Lear-75-GM Quality System Basics Audit Form
Lear-75-GM Quality System Basics Audit Form
Lear-75-GM Quality System Basics Audit Form
This audit corresponds to the current Quality Systems Basics requirements as defined in the QSB presentation
revised in March, 2009. This audit applies to all suppliers regardless of which revision of the QSB presentation was
used for training. The new presentation contains several new requirements which are included in this audit. This
audit supersedes any previous audit and presentation revisions. If a QSB audit was conducted using the audit form
approved for use at that time and prior to this revision date, it is should not be necessary to repeat the entire audit
unless it has been longer than 2 years.
Audit status is equal to
AUDIT STATUS the lowest color status of NR
the above strategies.
Note: YELLOW and RED status on any question requires corrective actions.
Follow-up may be done on site or via E-mail; at the auditor's discretion.
Is there a defined process for Problem Solving leading to root cause identification and elimination?
A defined process for Problem Solving 1) Completed Problem Solving forms used across the plant for
including a standard for documenting the internal, customer and supplier issues.
tools used for root cause identification. 2) Standard forms (PPSR or equivalent) used with a format that
follows the core '6 Steps' of problem solving
(Define, Contain, Root Cause, Correct, Validate, Institutionalize)
3) Forms identifying root cause( Drill Deep, 5 Why, Fishbone, Cause
& Effect, etc...)
4) Changes to PFMEA and Control Plan indicating root cause
5) Evidence of cross-functional team approach.
6) Supervisors/Team or Group Leaders and OPERATORS about their
role in Problem Solving
- Forms completed on shop floor by Supervisors/Team or Group
Leaders (non-engineering staff) with team input.
- A standard training method for all Team Members/Leaders
Is there a system in place to capture information that supports continuous improvements to all operations/processes?
A system to capture and institutionalize 1) Review Lessons Learned procedure & forms.
lessons learned. 2) Documented sources that capture lessons learned such as Fast
Response, Problem Solving Documents, Continuous Improvement
Process, APQP, Risk Reduction team checklist, Read-Across,
1.5 Customer re-allocations (tool moves). NR
3) Completed Lessons Learned information which is easily
retrievable by all who need the information. (e.g. Master FMEA,
Read Across, Electronic forms or database).
A disciplined approach to problem 1) APQP Program check list reviews lessons learned.
prevention using lessons learned. 2) Continuous improvement team notes and agendas
3) Method which assures implementation supported by evidence of
1.6 review dates, distribution lists, or posted Lessons Learned. NR
(e.g. Active Drill Wide, Read-Across tracking)
Is there a nonconformance quality alert and notification procedure that meets customer requirements?
The organization’s nonconformance alert Documents to ensure communication and follow-up activities occur
notification and containment process as required such as:
includes communication and action for 1) An Alert document that is used:
all stakeholders: - For external and internal issues
- Customer(s) - To establish tasks, time line,& communications
- Tier-2s, etc. necessary to meet customer requirements.
2.4 - Internal stakeholders - Defines the problem & the standard NR
2) Internal/external distribution and notification
3) Customer contact list
4) Certified shipment log
5) Tiered supplier contacts and certified shipment documents.
Product removed from the approved ON THE SHOP FLOOR: (if live example is available)
process flow for repair or rework: 1) Look for evidence of reintroduction, at or prior to point of removal.
- Has Approved Work Instructions 2) Verify that reintroduction includes all downstream checks such as
- Is reintroduced into the process at or error proofing. (All control plan inspections & tests to be performed)
prior to the point of removal If it cannot be reintroduced into the process, verify that an
- Is traceable through an identifier 3) approved (Quality Manager) documented rework and inspection
- Is released using a defined process procedure is followed.
and authority. Look for an identifier such as serial number or special marking that
2.5 4) can be traced back to the supplier record to show what was done NR
and when.
Form to release product with authorized signature and approved
5) inspection of product
BEST PRACTICE: The limit for the number of times repaired is
not more than 2 times with a tracking method.
Scrap is prevented from unintended use, 1) Procedure and method for materials/parts designated as scrap to
tracked and reduced through on-going ensure it is properly identified and kept from being reintroduced
continuous improvement. back into the normal material flow. (e.g. destruction, paint, locked
2.6 container) NR
2) Performance metrics and goals established to reduce scrap at all
levels of the operation.
- Look for a minimum of 1 at the end of each product assembly
line, or between departments such as molding, paint, assembly,
which provides feedback to upstream operations.
All affected operators are trained in the 1) Evidence that operators are trained in the use of Standardized
use of Standardized Work Instructions Work Instructions.
Is there a systematic approach to develop Operator Instructions for all work.
Procedure, instructions or other ON THE SHOP FLOOR:
documentation that requires 1) Operator instructions in or near work areas that are accessible to
development of operator instructions for operators.
all work. 2) Compare instructions to work performed by operators.
OBSERVE 3 full cycles of the job in station &Verify:
- That the Major Steps (What), Key Points (HOW),
and Reason (WHY) are followed.
- (All key points shall have a reason Why)
3) Ask the Team Member how they know they have made good part.
Quality checks are included.
4.6 4) Specific tool requirements are listed at the operation. NR
5) Verify critical items such as torque or Customer Safety
6) requirements are specified in the document.
Major Steps (What), Key Points (HOW), and Reason (WHY) are
properly explained. (What is the outcome if the step is not
performed as described)
Standard operator training records 1) Training record that documents training of procedures and overall
document specific areas of training such job knowledge to:
as safety, quality record keeping, gaging, - Work safely (guards, start-up shut down, lock out)
workplace organization responsibilities. - Perform proper record keeping (production/quality)
5.2 - Understand work place organization responsibility NR
- Quality requirements (containment, red-bins, andon, etc)
Specific Job instruction training is 1) Individual Job training record with dates and trainer signoff for each
documented for each operator showing job.
all jobs trained on, skill or knowledge 2) Record indicates the steps in training & skill/knowledge level
level of the job, who trained them and achieved for each job:
when. 3) Follow-up includes the trainer audits employee to standard work
instructions, verifies quality & productivity within shift and again
approximately one day later.
5.3 NR
4) Verify a new operator is following Standardized Work Instructions &
know the quality and productivity requirements.
5) Training for the job is documented on their individual record.
Training records for supplemental or 1) Documentation, scheduling, and tracking forms for supplemental
temporary employees that document operator refresher training.
5.5 refresher training if they have not NR
performed that job within the last three
Error Proofing device locations shall be 1) Master list of all devices that prevent/detect the manufacture or
6.2 documented. assembly of nonconforming product. NR
Management periodically reviews results 1) Verification failures on Fast Response Tracking Sheets, Layered
6.3 of verification. Audit, Management Review agenda, Verification tracking forms NR
Is there a system in place to verify the documented manufacturing/assembly process through layered audits?
A defined Layered Process Audit 1) Written Procedure
procedure that is owned by 2) Audit & work instructions
7.1 manufacturing. 3) Counter measure process NR
4) Owned by Manufacturing
All levels of the organization participate 1) Audit Schedule showing level of participation and frequency.
in Layered Process Audits at established 2) Evidence that ALL layers of the organization perform regularly
frequencies. scheduled standardized audits. Plant Manager should be monthly,
Shift Leaders and Management Support Staff - Weekly, Group
7.2 Leader-Team Leaders-Daily.
3) Tracking to ensure every work station is evaluated on regular
Audit Check sheet includes: 1) Quality Focused checks for past customer failures. (i.e. Assigned at
Workstation, Quality (Customer Focus), Fast Response, for PRR or Liaison Report issues, error-proofing
and System high risk items. verification, etc...)
2) Workstation Specific check items (Review of actual work performed
by Team Members to standardized work instructions, 5S-WPO,
7.3 Rotation Log, Training, etc..) NR
3) Work Station and Quality Focused items are checked by all
4) System Specific items (Preventative Maintenance, Business Plan
reviews, Shop Floor Management standards, etc..)
Process specific audits are performed 1) Verification in the Layered Process Audit under system specific
7.4 (CQI 9, 11, 12, Weld Audit, Chrome items that, where applicable, Audits for special processes are NR
Audit, Paint Process Audit etc.) performed.
System to review and document the 1) Results reviewed with team members & area supervisors
results of the audit. 2) Evidence and documentation of immediate corrective action for
nonconformance. (Items corrected immediately)
All deviations are recorded on the check 3) Countermeasure list with responsibility and dates for items that
sheet. could not be corrected immediately.
7.5 4) Review of counter measure process at least once per week. NR
5) When appropriate nonconformance is added to Fast Response or
Check that the Audits are verified by the next level Supervisor.
Cross-functional teams have periodic 1) Cross-functional team agenda or other evidence of RPN reduction
reviews of PFMEA and coordinate RPN activities.
reduction activities? 2) Documentation that frequency and prioritization of reviews is based
on customer input, process capability, process changes, AIAG
guidelines, etc…
3) Review checklists, agendas or equivalent that assure adequate
PFMEA review (all operations/processes (paint, heat treat,
material handling, labeling, rework/repair, etc…) are included and
8.2 accurate. NR
- All process controls are included.
- Detection ratings are accurate.
- Occurrence ratings are analyzed using data (SPC, FTQ,
Quality Gate, C.A.R.E.*, Scrap, Layered Process
Audits* results)
Evidence of past quality issues and 1) Revision date of PFMEA to address error proofing and verification
corrective actions that have been of past failures.
implemented. 2) Action plans with target completion dates
8.5 3) Team validates the new Occurrence and Detection rankings and NR
resultant RPN.
4) Error proofing is verified per the Error Proofing Verification*
Extra Parts: Procedure for controlling 1) Method to prevent extra parts or materials that may fall into or stick
extra parts. to products which are not intended as part of the finished product.
such as:
Magnetic tools, Shielding, Fixture Orientation, Rollovers and
9.3 Dump Stations, Magnetic wrench. NR
2) Methods are verified through error proof verification and/or Layered
Process Audits.
Corrective actions for customer 1) Review customer complaint history for contamination related
complaints related to contamination. complaints.
2) Verify complaints are reviewed at Fast Response, have
documented problem solving, and corrective actions have been
9.6 implemented. NR
3) Contamination issue and corrective actions are added to Layered
Process Audits.
Is there a systematic process in place to control suppliers?
Procedures and work instructions to Procedures that require supplier audits to support sourcing
select and evaluate suppliers. decisions, quality systems, special processes, and product/process
specific evaluations.
1) - Potential supplier assessments
10.1 2) - Quality Systems Basics audit NR
3) - Special Processes such as Heat Treat, Plating, and Coating.
4) - Labeling PFMEA/Control Plan
Procedure for evaluating compliance to 1) Compliance to Customer specific requirements such as GP-9, GP-
customer specifications and 12, etc.
requirements 2) Process Control Plan Audits
10.2 3) Gaging Audits NR
4) Problem Solving with disciplined method for root cause analysis
such as 5-Why.
Measurement and validation system for Methods to determine ranking of Key suppliers with reviews of
key suppliers performance supplier performance to specified goals.
1) Key Supplier list with defined metrics/goals
2) Reviews of supplier performance with a defined procedure and
10.3 actions for poor performing suppliers. NR
3) Method or process in place to communicate problems and track
corrective action.
Procedure to establish a defined 1) A standardized communication procedure and form to control and
Production Trial Run (PTR) process. monitor all Production Trial Runs that documents each step of the
process & records all approvals and results.
2) Build readiness reviews required to authorize the start of the trial
11.2 run production process. NR
3) Quality reviews documented to release product for PTR shipment
and verification process has returned to normal production.
A parts banking strategy/procedure for 1) Defined procedure and responsibility for the execution of long term
identifying, protecting and retrieving long storage of parts or materials?
term storage of parts or materials. 2) Established guidelines for protective packaging for parts and
11.3 material. NR
3) Quality reviews to established inspection criteria for the authorized
release of banked parts and material.
0 No implementation: Corrective Action Required
1 Written implementation plan: Corrective Action Required
2 In place, not followed: Corrective Action Required
3 YELLOW: Requirement partially implemented
4 GREEN: Requirement met
NR NR: Not Reviewed
Note: Enter appropriate score based on R Y G score criteria and hit enter. Correct color will appear in R/Y/G cell.