Conspiracy X - Psi Wars (BoL2) PDF
Conspiracy X - Psi Wars (BoL2) PDF
Conspiracy X - Psi Wars (BoL2) PDF
Editorial Staff
Creative Director
M. Alexander Jurkat
Rules Editor Proofing
Bernard C. Trombley Susanne Johnson-Haggett
Production Staff
Art Direction, Layout Design and Graphics , Cover Art
George Vasilakos
Interior Illustrations
Steve Bryant, C. Brent Ferguson, Jeff Reitz, Christopher Shy, George Vasilakos
Original Concept by Rick Ernst, Shirley Madewell, Chris Pallace
2 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Table of Contents
A new skill, two new psi-trainings and more
by Justin Schmid
New Credentials ……….………………………...................………..8
Kameradenwerk, Order of St. John
by William Borrall
New Traits……………....………………………................…………..12
Alien Allies, Night Terrors and more
by Justin Schmid, Bernard C. Trombley
New Resources..………………………………................…………..14
Weapons, vehicles and more
by Eirik Bull-Hansen, M. Alexander Jurkat, Justin Schmid
Alternate Weapon Ranges….……….................………………..18
Realistic weapon ranges
by Eirik Bull-Hansen
Alien Technology Resource Point Costs................………..20
All the alien tech costs in one place
by Bernard C. Trombley
Informational Sources..................................................... 24
It’s all in who you know
by Justin Schmid, Bernard C. Trombley, M. Alexander Jurkat
Fear and insanity
by William Borrall, Justin Schmid, Bernard C. Trombley, M. Alexander Jurkat
Spice up those pools and loci
by Stephen Passey
Hazardous Materials………………..…………..................……..32
Biological, chemical, and radioactive menaces
by William Borrall
A complete mission into the mind
by Justin Schmid
P S I W A R S 3
Dreams form an important part of almost every human culture and dream study
dates back to prehistoric times. Dreams are believed by some to be metaphorical
explorations of the dreamer’s life, fears and hopes. Many dream analysts believe
that every element in a dream has some kind of significance to the dreamer. They
try to uncover these unconscious meanings to help the dreamer in his waking life.
In the past, dreams were seen as portents to the future or as ways for spirits or gods
to talk to humans. The earliest known work discussing dreams and interpretations
is the Egyptian Chester Beatty papyrus dating from 2000 B.C. The Greeks thought
that there were different kinds of dreams and sought healing dreams by sleeping in
a temple dedicated to Aesculapius, the god of healing. Later, the Romans would
devise a system of dream interpretation that would remain in widespread use until
Freud wrote “The Interpretation of Dreams” in 1900, which revolutionized the
world’s concept of consciousness. Freud believed that dreams represented
repressed desires of the unconscious and mainly explored dreams within a sexual
context. Carl Jung similarly saw dreams as an expression of the unconscious, but
not necessarily repressed desires. Jung explored this theory through the use of
archetypes or primal conceptions of the universe, which he believed are shared
through the collective unconsciousness. Jung focused on dream interpretation, but
instead of being a means for communications from spirits, he saw them as honest
representations of our perceptions of the world and needs in life.
It was only in the 1950s that dreams became associated with the R.E.M. or Rapid
Eye Movement stage of sleep, a 60 to 90 minute cycle of sleep that involve a deep
sleep crucial to learning development in children and the sanity of all humans. It is
currently believed that the dreaming state replenishes chemicals in the brain, keep-
ing it healthy. Denied these chemicals, the brain deteriorates, leading to mental
instability and reduced functioning.
Dreams generally are perceived in color, but tend to lack olfactory sensations. Only
the last dream before waking is usually remembered and those memories tend to
fade after five to ten minutes following waking, unless recorded in some manner.
When an agent sleeps, she will experience about four dreams, each lasting longer
than the last, between ten and ninety minutes in duration. The first dream begins
approximately ninety minutes after falling asleep.
4 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Greys and Dreaming
Greys do not so much sleep as meditate deeply on a regular basis for about four
hours a day. During this time, they merge consciousness with the rest of their
gestalt. This has changed lately, however, due to the adverse affects of the
Seepage, which creates havoc in Grey sleep patterns. Greys on Earth increasingly
experience a phenomena which is best likened to dreaming, possibly picking up on
human dreams. The dreams are damaging to the fragile Grey psyche. This is just
one of the many ways the Seepage is creating psychosis among Greys.
Only Greys who have spent a significant time on Earth may learn dream-related
psychic trainings and they can only learn Dream Telepathy and Dreamwalking.
Greys roll against their Meditation skill instead of Lucid Dreaming to be able to
use these trainings and must be in their meditative state at the time. Precognitive
Dreaming and Dream Bilocation are still not fully understood. Since Greys are used
to using their psychic talents while fully conscious, the unconscious frightens
them to some degree. Most Greys will not learn dream trainings because they are
so disturbing, but the truly insane ones may pursue it.
Lucid Dreams
A lucid dream is one that appears very real to the dreamer. For the most part, they
take the form of a very realistic dream. Some, however, are much more. In these,
the dreamer experiences the dream as he would experience life and is able to act
consciously during the dream, possibly altering its course. This awareness during
dreams is not uncommon and has been the subject of several studies. Some believe
this lucid dreaming state is beneficial and allows the dreamer can explore his
unconscious in a state of semi-consciousness, and thus learn more from the experi-
ence. Many others are skeptical that this sort of dreaming provides an benefits
greater than regular dreaming. Some Eastern philosophers believe that lucid
dreams are unhealthy, demonstrating anxiety levels in the dreamer so intense that
even in sleep the unconscious is not permitted free reign.
New Skill
Lucid Dreaming (Wil): The character is skilled at gaining control of her dreams.
Any night that the character falls asleep without the use of drugs or other outside
agents, she may try to use the Lucid Dreaming skill to control her dreams, suc-
ceeding with a Variable test. Only one attempt may be made per night. Successfully
using this skill is required before the character can use any psychic training that
requires the psychic to be dreaming (Precognitive Dreaming, Dream Bilocation or
Dreamwalking). The character may also use this skill to stop someone from send-
ing her dreams through Telepathy or a related psi-training.
The character test her Willpower against the sender’s Willpower. Deep Sleepers
gain +2t when using this skill, Light Sleepers and Insomniacs suffer -2t.
P S I W A R S 5
Psychic Dreaming
The majority of psychic experiences a human will have occur in or are related to
dreams. Often, visions of future events are seen or thoughts are transmitted to fam-
ily or loved ones hundreds of miles away. In some cases, shared dreams occur.
Some believe that dreams hold the key to discovering past lives, but all agree that
one draws closer to the paranormal through dreams.
Dream telepathy has long been of interest to parapsychologists, who believe
dreams to be highly conducive to psychic activity. Between 1962 and 1974 experi-
ments with dream telepathy at the Dream Laboratory of the Maimonides Medical
Center resulted in significant findings. While it sometimes took a day or two for the
subject to receive the target image in their dreams, their results were still significant
enough to warrant further research. It was found that rapport between the subject
and sender was most crucial to the success of the experiments.
While humans often express unconscious and uncontrolled use of psi while sleep-
ing, they can learn to control their psychic powers while dreaming. They do so with
the psi-trainings such as Dream Telepathy, Precognitive Dreaming, Dream
Bilocation and Dreamwalking.
New Psi-trainings
The following trainings are professional only to Project Cygnet professions.
Dream Bilocation (Clairvoyance): Dream Bilocation requires that the char-
acter be sound asleep and in a R.E.M. state. A successful Lucid Dreaming skill test
must also be made. The character may project his consciousness as if using
Bilocation to travel out of his body. The agent may travel to any place or time in the
universe through the astral realm and perceive events as if he were physically there.
The character may use other psychic trainings as if he were physically at the loca-
tion even if they are not normally allowed to be used while dreaming. The charac-
ter awakens immediately after emerging from the bilocation and remembers every-
thing that happened during his travels.
The character may travel to a place he has been to before with a successful R3 test.
Visiting an unknown location is an R2 task. Extreme long distance or time travel
increases the difficulty by -1 to -2R depending upon how far from the present time
and location the character is traveling. Travel into the future always uses the
Precognition discipline as the base, while visiting the past uses Retrocognition.
Attempting to manifest physically is an R-2 Bio-PK task that costs two Psi Points.
The psychic must spend one Psi Point per use of this ability, to a maximum dura-
tion of ninety minutes. The cost is doubled if the character travels in time or over
extreme distances.
Dream Bilocation has a professional CP cost of 5, and a non-professional cost of 10.
6 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Dreamwalking (Telepathy): While
Dream Telepathy allows the psychic to
send images and messages to other peo-
ple through dreams, Dreamwalking
allows the psychic to actually enter other
people’s dreams and manipulate them
while there. This training can only be
used during sleep, after a successful use
of the skill Lucid Dreaming.
The psychic is able to enter other peo-
ple’s dreams by making an R2 test and
spending one Psi Point. Only targets
known to the psychic can be affected and
only those individuals who are asleep at
the time the character makes these tests.
If the target is willing, all tests are made
at +1R. However, if the dreamer is
unwilling, the psychic must also test her
Willpower against the target’s
Willpower. If unsuccessful, the psychic
cannot enter that subject’s dreams that
night, but may try again the next night.
If successful, the psychic enters the
dreams uncontested.
Once in another person’s dreams, the
psychic can alter the dreams in any way
desired (R2) and even make them into
nightmares (R1 + 1 Psi Point), which
result in Df1 Shock tests. The psychic can
make additional attempts during a
dreamwalk to increase the severity of the
nightmare, increasing the difficulty of
the Rhine test by one per successful
P S I W A R S 7
New Credentials
The sections below present two new Credentials for Conspiracy X campaigns.
Both may give some players pause, and should be ignored if they offend anyone.
The first, Kameradenwerk/ODESSA is a historical one, with alleged ties to
many government organizations. It may be used as a recruiting ground for
Aegis or Black Book agents. Its Fascist overtones and unsavory past
may render it better suited for use as an enemy.
8 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Kameraden Agent
Professional trainings: Awareness, Communications, Politics, Savoir Faire,
Surveillance, Survival
Professional skills: Brawling, Cryptology, Diplomacy, Disguise, Engineering,
Forgery, Humanities, Lockpicking, Repair/Build, Science, Shadow, Small Arms:
Pistol, Stealth
ODESSA Stormtrooper Influence:
Professional trainings: Awareness, Communications, Parachutist, Politics,
Rappelling, Surveillance, Survival
Professional skills: Athletics, Autofire, Brawling, Demolitions, Heavy Weapons,
Melee Weapon, Shadow, Small Arms: Pistol, Small Arms: Rifle, Stealth
Pulling Strings
Access To Illegal Funds: Because of their huge illegal assets, all members of the
Kameradenwerk may lower the Difficulty Level of funding tests by 1, or may gen-
erate double the number of RPs for a single week during any Downtime period.
Manipulating Government Agencies: Given this group’s unsavory reputation, no
legitimate government official wants their connection to the Kameradenwerk made
public. This enables members of the ‘Werk to exert leverage on other groups, allow-
ing a member of this agency to pull strings in other organizations as if her Influence
were one level lower. Only valid government groups (FBI, CIA, DIA, DEA, etc.) fall
prey to this pull. Other groups may also be manipulated, but only at –2 Influence.
Note that any Pulling String that is listed as NA for the Pulling String trait (see
Aegis Handbook) may not be used.
Network Of Safe Houses: The Kameradenwerk has a network of safe spots all over
the world where its people may hide. These are all untraceable, and fully protected
by the best security systems money can buy. They are virtually guilded prisons,
where notorious renegade Nazis can spend their last few days in peace and soli-
tude, comfortable in their safety from their crimes. Access to these sites is very
restricted. A successful Df4 Influence test is necessary to find out the location of
one, and a Df5 test is needed to actually be allowed to use it. Only six people may
make use of any one facility, and the Cell had better hope that the Kameradenwerk
doesn’t ask too many questions. These are opulent mansions for Nazi war crimi-
nals, not flophouses for a Cell that’s down on its luck.
P S I W A R S 9
Order of Saint John the Evangelist
The second, the Order of St. John, is not based in historical record, although some
have claimed that an organization of rogue priests such as the Evangines actually
exists within the Catholic Church. As has been said before, Conspiracy X does not pur-
port to be more than a fictional game, and it should not be treated as more than that.
10 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Professional trainings: Awareness, Politics, Savoir Faire, Survival
Professional skills: Athletics, Computer Use, Disguise, First Aid, Forgery,
Lockpicking, Martial Arts, Medical, Meditation, Melee Weapon, Shadow, Small
Arms: Pistol, Stealth
Shepherd Influence:
Professional trainings: Awareness, Communications, Politics, Ritual: Banish Spirit,
Ritual: Basic Blessing, Ritual: Basic Curse, Ritual: Cure Corruption, Ritual: Defuse
Seepage, Ritual: Emotional Aura, Ritual: Immortality, Ritual: Prophecy, Ritual:
Stabilize Wound, Savoir Faire, Surveillance, The Protective Circle
Professional skills: Computer Use, Diplomacy, Disguise, First Aid, Humanities,
Medical, Meditation, Occult, Parapsychology, Research, Ritual: Ceremonial Magic,
Science, Teaching
Pulling Strings
Brother’s Work: For the good of the Order, there are many resources kept in the
hands of the Church. A priest in the Order who truly needs assistance can call for
that help. The Order can pull the strings of another organization if it is fortunate
enough to have contacts in that group. Roll 1D for the modifier to the normal
Influence test: 1 to 3= -2 Influence, 4 or 5= -1 Influence, and 6= no modifier. As an
example, say a Priest of the Order needs to get a presidential order issued. This is a
Df3 task in the Secret Service. The priest’s influence is 4. The die roll for the modi-
fier is a 4, so the modifier is -1. The Game Master tells the priest that he knows of a
decorated Secret Service agent who is a good Catholic, and might do the Church a
favor. Attempts to pull strings in other agencies may cause questions if they fail.
The Game Master should determine the reaction to requests based on her knowl-
edge of the group, and the type of request. Asking a CIA man to turn over an intel-
ligence van might not raise questions, but trying to kill the President for “the
Church” will almost certainly provoke an investigation. Note that this pulling
string does not apply to outside pulling strings listed as NA in the Pulling String
Trait Table (see Aegis Handbook)
Sanctuary: The priest will be able to find holy sanctuary for himself in any area
where there are Catholics at a Df2, +1Df per additional person, and +1Df if they are
carrying illegal objects or weapons, or seem to be engaged in business against the
Church’s best interests. This sanctuary is total, good for 1D days, and frequently
comes with both excellent medical care and an easy escape route.
Violation Of Confessional: To the Order, the ends justify the means, and therefore
the sacred sacrament of confessional can be violated if the need is great. A priest of
the Order may use this to achieve the goals of the Cell, but only at great difficulty.
A successful Df3 Influence test will garner information pertaining to a specific
topic. A Df4 test will give information which will lead to 2D RPs (of equipment,
vehicles, etc) for the current mission. This equipment must be returned after the
mission is complete. A Df5 will give enough information to provide leverage over
a person involved in the current affair. Note that these test Difficulty Levels also
reflect the chances that information is available to Catholic priests in the Order. If
no Catholics have heard of it, it won’t be in confessional. The exact results and
extent of information or leverage are up to the GM, but should be fairly useful.
P S I W A R S 11
New Traits
New Traits Table
New Trait Value Cost
Alien Ally --- RP cost of item
Connection --- see chart
Night Terrors 5 ---
Pulling Strings --- see chart
be used to allow any character starting access to alien technology. The player or
Game Master chooses one item off the Alien Technology RP Table (see page 20) to
be included in the character’s starting equipment. The CP cost of this trait is equal
to the RP cost of the item chosen. Unlike items purchased through the Alien
Technology Credential Specific Resource, Alien Ally items are provided with a con-
dition -- a favor is owed to the character’s benefactor. This favor may be called upon
again and again.
12 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Connection: The character knows someone in another organization that he can
count on for help, and who can count on him for help. This allows the character to
extend his influence to his connection’s organization for any reason as if it were his
own (no penalty). Having a connection within the character’s own agency or orga-
nization grants -1Df to Influence tests within the organization. When the connec-
tion is taken, the player must choose the connection’s organization from the list pro-
vided below. A connection does not grant the Influence Icon (see Contact trait), just
the pulling strings of the chosen organization. The connection may also be consult-
ed for informational purposes, as adjudicated by the Game Master. The cost varies
per connection and some are not available. An agent with this trait may not take a
matching Traitor trait. If this trait is used in combination with Severed Ties, the
connection cost 10CPs more and does not grant the –1Df bonus.
Connection Cost
Kameradenwerk / ODESSA (no Manipulating Gov’t Agencies) 11
HHS/CDC (no Hidden Cures) 27
Order of Saint John the Evangelist (only Sanctuary) 5
horrific event in her past. These nightmares tend to strike when the character is
under stress, but can manifest at any time. Every night the Game Master should roll
1D. On a 1, the character suffers nightmares that night and gains no benefits from
the night’s sleep, awakening disturbed and upset. If the character is trying to sleep
during a highly stressful time in her life, she suffers nightmares on a 1 or 2 on 1D.
For characters with the Insomnia trait (see Psi-Wars), replace the 1D roll with a –2t
penalty on their Variable Willpower test roll to get to sleep. Any character not get-
ting a good night’s sleep will suffer –1t to all actions the following day. After two
nights of restlessness sleep, she suffers a –2t penalty; after three nights +1Df. All
penalties are eliminated once the character gets a good nights sleep.
Pulling Strings: An agent knowing the right person in the right spot can
extend his influence outside his parent agency. Either through the use of a relative,
a friend, a lover, or even blackmail, the agent can use a pulling string from another
agency as if it were his own. The cost varies per pulling string and some are not
available. This trait may only be used for the pulling string specified, not for infor-
mational purposes.
P S I W A R S 13
New Resources Table
Weapon Cost/Ammo
1RP/40 units
Vehicle Cost
Cadillac DeVille 4RP X X X
Chevrolet Camaro 3RP X X X X
Gear Cost
IR Laser Sight 1RP/5 units X X X X
14 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
B u l l - H a n s e n ,
New Weapon Resource Descriptions
Mortar: This heavy weapon fires a 60mm grenade indirectly towards the target.
The weapon often has a crew of two people; one gunner and one loader. It takes one
round to reload the mortar, and it must be fired from a stationary position. If only
one person fires the weapon, he must do the reloading too and the Rof is halved.
The weapon has a minimum range of 45 meters and a maximum range of 1800
meters. A direct hit is very difficult. The shooter must first make a successful Df4
Heavy Weapons test. A hit means a Luck roll is necessary to determine the impact
point. Good Luck means a direct hit; Neutral Luck places the shell 2D-2 meters off
target; Bad Luck moves the hit 3D-1 meters off target. If the shot is a miss, the scat-
ter range is 1Dx10 meters. On anything but a direct hit, consult the Scatter Diagram
(see Chapter Four: Tradecraft, Conspiracy X main rulebook). The damage is a
untamped explosion with a Blast Rating of 6.
Crossbow: This old-fashion weapon is used in operations where stealth is
required. The crossbow is a very powerful, modern version of the medieval one. A
Str3 test is needed to reload the crossbow with a mechanical winch. The crossbow
is very similar to a rifle in appearance and form, and uses the Small Arms: Rifle
skill. The crossbow bolts are considered armor piercing, and do Fw3 damage.
J u r k a t ,
The Conspiracy X main rulebook provides some generic game statistics for broad
classes of vehicles. For those interested in more precise makes and models of late
1990’s vehicles, the following entries should be used.
Cadillac DeVille: Speed:3 Handling:-1t Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:4
Chevrolet Camaro: Speed:3 Handling:-- Size:5 Crew:1 Passengers:3
Dodge Caravan: Speed:2 Handling:-1t Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:7
Dodge Intrepid: Speed:2 Handling:-- Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:4
Dodge Ram: Speed:2 Handling:-1t Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:2 S c h m i d
Ford Explorer: Speed:2 Handling:-1t Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:5
(no off-road penalties)
Ford F-Series: Speed:2 Handling:-1t Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:2
Ford Ranger: Speed:2 Handling:-- Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:1
Ford Taurus: Speed:2 Handling:-- Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:4
Ford Windstar: Speed:2 Handling:-1t Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:7
Geo Tracker: Speed:2 Handling:-- Size:5 Crew:1 Passengers:3
(no off-road penalties)
Honda Accord: Speed:2 Handling:+1t Size:6 Crew:1 Passengers:4
Honda Civic: Speed:2 Handling:+1t Size:5 Crew:1 Passengers:4
Honda Del Sol: Speed:2 Handling:+1t Size:5 Crew:1 Passengers:1
P S I W A R S 15
Honda Prelude: Speed:3 Handling:+1t Size:5 Crew:1 Passengers:2
16 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
B u l l - H a n s e n ,
New Gear Resource Descriptions
IR Laser Sight: This laser sight works just like a normal laser sight, except that
the beam and dot are only visible to agents wearing IR goggles. This sight still gives
the shooter +2t against targets within 30m. It can be mounted on any small arm.
J u r k a t ,
target’s Willpower to create one of the following effects.
Trance: The subject enters a hypnotic trance, taking no notice of anything around
him, standing or sitting like a zombie. This trance lasts 1D x 10 minutes, during
which any Hypnosis tests against the target gain a -1Df bonus. Pain or physical
damage will break this trance.
Unconsciousness: The subject falls unconscious for 3D rounds.
Heart Attack: The subject’s heart rate is suddenly increased and then stopped,
requiring a Df2 Survival test. Failure results in a heart attack (Sp2, no staging).
The device can also be used to induce short-term amnesia in targets up to 5m away,
requiring a Df3 RHIC-EDOM test to program properly. If successful, all within
range are stunned and dazed for 1D rounds and their memories from up to three
S c h m i d
hours earlier are erased. This device, although similar to the MHIC-EDOM is
cheaper and easier to produce, hence is far more common.
A Survival test checks against major shocks to the system that could
result in instant death or incapacitation. These shocks are generally related
to extraordinary manipulation of the mind or body resulting from the use of
drugs, implants or psychic disciplines. A Survival test depends on what is
being challenged. If the shock applies to the subject’s mind, a Mental Survival
test is made using Wil(siz). If the shock applies to the subject’s body,
a Somatic Survival test is made using Siz(Wil).
Success at a Survival test generally results in incapacitation for several
hours. Failure generally means death. The specific results of a failed
Survival test will be indicated when the test is called for.
P S I W A R S 17
Some weapons have increased range, other decreased. An example of the signifi-
cant changes in heavy weapons: assault helicopters, such as the AH-64 Apache, can
engage and destroy targets with a chain-gun at 2000 meters. Note that weapons fir-
ing Magnum ammunition are drastically increased in range. This is no mistake, as
contest shooting with Magnum Revolvers is conducted at ranges up to 200 meters.
The incredible force of this ammo, combined with the right skill or targeting equip-
ment, gives the shooter a reasonable chance of hitting at these ranges. The rifles,
especially the sniping rifle, also have drastically increased ranges. Note that these
weapon ranges do not progress evenly from Point Blank to Extreme. Instead,
weapons are designed to work best a certain ranges. Thus, the gaps between the
optimal range brackets are much wider. No new ranges are set for grenades, as
these are based on the character’s strength, and completely realistic. They are listed
in the table below for completeness sake. Finally, three new weapons have been
included: the crossbow, the mortar, and the sniping rifle.
The following optional rule is recommended. Any character wanting to hit a target
at long or extreme ranges, must be a professional marksman (at least skill level 3).
18 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Weapon Example Point Close Effect. Long Ext.
Autopistol Beretta M9 5 20 35 50 90
Hold-Out Pistol Walther PPK 3 15 25 40 60
Derringer 2 10 20 30 40
Revolver Colt Cobra 5 25 50 75 100
Light Revolver Colt Special 5 10 20 35 45
Magnum Revolver S&W Model 29 10 50 90 125 200
Magnum Autopistol 10 50 90 125 200
Desert Eagle
Machine Pistol Skorpion M10 5 15 30 50 65
Submachine Gun MP5 5 30 75 125 150
Rifle Enfield No.4 Mk I 15 50 200 350 500
Sniping Rifle* M21 100 300 500 1000 1300
Elephant Gun 10 50 100 150 200
B U L L - H A N S E N
Assault Rifle M16A2 15 90 175 400 500
Assault Carbine 5 30 75 125 150
Double Barrel Shotgun
Savage 311 Guardian 10 30 70 90 100
Pump Shotgun Browning Autoriot 10 30 70 90 100
Sawed off Shotgun 20 Gauge Sawed Off 3 8 10 15 20
Automatic Shotgun HK CAWS 10 30 70 90 100
Light Machinegun M60 20 150 500 1000 1300
Heavy Machinegun M2HB 10 150 700 1500 1800
Minigun 15 200 600 800 1000
Varmint Rifle 10 75 150 300 350
Frag Grenade
M2-Pineapple 10 20 30 40 50
Smoke Grenade
AN-M8 HC Smoke 10 20 30 40 50
Tear Gas Grenade 10 20 30 40 50
Incendiary Grenade
“Willie Peter” 10 20 30 40 50
Grenade Launcher M79 20 60 200 350 400
Underbarrel GL M203 15 50 150 200 250
Automatic GL 20 70 200 350 450
Rocket Launcher 50 100 200 300 350
Mortar M19 60mm 45-1800
Disposable RL M72 50 100 200 300 350
Flamethrower 30 40 50 60 65
Taser 1 2 3 4 5
Can of Mace 2 - - - -
Dart Rifle 10 20 50 70 75
Dart Pistol 5 10 30 40 50
Throwing Knife 2 4 6 8 10
Shuriken 2 4 8 16 18
Crossbow 15 50 100 150 175
P S I W A R S 19
20 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Alien Technology RP Cost Table
Atlantean Items RPs
Assemblers N/A
Atlantean Starships N/A
Creations: Pet (Guard Dog) 25
Creations: Mimic N/A
Creations: Ravager N/A
Creations: Servant 20
Creations: Steed 20
Nanotech CP costs (see Atlantis Rising: The Atlantean Sourcebook)
Needle: Poison 12/each
Needle: Disassembler 12/each
Needler Pistol 15
Particle Accelerator Pistol 15
Particle Accelerator Rifle 20
Railgun 25
Security Systems: Anti-Nanite Filter 15/one doorframe
Security Systems: Cohesion Application 15/covers 100 square meter surface
C .
Security Systems: Gas Generator 24
Security Systems: Monitor Network 10/covers 100 square meters of space
Security Systems: Mutable Floors 15/3 square meters
Security Systems: Security Doors 15/one doorframe
Security Systems: User ID 12/per pad
Seed (any human item) Item’s regular RP + 10
Seed: Automobile 17
Seed: Barrier Wall 10
Seed: Breach 10
Seed: Combat Helmet 13
Seed: Comm Set 14
Seed: Computer Terminal 25
Seed: Emergency Shelter 13
Seed: Flyer 20
Seed: Gas Generator 16
Seed: Motorcycle 15
Seed: Needler Pistol (comes loaded with 5 needles) 25
Seed: Outpost N/A
Seed: Particle Accelerator Pistol 19
Seed: Particle Accelerator Rifle 24
Seed: Railgun 29
Seed: Spy Panel 20
Seed: Solar Powered Generator 15
Smart Tools: Briefcase 8
Smart Tools: Climbing Claws 10
Smart Tools: Clothing 8/one suit, dress, or other set of clothing
Smart Tools: Furniture 7/one piece of furniture
Smart Tools: Lie Detector 12
Smart Tools: Molecular Blade 10
Smart Tools: Poison 10/dose
Smart Tools: Restraints 10
Smart Tools: Silver Suit 15
P S I W A R S 21
22 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Dreamspeaker Items RPs
Camouflage Fields 15
Railgun 25
C .
Torture Device 13
Personal Flight Device 12
Plasma Repeater 20
P S I W A R S 23
Informational Sources
When conducting an investigation, agents may call upon sources not directly cov-
ered by the rules, such as their own superiors, contacts and connections they may
have, or just about anyone they can leech information from. This section presents
some guidelines for Game Masters in preparing missions. Various sources must be
devised and the amount of information they impart can be determined. A mission
information on, and a list of potential sources for this information. Sources are gen-
erally broken down by Influence Icons (each character having access to his own
Influence Icon sources; Contact traits providing access to other Influence Icon
sources), and by Credentials.
The Game Master should then cross reference each subject with each source, and
assign a base Target Number representing the depth of knowledge possessed by
Master checks the Source Knowledge Table for a base Target Number. The player
or Game Master adds the character’s Influence attribute, and rolls 2D. If the roll is
equal to, or less than, the modified Target Number, some information is provided.
The amount of information revealed depends on the difference between the num-
ber rolled and the Target Number, as indicated in the Success Rate Table.
The Game Master is preparing a mission in which the players will be investi-
gating some supernatural activities located in gang territory in a large city. Four
gangs inhabit the area: the Blues, the Rippers, the Bones and the Homeboys.
Assuming that the characters will want to meet with one or more of the gangs to
discuss recent events, the Game Master creates the following Source Knowledge Tables.
24 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Influence Icon
Blues 2t 3t 4t 6t 5t 5t
Rippers 2t 3t 3t 7t 6t 4t
Bones 2t 3t 3t 5t 7t 5t
Homeboys 5t 3t 3t 6t 5t 6t
Subject DEA FBI Police Connection Criminal Connection
Blues 6t 5t 6t 6t
Rippers 2t 3t 7t 5t
Bones 3t 2t 8t 4t
Homeboys 3t 5t 6t 7t
The GM decides that the different gangs are associated with different activities. The
Blues are drug dealers and therefore the S/R and DEA have high numbers along
with all criminal and police possibilities. The Rippers are basic thugs and most have
criminal records, but have not drawn much attention. Target Number concerning
them are low. The Bones are basically good kids who hang out and protect one
another. They also snitch for the police quite often. Their police connection Target
Numbers are high. The Homeboys have recently been involved in the theft of cer-
tain military equipment. This explains why the Military, FBI, and Media know so
much about them.
The GM also decides that beyond basic descriptions, background information
includes their exact territories, deep background includes the names of the leaders y
and their hang-outs, current affairs includes all gang hang-outs, recent operations
and internal tensions, secrets include the present location of important gang mem-
bers, their drug and weapon stashes, and their safe houses.
P S I W A R S 25
Fear and Insanity in Conspiracy X
The following material expands and modi-
fies the Fear rules presented in the Aegis
Much of what an Aegis agent encounters in
the field has been described in training
classes, or has been experienced in previ-
ous missions. Other encounters, however,
are far beyond the pale of reasonable expla-
nation, and operatives who are first faced
with these events can be badly frightened.
To duplicate the effects of severe emotion-
al shock and sudden fright on the agents, a
new Fear test is created.
Any agent who witnesses a frightening
event must roll a Willpower test against a
varying Df, as determined by the GM.
Some examples are given on the Shock
Event Table.
The agent will continue to react without penalty if he succeeds the test.
Failure requires a 2D roll on the Shock Effects Table.
26 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Shock Effects Table
Roll Description Mental Stability Points Gained
2 Annoyed no points
3 Annoyed +1 point
4 Disturbed +1 point
5 Disturbed +2 points
6 Frightened +2 points
7 Frightened +3 points
8 Terrified +3 points
9 Terrified +4 points
10 Panic Stricken +4 points
11 Panic Stricken +5 points
12 Horror Struck automatic (+1 permanent point)
Annoyed: All actions incur a -1t penalty for (6-Willpower) combat rounds.
Disturbed: All actions incur a -2t penalty until the agent has calmed down.
Reroll Fear test in (9-Willpower) combat rounds. Subsequent results
cannot be more serious than Disturbed.
Frightened: All actions incur a +1Df penalty until the agent has calmed down.
Reroll Fear test in (9-Willpower) combat rounds. Subsequent results
cannot be more serious than Frightened.
Terrified: Agent may only act if directly confronted, and will do so at a +1Df
penalty to all actions not involving self-defense. Reroll Fear test in
(9-Willpower) combat rounds.
Subsequent Fear tests called for by the Shock Table need not be
made if the frightening event no longer exists.
All agents with the Death Wish, Detached or Veteran traits gain
P S I W A R S 27
Mental Stability (MS)
28 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
If the character has an existing addiction, all Willpower tests related to the addic-
tion gain a +1Df penalty. Otherwise, the character soon picks up an addiction. The
actual addiction is up to the Game Master but should revolve around something the
character may actually use. Alcohol may be the most common, but a DEA agent
who has access to drugs might pick up something stronger. A psychic agent might
get addicted to some sort of psi-drug.
Permanent MS Points
Eventually any individual that does not get treatment will have his permanent MS
points reach his maximum MS points. At this point, the individual is a terribly
insane and beyond help. No amount of psychological help will heal the poor man’s
mind. Game Masters will probably not let a character continue past this point, and
Aegis certainly will have the loose cannon “retired” as soon as possible.
Morgana Welsh and her Cellmate/close friend Ajax Bram are investigating
a warehouse for suspected criminal activity. They divide up, but stay in
hands-free radio communication.
Morgana rounds a corner of the building and spots a Saurian in its natural form
crouched behind some crates. She rolls an immediate Fear test at Df3. Morgana’s
Willpower is 3, and she is a Veteran, so the Df drops to 2, and she automatically suc-
ceeds. Morgana levels her auto pistol and begins to take careful aim. Suddenly,
Ajax comes around the other side of the crate, and the Saurian slashes out with a
Plasma Claw. Ajax gets cut bad, and goes down.
The shock of seeing her partner injured is a Df4 Fear test for Morgana. With the
Veteran Df modifier, she must roll a 7 or less to succeed. She rolls a 10 and fails.
Morgana then moves to the Shock Table, where she rolls a 9. Modified to an 8 by
her Veteran trait, Morgana is Terrified, and gains +3 MS points. Morgana freezes
and tries to keep silent as the Saurian delivers a coup de grace to Ajax. During the b
subsequent few seconds, the Saurian moves off. When Morgana is able to move
again, she is not required to roll another Fear test.
Several months later, Morgana has accumulated 5 more MS points. After a particu-
larly nasty encounter, Morgana gains 3 more MS points. She is now over her
Willpower times 3 threshold and gains a negative Psych trait. She rolls a 3 on the
Negative Psych Profile Table, and the GM assigns her a phobia related to whatev-
er caused Morgana’s latest fright. The extra 2 MS points that Morgana gained are
ignored. Starting now, Morgana has 1 permanent MS point, and subsequent Shock
Effects Table results will be added on top.
P S I W A R S 29
The following manifestations are provided as new options for creating your own
Manifestation Tables. They are suitable for either Neutral, Benevolent or
Malevolent sites (see Forsaken Rites: The Supernatural Sourcebook).
Often the Seepage energies present at a site warp and twist ordinary matter, caus-
ing the phenomenon known as liquefaction, or cold melting. The phenomenon
rarely affects objects of great size. Most often, cutlery drawers are filled with bent
spoons, knives, and forks, plastic objects melt to puddles, and pipes bend out of
shape under their own weight. On a larger scale whole windows, glassware cabi-
nets, and other objects can be reduced to a fused mess.
1SP will melt 1D small objects (Size 1). Affects mainly metal, glass and plastic,
though wood and stone have been seen to liquefy on some occasions.
Specific Teleportation
This is a favorite in poltergeist manifestations. Whereas Teleportation affects ran-
dom objects or similarly-sized groups of objects, this phenomenon will cause small,
important objects to disappear and reappear somewhere else. Sometimes there will
be a prolonged space of time, up to a few days, before the object reappears, often in
a place that has already been searched. Where the object has been in the meantime
no one knows. Specific Teleportation has been known to mainly affect objects of
personal value, and car keys.
Affects Size 1 objects only and smaller; 2SP per teleportation. The object will total-
ly vanish for 1D days before reappearing elsewhere.
30 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Closely related to liquefaction, merge causes objects and even living creatures to
slip temporarily into the ethereal world of the Seepage. This results in their sinking
into walls, floors, chairs, tables etc., becoming fused with the solid barrier once the
manifestation has ended. Once a living thing merges with a solid object or wall, it
will suffer damage as flesh and internal organs mingle with stone or splinters of
wood. The initial merger does Wn(1D) damage (no staging), and a further Wn1 (no
staging) is suffered per hour still merged. It is a very, very difficult operation to
help such a character, +2Df to any Medical rolls to extract the merged inanimate
solids. When merging starts to occur, allow agents a Variable Reflex test to avoid
the phasing areas.
5SP causes an circular area 5m radius to phase and merge.
1SP precipitates 10 liters of ectoplasm or 1000 meters worth of strands of angel hair.
In this minor form of possession, spirits take control of a victim’s voice and spew
meaningless, or equally meaningful syllables. This is also known as speaking in
tongues. Glossolalia is intended to confuse and mislead. Anyone hearing it per-
ceives it differently. Characters often hear what they want to hear. These posses-
sions often occur en masse.
1SP causes 1D individuals to speak in tongues for 2D rounds each. Whilst doing so
all actions are at +1Df and, of course, they cannot communicate verbally.
P S I W A R S 31
Hazardous Materials
Parental Discretion
This article contains graphic descriptions of the effects of hazardous
materials on humans. Readers with weak stomachs should shy away.
An experimental craft crashes into the desert, spilling radioactive contamination
from its plutonium reactor core over a four mile area. Terrorists under the order of
a corrupted Prophet attempt to bring about the final judgment by releasing two
thousand milliliters of concentrated Mustard gas into a New York City reservoir.
Croll agents infect a spider monkey with Ebola Zaire, which then escapes into the
backyard of a preschool daycare center in Los Angeles.
These are all nightmare situations, but they could very well happen in a Conspiracy
X campaign. Aegis agents routinely deal with alien artifacts, oblivious to the risks
of infection by unknown viruses. Groom Lake fires missiles at alien craft, without
even a thought to the radioactive elements that may be let loose by the explosion.
The average Aegis operation deals with unknown hazmat on a daily basis, yet no
one ever takes even the simplest precautions. Now, with these rules, the agents will
be faced with a new threat, one which people have been dealing with for years.
The Game Master should feel free to ignore all these situations, and certainly
should not include a hazmat concern in every mission, or even frequently. After all,
the purpose of the game is to investigate the unknown, not to play disease of the
week, or to send Cell members to the burn ward with radiation sickness on a regu-
lar basis. Use this stuff sparingly, and a whole new level of terror may be added to
the game. Overuse it, and few characters will survive.
The Trefoil
There are three wings to the biohazard trefoil, and each has its own unique con-
cerns. The easiest to deal with from a control standpoint is the chemical toxin.
Radiation is more difficult to control, and the deadliest of them all is disease. In the
following sections, a full explanation of both the real world threats and solutions,
and the game effects of accidental exposure, will be presented in layman’s terms.
CDC agents, and anyone with the Biohazard Control training, will know all of this
information, and be ready to use it. All other characters start the game as biohazard
illiterates, and should not be handling these substances for any reason. All of the
biohazard materials are like lethal animals, waiting for the agent to become inat-
tentive for the one millisecond it can take for a fatal exposure.
Chemical Hazards
These agents are by far the most common hazard which agents, and real people,
will encounter. Literally thousands of chemicals are out there which can kill the
unaware. A few examples may help to illustrate the reality of the chemical threat.
All of the following are true, and this is far from a complete listing.
Up until the early 1970s, asbestos was used in the construction of insulation for new
public buildings. It was placed inside the walls of schools, low rent housing, hos-
32 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
pitals, and offices. Then, in the 1980s, scientists discovered that asbestos fiber was
not only a carcinogen, but also led to a condition called asbestosis in the unfortu-
nate few who received direct airborne exposure. With asbestosis, the victim begins
to have difficulty breathing, then suffers severe chest pains, followed by bleeding
from the lining of the lungs. This is a result of the microscopic asbestos fibers which
the victim breathes mutilating the delicate lung tissue. By this point, the victim is
probably doomed. In most cases, too much damage has been done, and the victim
slowly expires from massive internal hemorrhage.
Of course, as soon as the problem was discovered, the government began subsidiz-
ing companies to remove all the asbestos insulation from these buildings. The task,
however, is far from complete. Asbestos removal is a multimillion dollar business
at present. Each asbestos removal involves dozens of men and women in air-fed
suits or breath masks, carefully tearing away layer after layer of the deadly fibers.
Recent studies have shown that asbestos remains tightly wrapped does not become
airborne and a threat to health. Only where the asbestos casing has been damaged
must remedial efforts be made. Thus, in some cases, the government policy of
encouraging removal actually created more risk of airborne contamination as well-
meaning workers tore out perfectly safe asbestos casings.
Love Canal is an example of what can happen when companies generate and then
lose proper control of their industrial chemicals. This canal, which ran through the
back of a poverty level residential district, was used to dispose of industrial chlo-
rides and other deadly toxic chemicals. During these years, young children fre-
quently played in the water. Film of the canal at this time shows a soft green sludge
on the water’s surface. The grass and ground shrubs around the water had all with-
ered to brittle brown stalks. On some days, when the wind shifted toward the
homes, the residents had to leave, because the toxic fumes were burned their eyes.
By the time the government finally acknowledged that a problem existed, untold
hundreds of people had received years of exposure to toxic chemicals whose effects
on the human body are still unknown. The government’s Superfund program, cre-
ated during the Carter administration to clean up toxic dump sites and industrial
spilloffs, now lists hundreds of sites which must be cleaned up. At least half are
within a mile of human habitation.
Cardboard pressed milk cartons contain a bleaching agent which is used to make
the paper white. This chemical, dioxin, is known to cause cancer, and also con-
tributes to the occurrence of a number of birth defects in lab animals. Almost all
packaging companies use dioxins, and refuse to change to other more expensive
bleaching processes. When asked why they even bother to bleach the containers,
companies refer to sales demographics which reveal that sales drop about 20%
when the cartons aren’t white. Market research reveals that consumers prefer to
buy the shiny “new-looking” packages over the brown natural cartons. One of the
heaviest uses for these cartons are in the Federal school lunch program. At a con-
servative estimate, every child in the United States will drink milk from over two
thousand dioxin contaminated cartons by the time they graduate high school.
In recent years, a Japanese radical group attempted a wide scale release of sarin gas
into the subway system of Tokyo. Their largely foiled efforts still killed sixteen peo-
ple. American troops in the Iraqi war were very likely exposed to various military
nerve gasses, although the government still refuses to acknowledge these events or
provide any background documentation. In Russia, over fifty sites contain vintage
P S I W A R S 33
1950s chemical warfare agents. These horrific substances sit in rusting steel barrels,
buried under as little as ten feet of soil. In Tblisi, a string of over 200 children have
been born without a left arm, a birth defect which may be related to chemical
weapons manufacturing facilities in the area. Even in our country, an unknown
number of secret burial sites for nerve toxins exist -- toxins once slated to be used
against the godless Communists in Europe.
All of these toxins are available for sale to the black market. The former Soviet states
have been selling everything they could find to just about anyone to raise hard, for-
eign currency. Nerve toxins are the deadliest man-made chemical in existence, and
there are at least twenty different brands. They all share certain traits: an easy cloud
dispersal pattern, a short persistence (typically less than an hour), and quick lethal-
ity. Nerve agents act to inhibit the chloristinase reactions in our body, literally
starving the body to death cell by cell. Massive hemorrhage and bleeding can also
result if the toxin is mixed with blistering agents such as Mustard Gas. The entire
purpose is to render an enemy unable to fight within a very short time, and to ham-
per their attempts to give adequate medical care to the survivors. A single teaspoon
of sarin gas would kill or maim every person inside a ten story office building if it
was introduced into a high capacity ventilation system.
All of the above toxins are potential threats to an Aegis team. Fortunately, handling
procedures for these substances are fairly simple. The first stage of dealing with any
biohazard is always containment: prevent the toxin’s escape to the environment,
where it might kill more people or become a bigger clean-up problem. Tents and
airtight containments are moved into place, and all potential exits for water or air
sealed tight by tape or epoxy. Next, the toxin must be identified. Samples are taken
by air or physical swipes. The samples are then tested to determine the exact chem-
34 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Chemical Type Table
Chemical Example
Carcinogens Dioxin, nonterrestrial chemicals
Industrial Chemicals Love Canal, polyvinyl chlorate
Military Nerve Gas Sarin, D9, Tabin
Agents will receive one of several kinds of exposure, all listed in the Exposure Type
Table. In the real world, many different types of symptoms and effects exist for the
various chemicals, but the characters are going to have enough trouble dealing with
the detriments listed below. Why make their lives any more hellish?
Any agent in a biohazard suit or space suit is immune to all of the above effects.
Agents carrying antidote injectors have 1D combat rounds to use them after nerve
gas exposure before the onset of symptoms.
the Illness trait is gained
Long-term Carcinogen (a day or more) Wn6, Good luck indicates
Illness is not gained
Splashed with Industrials Wn(1D) per round until
cleaned off
Soaked in Industrials Sp(1D) per round until
cleaned off
Breathed airborne chemicals Sp2 per turn
Nerve Gas (homemade) Sp4, and paralysis, Bad
luck indicates death in
2D min
Military Nerve Gas Good luck indicates Sp6
and paralysis, otherwise
death in 1D min
P S I W A R S 35
Radiation Hazards
This is the most feared and least understood end of the biohazard trefoil. The aver-
age citizen in the United States is entirely unaware of the true threat behind radia-
tion, and would not understand its dangers without intensive research. Even so,
with two very public reactor accidents in the last three decades, and at least four
more which are not public knowledge, everyone is vastly concerned about the safe-
ty of nuclear power, and its potential dangers.
Radioactive particles cause tissue damage both by direct collision with the tissue,
and by long-term genetic damage to the cells of the body. The long-term effects may
take several decades to see in all but the very worst exposures, and are not well
understood. At Chernobyl, an amount of radioactive material as big as a Mack
truck was blown into the upper atmosphere to later fall across most of Siberian
Russia. As yet, however, it is impossible to detect any significant long-term health
effects in the exposed population, who received on the average doses of radiation
only a few times greater than what a television set gives off during one year. The
first response team at Chernobyl has suffered the only noticeable radiation effects,
and their incidence of cancer is still being calculated (among those that survived the
short-term damage). In any case, the game effects of low level, long-term exposure
may be ignored, as the character will probably be out of play by the time anything
would be seen.
Short-term exposure has been much more accurately cataloged, in part due to stud-
ies which were done on the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedies.
Information has also been gathered through research done illegally on American
citizens and soldiers during the 1950s by the government. Entirely unethical, and
performed in many cases without the subject’s permission, these experiments gave
conclusive evidence of the short-term effects of exposure to the human body (and
also proved that the government is probably worse than this game assumes). For
the purposes of the game, it is possible to divide the exposure into several distinct
levels. Each is described below.
At the lowest level of exposure, up to 50 rem, the human body does not respond
beyond minor blood changes, which would only be visible to a blood test. The vic-
tim will feel tired, and a little weak, and may be slightly more susceptible to infec-
tion as her white blood cells attempt to deal with what they perceive as an illness.
This level of exposure is more than any human being involved with nuclear power
has ever received in the United States. The agent will receive a -1t penalty to all
physical tasks, which will go away after 1D days.
The next level of exposure is radiation sickness, commonly up to a 200 rem expo-
sure. At this point, the body is trying to fight what it thinks is a bad illness, and the
victim will begin to vomit, and be very susceptible to other illnesses. The agent is
incapacitated, and will be unable to do much more than walk to and from her bed.
This level of exposure is survivable in every case. The onset of symptoms from this
level of exposure is within 1D hours, and the illness lasts 1D weeks.
Victims of exposures of up to 500 rem enter the first critical period (level one).
While clinical therapy is effective, the skin lining and tissue has been horribly rav-
aged by the radioactive assault. The skin will begin to peel, and hemorrhaging
(known as purpura) will occur along the exposed areas. Hair will fall out, and the
36 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
immune system will begin to shut down as it is overtaxed. This allows secondary
infections to worsen the patient’s chances of recovery. Within 1 hour of exposure,
the victim is totally incapacitated, and will require blood transfusions and antibi-
otics to pull through. If the agent rolls bad luck, she will die of massive hemorrhage
and tissue shock within 1D months. This is not preventable by any modern Earthly
science. Otherwise, after the onset of the illness, the agent will be bedridden for 1D
weeks. For an additional 1D months after that, the character will be at +1Df to all
task rolls. Exposure to this level of radiation is often a career ending experience.
Some survivors of Hiroshima were exposed to this much radiation, as were the first
responders to Chernobyl.
Beyond 500 rem, and up to 1000 rem (level two), the character is probably dead.
Within an hour, the agent will be nonfunctional, and probably in shock. Vomiting
will occur, as will severe bleeding from all body openings, and massive secondary
infections are unavoidable. The agent will lose all her hair permanently, and the
outer layers of damaged skin will slough off as if the patient were severely burned
(in fact, she has been at these levels). There is almost no chance of recovery. The
agent must succeed in a Good Luck roll, or she will die of leukemia within a month.
Even if the agent gets lucky, she will lose one from all physical stats permanently,
and will be bedridden for 1D months. In order to receive this level of exposure from
most earthly sources, the victim would have to directly handle radioactive materi-
als for several hours.
Above 1000 rem (level three), the victim is doomed. Within 1D x 10 minutes, the
victim will collapse with an extreme fever. Failure of the intestines leads to sudden
uncontrollable diarrhea, and the whole body begins to bleed and swell. The agent
must make two good luck rolls, or she will die within 2D days as the circulatory
system collapses, without ever having regained consciousness. At this point, med-
ical help is meaningless, and the doctors are just attempting to alleviate the pain.
Even with survival, the character is a permanent invalid, and will never be the same
again. At this level of exposure, secondary cancer is almost certain, and the agent is
effectively one of the walking dead. No Game Master who wants to walk away
from the game table in one piece should ever expose a player character to this level
of radiation without plenty of reason, and lots of warning.
If a Game Master should ever want to show his players all the horrors of radiation
exposure, he might choose to expose some hapless NPC to a source in excess of
5000 rem. The players had better see the victim pretty quick, though. Within 2D
minutes of exposure, the victim will have collapsed and gone into convulsions as
his central nervous system shorts out. The lungs and brain will almost explode into
hemorrhage, and constant tremors will wrack the victim’s body. Within 2 days, the
victim’s body will have expired, the victim himself having long since ceased to be
anything resembling a human being. For the Game Master’s information, the offi-
cial policy at this level of exposure is to give the victim massive doses of sedatives
to prevent them from ever regaining consciousness. There were six firefighters who
received this level of exposure at Chernobyl. They all died within five hours, and
their bodies were so radioactive that they were buried in lead lined coffins.
Now that the effects are clear, how is radiation controlled? To put it simply, there
are three ways to control an exposure to radiation: minimize the time of exposure,
maximize the distance from the exposure source, and use heavy elements to shield
the source. Radiation exposure lowers exponentially as distance increases, so the
P S I W A R S 37
best thing to do is stay away from the source altogether. Of course, that isn’t always
possible. In that case, a few inches of lead or steel, or a few feet of earth or water,
Any agent who is carrying a Geiger counter and trained in Biohazard Control will
know the exposure level in any area before entering it. This will allow them to
avoid any exposure that they don’t want. If an agent states that they are exiting the
area as soon as they discover that they are exposed to a new higher source, they will
not suffer effects from the exposure to that source unless they handled it, or were
contaminated (Bad Luck roll). Any agent who is contaminated with the radioactive
source continues to take exposure at that level until cleaned off and decontaminat-
ed by someone trained in Biohazard Controls (even internal contamination that has
been breathed or accidentally ingested can be decontaminated if caught). Agents
who state that they are trying to use any available shielding or exiting to lower radi-
ation areas will lower their base exposure level by one, and double the time to the
next level for the appropriate exposure type. Agents in biohazard suits or biohaz-
ard space suits are immune to contamination, but will still take the radiation expo-
sure appropriate for the scene. Agents in radiation suits will cut exposure by one
38 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
level. Finally, in the case of multiple sources, use the radiation exposure of the high-
est source, unless the higher source is only accessible in certain situations.
Note that radiation exposure is mostly cumulative over the agent’s life. While some
chemicals may be used to speed up the removal of radioactive contamination from
the body, the overall exposure never goes away. Therefore, if an agent has been
exposed to a level of radiation previously, ignore all lower exposures, and use that
level as his new base exposure. Use the time to next exposure for whatever expo-
sure level the agent is currently in, however, not the highest exposed to before.
Three Aegis agents have responded to the scene of a crashed experimental Black
Book fighter, shot down over Utah's proving grounds by a Groom Lake Aurora.
Doctor Wallis, a trained biohazards expert from the CDC, tells her partners
Malcolm and Chris, to stay well back until she has ensured the area is safe.
Grabbing a Geiger counter and putting on a radiation suit, the Doctor heads down into the
wreckage. Unknown to her, her partners decide to try and help, and follow her down.
Malcolm has been previously exposed to level two radiation while working on an
atomic power cell. Chris has no exposure. The Game Master knows that the area is
contaminated to level two exposure, and that all three agents will be exposed as
soon as they enter the area.
Doctor Wallis is wearing her rad suit, and her player tells the Game Master that she
is being very careful about checking her exposure and ensuring it stays low. For
her, the level two exposure is cut by one for the suit and one for her precautions, to
a total of zero.
Malcolm realizes the risk, and also tells the Game Master that he’s being careful, but
since his baseline is two already, it doesn’t do him any good. He has level two expo-
sure already.
Chris wanders off to the side of the crash, and decides to move aside some of the
rubble. He inadvertently uncovers a cracked neutron reactor, and is now exposed
to level three. Realizing he may have screwed up, Chris drops the rubble back over
the source, and moves back to Malcolm.
The time to the next level of exposure for all three agents is 1D x 10 minutes. The
Game Master rolls for each of them, and gets ten minutes for Doctor Wallis, and
forty minutes for each of her friends. The team spends about twenty minutes in the
area before the Doctor realizes that her teammates are being exposed. She quickly
yells at them to get out, and clears out herself. Checking her pocket dosimeter, she
sees that she has level one exposure now, and knows that her friends must be much
worse. By the time she cleans off and gets up to the van, Chris is feeling very sick.
Within another twenty minutes, he is vomiting, and extremely ill. Malcolm is feel-
ing sick as well, and she radios the nearest intensive care unit to get help for her
friends. By the time they arrive, both Chris and Malcolm are very ill. The skin on
Chris’ hand where he touched the rubble has begun peeling off, and he is coughing
up blood. He makes his Luck roll, and is in for a long recovery period.
P S I W A R S 39
Biological Hazards
itself a new home, and happily destroys the target population as fast as it can. Level
four viruses are hostile. They are called Hot Agents, and the areas where they exist
are called Hot Zones. At USAMRID and the CDC, samples of all the world’s infec-
tious diseases are kept. The Hot ones are kept in specially constructed biohazard
suites. Such suites have facilities attached for the observation of infected patients
(called the Slammer), and hermetically sealed coffins available for the storage of
those who don’t get well (these are called Submarines, a ghoulish piece of Hot Zone
humor -- if you were to go into a Submarine, you’d have gone down, and aren’t
coming back up).
USAMRID has developed a three level system for measuring viruses and bacteria.
Level one viruses are not generally lethal, and commonly have vaccines or cures
available. Severe flu strains and the common cold are both level one viruses. Any
agent exposed to these viruses will get sick within 1D days, and will suffer a -1t
penalty to all actions until well. The virus will burn out in the following 1D days.
Anyone coming into contact with a level one virus or personnel infected with it will
catch the disease if they fail to get a Good Luck roll. The light viruses are typically
the most virulent.
Level three viruses are generally lethal, but have not become major threats to
humanity. They have either low levels of virulence, or may be effectively combat-
ed by medical actions. The classic level three virus is the AIDS virus. It is extreme-
ly slow in its burn, taking dozens of years to kill its victims. Further, the disease can
only travel through direct skin contact. Thus, its vector prevents it from really nuk-
ing humanity. If the AIDS virus ever become airborne, it would probably be reclas-
sified to level four.
40 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Anyone catching a level three virus is probably dead without medical help. The
symptoms will appear within 1D days, and the victim will be totally incapacitated
for 1D x 1D weeks, with whatever symptoms the Game Master chooses to inflict on
her. At the end of this time, the agent must roll a Df4 Size roll, lowered to Df3 with
medical attention. Failing this roll means that the agent has died of the illness. With
success, the healing period will last at least 1D weeks long, in which the agent is
+1Df to all tasks. Anyone exposed to a level three hot agent will need to roll a Luck
roll. On Bad Luck, the agent is infected.
The level four viruses are the stuff of major nightmares -- hot agents which are so
deadly that the CDC has only a small number of people actually qualified to work
with them. Level four viruses are efficient killers (50 to 90 percent lethality), for
which there is no known cure. Fortunately, they are typically very difficult to catch.
Almost every level four agent can only be caught by direct blood contact, or by
direct transmission through some kind of intimate personal contact. The most
famous of these viruses are the Ebola strains, a set of extremely dangerous Hot
Agents which belong to the very rare filovirus family. Their effects are so hideous
that they lead to a shock factor in anyone not familiar with their effects. Untrained
personnel have been known to panic, or become physically ill inside their space
suits, all from the sheer terror of being in the midst of the Hot Zone.
Ebola Zaire is the most deadly of the filoviruses. Contracted only through the
exchange of bodily fluids, Ebola Zaire is 90% lethal. From the initial exposure, the
victim has a 1D/2-day long breather. During this time, he feels increasingly nasty
flu-like symptoms: headache, coughing, back aches, and nausea. The victim is now
a carrier of one of the most hostile organisms known. He’s a walking viral invasion.
Within the next 1D days, the nasty symptoms begin. First, the virus finds its way to
the eyes, where it begins to incubate. The eyes become bloodshot, and swollen. The
virus also goes into the victim’s intestines, where the explosive chain of lethal trans-
mission begins. The victim begins to have extreme cramps, and uncontrollable
bloody diarrhea. The virus will begin breeding in the lining of the lungs. To better
promote the spread of the virus, the victim is forced into heavy sneezing and chok-
ing, and huge quantities of mucus begin to flow from the victim’s nose. A fever
develops, raising the body temperature to in excess of 104 degrees, and the brain
begins to cook. Strangely, the victim remains somewhat functional, and can move
about. The personality, however, begins to fragment as the virus kills the forebrain,
lowering the victim to the simplest of decision-making processes. Doctors have
reported violent behavior in this stage, and fits of sudden dementia, as victims
insist that they are fine, and attempt to go home. Finally, the victim begins to bleed
internally, and his lungs and intestines fill with blood. This phenomenon, called
first spacing, signals the beginning of the end.
At the second spacing, the victim collapses, violently expelling black blood and
mucus from every body opening. Tremors begin to shoot through the body, and the
brain shuts down, as the person basically dies in stages. Any cut or abrasion in the
skin bleeds freely, and the skin turns a horrendous purple. The body literally starts
to liquefy on the inside, as the internal organs are baked by the fever. The lining of
the skin turns to jelly, and the outer levels of skin begin peeling. Doctors who have
been unfortunate enough to see a victim in this stage of Ebola have likened the sight
to massive radiation exposure. In Hot Zone slang, the victim has Gone Down, or is
Crashing and Bleeding Out. The victim has 1D x 4 hours until the final stage. At this
P S I W A R S 41
point, the agent is allowed two luck rolls, both of which must come up good luck.
If the agent fails either of these rolls, he is going on to the third stage, and is effec-
tively dead. Otherwise, the agent will heal slowly over the course of 1D months,
bedridden and in great pain. All of the agent’s hair will be gone, but might grow
back. A host of other minor health problems will follow, as in the Illness trait.
In the final stage, called third spacing, the victim ceases to function as a human
being. The autonomous functions of breathing and choking will continue for some
time, but the body is busily turning to a pasty mass of Ebola virus. The victim
begins bleeding into the skin surface and literally dripping blood from every sur-
face of the body. Over the course of 1D hours, the victim will slowly, and very
messily, expire. Everything that has touched the victim is Hot, and the walls and
floor of the room are covered in black blood. The virus has probably infected sev-
eral of the medical personnel, and is burning in them at the time that they proclaim
the previous host legally dead. While the exact symptomology of level four hot
agents varies from virus to virus, they are all equally gruesome, and the times
above can be used to duplicate whatever symptoms the Game Master chooses to
inflict on the victim.
The scary part is that these diseases have actually been found, not only in Africa,
but here in the United States. In the most famous case, near Reston, Virginia, a
house filled with monkeys bound for experimental labs around the country was hit
with a strain of Ebola which burnt through the building over the course of two
months. It killed dozens of monkeys, and may even have gone airborne, but never
made the break to humans. The strain, Ebola Reston, broke again in Texas in 1996,
and may still be burning in the wild. Other level four viruses have actually killed
humans in the country within the last five years. Cases of necrotizing virus were
42 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
trained in Biohazard Control may wear a space suit, and is then totally immune to
the virus. Still, gray zone must be used to clean up before exiting to a clean area, or
she runs the risk of spreading the illness. Game Masters are encouraged to be very
careful using level four viruses, as they will most likely kill characters not suitably
trained and prepared for the exposure. It is much more likely that an Aegis cell will
respond to a crash site, or to an alien site, and be forced to deal with alien viruses
which might have unknown effects on their victims. In these cases, the prudent Cell
will assume that they are dealing with level four viruses until they know they for
certain otherwise. Very few viruses are species jumpers (i.e., the flu virus for
humans is very different from the similar viruses for dogs, or for Grays).
Unfortunately, level four viruses tend to break into new vectors and populations.
A final note on working with deadly biohazards: the average person who has never
worked in a Hot Zone must roll a Df3 Fear test; Df4 if the effects of the particular
biohazard can be seen in the area. In the event the agent panics, his response will
always be to attempt to evacuate the area as fast as possible, sometimes even
endangering himself. This is a real life effect, witnessed in several different cases.
The terror of direct experience with these biohazards cannot be over-emphasized.
Author’s Note
I am a Navy nuclear power plant operator, trained in hazardous materials control.
In my general experience, most people are both more and less concerned about haz-
ardous materials than they should be. This end of the threat chain is very real, and
I felt that a good treatment of the realities behind the various substances in the Big
Three would add a new dimension to the threat value in the unknown. Also, it
empowers the CDC operatives, since they’ll be the best trained guys to handle this
stuff. I can assure you that the numbers which I have used are as real as I am autho-
rized to print, and carefully researched. And yes, this article is meant to be scary
and thought-provoking
P S I W A R S 43
A m i s s i o n into
the MIND
Written by Justin Schmid
44 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
P S I W A R S 45
Dream War
In the time and space between slumber and waking, a war is being fought. This war
is not fought by nations or even in the streets of our cities. It is fought in our minds
-- in that most private place we consider sacred and untouchable. Using nightmares
as weapons, the enemy threatens to drive us all mad with terrifying sights and hor-
rific thoughts. Such terrors are all the worse because they do not seem to originate
from an outside point, but from one inside our very beings. We did not ask for this
war, but we cannot shy away from it. Should we lose this war of thought, we could
very well lose our minds.
Welcome to Psi-Wars, an extended Conspiracy X mission into the depths of the
mind, and the machinations of aliens bent on the destruction of humanity. Players
should stop reading now to preserve the secrets and excitement of the mission.
Chapter Summary
Chapter One: Introduction presents introductory comments, a chapter summary
and a synopsis of the adventure. The synopsis outlines the background of entire
mission in one place for ease of understanding. While Game Masters should read
through the entire module before running it, this section provides a basic overview
of the goal of the mission and what has gone before.
Chapter Two: Catalyst describes the events that draw the agents into the adven-
ture. Opening scenes and continuing afflictions are detailed. The agents soon real-
ize that ignoring the warning signs gets more dangerous as more time passes.
Chapter Three: Investigation presents all the information characters may uncover
through pulling strings, sources, research and legwork. The information is orga-
nized in a series of bulletins about each aspect of the mission, rather than a set pat-
tern of encounters. The Game Master is expected to determine what particular
information in uncovered depending on the particular path and success of the char-
acters’ investigation. Summaries of the groups involved are located in this chapter,
providing the Game Master with background information on their actions and
motives should the characters interact with them.
Chapter Four: Conflict & Obstacles lists a series of possible events and encounters
that the Game Master can use at any time or certain prescribed times to impede or
aid the agents. These events and encounters do not always relate to the adventure.
Others are only loosely tied to the plot. This is the Game Master’s chance to throw
in red herrings should the characters be advancing to quickly.
Chapter Five: Climax & Resolution is a combined section since the climax of the
adventure generally leads to the resolution. The climactic event is designed to spark
the characters toward dramatic resolution of the situation. While the event may dif-
fer slightly from group to group, it will typically involve the same basic elements.
Resolution also describes the probable results depending upon the agents’ actions
and successes.
Chapter Six: Supplemental Investigations reveals a series of further adventures
that could transform this adventure into a full-fledged campaign. Allowing charac-
ters to explore related topics and events, and interweaving plot threads suggested
in Nemesis and Shadows of the Mind, greatly extends the adventure.
46 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
How To Use Psi-Wars
Psi-Wars exposes a Grey plot to undermine psychics everywhere. The insidious
attack threatens to neutralize significant numbers of psychics and greatly weaken
humanity’s resistance to Grey operations. The background material presented in
Shadows of the Mind: The PSI/INT Sourcebook and Nemesis: The Greys
Sourcebook are needed to play this module. The Aegis Handbook is useful, but not
necessary to run this adventure.
Psi-Wars is a free-form adventure designed for intermediate players and Game
Masters. No pre-programmed linear sequence of events must be followed for the
characters to reach the climax. Instead, this adventure is broken into numerous sec-
tions of information that may be explored and examined in any order. In all, these
sections form a ready-to-run adventure for your Conspiracy X campaign.
Aegis Cells participating in this mission should have a wide range of skills, train-
ings and traits. At least one character must have some classification in a psychic dis-
cipline, preferably a information gathering type of ability. If no such character
exists, the Game Master should assign one of the characters the Latent Clairvoyance
ability. This should not cost the character CPs, or Downtime development. It is
merely a devise for hooking the Cell into the adventure. The Game Master need not
inform the character of her new-found ability, simply trigger the Clairvoyance abil-
ities at various points before the mission starts, or just after the mission begins.
Raising a player’s paranoia, and making them feel as if things were slightly out of
control is one of the central tenets of the Conspiracy X RPG.
If this adventure is to be run with a group of newly generated characters, Game
Masters should take the players and characters slowly through the mission devot-
ing the whole first session to the initial encounters. The chosen psychic’s disturbing
visions should be a minor disturbance at first, growing to unbearable levels only in
later game sessions. This allows the players to get to know the Conspiracy X uni-
verse and game system a bit better before plunging their characters into a major
war. If the players are also inexperienced, Game Masters will likely have to be gen-
erous with information that sources can provide and tone down the conflicts and
obstacles encountered. Don’t make the mission too easy, but don’t waste them on
their first time out either.
P S I W A R S 47
back to the mid-1970s. A Grey gestalt, known to the Black Books as Phoenix, had
long sponsored abductions of psychic humans for study. They noticed a tendency
on the part of the humans to suffer from more extreme nightmares more frequent-
ly than normal humans did. Monitoring these night terrors was disturbing, but it
gave the Greys an insight into the human psyche and its vulnerabilities. Job, a
member of the Phoenix gestalt and the original Grey prisoner, decided to launch an
operation to use these nightmares against the human psychics, driving them insane
through dreams. Although the other Greys of his gestalt disliked this plan, Job’s
extensive contacts with humans has severely unbalanced him (at least from a Grey
perspective) and he became psychotically obsessed with the destruction of human
psychics. Job’s strength of will and mind resulted in the domination of the other
member of Phoenix, and soon they were all psychically projecting nightmarish
visions upon the few test psychics they were observing. The project was a complete
success. The targets were universally disturbed -- three ceased all psychic activity
and another died by his own hands within a few weeks. Job felt vindicated. He now
had a way of stopping psychics, permanently.
Job then brought the nightmare plan to the Grey communal mind on Earth in the
mid-1990’s. As he expected, he encountered real opposition. Many felt that kind of
contact with the human mind would no doubt exacerbate the Greys’ mental deteri-
oration. The resulting debate consumed the Greys and curtailed Grey operations
for almost two weeks. At that time, the two sides began dominating borderline
individuals. Job realized that it would probably take months to dominate all those
opposed to him, and he could not be sure he would be successful. Job decided to
abandon the old ways. He gathered his allies and broke contact with the commu-
nal mind. The nightmare plan would go forward, with or without consensus
among the Greys. This unprecedented break with tradition created the first true
schism in the Greys, and further evidenced the debilitating effect of Seepage. Many
on both sides were horrified by this development, and more than a few took their
lives rather than live under the new order.
Job began his operation slowly and carefully. He knew that the human psychic
agencies would quickly figure out what was happening if the Greys began assault-
ing their agents immediately, so disabling operations held back until a sizable num-
ber of psychic agents were uncovered. His forces began watching for psychics who
remote viewed Grey craft and operations, and began keeping records of these indi-
viduals. Spyballs were dispatched to track them. With in a year, many of the
world’s top remote viewers became known to the Greys. Monitoring programs
48 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
were established on these psychics, including most of those at CYGNET. For
remote viewers, it is difficult to avoid begin drawn to UFOs or psychically active
beings. Once these are discovered, many found it impossible not to satisfy their
curiosity and investigate just a little, despite Aegis’ constant warnings against such
actions. Also during this time, many other types of psychics were located and
marked for extermination. Essentially, anyone with psychic abilities who came in
contact with a Grey from Job’s group either psychically or physically was listed and
a monitoring program was established.
Once he was satisfied that a significant number of psychics has been discerned, Job
instructed his forces to begin nightmare projects. In the last year, the Greys have
conducted an all-out assault on the minds of human psychics. Already, losses
among psychics have reached epidemic levels, forcing the government to abandon
many of its secret projects and Aegis Prime to concentrate efforts on detecting the
cause for this sudden increase in mental breakdowns. Many psychics have been
permanently disabled either through suicide or mental incapacitation. For their
part, the Greys actively involved in this project have suffered badly from the strain
of dealing with human psyches. The project has achieved extraordinary results and
it shows promise for the future, but its toll on the Greys themselves has been high.
While disclosure of this plague of psychosis remains a secret within the govern-
ment and Aegis, word is slowly leaking through the psychic community that some-
thing strange is happening. People are beginning to go missing with increasing fre-
quency and everyone knows someone that had to be put away or died under mys-
terious circumstances. Fear is spreading, but still Aegis has no clue what is really
happening and until they know for sure, no meaningful actions can be taken.
On a different but related front, the Greys have continued their efforts at repopu-
lating the world with hybrids. They scored a major success a few years past when
they managed to infiltrate the genetic research project MKOMEGA, which they
have since altered into a meta-human breeding program. Aegis has not been obliv-
ious to these infiltrators, and has charged MKULTRA and ISS with the task of root-
ing them out and discovering the source. Agents within MKULTRA suspect a num-
ber of MKOMEGA subprojects, but are only investigating them at a distance for
now, fearing that direct action could spook the unidentified moles, or worse, dam-
age loyal agents.
The characters enter this adventure in the midst of these terrible events, forced into
it when one of their number is targeted by a Grey nightmare projector. The psychic
begins to suffer from horrific visions and to question his mental stability. The Cell
finds only silence when it contacts its superiors, and soon realize they must find the
answer themselves. The situation is critical, a single error could get them killed by
either side. Worse, failure could mean the decimation of human psychic forces. The
Cell has no choice but to succeed.
P S I W A R S 49
The Hook
Herbert Lawry is an old coot who lives on a subsistence farm up in the hills nearby
the Cell’s base of operations. He travels into the nearest small town for supplies
once a month. During his last visit (a few days ago), Lawry described a disc-shaped
saucer that streaked overhead silently and landed near Hag’s Lip, an outcropping
of rock a mile or so from his farm. Lawry claims to have approached the landing
spot and seen the mostly demolished craft. Most of the locals dismissed it as
Lawry’s eccentricity but someone passed the story on. Through their contacts, local
fringe group news reports or their own experience, the characters receive word of
Lawry’s discover. The tale should not be presented in a way that the characters are
certain of its veracity, but they should be encouraged to investigate.
After talking to townsfolk, and Lawry, the group should arrive in the area of the
downed saucer. As they approach, a large saucer rises silently from behind a hill
with a smaller partially destroyed ship hovering slightly below and behind it. It
appears as if the larger craft is somehow towing the smaller one. The UFO tandem
halts for a few moments as it nears the party. One of the Cell members present feels
as if someone were watching them from very close, almost under her skin. A warm
sensation passes over her body. The Cell should be given the chance to act. They
may try to stop the craft -- they may even have a rocket launcher handy. Whatever
they try will not succeed (although the Game Master should not make that too obvi-
ous). The saucers streak off and disappear.
Once at the crash site, the party will find traces of metal, psychic coral and Grey
blood. The latter two items should be secured and analyzed, or delivered to an
Aegis via dead letter drop. If the team performs its own analysis, the craft was a
Grey scout ship. More details can be discerned from Nemesis: The Grey
Rather than visiting the site in person, one of the Cell members might chose to
remote view it (specifics of remote viewing sessions may be found in Shadows of
the Mind: The PSI/INT Sourcebook). If so, the character experiences a strong feel-
ing of being watched after the second question or stage of exploration of the site.
He also feels a sudden warm sensation pass over his body. Trying to locate the
source of these feelings is an R-3 Clairvoyance task. If successful, the psychic
notices a large UFO hovering high above her at the site. The flying UFO, as well as
the downed craft, quickly vanish as they teleport away.
On the first failed test by the psychic, the Greys begin their psychic assault, using
Psi-Interception to alter the character’s vision. The character suddenly sees a bloody
corpse among the wreckage and as he gets closer, it looks like a face-down human.
As he watches, it suddenly moves a little and turns its head to look straight at the
character. The face is that of the character’s. The character must make a Df4 Shock
test. The psychic investigation ends if the character fails this test. Otherwise, he may
continue to investigate, experiencing periodic visions of his own death in a fiery
crash (more of the Grey’s alteration of the character’s perceptions).
50 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Sample Coordinate Remote Viewing
Session for Downed UFO
Stage 1: A smooth circle that the viewer soon feels must be scratched
out or scribbled over.
Stage 2: Grey, smooth, hot, burning, cold. AIs: Beautiful, destruction.
EIs: Fear, confusion.
Stage 3: A black spot in the middle of brown and green, a big expanse of
brown and green, high and cold, , on a hill or mountain, the spot
is small but long, like a crash site.
Stage 4: It is a crashed plane, hit the side of and hill or mountain, but
there's no people, it's something else, a balloon, no . . . a UFO.
Stage 5: The UFO is completely destroyed, impacted on the side of the
large hill or small mountain, there are no survivors, but there
were beings inside. There is no one else around the crash site,
it's in the mountains near the Cell's current location.
Stage 6: The agent can ask for details from the Game Master about the
site at this point. Remember that it hit at about 500mph, so
there is little left. Note to the player that he may now use
retrocognition or precognition to further explore the site.
Retrocognition shows that five shadowy beings inside the craft
were flying along when all of a sudden one became possessed by
some outside force and aimed the craft for the Earth. A few
seconds later it hit. Precognition shows no one finding the site,
or if you want, Moondust agents looking it over.
Stage 7: The character is certain that the craft was a Grey vessel.
Little else will result from investigation into the downed UFO. Most pieces have
been removed and teleported away. The crash site shows that the vessel appears to
have hit at a very high velocity. Retrocognition will show that the Grey scout ship
had three inhabitants and was cruising very fast over the nearby hills. Suddenly,
one of the Greys stiffened and the craft plunged downward plowing into the hill.
The Greys were killed instantly and the craft was shredded. The larger Abductor
ship showed a few hours before the characters arrived and spend a long time gath-
ering the Grey bodies and the downed craft’s pieces.
P S I W A R S 51
The Marked Character
However the crash scene plays out, the Game Master should subject one character
to a feeling of being watched, and then a warm sensation all over the body. The cho-
sen character should be psychic if possible, but must at least not be a Void, Psink or
Psychic Burnout. If the character did not already have psychic abilities (other than
normal ESP and Strong ESP), the Game Master should secretly assign the character
a Latent classification psychic discipline, most likely clairvoyance.
Over the next couple of days, two things will happen to the marked character. If she
did not previously have psychic capacity, and was secretly assigned Latent
Clairvoyance, she begins to experience random and uncontrolled manifestations of
her newfound power. This should be very disturbing.
Even more disturbing will be the dreams and visions that appear more and more
frequently. Whether using previously held psychic abilities, or experiences random
outbursts of new powers, the character will find that terrifying visions appear and
interrupt his concentration. Also, horrid nightmares plague the character’s sleep.
These terrors are the result of one of Job’s Greys using psi-interception and
dreamwalking to try to drive the character insane.
If the character wishes, she may try to shield her thoughts to get rid of the visions
and hallucinations. This involves a test of wills. Depending upon your needs at a
particular point in the adventure, the Willpower of the other Greys (4) or Job’s (5)
can be used. If Job is projecting at that time, indicate that the character feels a par-
ticularly strong entity is affecting him.
The Greys quickly send a spyball to track the marked psychic. This spyball follows
the character wherever he goes, able to move at speeds up to 300kph. Only 25cm
(10 inches) in diameter, it is difficult to see, requiring a Df5 Perception test when
outside (since it can hover at a fair distance out of sight), and Df3 when indoors.
Once spotted, the spyball may be attacked. It has an Agility of 4 and a Size ranged
attack modifier of +1Df. It will attempt to dodge any attack. Then, it will retreat to
a safe location before resuming its tracking at a later time. If the characters manage
to destroy or elude it, they escape the Grey’s visions and nightmares for a little
while. The Greys know who characters are, however, so a new spyball will reac-
quire the characters in 1D/2 days, +1 day if the character moves at least 1km from
his last location, +2 days if he moves more than 30km and +3 days over 100km.
Size 1 AR 3
Charge: 4 points Psychokinesis, 4 points Clairvoyance
Training: Levitation
Movement: Floating
(Vehicular Speed 3/Handling --, or Agility 4)
For more information, consult Typical Psibots, Lenses and Psychotrons, Nemesis: The
Grey Sourcebook.
52 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Elisa’s Plight
Soon after the terrors begin, the characters notice an odd article in their local news-
paper about a child. The author suggests that the child senses other people’s
dreams, which are terrifying nightmares. The doctors believe she is doing this psy-
chically, but of course no definitive proof exists.
Through Dreams
be an exception. She does not
benefit at all from the treat-
Baltimore — A young girl under- ment, and this may be because she
going dream analysis at the is receiving the nightmares from
American Somnabulatory Research an outside source. While Dr.
Center (ASRC) in Baltimore, Young refuses to speculate, he
Maryland may be a boon for sci- did indicate that her dreams
entists claiming the existence of indicated a source other than
psychic powers. Whatever its herself. Experiments are cur-
merit, the evidence is causing a rently underway to determine
stir in even the most skeptical whether she is in fact dreaming
of minds. another’s dreams. If someone
could be located who is experi-
Elisa Brook, 7, suffered ences similar dreams, Dr. Young
from night terrors much of her suggests that this may lead to
life before undergoing treatment evidence of psychic transference
in the dream clinic of the of thought through dreams, a
Baltimore hospital. The girl focus of research within the
would waken her parents at night Center for the last 20 years.
with stories of being attacked by
monstrous creatures that came to The Committee for the
her in her dreams. Scientific Investigation of
Claims of the Paranormal’s broth-
Dr. Terrence Young, a er organization, the Skeptic’s
dream researcher at the ASRC, Association of America, is inves-
says that 9% of children suffer tigating the Center’s findings.
from a condition called night Paul Hollinger, an SAA spokesper-
terrors, which resemble night- son, believes that Elisa is mere-
mares, but are much more vivid ly experiencing a condition
and intense. This disability may called “unconscious thought
even lead to bed wetting and bias,” a very normal and natural
other related problems. While psychological phenomena. This
psychiatric help is normally the condition leads Elisa to pick up
doctor’s best advice, on cues from the researchers and
researchers at the Center have these influence the descriptions
experimented with “psychically that she gives of her nightmares.
entering” other people’s dreams Dr. Young refuses to say that Mr.
and helping them combat these Hollinger is wrong, but he urges
night terrors. While critics all to await the results of fur-
maintain this is impossible, the ther tests.
Center cites a 78% recovery rates
among its patients.
To make the article more pointed, the Game Master may wish to insert a paragraph
between the last two paragraphs. In it, the reporter describes one of Elisa’s dreams.
It should closely resemble one of the chosen character’s terrors.
P S I W A R S 53
The Psi-Terrors
Throughout the adventure, one or more of the characters will suffer from terrifying
visions and nightmares, resulting in possible grave psychological damage. The ter-
rors will start with the marked character but may move to other characters as well.
The Greys slowly spread their activities from the marked character to all those who
come into close contact with her. The terrors have two manifestations: psi-terrors
that arise when the character uses psychic abilities, and night terrors that disturb
the character’s sleep.
Day Terrors
Whenever the character uses clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, telepathy
or related trainings, he may suffer terrifying visions. The Game Master should roll
1D. On a 1 to 3, the character may use his ability without difficulty. If the roll is 4 to
6, the Greys send a terrifying vision. Roll 1D on the nearby Day Terrors Table,
adding +1 per failed Fear test that the character has already suffered. ESP abilities
and physical psychic disciplines are less affected. When these are used, roll 1D. On
a 6 only, the psychic rolls on the Day Terrors Table. Add +1 per previously failed
Fear test.
54 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Day Terrors Table
1-3 No Effect: The character may use his ability with no effect.
4-6 Haunting Feeling: The character experiences a strange feeling
that something terribly wrong is going to happen.
The character must make a Df1 Fear test.
7-8 Nightmarish Visions: The character falls unconscious for a few
minutes and suffers a Level 1 night terror as discussed in
the Night Terrors section later in this chapter. The character
must make a Df2 Fear test.
9-10 Chilling Thoughts: The character sees a quick vision of someone
close to her dying nearby. Then, she gets a chilling desire to
kill those around her, similar to Level 2 night terrors detailed
below. The character must make a Df3 Fear test.
11-12 Voices in your Head: The character hears voices in his head
telling him to kill someone in particular. These are followed by
a nightmarish vision similar to Level 3 night terrors as found
below. The character must make a Df4 Fear test.
13+ The Terrors: The character views some nightmarish vision of
herself and her Cell. They might be massacring people they
are trying to save, or liquid creatures might emerge from
their ears leaving them to die in agony. These visions (like
Level 4 night terrors below) repeat from now on whenever the
character uses any of the mental psychic abilities.
The character must make a Df5 Fear test.
Job and his fellow Greys are using psi-interception training to create these nightmar-
ish visions. They can intercept telepathic projections, as well as see astral projections
from individuals using bilocation (R4 due to their Greater Telepathic classification).
They are able to track the psychic back to his source (R2), or alter the agent's percep-
tions while he is bilocating, remote viewing or using clairvoyance (R3), changing it
into terrifying visions. Remember that a +1R is imposed per Psi Point spent by the
Greys, assuring that success of most tests.
P S I W A R S 55
Non-Player Character Psi Use
When the Game Master is running non-player character psychics,
performing a Rhine test every time that a character tries to use a
psychic ability is very burdensome. Instead, the Game Master will most
often just assume the power works. If success or failure is important
and not assured, the following method may be used.
The Game Master determines what the Df of the character's Rhine test
would be, taking into account the training being used, the classification
of the psychic ability and any other relevant modifiers. Find the total
value on the following table to determine the chance of success.
While this table does not adequately represent the percentage chance
of guessing the cards, it does work in general. It is also faster.
Total Roll
R0 or less Automatic failure
R1 Succeeds on a roll of 4 or less on 2D
R2 Succeeds on a roll of 6 or less on 2D
R3 Succeeds on a roll of 7 or less on 2D
R4 Succeeds on a roll of 9 or less on 2D
R5 Automatic success
The psychic may make a perception test against the Willpower of the Greys (4 nor-
mally, 5 for Job) to detect this intervention, but only if the agent states that he is try-
ing to detect some kind of interference. If the character is successful, he detects an
outside agency and tests his Willpower test against the Grey’s Willpower to avoid
making a Fear test. If successful, the visions vanish and the character may use his
psychic ability once without difficulty.
Night Terrors
Night terrors are especially vivid nightmares causing intense fear and agitation,
usually found in children. Members of the Cell experience them as realistic halluci-
nations of horrific things happening to them and their loved ones. These dreams are
actually part of the agent’s own dreams, altered by a Grey or meta-human using the
dreamwalking psi-training (see the new rules portion of this supplement).
While the initial night terrors will focus primarily on the psychic. The Greys soon
learn (via remote viewing or spyball) who the psychic’s Cellmates are. Every night
of the adventure, use a D6 to randomly determine which agent is affected. If there
are less than six agents, give the psychic the greatest chance of being affected. If
there is more than one psychic, give preference to those with informational powers
(clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, telepathy or related trainings), but
don’t completely ignore the others.
56 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
When a night terror strikes, use the following suggestions to describe the charac-
ter’s dreams. The nightmares are rated in five levels of severity. The Game Master
should increase the current level suffered by one for each major discovery the char-
acters make in the mission (such as finding a new lead or uncovering evidence of
the Grey activities), or when they are failing to make any breakthroughs (as a form
of negative reinforcement). The Game Master should make an effort to incorporate
elements from the nightmares into the character’s psychic efforts throughout the
adventure. For example, if the night terrors have concentrated on terrible deaths
among the character’s family, when he attempts to use precognition while awake,
instead he sees his family being killed by aliens.
There are three different nightmare styles that can be used by Game Masters, either
on different psychics within the Cell or at different times. They are tradition, per-
sonal, and exotic. Try to select a night terror style that is most likely to disturb the
player of the character and modify it so it appears particularly unsettling.
Remember that the goal of the Greys is to use the humans’ violent minds against
them to drive the psychics insane and/or to make them fear using their psychic
abilities. Since the character is receiving this information subconsciously, it is fil-
tered through her own experience and thoughts. This makes it extremely personal
and likely to include details that no one else could possibly know. This is what
makes the whole thing that much more disturbing -- the character is not sure that
an outside force is acting on them.
Level 1 Night Terrors
This level of nightmare is ideal for beginning the adventure. For each, the character
awakens at the end with a start and finds it difficult, but not impossible to get back
to sleep. These nightmares should be disturbing, but almost familiar in their night-
marish roots. They will be relatively easy to dismiss as nothing. Following these
nightmares, the character must make a Df1 Fear test.
Traditional: The character is looking for someone, but cannot find them any-
where. Finally, he opens a door, and almost falls into an open space. As he clings to
the door frame, a voice in his head tells him to use his powers to save himself.
Remarkably, he is able to fly using his powers and easily flies up into the air.
Suddenly he wonders how he’s doing this wonderful thing, and falls.
Personal: The character’s dreams are filled with anxiety and fear all night long
about someone coming to get her and her family. She awakens several times
throughout the night with a sense that something is very wrong, but cannot tell
what. If she tries to use her psychic powers in her dream, she sees her family in ter-
rible danger, but cannot tell why.
Exotic: The character wakes up in the middle of the night to a strange sound. As
he investigates, he finds no one around at all. If he tries to use his psychic powers,
he senses them all underneath him, but they don’t appear to be in the basement.
Instead, they start coming up through the ground as undead, pulling the character
down with them. At this point, the character wakes up with a shout.
P S I W A R S 57
Level 2 Night Terrors
Ideally, the night after the characters
meet with Elisa, begin Level 2 night-
mares. These dreams leave the awak-
ened character with the shakes, and it
takes several hours to get back to sleep.
These kinds of nightmares will be dis-
turbing, possibly a little worrisome, but
not debilitating. The character must
make a Df2 Fear test.
Traditional: The character senses
58 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Level 3 Night Terrors
When the characters seem stifled, appear to be losing interest or are making too
much progress, increase the level of nightmares. This level of nightmare is the turn-
ing point, when they start to get downright nasty. The Greys at this point have
decided that the characters are a direct threat and must they step up their efforts at
neutralization. Alternatively, if things seem to be well in hand, the Greys are sim-
ply carrying their experiment through the next stage. The character will generally
awaken screaming and not be able to sleep again that night. He must make a Df4
Willpower test to go to sleep the following night. If the character already has sleep-
ing problems (like the Insomnia trait), he suffers a +1Df penalty to the Willpower
test for sleeping the next night. The character must also make a Df3 Fear test.
Traditional: Very simply, the character awakens and finds that she cannot talk
to anyone. When she tries to, people point to their heads as if they use telepathy. If
the character tries to think thoughts, a piercing pain is felt and the character feels
like crying. She catches her image in a nearby mirror, and finds that blood is drip-
ping from her eyes, ears and nose.
Personal: The character awakens to find himself covered in blood. Turning over,
he finds his closest family member/friend/lover lying next to him. As he tries to
awaken, he finds that he cannot. Game Masters should try their best to make it
seem that the character is awake, using other characters as well. Make up some
excuse for the dead person being in bed with the character and then have the police
show up. Put the character through a tense interrogation and have the police bring
the character down to the morgue where they pull out a slab. Pulling back the sheet,
the character sees the face of someone he really did kill (or the above person if this
character never killed before) who turns to look at the character and mouths the
word, “Why?” Then, the character wakes up.
Exotic: In this case, the character seems to have an out-of-body experience where
she travels through the astral realm. Ensure that this event seems like an actual OBE
and not a dream. Allow the character even to explore a little, and make everything
seem peaceful and pleasant. Then, just when she’s ready to stop, have her hover
over her body and sense a strange presence in it. As she tries to get in, she finds that
she cannot. She watches it get up and meet with the other characters. As she keeps
trying to get back, some dark spirits with red glowing eyes arise from the ground
and drag her down into it.
The character has trouble getting to sleep at night. She typically suffers
from sleepless nights, making her grouchy and distracted. Every night,
the agent must make a Variable Willpower test to get a good night's sleep.
If she does not, she suffers -1t to all actions the following day. After two
nights of restlessness, she suffers a -2t penalty; after three nights, +1Df.
The character gains a +2t bonus to getting a good night's rest per night
after the second night without sleep. All bonuses are eliminated once
the character gets a good night's rest.
P S I W A R S 59
60 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Level 5 Night Terrors
The character will reach Level 5 the night before the climax of the adventure. This
occurs even if she resists using her psychic abilities and does not sleep. At this
stage, the Greys abduct her and put her through a real nightmare of probing and
experimentation as they study the effects of their efforts.
That night, tell the character that she is suddenly awakened by a feeling of dread.
She’s not sure if she’s dreaming or not. The Game Master should make sure that the
reality of the situation is questionable. Three Greys suddenly appear in her room
out of the darkness. They wave certain featureless devices at her, and the character
finds herself paralyzed. Everything goes black. The next thing the character knows,
she is inside some sort of silvery room with no doors, windows or edges to the
walls. The character is strapped to a raised platform in the middle and finds that
she cannot move at all. The Greys probe and poke her body all over. A little drill
drops down between her eyes, drilling through her skull as the character is con-
scious. She blacks out again. She awakens screaming hysterically and cowering in
a fetal position, not sure whether this was a dream or real. The character must make
a Df5 Fear test. Depending upon the character’s mental state before this, she may or
may not be permanently damaged from the experience.
If the character undergoes a physical exam, nothing out of the ordinary turns up.
X-rays of her head and a Medical 3 test will reveal a small device just above her
nose. This is a monitor implant described in Nemesis: The Grey Sourcebook. This is
the only evidence that the character vanished.
Although it is highly unlikely that a Cell will take precautionary measures, they
will be ineffective. If the Cell thinks of it, they might place video cameras in the
character’s bedroom. In this case, they see only static after a few hours, as if the
camera mysteriously shorted out during the night. If the characters post a watch on
the sleeper, the watch wakes up in the morning remembering nothing. The
abductee is returned to another room in the building. The Greys are watching the
entire facility through remote viewing, so they know what is happening and want
to further confuse the characters.
P S I W A R S 61
For the most part, this chapter reviews the background, history and current actions
of the various groups and places that may turn up during the character’s investi-
gation. The Cell’s investigation may take many routes depending on what they
chose to look into, and when. For that reason, the following sections are not pre-
sented in any particular order. The Game Master should read through the whole
chapter and at least familiarize herself with the location of each subject’s informa-
tion. This will allow her to move from one subject to another smoothly as the
party’s investigation develops.
The first few sections of this chapter address general investigative methods, includ-
ing how the party gets information from its sources. Psychic information gathering
is also covered.
The remainder of the chapter focuses on specific subjects. Each subject section is
devoted to a separate person, group or place, and is presented in a special format.
The initial Description paragraph reveals material available from anyone who has
any familiarity with the subject. The subsequent paragraphs detail less commonly
Information Levels
The material presented in the subject sections can be garnered from those the party
meets during its investigations. Some of it may also be learned from the Cell’s con-
tacts and connections. Game Masters should encourage their players to consult
their sources about the various subjects they uncover. This is easiest way to build a
critical mass of knowledge, and bring the current crisis to a conclusion.
Depending on the character’s sources, and a special Influence test, a certain amount
of information will be learned. This level of information is ranked by a number
from one to five. The nearby Information Level Description Table indicates what
each number ranking means.
62 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
The types of sources the characters can consult are nearly unlimited. Those with
knowledge helpful to this mission are more limited. The Source Knowledge Tables
list those that might help.
The most basic level of contacts a character possesses derive from his Influence
Icon. The Icon represents a group of people specializing in that area (Military,
Intelligence, etc.) that the character relies on primarily when requisitioning equip-
ment. These sources may be consulted for informational purposes, as well. Through
the various Contact traits (Military, Police, Intelligence, etc.), a character may have
access to more than one Influence Icon source.
The second level of contacts held by players stem from their own Credential, any
Credential Connection traits they enjoy, and either the Hacker or UFO Group
Connection. These people may also be questioned about a variety of subjects.
Credentials or Connections that do not appear on the Source Knowledge Tables
have no useful information regarding the subjects listed.
The Source Knowledge Tables also list those subjects that may be raised by agents.
While almost every relevant subject has been detailed, players may ask about
unlisted subjects. Some unlisted subjects (such as the Pheonix gestalt, Sibyl Systems
and Elisa) are relatively unknown and require direct investigation by the charac-
ters. Despite the lack of source information about these subjects, the standard pre-
sentation is maintained in their individual sections to aid the Game Master in
deciding what information to reveal given the players’ action. For other subjects,
Game Masters may decide no information can be obtained, or may wish to devise
their own tables. The specifics of this section, and the general guidelines presented
earlier in this book, should be considered when devising new table entries.
When a character indicates that he wants to consult one of his sources, the Game
Master asks about the subject and the source. If the agent is part of, or has a con-
nection to, any of the Credentials listed in the Source Knowledge Tables, the Game
Master uses that column. Otherwise, the character’s Influence Icon sources, or those
provided by a different Icon Contact trait, are used. Depending on the source and
the subject, the Source Knowledge Table lists a base Target Number revealing the
general level of knowledge about that subject that the source knows.
P S I W A R S 63
ASRC 6t 6t 6t 7t
Directorate X 3t 3t 5t 5t
Lionheart 3t 3t 5t 3t
MKOMEGA 3t 3t 4t 3t
MKULTRA 4t 3t 5t 6t
Psi-Terrors 5t 5t 4t 5t
Right Choice 3t 3t 5t 3t
Sibyl Systems 3t 3t 5t 3t
^ CAPS-Affiliated (see Shadows of the Mind)
Subject DIA MKULTRA NSA Rasputin
ASRC 5t 6t 5t 5t
Directorate X 4t 4t 4t 6t
Lionheart 3t 3t 5t 3t
MKOMEGA 3t 5t 3t 3t
MKULTRA 4t 8t 5t 6t
Psi-Terrors 3t 5t 3t 6t
Right Choice 3t 3t 5t 3t
Sibyl Systems 6t 3t 5t 3t
Subject Hacker# UFO Group
ASRC 6t 5t
Directorate X 3t 4t
Lionheart 5t 3t
Psi-Terrors 3t 5t
Right Choice 5t 5t
Sibyl Systems 5t 5t
# +1t for Master Hacker Connection trait
This base Target Number is increased by the character’s Influence attribute. The
player then rolls 2D. If she rolls over the Target Number, the source has no useful
information on the subject. If she rolls equal to, or under the Target Number, some
material is uncovered. The depth and breadth of that information, as measured in
Information Levels, depends on how successful the roll was. The Success Rate Table
gives the details.
64 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Success Rate Table
Success Information Provided
0-1 Information Level 1
2-3 Information Level 2
4 Information Level 3
5 Information Level 4
6+ Information Level 5
Psychic Investigations
Characters will most likely get much of their information through sources or inves-
tigating on their own. Psychic investigations are another means of gathering data.
Unfortunately, given the Grey assault on the psyche of any Cell psychic, this route
is fraught with danger. Nevertheless, using psychic powers may be the group’s best
chance for learning the nature of the menace they are facing. The next few para-
graphs detail the kind of information that might be gathered using psychic abilities.
ESP: Most ESP tests can only confirm or deny the character’s suspicions. They
must present a hypothesis before learning more about the subject at hand. ESP is
best used in narrowing down fruitful leads, such as determining whether a partic-
ular individual is directly related to the psychic visions and nightmares. Read Aura
can be extremely helpful since hybrids and Greys have no aura.
Bio-PK: A smart psychics will use this ability to help control his powers and try
to limit outside influence. Trance can be very helpful in boosting the psychic’s abil-
ities. Should he realize that he has gone insane, it could be the only solution for pre-
venting him from physically harming himself and his teammates.
Clairvoyance: Straight use of clairvoyance is likely to yield the same kind of
information as gained from ESP, mainly confirmation of the character’s pre-exist-
ing suspicions. This power could be used to identify the likely source of the terrors.
Empathy: When dealing with the various characters in this adventure, Empathy
will be very useful in learning the true natures of the many hybrids encountered
(meta-humans have no aura). This should be of interest to the characters, since they
will be dealing with so many people without auras.
P S I W A R S 65
Precognition: This power is troubling since it could give the psychic informa-
tion about the future that could bypass investigative steps and lead straight to the
mission climax. Game Masters should be careful to answer questions precisely and
keep in mind that psi powers are weakest when dealing with future events. A
Game Master might lead the party to believe they will all die horrible deaths, since
that is the likely event should the Greys not be stopped. Along the same lines,
answers should be useful, but cryptic. For example, if a character used precognition
to ask what the source of the nightmares was, answer that they originate from the
psychic realm. Given a more precise question of where in the psychic realm, the GM
could answer that they originate from beings. This kind of question and answer
process can be continued until the character has exhausted her power without
revealing mission-spoiling information. GMs should not err in the opposition direc-
tion, either. Psi powers are expensive and should give the characters some edge, or
useful information.
Retrocognition: Characters cannot use this power to learn more about the
nightmares since they do not exist in time in any concrete sense. They could learn
what happened to a facility after the Directorate X agents passed through, or find
Bilocation: This is one of the most useful techniques that a psychic could use
in this adventure. The character could roam the astral plane and search for the
source of the mental anguish. It is also the training which is most vulnerable to
Grey sendings since they are manipulating the astral realm when they create the
visions. Therefore, all Shock tests suffer a +2Df penalty while Bilocating. Once the
Grey psychic attacks have begun, the character can try to find their source through
Bilocating. This is an R-1 task, unless the character has some specific clue (like a
general location or psychic contact with the Greys). In the latter case, the Game
Master should decrease the Rhine test Difficulty Level. Once the Greys are located,
the character can investigate them relatively easily, but is vulnerable to psi-terrors
and other psychic attacks from the Greys.
Bio-Energetics: This power can be used to soothe disturbed individuals, but
not the psychic herself. So used, it can remove one Mental Stability point, with a
successful R3 test, per use. Only one use can be attempted per day.
Channeling: See Clairvoyance.
66 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Coordinate Remote Viewing: This ability will turn up a great deal of
information assuming the remote viewer has a target. The information retrieved is
likely to be images of the current operation of a facility or activities of the targeted
individual. Should the characters seek out the source of their afflictions, they will
be drawn to the Grey’s abductor ship, which leads to more psi-terrors.
Divination: See Precognition.
Dowsing: This training is not likely to work well in this adventure unless char-
acters are looking for underground networks below the Sibyl Systems compound.
Dream Telepathy: A highly useful talent for this mission, this ability allows
the characters to monitor Elisa’s dreams (R-1) and learn that it is Greys who are in
the background watching over the dreams. They could also use it to send peaceful
dreams to her (R2), allowing her to sleep better. The same method may be used to
ease the plight of other psychics who are badly afflicted by the nightmares.
Extended Remote Viewing: See Bilocation.
Psychometry: See Retrocognition.
Precognitive Dreams: See Precognition.
Psi-Interception: This useful power could detect that the psi-terrors are orig-
inating from a psychic source (R2). Once this is done, the psychic may try to learn
more about the sending, finding that it is a psychic construct sent to work within
the victim’s mind to elicit terror and shock related to violence and psychic power
use (R0). The psychic could also try to block the signal (R-2) or trace it back to its
source (R-2), which would lead the character to the Greys. This might lead to a psy-
chic battle.
Psi-Warfare: Although this is the ability that the Greys are using against the
characters, knowing that is not going to save them. Further, using it will be difficult
as they must identify a specific target.
Remote Influence: Once again, the characters must identify a target and
locate it before they can use this ability. However, it may be used to learn more
from the hybrids involved in this adventure. Due to their susceptibility to
Domination, remote influencers gain a +1R bonus when targeting them.
Scrying: See Clairvoyance.
Telehypnotism: See Remote Influence.
P S I W A R S 67
Subjects of Investigation
The ASRC specializes in dream therapy for abductees who find this a safe place to
rest and recuperate. The staff also conduct psychic dream research, experimenting
with telepathic sending through dreams, precognitive abilities and even contacting
one another through dreams.
Deep Background: The majority of the ASRC’s funding comes from the gov-
ernment. The remainder derives from private sources, which many suspect are
front for the intelligence community. The ASRC’s sleep deprivation and hypnosis
research explains the government connection. Their work on psychic dreaming
could also be getting funding from these black sources, but this is unknown. On the
other hand, they have become increasingly vocal about their discoveries of late, and
this does not mesh with an intelligence sponsor.
Some believe that the facility is actually doing research into mind control through
dreams. The fact that UFO abductees tend to show up at ASRC also raises the pos-
sibility of a connection between the two. In any case, the psychic research that goes
on in public view can’t possibly be their real work because it was all done years ago
at the Maimonides Center.
Current Activities: The center is currently studying dream deprivation and
ways of dealing with it. They boast a very successful dream therapy center and
sleep clinic with a very high success rate. Their research focuses on communication
through dreams. Their most famous recent case involves Elisa Brook.
Paul Hollinger of the Skeptic’s Association of America is currently investigating
Elisa at the facility. He was given a room in the residence and is interviewing her at
length despite her reluctance to talk to him. His has learned that she does not
understand what the dreams are or why they are occurring. Hollinger suspects one
of the doctors is influencing her in some non-psychic manner.
68 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
The Director of Research, Dr. Young, does not like Hollinger’s presence, but puts
up with it. He has had some of his top psychics try to find who is sending Elisa
these dreams or where she’s getting them, but her mind is sealed tight and they
cannot get in. He honestly wants to help her, but would also like to learn how she
“eavesdrops” on dreams so that he can employ the technique.
Secrets: A secret section of the ASRC is currently studying the effect of extend-
ed dream deprivation among Naval volunteers. These experiments are rumored to
be terminal, but this is just speculation. They are also testing drugs which are
rumored to artificially create the chemicals released during dreams, allowing
agents to work for days without sleep and suffer no ill effects.
The psychic research that is going on is far beyond mere telepathic sending. They
are working on remote viewing through dreams as well as remote influencing
while in a dream state. So far, they’ve had a great deal of success. Doctor Young is
involved with the dream influencing project secretly, but is not in any way influ-
encing Elisa and will not even admit to knowing about it.
Security at the center is very lax as much of the work going on is not secretive in the
least. However, the top floor of the research building is secured against public
access. The elevator will not open onto that floor without a special key. A pair of
armed marines are stationed at every entrance to the floor. Only authorized per-
sonnel are allowed there.
Location: The ASRC is located on a large 10-acre pastoral plot. It is carefully
maintained, and is filled with gardens, trees and chip trails. The four main build-
ings include an administrative building (two stories), a residence (three floors), a
treatment center (two stories) and a laboratory building (four stories). The top floor
of the lab is dedicated to the Naval experiments. The buildings in general have Df2
locks on the exterior doors and Df1 locks on interior doors. The facilities devoted to
Naval experiments have Df3 electronic locks, and armed marine guards.
Personnel: Over a hundred administrative, research and scientific staff work
at the Center. Only a handful are involved in secretive research. About twenty
patients live at the facility at any one time. Nearly forty test subjects come and go
throughout the week.
P S I W A R S 69
Dr. Terrence Skills
Young Brawling 1 Computer Use 2
Drive: Auto 2 First Aid 2 Humanities:
Str 3 Philosophy 2 Hypnosis 2 Medical:
Siz 3 General Practice 2 Lucid Dreaming 4
Agl 3 Meditation 1 Parapsychology 4
Ref 3 Research 3 Science: Psychology 2
Int 3 Teaching 2
Will 3
Per 4 Training
Luck 2/12 Awareness: Detect Lies Surveillance
Psychic Abilities Academic Outcast Cautious
Lesser Empathy Lesser Telepathy Connection: Navy Good Listener
Dream Telepathy
Marine Guards
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Autofire 3 Brawling 3 Drive: Auto 2 First Aid 2 Gunnery 2
Heavy Weapons 2 Small Arms: Pistol 3 Small Arms: Rifle 3 Stealth 3
Trainings Traits
Communications Parachuting Combat Experience
Rappelling Physical Training
70 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Paul Skills
Hollinger Brawling 1 Computer Use 2
Disguise 1 Drive: Auto 1 Escape 2
Str 3 Forensics 2 Hypnosis 2
Siz 3 Language: English/Russian 3
Agl 3 Lockpicking 2 Martial Arts 2
Ref 3 Occult 1 Parapsychology 1 Research 1
Int 3 Science: Physics 4 Shadow 2
Will 3 Small Arms: Pistol 3 Stealth 3
Per 4 UFOlogy 2 Video 1
Luck 2/12
Awareness: Detect Lies
Awareness: Psychic Activity Surveillance
Animal Animosity Connection: Skeptics Association Conspiracy Buff
Grey/Human Hybrid: Weak Psi Killer Instinct Notoriety: Russia
Physical Training Psychic Burn-out Watched: Greys
Hold out Pistol 2 clips Knife Video Camera 6 cassettes 6 Audio bugs
Lockpick gun Bulletproof Briefcase: Auto Pistol w/Laser Sight & Silencer
4 clips Hand Grenade: Stun Cellular phone w/scrambler Laptop Computer
Tranquilizer (1 vial w/hypo) 2 sets of Handcuffs Sports Car
Background: Paul Hollinger is a short, stocky balding man who seems always
in a foul mood. While trying to infiltrate a Soviet psi-warfare research center
back in the 80s, he tripped some kind of psychic detection system. Drawn to
his location, another psychic hit him with some kind of experimental mental
attack, causing so much feedback that Hollinger’s psychic abilities were
forever destroyed. While he still works for the Greys, he's angry at the world.
He has found a place as a rogue meta-human locator and assassin.
He takes great joy in killing renegade meta-humans.
In conversation, Hollinger seems to know all about the various con-
spiracies and discounts them all. In reality, he is constantly on the lookout for
new leads to possible meta-human traitors. Hollinger is at the ASRC to inves-
tigate Elisa, who he suspects is a meta-human. Over the course of the char-
acter's investigation, he will show up regularly. He always attempts to explain
how something seemingly paranormal could be explained through physics.
When Hollinger finally decides that Elisa is a meta-human, he will not kill her
outright. He has worked to hard to develop an identity that allows him access
to conspiracy and psi-related facilities. He will try to kill her secretly, using
the arsenal in his briefcase to escape if need be. He is a dangerous foe.
P S I W A R S 71
Directorate X
municate with aliens, but this was soon changed to a seek and destroy mission. The
agents within this directorate carried out these orders on several occasions accord-
ing to government reports. In one instance, an underwater UFO was discovered
and destroyed by a special alien-hunting submarine.
Initial reports indicated that they set up vast bases in Siberia, far from any civiliza-
tion. These bases were abandoned in the mid-1980s, when they grew paranoid of
alien infiltration in the government. At that time, all official records of the direc-
torate vanished. Some eyewitness reports suggest that they became mobile, work-
ing from airplanes and ships, although nothing definite was ever recorded. All of
their agents went underground using false identities, making their tracking impos-
sible. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, any chance of locating them van-
ished forever. They are now presumed to operate world-wide on their own.
Current Activities: Directorate X is alive and well, using arms sales to vari-
ous shady governments as a source of funding. They own a fleet of former KGB
fishing vessels equipped with top-of-the-line surveillance and defense suites. An
air force consisting of several interceptor fighters and a dozen heavy cargo planes
is employed as multiple bases of operations. For refueling, they typically stop in at
various Russian bases and use their mind-control devices to erase any memory of
their presence.
They are continuing their fight, but have split their forces and sent a significant
group to the United States where they believe they will find aid in their mission.
Still, they do not trust Aegis or Black Book, and they take what aid they can with-
out compromising their own security, or revealing to much about their activities.
Aegis is aware of their existence and continues to try to make contact. So far,
Directorate X has been incredibly difficult to get a hold of, and always refuse any
sort of meetings.
72 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Secrets: The Directorate knows more about the Greys than any other organi-
zation in the world, including the Black Book and Aegis. They have captured sev-
eral dozen Greys over the course of their existence, psychically explored Greyworld
as well as several Grey spacecraft and bases, and even managed to destroy a Grey
base on Earth. They still do not know why the Greys want to destroy humanity, but
they know that is the Greys’ goal and that the Greys are using hybrids to replace
humans. They are very adept at identifying meta-humans, and at killing them.
Currently, a section is in the United States investigating the Greys’ infiltration of the
MKOMEGA project. Their goal is to kill all subjects and operatives from that pro-
ject. The Greys have tried using the visions and nightmares against Directorate
members, but the Directorate is very good at concealing themselves from psychic
detection, so the effort is never prolonged enough to be successful. Worse still, the
Directorate once managed to find a Grey gestalt that was sending the visions and
killed every last one of them. The Greys understandably are scared of the
Directorate and avoid it all costs.
Location: The agents are currently based out of a warehouse in Baltimore
equipped with a brig, killing house, telecommunications lines and a mainframe.
This warehouse is protected by significant security measures including Df4 locks
on the outside doors, motion sensors and infrared cameras. In addition, incendiary
explosives are arranged throughout the framework of the building, detonated auto-
matically by two failed attempts to hack the mainframe (which can only be accessed
from inside the warehouse since it is not otherwise connected to the telecommuni-
cations lines) or by radio detonator that the agents carry with them. Such a detona-
tion would destroy the warehouse and everything inside.
Personnel: There is a single cadre of six Directorate X agents currently inves-
tigating the Lionheart Orphanage. They are using the identities of an FBI special
investigations team, looking into allegations of child abuse at the orphanage. While
they are not certain that Lionheart is more than it seems, they are using their psy-
chic abilities to look for any psychic emanations.
P S I W A R S 73
Psi-Trainings Traits
Bilocation Coordinate Remote Viewing Cautious Paranoid Delusions
Psi-Interception Psi-Warfare Health Problems
Remote Influence Prejudice: Severe against Greys
and meta-humans
(as FBI Agents, each)
Auto Pistol 4 clips Hold-out Pistol 2 clips Lockpick Gun
Cellular Phone w/Scrambler Flashlight Handcuffs
SWAT Van Surveillance Van 3 Compact Cars
74 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Elisa Brook
Description: Elisa is a ten-year old Caucasian girl. She is constantly tired and
on the verge of falling asleep as her body suffers from sleep deprivation. Elisa
seems very irritable and dislikes talking to anyone, preferring to play alone with
her toys. Characters must make Df3 Willpower test to get her to answer each ques-
tion they ask.
Background: Elisa is very disturbed by terrible nightmares almost every
night, of varying intensity. Typically she wakes up in the middle of the night very
frightened and cries for much of the rest of the night. As a result, she was, until
recently, very sleep deprived. Elisa is currently a patient at the American
Somnabulatory Research Center and is given strong sedatives to help her sleep
without dreaming. This is not a healthy solution, however, as her sleep deprivation
has been replaced by dream deprivation. Unless the Center can find a solution, she
may suffer some sort of brain damage from such extended deprivation.
Her dreams typically involve bad men hurting other people while she watches.
Precise descriptions of them will bear a remarkable resemblance to the nightmares
from the Night Terrors section, up to one level higher than the agents have cur-
rently experienced. She does not know who the people in her dreams are, although
there is a 1 in 6 chance that she recognizes the psychic character in the group from
her dreams. She can sometimes dream nice dreams, “listening” to the dreams of
people around her. In addition, she sees other monsters watching the dreams, small
gray men with big black eyes that can’t see her.
Characters skilled in Hypnosis will have the best luck in getting information
out of Elisa. In particular, regression to the dreams will work best to find
out what she is dreaming and the particular elements in her dreams.
Details of the Hypnosis skills may be found in Shadows in the Mind: The
PSI/INT Sourcebook. The characters might also use hypnosis to plant the
post-hypnotic suggestion that she try to block out the nightmares, giving
her a good chance of sleeping comfortably.
Deep Background: Elisa’s parents, Margery and Wallace Brook, were both
abducted when they were young and continued to be for several years. They have
not been abducted in over fifteen years, however. They are members of the
Intruder’s Survivor’s Association, the ISA, an alien abduction support group. They
fear that Elisa is being abducted, but will not talk about it unless the characters
bring up the subject. They will not volunteer the information, but Elisa was adopt-
ed as Margery lost the ability to have children during one of her abductions. She
was adopted through the Right Choice adoption agency. The parents have no idea
who the real parents might be.
The doctors are astounded by Elisa’s abilities, as she is a very strong psychic, but
appears only to be able to sense dreams. She cannot send them or perform any tele-
pathic sending. Doctor Terrence Young, Elisa’s physician, believes that she is a
strong empath and that she may be receiving other people’s dreams since none of
the people in her dreams are known to her. He does not know whose dreams she is
P S I W A R S 75
picking up or why alien-like beings appear in them, but thinks finding them may
be the key to Elisa’s recovery. If the characters come forward with their information
affected character does. The Greys are completely unaware of her though, having
lost track of Elisa’s parents when a ship was destroyed by Directorate X agents
operating in the U.S. seven years ago. If the psychic character does much remote
viewing of Elisa or telepathic reading, the Greys may be able to intercept and detect
it, putting Elisa in danger. They would certainly abduct her and possibly kill her
after finding out that she exists.
Elisa Skills
Brook Hobby: Playing 4 Lucid Dreaming 2
Str 2 Traits
Siz 2 Grey/Human Hybrid: Pseudo-Focus
Agl 3 Drug Intolerance
Ref 2
Int 4 Psychic Abilities
Will 3 Lesser Clairvoyance Greater Empathy
Per 4 Lesser Telepathy
Luck 3/12
Dream Telepathy
76 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Lionheart Orphanage
Description: The Lionheart Orphanage records report that it was founded in
1983 in Richmond, Virginia. The entire installation was moved in 1990 to Baltimore,
Maryland. The orphanage is registered as a privately-owned and run facility,
owned by the Lionheart Corporation.
Background: The Lionheart Orphanage places all of its children through the
Right Choice adoption agency. The orphanage listed no children in residence
between 1987 and 1991. At that point, it gained over thirty babies few in a few
months. It continues to gain new groups of babies every year or so, placing most of
them within six months through Right Choice. They have a large number of twins
and triplets.
The Lionheart facility is simply incredible, with state of the art monitoring systems
and a very skilled care staff. All the babies appear to be very well cared for, and
appear to be very healthy.
Deep Background: While the infants from the orphanage show diverse eth-
nic backgrounds, they are uniformly very healthy babies with no major health con-
cerns. Orphanage records indicate that the babies come from teenage parents in the
area, but the hospitals in the region do not report the kind of numbers that the
orphanage claim to result from such births. The orphanage does not keep records
of the true parents’ names or any identifying information.
Lionheart was originally founded as a front company by MKOMEGA to provide a
cover background for the genetically engineered children. It never really existed as
the children were raised at the secret MKOMEGA facility in Virginia.
Current Activities: The orphanage continues to gain thirty or so babies
every year and place them within six months. The administrators believe the oper-
ation is a success since no one has yet caught on to the inordinate amount of chil-
dren that pass through the place.
Secrets: All of the children in the orphanage are genetically-engineered
hybrids created by MKOMEGA personnel operating out of the Sibyl Systems facil-
ity. The children are brought to the orphanage after their first month of life to be
raised and ultimately placed in society.
The facility is administrated by Grey meta-humans, and used to infiltrate hybrids
into all aspects of human society. When the Grey meta-humans assumed control of
MKOMEGA, they decided the Lionheart paper cover was too risky. They arranged
the purchase of a failed orphanage in Washington, Sunshine Estates, moved it
north, and renamed it. This created a separate place to raise the children away from
Sibyl Systems, which owns the Lionheart company through a holding company
called Rhyming Diversified.
Personnel: There are five meta-human caregivers who live on site, and ten
non-hybrid workers who work there during normal business hours. Brian McBain
is the current president of the company and lives on site in one of the master bed-
rooms. There are thirty hybrid infants in the nursery and ten hybrid children
between the ages of 3 and 6 living in the upstairs bedrooms.
P S I W A R S 77
Psi-Trainings Equipment
Micro-PK Hypo w/4 doses of Tranquilizer
Remote Influence several doses of Cocaine
Taser Cellular Phone
First Aid Kit
Background: Brian started out a brilliant agent for the Greys, becoming a
high placed infiltrator at a very important corporation. The fast life proved too
much for him and he quickly developed a cocaine addiction, which rendered him
useless to the Greys who needed a reliable agent. He was removed from the
mission and came to administer the Lionheart agency, a major demotion. Now
he watches over the child care workers longing for his glorious past and hating
every minute of his life. He cannot wait for a chance to prove himself, but he
fears that it will never come.
78 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Location: The Lionheart Orphanage is found in a red brick two-story building
with a basement. Exterior doors have Df3 locks and both doors and windows are
linked to a silent alarm which sounds in the security office. Interior doors in the
building are only Df2 to lockpick. Video cameras watch over shaded areas, feeding
into the security office which is always manned by a meta-human security guard
(use Sibyl Systems guards as template, but this one is only armed with a pistol).
Another guard patrols the facility. The guards exchange stations every two hours.
The security guards will most likely alert police if they detect intruders, trying to
protect the children at all costs.
Security Station: One security guard sits in this room watching the three monitors
which rotate between the various cameras in the facility. A successful Df2 Stealth
test is required to avoid being spotted by the guard while in shaded areas of the
map. This room contains no secret information.
Offices: These offices are locked at night and contain information on the most
recent adoptions. They reveal placement with a diverse cross-section of parents
with regard to ethnicity and geographic location. Almost all are well-off or wealthy.
Most have government jobs at various levels, or influential jobs in other sectors.
Files Room: This room is always locked and contains all information on adoptions
from the orphanage, but show no information on the children’s true parents.
Nursery: There are thirty infants about eight months old in the nursery. A caregiv-
er is on duty in this room at all times monitoring the babies. This caregiver is
unarmed and a non-combatant, but is aware of the children’s true natures.
Bedrooms: The bedrooms have a 2 in 6 chance of containing a child 3-6 years old.
The two caregiver’s rooms to the north contain four very young children between
1 and 2 years old, each with a caregiver sleeping in the room.
Master Bedroom & Office: This luxurious bedroom is home to Brian, where he can
be found at night. His office is quite large and contains a great deal of information
linking the orphanage to Sibyl Systems.
Storage Rooms: These rooms are filled with old furniture and junk, making visi-
bility very limited and movement difficult. The southern storage room only has
junk filling the entranceway, beyond it there is comfortable furniture as if this were
a meeting room. A camera watches over the room and has a clear view of that door
and everything around it.
Teleport Room: This room was built especially for the Greys to be able to teleport
in and out of the building, but is very rarely used. The room is entirely empty and
swept clean every few days. Otherwise it is featureless.
P S I W A R S 79
16 16 16 16
20 13 Lionheart
14 13 15 Second
20 22
80 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
9 8
3 2
2 2
Lionheart Orphanage
Ground Floor
1 Reception 12 Play Room
2 Office 13 Bathroom
3 Security Station 14 Master Bedroom
4 Library 15 Main Office
5 Sick Room 16 caregiver’s Bedroom
6 Nursery 17 Bedroom
7 Lounge 18 Laundry
8 Cafeteria 19 Boiler Room
9 Kitchen 20 Storage Room
10 Food Storage 21 Lockers
11 File Room 22 Teleport Room
P S I W A R S 81
Pheonix Gestalt Greys
dominates much of the activities of those in his splinter group. Back on Greyworld,
he is considered completely insane and psychic connections to him and his follow-
ers were long ago cut.
Those who oppose Job have come to suffer from his latest insanity, homicidal ten-
dencies. He recently dominated the pilot of an scout craft whose gestalt was active-
ly opposing him, and slammed the UFO into a mountainside killing all inside. Such
activities are unheard of among Greys and have resulted in a tremendous fear of
this rogue in their midst. Despite the unprecedented changes Job has sponsored in
Grey society, he is undeniably achieving results. The nightmare program has
already resulted in over a dozen psychics dying or being incapacitated..
Current Activities: The Phoenix gestalt is based out of the underground
portion of the Sibyl Systems compound. They have an abductor ship hidden with-
in a lake on the compound. They are entirely devoted to locating psychics and
destroying them. Job continues to dominate other gestalts and work them into his
war effort. Opposing Greys are hoping that someone else eliminates him and may
just help the characters if they attempt to destroy Sibyl Systems.
Secrets: Job was in fact the first Grey captured by humans. The horrors of this
experience scarred him forever. A brilliant leader, he now hates humans passion-
ately and would like to mount an all-out war, but realizes that few of his fellow
Greys could never join him in such a violent venture. In the meantime, he hopes a
psychic war may just lead them to understand that a physical war also is needed.
Since creating the rift in Grey society, Job makes a habit of flaunting Grey tradi-
tions. He has even taken to training meta-humans in Domination.
Location: The Pheonix gestalt lives in an underground habitat at the Sybil
Systems complex in rural Maryland.
Personnel: There are five Greys in the Phoenix Gestalt. Job is only one who
stands above his peers.
82 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Phoenix Greys Skills
Computer Programming 3 Computer Use 3
Str 2 Hypnosis 3 Lens Breeding 3 Medical 3
Siz 2 Meditation 4 Operation 2
Agl 3 Pilot: Grey Saucer 4 Psibot Programming 3
Ref 3 Psychotron 3 Research 2
Int 3 Science: Biology 3 Science: Genetics 3
Will 4
Per 3
Luck 2/12
Awareness: Psychic Use
Grey Ship Tuning Lens Tuning
Psychic Abilities
Greater Bio-PK Traits
Greater Clairvoyance Psychic Link: Gestalt
Greater Psychokinesis Paranoia Schizophrenia
Greater Telepathy
Paralysis Lens
Bilocation Domination Dream Telepathy Dreamwalking
Jinx Psi-Interception Remote Influence Teleport
P S I W A R S 83
Job Skills
Brawling 2 Computer Programming 3
Str 2 Computer Use 3 Diplomacy 3 Hypnosis 3
Siz 2 Lens Breeding 3 Medical 3 Meditation 4
Agl 3 Occult 4 Pilot: Grey Saucer 4
Ref 4 Psibot Operation 2 Psibot Programming 4
Int 5 Psychotron 4 Research 4 Science: Biology
Will 5 Genetics 3 Stealth 5
Per 3
Luck 6/12
Awareness: Psychic Use, Grey Ship Tuning,
Psychic Abilities Lens Tuning, Politics
Greater Bio-PK
Greater Clairvoyance Traits
Greater Psychokinesis Homicidal Tendencies Maverick
Greater Telepathy Paranoia Psychic Link: Gestalt
Schizophrenia Severed Ties
Paralysis Lens
Bilocation Domination Dreamwalking Dream Telepathy Jinx
Psi-Interception Remote Cardiac Manipulation
Remote Influence Teleportation
84 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Description: Many psychics are now suffering from terrifying visions and
nightmares that appear to focus around their powers and cause grave harm. Some
believe this to be a warning that these powers are dangerous and should not be
used. Others feel that some outside agency or intelligence is behind this.
Background: The psi-terrors are something that seem to afflict all psychics at
one point or another. Called the Deceivers by some, they appear to be outside spir-
its that are intent upon driving the psychic insane by feeding her false and disturb-
ing visions. They do not normally invade dreams, but have been known to. While
all psychics suffer from psi-terrors on occasion, it is normally a rare occurrence.
Deep Background: In the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s, a num-
ber of top psychics suffered very bad psi-terrors, including nightmares in their
sleep. They all had to be either locked away in asylums or killed. Some even killed
themselves to make the visions stop. This was a serious hindrance to Project
Rasputin, but thankfully ended in the mid-1980s for no particular reason. Soviet
parapsychologists were baffled about it and could not understand what it might
have been.
Current Activities: The psi-terrors are currently afflicting psychics within
all of the top psi-agencies, including Projects MKULTRA, Cygnet, Rasputin and
Graybeard. Private agency psychics are not suffering as badly, leading some to
believe that this is a conscious assault on the strongest psychics to destroy them.
Secrets: The psi-terrors are in fact originating from the Greys who want to
drive America’s top psychics insane to eliminate them from the competition. They
located the psychics through watching for agents to remote view their craft.
P S I W A R S 85
Description: This project was founded in 1983 under MKULTRA’s control to
develop genetically advanced warriors for the new millennium. The project was
official discontinued in the 1990s.
Background: In the 1960s, Project MKULTRA engaged in genetic engineering
experiments that concentrated on creating perfect humans, mentally and physical-
ly. All of the subjects wound up insane, and had to be destroyed. After a brief hia-
tus, Project MKOMEGA began as a new attempt to build super soldiers, learning
from the previous project’s failings.
Deep Background: The project was financed by MKULTRA and all of its
researchers were ex-MKULTRA, but MKOMEGA kept to itself and confined itself
to a top secret facility in rural Virginia. The children created through the project
were raised in orphanages throughout the United States, and tracked through
implants behind their ears. Some were placed with families through Right Choice,
an adoption agency front created for MKOMEGA.
86 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Dr. Vince Skills
Gatsby Computer Use 2
Science: Genetic Engineering 4
Str 3 Medical: Genetics 4
Siz 3 Research 4
Agl 3
Ref 3 Traits
Int 4 Abductee Aged
Will 3 Curious Driven
Per 4 Limp Puppet
Luck 2/12 Watched
Personnel: There are no longer any personnel who work officially for
MKOMEGA. However, Aegis maintains personnel lists from before the project
vanished, including Doctor Vince Gatsby.
Background: Doctor Gatsby lives off-base from the Sibyl Systems operation
and is listed as a scientist who worked on MKOMEGA before its move. He was in
fact abducted before it moved and dominated by meta-humans into going along the
with Greys’ plan. This conversion was not too difficult as the meta-humans
promised and delivered the opportunity to move the bounadries of genetic science.
As the lead genetic engineer, he knows very well that he has combined alien and
human genes to create a new super-race of hybrids. Despite his apparent enthusi-
asm, he is watched closely by the meta-humans and Greys for any thoughts of turn-
ing against them. After several years, they have granted him more freedoms and let
him live in a house away from the facility.
If the characters want to learn more about MKOMEGA, Gatsby is their best bet, as
he is in the records, still alive and easily accessible. These days, he is resigned to his
life in the service of the aliens, whom he has seen on several occasions. He could be
the characters’ biggest lead, but the Greys keep close tabs on him, and if they detect
him telling secrets, they will send out a meta-human hit team.
Location: The MKOMEGA facility is found on a large sixty-acre, heavily forest-
ed property, consisting of three outbuildings which contain markings indicating
they are Department of Agriculture buildings. Inside the otherwise unremarkable
offices and laboratories are elevators leading down into a substantial four level
underground genetic research facility. The lower levels are accessed by inserting a
special key in a hidden panel in the elevator (Df4 to lockpick). However, all paper-
work, equipment and samples are gone, and everything is covered in a thick layer
of dust. No one has been there in a few years.
P S I W A R S 87
Description: This project was formed in 1953 by the CIA to study mind con-
trol techniques. It was renamed MKSEARCH in 1964 and shut down completely in
1972. Scientists experimented with hypnosis, drugs and electronics for the purpose
of controlling people’s minds.
Background: MKULTRA studied LSD extensively in an attempt to use it to
alter people’s thinking. It also engaged in work with biological and chemical
weapons for intelligence purposes. Although officially few projects were success-
ful, the project did yield an incredible array of drugs that could be used to disori-
ent enemy agents and aid in interrogation as well as a number of electromagnetic
devices that can be used to create specific brain wave patterns. There was also a
psychic element to the project, although this was not overly successful.
Deep Background: The project was never really shut down, it just went fur-
ther underground. Many of the subprojects MKULTRA explored were highly suc-
cessful, but kept secret from the public, including the development of a device that
could be used to alter people’s thinking and destroy their memories, called the
MHIC-EDOM. Their psychic development program was also very successful in cre-
ating drugs which enhanced psi-use.
Current Activities: MKULTRA agents work for a parent agency, which is
not the CIA. Of late, they have been particularly focused on detection of abductees.
These abductees are identified, kidnapped and experimented on to learn more
about alien techniques. Memory screens are used to make the subject believe he
was just abducted again by the aliens.
The organization is also currently hindered by strange psi-terrors afflicting their
psychics. Very few are unaffected and already a handful have become so psycho-
logically devastated that they killed themselves. Most are so unstable at this point
that they are getting little useful intelligence out of them. MKULTRA superiors sus-
pect that an enemy organization is trying to destroy their psychics through terrify-
ing visions, but they do not know who or why.
Secrets: Currently, MKULTRA agents are investigating Project MKOMEGA,
which they believe has somehow been infiltrated by enemy agents. They are trying
to track down MKOMEGA scientists and the children they created to learn more
before moving to a terminal response.
Personnel: There is a single cadre of MKULTRA operatives investigating
MKOMEGA. They have already been to the former base and found it deserted.
Now, after some work, they learned about Sibyl Systems and are keeping a watch
on it. They have noticed strange shipments to the Lionheart Orphanage, which two
agents are keeping under surveillance. All of these operatives have MKULTRA
Prophylogical and Tracking implants. Their goal in general is to identify and ter-
minate meta-human infiltrators in Aegis. In particular, they want to learn what
happened to Project MKOMEGA, and shut it down forever if need be. Once they
discover that MKOMEGA created batches of hybrids spread throughout the United
States, they turn to the task of tracking them down and killing them all.
88 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
MKULTRA Operatives Skills
Autofire 3 Computer Use 3
Str 3 Demolitions 2 Disguise 2 Drive: Auto 2
Siz 3 Escape 2 First Aid 2 Hypnosis 3
Agl 3 Lockpicking 2 Martial Arts 3
Ref 3 Melee Weapon: Knife 2 MHIC-EDOM 3
Int 3 Pilot: Helicopter 2 Small Arms: Pistol 3
Will 3 Small Arms: Rifle 2 Stealth 3 UFOlogy 2
Per 3
Luck 2/12 Training
Psychic Abilities Awareness: Psychic Activity
Communication Mind Control
Greater Clairvoyance
Lesser Telepathy
Driven Drug Addict: Psi-Enhancer
Physical Training No Records
(as CIA agents, each)
MHIC-EDOM (only 1 in group) Auto Pistol 4 Clips, Hold-out Pistol 2 Clips
Lockpick Gun Cellular phone w/scrambler Flashlight Handcuffs
Kevlar Vest Hypos with Tranquilizer
Surveillance Van 2 Compact Cars
Location: This cadre of MKULTRA agents are currently operating out of a used
book store in Washington, D.C. Their base of operations has a biohazard suite, a
brig and a quarantine slammer in the basement designed to hold Greys. Their com-
puters are connected to telecommunications lines.
P S I W A R S 89
Right Choice Adoption Agency
Description: The Right Choice Adoption agency is closely associated with the
Lionheart Orphanage and is based out of Washington, D.C. The adoption agency is
part of a national adoption network, placing children from the orphanage in homes
throughout the United States.
Background: The Right Choice agency was founded in 1990 by Andrew and
Brenda Hinkley, both registered social workers in Washington. The agency has
placed over three hundred children in the last eight years in homes throughout the
United States. All of the children they place come from the Lionheart Orphanage.
Deep Background: The majority of parents adopting children from the Right
Choice are middle aged and have some sort of links to UFO groups or abduction
support groups. This is only evident if the characters try to match adoptive parents
names with membership lists of UFO groups. The groups that they belong to are
scattered, so this may not be easily evident. Andrew and Brenda are not members
of any such groups, nor do they show any knowledge of UFO lore. They do not
90 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Andrew and Brenda Hinkley
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Computer Use 3 Drive: Auto 2 First Aid 1 Hypnosis 2 Psychotron 2
Research 2 Science: Psychology 4 UFOlogy 2
Trainings Traits
Awareness: Detect Lies Extremely Cautious
Awareness: Psychic Activity Extreme Pacifist
Savoir Faire Grey/Human Hybrid: Grey Features
Rapport (with one another)
1 Reception 2 2 2
2 Office
3 Coffee Room
4 Records
3 4 1
P S I W A R S 91
Sibyl Systems
work was going on, but no one knows what that could be. No evidence pointed to
the nature of the top secret work, but men in dark suits kept coming and going from
those buildings.
Current Activities: Sibyl is in fact one of the principle contract companies
through which the Black Book gains technological information on alien technolo-
gies. The company uses this front to secure lucrative contracts from the govern-
ment, which allow it to further expand throughout the United States and world.
Most recently, they set up a factory in China.
The company owns many subsidiary companies through the Rhyming Diversified
holding company. This includes the Lionheart Orphanage, Right Choice Adoption
agency, controlling shares in several telephone companies as well as a famous elec-
tronics company based out of Japan.
Secrets: Sibyl Systems is nothing more than a front company for Greys and
meta-humans operating on Earth. The top secret project currently underway at
their main facility in Maryland is called MKOMEGA. Hybrid children are created
here, and later shipped to the Lionheart orphanage.
Personnel: There are over two hundred employees who work at Sibyl
Systems, most of whom are human. Twenty security guards work at any one time.
The president of the company is Irene Starr, who lives in a small cabin on the prop-
erty. Keith Austin is the public relations officer, who characters will most likely
interact with in any formal or public relations.
92 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Irene Starr Skills
Athletics 2 Computer Use 2 Diplomacy 3
Str 3 Drive: Auto 2 Engineering: Electronic 3
Siz 3 Language: Chinese 3 Medical 4
Agl 4 Pilot: Helicopter 3 Research 3
Ref 3 Science: Genetics 3
Int 4 Small Arms: Pistol 4 Stealth 4
Will 5
Per 3 Trainings
Luck 4/12 Awareness: Psychic Activity
Lens Tuning Savoir Faire
Psychic Abilities
Greater Bio-PK Traits
Greater Clairvoyance Death Wish Detached
Lesser Psychokinesis Grey/Human Hybrid: Pseudo-Focus
Greater Telepathy High Pain Threshold Killer Instinct
Paranoid Delusions Runner
Bio-Energetics Equipment
Domination Auto Pistol w/Laser Sight 4 Clips
Remote Influence Kevlar Vest Hold-out Pistol 2 Clips
Cellular Phone Knife Hands-free Radio
Background: Irene has worked a little too closely with the Greys of late, par-
ticularly in helping them create terrifying visions to attack psychics. As a
result, she suffered a breakdown and is now teetering on the brink of insanity.
If the characters mount an assault, or if she discovers that they are close to
uncovering her secrets, she will fly into a murderous rage. She turns homicidal
and will stop at nothing to kill the characters. Play her as a horror film killer
who keeps popping up at the worst possible times and is nearly impossible to
kill. She will use her psychic abilities to make life difficult for the characters.
P S I W A R S 93
Ref 3 UFOlogy 2
Int 3
Will 3
Per 3 Traits
Luck 2/12 Cautious
Grey/Human Hybrid: Drug Intolerance
Psychic Abilities Domination
Greater Bio-PK Remote Influence
Lesser Clairvoyance
Greater Psychokinesis
Greater Telepathy
Equipment Lens Tuning
Cellular Phone Savoir Faire
Auto Pistol 2 Clips
94 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Sibyl Technician
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Build/Repair: Electronics 3 Computer Use 1 Drive: Auto 2
Engineering: Electronics 2 Small Arms: Pistol 2 Stealth 1
Sibyl Scientist
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Computer Use 1 Drive: Auto 1 First Aid 2 Language: Chinese 2
Medical 3 Science: Genetics 3 Small Arms: Pistol 1 Stealth 1
Awareness: Laboratory Conditions
Sibyl Security
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Autofire 3 Computer Use 1 Demolitions 1 Martial Arts 2
Melee Weapon: Baton 2 Small Arms: Pistol 2 Small Arms: Rifle 2 Stealth 2
Trainings Traits
Awareness: Detect Intruders Latent Telepathy
Surveillance Lesser Bio-PK (1 in 6)
Equipment (each)
Sub-Machine Gun 4 Clips Auto Pistol 2 Clips 2 Stun Grenades
Stun Gun Hands-free Radio Uniform Flak Vest & Helmet
Background: All of Sibyl's security forces are meta-humans. While some are
psychic, few have any significant ability. Guards encountering intruders first
ask them to identify themselves, then alert security control and try to sub-
due the intruders to bring them in for questioning. If the intruders attempt
to flee, they use non-lethal methods to try to stop them. If the intruders use
any kind of lethal force, the guards will respond in kind. Similarly, security
command may order guards to respond with deadly force if they suspect that
the characters know too much about Sibyl operations.
P S I W A R S 95
Location: Sibyl Systems is found in rural Maryland, just outside of Arlington,
less than 60 miles from Washington, D.C. The complex covers several hundred
acres including a large lake, with seven buildings and an extensive underground
network of tunnels and facilities. With over two hundred employees, the complex
is a very busy place with a great deal of work going on constantly, much of it unre-
lated to the genetic research going on.
The land around the complex is heavily forested and hilly, making it difficult to
travel off the roads or paths already found on the land. An area ten meters (33 feet)
to either side of the chain link fence that surrounds the property has been cleared
and has only light growth. The fence itself is two meters (6.5 feet) high, has barbed
wire leaning outward and signs which read: “Private Property: Do Not Enter.”
Surveillance cameras are placed on the fence poles at regular intervals. Two guards
on ATVs patrol the fence from the inside, making the round of the entire fence
every two hours. They are in radio communication with the security center.
At the front of the complex is a road leading in from the highway. A guard station
there is the only gate in or out of the complex and has a security station with two
guards. They will only allow in cars with valid Sibyl Systems stickers on the wind-
shield, or people who have set up a meeting with the public relations officer. They
also have controls for the gate and tire spikes that can be raised or lowered, span-
ning the width of the entrance.
The lake to the north of the complex is man-made, and features signs warning
against swimming in it due to high bacterial counts. The bottom drops off after the
first few meters. The lake reaches two dozen meters deep, and is bone-chillingly
cold. An abductor ship lies at the bottom, its resting place when it is not being used
for operations. The Grey gestalt use it when needed, but normally it just sits there.
If characters are keeping the lake or property under surveillance, they may note a
UFO rising up from the lake one night, vanishing soon after into the night.
The grounds of the facility itself are filled with motion detectors and all clearings
have tiny video cameras watching over the area. Security command watches over
all of these. Once inside the parameter fence, characters must make continual Df3
Stealth tests to not set off a motion detector. If one is set off, they may make a Luck
test. Good Luck means the security officer dismisses the detection as the result of a
forest creature passing through. Bad Luck means the character sets off a second
detector, giving security a vector for the path of the characters, and allowing them
to set up an ambush. When the characters enter clearings, there is a 2 in 6 chance
that security officers notice their presence for every minute they spend in it. The
helipad in the center of the building cluster is similarly under video surveillance,
but security officers only rarely look at it since it is in the middle of the facility.
There is only a 2 in 12 chance of being detected there.
A passenger helicopter can be found on the helipad. The pilot lives in the residence
and generally can be found there. He will most likely go to the helicopter should a
general alarm sound, awaiting orders. However, Irene can fly the helicopter herself
and will do so once she feels she has incapacitated the characters. A concealed trap
door near the helipad leads to an elevator to the second underground level.
96 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Sibyl Systems Compound Map
3 H 2
P S I W A R S 97
The Sybil Complex
tech electronics research that Sibyl Systems is reputed for, although this laboratory
is mainly an experimental research station as most of their true work takes place at
government facilities under the watchful eye of Black Book operatives. The work-
ers in this laboratory are mainly human. It is only operated during normal working
hours. The technologies currently under development relate to highly advanced
propulsion systems attempting to mimic Saurian pulse detonation technology (of
course that origin is not obvious).
There are no security patrols of this building after hours due to the cameras which
cover the entrances and main corridor. The locks on the doors are all Df2 to pick. A
service elevator in the northwest lab lowers into the basement where there is a
mechanical workshop and electronics storage room. This elevator can be coded (the
guards know the code) to lower further into the underground where a technologi-
cal storage room of advanced technology can be found. This room has no obvious
exits, but a wall slides open to the correct radio pulse revealing a tunnel leading
north to the Underground growing room. The sliding wall may be noticed with a
Df4 Perception test.
Sibyl Building: This lovely five-story building is designed in beige and light
pink tones with a modern art sculpture in the front and a huge reception hall staffed
by a receptionist and a security guard. This building’s exterior doors are seldom
locked because it is almost constantly active with workers, scientists and executives
coming and going. The building is alive with people throughout normal business
hours and continues to be active throughout the night as workers put in late hours.
Everyone must wear an identity badge to be permitted free access. A second secu-
rity guard patrols the corridors and two more can be found in the security office
next to the reception hall.
Library & Museum: These rooms contain a wide selection of books and objects
which relate to electronics and mechanical technologies. They do not betray any
other interest in the company.
Offices: These offices are locked at night, but contain no vital information.
98 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Reception Hall: The central room of this building is filled with plants and light. A
large skylight on the top floor makes seem like the brightest part of the building.
Four glass elevators can be found here, which rise to the top floor and descend to
the basement. Keying in a special code allows one to descend into the
Underground, but that level is not listed on the elevator’s buttonpad. The guards
know this special code.
Executive’s Offices: These offices hold a great deal of information related to the
company’s dealings throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Records
show that Sybil maintains six other main offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin,
New York, Seattle and Miami. Foreign offices include ones in Vancouver, Toronto,
Berlin, Moscow, London, Mexico City and, most recently, Beijing.
Computer Room: These computers require a Df4 Programming test and a Good
Luck roll to access due to the level of protection found on them. Full access gives
characters all background information on the company, including locations of their
foreign offices and the various adoption agencies and orphanages they own
throughout the world. Unless another Good Luck is rolled, unauthorized access to
this information will alert security.
Communication’s Center: This room is filled with computers, radio receivers and
satellite uplink technology, giving Sibyl international range of communication with
their outlying facilities.
Security Control Center: Four security guards can be found in this room at all
times watching over the various monitors fed from the video cameras throughout
the facility, including the motion sensors and related security measures. This is
where a security alert is signaled and coordinated. Extra weapons and ammunition
can be found here.
President’s Office: Irene Starr can be found in here between six and midnight most
nights, working on the important issues of where to expand next and how to best
deal with growing awareness of alien presence. The papers in her office indicate
that she was working on the nightmare project herself, as many notes allude to hor-
rifying visions and such. If she is in her office when the alert is sounded, she gath-
ers her most important paperwork and places it in her safe. She keys an incendiary
device to explode unless defused in three hours. She shreds the less important
papers, sets out to hunt down the characters.
Basement: The elevator descends into the basement where the various control sys-
tems for the building’s air, water and power can be found. In addition, file storage
can be found here, detailing the company’s past accomplishments, which include
the infiltration of several government agencies by their operatives. A complete list-
ing of names can be found here, incredibly valuable to Aegis since many of these
agents also work for Aegis now.
Testing Laboratory: This little one-story brick building houses four scien-
tists working on advanced technologies, including a laser that is capable of leveling
buildings, in association with the DIA. All doors in this building have signs indi-
cating that this building is restricted to authorized access only and are Df3 to lock-
pick. A security patrol passes through the building every hour. The information
found in the offices and prototypes would be invaluable to laser research, adding -
2Df to laser research tests. The scientists working in this laboratory are only present
between noon and six in the evening.
P S I W A R S 99
Restricted Laboratory: This large gray stone building is home to a labo-
ratory that is also restricted access, but home to ten scientists who conduct genetic
research under the MKOMEGA project. Other laboratories are used for assorted
research involved in isolating the psi-gene. All but the lead scientist are unaware of
the meta-human cloning project. This building has Df3 locks and a security patrol
of two guards who check it every hour. A small elevator in the back and a set of
stairs lead down to the basement where chemicals and raw materials can be found.
The elevator can be keyed specially to allow access to the Underground where the
true meta-human genetics program can be found. Only the lead scientist knows this
special code.
Log Cabin: A log cabin is located about a twenty minutes walk from the main
compound. This is Irene Starr’s residence. The two-story building has a set of cam-
eras which watch over the front porch and entrances. Panic buttons are scattered
throughout it and linked to the security control center. Guards can reach the cabin
in five minutes. There is little of interest in the cabin other than a vault in which
bonds amounting to $1 million from a Swiss bank can be found. Under the bonds
are a few records describing meta-humans that have infiltrated Aegis.
Underground: The tunnel network under Sibyl Systems includes a high tech-
nology storage room, a growing center with vats containing hybrid embryos,
offices for the the geneticists who work there, a series of laboratories and raw mate-
rials storage for the geneticists working on development of new hybrids and a res-
idence for Greys. There are eight laborer, four science and one records psibots oper-
ating in the underground, typically passing between the growing center, storage
rooms and laboratories.
A security guard psibot patrols the underground, ordered to watch for non-hybrids
entering the area. These people are to be stopped using the paralysis lens. Then, Job
is to be telepathically alerted. It roves through the area and may be encountered in
any part of the underground. All doors leading through the underground require
a coded entry and are Df4 to pick. While meta-human security guards do not patrol
this area, they can access it.
Grey Habitat: Each of these five octagonal chambers are home to a Grey from the
Phoenix Gestalt. These habitats are surrounded by a garden which is maintained by
the Greys to make them feel more at home. The Greys can be found here trying to
maintain their sanity while they are not out in the abductor ship. They have access
to the rest of the underground, but seldom leave the habitat these days. This is
where they use their powers from and where remote viewers are likely to locate
them. The green, lush, dark cavern is breathtakingly beautiful.
100 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Administration Building
1 Reception 2
2 Office 4
3 Security Station 2
4 Elevator
5 Storage
6 Secretarial Pool
7 Bathrooms 2
8 Confrence Room
First Floor 7
2 2
2 2
2 2
Second Floor 7
P S I W A R S 101
2 2 2 2
1st Floor - Men’s
1 Bedroom
2 2 Bathroom
2 2
2 2 2 2
1 1 2
2 4th Floor - Executives
1 Bedroom
2 Bathroom
1 3 Study
102 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Electronics Laboratory
1 1
1 1 1 1
Log Cabin
3 2 3
1 Second Floor
Ground Floor
1 Living Room 3 Bathroom 5 Bedroom
2 Kitchen 4 Dining Room 6 Porch
P S I W A R S 103
Restricted Laboratory
1 14
14 1 14
14 Testing Laboratory
14 1
1 Office
2 Kitchen 10 12 10
3 Cafeteria 5
4 Lounge
5 Bathrooms 1 1
3 4
6 Reception
7 Meeting Room 1
1 9
8 Museum
9 Elevator
10 Coat Room
1 8 1
11 Security 13
1 1
12 Confrence
Room 1
13 Library
14 Laboratory 7 6 11
15 Storage
Main building
104 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Sybil Building 2nd to 4th Floor
10 6 1 Office
2 Kitchen
3 Cafeteria
2 1 4 Lounge
3 4 5 Bathrooms
6 Confrence
1 Room
1 9 7 Meeting
1 8 8 8 Secretarial
1 Pool
1 1 9 Elevator
10 Storage
1 1
7 7
1 Office
11 6 10 2 Kitchen
5 3 Cafeteria
4 Lounge
2 1
1 5 Bathrooms
3 4 6 Confrence Room
1 7 Study
1 9 8 Security
9 Elevator
1 12 8 10 Gym
11 Sauna
1 1 12 Comm Center
13 Library
1 1
14 President’s
14 Office
13 7
P S I W A R S 105
Sybil Systems Compound 1st Level Underground
8 9
106 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Sybil Systems Compound 2nd Level Underground
5 6
5 7
1 8 12
1 Growing Center
2 Tech Storage
3 Garden
4 Grey Habitat
5 Ventilation System
6 Genetics Labs
7 Raw Material Storage
8 Geneticists’ Offices
9 Geneticists’ Residences
10 Elevator to Restricted Laboratory
11 Elevator to Electronics Laboratory
12 Elevator to Sibyl Building
13 Elevator to Helipad
P S I W A R S 107
The Grey gestalt maintains surveillance of the psychic and the Cell through a spy-
ball, and by remote viewing them at odd times. This can only be interrupted by the
difficulty of remote viewing by -4R. Shadows of the Mind: The PSI/INT
Sourcebook contains more information on penalties when remote viewing. One
example is when a target is located in area of high Seepage concentration (Rhine
test penalty equal to the Seepage Level of the area).
Otherwise, the Greys know and can see everything that the Cell does, including
who they meet. Through observation of the psychic’s dreams, the Greys can learn
his thoughts as well. This means that the Greys and meta-humans in this adventure
are likely to be one step ahead of the characters until they are stopped, or the char-
acters learn to block out this psychic espionage. Although they may not be aware
of it, or may be hesitant to do so, disabling their psychic could be the best means of
countermanding this security leak.
Detecting the Greys’ observation is a little harder than normal. While normally it is
a contested test between the psychic’s Perception and the Grey’s Willpower, in this
case the psychic suffers a +1Df penalty since the Greys have practiced concealing
their presence when assaulting psychics. These tests should be rolled by the Game
Master, to prevent the character from discovering the Greys’ work prematurely.
Remember the Greys’ Willpower is 4, unless Job himself is doing the spying at that
moment (1 in 6)
If the psychic does detect the Greys’ presence, tell him that he feels like he is being
watched. If he tries to shield his thoughts, allow him to make the test as normal, but
give the Greys +1 level reflecting their disciplined effort at keeping close tabs on the
character. The success or failure of this test should be kept secret. If he succeeds, the
presence appears to vanish. If he fails, the Game Master should make a new test to
determine whether the character can detect the continued presence of the Greys. If
this subsequent test fails, the character believes that he has successfully banished
the psychic observer.
108 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Little Elisa
While the characters are likely to grasp that there is some sort of connection
between their nightmares and Elisa’s dreams, their thoughts on what the connec-
tion is can be very important. Paul Hollinger is constantly watching over her and
already suspects she is a hybrid. When the characters arrive, he has just learned that
she was adopted from Lionheart. While the characters work with her, Hollinger
tries to learn how much she knows about the nightmares, as he is particularly inter-
ested in how she can see the Greys on the outskirts of the dreams.
If the characters recognize this and begin using her to learn who is sending the
nightmares, Hollinger makes his move and tries to kill her secretly. He most likely
tries at night or when the characters are away from the hospital. Depending upon
whether the Game Master wants to give the characters a good source for informa-
tion, they may or may not be able to save her. In any case, they should learn that
she was adopted from Lionheart, leading to the next stage of the adventure.
Lionheart & The Right Choice
When the characters start investigating Lionheart and/or Right Choice, they may
note men in dark suits keeping these organizations under surveillance. Depending
upon the needs of the story, they could be Directorate X or MKULTRA agents. How
the characters behave while investigating these organizations will also affect how
the Dir X and the MKULTRA operatives react to them. Both are involved in highly
sensitive operations and do not appreciate anyone getting in their way.
The night after the characters visit the offices of Right Choice, Dir X operatives
break in, steal all records and burn the building to the ground. The MKULTRA
agents watching abandon the place, turning their attention to Lionheart. That night
they launch an operation against Lionheart to copy all of the adoption records
there. They do this work entirely under the cover of night and disturb no one on
their way in or out unless the characters get in their way. The night after that
Directorate X operatives assault the orphanage and kill everyone there, torching it
as well, unless the characters interfere.
Sibyl Systems
Once the characters learn about Sibyl Systems, the Greys realize that they are on the
verge of discovering the whole operation and begin shutting down their genetic
engineering efforts, teleporting their operatives en mass from the place. Depending
upon how quickly the characters act, they may arrive to find the entire under-
ground network of laboratories and offices completely empty. Optionally, if they
move quickly through the adventure, they could discover the meta-humans pulling
out and see a Grey abductor ship fly up from the lake behind the facility and fly into
orbit. The ship will return to the base ship off the coast of Costa Rica.
Despite the fact that the Greys begin shutting down their operations, the rest of
Sibyl continues to operate as normal and outside observers will note little difference
in activity. In fact, the MKULTRA observers will note no change, but this is likely
where the characters encounter them.
P S I W A R S 109
If the characters launch an assault or intrusion into the Sibyl Systems facility, they
may have the MKULTRA go along with them, as the agents want to learn more
Random Events
Game Masters should read through these random events and decide whether and
when to use them. While they do not all have to be used, or any of them, the Game
Master should try to incorporate some red herrings and extra bits to enhance the
realism of the game. The characters are operating in a real world where other peo-
ple live out their lives unaware of the grand conspiracies.
Surprise Visit
While the characters are staking out some place or someone, they suddenly hear a
tap on the window. A uniformed police officer wants the characters to step out of
the car. Officer Greg Findley has the Sixth Sense trait (see Shadows of the Mind: The
PSI/INT Sourcebook) and got the feeling that the characters are up to no good. He
gives them a good shakedown unless they’re able to call him off. This could well
blow their cover on their stake-out. If the characters deal with him respectfully, he
may just help them out.
Scheming Businessman
While the characters are either talking with Elisa or visiting Lionheart or Right
Choice, a wealthy Texan businessman called Harvey Clydesdale arrives looking to
adopt kids with psychic ability, offering $1 million apiece. He is part of Psionics
Development Technologies, a research firm that specializes in detecting oil fields
with remote viewing. He wants to use the psychic kids in his firm. This is a red her-
ring that could lead the characters off on a wild tangent. Play up Harvey as a loud-
mouthed, arrogant bully who believes he can buy anything. When the characters
ask why he wants the kids, he turns secretive, but is a lousy liar.
Curious Thief
While the characters have a location under surveillance, they notice a single black-
clad intruder break in to the facilities. He reappears with a satchel full of valuables
and some electronics. The man, Ted Stone, is nothing more than a simple thief, but
he could just get away with valuable items, such as a database containing the names
and present locations of all of the kids. Ted Stone is a middle-aged cat burglar with
average abilities, but is very good at escaping and running. He wants nothing more
than his lawyer when he gets caught, because “he knows his rights.” However, he
knows nothing about what is really going on.
110 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
While moving through the city on foot, the psychic overhears a drunk lying in the
garbage who seems familiar. He looks directly at the character and says, “Them
nightmares getting you down too?” If questioned, the derelict turns out to be a top
psychic with Project MKULTRA but ran when the nightmares started a few months
ago. Todd Westermeyer is quite psychotic and a complete drunk. He refuses to use
his powers and will attack the characters if they try to take him back. He sees no
hope for himself.
Professor Red
The characters are contacted by Professor Red, an ISS psychiatrist who is looking
into the psychological problems that have arisen lately. He seems genuinely inter-
ested in helping the character, but asks a lot of questions about their current inves-
tigation. He is in fact a meta-human infiltrator. The characters’ first clue is that
Aegis does not condone the use of psychiatrists working within the agency. His
therapy will in fact worsen the character.
Rogue Squad
If the characters are doing very well, hit them with this nasty surprise. A squad of
top-notch Greybeard psychic operatives have gone homicidally insane and, under
orders from the voices in their heads (the Greys), they are seeking the characters to
kill them. This is an effort by the Greys to stop the characters. The operatives have
stats identical to those of the Directorate X cadre, except that they all suffer from
Homicidal Tendencies, Killer Instinct, Schizophrenia, Paranoid Delusions and have
gone rogue from Aegis.
P S I W A R S 111
The most likely climax to this adventure comes when the characters reach Sibyl
Systems and try to learn more about it, whether through a purely information gath-
ering intrusion or an all-out assault. Depending upon their previous actions, they
may have the MKULTRA cadre to back them up. They may also gain the friendship
of Directorate X agents who will likely stage their own assault of the complex. How
this occurs is entirely up the Game Master, but a few key features of finale scene are
discussed in this chapter.
General Alarm
Any Sibyl Systems security guard or employee can signal a general alarm by
pulling specially marked handles located close to nearly any doorway in the com-
plex. Workers will do so if they detect signs of hostile intruders, such as finding the
bodies of slain guards or workers, sighting heavily armed intruders through cam-
eras, suffering a black out or similar communication failure. When the alarm
sounds, red lights begin flashing at every exterior door as well as in major corri-
dors. Also, all lights drop down to minimal settings imposing a dim light penalty
(-2t) to all tests requiring light. A klaxon sounds from the middle of the compound.
Security Guards
There are twenty security guards on duty at any one time, spread over the com-
pound, with fifteen more in the residence. When an alarm sounds, all guards keep
their submachine guns ready and shoot first, asking questions second. They also
keep in touch with each other and the security command center via hand-free
radios. The guards at the gate maintain their position while the ATV patrol moves
to try to intercept the intruders, as do the two guards who watch over the labora-
tories. The guards posted at reception in the Sibyl and Administrative buildings
hold their positions watching for intruders. The guards in the command center try
to direct guards from the residence and in the security office toward intruders. The
roving guard in the Sibyl building moves to the elevators and holds his position
there, watching for intruders. The guards’ goal is to defend the complex first and
capture intruders second, bringing them to security command for interrogation.
112 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Meta-Human Scientist/Worker
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Brawling 1 Computer Use 3 Drive: Auto 1 Engineering 2 First Aid 1
Pilot: Grey Saucer 2 Psibot Operation 2 Psychotron 2 Repair/Builder 2
Research 2 Science: (appropriate sub-skill) 2
Small Arms: Pistol 2 UFOlogy 2
Trainings Traits
Awareness: Psychic Activity Grey/Human Hybrid: Varies
Grey Ship Tuning Lens Tuning
Psychic Abilities
(any two of the following)
Greater Telepathy Greater Telekinesis
Greater Bio-PK Lesser Clairvoyance Lesser Psychokinesis
Irene Starr
Depending upon the time of the character’s intrusion, Starr may be at her cabin or
in her office in the Sibyl building. In either case, as soon as the alarm sounds, she
contacts security and finds out where the intruders are, heading to intercept them
herself. She uses stealth to ambush the characters and proves to be a most danger-
ous foe. She employs domination and remote influencing to try to set characters
against one another. Ultimately, her death wish likely comes true as she prefers to
attack the characters head on if they succeed in resisting her psychic abilities.
Keith Austin
In most cases, Austin will head to security command to watch the proceedings
without getting too involved. He will oversee any interrogations of captured
intruders. If the characters reach security command, he surrenders and tries to
negotiate his safe extraction from this facility, claiming complete ignorance about
what was really going on. He claims to be a normal human, duped by the aliens. At
his first opportunity, he uses his powers to escape.
P S I W A R S 113
Phoenix Greys
As soon as the alarm sounds, the Greys begin an internal struggle. Most want to
teleport to the submerged ship and fly away, but Job objects and demands that they
stay. Job has finally accomplished what he really wanted, a head-on encounter with
the humans. This time, however, Job cannot overcome the gestalt’s resistance. He
manages to bend one member to his will but the others prove too strong. Job’s fail-
ure to gain the upper hand now, when it matters the most, drives him completely
insane. He, and his dominated pawn, paralyze and strangle the other three Greys.
Job and his companion now rage with anger and hatred for every living thing. They
hide in the garden awaiting the worthy opponents whom they wish to kill. The cou-
ple will quickly regenerate their Psi Points and will save them for their ambush of
the Cell. They will use teleportation, remote influence, jinx and a paralysis lens to
play with the characters, trying to separate them so that they can kill them one by
one. Once they manage to separate a character from the rest, the cohort uses either
remote influence or the paralysis lens to hold the character in place while Job stran-
gles that character to death in 3 rounds. Job does not stop if the characters discover
him during this time, as he gets so caught up in the murder that he cannot stop.
Once Job is dead, the adventure is finished. Effective immediately, the nightmares
and psi-terrors will stop completely. Other Grey gestalts, aware of what happened
to Job and his gestalt, cease this tactic completely and withdraw for a time, trying
to assess what to do next.
If the characters manage to kill Job, they have succeeded in stopping the war on
psychics. The other Greys gestalts will cease operations as soon as they learn Job is
dead. In addition, the characters gain some time as the Greys must regroup and try
to figure out what to do after the lose of their leader, and the splintering of their
society. This means that Grey activity drops off significantly for at least a few
months following Job’s death. Some Greys remain convinced that Job’s methods
were correct. These Greys view the characters poorly and will cause them trouble
at some point.
If the characters manage to expose Sibyl Systems at least to their superiors at Aegis,
separate Cells will be instructed to step up investigations, and attempt shut down
branch offices throughout the world. The China office is another matter; no Cell is
in position to work against that branch. Although the Greys pull back from active
involvement in Earth affairs for a time after Job is killed, the meta-humans left
behind still have a job to do and will go to great lengths to protect themselves.
Many go underground. This could result in a whole new infiltration of Aegis as the
meta-humans begin to launch their own operations.
Similarly, Aegis is no doubt going to want to track down the many hybrids spread
throughout America and the world through the adoption agency, if the characters
managed to learn about that. Although they would most likely want the children
destroyed, compassionate characters might be able to convince Aegis to give them
a chance at converting the children when they reach an appropriate age.
114 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
The cadre’s psychic will most likely need some psychiatric help at the end of this
adventure. This could lead to a whole new sphere of research: psychic healing of
the mind. Rasputin team members gain a -1Df bonus toward researching cures for
the troubled psychics since they are experienced with this kind of mental trauma.
Depending upon how the characters behaved in this adventure, they might have
gained a friend in Directorate X and/or MKULTRA. This could be valuable a new
connection that leads to new discoveries since Directorate X knows a lot about what
is really going on with the aliens. MKULTRA agents might be able to lend the char-
acters a hand in the future as well. Of course, if the characters angered either of
these groups, they could have powerful enemies to face in the future, as neither
group is particularly forgiving.
The Black Book was largely ignorant of what was going on at Sibyl Systems, but
this adventure is likely to bring the matter to their attention, possibly exposing the
extent of the hybrid breeding program to their leaders. This could cause a rift
between them and the Greys and create a civil war within the organization. The
Game Master is free to pursue this in any way desired.
The final question to be resolved is whether the characters discover the abductor
ship lying in the lake bed. If so, it is invaluable since it is a working and undamaged
example of Grey technology. If not, it is retrieved by the Greys a few weeks later
when the Sibyl Systems site is quiet.
At the resolution of this adventure, assign Aegis Points as suggested in the
Appendix of the Aegis Handbook. Cells are likely to gain between 0 and 10 points
depending upon whether they are successful in killing Job, and how much alien
technology they recover.
P S I W A R S 115
Endings and Beginnings
Destroying Sibyl System’s home office and killing Job is not the end of Grey
involvement on the Earth and certainly does not mean the end of the character’s
operations. Instead, it could serve as a beginning to a series of adventures follow-
ing up on this pivotal event. This chapter suggests supplementary adventures
which are linked to this main adventure, but which could be run separately by
altering some of the background to them. Each adventure is presented with an
overview, a hook to draw the characters into it, a summary of the antagonists in the
adventure, some possible plot twists and a likely resolution.
116 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Faction Operatives
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Autofire 3 Brawling 2 Computer Use 3 Demolitions 2 Drive: Auto 1
First Aid 1 Heavy Weapons 2 Hypnosis 2 Martial Arts 3
Melee Weapons: Knife 3 RHIC-EDOM 3 Small Arms: Pistol 3
Small Arms: Rifle 2 Stealth 2 Throw 2
Trainings Traits
Awareness: Meta-Human Combat Experience
Communication High Pain Threshold Quick Draw
Dark Sunglasses Black Suit Auto Pistol 4 Clips 3 Stun Grenades
Kevlar Vest Hands-Free Radio RHIC-EDOM
Overview: A group of hybrids loyal to Job hijack a UFO, possibly the abductor
ship lying on the bottom of the Sibyl lake. Trying to return to the Costa Rica base
ship to defend Job’s memory and his tactics, they wind up crashing in the moun-
tains. However, the landing was soft and none of the hybrids were seriously
wounded, although they are trapped there.
Hook: The characters learn of the crashed craft and are sent or go to investigate.
Their trip is complicated by the fact that the crash site is so remote, requiring some
special form of transportation, such as a helicopter or parachuting in. Remote view-
ing the target first shows that the craft is intact and that there are survivors.
Antagonists: There are twice as many hybrids as there are characters hiding
in the mountains. They have enough food and water for a week and are using a
cave for shelter, but they realize they must get to safety. All of them are quite insane
and will try to kill the characters.
Twists: A downed UFO is of interest of several groups, including Project
Moondust, the Black Book, UFO enthusiasts and the Greys themselves.
Representatives from some or all of these groups could show up, wanting to either
claim the craft for themselves or cover up the incident. The characters could well
get caught in the middle of a very major struggle for this nearly undamaged alien
technology. Meanwhile, the hybrids are allies to no one and use guerrilla-style tac-
tics to conduct hit and run raids on the characters and the other groups. The meta-
humans also use security psibots in their operations.
Resolution: The characters will either succeed or fail in retrieving the crashed
craft. If they succeed, they gain prestige and might be able to learn a great deal
about the aliens. Should they manage to take the hybrids captive, they might be
able to learn about what was really going on with Job and his fellow Greys. This
would allow them a better understanding of what they really stopped.
P S I W A R S 117
Hybrid Hijackers
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Brawling 2 Computer Use 3 Demolitions 1 Drive 1
Psi-Trainings Trainings
Bilocation Awareness: Meta-human
Micro-PK Grey Ship Tuning
Remote Influence Lens Tuning
Kevlar Vest Hands-Free Radio First Aid Kit Camouflage Fatigues
Helmet Assorted Weapons (see below)
118 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
Visit the Greys
Overview: The psychics in the cadre, possibly the entire cadre if they all possess
the bilocation training, travel psychically to the Grey homeworld to explore it and
learn more about the Greys. While there, they encounter fierce hostility and shock
that humans could reach this isolated planet.
Hook: The characters either get an order, take the initiative themselves or during
an open search find and explore Greyworld to learn more about the Greys. To reach
this homeworld, the characters travel 40 light years in a matter of seconds and find
themselves on a planet with two suns. The planet itself is a lush world much like
earth, but filled with life, all psychic and able to detect the character’s presence.
Although the Greys are aware of them, most ignore the characters at first.
Antagonists: In this adventure, the antagonists are the Greys, but only if the
characters stay for any length of time. Most of the Greys ignore them, appearing to
suddenly get headaches. If the characters actually touch one, it suddenly stops,
stares directly at the character, appears to grow shocked and then drops dead. If
they repeat this, more Greys die until all of the Greys around them begin watching
them and running as the characters approach.
On the other hand, if the characters keep in the background for a time, watching
and learning, eventually a Grey walks right up to them. He looks at them for some
time before stating telepathically that they must leave immediately or something
horrific will happen to them, and they will never return to their bodies again. The
warning is particularly chilling, as the characters begin to feel themselves being
psychically trapped on the planet. While this will not happen, make a good impres-
sion that something bad would happen to them if they stayed.
Twists: The characters could encounter first generation Blues who have been
transported to Greyworld for study. These characters might be more friendly to the
characters and open up a dialogue, leading the characters to learn about the Blues
on Earth in the form of dolphins. This could lead to a whole series of adventures,
particularly if the Blues were do to this behind the Greys’ backs. Their accidental
discovery one day could lead to serious division on Greyworld, possibly a war.
Resolution: During this first visit, the Greys are largely shocked that a human
could reach their planet and the shock is too much for the fragile minds of the local
Greys. Nevertheless, on subsequent visits the Greys are more cautious and some
will try to use psychic abilities to force the party to forget about Greyworld, which
could lead to the end of the adventure if the Greys are successful. Meanwhile, the
Earth-based Greys are contacted and warned about this threat to Greyworld,
prompting a search for the characters and probably an abduction and the use of the
amnesia lens to erase all memory of the experience.
P S I W A R S 119
Overview: The Sibyl Systems operation in China continues after the characters
manage to shut down most branches since it is mainly autonomous and under the
direction of hybrids not opposed to Job’s tactics. This situation cannot be allowed
to continue though, and some sort of operation to shut them down is required.
However, the situation in China is quite different. The company produces calcula-
tors out of one building in its massive complex, but has factories throughout the
country, all with mundane machinery on the top floor and several floors of hybrid
breeding labs underneath. The work is continuing at a massive level, but the chil-
dren are difficult to infiltrate into the population since the birthrate is already
deemed too high by the government officials. So, they have launched the ingenious
plan of replacing normal children with these “changelings” using abductor craft
throughout the country. As a result, they have replaced tens of thousands of chil-
dren over the last few years and continue to do so at an alarming rate. In addition,
the only records of who was so altered are kept on the abductor craft, and the char-
acters must capture one to learn where the hybrids went. Of course, tracking all of
these children down will be impossible anyway.
Hook: Depending upon how the character’s interactions with the Directorate X
cadre went, they may have allies or enemies in this group. In any case, the problem
of the Sibyl Systems Chinese branch still exists and cannot be ignored. Although the
Directorate will probably launch their own mission to destroy the operation, the
characters might be invited or go themselves to shut it down, considering their pre-
vious experience.
Antagonists: The hybrids running the factories are likely to be the characters’
biggest opponents. They may also be working against the Chinese government and
Directorate X, depending upon how they approach this mission. Use the game stats
for the hybrids and Directorate X agents from the Psi-Wars adventure as templates.
The Chinese psychics are likely to be trained similarly as Directorate X agents.
Twists: The characters are working in a foreign land, presumably under diplo-
matic cover. They face the awesome task of stopping a government-sanctioned cor-
poration using only whatever equipment they can smuggle in. Most likely, they
will need Directorate X’s help in doing so, but still they face the difficulty that
China maintains a strong secret psychic research program that might just be aware
of the Grey’s plot. If they are, the Game Master must decide whether they are part
of, or secretly working against the Grey activities. Obviously, the latter would help
the characters tremendously. Optionally, the characters’ presence is requested by
the government’s top secret psychic researchers who want to stop the aliens.
Resolution: This adventure could take a long time to unfold. Also, it will
require a great deal of tact and stealth or the Chinese government might uncover
their efforts and expose the alien menace. This could be a major adventure expos-
ing alien infiltration or it could be a deep cover mission that takes several sessions
and involves precision strikes at destroying the aliens’ influence without revealing
anything publicly. A very sensitive mission, this operation should only be under-
taken by the most experienced of agents.
120 B O D Y G U A R D O F L I E S
The Dream Stalker
Overview: The character’s nightmares are not over with the death of Job. A psy-
chotic meta-human ally of Job’s who survives the destruction of Sibyl Systems
decides to continue the operation on his own. A skilled dream researcher, he has a
good chance of adversely affecting the characters worse than before.
Hook: The psychic agent begins suffering from psi-terrors again. This time they
start out at Level 3 nightmares and continue to get worse.
Antagonists: This individual, known as Steven Swells, is quite mad due to his
close association with Job. He was personally involved in crafting the dreams that
were sent to the characters. He is an expert in dream sending and highly trained in
manipulating dreams. He stalks the characters quietly, keeping in the background.
He drives a blue compact and has no allies, making him easy to eliminate, but
impossible to find since no one knows about him.
Dream Stalker
All attributes 3 Luck 2/12
Brawling 2 Computer Use 3 Demolitions 1 Drive: Auto 1 First Aid 1
Lucid Dreaming 4 Melee Weapons: Knife 3 Psychotron 3
Science: Physics 2 Small Arms: Pistol 3 Stealth 2
Training Traits
Awareness: Insanity Combat Experience Driven
Grey/Human Hybrid: Drug Intolerance
Psychic Abilities Killer Instinct Schizophrenia
Greater Bio-PK Psi-Trainings
Greater Clairvoyance Bilocation Dream Bilocation
Greater Telepathy Dream Telepathy Dreamwalking
Dark Sunglasses Black Suit Auto Pistol 4 Clips
3 Incendiary Grenades Kevlar Vest Hands-Free Radio
Twists : At some point, Steven kidnaps a loved one of the psychic’s, such as a kid
brother or lover. He sends clues to the psychic through the dreams, but keeps sev-
ering the connection before he can be discovered. He is actually hiding out in a
house in a local suburb, keeping the victim locked up in the attic.
Resolution: The characters must find Steven and somehow stop him from con-
tinuing his attacks through dreams. If he is merely arrested and locked up, he con-
tinues his dream attacks while he sleeps since he can do this from anywhere. The
psychic is likely to suffer some kind of shock from having his loved one kidnapped
and may need some time to recover from this.
P S I W A R S 121
The Battlelines have been drawn
In the time and space between slumber and waking,
a war is being waged. This war is not fought by nations
or even in the streets of our cities.
It is fought in our minds -- in that most private
place we consider sacred and untouchable.
Using nightmares as weapons, the enemy threatens
to drive the most powerful among us mad with
terrifying sights and horrific thoughts.
Such terrors are all the worse because they seem to
originate from inside our very beings.
We did not ask for this war, but we cannot shy away.
Should we lose it, we could very well lose our minds.
Bodyguard of Lies: Psi-Wars is the first in a series of module/sourcebooks
for the Conspiracy X roleplaying game. This book includes:
• A ready-to-run adventure pitting the agents
against a terrifying psychological menace
• New and revised weapons and vehicles stats
• New character professions, skills, trainings and traits
• New rules for hazardous materials and fear
• New uses for contacts and connections
• New Seepage-created manifestations
$16.00 US
ISBN 1-891153-08-0