Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller: Abstract

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2017


Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller

Prof. Francis B. Abella1, Engr. Ellezer CasiÑo2, Engr. Romano A. Pimentel3
Dr. Alenogines L. San Diego4
1(BS Electro-Mechanical Technology, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines/College of Technology,
and Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City)

This study focuses in the development of the Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller. It highlights the
electrical control of the bearing puller to motorize the pulling process of manual bearing puller. Time and
efficiency were the matter of priority mostly for the operator maintenance. The study was made for the Bearing
Puller easier through the newly designed Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller. The purpose of this prototype is
to ensure and provide convenience to the maintenanceoperator. It allows easy pulling of the bearing with lesser
time consumed. The steps of utilizing this device start with the control of the toggle switch to setup positioning
and pulling process. The push button sets positioning and alignment via extension and retraction of the chuck.
The pulling system button have maintaining contact to remove the bearing and when the bearing has reach the
target position the limit switch the pulling process will be stop while it opens the grip to finish the process. After
going through evaluation phase, the study was found to be reliable providing an easy way in dismounting

Keywords — Bearing Puller, Electrically controlled, Motorized.

I. INTRODUCTION When a motor fails, the operator must check its

Electric motors top the industrial landscape as the bearings - even if the motor windings are blackened
most widely deployed asset driving processes and and still smoking. It is possible the motor
productivity. Despite the dependence on these malfunction was due to a voltage problem, or an
motors and their vital roles in industry, electric excessively hot, moist, or otherwise bad
motors can fail for many reasons leading to losses environment. But most of the time, a bearing-
in productivity and associated profitability. related problem is the root cause. For example, a
Nevertheless, the health of electric motors might bearing that is beginning to gall can place an extra
not be perceived as a top priority in day-to-day load on the motor. That extra load would then, in
operations, even where predictive maintenance turn, cause the motor to draw excessive current.
programs have been implemented to make timely Bearing-related problems are among the most
maintenance fixes on critical machinery before common causes of motor failures. Solving those
catastrophic failures can occur. The universal problems will reduce motor failures [2]. Thus
reliance on electric motors underscores the inherent bearing replacement should be done during
value in detecting, identifying and evaluating preventive maintenance schedules.
operating abnormalities. Without proper attention,
the likelihood of failure increases, and it will likely There are many ways to remove or install a
come without warning and at an inopportune time bearing on a shaft. The best way is with a pressor a
[1].Do bearing-related problems causes motor bearing puller tool. It's controlled and thereis little
failures? chance of nicking the shaft with the hammeror drift,

ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 260

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2017
or damaging the bearing. In somecases, a Controlled Bearing Puller was done to give
specialized press or puller is neededbecause no efficiency in maintaining the Bearings of motors.
other method will work [3]. The researcher’s plans were made to evaluate the
project by the help of the teachers and students. The
Due to the importance of bearing replacement output indicates the evaluation of the prototype and
and method of removal, the researcher come up completed the prototype.
with an Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller. It is
designed to pull bearings out from the rotor of an Figure 1 below shows the Input Process and
electric motor without damaging the motor Output of the Conceptual Framework.
shaft.This study could bebeneficial to the operators
byreducing the amount of labor forceand safety
hazards, thus would lead to saving man power
resources and time consumption on the removal

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to design an
Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller that would be
useful and convenient to the operator. This supports
the answer the following questions.
1. How to design the Electrically Controlled
Bearing Puller and its pulling parts? Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study
2. How to develop the Electrically Controlled
Bearing Puller? Significance of the Study
3. How to evaluate the acceptability of the project? The purpose of this study is to help maintenance
personnel do their jobs easier and be convenient in
Objectives of the Study dismounting the bearings. This also helps industries
The main objective is to design and construct a in maintaining the motor they use. Industries have
device that automatically pulls the bearing using a their own way on dismounting bearings, but it takes
gear motor control and sensor. time and effort to execute it without the damage of
The specific objectives of the study are as follow: the rotor.
1. To design and develop the Electrically The Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller helps
Controlled Bearing Puller and fabricate the pulling companies in maintaining electric motors. It could
parts. lessen the time in dismounting bearings as well as
2. To construct the Electrically Controlled minimize the laborcost.
Bearing Puller.
3. To evaluate the project in terms of Scope and Limitation of the Study
predetermined parameters. The main focus of the study is to design and
develop the Industrial Motor’s Electrically
Conceptual Framework of the Study Controlled Bearing Puller. The size of the puller
The input process includes the information, data can only pulls from 1 ½ inches to 3 inches diameter.
gathering, problem identification, and the expertise. The puller only pulls bearing on external spread out
The researchers identified the problems on how to on internal spread of the bearing. The bearing puller
pull the bearing of the motors to maintain its type has three legs externally spread bearing are
condition. Information’s was gathered through only bearing that can be pulled. It can also be
other references and books. The process covers the operated in one person only. Electrically Controlled
planning, designing, fabrication, list of materials, Bearing Puller can only pull bearing that are
and testing. A plan in making an Electrically

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2017
mounted on the industrial
ndustrial motor rotor. The III. METHODOLOGY
maximum size of the motor’s rotor is 6 inches
length, and 4 inches diameter. The smallest size of Design
bearing can be pulled is 1½ inch diameter. The Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller shown
in Figure 2 is designed and made for dismounting
bearings of a motor’s. The electrical system is made
for the benefits of the maintenance personnel’s
dismounting bearings.
Three-Arm Jaw Puller The prototype has a circuit breaker for the
The most dangerous tool in kit might well be a protection ion and safety in case of short circuit or
arm jaw puller. These devices, used correctly, overload. Using the toggle switch, the operator can
can safely remove a press-fittedfitted bearing from a control the single-phase
phase motor to operate forward
shaft. But in many cases, the jaws of the puller don't and reverse manually to set the puller to pull the
reach the inner ring, which would be the safest bearing of the rotor. Toggle switch also used to
place to apply the pulling force. So, place the puller operate Autoo pull. The circuit has a stop button for
jaws on the outer ring and tighten the center spindle manual stop. The closing and opening of the puller
of the puller to apply the removal force. If the outer was driven by a small motor. The Limit switch is
ring is slightly misaligned, applying force to two used to grip open and Jog button for the grip close.
balls or rollers, and it's much more likely fracture The researchers use two motors the main motor
the bearing outer ring, sending dangerous chips and the 2nd motor. or. On this operation the toggle
flying. There is also a chance the puller may slip off switch selects the pulling control and the other is
entirely. the manual forward reverse jog control. First is to
The safer tool, especially for the occasional user, set the toggle switch to move forward and set-up
is a three-arm
arm jaw puller. It's simply a more stable the rotor center alignment of motor shaft.Afterthe
arrangement, and generally centers itself during setup, a push buttonn of a bearing puller can now be
removal[4]. pressed to energize the 2nd motor to clamp the claw
to the bearing.This movement will stop after
In all cases, if applying
pplying force to the OUTER ring, reaching the limit depending on the size of the
rotate the puller as you remove the bearing. You bearing to be pulled.
may hear the rollers "clunk" into place as the The
he operator can now switch the toggle switch to
pulling force is evenly distributed through all the start pullinging the bearing out of the shaft.
shaft After
rolling elements to the bearings rings. reaching maximum pulling position state the limit
switch stops the main motor and the 2nd motor to
Gear Puller open the legs and the process ends.
The best way to remove worn out gears or
bearings from a shaft is to pull them off using a
gear puller. These have arms that hook behind the
gear or bearing and a centre screw.
Simply hook the arms of gear puller behind the
gear or bearing and adjust the arms so that they are
evenly spaced either side of the centre screw and
spin the screw down onto the end of the shaft. Once
finger tight apply an even pressure with a spanner
or socket to the large head of the centre screw [5].

Figure 2. Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2017
Motor Control and Power Diagram Data Gathering
Figure 3shows the Main Motor control Forward
Reverse of Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller. Survey questionnaire was used to gather the total
The Toggle Switch is the selector, either to pull the of twenty five (25) students randomly selected from
bearing ready or to position the puller to grip. Push the department of Electrical Technology and
button 1 and 2 are jog buttons for extension and Management (ETM) Electro Mechanical
retraction. The push button 4 is the pull button and Technology (EMT) and Automotive Mechanical
the relay contact normally closes one to stop the Technology (AMT) to evaluate the prototype.

The evaluation uses the Five Point Scale to

determine the acceptability of the prototype. The
evaluation uses the Five Point Scale to determine
the acceptability of the prototype as shown in Table
I below.
Figure3.Motor Control Forward Reverse Operation
Table I. Five Point Scale
Figure 4 shows the Main Motor Power Circuit of Scale Adjectival Rating Scale Range
Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller. The main 5 Highly Acceptable 4.5 - Above
motor is a single phase capacitor start motor that 4 Moderately Acceptable 3.5-4.4
uses a forward reverse contactor. 3 Acceptable 2.5-3.4
2 Slightly Acceptable 1.5-2.4
1 Not Acceptable 1.4 - Below


The results and findings of the study are based on

the required methodology involved in conducting
the study that highlighted the design, the
development and evaluation of the Electrically
Controlled Bearing Puller; completed device is
Figure 4shows the control circuit of the Gripper
shown in Figure 5 below.
of the Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller.

Figure 4 Control Circuit of the Gripper

Figure 5. Completed Electrically Controlled

Bearing Puller
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2017
The Electrically Controlled Bearing Puller is The important opinions were bound on the design,
evaluated using descriptive statistics using survey, development, implementation and evaluation of the
observation or analysis of the subject and measures Industrial Motors Electrically Controlled Bering
the data gathered from a range of selected Puller. The machines circuit is electronically
respondents. functions through the input and output devices
connected together to perform the bearing puller.
In Figure 6 the bar graph shows the mean Limit switch, toggle switch, pilot lamp and push
responses of the Electrically Controlled Bearing buttons were the input devices of the machine. The
Puller base on the different categories the mean motor is determined to be the output component
result on the category Aesthetic is 4.6 thus, it because it controls the process of the machine. The
implies that the respondent rated moderately technical evaluation of the machine was conducted
acceptable in terms of the overall appearance of the in such a way that the physical profile, operability
machine is presentable. Also the machine and significance were evaluated using descriptive
effectiveness has the numerical rating of 5.0 statistics. This was conducted using a prudently
corresponding to highly acceptable adjectival planned questionnaire distributed to individuals
rating which implies that the overall operation of who have knowledge about the bearing puller who
the machine is convenient and easy for the are mostly residents of Cagayan de Oro City.
respondents. Moreover the efficiency in processing
of the machine is 5.0 numerical rating was rated by The machine was potentially accepted due to its
the respondents corresponding to a highly noticeable aesthetics and influence on the bearing
acceptable adjectival rating indicates the efficiency puller as well as the consumers. The economic
in processing the machine. Furthermore, on the impact of the machine provides reliable
functionality is 5.0 thus, it implies that the marketability. On the other hand, the Electrically
respondents rated highly acceptable in terms of Controlled Bearing gives convenience to the
giving the exact functionality of the machine. Industry.

Parameter Mean
Aesthetic 4.6
The recommendation was attached on the least
Effectiveness 5.0 significant advantage of the Electrically Controlled
Bearing Puller which was qualified to its complex
Efficiency 5.0 mechanism.
1. Safety Glass
2. Limit Switch
3. Safety Lock for the rotor
Average Mean 4.9

IV. Conclusion and Recommendation 1. Barna, Paul.” Why electric motors fail?”Flow Control
Magazine. January 1, 2016.Print.
The final chapter is dedicated to the summary of
2. Lawrie,Robert J.”Bad Bearings Cause Motor Failures”
findings which is the totality of the work. The Electrical Construction & Maintenance Magazine.
conclusion was determined through the most Feb 01, 2001.Online.
remarkable findings. The recommendation is based
on the conclusion made and actions to be done by 3. www.ringpinion.com, “Removing-and-Replacing-
Bearings”, 2017[Online]:
people so that the problem can be solved. Available :https://www.ringpinion.com/Content/Book/Rem

ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 264

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, Nov - Dec 2017
oving-and-Replacing-Bearings.pdf. [Accessed November
4. http://www.reliableplant.com, ‘”skf-offers-tip-on-how-to-
safety-remove-bearings”, 2017, [Online]:
Available :http://www.reliableplant.com/Read/19673/skf-
November 15,2017]
5. https://handycrowd.com, “how-to-use-a-gear-puller”,
2017[Online]: Available: https://handycrowd.com/how-to-
use-a-gear-puller/. [Accessed November 15,2017]

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