NCR Disposition Proposal
NCR Disposition Proposal
NCR Disposition Proposal
No. Description Date Issued Disposition Progress
1- Method Statement for slab crack repairs P4045ZOR-MS-CT-CM-033 to be
approved by CPY
Concrete cracks on Unit 85
2- Trial test to be performed
Trestle slabs / slab Cracks repair ongoing on trestle 1; repair method for bottom slab
015 05/11/17 3- Technical note P4045ZOR-0085-19R-5004 to validate the alignment
installation not as per surface to be proposed to CPY
tolerances in line with existing installation
4- Notification for inspection to release the trestle 1 Span 1A up to Trestle 2
Span 20
1- Welding Book S-P4045ZOR-SC1008-000-QA-H013-007 to be revised to Welding book S-P4045ZOR-SC1008-01-000-QA-H013-007 rev C was
Welding Carried Out
include new WPQR (with impact test results) approved by CPY. 1 PQR to be performed to cover impact test
018 Without Approved WPS - 30/01/18
2- Welding reports to be submitted-Acceptable, provided all Mechanical tests requirement. Internal test planned on 17th May, Test with CPY on 20th
Wave Shield Structures
passed as per AWS D1.1. May
L&T - GRP 6'' pipe joint with 1- Item 1 PMC Management to agree with NOV Rep in place
excessive adhesive & 2- Items 2 & 3 of NCR are closed: E Mail P. Ramajal on 11/03/18 (11:38)
Manufacturer representative not approved by CPY; HSS JV sent a
019 without support clamping; 30/01/18
letter on 14th May in order to get approval of personnel in place
Supplier representative not
021 Sea Island, Damage on 22/04/2018 1- Method Statement for civil & Mechanical repair to be submitted to CPY for Incident Report issued
Tubular Piles and concrete approval
deck (Incident with bad
022 Sea Island, UV protection 25/04/2018 1- Contractor to issue a waiver-Additionally evidence required to show no
on tubular piles not yet chalking on coatings- as the overcoat period exceed.
Painting System FS2-N 1- Paint procedure S-P4045ZOR-SC0933-93-B01-QA-H003-034 to be revise
applied on internal staircase to include the FS2-N System
not included in the 2- Notification for inspection to be issue to CPY for the stair case-Acceptable
023 26/04/18 RFI drafted
approved painting
procedure (Eversendai)
CPY wasn’t notified after 1- MPI reports to be provided for each pipe ends after cut out to length.
completion of hydro test;
024 spools were cut and erected 29/04/18
in pipe rack; MPI/PT on
pipe ends not done (L&T)
Storage of GRP spool not in 1- Evidence of storage improvement to be provided
accordance with project 2- Toll box talks to be organized and attendance sheet to be submitted-
025 requirements; No protection 29/04/18 Evidence required to show for GRP pipes free from chalking and mechanical Evidences requested from Eversendai
against UV, unsafe location damages.
1- Method Statement for GRP erection above ground to be submitted and
GRP pipe spools installed in
approved by CPY
pipe racks are exposed to
026 30/04/18 2- Toll box talks to be organized and attendance sheet to be submitted- Evidences requested from Eversendai
damage by the surrounding
Evidence required to show for GRP pipes free from chalking and mechanical
ongoing activities
1- Contractor to replace personnel during their rotation leave
2- Notification for inspection approved by CPY & Coating and welding reports
to be submitted
Lack of QC Personnel at
027 01/05/18 Inspection report should be reviewed in the absent period of qualified coating Notifications & NDT reports received for coating
inspector and Random inspection required during the absence period for
Witness and hold involvements of both contractor(HSSJV) and
1- Individual welders performance and penalty joints records to be
L & T piping repair rate;
028 07/05/18 submitted-Provide weld repairs occurred, welder wise for more than Welding Records internal review ongoing
Individual welder repair rate
5% and Defect wise for more than 2%.
Hi Paulo,
Good morning,
Please see below mail for ‘inspection notification ’ on hydrotest of diffuser, But there is no approved hydro test procedure-HDPE and our involvement should be witness (as per the previous comment on
M (+965) 94080198