Wind Loads ASCE 7-93-Zamil

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Wind Load Calculations f.!!ilJerASCE 7-93)

Wind Speed Y 160 km/h. = 100 mph.

Exposure Category C

Mean roof height h 10.67 M = 35 feet

Yelocity Pressure qz 0.00256 x Kz x y2 x e (Eq. 3)

Exposure Coefficient Kz 1.02 (Table 6)

Importance Factor I 1.00 (Table 5)

Hence, qz 0.00256 x 1.02 x (100)2 x 1.002

26.1 psf. = 1.25 kN/m2
Design Wind Pressure p qh [(GCpf) - (Gcpi)] kN/m2 (Table 4)

Internal Pressure Coefficient Gcpi :1:0.25 (Table 6-4)

GH 1.245

External Pressure Coefficients. GCI![for Loads on Main Wind Forced Resisting Systems
(Refer Fig 2 of ASCE 7-93)

Case A Wind Normal to Ridge Coefft. Pressure(KN/M2)

Windward Wall (Sidewall) 0.80 1.245
Leeward Wall (Sidewall) -0.50 -0.778
Endwalls -0.70 -1.089
Windward Roof -0.81 -1.261
Leeward Roof -0.70 -1.089
Case B Wind Parallel to Ridge
Windward wall (Endwall) 0.80 1.245
Leeward wall (Endwall) -0.50 -0.778
Windward and Leeward Roof -0.70 -1.089
Sidewalls -O.}O -1.089

- - -- --- -- ---
61 Page 10 of 161
Job No.
Bechtel 12-2-00
STEELJI I Customer
Description Wind Load Calculation GAB
SrN ):,

Design Wind Pressure on Wall and Roof

(p= 1.25(1.245x Cp :tCpi)

Design Wind Pressure (p in kN/m2)On Walls and Roof

Internal Windward Leeward Windward Leeward Side Walls

Pressure Wall Wall Roof Roof
WindNormal to +0.313 +0.933 -1.091 -1.574 -1.402 -
-0.313 + 1.558 -0.466 -0.945 -0.777 -
. -ijtmd Parallel to +0.313 +0.933 -1.091 -1.402 -1.402 -1.402
i -0.313 -0.777 -0.777
+ 1.558 -0.466 -0.777

(-) sign indicates wind pressure acting away from wall / roof.
(+) sign indicates wind pressure acting towards wall / roof.

econdary members

End zone p = (-1.5-0.25) 1.25 = -2.19 kN/m2

~ Int. zone p = (-1.2-0.25)1.25= -1.81 kN/m2

r- .

End zonep = (1.2+0.25) 1.25 = 1.81 k.N/m2
Int. zone p = (1.2+0.25) l.25 = 1.81 kN/m2


End zone p = (-1.66-0.25) 1.25 = -2.38 kN/m2

I~t. zone p = (-1.3-0.25) 1.25 = -1.74 kN/m2
. ...

-~~ ~.m-'

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