Jchps 9 (4) 171 Shubrajit Bhaumik 40 2624-2626
Jchps 9 (4) 171 Shubrajit Bhaumik 40 2624-2626
Jchps 9 (4) 171 Shubrajit Bhaumik 40 2624-2626
a b
Figure.3. Meshed (a) pin (b) disc
October - December 2016 2625 JCPS Volume 9 Issue 4
ISSN: 0974-2115
www.jchps.com Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Any wear on surface happens due to the local plastic deformation of the surface. As in this simulation no
plasticity property has been defined the value of maximum contact pressure came less than that of analytical value.
In this simulation with the increase of simulation period the maximum contact pressure increased and appeared to
get saturated after certain duration of simulation.