Test Automation Effort Estimation

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- Best practices
"The subject of software estimating is definitely a black art" says Lew Ireland, former president of the Project
Management Institute. Estimation is more of an art than a science, and inherently more prone to the negative aspects
of human biases.

This paper introduces and outlines the best practices of effort estimation process for test automation projects. In
addition, the paper summarizes possible framework components for any test automation project.

1. Candidates for test automation.

One of the classical mistakes of the test automation team is: ‘NOT choosing right test cases for automation’.

The test automation scripts are only a support device to manual testing, NOT to bump off the later. In that case, the
customer will be more focused on the return on investment (ROI) for each of test automation script built (as the initial
investment is high!). So choose the tangible test cases to automate against each phases of development (and
demonstrate the same to the customer).

How to find good test case candidates?

Sl. No Test Case Complexity Number of actions Number of Good candidates (~ No of

verifications executions)
1 Simple <5 <5 > 15 executions
2 Medium > 5 - < 15 > 5 - < 10 > 8 - 10 executions
3 Complex > 15 - < 25 > 10 - < 15 > 5 - 8 executions

Why do you need phase-wise test automation?

Most of the test automation projects fail to yield the ROI quickly due to application rapid change, unsuitable test cases,
shaky frameworks and/or scripting issues. Also it summarizes that test automation projects catch fewer defects than it
is supposed to do.

The root casual analysis showed us the necessity of phase-wise test automation than one-go test automation process.
So advice that test automation needs to kick off with critical test cases that are of good candidate type and then slowly
branching out to other mediums as required. This solution helps the customer by lesser maintenance costs and more
business for you.

Also remember that framework needs constant updates along with script development process and thereby it becomes
harder to maintain the framework incase if you have many scripts to develop in parallel.
What test type to be automated?
It is always good to script ‘integration and/or system’ functional test cases as they mostly bundle component level test
cases within them. This would reduce your effort further and find good defects (Yep! Of course, this is primary
objective of any test automation project) too. Please note that if you have good framework, then you can change the
test scope and/or test type using configuration files.

2. Factors that affects test automation estimation.

The following factors may have varying impact on the test automation effort calculation exercise.

Sl. No Type Factor Impact Remarks

1 Framework Availability High Good framework makes your scripting, debugging and
maintenance easier. Do understand that framework needs
continuous updating across the script development.
2 Application Repeat High It is quite easier to automate incase the functionality repeats
functionality across the application (Recommend to use keyword driven in
such cases, as you do not end up in writing more
action/verification based methods). If NOT, then the effort of
building libraries and/or scripts is more linear in nature.
3 Project Test Scope High If the complexity of application as well as the test scope is
complex in nature, then it would consume huge efforts to
automate each test case.
4 Test tool Support to AUT Medium The test tool to be used may not support some application
functionality and may cause overhead. You may find it more
difficult to get started with open source scripting and/or tools.
5 Scripter Skill Medium This costs project. The right skill packages of the scripter are
very essential for any good test automation. If the customer
NOT willing to provide the leverage on the estimate for this
factor, do NOT forget to add the learning curve cost to the
overall time.
6 Application Custom Objects Medium The number of custom objects in the automation scope matters
as it becomes overhead for the test automation team to built
and maintain the libraries for them.
7 Application Type (Web/ Client- Medium For web application, any commercial test tool has amazing
Server / utilities and support. Otherwise, there are good possibilities that
Mainframe) you need to spend huge effort in building libraries.
8 Application Developed Low It matters as selected test tool does not support specific
Language & verification checkpoints.
3. Grouping steps to determine complexity.

This is an important exercise as it may draw wrong overall effort in spite of depth application analysis.


Suggest finding number of actions and verifications points for each test case (that are in automation scope) and then
draw a chart to find the average actions, verification points and then the control limits for them. So that the
complexity derivation will be based on the AUT not based on the generic industry standards.


TC 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
STEPS 8 12 15 12 16 30 4 8 22 21 12 27 22 15 11 15 12 9 8 19 21 42 6 22 22

Complexity Vs Step Count STEP 2:

Based on the data chart,
45 Average step count = 16
40 Lower control limit = 08
Upper control limit = 25
Step Count

So the complexity can be grouped as:-

20 Simple ≤ 7 steps
15 Medium ≥ 8 steps -- ≤ 16 steps
10 Complex ≥ 17 steps -- ≤ 25 steps
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25
TestCase No

1. Neither group test case steps too close, nor wide for labeling the complexity. Be aware that the pre-script
development effort for each test script is considerable as the following activities are time-consuming
1) Executing test case manually before scripting for confirming the successful operation.
2) Test data selection and/or generation for the script.
3) Script template creation (like header information, comments for steps, identifying the right reusable to be
used from the repository and so on.)
These efforts are highly based on the number of steps in the test case. Note that if test case varies by fewer
steps, then this effort does not deviate much but incase it varies by many steps even this effort widely differs.

2. Also another factor in determining the complexity is the functionality repetition. If the test case is Complex by
steps but the functionality is same as the other test case then this can be labeled as ‘Medium or Simple’ (based
on the judgment).
3. If the test case steps count are more than upper control limit (~ 25 in this case) value then those additional
steps need to be considered as another test case. For example, the TC - 06 containing 30 steps shall be labeled
‘1 complex + 1 simple (30-25)’ test cases.

If the test case is marked as ‘Complex’ instead of ‘Medium’, understand that your efforts shoot up and hurts your
customer. On other way of miscalculation, it hurts us. There by, this ‘complexity grouping’ is more of logical
workout with data as input.
4. Framework design & estimation.

“We have experienced a significant increase in software reusability and an overall improvement in software quality due
to the application programming concepts in the development and (re)use of semi finished software architectures rather
than just single components and the bond between them, that is, their interaction.” - Wolfgang Pree [Pree94]

There are many frameworks that are available commercially & as open-source which are specific to a test tool or wide-
open. Also you find homebrew test automation frameworks too specific to test tools. These frameworks saves a lot of
scripting, debugging and maintenance efforts but aware that the customization of framework (based on the
application) are very essential.

Characteristics of any framework:

• Portable, extendable and reusable across and within projects.
• Ease of functionality Plug-ins/outs based on application version changes.
• Loosely coupled with the test tool wherever possible.
• Extended recovery system and exception handling to capture the unhandled errors and to run smoothly.
• Step, Log and Error Information provide easier debugging and customized reporting facilities of scripts.
• Ease of test data driven to the scripts and they need to be loosely coupled.
• Easily controllable and configurable test scope for every test run.
• Simple and easy integration of test automation components with test management, defect tracking and
configuration management tools.

Please note that these efforts have wide range as the framework size
and scope purely depends on application nature, size and complexity.

It is always a good practice to create and/or customize the framework

for initial needs and then add/ update components/ features and tune.
5. Scripting Effort Estimation Template

Simple Medium Complex
(<8 (8-16 (17-25
steps) steps) steps)
1 Pre–Script Development
a Test Case execution (Manual) For 1 iteration (assuming scripter knows navigation)
b Test data selection For one data set (valid/invalid/erratic kind)
c Script Template creation Can use script template generation utility to avoid this.
d Identify the required reusable Assuming proper reusable traceability matrix presence.
2 Script Development
a Application map creation Assuming the no of objects = number of actions
b Base scripting Normally all these go hand-in-hand. Separated for
c Add error/exception handling analysis & reasoning.
d Implement framework elements
3 Script Execution
a Script execution For n iterations (~ average iteration count)
b Verification & Reporting Assuming there will minimal defect reporting.
Total Effort per script

Overall effort calculation may have the following components:-

1. Test Requirement gathering & Analysis

2. Framework design and development
3. Test Case development (incase the available manual test cases not compatible)
4. Script Development
5. Integration Testing and Baseline.
6. Test Management.

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