Chapter3 BJT DC Analysis
Chapter3 BJT DC Analysis
Chapter3 BJT DC Analysis
junction Schematic and structure
Widths of the depletion regions, indicating clearly which
junction is forward-biased and which is reverse-biased. As
indicated in Fig. 3.5 , a large number of majority carriers will
Operation diffuse across the forward biased p–n junction into the n -type
junction The heavily doped n-type emitter region has a very high density of
transistor conduction-band (free) electrons, as indicated in Figure 4–4. These
(BJT) free electrons easily diffuse through the forward-based BE junction
into the lightly doped and very thin p-type base region, as indicated
Operation by the wide arrow. The base has a low density of holes, which are the
majority carriers, as represented by the white circles. A small
percentage of the total number of free electrons injected into the
base region recombine with holes and move as valence electrons
through the base region and into the emitter region as hole current,
indicated by the red arrows.
Figure 4–3 shows a bias arrangement for both npn and pnp
BJTs for operation as an amplifier. Notice that in both cases
Bias the base-emitter (BE) junction is forward-biased and the base-
collector (BC) junction is reverse-biased. This condition is
called forward-reverse bias.
Additional note for BJT behavior
Note in Fig. 3.8 that as the
All the current directions appearing in emitter current increases
Fig. 3.6 are the actual directions as above zero, the collector
defined by the choice of conventional current increases to a
flow. Note in each case that IE = IC + IB. magnitude essentially equal
Note also that the applied biasing (voltage to that of the emitter current
sources) are such as to establish current in as determined by the basic
the direction indicated for each branch. transistor-current relations.
That is, compare the direction of IE to the Note also the almost
polarity of VEE for each configuration negligible effect of VCB on
and the direction of IC to the polarity of the collector current for the
VCC. active region. The curves
clearly indicate that a first
approximation to the
relationship between IE and
BJT’s IC in the active region is
Configuration given by IE≈IC The output set relates an output current ( IC ) to an output
voltage ( VCB ) for various levels of input current ( IE ) as
(Common-Base) shown in Fig. 3.8 . The output or collector set of
characteristics has three basic regions of interest, as
indicated in Fig. 3.8 : the active , cutoff , and saturation
regions. The active region is the region normally employed
The input set for the common-base amplifier as shown for linear (undistorted) amplifiers.
in Fig. 3.7 relates an input current ( IE ) to an input In particular:
voltage ( VBE ) for various levels of output voltage ( In the active region the base–emitter junction is forward-
VCB). biased, whereas the collector–base junction is reverse-
The active region is defined by the biasing arrangements of Fig. 3.6 . At the lower
end of the active region the emitter current ( IE ) is zero, and the collector current is
simply that due to the reverse saturation current, IC0 , as indicated in Fig. 3.9 . The
current IC0 is so small (mA) in magnitude compared to the vertical scale of IC (mA)
that it appears on virtually the same horizontal line as IC=0. The circuit conditions
that exist when IE=0 for the common-base configuration are shown in Fig. 3.9 . The
notation most frequently used for IC0 on data and specification sheets is, as
indicated in Fig. 3.9 , ICB0 (the collector-to-base current with the emitter leg open).
It is important to fully appreciate the
statement made by the characteristics of Fig. 3.10c .
They specify that with the transistor in the “on” or
active state the voltage from base to emitter will be
0.7 V at any level of emitter current as controlled by
the external network. In fact, at the first encounter of
BJT’s any transistor configuration in the dc mode, one can
now immediately specify that the voltage from base
Configuration to emitter is 0.7 V if the device is in the active
region—a very important conclusion for the dc
(Common-Base) analysis to follow.
The most frequently encountered transistor configuration appears in Fig.
3.12 for the pnp and npn transistors. It is called the common-emitter
configuration because the emitter is common to both the input and output
terminals (in this case common to both the base and collector terminals).
In Fig. 3.13a this region exists to the right of the vertical dashed
line at VCE sat and above the curve for IB=0. The region to the
left of VCE sat is called the saturation region.
BJT’s Configuration
(Common-Emitter )
The change in IB(ΔIB) as appearing in Eq. (3.11) is then defined by choosing two points on
either side of the Q -point along the vertical axis of about equal distances to either side of
the Q -point. For this situation the IB = 20 mA and 30 mA curves meet the requirement
without extending too far from the Q -point. They also define levels of IB that are easily
defined rather than require interpolation of the level of IB between the curves. It should be
mentioned that the best determination is usually made by keeping the chosen ΔIB as small as
At the two intersections of IB and the vertical axis, the two levels of IC can be determined by
drawing a horizontal line over to the vertical axis and reading the resulting values of IC
Cont. from slide 7
Cont. from slide 8
The first step is to indicate the direction of IE as established by the arrow in the
transistor symbol as shown in Fig. 3.18b . Next, the other currents are introduced
as shown, keeping in mind Kirchhoff’s current law relationship: IC + IB = IE. That
is, IE is the sum of IC and IB and both IC and IB must enter the transistor structure.
Finally, the supplies are introduced with polarities that will support the resulting
directions of IB and IC as shown in Fig. 3.18c to complete the picture. The same
approach can be applied to pnp transistors. If the transistor of Fig. 3.18 was a pnp
transistor, all the currents and polarities of Fig. 3.18c would be reversed.
Cont. from slide 9
At high levels of base current the currents almost climb vertically, whereas at lower
levels a region develops that seems to back up on itself. This region is particularly
noteworthy because an increase in current is resulting in a drop in voltage totally
different from that of any resistive element where an increase in current results in an
increase in potential drop across the resistor. Regions of this nature are said to have a
negative-resistance characteristic.
Although the concept of a negative resistance may seem strange at this point, this text
will introduce devices and systems that rely on this type of characteristic to perform
their desired task. The recommended maximum value for a transistor under normal
operating conditions is labeled BVCEO as shown in Fig. 3.19 or V(BR )CEO .
It is less than V(BR )CEO and in fact, is often half the value of BVCEO. For this breakdown
region there are two reasons for the dramatic change in the curves. One is the avalanche
breakdown mentioned for the common-base configuration, whereas the other, called
punch-through, is due to the Early Effect.
In total the avalanche effect is dominant because any increase in base current due to the
breakdown phenomena will be increase the resulting collector current by a factor beta.
This increase in collector current will then contribute to the ionization (generation of
free carriers) process during breakdown, which will cause a further increase in base
current and even higher levels of collector current.
The input current, therefore, is the same for both the common-emitter
and common-collector characteristics. The horizontal voltage axis for the
common-collector configuration is obtained by simply changing the sign
of the collector-to-emitter voltage of the common-emitter characteristics.
For each transistor there is a region of operation on the
characteristics that will ensure that the maximum ratings are not
being exceeded and the output signal exhibits minimum distortion.
For point B , if a signal is applied to the circuit, the
device will vary in current and voltage from the The term biasing appearing in the title of this
operating point, allowing the device to react to (and chapter is an all-inclusive term for the application of
possibly amplify) both the positive and negative dc voltages to establish a fixed level of current and
excursions of the input signal. voltage.
If the input signal is properly chosen, the voltage For transistor amplifiers the resulting dc current and
and current of the device will vary, but not enough voltage establish an operating point on the
to drive the device into cutoff or saturation. characteristics that define the region that will be
employed for amplification of the applied signal.
The biasing circuit can be designed to set the device operation at any of these points or others
OPERATING POINT within the active region. The maximum ratings are indicated on the characteristics of Fig.4.1
by a horizontal line for the maximum collector current I C max and a vertical line at the
maximum collector-to-emitter voltage VCE max .
The maximum power constraint is defined by the curve P C max in the same figure. At the lower
end of the scales are the cutoff region defined by IB ≤ 0 µA, and the saturation region ,
defined by VCE ≤ VCE sat .
The fixed-bias circuit of Fig. 4.2 is the CONFIGURATION) The dc supply VCC can be separated
simplest transistor dc bias configuration. into two supplies (for analysis
Even though the network employs an npn purposes only) as shown in Fig. 4.3
transistor, the equations and calculations to permit a separation of input and
apply equally well to a pnp transistor output circuits.
configuration merely by changing all current
directions and voltage polarities. It also reduces the linkage between
the two to the base current IB . The
The current directions of Fig. 4.2 are the separation is certainly valid, as we
actual current directions, and the voltages are
note in Fig. 4.3 that VCC is
defined by the standard double subscript
notation. For the dc analysis the network can
connected directly to RB and RC just
be isolated from the indicated ac levels by as in Fig. 4.2 .
replacing the capacitors with an open-circuit
equivalent because the reactance of a
capacitor is a function of the applied
The term saturation is applied If we approximate the curves
to any system where levels of Fig. 4.8a by those
have reached their maximum appearing in Fig. 4.8b , a
values. quick, direct method for
determining the saturation
For a transistor operating in level becomes apparent. In
the saturation region, the Fig. 4.8b , the current is
current is a maximum value for relatively high, and the
the particular design. voltage VCE is assumed to be
0 V.
Change the design and the
corresponding saturation level Applying Ohm’s law, we can
may rise or drop. Of course, the determine the resistance
highest saturation level is between collector and
defined by the maximum emitter terminals as follows:
collector current as provided by
the specification sheet.
An operating point in the saturation region is depicted in Fig. 4.8a . Note that it is in a
region where the characteristic curves join and the collector-to-emitter voltage is at or
below VCE sat . In addition, the collector current is relatively high on the characteristics.
Applying the results to the network schematic results in the configuration of
Fig. 4.9 . For the future, therefore, if there were an immediate need to know
the approximate ICmax sat for a particular design, simply insert a short circuit
equivalent between collector and emitter of the transistor and calculate the
resulting IC. In short, set VCE= 0V
For the fixed-bias configuration of Fig. 4.10 , the short circuit has been
applied, causing the voltage across RC to be the applied voltage VCC .
Recall that the load-line solution for a diode
network was found by superimposing the
actual diode characteristics of the diode on
a plot of the network equation involving the
same network variables. The intersection of
the two plots defined the actual operating
conditions for the network. It is referred to
as load-line analysis because the load
(network resistors) of the network defined
the slope of the straight line connecting the The output characteristics By joining the two points defined by Eqs. (4.13) and (4.14), we can
points defined by the network parameters. of the transistor also relate draw the straight line established by Eq. (4.12). The resulting line
the same two variables IC on the graph of Fig. 4.12 is called the load line because it is
The same approach can be applied to BJT and VCE as shown in Fig. defined by the load resistor RC . By solving for the resulting level
networks. The characteristics of the BJT are 4.11b . The device of IB , we can establish the actual Q -point as shown in Fig. 4.12.
superimposed on a plot of the network characteristics of IC versus
equation defined by the same axis VCE are provided in Fig.
parameters. The load resistor R C for the 4.11b . We must now
fixed-bias configuration will define the superimpose the straight
slope of the network equation and the line defined by Eq. (4.12)
resulting intersection between the two plots. on the characteristics.
The smaller the load resistance, the steeper The most direct method of
the slope of the network load line. The plotting Eq. (4.12) on the
network of Fig. 4.11a establishes an output output characteristics is to
equation that relates the variables IC and use the fact that a straight
VCE in the following manner: line is defined by two
points. If we choose IC to
be 0 mA, we are
specifying the horizontal
axis as the line on which
one point is located. By
substituting IC =0 mA into
Eq. (4.12), we find that
If the level of IB is changed by varying the value of RB , the Q -point moves
up or down the load line as shown in Fig. 4.13 for increasing values of IB.
If VCC is held fixed and RC increased, the load line will shift as shown in Fig.
4.14 . If IB is held fixed, the Q -point will move as shown in the same figure.
If RC is fixed and VCC decreased, the load line shifts as shown in Fig. 4.15 .
The dc bias network of Fig. 4.17 contains an emitter resistor to improve the
stability level over that of the fixed-bias configuration. The more stable a
configuration, the less its response will change due to undesirable changes in
temperature and parameter variations. The improved stability will be
demonstrated through a numerical example later in the section. The analysis
will be performed by first examining the base–emitter loop and then using the
results to investigate the collector–emitter loop.
The dc equivalent of Fig. 4.17 appears in Fig 4.18 with a separation of the
source to create an input and output section.
There is an interesting result that can be
derived from Eq. (4.17) if the equation is
used to sketch a series network that would
result in the same equation. Such is the
case for the network of Fig. 4.20 .