CXC 20141007

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The Immaculate Conception High School team took a break to pose for The Gleaner at Ship Wreck Beach.



Spanish colonisation and its effects

on the indigenous populations

TUDENTS SHOULD be able to:

S 1. Describe the administrative system in

Spanish America.
2. Describe three effects of Spanish
colonisation on the indigenous populations.

By the mid-16th century, the Spanish had
amassed a large ‘empire’ in the Americas. By
this time, the Spanish had settlements in
Central America, South America, and the
Caribbean. For the purposes of your syllabus,
we primarily focus on the settlements they
established in the Caribbean. These included
Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.
charge of Spain’s economic management in the individual in charge of a colony. The visitadors which the indigenous population lacked
Instruction: Use the map below to identify Americas. visited the territories every two years to ensure immunity. There was also the forced system of
Spanish settlements in the Caribbean that the viceroyalties were being effectively
THE COLONISTS labour (encomienda), which was a grant of
administered. natives for labour in return for the trust of
(See map at right) The various groups in Spanish America by
the mid-16th century included peninsulares, educating and Christianising them. This
With the development of such a large creoles, mestizos, and African slaves. ECONOMY resulted in the native population being forced
overseas empire, Spain had to undertake an Peninsulares, several of them lesser nobility The natural resources of each settlement into working on agricultural lands to provide
administrative plan to govern these areas. (hidalgos), officials and peasants came directly largely determined its most popular industry. As food for the Spanish, as well as working in gold
Below is an outline of the intricacies of Spain’s from Spain. Creoles, in the context of Spanish a result, farming, mining, shipbuilding and mines. Also, murders, suicide, and infanticide
American empire in the areas of governance, America, are whites born in the colonies. The ranching were the popular economic activities played a role in the decimation of the Taino
settlement, economic planning and trade, and mestizos were individuals of mixed descent in Spanish America. population. The end result was a genocide.
religious life. (Spanish and ‘Indians’). There were also
With the steep decline in the Taino
Africans, individuals captured from West Africa
THE CHURCH population, the Spanish introduced the Laws of
or born in the Caribbean into a life or servitude.
THE ADMINISTRATION OF The official religion for Spanish America was Burgos to improve their condition. Some of its
SPAIN’S AMERICAN EMPIRE Roman Catholicism. Priests were appointed to stipulations included:
GOVERNMENT every village and were given land grants. They
THE SPANISH MONOPOLY a) all enslaved natives must be set free,
The system of government introduced in were in charge of education, medical care and b) natives could not be enslaved for any
The system of mercantilism influenced the Spanish America was largely influenced and the spiritual life of all inhabitants, including the reason,
trading system in the Spanish Americas. controlled by the metropole. The hierarchical indigenous peoples.
Mercantilism referred to a policy of restricting c) the courts must protect the natives from
structure was organised in the following format:
the colonies from participating in foreign trade. a) king, b) Council of Indies, c) viceroys, ill-treatment.
In other words, traders had to have a licence d) governors, e) audiencias, f) cabildos, and THE EFFECTS OF SPANISH Undoubtedly, this policy could not reserve
from Spain to trade in the colonies. This g) visitadors. The Council of Indies was AMERICAN COLONISATION ON the Spanish atrocities on the native population
ensured maximum profit for Spain, as they were responsible for establishing regulations and THE INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS which was extinct by the late 17th century.
ensured with at least duties on all goods traded. policies for the colonies. There were four vice- There were several factors responsible for the
Even the trade in slaves was protected – traders royalties in Spanish America and each was to decimation of the Taino population. These Debbion Hyman is an independent contributor.
had to have a special licence called an asiento. supervise the settlements in a particular area included the introduction of Old World diseases Send questions and comments to
The Casa de Contractacion was the body in and put laws into effect. The governor was the – diseases such as smallpox and measles for [email protected].


yl:english literature

Examining ‘West Indies, USA’

The Brain – Is wider than the Sky——
For—-put them side by side——
The one the other will contain
With ease—-and You—-beside——
– Emily Dickinson

OOK AT that! Is there anything that can

L stop you with a brain as described

above? I don’t think so. If you believe in
the gift of the intelligence/common
sense/intellect you were given, and choose to
work hard, you will surely achieve.
Before we continue our work on West
Indies, U.S.A., we need to think about the
form or layout of the poem. It is obviously
different from others that we will be studying
and it is used, no doubt, by the poet to make a
point. I would like you to now take into
account that the persona is looking down at
the Caribbean Sea from 30,000 feet above, as
the plane in which he is travelling, cruises
over the waters. You will notice that while
stanzas one and two end with full stops, the
succeeding three verses do not.
The plane lands in San Juan and we can
imagine the speaker thinking to himself, at
last. Then he receives a bit of unwelcome BRIAN MCCALLA/FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER
information from the pilot, whose voice he Students at The Queen’s School in St Andrew during a handover of the storyboards from the Class of 1980 Grand Gala
describes as dull or uninteresting. He hears Committee recently.
that he cannot leave the plane because of US
law. If you have been on a plane that stops at Puerto Rico with the intention of crossing to island and to realise that for some who live complexes with the zinc shanties close by and
this airport, you already know that unless this the United States. Do you see the irony he there it is not the paradise that he expects it to the shiny Cadillacs that move swiftly and
country is your destination, you really cannot expresses in this verse and the first and be. Instead of a warm welcome, it is US patrol effortlessly past the push carts. It is then that
leave the plane. This regulation is enforced by second lines of the following one? He makes cars that move across the runway. This makes he realises that all that ‘glitters is not gold’ or,
tight security. reference to the motto on the Statue of Liberty it obvious that no unauthorised person could plainly put, what seems attractive from afar
In the third stanza he gets what he wants, or which is at the entrance to the New York hope to enter the country from this airport. Do may not turn out to be so.
does he? Are his expectations met? Harbour. This statue, a gift from France, is note the contrast that is drawn between the Before we close off this week, I would like you
For us to come to a satisfactory conclusion, supposed to signify that the USA welcomes ‘lethargic’ baggage handler’s or insultingly to do the following in preparation for next time:
we need to examine the succeeding verses of immigrants. However, what the speaker is ‘boys’ of Antigua and those with ‘fierce  Put the poem in your own words. You can
West Indies, U.S.A. The plane lands in verse telling us is that, in actual fact, the USA tries efficiency’ at this port. Even as he criticises just share it with a study partner or write down
three and we get the feeling that the speaker is to keep out those (a particular type) who wish something here, he, perhaps without even as you choose. Make sure that you include all
not impressed with the dull way, though to enter and find prosperity in the country meaning to do so, points to a belittling the salient points.
meant to reassure, in which the pilot informs ‘claim that vaunted sanctuary’. Furthermore, in difference between the other Caribbean islands  Identify the images that are presented in
his passengers that they cannot disembark. It order to guarantee this, serious steps (‘the and the one that is connected to the USA. this poem. Consider how this is done and
is not a promising introduction to what he barbed/electric fence around America’s They soon take off again and, not think about the effects they have.
expects to be a good time. backyard and claim that vaunted sanctuary’) unnaturally, he watches the life below him and God bless!
He immediately changes his attitude, his are taken to prevent Puerto Rico from being continues to note, as he had done earlier, that
tune, and accuses the American government used as a back door to the USA. this is not a perfect place. Now he sees the Beryl Clarke is an independent contributor. Send
of setting up the regulations to prevent blacks As he looks through the window, he begins busy streets as well as the evidence of poverty questions and comments to kerry-
who are without hope from getting off in to pick out contrasts that characterise the coexisting with wealth – the apartment [email protected]




 Considerably larger than cinder cones
 Tall, majestic mountains
 Composed of layers of granitic rock and lava flows
 Cycle through periods of quiet and explosive eruptions
p p

I, AND welcome to another lesson in geography. This is a expansive, circular depression. After the surface material collapses,

H continuation from last week’s lesson on continental drift and

plate tectonics. Last week, we looked at the formation and
the distribution of volcanoes. Just to summarise, we noted that
water sometimes fills the caldera, forming scenic lakes.

volcanoes develop from magma that is moving upward from deep
within Earth and their locations are mostly determined by plate The appearance of a volcano depends on two factors: the type of
tectonics where most occur where plate movements persist. material that forms the volcano and the type of eruptions that
In this lesson, we shall take a look at the composition of magma occur. Based on these two criteria, there are three major types of
and how this determines the characteristics of a volcanic eruption. volcanoes: shield, composite and cinder cone. Each differs in size,
Here are some facts about volcanoes: shape and composition.
 All the lava from Kilauea could pave a road three times around
 There are 500 active volcanoes on Earth today.  Largest of the three types of volcanoes
 Magma comes from the Greek word meaning dough. COMPOSITION OF MAGMA
 Long, gentle slopes
 Many of Earth’s geographic features are caused by volcanoes.  Composed of layers of solidified basaltic lava There are three major types of magma: basaltic (basalt),
The objectives in this lesson are to:  Quiet eruptions andesitic (andesite) and rhyolitic (rhyolite). Because of their
A. Identify the parts of a volcano. relative silica contents, basaltic magma is the least explosive
B. Differentiate between volcanic landforms. magma and rhyolitic magma is the most explosive.
C. Explain how the composition of magma determines the When magma escapes, its viscosity will determine the type of
characteristics of a volcanic eruption. flows and explosiveness. Temperature and silica content affect the
viscosity of a magma. Lava, on the other hand, is grouped into two
PARTS OF A VOLCANO categories: acidic and basic. Acidic lava, in general, is cooler
magma which has a higher viscosity. In other words, cool magma,
Parts of a volcano include a vent, magma chamber, crater and much like chilled molasses, tends to resist flowing. Magma with
caldera. high silica content tends to be thick and sticky. Since it is thick,
Lava reaches the surface by travelling through a tube-like magma with high silica content tends to trap gases, which
structure called a conduit and emerges through an opening called produces explosive eruptions. Basic lava, in general, is magma
a vent. As lava with low silica content which has low viscosity – it tends to be thin
flows through the and runny, like warm syrup. Magma with low silica content tends
vent and out on to to flow easily and produce quiet, non-explosive eruptions.
the surface, it
cools and CINDER CONES
solidifies around  Smallest of the three types of volcanoes UNDERSTAND MAIN IDEAS
the vent. Over  Steep-sloped, cone-shaped  Can you explain how the location of volcanoes is related to the
time, layers of  Usually composed of basaltic lava theory of plate tectonics?
solidified lava can  Explosive eruptions  Restate how the viscosity of magma is related to its
accumulate to  Usually form at edges of larger explosiveness.
form a mountain  Volcanoes  Predict the explosiveness of a volcano having magma with high
known as a silica content and high gas content.
volcano. At the
top of a volcano, In the next lesson, we will look at some of the intrusive (within
around the vent, is a bowl-shaped depression called a crater. The Earth’s crust) and extrusive (above Earth’s crust) features formed as
crater is connected to the magma chamber by the conduit. a result of eruptions.
Volcanic craters are usually less than 1km in diameter. Larger Thanks for joining us. Until next time, have yourselves a ‘Geo-
depressions, called calderas, can be up to 50km in diameter. fantastic’ week.
Calderas often form after the magma chamber beneath a volcano
empties from a major eruption. The summit or the side of a Meshech Green teaches at Glenmuir High. Send questions and comments
volcano collapses into the emptied magma chamber, leaving an to [email protected]


yl:information technology

Memory storage
A ROM chip stores data permanently or is oftentimes A buffer is an internal memory area used for temporary
OOD DAY, students. This is lesson five in our series of

referred to as being non-volatile. The information on a ROM storage of data records during input or output operations. For
IT lessons. In this week’s lesson, we will be looking at chip is stored on it by the manufacturers and cannot be example, most modern printers are equipped with buffers that
memory storage media and unit of storage. At the end modified or erased by the user. The processor can read and store information or data to be printed.
of this lesson, you should be able to distinguish between at retrieve the instructions and data from the ROM chip but its Now that you are familiar with the different memory chips,
least two types of memory and the unit of storage relating to a content cannot be changed. Whenever you turn on your let us look at the different unit of storage available and key
particular storage device. computer and your computer is booting up, messages are terms associated with unit of storage.
The purpose of memory is to provide storage for data, made possible by the information in ROM.
instruction and the result of processing. There are four main There are several variations to ROM:
categories of memory storage chips: UNIT OF STORAGE
Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM)
 Random Access The PROM chip is left blank by the manufacturers and is Key definitions of terms
Memory (RAM) written to by the  Bit – this is the smallest unit of storage in a computer
 Read-Only Memory customer. Once which is usually 0 or 1.
(ROM) written to the chip, it o  Byte – this comprised
 Cache becomes read-only eight bits.
 Buffer memory.  Word – this is the
A memory chip is one Erasable amount of bits the
that holds programs and data either temporarily or Programmable Read- computer can process in
permanently. Let us now look at each of these categories. y one operation.
Only Memory
(EPROM) he  Word size/length – this
EPROM is a is the number of bits in a
reusable PROM-chip word.
RAM, or primary storage, is  Bi-stable device – this is a device which exists in two
that can be erased by
the chip that is located nearest possible states. It is similar to a light switch which can either
a special ultraviolet
to the CPU and it is referred to be on or off.
light. EPROM holds
as being volatile. RAM is Once you are considering purchasing a RAM chip
its content until
considered to be volatile in that (memory), hard drive or a flash drive, you will first likely
erased and new
its content is erased whenever consider the size or the number of bytes the storage medium
instructions can be
the flow of electricity to the has. Let us now examine larger units of storage by the byte
written on it. To
processor is terminated. This is table shown below.
reprogram an
why your teacher will often
remind you to save your work frequently. Even if you have
to be removed from the computer.
auto save NAME Symbol Approximately Binary Decimal Actual
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Measurement Measurement
recovery, the
(EEPROM) Kilobyte KB 1000 210 103 1024
EEPROM-chip is similar to an EPROM-chip except that it is
will only (1 thousand)
erased by applying electrical pulses to the chip, making it
recover up to Megabyte MB 1,000,000 220 106 1048576
possible to reprogram the chip without removing it from the ( 1 million)
a particular
point. Gigabyte GB 1,000,000,000 230 109 1073741824
(1 billion)
performs CACHE MEMORY Terabyte TB 1,000,000,000,000 240 1012 1099511627776
(1 trillion)
three main Cache memory is a special high-speed memory designed
functions: to supply the processor with the most frequently requested
 Stores instructions and data. Instructions and data located in cache We have come to the end of our fifth lesson in our series of
data for processing. memory can be accessed many times faster than instructions lessons. See you next week, and remember that if you fail to
 Stores instructions for processing the data. and data located in main memory. The more instructions and prepare, you should be prepared to fail.
 Stores processed data (information) that is waiting to be data the processor can access directly from cache memory,
sent to an output or secondary storage device. the faster the computer runs as a whole. Natalee A. Johnson teaches at Ardenne High School. Send questions and
comments to [email protected]



SBA skills – analysis

and interpretation (AI)
MONACIA WILLIAMS  What is the significance of the control? If the control is between the water on the outside of the strip and the vacuolar
Contributor compared with the test experiment, what differences can be sap causing the movement of water into the vacuoles of the
OW ARE you all this week? Have you been enjoying the seen? Will these differences help me to draw a conclusion?

cells of the tissue. This increased the volume of the vacuoles
lessons so far? I hope you have, because I have  The discussion must be written in essay form using causing them to become swollen, forcing the cytoplasm to
certainly enjoyed presenting them to you! I hope that paragraphs, never as answers to questions. In other words, the press against the cell wall. This increases the turgidity of the
you have not been fazed by the many challenges that you have questions are a guide and not a format for your discussion. cells so the strip becomes turgid and firm. The pure water has
encountered so far and that you will continue to feel that the only water molecules so it is considered to be hypotonic to the
 If there were any potential sources of error, these should be
world is still there for you to conquer. vacuolar contents (sap), that is, the concentration of water
identified and included. These may include inaccuracies in
This week we will look at another SBA skill, analysis and molecules was more in the petri dish than in the potato so this
measuring volumes, reading balances and measuring time.
interpretation (AI). This is a skill that presents a lot of created the concentration gradient causing water to move into
problems for students. However, there is a method that you  If any precautions were taken, these must also be included.
the potato strip.
can use to develop and master it. What is this method? Simply This may include ensuring that temperatures are kept constant.
The potato strip placed in salt solution decreased in length
this – treat every experimental write-up as an AI lab; in  Any factor that could have affected the accuracy of your by the same percentage 0.33 per cent. This was due to
essence, they all are! Do this and the writing up of labs results must also be included. This is your limitation. movement of water out of the vacuoles of the cells of the
designated as AI will become second nature. Before you even Limitations must always be included in your experimental
realise what has happened, you would have mastered the skill! tissue. This caused a decrease in the volume of the vacuoles
write-up. If you do not include one, you will lose a mark. Do
Laboratory exercises conducted for analysis and and caused them to shrink, causing the cytoplasm to move
not confuse sources of error and precautions with limitations!
interpretation are no different from those done for observation, from the cell wall decreasing the turgidity of the cells. The
A limitation could be the number of repeats that you did for
recording, and reporting. Data obtained from carrying out tissue then becomes flaccid. The salt solution contains
your experiment. Were they adequate for a valid conclusion to
experiments must be analysed, compared, interpreted and be drawn? sodium and chloride ions along with water molecules and is
conclusions drawn. considered to be hypertonic to the vacuolar sap, that is, the
 Your presentation ends with a conclusion. This should be concentration of water molecules was less in the petri dish
So then, how should you write up your experiment? The
about one sentence and it represents a brief answer to the aim
outline is the same as for ORR. You begin with the date, and than in the potato so a concentration gradient was created and
or the hypothesis that generated the experiment.
this is very important. You need to remember that the date is water moved from the potato into the petri dish.
the date of the day on which you did the experiment and not Below is an example of a discussion that was done for an
experiment, the aim of which was:
the date of the day on which you write it up. Date is followed
by topic, aim, the apparatus/raw materials, method,  The potato strip was only left in the solutions for 30 min;
observation, discussion and, finally, the conclusion. For AI, To investigate the effects of osmosis on plant tissue. extending the time may have improved the results.
however, the focus is on the discussion rather than on the Osmosis is the movement of water particles from an area of  More strips could have been used or the class results could
observation/results and method of write-up. Let us turn our high concentration to an area of low concentration across a have been averaged.
attention to this: selectively permeable membrane. A membrane is said to be
selectively permeable when it allows only certain molecules to
pass through it. Since this movement is passive (does not
THE DISCUSSION The effects of osmosis on plant cells vary depending on
require energy), a concentration gradient has to be present for
 This begins with an introduction in which you will it to take place. whether the cells are placed in a hypotonic or hypertonic
introduce your experiment, using background theoretical Plant tissue (potato strip) was used because it is made up of solution. If plant tissue is placed in a hypotonic solution, it
information. This theoretical information must be related to the cells and all cells have selectively permeable membranes. becomes firm and turgid but if it is placed in a hypertonic
experiment that you have just done. Additionally, all plant cells have vacuoles which contain solution, it shrinks and becomes flaccid.
 The discussion must involve an analysis of the results you vacuolar sap surrounded by vacuolar membranes. Vacuolar  Having written your discussion, now go back and read over
have recorded even if they do not fit what you expected to find. membranes are also selectively permeable. Both potato strips your experiment. Have you done justice to it?
Questions that you can ask yourself include: How do these changed in length and texture due to either gain or loss of See you next week!
results compare with what was expected? What is the water.
significance of the changes that were seen? The answers to The potato strip placed in water increased in length by 0.33 Monacia Williams is an independent contributor. Send questions and
these are included in the discussion. per cent. This was due to concentration gradient which existed comments to [email protected]



Consumer arithmetic
CLEMENT RADCLIFFE = 26 - 11 = 15 Example 2:
Contributor 6 6 Schools were offered a 10% discount on the purchase of
AVING REVIEWED this topic, let us complete it by football gear. If a set of gear is valued at $150,000, how much

H checking the answers to last week’s practice exercise. If

you are having difficulty, check the information presented
Evaluating the denominator, we first convert to fractions:
5 x 8 = 40
2 3 6
less was paid?

Solution: 10% of $150,000 = 10 x $150,000 = $15,000.

1. Calculate the value of 61/2 x 5 + 3 Dividing: = 15 ÷ 40 = 15 x 6 = 3 100
3 4 6 6 6 40 8 The school paid $15,000 less.
Solution N.B. The amount the school paid may also be found as
61/2 x 5 + 3. N.B.: The line in the question represents brackets and so the follows: 90 x $150,000 = $135,000.
3 4 denominator could have been first evaluated. 100
The first step, of course, is to evaluate the product according The cost price represents 100%. Therefore, if there is a
to BOMDAS. PRACTICE discount of 10%, then the selling price is 90%.
... 61/2 x 5 = 13 x 5 = 65. The amount paid less is $150,000 - $135,000 = $15,000.
3 2 3 6 Calculate the values of: The next situation is:
Completing, 65 + 3 = 130 + 9 Converting both to fractions of 12 i) 3.122 - 1.053 ii) 32/3 + 51/2 x 1/4 (B) Finding percentages, given the values.
6 4 12 12 4 1 / 2 - 21 / 5
= 139 Example 1:
12 The lesson this week will continue with a review of selected Express 3m. as a percentage of 8m.
Alternatively: areas of consumer arithmetic. Some popular topics are cost (a) 30% (b) 37.5% (c) 62.5% (d) 130%
65 + 3 price, selling price, discount, sales tax, hire purchase, simple Solution: 3 x 100 = 37.5%
6 4 As the LCM of 6 and 4 is 12 and compound interest. 8
65 x 2 + 3 x 3 The concept of percentage is fundamental to these topics, as Therefore, the answer is (c).
12 our review will illustrate. This is the basis of finding values such as percentage loss or
= 130 + 9 = 139 The following extract was taken from the syllabus: gain, percentage tax discount, etc.
12 12
Example 2:
2. Simplify (31/3 - 15/8) ÷ 11/3 Convert among fractions, Conversion of percentages A radio cassette, which costs $5,000, was sold for $4,500.
Solution percentages and decimals to fractions and decimals Find the percentage loss.
Using the order indicated by BOMDAS, we evaluate within Solution:
the brackets by first converting the fractions: Convert from one set of Conversion within the metric Profit = Selling price - Cost price
31/3 -15/8 = 10 - 13 (LCM of 3 and 8 is 24) units to another scale and currency = $4,500 - $5,000 = -$500 the loss = $500
3 8 conversion. The percentage loss = Loss x 100
= (8 x 10) - (3 x 13) = 80 - 39 = 41 Cost Price
24 24 24 500 x 100 = 10%
Dividing next, 41 ÷ 4 = 41 x 3 = 41 5,000
24 3 24 4 32 Percentage is a fraction with its denominator being 100. Therefore, the percentage loss is 10%.
Therefore, a % = a Please note that percentage gain and loss are calculated as a
3. Find the value of: 18.45 - (3.75)
2 100 fraction of cost price. A common error is to use the selling
Solution It should be noted that a percentage may be expressed as a price.
18.45 - (3.75) = 18.45 - (3.75 x 3.75) = 18.45 - 14.06 decimal fraction or as a vulgar fraction, for example: The third situation is:
= 4.39 You should use a calculator. 40% = 40 = 2 = .40 (C) Problems involving percentages.
100 5
4. Calculate the value of: 4 1/3 - 15/6 I will illustrate by looking at three situations in which the Example 1:
21/2 x 22/3 problems may be presented: If 30 % of a number is 69, then the number is
Solution (A) Finding the value representing a certain percentage. (a) 90 (b) 230 (c) 189 (d) 139
The line represents brackets and so the numerator may be Solution: If 30 % of a number is 69, then the number is
evaluated first. Example 1: Find 30% of $7,200. equivalent to 100 %.
41/3 - 15/6 = 13 - 11 Solution: 30 x $7,200 = $2,160. Therefore, 100% represents 100 x 69 = 230
3 6 The LCM of 3 and 6 is 6 100 30
= (2 x 13) - (1 x 11) This is the basis of finding values such as profit and loss, Therefore, the answer is (b).
6 sales tax, general consumption tax, discount, etc.


yl:chemistry yl:mathematics

If 30% of a number is 69.
Then 1 % of the number is 69 30
Then 100% of the number is 69 x 100 = 230.
This is the basis of finding values such as cost

price and selling price, hire purchase, etc.

Example 2:
A set of tools is priced at $6,300 plus GCT
(general consumption tax) of 17.5%. How much is
actually paid for the tools?

Solution: Cost price is $6,300. Since the tax is

17.5%, then 17.5 x $6,300 =
FRANCINE TAYLOR-CAMPBELL Other examples of covalent bonding are carbon dioxide $1,102.50 100
Contributor (CO2), oxygen (O2), chlorine (Cl2), methane (CH4), and ... The amount paid is $6,300 + $1,102.50 =
TOMS BOND in order to have a full shell (or an octet of ammonia (NH3).

A electrons) which makes them stable. When atoms have

a full shell, we say they have attained a noble gas
Groups of covalently bonded atoms join together to form
molecules. These can form simple molecular or giant
molecular structures.
N.B.: As the amount represents 117.5%, you
could also have found it as follows:
117.5 x $6,300 = $7,402.50
Atoms can bond in two main ways. They can share Ionic or electrovalent bonding involves the transfer of 100
electrons or they may transfer electrons from one atom to electrons between two atoms. One atom loses electrons
another. (gives up) and the other atom gains (accepts) electrons. This In summary, the following points should be noted:
It is the outer or valence electrons only that are involved in type of bonding usually occurs between a metal and a non-  Percentage is a fraction of 100.
bonding. metal. The metal loses electrons to form cations and the non-  The whole is represented by 100%.
Covalent bonding describes the sharing of electrons metal gains electrons to form anions.  If the whole is increased by x%, then the value
between two atoms in order to get a complete (filled) outer Cations are positively charged ions. Anions are negatively becomes (100 + x )%.
shell. This type of bonding usually takes place between two charged ions. In an ionic compound, the negative and  If the whole is reduced by x%, then the value
non-metals. positive charges cancel out each other. becomes (100 - x )%.
The bonding in water is covalent. Water is H2O, which The bonding in NaCl is ionic.
consists of atoms of hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). EC of Na = 2:8:1 (loses 1 electron to have a full shell)
EC of H = 1; H needs one more electron to have a full (1st) EC of Cl = 2:8:7 (gains 1 electron to have a full shell) NOW FOR YOUR HOMEWORK
shell Na loses its one outer electron to form Na+ (cation) 1. Mr King bought a motor car for $1,900,000. The
EC of O = 2:6; O needs 2 more electrons to have a full (2nd Cl gains one electron to form Cl- (anion) value of the car depreciated by 5% each year.
shell) The ions in the sodium chloride forms an ionic lattice of Calculate the value of the car after two years.
So O and H can share one electron each to get a full outer negative and positive ions which attract each other.
shell. This requires two H atoms to share (1 electron each) 2. In a certain country, electricity charges are
with an O atom (sharing 2 electrons). calculated based on the following table:

Fixed charge Charge per kWh used

$3,500 $2.30

(i) Calculate the electricity charges for a customer

who used 1,200kWh.
There is a government tax of 17.5% on the
electricity charges.

(ii) Calculate the tax on the customer’s electricity

charges, giving your answer to the nearest cent.
Examples of substances which have ionic bonds are MgO,
Na2O, CaCl2, NaBr, KCl, Al2O3 and LiF. (iii) Calculate the total amount paid by the
The negative and positive ions in an ionic compound form customer.
crystals with a repeating unit having a giant ionic structure.
El Clement Radcliffe is an independent contributor.
Francine Taylor-Campbell is an independent contributor. Send questions Send questions and comments to
and comments to [email protected] [email protected]
Electrons being shared in methane


yl:social studies

Changes in the roles and responsibilities

of family members in Caribbean society

XPLAIN THE causes and effects of the changes in the

E roles of family members in Caribbean society.

Although, to a great extent, there is still a clear distinction

between women’s work and men’s work in our society today,
the changing roles of the members of the family have occurred
and have resulted in and/or created role conflict in many
families as many persons are opposed to carrying out new
functions that are being introduced to them.


1. Employment opportunities: The high cost of living in the
region has forced most women to become a part of the labour
force. Therefore, as a result of the increase in employment
opportunities for women, they are now sharing the
breadwinner’s role with their partners.
2. Family planning empowerment of women and the varying
contraception methods have helped women to become more
focused on a career rather than child-bearing. JERMAINE BARNABY/PHOTOGRAPHER
3. Available technology or the increase in technology has It’s hard work for these students of Clan Clarty High School, as they clean up a mountain of garbage.
had a two-fold effect: First, women are now able to do work
once dominated by men. Second, household chores are easily
no longer sit in abusive relationships but will move on as they became distanced from the household and their families in
and quickly carried out. order to provide for them financially. The problem may have
are now able to sustain themselves.
4. The women’s liberation movement, which echoed the call
 Many once-traditional male occupations have been opened increased; this is because of the growing rates of abandonment
for the equality of sexes and led to the women’s right to females so men are now competing for jobs that they once and illegitimacy. This has led to the development of welfare
movement, has helped with the equality of opportunities for felt were only for men. programmes to assist widowed, abandoned or unmarried
women as for men.  It is felt that the sharing of gender roles in the home and at women in supporting their children.
5. Educational opportunities have led to the gender roles in the workplace has created an identity crisis for males. In addition to the growing self-sufficiency of women, related
the home being shared in most households. The right to equal  Male marginalisation has become obvious as the call for the trends such as declining fertility, increasing rates of divorce
educational and job opportunities has helped in the promoting and remarriage and childbirth outside of marriage have
equal sharing of authority and decision making in the home
of equality of the sexes. resulted in many women being forced to take on the role of
has led to some men feeling marginalised. In the Caribbean,
6. Over time, the status of women in society has changed. fathers. As if all this was not enough, society has changed the
where manhood is well celebrated and is largely defined by
Especially as households become matrifocal, women are now man’s role from traditional to multiple, undefined roles for
one’s earning capacity, if the male cannot supply his family many fathers in our society.
participating in the decision-making process in the family. The with income, his role in the nuclear family is not a satisfying
belief that the man is the sole decision maker has changed. one. The result of this is what is referred to as the ‘marginal or
absent male’. ACTIVITY
EFFECTS OF CHANGING ROLES AND 1. State four factors that are responsible for the changes in
RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE CARIBBEAN the roles and responsibilities of family members in the
Caribbean and explain how each factor contributes to this
 Development of women’s self-esteem and It has been argued that men were primarily to serve as change.
confidence/independence of women. breadwinners and they were also responsible for providing 2. Suggest three effects of this change in roles and
 Many traditional roles have been reversed as women are moral values and religious education to their children. responsibility of men and women in the Caribbean.
now being assisted with the domestic roles by men, which However, with the dawn of industrialisation and urbanisation
many persons believe is causing a role conflict. and as factories emerged as major sources of employment, Maureen Campbell teaches at St Hugh’s High School. Send questions and
 There is an increase in the independence of women who will fathers had to travel long distances to find or to go to work and comments to [email protected]


yl:social studies

The office (continued)

HYACINTH TUGMAN  sometimes files are being used by another department and that Software is divided into two main groups – system software and
Contributor prevents quick access to needed services – this could result in application software.
HE SIZE of the organisation does affect the nature of the serious delays. System software consist of operating software and utility

T duties and responsibilities an employee is given. For

example, in a large organisation an employee’s task will be
more specialised and specific to the department in which he or she
 could prevent other staff members from developing those skills
performed in the centralised department, for example, staff
members in the other departments may not learn to type, file
Application software are known as productivity software. They
are designed to perform specific tasks such as:
works. In a small organisation, however, an employee’s duties and documents or use specialised machinery, etc.  word-processing
responsibilities will be more extensive and varied. For example, a  spreadsheet
receptionist may perform multiple tasks such as receiving and Decentralisation – This refers to a situation where various office ERGONOMICS
distributing mail, being in charge of accounts payable and services that support the organisation’s operation are located in Ergonomics is the science of designing the job, equipment and
receivable and even tidying up the office. each department throughout the company, for example, duplicating workplace to fit the worker. Proper ergonomics design is necessary
equipment, computer and filing facilities can be found in almost to prevent:
Centralisation: This refers to an arrangement whereby office every department. Everyone in the department may have access or  Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) which can develop over time and
services which are used by all departments or sections, for just one or two individuals. can lead to long-term disability.
example computing, filing, mail handling, reprographics data  Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).
processing, etc, are organised at some central point, usually under DISADVANTAGE OF DECENTRALISATION  Back injury.
the direction of a supervisor or manager.  can create duplication of equipment and labour – these can lead
to strain on the company’s resources (human and equipment). TYPES OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT
ADVANTAGE OF CENTRALISATION  untrained personal can cause equipment to break down due to  Computer – Some of the many tasks performed by the
improper use – this can lead to a loss of productivity. computer are already mentioned above.
 better control over quality of work.  Guillotine – Used to cut paper to precise specifications.
 greater focus on standardisation of work.  Shredder – Shred documents that may compromise the
 staff become more specialised and skilled in carrying their job USE OF COMPUTER/SOFTWARE IN BUSINESSES
company’s security or privacy.
functions. Office workers use computers to perform many tasks:
 Risograph – Copies documents on a large scale where hundred
 equipment kept at one place instead of being spread around the  write letters and messages.
or thousands of copies of the same document is desired.
building.  send and receive emails.
 Fax machine – Receives and sends information electronically.
 noisy machinery is located in one place.  access saved data.
 administration control can be more effective.  share the use of relevant files. Next week, I will complete the last section of this unit. Your
 make calculations using spreadsheet. assignment is to identify other office equipment, give their function
DISADVANTAGE OF CENTRALISATION and name some operating software.
Computer software is the non-physical or intangible part of a
 time is wasted when staff has to leave department and wait to be computer system which tells the hardware parts such as the CPU, Hyacinth Tugman is an independent contributor. Send questions and
served in centralised office. monitor and the keyboard what to do. comments to [email protected]

Short- and long-term financing

of business

YVONNE HARVEY loans. They may raise this loan capital on basis. Short term refers to up to one year; example, a firm may place an order for
Contributor a short-term basis or on a long-term medium term is two to five years. raw materials, pay for it with finance and
REETINGS, ONE and all. There is basis, by borrowing from the financial Although the money market is used anticipate covering this finance by selling

G lots in store for you all this week.

As budding entrepreneurs, you
must have realised that all forms of
market. The money market and the capital
market are under the financial market.
mainly by everyday consumers who want
to buy consumer durables such as
furniture and cars, businesses also want
these goods over the period of a year.
Many methods (sources) are open to
firms to seek short-term financing. These
businesses require some amount of THE MONEY MARKET short-term financing. These short-term include:
capital. funds are usually for businesses to run  overdrafts
Different forms of businesses raise The money market is a market where their day-to-day operations, including  short-term loans
their capital in different ways. Many firms, individuals or the government can payment of wages to employees,
businesses raise their capital through get money to borrow on a short-term inventory ordering and supplies. For CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE


yl:English language yl:principles of
business (continued)
Eliminating  bills of exchange
 letters of credit
 treasury bills
 promissory notes
 inventory loan
 commercial paper

errors in writing
The institutions involved in giving short-term loans include:
 Commercial banks: Give loans to purchase assets such as cars, household appliances,
vacations, etc.
 Merchant banks: Provide short-term capital to importers and exporters in the form of letters
MELISSA MCKENZIE remember one of the concord rules? A plural of credit, For example, Capital and Credit Merchant Bank.
Contributor subject takes a plural verb. Hence, the sentence  Finance houses: Provide credit for hire purchase and other kinds of installment credit. They
ELLO, STUDENTS! Now that you are should have read: Some students enjoy reading. acquire funds from shareholders or from commercial banks. For example, Industrial Finance

H armed with knowledge of the English A

syllabus and you can recognise some of
the nuances that exist in the English language, it
 It is an big issue. The general rule is that the
article ‘an’ is used before a singular, uncountable
noun which begins with vowel sounds. Therefore,
 Credit unions: Loans are given to members only who have share capital. Loans are given up
to three times the share capital and interest on loans is relatively low.
is time to begin applying the skills that are of using ‘an’ before ‘big’, which clearly does not  Partner hand: An individual receives a loan or advance when he receives the entire ‘hand’ or
great importance in order to do well in this begin with a vowel sound, is incorrect. The ‘draw’, unless he receives the final or last ‘hand’ or ‘draw’.
subject. correct sentence is: It is a big issue.  Discount houses: Treasury bills, bills of exchange and other short-term securities are bought
It has already been established that expression  Her teacher’s are angry. This is incorrect and sold by discount houses. For example, The Warehouse. A security is discounted when it is
plays a decisive role in the result a student because the apostrophe is unnecessary in this bought for less than its face value. When the security matures, the face value is given to the new
receives. This means that you will have to pay case. The sentence focuses on pluralising the owner of the security who will make interest, which is the total of the difference between the
attention to how you use the mechanics of writing word teacher and, as such, teachers should have buying and selling price of the security.
and grammar. Our vernacular, Jamaican Creole, is been written. If the sentence had been referring to
a rich part of our culture but it has to be used with a bag belonging to a teacher, then the sentence
prudence in your writing. Jamaican Creole can be THE CAPITAL MARKET
would have read: The teacher’s bag. Please note
used in the conversation between characters When a loan is repayable between five and 30 or so years, it is obtained under the capital
that next week’s lesson will focus on the proper
when you are writing your stories, but the market. The rate of interest in the capital market is much lower than in the money market. The
use of punctuation marks.
examination requires that you use standard capital market trades in securities with a lifespan of more than one year.
 His mother is going to deal with his case. This
English in your responses. Therefore, your These include:
is an example of the transferring of Creole in
summaries, stories and essays must be  bonds  stocks  shares
formal writing. You are not expected to write in
grammatically and structurally sound.  fixed deposits  term deposits
the same way in which you speak everyday social
Below I have written some sentences that discourse and so a mistake like this has no place.
contain typical examples of several errors that The institutions involved in giving loans on a long-term basis include:
His mother is going to punish him very harshly is
may appear in students’ writing. Let’s hope you a better way to write this sentence.  commercial banks  merchant banks
are not guilty of any and, if you are, there is no
 That boy needs to behave hisself. There is no
time like the present to begin eliminating them You will notice that commercial and merchant banks are involved in both short- and long-
such word as ‘hisself’ in the English language and
from your written work. term financing.
so the correct reflexive pronoun that should have
been used is ‘himself’. Please note also that it is  Insurance companies: Lend money to their clients directly and have policies wherein their
ERRORS incorrect to say ‘theirselves’. ‘Themselves’ is the clients can borrow money from these policies and pay back over a long period of time.
1. Some students enjoys to read. accepted pronoun.  Unit trusts
2. It is an big issue. Please work on the remaining five sentences  Investment trusts
3. Her teacher’s were very angry. and next week we will see if you identified the  Development banks: For example, The Caribbean Development Bank and The Inter-American
4. His mother is going to deal with his case. errors. In the upcoming lessons we will work Development Bank. These give loans for the improvement of particular sectors of an economy
5. That boy needs to behave hisself. through the rules that guide the proper use of or for certain infrastructure so that economic development can take place.
6. Firefighters safe many life. mechanics and grammar. Familiarising  Building societies: Loans are available for up to 30 years to build on own land, purchase
7. I need to constantrate if am going to solve yourselves with these rules will minimise the home on the open market, buy land or for home improvement. These loans are referred to as
this equation. appearance of these kinds of errors in your mortgages.
8. His head hurted him. writing.  Government agencies: For example, the Jamaica Industrial Development Corporation (JIDC).
9. The price of groustries have gone up. I hope this lesson has proven to be quite eye- You can do some research on unit trusts and investment trusts so that you can have an idea
10. Parents must provide for there children. opening. Coming up, we will be looking at of the type of loans they give.
Did you spot the errors? I hope you did. There punctuation marks and how they are used. Until The capital market is used by governments because it allows them to borrow large sums of
were spelling, grammatical and use of mechanics then, I leave this quote with you: money for long periods of time. Governments borrow from the International Monetary Fund, the
errors. These are the kinds of errors that affect the “In order to succeed, your desire for success World Bank, the European Union and developments banks.
weighting a student may receive for expression. must be greater than your fear of failure.” Next week, the lesson will consider regulatory practices in setting up various forms of
Let us work through five together. The rest you – Bill Cosby businesses. I hope you are all looking forward to the lesson as much as I am. Take care until
will do on your own. then.
 Some students enjoys to read. This is incorrect Melissa McKenzie is a teacher at the Old Harbour High
because in this sentence the verb enjoys does not School. Send questions and comments to kerry- Yvonne Harvey teaches at Glenmuir High School? Send questions and comments to
agree with the subject students. Do you [email protected] [email protected]


yl:principles of accounts

Recording transactions
in the ledger
ROXANNE WRIGHT 2 Buying an asset and paying by cheque:
Contributor On February 14, 2014 bought a motor van for $540,000 paying by cheque.
HE LEDGER is a special book in which transactions are recorded; simply put, it is a book Reason out what is to be done:

T in which accounts are kept.

Format of the ledger

ƌ͘ dŝƚůĞŽĨĐĐŽƵŶƚ      ƌ͘ Ğďŝƚ Žƌ ƌĞĚŝƚ Ğďŝƚ ƌĞĚŝƚ
ĂƚĞ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ ŵƚ͘ ĂƚĞ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ ŵƚ͘ ŶƚƌŝĞƐ͗
     DŽƚŽƌ sĂŶ ͬĐ
NB: The line between the amount column and the date columns separates the debit side from ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ
the credit side of the account and represents the equal sign in the accounting equation. &Ğď ϭϰ ĂŶŬ ϱϰϬϬϬϬ
Rules for recording assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses:


ƐƐĞƚƐ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ
>ŝĂďŝůŝƚŝĞƐ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ &Ğďϭϰ DŽƚŽƌ sĂŶ ϱϰϬϬϬϬ
ƋƵŝƚLJ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ ƌ͘
3 Buying an asset on credit:
ZĞǀĞŶƵĞ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ On February 20, 2014 bought a computer from A&E Computer World for $120,000 to be
džƉĞŶƐĞƐ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ ƌ͘ paid for at a later date.
Reason out what is to be done:
Simply put: ĐĐŽƵŶƚƐ ĂĨĨĞĐƚĞĚ ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ ΘŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ tŽƌůĚ
An increase in an account is recorded on the same side as its balance, while a decrease is
ĂƚĞŐŽƌLJ ƐƐĞƚ >ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ
recorded on the opposite side.
1. Buying of an asset for cash:
On February 3, 2014 bought furniture and fittings for $30,000 paying by cash. Ğďŝƚ Žƌ ƌĞĚŝƚ Ğďŝƚ ƌĞĚŝƚ
Reason out what is to be done:
ĂƚĞŐŽƌLJ ƐƐĞƚƐ ƐƐĞƚ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ
Ğďŝƚ Žƌ ƌĞĚŝƚ Ğďŝƚ ƌĞĚŝƚ
Θ ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ tŽƌůĚ
Entries: ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ
ƌ͘ &ƵƌŶŝƚƵƌĞΘ&ŝƚƚŝŶŐƐͬĐ ƌ͘ &ĞďϮϬ ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ ϭϮϬϬϬϬ
ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ
&Ğďϲ ĂƐŚ ϯϬϬϬϬ This is an appropriate point at which to end this week’s presentation. Always remember, “You
have to learn the rules of the game and, when you have, to play better than anyone else”.
ƌ͘ ĂƐŚ ͬĐ ƌ͘ Look out next week for a presentation on prime entry books. See you then.
ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ ϮϬϭϰ ĞƚĂŝůƐ &ŽůŝŽ Ψ
Roxanne Wright teaches at Immaculate Academy. Send questions and comments to
&Ğďϲ &ƵƌŶŝƚƵƌĞ Θ &ŝƚƚŝŶŐƐ ϯϬϬϬϬ [email protected]


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