RFQ Cost Break Down

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Request For Quotation - Cost Break Down

HUSQVARNA Information
Issue Date (a) Part Description (h)
Contact Person for Purchasing (b) Part Number (i)
Contact Person for Technical Support (c) Estimated Yearly Volume (j)
Deadline for Quotation (d) Special Requirements (k)
Terms of Payment (e) Drawing Number (l)
Terms of Delivery (f) Samples Attached (m) YES NO
Factory Location (g) Number of Samples (n)
Part Specification Attached (o) YES NO

SUPPLIER Quotation
Quoted Currency / Exchange Rate (1)

Procured Parts

Part number/Description (2) Supplier / Country of Origin (3) Unit (4) Price/Unit (5) Quantity (6) Subtotal (7)
Total (8) 0.000

Raw Materials

Part number/Description (9) Supplier / Country of Origin (10) Unit (11) Price/Unit (12) Gross Quantity (13) Net Quantity (14) Subtotal (15)
Total (16) 0.000

Process Costs
Operation (17) No of Workers (18) Machine Type/Size (19) Cycletime (min) (20) Labour Cost Machine Cost Total Process Costs (25)
Per Hour (21) Total (22) Per Hour (23) Total (24)
0 0 0.000
0 0 0.000
0 0 0.000
0 0 0.000
0 0 0.000
Total (26) 0.000
Supplier Name & Country of Origin (38) Total Manufacturing Costs (27) 0.000
Tool Cost (39)
Tool Description (40) Other Costs
Number of Cavities (41) Selling, General and Administration on material costs (28) 0.000
Production Capacity (42) Selling, General and Administration on process costs (29) 0.000
Tool Life Warranty (43) Profit (30) 0.000
Tool Ownership (44) Total (31) 0.000
Tool Lead Time (45)
Sample Lead Time (46) Total Part Cost (32) 0.000
1st Production Lead Time (47)
Logistics Costs FOB DDU
Packaging Packaging (33) 0.000
Packaging Type (48) Transport (34) 0.000 0.000
Number of Parts/Package (49) Other Costs (Please specify) (35) 0.000 0.000
Total (36) 0.000 0.000
Supplier/Name/Date/Signature (50)
Total Quoted Price FOB (location) (37) 0.000
Validity of quotation (YY/MM/DD) Total Quoted Price DDU (location) (37) 0.000
Reference Description Explanations
a Issue Date Date when the RFQ is issued by Husqvarna
b Contact Person for Purchasing Add name, email and phone number of the purchasing contact
c Contact Person for Technical Support Add name, email and phone number of the technical contact
d Deadline for Quotation The latest date when the RFQ should be returned to Husqvarna
e Terms of Payment Husqvarna terms of payment
f Terms of Delivery Husqvarna delivery terms, according to INCOTERMS 2000
g Factory Location Address of the receiving Husqvarna factory
h Part Description Husqvarna part description
i Part Number Husqvarna part number
j Estimated Yearly Volume The estimated yearly volume, used for capacity calculations etc.
k Special Requirements Indicate any additional requirements, if applicable
l Drawing Number Husqvarna drawing number
m Samples Attached Indicate if samples have been attached
n Number of Samples How many samples have been attached
o Part Specification Attached Indicate if a part specification is attached
1 Currency/Rate Indicate the currency for the quotation, add currency rate if applicable
2 Part number/Description Part number or part description of the procured part
3 Supplier / Country of Origin Insert supplier name and country of origin
4 Unit Insert the unit of measurement, e.g. pcs, kg, meters etc.
5 Price/Unit Insert the price per unit, same currency as indicated in reference 1.
The selling of scrap from the production of the part should be listed with negative price.
Subsupplier quotations to be presented on request.
6 Quantity Insert the quantity of the procured parts
7 Subtotal Automatic calculation: 5 x 6
8 Total Automatic calculation: Sum of all 7
9 Part number/Description Part number or part description of the raw material
10 Supplier / Country of Origin Insert supplier name and country of origin
11 Unit Insert the unit of measurement, e.g. kg, meters etc.
12 Price/Unit Insert the price per unit, same currency as indicated in reference 1
13 Gross Quantity How much material is needed to produce one part
14 Net Quantity How much material will be in the finished part
15 Subtotal Automatic calculation: 12 x 13
16 Total Automatic calculation: Sum of all 15
17 Operation Indicate each process step in the production of the part
18 No of Workers Indicate the number of workers involved in every single process step.
If one worker covers several process steps, fill in the share per step.
19 Machine Type/Size List and describe the machine type and size for every process step
20 Cycle Time (min) Insert the exact cycle time for each process step, in minutes
21 Labour Cost Per Hour The hourly rate per worker, included all related costs, e.g. social costs etc.
22 Labour Cost Total Automatic calculation: 18 x 20/(60) x 21
23 Machine Cost Per Hour The hourly rate for the machine including fixed (depreciation) and variable (energy) costs
24 Machine Cost Total Automatic calculation: 20/(60) x 23
25 Total Process Costs Automatic calculation: 22 + 24
26 Total Automatic calculation: Sum of all 25
27 Total Manufacturing Costs Automatic calculation: Sum of 8 + 16 + 26
28 SG & A on material All overheads added to material costs, on 8 +16
29 SG & A on process All overheads added to process costs, on 25
30 Profit Calculated profit
31 Total Automatic calculation: 28 + 29 + 30
32 Total Part Cost Automatic calculation: 27 + 31
33 Packaging Calculated cost for packaging specified in 47 and 48
34 Transport Transport cost to point as specified in f
35 Other Costs Other logistic costs, e.g. 3PL warehousing etc., please specify
36 Total Automatic calculation: 33 + 34 + 35
37 Total Quoted Price Automatic calculation: 32 + 36
38 Supplier Name & Country of Origin Insert the name of the toolmaker and main manufacturing country for the tool
39 Tool Cost Insert the quoted tooling cost, same currency as indicated in reference 1
40 Tool Description Description of the tooling
41 Number of Cavities Indicate number of cavities in the tool
42 Production Capacity Insert the maximum production capacity per day and number of shifts, e.g. 2000/2
43 Tool Life Warranty Indicate tool life warranty expressed as number of parts
44 Tool Ownership Who is the owner of the tooling, Husqvarna or the supplier?
45 Tool Lead Time What is the tool lead time, expressed in number of weeks
46 Sample Lead Time What is the lead time for samples, expressed in number of weeks
47 1st Production Lead Time What is the lead time for 1st production, expressed in number of weeks
48 Packaging Type Describe the type of packaging (referring to valid packaging specification)
49 Number of Parts/Package How many parts are calculated to fit into one packaging unit
50 Supplier/Name/Date/Signature Name of supplier, issuing person, date and signature

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