Week 3: Environmental Performance Indices and Metrics
Week 3: Environmental Performance Indices and Metrics
Week 3: Environmental Performance Indices and Metrics
The columns the “environmental evaluation matrix” will represent six broad “classes
of environmental concerns” regarding the potential impacts of each class of activities:
Human health (e.g, carcinogenic, respiratory, eye/ear, esthetic)
Ecosystems (e.g., biodiversity, animals, fish, plants)
Materials/energy resources (e.g., ore and fossil fuel reserves, forests)
Solid residues (municipal or industrial solid wastes)
Liquid emissions (inorganic and organic contaminants of fresh and ocean waters)
Gas emissions (inorganic and organic gases and particulate matter emitted to the
We can now visualize constructing this 6 x 6 matrix for one particular industrial
activity, such as the production and use of a television set, that involves all six stages of
production and use (see adjacent Figure 1). Let us now assume that we have at our
disposal a 0 to 10 “rating” of environmental concerns (with 10 representing “negligible”
impact and 0 “maximum” impact). If we know enough about what it takes to make a
television set, we can fill in the numbers in the matrix; the perfect score, from an
environmental point of view, would be 360 (thirty six slots times 10). In reality, the score
would be somewhere between 0 and 360 and anything that could be done to increase
the overall rating (for example by decreasing the use of energy per viewing hour, or
designing the set in such a way that the cathode ray tube could be recycled) would help
the environment.
You may think that such ratings cannot be easy and you are right because we just
started doing them and we have a long way to go. But as the ancients used to say
“getting started is one half of the whole job”.
Dimensional and dimensionless environmental metrics
As we do when we discuss the fuel efficiency of a car, it is useful to express
environmental performance indices, or “environmental metrics”, as ratios of one
quantity, e.g., kilograms of emissions of NOx or CO2, to another, e.g. per kwh
produced. This particular measure has the dimensions of mass/energy (kg/kWh) and
is called “dimensional”. In contrast the metric “kg copper in copper product A per kg
of copper mined for manufacture of product A” has the dimensions of mass/mass
and, therefore, is “dimensionless”. In your term paper, try to express, as much as
possible, your results in the form of such dimensional or dimensionless ratios; you
will be contributing to the nurturing of IE.
With respect to global warming, the last term can be expressed as “tons of
carbon dioxide equivalent, CO2,equ per $ of GDP” where “CO2,equ“ sums up all carbon
dioxide and all other “greenhouse gases (GHG)” that have an equivalent effect (e.g. one
ton of methane, CH4, emissions are equivalent to about 21 tons of CO 2). Accordingly,
the master environmental equation is expressed in algebraic form as follows:
The above equation shows that the three contributing factors are the size of
population (e.g., China), very high material standard of living (e.g. the U.S.) and
inefficient technology for fuel combustion and gas emission control (e.g. in developing
nations). The “population” term can be reduced by public awareness or government
action (China). The GDP/capita term represents the material standard of living. The third
term is indicative of the technology used to produce materials and energy and to control
emissions. Of course, this is the main subject of this course. It should be noted that the
at the present time the Gross Domestic Product includes all products and services paid
for in local currency- it does not include environmental costs of a particular activity.
where the increment t represents the product of the three terms at time t minus the
same product in 1950. The first home exercise of the IE class will involve the calculation
of the master equation and the incremental Master equation for five representative
Table 1. 1991 inputs in the U.S. economy (after Wernick and Ausubel 1995)
million tons Tons per capita
Coal 843.2 3.34
Crude oil 667.1 2.64
Natural gas 377.6 1.49
Other petroleum products 62.8 0.25
Total fossil fuels 1950.7 7.72
Crushed stone 1092.8 4.32
Sand and gravel 827.5 3.27
Total construction minerals 1920.3 7.60
Salt 40.6 0.16
Phosphate rock 39.9 0.16
Clays 38.8 0.15
Industrial sand and gravel 24.8 0.10
Gypsum 22.9 0.09
Nitrogen minerals 16.6 0.07
Lime 16.0 0.06
Sulfur 13.1 0.05
Cement 11.5 0.05
Soda ash 6.9 0.03
All other 17.7 0.07
(Table 1 cont.)
248.8 0.98
Total industrial minerals
Iron and steel 99.9 0.40
Aluminum 5.3 0.02
Copper 2.2 0.01
All other 4.2 0.02
Total metals 111.6 0.44
Saw timber 122.9 0.49
Pulpwood 72.8 0.29
Fuel wood 51.5 0.20
All other 12.6 0.05
Total forestry products 259.8 1.03
Grains 219.7 0.87
Hay 133.2 0.53
Fruit and vegetables 70.5 0.28
Milk products 63.2 0.25
Sugar crops 50.6 0.20
Oilseeds 44.7 0.18
Meat and poultry 42.3 0.17
All other 4.9 0.02
Total agriculture 629.1 2.49
It is interesting to compare the U.S. material flows with some other developed
countries (Table 2), also for the year 1991:
Table 2. 1991 domestic consumption of materials in industrial countries (Fischer-Kowalski and Hutter,
Nation Germany Japan Netherlands U.S.A.
Population, millions 80.0 124.0 22.5 252.8
Consumption, tons/capita:
Oil, coal, gas 6.2 3.3 6.4 7.7
Minerals and metals 10.7 11.8 5.9 8.0
Biomass 2.6 1.5 10.2 3.0
Total domestic consumption 19.5 16.6 22.5 18.7
It can be seen that these numbers reflect not only different lifestyles of
consumers (e.g., the per capita use of fossil fuels used in Japan is one half or less than
of the other countries because of their development of superior mass transport system)
but also production and manufacturing strengths of each nation (e.g. compare the high
per capita “consumption” of minerals and metals in Japan and Germany with
Netherlands; and the high biomass consumption in Netherlands with that in Japan).
Just as Table 2 showed the input flows of materials to the U.S. economy, Table 3
shows how these materials are converted into domestic stocks, emissions and waste
Table 3. 1991 material outputs of the U.S. economy (after Wernick and Ausubel 1995)
million tons Tons per capita
Domestic stocks:
Construction 1677.1 6.63
All other 203.2 0.80
Total domestic stocks 1880.3 7.44
Atmospheric emissions:
Carbon as CO2 1367.0 5.41
Hydrogen 254.6 1.01
Methane 29.1 0.12
Carbon as CO 29.0 0.11
NOx 19.4 0.08
Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC) 17.6 0.07
Sulfur as SO2 10.4 0.04
Particulate matter 5.5 0.02
Total atmospheric emissions 1734.7 6.85
Residues and wastes:
Processing wastes 136.2 0.54
Coal ash 85.0 0.34
Municipal/commercial waste 276.4 1.09
Yard waste 35.0 0.14
Food waste 13.2 0.05
Water and wastewater sludge 9.4 0.04
Total residues and wastes 555.2 2.20
Total recycled materials 243.8 0.96
Table 4. Mining and mineral concentration wastes generated per unit of production
Million tons of Million tons of tons of waste
wastes production per ton produced
Coal, surface mining 10042
843 12.0
Coal, cleaning 84
Oil & gas produced wastes 3318
1044.7 3.2
Oil & gas drilling fluids 57.2
Ore wastes in metal mining 755
111.6 10.4
“Tailings” from ore concentration 409
Ore wastes in phosphate mining 262
39.9 9.3
“Tailings” from ore concentration 108
Table 5. Fraction of global production of materials used by the U.S. economy (1990,
Material Global production, Use by U.S. U.S. fraction,
million tons economy, million
Plastics 78.3 25 31.9%
Synthetic ffiber 13.2 3.9 29.5%
Aluminum 17.8 5.3 29.8%
Phosphate 15.7 4.4 28.0%
Copper (new metal) 8.8 2.2 25.0%
Salt 202.3 40.6 20.1%
Potash 28.3 5.5 19.4%
Sand, gravel 133.1 24.8 18.6%
Iron and steel 593.7 99.9 16.8%
Nitrogen 107.9 18 16.7%
Cement 1251.1 81.3 6.5%
Table 6. Some useful indices of environmental performance (after Wernick and Ausubel,
Name Dimensions Higher values indicate
Hydrogen to carbon ratio Mass H / mass C lower carbon emissions per
unit of energy generated
Intensity of material use $ of GDP/kg of material economic usefulness of
Intensity of carbon use $of GDP/kg of carbon emitted decarbonization of
Fertilizer productivity Tons produce/ton of fertilizers lower emissions of fertilizers to
used envir’t
Recycled material use Mass of recycled material/ Conservation of primary
(recycled plus virgin material) materials
Restoration of forest resources Mass of forest growth/forest Global carbon balance, less
products harvested ecosystem disruption
Dissipation index 1- mass of materials dissipated Efficiency of use of materials;
into environment during also avoidance of
production / mass materials contamination
Similarly, the social indicator is defined by
k m M k Em E m
kRR k En E n k L L k C C k V AV A k w W
Figure 3. Relation of an industrial subsystem to the economic, social, and Earth
References: Class
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and Ausubel,
S w e d is h E n v ir o n m n e t a l I n s t it u t e
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(P A H ) Ausubel, Annu.
Rev. Energy
NOx 250 A ld e h y d e s 20 Environ. 1995. 20:
N 2O 0 .6 F lu o r in e 1x10 463-92; Society’s
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II, Fischer-
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Ecol. 1998, Vol.2,
N0.4:107-136; J.
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Method 1992, Swedish Environmental Institute (IVL).