Lecture 22 Soil Structure Interaction PDF
Lecture 22 Soil Structure Interaction PDF
Lecture 22 Soil Structure Interaction PDF
Module 4
(Lectures 17 to 22)
Lecture 22
Figure 4.29 Compliant base model with one dynamic degree of freedom: (a)
SDOF system on an elastic soil deposit; (b) idealized discrete system in
which compliance of base is represented by translational and rotational
springs and dashpots; (c) components of motion of base and mass
√ (4.69)
If the supporting material is compliant, however, the foundation can translate and
rotate. The stiffness and damping characteristics of the compliant soil-foundation
system can be represented by the translational and rotational springs and dashpots
shown in figure 4.29. b. the foundation dashpots represent two sources of
damping; material damping caused by inelastic behavior of the soil supporting the
foundation, and radiation damping that occurs as dynamic forces in the structure
cause the foundations to deform the soil, producing stress waves that travel away
from the foundation. The amount of material damping will depend on the level of
strain induced in the soil; if the strains are high, material damping can be
substantial, but if they are low, the material damping may be negligible. In
contrast, radiation damping is a purely geometric effect that exists at low as well
as high strain amplitudes. For typical foundations, radiation damping is often
much greater than material damping.
The total displacements of the mass and the base of the structure can be split into
their individual components (figure 4.29.c):
Where the symbols are defined as shown in (figure 4.23c). Neglecting material
damping in the soil ( the horizontal force imposed on the soil by the
foundation would be
̇ (4.72)
Where the subscript x refers to the horizontal direction for conditions. For
harmonic excitation at frequency , material damping can be introduced by the
use of a complex stiffness, so that
The first term on the right side of (equation 4.74.b) corresponds to radiation
damping, and the second to material damping. If the structure was rigid (
and the foundation unable to rotate ( , the natural frequency for
translational vibration would be
√ (4.75)
Repeating the same process for the rocking mode of vibration produces
Where the subscript denotes the absence of material damping. If the structure
was rigid ( and the foundation unable to translate ( , the natural
frequency for rocking would be
√ (4.77)
essentially the same way as the system of figure 23). Using the subscript to
describe the properties of this equivalent system, the equation of motion (for
harmonic motion) can be written as
Where is the equivalent seismic input motion. Note that the mass is the same
for the equivalent and actual models. For the equivalent system
The natural frequency of the equivalent model, , is the frequency at which the
response of the equivalent system goes to infinity for . This occur when
Or at
Equation (4.78) indicates that the natural frequency of the equivalent system is
always lower than that of the fixed base structure. In other words, an important
effect of soil-structure interaction is to reduce the natural frequency of the soil-
structure system to a value lower than that of the structure under fixed-base
( ) (4.79)
Equation (4.79) indicates that the damping ratio of the equivalent system will, for
typical soils and of foundations, be larger than the damping ratio of the structure
itself. Consequently, another important effect of soil-structure interaction is to
increase the effective damping ratio to a value greater than that of the structure
For the fixed-based case, no translation or rotation of the base is possible, but the
base translation of the equivalent system can be shown to be
( ) (4.80)
( ) (4.81)
Then the motion of the mass relative to the free-field motion is given by the sum
of the base displacement, the displacement of the top of the rod due to rotation
of the base, , and the displacement due to distortion of the structure, ,
[ ( ) ( ) ] (4.82)
The effect of soil structure interaction are easily illustrated in terms of the
following dimensionless parameters:
Large values of the stiffness ratio correspond to situations where a relatively stiff
structure rests on a relatively soft soil. The fixed-base condition is realized at zero
stiffness ratio.
The graphs in (figures 4.30 and 4.31) show the influence of soil-structure
interaction on the natural frequency, damping ratio, and displacement
characteristics of the equivalent SDOF system. Comparing the response
characteristics of the equivalent system with the fixed-base system illustrates the
effects of soil-structure interaction.
(Figure 4.30.a) shows how the natural frequency of the equivalent SDOF system
drops below that of the fixed-based system as the stiffness ratio increases. The
effects of soil-structure interaction on the natural frequency is small at low
stiffness ratios, i.e., when the stiffness of the soil (as reflected in the shear wave
velocity) is large relative to the stiffness of the structure. For the fixed base
condition ( ̅ the natural frequency of the equivalent system is equal to the
fixed-base natural frequency. (Figure 4.24.b) illustrates the influence of soil-
structure interaction of the damping ratio of the equivalent SDOF system. For the
fixed-base condition, the damping ratio of the equivalent system is equal to the
structural damping ratio, but as the stiffness ratio increases, the effects of radiation
and soil damping become more apparent. At high stiffness ratios, structural
damping represents only a small part of the total damping of the system.
Figure 4.30 Effect of stiffness ratio and mass ratio on (a) natural frequency, and
(b) damping ratio of soil-structure systems ( ̅
. (After Wolf, 1985)
[ ] [ ] ̈ [ ] ̈ (4.83)
[ ] ̈ [ ] [ ] ̈ (4.84)
Where [ ] is the mass matrix assuming that the structure and foundation are
massless. Equation (84) describes the problem illustrated in (figure 4.34.a).
(Equation 4.84) is solved for { which is referred to as the foundation input
[ ] [ ] [ ] ̈ ̈ (4.85)
Where [ ] is the mass matrix assuming that the soil is massless. Note that
the right side of (equation 4.85) represents the inertial loading on the structure-
foundation system. This inertial loading depends on the base motion and the
foundation input motion, which reflects the effects of kinematic interaction. In the
inertial interaction analysis, the inertial loading is applied only to the structure; the
base of the soil deposit is stationary. (Equation 4.85) corresponds to the problem
illustrated in (figure 4.34.b).
[ ] ̈ [ ] ̈
[ ] ̈ [ [ ] [ ] ̈ [ ] (4.86)
[ ] ̈ [ ] [ ] ̈
Which proves that the solution to the entire soil-structure interaction problem is
equal to the sum of the solutions of the kinematic and inertial interaction
analyses? Therefore, the multistep procedure can be summarized as follows:
If the foundation itself is rigid, the soil can be replaced by a set of equivalent
springs and dashpots in the inertial interaction analysis. The inertial interaction
analysis can then by performed by applying inertial forces to the masses of the
structure (figure 4.35.a) or by applying the input motion to the support (figure
4.35.b); the two methods are mathematically equivalent. Considerable research,
involving analytical, numerical, and experimental modeling, has produced a
variety of techniques for the evaluation of spring and dashpot constants for
foundation systems. Gazetas (1991) provided a very useful, practical series of
charts and tables for estimation of spring and dashpot coefficients for a variety of
foundation types and soil conditions. For more complicated soil and foundation
conditions, computer programs such as DYNA4 (Novak et al., 1993) allow
computation of complete foundation stiffness and damping matrices.