Tunable Repeater Wireless
Tunable Repeater Wireless
Tunable Repeater Wireless
Improving the Propagation Environment by Using
Tunable Passive Repeater
Yuta Takahashi * and Naoki Honma
Graduate school of Engineering, Iwate University, Ueda 4-chome 2-5, Morioka-shi, Iwate 020-8551, Japan;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +81-80-5226-9026
Abstract: This paper presents a novel passive repeater that achieves enhanced Multiple-Input-
Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication between two isolated terminals. The novel aspect of
this work is an avoidance of the key-hole effect, which is normally caused by a repeater since all
of the signal goes through the same point. Moreover, our idea uses electrical control, which is
simply realized by only varactor diodes on the antennas, and this idea provides fast and low-cost
control of the MIMO channel. This configuration allows the passive repeater to control the MIMO
channel. MIMO channel capacity is maximized by controlling all repeater elements individually.
The effectiveness of the passive repeater in enhancing MIMO channel capacity is verified by
experiments. First of all, we obtained propagation data from field experiment, and propagation
characteristics were evaluated using equations. The results show that the 10% value of MIMO channel
capacity can be improved by 2.92 bits/s/Hz in an indoor propagation environment, which well
confirms the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Keywords: MIMO; channel capacity; radiowave propagation; tunable circuits and devices
1. Introduction
Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, which use multiple antennas at both the
transmitter and receiver sides, offers high data-transmission rates even if the frequency band
is limited [1]. However, actual transmission performance strongly depends on the propagation
environment. There are two important factors that determine the channel capacity. One is the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the other is spatial correlation [2]. Especially when the number
of propagation paths is limited, MIMO channel capacity is decreased by the keyhole effect [3,4].
To overcome this problem, cooperative diversity using relay nodes was proposed. Cooperative
diversity offers spatially multiplexed transmission and diversity transmission even when the source
and destination terminals cannot directly communicate with each other. There are two major relay
methods; amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) [5–7]. AF amplifies the received
signal, and relays the amplified signal to the receiver. AF is simple as signal processing is not
performed by the relay station. However, its disadvantage is that noise is also amplified with the
signal. DF, on the other hand, decodes the received signal, and retransmits the encode to the receiver.
This method enhances the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) since the noise is suppressed during the decoding
process. However, DF wastes temporal or spectral resources since the receiving and transmitting
signals cannot use the same channel simultaneously. Note that both AF and DF consume electric power
to operate. In order to resolve these problems, the passive repeater, which can re-radiate a received
signal in a specific direction, has been proposed for MIMO communication [8]. The passive repeater
can control path direction to improve channel capacity without noise-amplification, signal-processing,
or power-consumption. Receiving power is improved when the signal is relayed by a passive repeater,
which is demonstrated in [9]. However, that work assumed that the position of the receiving antenna
was fixed. Providing the passive repeater with the ability to steer the relayed signal is very attractive
since it supports arbitrary locations of the source and destination terminals. Another approach is
the phase-controlled relay scheme proposed in [10]. In this method, the relay station has as many
phase shifters as there are relay antennas and the phase of the relayed signal can be controlled.
An improvement in channel capacity was numerically validated. However, no configuration of
a feasible repeater antenna was presented. Also, the study assumed that the number of relay-node
antennas equaled the number of transmitter/receiver antennas.
To decrease the keyhole effect, far more relay antennas than transmitting/receiving antennas
were needed [3,4]. Basically, the keyhole effect decreases channel capacity as it reduces the number
of eigenvalues. Our solution is a passive relay scheme that uses a tunable transmit-array antenna
that has a lot more antenna elements than the transmitting/receiving antennas. Antennas with
tunable reactance devices are used to improve the MIMO channel characteristics in environments
experiencing the keyhole effect. The effectiveness of the tunable transmit-array has been numerically
and experimentally verified [11–13]. The propagation characteristic can be controlled by tuning the
transmit array installed in wall aperture. By changing the load-reactance values of the dipole elements,
the transmit array offers highly effective propagation channel control. However, this technique cannot
be applied to situations where the source and destination stations are mutually hidden by walls.
This paper proposes a tunable passive repeater consisting of microstrip antennas and varactor
diodes; its performance is evaluated experimentally. The work of [14] assumes that phase rotation
is performed by mechanically rotating a table. The proposed tunable repeater uses only simple
electric switches to control phase, which is a great advantage over existing work. In contrast to the
authors’ previous works [11–13], this passive repeater offers MIMO transmission even across walls
that completely separate the terminals. This means all signals must pass through the same point,
the passive repeater. The most important feature in this scheme is its tunability. Although all paths
pass through the same point, which would normaly trigger the keyhole effect, the tunable microstrip
antennas perturb the path direction and spatial correlation is lowered. Furthermore, it can deliver the
signals to any terminal location in the adjoining room. Another feature is that this passive repeater
has very low power consumption since it has neither transmitters nor receivers. Also, it does not
yield additional noise at the repeater since it does not have any amplifiers. It works bi-directionally
since all components are passive. Since the re-radiated power of the passive repeater is low, it needs
a lot of antennas to establish many propagation paths. This configuration is expected to fully utilize
the re-radiation power available. The authors used simulations and an experiment to evaluate the
improvement in channel capacity [15]. This paper introduces more detailed data focusing on actual
measurments. Novel points of this paper are summarized below:
1. The phase of each relayed signal is individually controlled by simply mounting diodes on the
relay antennas.
2. Spatial multiplexing efficiency is enhanced as the proposed tunable passive repeater offers control
of the MIMO channel.
3. The effectiveness of the tunable passive repeater is verified by a field experiment.
Section 2 introduces the concept of the proposed passive repeater and the experimental
environment. Section 3 describes the experimental evaluation method and results to demonstrate the
validity of tunable passive repeater.
2.1. What Characteristics Are Best for the Tunable Passive Repeater?
This work assumes the following requirements for the passive repeater’s performance:
• Good relay performance is available regardless of receiving antenna location.
Electronics 2018, 7, 12 3 of 11
H = H2 θH1 (1)
θ = diag (θ1 , · · ·, θK ) (2)
where θi is the phase shift at the i-th antenna element at the repeater. H1 , H2 represent the
i.i.d channel and values of H1 and H2 matrices are fixed. SNR is set to 20 dB. The numbers of
transmitter/repeater/receiver antennas are 2/16/2, respectively. θ is a random variable number,
and 1000 trials are conducted. Figure 1 plots the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of channel
capacity with the phase variable function active. This result shows that channel capacity is altered by
the repeater, because eigenvalues increase with the phase of the re-radiate beam being aligned. That is,
channel capacity is mostly determined by θ. Figure 1 indicates that if the phase of the passive repeater
is optimized, high quality propagation is available regardless of receiver location. Figure 2 plots the
CDF of channel capacity with the phase variable function active. This result implies that optimizing
the phase values reduces the spatial correlation.
CDF [%]
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Channel capacity [bits/s/Hz]
Figure 1. Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of channel capacity with phase variable function active.
CDF [%]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Correlation coefficient
equivalent to controlling the propagation direction. Therefore, it is expected that the tunable passive
repeater can improve SNR and decrease the spatial correlation coefficient.
Coaxial cable
Bias ports
Varactor diodes
PTFE substrate
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Proposed passive repeater. (a) Photo of proposed passive repeater array; (b) Section of
proposed passive repeater.
Figure 6 plots the relationship between amplitude and bias voltage. Figure 7 shows the relationship
between phase and bias voltage. These data can be obtained when the horn antenna receives the signal
from passive repeater. Curves Antenna11∼Antenna22, correspond to the antennas shown in Figure 4a.
From Figure 6, it can be seen that amplitude varies greatly with the change in bias voltage.
This result means that the value of the varactor diode impacts the impedance matching of the patch
antenna. Considering this, for impedance matching the bias voltage applied to varactor diode must
exceed 11 V. Also, from Figure 7, it can be seen that the phase variation indicates that the usable
bias voltage range is 6∼25 V. A consideration of the amplitude and rotational phase characteristics
indicates the bias voltage combination should be 11 V and 25 V, respectively. This paper compares
the propagation characteristics yielded by 0 V, 11 V, and “optimum”. 0 V indicates no matching
voltage, 11 V indicates matching voltage, and “optimum” indicates the optimized combination of
phase achieved by 11 V and 25 V.
Figure 10 shows a top view of the experimental environment. Figure 11 shows an elevation
view of experiment room. The size of the room was 7.0 × 5.8 × 2.7 m3 . Wall material was concrete.
This room has windows and a shielded room. The shielded room, 2.4 × 2.9 × 2.7 m3 , has walls of
steel. The transmitter is placed at Tx1, Tx2, Tx3, or Tx4, and the receiver is placed at Rx1, Rx2, Rx3,
or Rx4. This environment has no propagation paths between transmitter and receiver other than those
Electronics 2018, 7, 12 7 of 11
through the passive repeater. The shortest separation from the dividing wall to Tx1–Tx4 and Rx1–Rx4
was 0.5 m. Antenna height was set to 1.0 m. The passive repeater arrays were placed on opposite
surfaces of one wall of the shielded room. Passive repeater center height above the floor was 1.0 m.
Figure 12a shows an outline of the shielded room, Figure 12b shows an inside view of the shielded
room. From Figure 12, it can be seen that passive repeater is in close contact with both inside-outside
surfaces of the shielded room.
(a) (b)
Figure 12. The shielded room. (a) Outline of shielded room; (b) Inside view of shielded room.
3. Measured Results
First, this work measured the propagation channel matrix of the environment. Second, the propagation
characteristics were calculated using the equations below (1)∼(3). The propagation channel was measured
with the various bias voltage combinations at the passive repeater. Bandwidth of the repeater was
2.36∼2.40 GHz. From the measured propagation channel, we calculated the SNR, instant spatial
correlation (ρ ) and MIMO channel capacity (C) using the following formulas.
Tr( HH H ) Pt /Nt
SNR = (3)
∗ + h h∗ |
|h21 h11 22
ρ12 = p p 12 (4)
|h11 |2 + |h12 |2 |h21 |2 + |h22 |2
Pt H
C = log2 det I + HH (5)
Nt σ2
Pt is transmission power, σ2 is noise power, Nt is the number of transmitter elements; their values were
Pt = 10 dBm, σ2 = −85 dBm, Nt = 2 in this experiment. H and I represent the MIMO channel matrix
and identity matrix, respectively. Since the propagation channel, H, is not normalized, H includes
propagation loss. Varactor diodes were set between all repeater elements. As each passive repeater
array had 16 dipole elements, 32 varactor diodes were used, 16 × 2. Channel data were obtained
by controlling all 32 varactor diodes. Propagation channel H was measured for 55,080 randomly
determined combinations of reactance values. The maximum channel capacity was calculated for
all measured channels using (5). As additional information, (3) was derived by [17], and (5) by [18].
The defined channel vector is expressed as
h1 = h11 , ..., h NR 1 (6)
h2 = h12 , ..., h NR 2 (7)
therefore, (4) is the inner product between h1 and h2 . When h1 and h2 are orthogonal vectors, the spatial
correlation coefficient becomes 0.
The results (a) and (b) in Figure 13 show the CDF of the first and second eigenvalues of propagation
the channels, respectively. Biases 0 V and 11 V indicate the eigenvalues when the voltage of 0 V or 11 V
Electronics 2018, 7, 12 9 of 11
applied to all varactor diodes, respectively. “Optimum” shown in Figure 13 indicates the eigenvalue at
the maximum channel capacity as obtained by the random search method. An evaluation of the median
value showed that bias of 11 V improved the first eigenvalue by 3.34 dB, and the second eigenvalue
by 3.78 dB compared with bias of 0 V. Moreover, it can be seen that the result of the random search
method improved the first eigenvalue by 2.76 dB, and the second eigenvalue by 6.12 dB compared with
bias of 11 V. The second eigenvalue is greatly enhanced by the tunable passive repeater. From these
comparison results, optimizing the impedance of the relay and its phase control offers significant
improvements in eigenvalue distribution. This means that apply the tunable passive repeater to MIMO
systems can increase the transmission rates by spatial multiplexing.
(a) (b)
Figure 13. CDF of eigenvalue. (a) The first eigenvalue; (b) The second eigenvalue.
Figure 14 plots the CDF of the SNR for three different cases. With 11 V bias, the 50% value of
SNR is higher by 3.29 dB than that with 0 V bias, and the 10% value of SNR is higher by 3.95 dB
than that with 0 V bias. With the “Optimum” setting, the 50% value shows an improvement in
SNR of 3.08 dB compared to 11 V bias, and the 10% value improved it by 3.82 dB compared to 11 V
bias. These results demonstrate that the passive repeater greatly improves the SNR in low reception
sensitivity environments.
Figure 15 plots the CDF of the correlation coefficient for three different cases. It can be seen that
0 V bias and 11 V bias offer almost identical correlation coefficient distributions. This demonstrates
that the radiation intensity of the patch antennas has no effect on the correlation characteristics.
The 50% value of the correlation coefficient with “Optimum” is lower by 0.16 than that with 11 V bias.
On the other hand, the 90% value with “Optimum” decreases the correlation coefficient by 0.03
from 0.97. This means that tunable passive repeater offers practical improvements in MIMO
system performance.
Electronics 2018, 7, 12 10 of 11
Figure 16 plots the CDF of the channel capacity for three different cases. The 50% value of the
channel capacity with 11 V bias is higher by 1.89 bits/s/Hz than that with 0 V bias, and the 10% value
of the channel capacity is higher by 1.94 bits/s/Hz than that with 0 V bias. Also, the 50% value of
the MIMO channel capacity with “Optimum” is higher by 2.79 bits/s/Hz than that with 11 V bias.
This means that the tunable passive repeater enhances channel capacity by a factor of 1.36. Moreover,
at the 10% value, “Optimum” increased the channel capacity by 2.92 bits/s/Hz compared to 11 V bias.
This indicates that the tunable passive repeater enhanced channel capacity by a factor of 1.50. This result
demonstrates that optimizing the varactor diodes of the passive repeater greatly improves the MIMO
channel capacity, especially in low SNR environments.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed a tunable passive repeater consisting of microstrip antennas and
varactor diodes that can improve MIMO channel capacity in severely constrained indoor environments.
Using the random search method (“Optimum”) to optimize the control-voltage of the varactor diodes
improved the median value of CDF of the first eigenvalue by 2.76 dB relative to the uniform bias value
of 11 V (11 V bias). Moreover, the median value of the CDF of the second eigenvalue was improved
by 6.12 dB. “Optimum” improved the 10% value of SNR by 3.82 dB relative to 11 V bias. This means
that a passive repeater with variable reactance to can significantly improve the SNR. Moreover, it was
found that “Optimum” enhanced the 10% value of MIMO channel capacity by 150.
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