Business Math Syllabus

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Fall 2010
1:15 – 2:05 p.m.

Instructor: Karen Halpern

Office: 34-142
Office Hours: 111 – 11:50 a.m. daily and by appointment
Phone: (360) 596-5486
E-mail: [email protected]

Prerequisite: Math 90 and eligible for ENGL&101

Text: Cain and Carman, Mathematics for Business Careers

Other required supplies:
• Calculator with basic arithmetic functions and a pencil.
• Copy of the additional problems packet that is found on the instructor’s website:

Course description:

Emphasis on solving practical problems in business, including percentages, payroll, simple and
compound interest, annuities, discounts, markups, using a calculator.

Course evaluation:

There will be six tests during the quarter as well as one final exam. Tests will cover material
from the book, the supplementary packet, and class lectures.

All tests will be objective. The final exam is comprehensive and will take the place of one
missing test OR if all six tests have been taken, may be taken to improve one hourly test grade.

There will be no makeup tests except in cases of dire emergency. Please be sure to communicate
with me before the test is given if you need to request a makeup test. Tests may be taken early if
appropriate arrangements can be made. There is no guarantee that such arrangements can be

If you stop coming to class, you will receive the grade you have earned for the quarter. In most
cases, this will be an “F”.

Academic Honesty:

The first six tests are closed book/closed note. The final exam is open book. In no case can
students use dictionaries or electronic translators. Use of cell phones will not be allowed during
any of the tests. All electronic devices will be turned off and out of sight during tests.

Students are expected to have a calculator with basic arithmetic functions for use on tests.

Cheating is a serious violation and will not be tolerated. A grade of “F” for the course will be
given if a student is found to be cheating. If the instructor suspects that a student has cheated,
the student will be required to take a second, proctored, exam over the material covered on the
suspect exam.
The Vice President for Student Services will be notified of all incidents of academic dishonesty.

Please read the Statement of Academic Honesty in the Code of Student Rights and
Responsibilities. Copies of the Student Handbook can be obtained from the Student Programs
Office and from the office of the Vice President of Student Services. It is also on reserve in the

Classroom policies and expectations:

Students who require learning accommodations must make arrangements with the instructor as
well as the office of Disability Support Services during the first week of class. The instructor is
unable to provide accommodations without written documentation from and consultation with
the office of Disabled Student Services.

Each student is expected to read the assigned chapter or handout before class. Be sure to study
the charts and diagrams within the text and work the end of section exercises. Homework is not
collected or graded by the instructor.

This classroom is a learning environment. Turn off all cell phones, pagers, laptops and all other
electronic devices (other than instructor approved aids) before entering the classroom.

Class begins promptly. Please make every effort to be on time and stay for the duration of the
period. Students who arrive late or leave early disrupt the class, showing a lack of regard for
their fellow students.

The college encourages diversity of belief and the free expression of ideas. However, freedom of
expression also requires respect for differing opinions. Disrespectful behavior will not be
tolerated. Disrespectful behavior includes, but is not limited to: talking in small groups while
someone else has the floor, monopolizing the discussion, or disparaging the comments.

Students who continually disrupt the class will be referred to the Vice President for Student
Grade calculator: Fall 2010
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Final
10/1 10/13 10/25 11/9 11/22 12/3 12/6

Points earned on this test

Total points earned

Total points 50 100 150 200 250 300 300

A 46 92 138 184 230 276 276

A- 45 89 134 178 223 267 267
B+ 43 86 129 172 215 258 258
B 42 83 125 166 208 249 249
B- 40 80 120 160 200 240 240
C+ 38 76 114 152 190 228 228
C 37 73 110 146 183 219 219
C- 35 70 105 140 175 210 210
D+ 33 66 99 132 165 198 198
D 32 63 95 126 158 189 189
D- 30 60 90 120 150 180 180

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