Asset Management PETROFAC

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Petrofac Engineering
& Production Services

Introducing Asset
Petrofac Management
Petrofac is an international service provider to the A key area of our capability is ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION SERVICES
Asset Management Services.
oil and gas production and processing industry. We support our clients to manage Our Asset Management Services are an integral part of our wider
Engineering & Production Services capability. We integrate these services
We have been supporting the industry for over and maximise value from their
assets and systems. We help them where appropriate to unlock value for our clients across the asset life cycle.
three decades. More than 13,500 Petrofac people achieve optimised performance
at minimum cost and acceptable
support our operations in 29 countries worldwide. risk, whilst ensuring compliance.
Our capability and experience
helps existing and new clients on
their journey; whether that’s at
Training and Competence Engineering
project start-up, through ongoing Solutions to support compliance From pre-concept and FEED
and develop workforces across the to detail design and execution,
and late life operations or onto oil and gas industry including brownfield modifications
decomissioning. and EPCm
ility EPC
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Fle p




Late Life Asset Management
and Decommissioning
Engineering Operations & Maintenance
Supply of competent people,
Targeted focus on operational & Production integrated maintenance
Nothing matters more to We believe in: cost reduction, enhanced programmes, managed O&M

io n
production and effective and full asset operations
Petrofac than the safety


lu t
asset decommissioning

al a
Strong and sustainable

of our people.

De d

safety leadership li v e gra
ry I nte

Our vision is to reach Continually raising standards

to improve our health and
Horizon Zero; a future
safety performance
with no safety incidents. Well Engineering
Design, optimisation,
Asset Management
Consultancy and managed
management and testing services to enable maximsed
Effective management of integrity spanning the well life cycle performance and integrity
Our safety culture is entrenched in
everything we do, supported by a series Communicating internally and
of programmes and campaigns that sharing lessons across our industry
underpin our vision and our commitment to
continuous improvement in this area. We Ensuring our workforce
reinforce our safety culture through initiatives is fully engaged
such as our Golden Rules of Safety, Right
Choice, Safe Choice messaging and our
Core Safety Behaviours programme. This
is supported by our Control of Work and
Lessons Learned tools.

In October 2016 we attained 77 million

man-hours worked across our Group
with no Lost Time Incidents (LTIs).


Through our specialist team of consultants, we identify Across our portfolio we are responsible for
and deliver solutions across the asset life cycle. As developing and assuring the maintenance
part of this we address the various contributors to and integrity programmes for assets with a
asset performance to help our clients achieve safe, combined value of over US$150 billion. Our
consultants are experienced in a variety of
reliable and effective performance.
sectors including oil and gas (upstream,
midstream and downstream), chemicals
and power (including renewables).
We provide significant value, including:
Supported by our wide reaching service
• Improved safety and integrity capability we identify opportunities and can
• Increased reliability and availability support their realisation.
• Reduced cost
• Assured compliance Whether you are looking for consulting
• Management of risk or managed services we have the
in-house resources to define and
The below diagram gives an overview realise asset improvement.
of how our services fit together and can
complement each other.


PERFORMANCE CONSULTING: We are an ISO accredited supplier
If opportunities for improvement are unknown
Benchmark the current state of asset (ISO9001:2015) and understand the
performance and identify opportunities importance of quality in every project we
for improvement deliver. Through our bespoke processes
and leading technical authorities we
strive to ensure all deliverables are
TECHNICAL CONSULTING: right first time, every time.
If opportunities are known but solution unknown
Deliver the necessary
documentation, processes and
plans to realise the opportunities

MANAGED SERVICE: If solutions are known and execution is needed
Our specialist teams will
achieve and sustain the
desired improvement


We benchmark physical assets Our highly experienced consultants address

to identify opportunities for six complementary areas necessary for an Enhanced by
improvement and define a practical effective asset management approach.
approach for their realisation.
AssureME, our proprietary tool for
performance consulting, acts as
Using our knowledge, protocols and
a repository for the information
benchmarks, and evaluation of the RISK AND STRATEGY gathered during an assessment.
maturity of your approach in relation to COMPLIANCE AND DECISION Our consultants use the tool to
international standards and your own MANAGEMENT MAKING store and rank a client’s approach
objectives, we can:
to all aspects of physical asset and
infrastructure management, across
Address all the contributing
six key areas. AssureME is robust
elements to asset management
enough to cover the complete asset
management spectrum down to
For new assets, establish best
individual contributing elements
practice from day one of operations PEOPLE AND such as maintenance.
Provide assurance that existing
AssureME delivers a complete report,
performance is on track with targets
aligned to the principles of ISO 55000, an
increasingly recognised standard for good
Drive improvements for existing assets asset management practice, as applied
to achieve sustainable performance to the management of physical assets.

Benchmark processes, standards and SYSTEMS We use this report to:

safety across multiple assets/locations PHYSICAL
PROCESSES • Provide a thorough insight into
Help ensure compliance with
current activities
standards, along with the adoption
• Assess activity maturity against
of industry best practice
good practice
• Identify opportunities for improvement
• Prioritise these opportunities in
Through our technical consultancy and
relation to the achievement of
managed services, we can provide a
specific business objectives
one-stop implementation solution,
working directly with clients to realise
the opportunities identified.


We develop asset management Our solutions range from the provision We ensure seamless business level This comprehensive solution can address the
systems, processes, programmes of operations readiness to maintenance, integration of information management by complete asset management spectrum or be Enhanced by
and competency solutions inspection and inventory optimisation, right
through to late life asset management and
considering enterprise asset management
(EAM), enterprise resource planning (ERP),
targeted to specific elements.
that deliver performance
decommissioning strategies. engineering and production management We develop practical solutions that
objectives. Our solutions As a cloud-based application, BuildME
systems as part of our clients' business deliver results, drawing upon our breadth
are tailored to each client's can be used to support short term
Our consultants develop fit-for-purpose systems strategy. of capability and asset management
requirements. objectives such as programme reviews,
business processes, that underpin the experience in challenging environments.
data cleansing or planning optimisation.
achievement of operational excellence. The delivery of these services is enhanced
It can also be used for continuous data
by our in-house BuildME™, CBMnet and
sustaining activities such as managing
AIRS solutions.
the change of Computerised
Maintenance Management System
(CMMS) master data.

Once integrated into your management

of change processes, BuildME is then
available for any future projects or
modification works. This removes the
requirement for many other additional
• Performance standard development
• Asset management policy software licenses normally required to
• Integrity assurance reviews
RISK AND STRATEGY and strategy complete project based activities.
• Safety critical element/equipment
COMPLIANCE AND DECISION • Investment planning
assignment and management
MANAGEMENT MAKING and decision support BuildME contains modules to manage: tag
• Criticality assessment
• Late life asset management strategy data and hierarchy, criticality assessments,
• Risk analysis
maintenance and inspection programmes,
maintenance strategy libraries, risk
based inspection assessments, piping
vibration assessments and material
• Maintenance and integrity
• Organisation design (spares) data cleansing.
programme optimisation
PEOPLE AND • Manpower planning
• Availability and reliability studies PERFORMANCE Technology ORGANISATION • Technical competency assessment It incorporates significant knowledge
• Condition monitoring
• Resource profiling gained from our extensive experience
• KPI framework and visualisation
working globally with many different asset
operators in a range of environments.
Together with our technical delivery
• Evaluation of current processes models, BuildME ensures cost-effective,
• Maintenance and integrity time-efficient, auditable development or
and systems
programme development SYSTEMS review of asset management data.
PHYSICAL • Process mapping
• Maintenance strategy development AND
ASSETS • Systems and technology selection
• Risk based inspection studies PROCESSES BuildME can enable immediate results,
and implementation
• Inventory and spares optimisation through easy implementation into client
• Data development and enhancement
EAM, ERP or CMMS systems.


We can provide manpower, functional support

and supervision to realise the strategies Enhanced by
identified through our performance and CBMnet
technical consulting services. We draw upon
our expertise from full service operatorship CBMnet is our internet-enabled
through to operations and maintenance, management reporting tool that
brownfield rejuvenation, and specific asset allows clients to optimise
optimisation strategies, to drive efficiencies, maintenance and manage
optimisation and uptime. the risk to delivery of their business
objectives through the assessment of
critical rotating machinery condition.

CBMnet collates condition-based

maintenance information, reports risk
levels, assesses schedule compliance and
provides clients with recommendations for
action. It is a bespoke solution designed to
SERVICES INCLUDE: meet the needs of the oil and gas industry.

COMPLETE ASSET MANAGEMENT: CBMnet provides a complete integrated

A full asset management solution that aims service from design to operation. Starting
ASSET to deliver reduced OPEX and improved with the development of condition-based
MANAGEMENT production and efficiency in line with each maintenance strategies and criticality
client's strategy for asset growth. assessments, through to system
specification/configuration, training,
baseline surveys and acceptance testing,
FUNCTIONAL SUPPORT: A complete we implement fit-for-purpose condition
service to address specific asset monitoring programmes.
FUNCTIONAL management requirements to meet each
SUPPORT client's needs. This includes condition These programmes are then supported
monitoring, CMMS management and through the asset life cycle by our team
administration and reliability. of experienced analysts and consultants.

Specialist asset management skills and
capability to work within client teams.


Supporting In-house delivery BESPOKE SOLUTIONS

We recognise the important role that technology has to play in
technology ensuring safe and efficient asset management. As such, we have

developed relationships with a range of world-class technology
A set of well-established systems and processes, providers. Through these partnerships we can incorporate their
support our people. By using a mixture of best-of-breed technologies in the development of asset management solutions
commercial applications and nimble, built for purpose to meet specific client requirements.
in-house applications we achieve high quality delivery,
with flexibility for individual client requirements. Further information can be provided on request.

We develop proprietary asset management software solutions that ensure

effective, efficient and consistent delivery of all our services. This includes:

AssureME BuildME™ CBMnet AIRS

Stores the information gathered as part of our performance Integrates the management, quality control and enhancement Optimises maintenance and manages the risk to delivery Integrates integrity management with audit tracking
consulting assessment and acts as a ranking system of asset management data and information to build specific of client business objectives through the assessment of and associated risk mitigation to help clients identify and
to understand the performance of all aspects of a client’s programmes for performance improvement. Provides ease of critical rotating machinery condition. evaluate threats to asset integrity performance.
asset management system. implementation into client EAM, ERP and CMMS systems.

Through the rest of the Petrofac group we offer a range of complementary

software which enhances the delivery of services across EPS.

SkillsVX Computer-based training WellAtlas® POISE

An integrated training and competence management system Supports the delivery of our blended learning A comprehensive, integrated, web-based, project Primary screening of study options that can dramatically
with market leading features, such as low bandwidth optimisation solutions, combining class-room based and on-screen management system with a bespoke project hierarchy. save time at the concept selection project phase and assist
and the ability to compute multiple matrices and roles. training elements. We have a library of eLearning modules It provides clients with complete visibility, transparency and clients in their decision making processes.
and can develop bespoke materials. auditability of our and their own projects.

Our track The

record Petrofac
By combining the capabilities
and experience held across our
business, we deliver optimised
solutions to offer a truly
differentiated service:

Flexible and responsive organisation

with global resource and capability

Global track record across a diverse

range of assets

Services span the complete asset life

normal operation through to late life
We identified opportunities to improve We completed a safety management For thirteen years we have been the and removal
maintenance management, execution strategies system audit and associated programme condition monitoring provider for a
and associated support for a number of development and delivery for a major fleet of global FPSO vessels. This has Integrated, specialist in-house services
onshore and offshore assets in the UK and international oil company. This was included strategy development, criticality give us the ability to identify solutions
Europe. These opportunities gave the client the achieved over a five year period through analysis, systems specification and and implement them
necessary strategy to realise major cost savings. a continuous cycle of audits across the procurement. We have also provided
client’s North Sea assets. training for client personnel in the Proven systems, tools and processes
We conducted a complete maintenance fundamentals of condition monitoring, that ensure effective, efficient and
effectiveness assessment. This included high The audit programme provided an condition based maintenance, data consistent delivery of all our services
level maintenance strategy, work planning and assessment of the client’s safety and risk collection and analysis.
execution, performance standards, reliability, management system procedures and Proprietary software allowing for ease
condition monitoring and integrity management, processes. It also consisted of a visual This service has been enabled through our of implementation into client systems
amongst others. To gather the data we inspection of the facilities, concentrating proprietary CBMnet software which stores and faster realisation of the benefits
conducted interviews with client personnel and on those areas highlighted as being the data for each item of machinery along
reviewed relevant documentation. Findings of immediate concern. The relevant with associated vibration data assessment A committed and process driven
were recorded and scored using our in-house documents, drawings, standards, and maintenance recommendations. approach to getting it right first time
tool, AssureME, to provide an overview of the guidelines and records were examined Through acting as a repository for this including meeting the requisite priorities
client’s approach to maintenance. both onshore and offshore. Interviews data CBMnet has provided the client of safety, environment, and reputation
were held with management, operators, with instant access to the status of their
64 recommended actions were presented in staff and contractors to determine how the machinery on a global basis.
total, with about half classed as high priority. guidelines, standards and procedures were
Actions included improvement opportunities and being used in practice. As a result of our work the client has
the practical solutions needed to achieve their been able to move from a reactive to a
realisation, along with best practices to follow. Thanks to this long term, rolling programme proactive approach towards maintenance
we provided the client with assurance and realise the benefits of predictive based
By adopting these changes, the client will on the risk management of major maintenance. This includes reducing
be able to unlock value through improved accident hazards and compliance with through life costs and avoiding catastrophic
maintenance performance and reductions statutory legislation and their compliance failures by focusing maintenance on the
in associated OPEX. management framework. areas of highest risk.
Contact us today:
[email protected]

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