCRT policy (see the last
column in each table). However, this statistical difference does not exist for all configura-
tions. In fact, the number of configurations that accept the alternative hypothesis grows
with traffic intensity. Figure 69 illustrates this point. Each line in the plots represents one
of the seven rule-based heuristic policies. The trend lines show that as the traffic inten-
sity increases, a greater fraction of configurations become statistically different from the
MCRT policy. While not shown, a similar trend exists as the aircraft spacing distance
increases. The implication of both results is that the MCRT policy becomes progressively
While the MCRT policy is deemed statistically different from the other policies, the
exact benefit is not yet stated. Figure 70 illustrates the maximum difference in expected
conflict-resolution taskload between the MCRT policy and the random policy. Each line
r , and considers
corresponds to a subset of configurations parametrized by the value Dsep
the results in Figure 70, for ZMP12 and ZMP16, the largest average difference in conflict-
resolution taskload between the MCRT policy and the random policy is 9 less maneuvers
over a 10 hour time period. For ZMP42, the reduction is just over 10 when aircraft are
spaced at 6NM. Such a reduction only accounts for an average difference of 1 less maneuver
per hour. Considering that there is far greater variance in conflict-resolution taskload
max(N 6 − N 8 )%
max(N 6 − N 8 )%
20 20
10 10
0 0
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
Dsep min
(a) ZMP12 (b) ZMP16
max(N 6 − N 8 )%
Dsep = 0NM/min
Dsep = 2/12NM/min
10 r
Dsep = 4/12NM/min
Dsep = 6/12NM/min
4 6 8 10
(c) ZMP42
Figure 70: Maximum difference in the expected conflict-resolution taskload between the
MCRT policy and the random policy over a range of configurations.
per hour (5 ≤ σ 2 ≤ 30), it is unlikely an air traffic controller would notice such a small
in the conflict-resolution taskload, even when statistically different, are marginal. Overall,
when comparing the maximum difference in conflict-resolution taskload between the MCRT
policy and any other policy, the potential benefits appear limited.
less resolution commands over 10 hours may appear insignificant, if the deductions are
concentrated during a short-burst of activity, then there might be some benefit of the
the number of resolution commands used to space aircraft during the busiest 2.5 minute
min = 6,
time periods for the 1X, 2X, and 3X traffic levels over ZMP42 (configuration: Dsep
Dsep = 0, δt = 0). Using a two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test (KS
test) with α = .01, the conflict-resolution taskload distributions are tested to see if they
come from different populations. Accordingly, the following null hypothesis and alternative
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 FCFS 0.6 0.6
0.4 MCRT 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
012345678 012345678 012345678
# of Commands # of Commands # of Commands
(a) 1X: Accept Ho (b) 2X: Accept Ho (c) 3X: Reject Ho
Figure 71: Probability distributions of the conflict-resolution taskload for the busiest 2.5
minute time period in each traffic scenario.
Application of the KS test reveals that there is no statistical difference between the
MCRT policy and the random policy at the 1X and 2X traffic intensities for the config-
uration corresponding to Figure 71. However, at the 3X traffic level, the null hypothesis
is rejected, implying that there is a difference between the distributions of the conflict-
resolution taskload. Figure 71c illustrates that the distribution of the conflict-resolution
taskload for the MCRT policy is skewed to the left in comparison to the random policy.
When applying the same testing procedure to ZMP12 and ZMP16, there are no differ-
min ≤ 6 NM, regardless of the traffic intensity.
ences found for any configurations with Dsep
In the case of ZMP42, the only configurations for which the MCRT policy outperforms the
NM, is provided in Table 8. Also included as part of the table is the probability that the
MCRT policy reduces the conflict-resolution taskload by at least two resolution commands.
For most cases when the null hypothesis is rejected, the guaranteed conflict-free time,
HR , is greater than or equal to 15 minutes. Likewise, the decision-horizon times are large.
considers that the look ahead time for potential conflicts is typically greater than 5 minutes
Table 8: Configurations with Dsepmin ≤ 5N M for which there is a statistical difference in the
of detecting potential conflicts 20 minutes into the future [5]. It is also worth noting that
immediately resolved. For many conflict-resolution algorithms, the ability to quickly gener-
ate resolution commands for aircraft, especially when the decision-horizon and conflict-free
According to Table 8, there is only a marginal fraction of traffic scenarios (< 0.20) for
which the MCRT policy reduces the number of advisory commands by two or more. Addi-
tional analysis indicates that between 35%-53% of the traffic scenarios show no improvement
and HR ≤ 20 minutes for which the MCRT policy has a statistically different conflict-
resolution taskload distribution from the random policy. Thus it can be argued that the
MCRT policy does not pose a substantial benefit over any other rule-based heuristic policy.
Differences between the other rule-based polices and the MCRT policy reflect the find-
ings above. Furthermore, extending the KS test to the other rule-based policies, there is no
Working with the assumption that improvements in position sensing and trajectory
min ≤ 5 NM)
prediction, enabled by ADS-B, will allow for reductions in aircraft spacing (Dsep
and uncertainty, and that complete airspace redesigns will occur before 3X traffic, an even
The previous conjecture can be applied to understanding the value of the decision-
horizon time, HD . As it stands, the MCRT policy is the only policy that benefits by
ordering. Differences in the conflict-resolution taskload between the MCRT policy and any
other policy is small for the same configuration (regardless of the value of HD ). Thus, it can
be stated that any increase in HD , while potentially resulting in statistical differences over
10 hour time windows, does not effectively reduce the conflict-resolution taskload. Hence
Corollary 1. The air traffic controller is unlikely to detect any benefit in reduced conflict-
The major result of this section is that the decision policy and the decision-horizon
decision-support tool.
7.4 Relative value between Dsep and HR
The preliminary results in Section 7.2 indicate that a decrease in aircraft spacing can yield
rameters. As it stands, next generation air traffic systems (e.g. NextGen and SESAR) all
aircraft positions using global positioning systems (GPS). Furthermore, improved trajec-
congestion and increasing throughput, especially in terminal areas [38, 46, 90]. Researchers
hypothesize that implementing ADS-B and improving trajectory predictions will allow for
closer aircraft spacings [31, 81]. Thus, it is likely that the reductions in conflict-resolution
taskload identified in Section 7.2 will one day be realized. However, there are still unan-
swered questions concerning the relative importance of reducing aircraft spacing in compari-
how should a research and development portfolio be developed to provide equitable support
min is compared to
according to potential benefits? In this section the relative value of Dsep
The value of improved trajectory prediction and position measurement systems enabling
min . Larger values of D min ,
a reduction in aircraft spacing is tested through the parameter Dsep sep
increased uncertainty in the current and future positions of aircraft. This uncertainty often
leads to excessive labeling of potential conflicts and to issuing resolution commands that
promote overly-safe and conservative actions by air traffic controllers. The importance
Because the previous section indicates that the value of HD and the underlying decision
considers the FCFS policy and the configuration setting HD = 0 and δt = 0. Later
in Section 7.6, analysis demonstrates that the value of Dsep does not affect the conflict-
Applying the FCFS policy to 10 hours of traffic in ZMP42, the expected conflict-
resolution taskload counts for three traffic intensities (1X, 2X, 3X) are depicted in Figure 72.
As the traffic intensity increases, so does the expected conflict-resolution taskload across
all values of HR and Dsep ; each surface representing a single traffic intensity is strictly
greater than the previous. Figure 72 clearly illustrates that as aircraft spacing is reduced,
Figure 72: Expected number of advisory resolution commands for the FCFS policy at 1X,
2X, and 3X traffic intensities.
the conflict-resolution taskload decreases. Also, increasing the conflict-free time, HR , for
resolution taskload, a reference standard is required. Assume that air traffic controllers
(with or without assistance from conflict-resolution tools) are able to issue resolution com-
mands that are guaranteed conflict-free for an average of 4 minutes beyond the look ahead
resolved, then the associated resolution command ensures that the aircraft is conflict-free
for 9 minutes. Depending on the flight-plans of other aircraft, there is the potential for
algorithms is assessed by determining the value of HR required to achieve the same decrease
in conflict-resolution taskload when aircraft spacing is reduced. For example, consider the
following question:
Let improved trajectory prediction and reporting allow aircraft spac-
min , from D initial to D f inal . For resolution
ing to decrease by ∆Dsep sep sep
tween results, the above question can be answered for a wide range of traffic intensities and
initial and final aircraft spacings. These results are illustrated in Figure 73 and Figure 74
for sectors ZMP12 and ZMP42. As an example, from Figure 74b, to match the decrease
The figures illustrate that in order to match greater reductions in aircraft spacing,
increasingly larger values of HR are needed. For example, at the 3X traffic intensity, to
Furthermore, as the reduction in aircraft spacing increases, from 0.25 NM to 1 NM, the
space of intensities and initial aircraft spacings for which a matching value of HR exists
grows smaller. Notice that from Figure 73a to Figure 73d (and Figure 74a to Figure 74d),
When slower solve-times are present for the conflict-detection and resolution process,
the value of HR becomes more relevant. Comparing Figure 75a and Figure 75b, for a slower
solve-time given by δt = 2 minutes, the set of intensities and aircraft spacings for which
improving the conflict-free time can match spacing reductions is larger than the δt = 0 case.
This is also true when uncertainty is introduced, as illustrated in Figure 75d. However, that
is not to say that increasing δt is beneficial. On the contrary, Section 7.1 shows that a greater
10 20 10 20
15 15
8 8
6 10 6 10
4 5 4 5
1 2 3 1 2 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
(a) Spacing reduction of 0.25 NM. (b) Spacing reduction of 0.50 NM.
10 20 10 20
15 15
8 8
6 10 6 10
4 5 4 5
1 2 3 1 2 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
(c) Spacing reduction of 0.75 NM. (d) Spacing reduction of 1.0 NM.
10 20 10 20
15 15
8 8
6 10 6 10
4 5 4 5
1 2 3 1 2 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
(a) Spacing reduction of 0.25 NM. (b) Spacing reduction of 0.50 NM.
10 20 10 20
15 15
8 8
6 10 6 10
4 5 4 5
1 2 3 1 2 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
(c) Spacing reduction of 0.75 NM. (d) Spacing reduction of 1.0 NM.
10 20 10 20
15 15
8 8
6 10 6 10
4 5 4 5
1 2 3 1 2 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
r r
(a) δt = 0min, Dsep = 0 NM/min (b) δt = 2min, Dsep = 0 NM/min
10 20 10 20
15 15
8 8
6 10 6 10
4 5 4 5
1 2 3 1 2 3
Traffic Intensity Traffic Intensity
r r
(c) δt = 0min, Dsep = 4/12(d) δt = 2min, Dsep = 4/12
NM/min NM/min
value of δt results in increased conflict-resolution taskload. The figures imply that if large
uncertainty is present and solve-times are slow, then both a reduction in aircraft spacing
Overall, the results indicate that in order to reduce conflict-resolution taskload, the
most effective approach is to reduce aircraft spacing. While a reduction in spacing is not a
straightforward achievement, the introduction of ADS-B as part of next generation air traffic
systems will surely aid in limiting sensor measurement noise in the position information
in conjunction with performance standards to ensure aircraft stay on desired paths will
Keeping all other variables constant, reductions in the effective aircraft spacing has a
significant impact on conflict-resolution taskload. In fact, for the ZMP42 simulations, the
reduction is linear over all intensities and conflict-free times HR , as shown in Figure 72.
initial = 9 NM, the percent reduction in
When compared to a reference standard of Dsep
Figure 76: Percent decrease in the conflict-resolution taskload by reducing aircraft spacing
initial = 9 NM. (At the 1X, 2X, and 3X traffic intensities)
when compared to Dsep
conflict-resolution taskload can be quite significant. According to Figure 76, the number of
4 NM, regardless of the value of HR . This improvement is consistent for all traffic intensities,
The research presented here suggests that the consequences of improved trajectory pre-
diction and position sensing for conflict detection can result in greater decreases in controller
effort (implicitly through the reduction in conflict-resolution taskload) than the improve-
ment of advisory systems for conflict-resolution. That is not to say that advisory conflict-
resolution systems are not valuable, but rather, they are not the most promising approach
for reducing conflict-resolution taskload. Thus, research, development, and policy efforts
should place greater focus on gaining universal presence of ABS-B on all aircraft, and
on improving aircraft trajectory predictions. In the next section, the benefits of conflict-
resolution systems are studied to better understand what might be considered a satisfactory
Dsep =4
600 600 600
Dsep =6
400 min
400 400
Dsep =8
200 min
Dsep = 10 200 200
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
(a) 1X Traffic (b) 2X Traffic (c) 3X Traffic
r = 0).
Figure 77: Conflict-resolution taskload for ZMP42 (FCFS, δt = 0, Dsep
While not nearly as effective as reducing aircraft spacing, the introduction and improvement
ever, the potential gains are limited. Therefore, instead of striving to achieve the perfect
conflict-resolution algorithm that can guarantee conflict-free travel for indefinite periods,
it is advisable to design simple and robust algorithms that achieve a satisfiable conflict-
resolution taskload. The study in this section focuses on the diminishing returns associated
The conflict-resolution taskload for the FCFS policy with δt = 0 minutes is illustrated
in Figure 77 for different traffic intensities and aircraft spacings. As the traffic intensity and
aircraft spacing increases, the conflict-resolution taskload grows, regardless of the value of
HR . However, for a fixed traffic intensity and aircraft spacing, as the conflict-free time is
increased, the controller receives fewer advisory resolution commands. Similar behavior is
Figure 78 illustrates the potential benefits of increasing the conflict-free time according
6 NM, improving the guaranteed conflict-free resolution time to 20 or more minutes yields
decrease corresponds to an average of 27 less resolution commands issued over the 10 hours
10 10 10
% Reduction
0 0 0
Dsep =4
−10 −10 −10 min
Dsep =6
Dsep =8
−20 −20 −20 min
Dsep = 10
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
(a) 1X (b) 2X (c) 3X
tion commands over 10 hours. The decrease corresponds to 1 less resolution command every
50 minutes. From the perspective of the air traffic controller, this difference is probably
imperceptible, especially because the variance in the conflict-resolution taskload within one
hour is far greater. Similarly, diminishing returns exist for ZMP12 and ZMP16. Figure 79
min = 6 NM, improvement to the conflict-
illustrates that even at the 3X traffic level, for Dsep
This analysis demonstrates that the benefit of increasing the conflict-free time to reduce
controller taskload has diminished returns, especially for HR > 20 minutes. One reason
for the limited improvement associated with significant increases in HR is that sector sizes
are finite. Sectors are also designed to have intersecting regions spaced far apart from each
The distributions of aircraft transit times through the sectors are shown in Figure 80.
For ZMP42, 65% of all aircraft take 20 minutes or less to pass through the airspace, and
virtually all take less than 25 minutes. For ZMP16, the vast majority of aircraft exit the
airspace within 10 minutes. In the context of transit times, the diminishing returns for
HR ≥ 20 minutes for ZMP42 makes sense. Likewise, for ZMP16, because transits times
tend to be less than 10 minutes, Figure 79b and Figure 79d illustrates that there is little
20 20
0 0
Dsep =4
−20 min
Dsep =6 −20
Dsep =8
−40 −40
Dsep = 10
−60 −60
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
(a) 3X: ZMP12 (b) 3X:ZMP16
20 20
% Reduction
% Reduction
0 0
−20 −20
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
(c) 3X: ZMP12 (d) 3X:ZMP16
Figure 79: Relative reductions in conflict-resolution taskload for ZMP12 and ZMP16.
The sector ZMP12 is a bit different from ZMP16 and ZMP42. Because of its size, a
large portion of traffic takes more than 20 minutes to traverse the airspace, as shown in
Figure 80a. However, the plots in Figure 79 show that the benefit of extending HR beyond
best be understood through analysis of the inter-arrival conflict times. Figure 81 contains
the distribution of inter-arrival times between an aircraft’s first potential conflict and its
last potential conflict within a sector. In the case of ZMP12, 91% of inter-arrival times are
less than 20 minutes, despite the fact that only 50% of all aircraft traverse the sector in the
Comparing the three sectors, 90% of all inter-arrival conflict times occur within 20
minutes, 10 minutes, and 16 minutes for ZMP12, ZMP16, and ZMP42, respectively. Because
each sector is designed according to a specific purpose, there is no one-size fits all value of
0.15 0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05 0.05
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time
(a) ZMP12 (b) ZMP16 (c) ZMP42
Figure 80: Distribution of aircraft transit times [minutes] through sector (1 minute incre-
Figure 81: Distribution of inter-arrival times [minutes] between the first and last potential
conflict of an aircraft (1 minute increments).
HR , however even with a value of HR = 6 minutes the majority of secondary conflicts can
be prevented.
Uncertainty in the conflict-detection process can pose quite a challenge to air traffic con-
to manage future workload sometimes prompts air traffic controllers to resolve potential
conflicts that are unlikely to ever become realized [52]. In the case of future systems, with
the introduction of trajectory-based operations and automated hand-offs, many routine and
mundane tasks are offloaded to computer systems. This transference of function provides
the air traffic controller with more time to dedicate to resolving potential conflicts. However,
there is still a need to answer how often conflict-resolution problems should be resolved when
330 330
300 300
270 270
4 3 0.5 4 3 0.5
2 1 0.25 2 1 0.25
0 0 0 0
δt Drsep δt Drsep
(a) FCFS (b) MCRT
For systems that simultaneously solve the conflict-resolution problem for multiple air-
craft, computation times can grow quite large [100]. These slow solve-times prevent rapid
information updates and imply that decisions are made on old information. In the case of
advisory systems are required to plan in advance and hedge accordingly - much like human
air traffic controllers. Conservative behavior then results in an increase in the number of
of the other term on the conflict-resolution taskload is diminished. For a given airspace
min , H , H ),
and decision-policy, with fixed values of traffic intensity and configuration (Dsep D R
the expected conflict-resolution taskload over 10 hours can be modeled as a function of the
uncertainty and solve-time parameters Dsep and δt:
r r
E[N ] = c1 Dsep δt + c2 δt + c3 Dsep + c4. (33)
r δt.
Note the coupling term Dsep
Using least-squares optimization to solve for the coefficients, the error of the model is
For all considered policies, except MCRT, c3 = 0. As long as the conflict-detection and
resolution problem is solved in an approximate event-based implementation, there is little
effect of uncertainty on the conflict-resolution taskload. For the MCRT policy, the coefficient
c3 is non-zero but bounded between 0 < c3 < 12. Even with an event-based implementation
of the MCRT policy, uncertainty has a minor effect on the conflict-resolution taskload.
decisions on uncertain potential conflicts that do not become realized. In the worst case
scenario, for δt = 0 and Dsep = 0.5 NM/min, the maximum average increases in expected
ing even complex conflict configurations in under a minute. [28] and [32] are two such
examples taking different approaches. In [28], the authors make use of genetic algorithms
tives (i.e. heading, speed or altitude changes). The conflict-resolution algorithm in [28]
occurrence [4]. Sequential conflict-resolution degrades the problem to path planning for
sequential path planning can be solved faster for the complete set of aircraft. While not
always capable of generating feasible solutions for both simultaneous and sequential im-
plementations, there is no reason why the gene library of potential trajectory solutions
cannot be expanded to overcome this limitation. As it stands, the gene library does not
consider complicated closed-loop trajectories with multiple lateral off-set, speed, and al-
titude changes. Furthermore, with the advent of multi-core and graphics processing unit
that feasible solutions can be found, even when large libraries are used [43]. Likewise, the
For present-day traffic levels, there exist conflict-resolution formulations that can be
and conflict complexities increase, the issue of solve-times will become more pertinent. It is
certainly true that faster solves-times are preferred, as longer solve-times have the potential
to create ancillary problems. For example, in the case of a system-crash or the rejection of an
advisory command, time is needed either to recover the system or to request a new advisory.
A more problematic circumstance arises when the air traffic controller is unaware of a system
failure and continues to wait for advisory resolution commands. For these cases, systems
must be designed to reboot quickly, and generate any necessary resolution commands before
problems occur. Therefore, it is assumed and asserted that conflict-resolution tools must
be capable of resolving the conflict-resolution problem in under 1 minute to ensure they are
The primary question then becomes: Is it preferred to have rapid solution-times (i.e.
Similar to the benefit analysis provided in Section 7.4, solve-times and conflict-free times
Figure 83 answers the question for sectors ZMP12, ZMP16, and ZMP42 at different
traffic intensities according to the uncertainty parameter Dmin (FCFS decision policy).
20 20 20
HR [min]
HR [min]
HR [min]
15 15 3.0X 15
10 10 10
free time of at least HR ∼ 12 minutes is required to equal the reduction in the conflict-
resolution taskload due to an improvement in the solve-time. In some cases, for specific
values of traffic intensity or uncertainty, no value of HR can match the change in conflict-
resolution taskload. This is reflected by the lack of a solution (i.e. line) in Figure 83b; there
is no matching HR for the 1X traffic intensity, and at the 2X and 3X traffic levels, only a
limited range of uncertainty values have solutions. Consistent across the three sectors, as
Problematic with this analysis is that there is no consistent answer to which is pre-
equivalent value of HR is different for each sector. Furthermore, changes in the required HR
between traffic intensities are not consistent. For example, for ZMP42, there is a significant
separation in the equivalent values of HR between the 2X and 3X traffic intentsity lines.
R ≤ 0.33 [NM/min], there is little distinction between the
However, for ZMP12 when Dsep
Ultimately, there does not exist a standard best practice for the selection of HR and δt.
Rather, each parameter setting needs to be tuned according to the traffic within the sector
min = 4 NM
min = 6 NM
200 min = 8 NM
1 2 3 4 5
the advisory tools can be improved to make up for short comings in the conflict-resolution
7.7 Review
The results in this chapter can best be understand through Figure 84, which follows a
average the least number of advisory resolution commands is generated. Step 2 reflects a
change in the decision policy from MRCT to FCFS. With the change, there is an increase
to 6 minutes, which brings with it another increase. In Step 4 and Step 5, the solve-
time is slowed to δt = 1 minute, and the uncertainty parameter is changed to Dsep =
0.167 NM/min. The last configuration is representative of an advisory system that could
realistically be implemented.
The most noticeable characteristic of the figure is that the conflict-resolution taskload
min . When D min = 4 NM, even the
is most sensitive to the aircraft spacing parameter Dsep sep
Therefore, to reduce conflict-resolution taskload, the most effective measure is to de-
crease the aircraft spacing requirement. As stated before, the introduction of ABS-B will
most likely go a long way in enabling this reduction. Furthermore, improved trajectory
prediction allows for greater certainty in labeling potential conflicts. In fact, results from
Section 7.4 and Section 7.6 imply that short comings in conflict-resolution algorithms can
be overcome through better measurement and prediction of current and future aircraft po-
sitions. What makes such a result particularly interesting is that the computation times
required to improve trajectory predictions and position measurements are relatively small
improvements coupled with more processing power. In contrast, to significantly improve the
position measurement of aircraft through ADS-B, related infrastructure costs are estimated
to be upwards of $7 billion [1], which excludes the development of software systems to take
For the remainder of the parameters and settings, the sensitivity analysis indicates
there is some leeway in their selection and implementation, assuming a reduction in aircraft
spacing. One of the more prominent results in this chapter indicates that the underlying
decision policy by which aircraft are selected to maneuver plays little role in determining
the conflict-resolution taskload over long periods of time. And as a corollary, the decision-
horizon time, HD , has little perceivable influence on the conflict-resolution taskload. Even
at high traffic intensities, the short-term benefits of the MCRT policy are not significant
until the 3X traffic intensity for the busiest sector in Minneapolis center.
properties might be more relevant than just the conflict-resolution taskload. In an advisory
based setting, the air traffic controller is required to approve the safety of each resolution
command. It then might be beneficial for advisory systems to provide clear resolution com-
mands, that is, commands that can be readily identified as safe by the air traffic controller.
Doing so may allow the air traffic controller to continue processing potential conflicts in a
more efficient and safe manner, as less time is spent reviewing each advisory command.
Also of interest, is the result that conflict-resolution algorithms need not provide conflict-
free travel for long periods of time. In fact, beyond guaranteed conflict-free times of HR = 6
to this result is that for some traffic intensities, it is better to improve solve-times to help
manage uncertainty than it is to increase conflict-free times. However, the division in trade-
off between conflict-free times and solve-times is case dependent on the traffic intensity and
Given that only a limited set of requirements is needed from a conflict-resolution algo-
rithm (i.e. a satisfactory conflict-free time HR , and a rapid solve-time δt), it is perhaps
within the best interest of air navigation service providers to push the development and
will require significant testing and verification; in order to prevent delays, selection of a
8.1 Summary
traffic systems have largely and implicitly ignored human factors issues by designing al-
gorithms to replace, rather than support air traffic controllers. Despite the advances in
automated conflict-resolution systems, there still exist a number of issues that are unad-
dressed or unsolved. In particular, current formulations are unable to guarantee safe and
The research presented in this thesis focuses on an alternative to automating tactical air
tools to aid air traffic controllers, without replacing them. In a human-in-the-loop frame-
work, advisory conflict-detection and resolution systems identify potential conflicts and
then propose resolution commands for the air traffic controller to verify and issue to air-
and resolution tools can be designed to handle large traffic loads and provide solutions in
real-time. Since the air traffic controller is still part of the decision process and has the
While human factors and cognitive engineering researchers have highlighted key aspects
and requirements for the successful design of decision-support tools, there has been little
actualization of these concepts into mathematically rigorous algorithms. The major contri-
bution of this study is to bring together more formally these fields through the introduction
and analysis of a model to better understand the conflict-resolution taskload associated with
an advisory decision-support tool. The research presented here seeks to understand how
affect the controller taskload associated with the conflict-resolution process, and implicitly
controller workload.
• When traffic throughput increases, not only will the number of potential conflicts multiply,
but so will the complexity of conflict scenarios. Simple pairwise conflicts between two
aircraft will become less likely. Instead, conflict scenarios will contain multiple aircraft that
• Without change to policies, practices, and technologies, air transportation demand will
one day exceed the capacity of the unaided air traffic controller. As such, there is a need
to provide some level of automation in air traffic control. (refer to Section 3.3)
system that relies on complete automation or supervisory control is not a tenable option.
Instead, advisory control might provide an acceptable alternative framework. Using advi-
sory systems, air traffic controllers are able to leverage the strength of automated systems,
conflict-resolution taskload, air navigation service providers must make strong efforts to-
wards improving aircraft position measurements and trajectory prediction tools. One avenue
to achieving these goals is to make ADS-B utilization ubiquitous. (refer to Section 7.2 and
Section 7.4)
• For policies considered, studies demonstrate that the decision policy of a conflict-resolution
algorithm for selecting which aircraft to maneuver has an imperceivable effect on the conflict-
resolution taskload. Because of this insensitivity, there is leeway in the design of conflict-
resolution algorithms. So instead of spending effort to select a decision policy that minimizes
conflict-resolution taskload, research efforts can best be placed into other areas of interest
• Once aircraft spacing distances are reduced, the introduction of any conflict-resolution
is satisfactory in managing conflict-resolution taskload (refer to Section 7.5). The lack of
strict requirements for an advisory conflict-detection and resolution system suggests that
any well specified and functioning algorithm can be used. To prevent delay in formulating
a complete tool, air navigation service providers and engineers should continue diligently
by proposing and testing other requirements needed for a conflict-resolution tool (e.g. fuel-
optimal, human-centric).
• No standard best practice exists for selecting the conflict-free resolution time and solve-
time. Instead, the selection of each depends on the prevailing traffic pattern within an
8.2 Contributions
According to the models and studies provided, the following contributions are contained
• Based on generated traffic scenarios, a quadratic model that considers traffic intensity and
proportional to the square of the traffic intensity. The major contribution of the quadratic
• Leveraging previous research representing aircraft and potential conflicts through static
conflict graphs, this thesis extends the graph model to the dynamic case. Furthermore this
thesis includes modeling of the conflict-detection and resolution process acting on dynamic
• The term conflict-resolution taskload is coined. In regards to previous studies, the meaning
conflict-resolution tool solves. In this way, the conflict-resolution taskload is related to the
is proposed. More specifically, the abstraction of conflict-detection tools considers how
potential conflicts are detected and resolved. Conflict-detection tools are parameterized
and parameterization of conflict-resolution tools considers the decision policy used to select
which aircraft are maneuvered; how much information is used in the decision making process;
the length of time for which resolution trajectories are guaranteed conflict-free; and how
for a controlled airspace, the conflict-resolution taskload is most sensitive to the traffic
intensity and the effective aircraft spacing. According to specified abstracted parameters
for a conflict-detection and resolution tool, the proposed model indicates that the conflict-
benefit in reducing conflict-resolution taskload. (refer to Section 7.2 and Section 7.4)
• Based on a sensitivity analysis, a series of best and satisfactory practices is noted. One
specific result concludes that the decision policy for selecting which aircraft to maneuver
resolution system (refer to Section 7.3). Additionally, the thesis demonstrates that in-
creasing the conflict-free time of a conflict-resolution algorithm has diminishing returns for
It is necessary to note that the research presented in this thesis does not consider all aspects
this thesis suggest additional avenues of research that will provide greater insight into the
Improving Models. There is the potential for future work to incorporate a more flexi-
ble and realistic representation of the conflict-detection and resolution process. First, the
well as variable growth rates. Such a model would be more reflective of errors in radar sys-
tems and trajectory prediction tools. Furthermore, to be more consistent with engineered
should be considered to be probabilistic. That is, potential conflicts are identified by their
probability of occurrence, and conflict-free times for resolution trajectories are stochastic.
System-wide Conflict Resolution. Future research should address the system-wide ef-
tools can be designed to resolve potential conflicts not only within one sector, but future
a complex task, however most likely needed. As traffic intensities increase, aircraft in-
teractions will become increasingly coupled through potential conflicts, not only at the
In this thesis, analysis of the conflict-free time, HR , relied on two assumptions. The
traffic generation procedure assumed that the aircraft trajectories and potential conflicts
generated for each airspace are independent of prior control actions taken in other sectors.
that solution trajectories are only conflict-free for HR minutes within the current sector.
Thus, the research as implemented in this thesis does not consider the multi-sector problem.
sion of workload issues is needed. Any resolution command that adjusts trajectories in
future airspaces requires acceptance by the corresponding air traffic controller. In such
a framework, controllers do not act as independent units. They are required to propose
and approve trajectories with other controllers. While a system-wide approach towards
to how it will affect the workload of controllers. To enable such a system-wide approach
levels is still a concern. Even at present traffic levels there do not exist systems that can
the conflict-resolution taskload of decision-support tools. This approach was taken with
the understanding that it is a significant driver of controller workload when working with
trajectory based operations. Further, this thesis makes the assumption that all advisory
resolution commands affect controller workload equally. In fact, this assumption is probably
not true, especially during high traffic volumes or when advisory resolution trajectories are
difficult to decipher. Because the responsibility of ensuring safety lies with the air traffic
controller, the more complex an advisory solution is, the more effort a controller must make
in ensuring its safety and feasibility. So while a set of potential conflicts might be resolvable
with a small number of maneuvers, the complexity of advisory trajectories might require
significant mental effort from an air traffic controller. In these cases it might be preferred
to issue a sub-optimal number of resolution commands that the air traffic controller can
easily verify to be safe and feasible. Future studies are required to better understand how
to ADS-B. Two of the underlying assumptions found in this thesis are that aircraft are
spaced uniformly, and that aircraft are equally capable of receiving resolution trajectories
consistent with trajectory based operations. For scenarios when ADS-B is not universal,
Furthermore, the conflict-detection and resolution process proposed in this thesis does
< HR
Figure 85: Taking full advantage of conflict-resolution systems may require a system-wide
airspace redesign.
steps and horizon times. Based on traffic conditions, the horizon times and the conflict-free
times can be adjusted to meet the needs of the controller. In control theory there is already
tools. This thesis focused on analyzing the control system (both sensing and control) in
plant, e.g. the airspace, to be more consistent with advisory conflict-detection and resolution
systems. In current-day operations, major traffic flows are spatially separated to space the
time between potential conflicts for a single aircraft. Large distances between intersections
provide the air traffic controller with sufficient time between potential conflicts to generate
algorithms are able to guarantee conflict-free flight for HR minutes, then to take advantage
within HR minutes of each other. As illustrated in Figure 85, to reduce the number of
are spaced far apart, aircraft might be required to re-plan trajectories each time a potential
conflict is identified.
In addition to the decision policies detailed in Chapter 5, five other decision policies are
The FCFS policy without conflict-priority ordering results in a slightly different process for
resolving potential conflicts when compared to the original policy described in Procedure 2.
Instead of processing and resolving potential conflicts according to the order they occur,
aircraft are first sorted by their arrival time into the airspace. The most recent unresolved
temporary edge-set E T is updated accordingly. The processes repeats until the edge set E T
is empty. The final set of maneuvered aircraft is given by the set M. The complete process
is provided in Procedure 6.
Procedure 6 First-Come, First-Served with-
while card(E T ) do
q =q+1
i∗ = argmax(tai | (ni , ∗) ∈ E T )
mTq = n i∗
E T ← E T \ (mTq , ∗)
end while
I = [t + TR , t + TR + δt]
M = {m | m ∈ mT ∩ ∃tcm,∗ ∈ I}
The first-exit, first-served policy (FEFS) is similar to the FCFS policy; however, instead of
prioritizing aircraft based on their arrival time into the sector, aircraft are given priority
Using the same notation found in the procedure for the FCFS policy (see Procedure 2
and Procedure 6), the procedures for FEFS, with and without conflict-priority ordering,
are given by Procedure 7 and Procedure 8. In the case of the FEFS policy, aircraft are
ordered according to the original scheduled exit time from the sector, txi . In the case when
an aircraft receives a resolution maneuver, potentially adjusting the expected exit time, the
Procedure 7 First-Exit, First-Served with Procedure 8 First-Exit, First-Served with-
q =q+1 q =q+1
M = {m | m ∈ mT ∩ ∃tcm,∗ ∈ I}
Like the FCFS policy, there is always the potential of favoring aircraft traveling along
specific routes. However, a benefit of the procedure is that because aircraft closer to sector
boundaries are prioritized, the advisory system is less likely to issue resolution commands to
aircraft about to transitioning between sectors. From the human-factors perspective, such
This policy is based on a knowledge-based policy called Resolution Aircraft and Maneuver
Selector (RMAS). RAMS forms the backbone of the Automated Airspace Concept [32], a
of a pairwise conflict, RAMS selects which of the two aircraft to maneuver, as well as
practices derived from human controllers and operational insights and analytical studies.
Departure Ascent Cruise Descent Arrival
Airport Airport
The RAMS’ rules dictating the preferred aircraft to maneuver for each type of potential
conflict are similar to those provided in Table 9. In the original formulation of RAMS, an
ordering of preferred solutions is included as part of the policy. Each potential conflict is
defined according to the phase of flight each aircraft is in at the time of occurrence, not
the time of detection. The major phases of flight include: ascent, cruise, and descent.
The flight phases are illustrated in Figure 86. Table 9 provides a simplification of the rules
given in [32]. As part of the RAMS system, additional fidelity differentiated two types of
arrivals: cruise arrivals and descending arrivals. For the RAMS system, an arrival aircraft
is defined as any aircraft within 200 NM or 20 minutes of its TRACON arrival fix. Because
information concerning the distance and time to TRACON arrival fixes is not available in
the PDARS data used to generate the traffic simulations, some of the rules are collapsed
together to still allow for an approximation of RAMS. In some cases, the simplification loses
The procedure for the knowledge-based policy with conflict-priority ordering is provided
in Procedure 9. The function KBR(Ai , Aj ), included as part of the policy procedure, enacts
the knowledge-based rules provided in Table 9. The input declaration of the aircraft pair
(Ai , Aj ) into the function KBR(Ai , Aj ) assumes that classification information is available.
Conflict-Priority Ordering
E T ← Ê(k), q = 0
while card(E T ) do
q =q+1
E T ← E T \ (mTq , ∗)
end while
I = [t + TR , t + TR + δt]
M = {m | m ∈ mT ∩ ∃tcm,∗ ∈ I}
The second random procedure, described by Procedure 10, takes a more balanced approach
towards deciding which aircraft are issued resolution commands. In particular, the policy
considers which aircraft have been previously maneuvered through the vector M P . The
value of MiP indicates the number of times aircraft Ai has been issued a resolution command.
For the potential conflict between aircraft Ai and Aj , the values MiP and MjP are compared.
If MiP = MjP , that is, both aircraft have been maneuvered the same number of times, then
the policy randomly selects which aircraft to maneuver. In the case when MiP 6= MjP ,
the aircraft with less maneuvers is issued a resolution command. After the corresponding
By taking into account the number of times an aircraft has been maneuvered prior to any
potential conflicts, the second policy acts to balance the number of times any one aircraft
entails an extra deviation or fuel-cost, then by balancing the distribution of maneuvered
E T ← hatE(k), q = 0
while card(E T ) do
q =q+1
E T ← E T \ (mTq , ∗)
end while
I = [t + TR , t + TR + δt]
M = {m | m ∈ mT ∩ ∃tcm,∗ ∈ I}
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