Quick Start Guide Cisco CP Express
Quick Start Guide Cisco CP Express
Quick Start Guide Cisco CP Express
April 7, 2009
This document explains how to start using Cisco Configuration Professional Express
(Cisco CP Express) and Cisco Configuration Professional (Cisco CP).
Cisco CP is a GUI-based device management tool that allows you to configure Cisco IOS-based access
routers, including Cisco integrated services routers, Cisco 7200 series routers, and the Cisco 7301 router.
Cisco CP simplifies router, security, unified communications, wireless, WAN, and basic LAN
configuration through GUI-based, easy-to-use wizards. Cisco CP is installed on a PC.
Cisco CP Express is a light weight version of Cisco CP. You can use Cisco CP Express to configure basic
security features on the router’s LAN and WAN interfaces. Cisco CP Express is available on the router
Flash memory.
This document shows you how to set up a PC to connect to the router, give the router an initial network
configuration using Cisco CP Express, and then begin using Cisco CP.
This document is intended for users with one of the ordering options (SKU) listed in Table 1, and for
users who download these configuration tools from Cisco.com. Refer to the Release Notes for
Cisco Configuration Professional for information about supported routers, web browsers and plug-ins.
Cisco CP ordering options are provided to suit a variety of deployments. Table 1 describes the Cisco CP
ordering options, the deployment each supports, and how this document can be used.
Americas Headquarters:
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
ORDERING OPTION (SKU) CD and Configuration File Which Task Sections You Can Use
CCP-CD Cisco CP CD? You can use the following task sections of this
This option lets you use Yes. The Cisco CP CD is provided. document:
Cisco CP Express to set up Default Configuration File in NVRAM? • Task 2: Install Interface Cards, and Cable the
an individual router when Router
you receive it, and to install Yes. A default configuration file is in
NVRAM, so the router will have a basic • Task 4: Configure the IP Address on the PC
Cisco CP from the CD and
begin using it. configuration with an IP address on • Task 5: Connect the PC to the Router
• Task 6: Run the Cisco CP Express Wizard
Default Configuration File in Flash?
• Task 7: Verify the Initial Configuration
Yes. The router can be given a factory
default configuration at any time using • Task 8: Install Cisco CP
the Cisco CP Express Restore To • Task 9: Start Using Cisco CP
Factory Defaults feature.
CCP-CD-NOCF Cisco CP CD? You can use the following task sections of this
This option gives you the Yes. The Cisco CP CD is provided. document:
flexibility of loading a Default Configuration File in NVRAM? • Task 2: Install Interface Cards, and Cable the
configuration on the router Router
by using a TFTP server or No. If a console session is established
with the router, the Setup Command • Task 3: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
by other means, and allows
for batch configuration. If Facility starts automatically • Task 8: Install Cisco CP
you start a console session, Default Configuration File in Flash? • Task 9: Start Using Cisco CP
the Setup Command Facility
Yes. The router can be given a factory
starts automatically.
default configuration at any time using
the Cisco CP Express Restore To
Factory Defaults feature.
CCP-EXPRESS Cisco CP CD? You can use the following task sections of this
This option lets you use No. The Cisco CP CD is not provided. If document:
Cisco CP Express to set up you want to use Cisco CP, you can • Task 1: Download the Cisco CP Files
an individual router when download it from the following page:
• Task 2: Install Interface Cards, and Cable the
you receive it. If you want
http://www.cisco.com/go/ciscocp Router
Cisco CP, you can
download it from Default Configuration File in NVRAM? • Task 4: Configure the IP Address on the PC
www.cisco.com. Yes. A default configuration file is in • Task 5: Connect the PC to the Router
NVRAM, so the router will have a basic
• Task 6: Run the Cisco CP Express Wizard
configuration with an IP address on
startup. • Task 7: Verify the Initial Configuration
Default Configuration File in Flash? • Task 8: Install Cisco CP
Yes. The router can be given a factory • Task 9: Start Using Cisco CP
default configuration at any time using
the Cisco CP Express Restore To
Factory Defaults feature.
ORDERING OPTION (SKU) CD and Configuration File Which Task Sections You Can Use
CCP-EXPRESS-NOCF Cisco CP CD? You can use the following task sections of this
This option gives you the No. The Cisco CP CD is not provided. If document:
flexibility of loading a you want to use Cisco CP, you can • Task 1: Download the Cisco CP Files
configuration on the router download it from the following page:
• Task 2: Install Interface Cards, and Cable the
by using a TFTP server or
http://www.cisco.com/go/ciscocp Router
by other means, and allows
for batch configuration. If Default Configuration File in NVRAM? • Task 3: Configure the Router for Cisco CP
you start a console session, No. If a console session is established • Task 8: Install Cisco CP
the Setup Command Facility with the router, the Setup Command
starts automatically. Facility starts automatically • Task 9: Start Using Cisco CP
Who Should Use this Section If you did not receive the CD, but you want to install and use Cisco CP,
use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If you received the CD, skip this section, and go to Task 2: Install Interface
Cards, and Cable the Router.
Step 5 In the Download page for the release that you chose, click the link Cisco-config-pro-k9-pkg-N_N-ln.zip
to download Cisco CP. In this filename, N_N represents the version number and ln represents the
language. If you wanted English-language Cisco CP 1.1, you would click on the link
Step 6 Save the downloaded file to the PC.
This package will be used in Task 8: Install Cisco CP, page 17.
Who Should Use this Section If you are setting up a new router, use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If you are installing Cisco CP to manage a router that is already in use, you
can skip this section.
Before Cisco CP Express can be used, you must install all the necessary hardware accessories that are
applicable to your router, such as WAN interface cards (WICs), network modules (NMs), or advanced
interface module (AIM) cards that you will use to connect to the network. Refer to the quick start guide
or hardware installation guide for your router for instructions on installing these interface cards, cabling
the router, and verifying that all the connections are working properly.
Who Should Use this Section If your ordering option does not include a configuration file in NVRAM,
and you want to use Cisco CP Express or Cisco CP, use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If your ordering option includes a configuration file in NVRAM, you can
skip this section. The router is configured to support Cisco CP Express and
Cisco CP.
Cisco CP Express and Cisco CP require the following basic configuration in order to connect to the
router and manage it.
• An http or https server must be enabled with local authentication.
• A local user account with privilege level 15 and accompanying password must be configured.
• Vty line with protocol ssh/telnet must be enabled with local authentication. This is needed for
interactive commands.
• An http timeout policy must be configured with the parameters shown in the following procedure to
avoid a known launch issue with Cisco CP.
• The PC on which Cisco CP is to run and the interface through which Cisco CP will be launched must
be configured with IP addresses from the same subnet.
There are two ways that you can ensure that the router configuration meets these requirements:
• You can copy the default configuration file from router Flash memory to router NVRAM. Each
ordering option provides the default configuration file in router Flash memory. To use this method,
see Copying the Default Configuration File to Router NVRAM.
• You can use the Cisco IOS CLI to enter the necessary configuration commands. To use this method,
see Entering the Configuration Commands Manually.
Step 1 Log on to the router through the Console port or through an Ethernet port.
Step 2 If you use the Console port, and no running configuration is present in the router, the Setup command
Facility starts automatically, and displays the following text:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Enter no so that you can enter Cisco IOS CLI commands directly.
If the Setup Command Facility does not start automatically, a running configuration is present, and you
should go to the next step.
Step 3 When the router displays the user EXEC mode prompt, enter the enable command, and the enable
password, if one is configured, as shown below:
Router> enable
password password
Step 4 To identify the default configuration file, enter the show flash command. The filename is of the form
cpconfig-modelnumber.cfg, where modelnumber represents the router series. For example the
configuration file name for the Cisco 860 and 880 series routers is cpconfig-8xx.cfg.
Router# show flash
-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path
1 2903 Apr 15 2008 20:34:48 +00:00 cpconfig-8xx.cfg
2 115712 Apr 15 2008 20:34:50 +00:00 home.tar
3 2279424 Apr 15 2008 20:34:54 +00:00 cpexpress.tar
Step 5 To copy the default configuration file to router NVRAM, enter the copy flash: nvram: command, as
shown in the following example:
Router# copy flash: cpconfig-8xx.cfg nvram:
When the default configuration file is in NVRAM, it becomes the router startup configuration.
Step 6 To make the new startup configuration the running configuration, so that the router can support Cisco
CP, enter the copy startup-config running-config command, as shown in the following example:
Router# copy startup-config running-config
Step 1 Log on to the router through the Console port or through an Ethernet port.
Step 2 If you use the Console port, and no running configuration is present in the router, the Setup command
Facility starts automatically, and displays the following text:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Enter no so that you can enter Cisco IOS CLI commands directly.
If the Setup Command Facility does not start automatically, a running configuration is present, and you
should go to the next step.
Step 3 When the router displays the user EXEC mode prompt, enter the enable command, and the enable
password, if one is configured, as shown in the following example:
Router> enable
password password
Step 4 Enter config mode by entering the config terminal command, as shown in the following example.
Router> config terminal
Step 5 Using the command syntax shown, create a user account with privilege level 15.
Router(config)# username name privilege 15 secret 0 password
Step 6 If no router interface is configured with an IP address, configure one so that you can access the router
over the network. The following example shows the interface Fast Ethernet 0 configured.
Router(config)# int FastEthernet0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# exit
If you are going to connect the PC directly to the router, the PC must be on the same subnet as this
Step 7 Configure the router as an http server for nonsecure communication, or as an https server for secure
To configure the router as an http server, enter the ip http server command shown in the example:
Router(config)# ip http server
To configure the router as an https server, enter the ip http secure-server command shown in the
Router(config)# ip http secure-server
Step 8 Configure the router for local authentication, by entering the ip http authentication local command, as
shown in the example:
Router(config)# ip http authentication local
Step 10 Configure the vty lines for privilege level 15. For nonsecure access, enter the transport input telnet
command. For secure access, enter the transport input telnet ssh command. An example of these
commands follows:
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# privilege level 15
Router(config-line)# login local
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh
Router(config-line)# exit
Router(config)# line vty 5 15
Router(config-line)# privilege level 15
Router(config-line)# login local
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet
Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh
Router(config-line)# end
Who Should Use this Section If you are setting up a new router, and want to use Cisco CP Express to
give the router a basic configuration, use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If you don’t want to use Cisco CP Express to give the router a basic
configuration, you can skip this section.
The default configuration file assigns an IP address to a LAN interface on the router, and you must
configure the PC to be on the same subnet as the router LAN interface. If the router is a fixed-interface
model, it is configured as a DHCP server, and the PC must be configured to accept an IP address
automatically. If the router can accept modular interfaces, it is not configured as a DHCP server, and you
must configure the PC with a static IP address on the same subnet as the router.
Step 1 Find your router model number in Table 2. Note the required IP address configuration for the PC.
Note If the router model you want to configure does not appear in Table 2, see the Release Notes for
Cisco Configuration Professional for updated information.
Who Should Use this Section If you are setting up a new router, and want to use Cisco CP Express to
give the router a basic configuration, use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If you want to use Cisco CP to manage a router that is already in use, you
can skip this section.
Cisco 861W
FE 4
Figure 3 shows a general example. Use the information in Table 3 to connect the PC Ethernet port to the
correct router Ethernet port.
Note If the router model you want to connect to does not appear in Table 3, see the router hardware installation
guide for information.
Router Model Cable Type Connect the Ethernet Cable to the Port Shown
Cisco 815 Straight-through
(packed with router) WIC
Connect to any ACT Lnk port.
Cisco 850 series Straight-through
Connect to any LAN port.
Cisco 1801 Straight-through
Cisco 1802 (packed with router)
8 7 SWITCH 6 5
Cisco 1803
4 3 FE X 2 1
4 3 FE X 2 1
Connect to FE 0/0.
Router Model Cable Type Connect the Ethernet Cable to the Port Shown
Cisco 2800 Crossover, or
straight-through with
FDX A GE 0/1 GE 0/0 A
(Not included with FE 0/0 AUX PVDM2 PVDM1 PVDM0 AIM1 AIM0
straight-through with
Ethernet switch 2
Who Should Use this Section If you are setting up a new router, and want to use Cisco CP Express to
give the router a basic configuration, use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If you want to use Cisco CP to manage a router that is already in use, you
can skip this section.
Cisco CP Express is a Cisco CP program that lets you quickly configure the router LAN and Internet
connections. After you use Cisco CP Express to give the router these basic connections, you can use
Cisco CP for more complex configurations. Cis co recommends that you use the Cisco CP Express
wizard to configure the following features:
• Router name
• Username and passwords
• LAN IP address
• DHCP server, if needed.
Although you can use the wizard to configure a WAN connection, a firewall, and security settings, it is
not required that you do so. Cisco CP provides wizards to help you configure these features.
Step 1 Open a web browser on the PC, disable any active popup blockers, and enter the following URL:
Step 2 Enter the username cisco, and the password cisco in the login window. If other login windows appear
during the startup process, enter the same credentials (cisco/cisco). See the Tip section if the login
window does not appear.
Tip If the launch page does not appear when you enter the URL http://, test the connection
between the PC and the router by doing the following:
• Check that the Power LED on the router is on, and that the LED for the port to which you connected
the PC is on, indicating an active Ethernet connection between the router and the PC. If this LED is
not lit, verify that you are using a crossover cable to connect the PC to the router, or that you are
using a straight-through cable between the router and the switch.
• Verify that the web browser “work offline” option is disabled. In Internet Explorer, click the File
menu, and verify that the “work offline” option is unchecked.
• Verify that the files cpexpress.tar, home.tar, and home.shtml files are loaded into flash memory.
Open a Telnet session to, entering the username cisco and the password cisco. Enter the
show flash command to display the files that are loaded in flash memory.
Note For security reasons, the username cisco and password cisco will expire the first time they are
used. Before you log off the router, be sure to enter this Cisco IOS command:
Replace username and password with the username and password that you want to use. This
command creates a new user with privilege level 15 and a password for that user. If you do not
do this, you will not be able to log into the router after you end the session. Use the new
credentials that you create for future sessions, instead of using the username cisco and password
• Verify that the PC IP address is properly configured. Some routers require that the PC obtain an IP
address automatically and some require that it be configured with a static IP address. Find your
router in Table 2 on page 8 to determine how the PC should be configured.
When you connect to the router, the Cisco CP Express Launch page (Figure 4) appears, followed by one
or more certificate windows. The version shown in this figure is an example only. The version shown on
the launch page that you see may be different.
Tip The Cisco CP Express wizard will ask you to enter an enable secret password to control access to
Cisco IOS software. Be sure to write down or remember the enable secret password that you enter. It is
not shown in the Enable Password field or in the Summary window, and it cannot be reset without erasing
the router configuration. You are also asked to change the router’s LAN IP address from its default value.
Step 5 When the Summary window appears, write down the LAN IP address, the username and the user
password that you entered, and click Finish. You will need this information to reconnect to the router to
perform additional configuration.
Step 6 Exit Cisco CP Express and complete “Task 7: Verify the Initial Configuration” to reconfigure the PC and
reconnect to your router, using the new IP address that you gave to the LAN interface.
Who Should Use this Section If you used Cisco CP Express to give the router a basic configuration, use
this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If you did not use Cisco CP Express to give the router a basic
configuration, you can skip this section.
To verify the initial configuration by reconnecting to Cisco CP Express, complete the following tasks:
Step 1 Ensure that the IP address of the PC is on the same subnet as the router LAN interface. The steps to
follow depend on whether the PC must be configured to obtain an IP address automatically, or whether
it must be configured with a static IP address.
To configure the PC to obtain an IP address automatically, do the following:
a. Go to the Internet Protocol Properties General Tab by following the instructions in Task 4: Configure
the IP Address on the PC, page 7.
b. Click Obtain an IP address automatically, as shown in Figure 1 on page 9. Click OK to close the
c. Click Start > Run.
d. In the Run field, enter the command cmd.
e. In the displayed command window, enter the ipconfig /release command followed by the
ipconfig /renew command to obtain a new IP address from the router. When you enter these
commands you get output similar to the following:
C:\> ipconfig /release
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : somename.com
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
Note You must enter the ipconfig /release command and the ipconfig /renew command even if the
PC was originally configured to accept an IP address automatically.
Step 2 Open a web browser and enter the new IP address that you gave the router LAN interface.
For example, if you gave the LAN interface the IP address, you would enter the command
http:// in the browser.
Step 3 Enter the username and password that you specified for the router when you completed the Cisco CP
Express wizard.
If the Cisco CP Express overview window is displayed, you have validated the LAN interface
Step 4 Test the Internet (WAN) connection that you configured by opening another web browser window and
connecting to a website. If you can connect to a website, such as www.cisco.com, your WAN connection
works properly. If you cannot, you can use Cisco CP Express or Cisco CP to correct your WAN settings.
Step 5 Go to “Task 8: Install Cisco CP” to install Cisco CP.
Who Should Use this Section If you want to install Cisco CP on your PC to manage routers, use this
Who Can Skip this Section If you don’t need to use Cisco CP, you can skip this section.
You can install Cisco CP on a PC using the CD, or using the Cisco CP download file from
www.cisco.com. The download file has the same contents as the CD. First, locate the installation file,
and then start the installation wizard.
Note If you are installing Cisco CP on a PC that uses the Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition operating
system, be sure to install while using Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition in administrator mode.
You can do this by following the Microsoft Windows instructions to create an administrative account,
and then logging on to the PC using that account name and password before installing Cisco CP. Failure
to do this will require you to right-click on the Cisco CP icon or menu item, and choose Run as
administrator each time you want to run Cisco CP.
Step 1 If you are using the Cisco CP CD place it in the CD drive, and, from the PC desktop, click My
Computer. If you downloaded Cisco CP from the www.cisco.com, go to the folder in which you
unpacked the download file, and then skip to Step 3.
Step 2 CD users double-click the CD drive icon in the My Computer window, for example DVD/CD-RW Drive
Step 3 All users locate the installation file Cisco-config-pro-k9-N_N-ln.exe, where N_N is the version number,
and ln is the language. For example, the installation file for English language Cisco CP 1.1 is
• If you are installing from the CD, this file is in the root folder.
• If you are installing from the Cisco Configuration Professional package that you downloaded, unzip
the archive and locate this file.
Step 4 Double-click the installation file. The Cisco CP Installshield wizard displays the first screen (Figure 8)
The version shown in this figure is an example only. The version shown on the screen that you see may
be different.
Step 5 When the Welcome window appears (Figure 9), click Next to begin the installation.
Step 6 In the screens that follow, review the license terms, and choose where you want to install Cisco CP. In
the Ready to Install screen, click Next to begin copying the files to the PC.
Step 7 In the Install Options screen, choose where you want to create shortcuts for Cisco CP, then click Next.
Step 8 In the Install Complete screen (Figure 10), click Run Cisco Configuration Professional.
Step 9 To get an overview of Cisco CP, click Read Getting Started Guide.
Step 10 Click Finish. Cisco CP displays the screen in Figure 11. If you clicked Read Getting Started Guide, the
Getting Started Guide PDF launches in another window.The version shown in Figure 11 is an example
only. The version that you see on your computer may be different.
Step 11 Read the section “Task 9: Start Using Cisco CP” to learn how to create a community of devices and how
to use Cisco CP to configure them.
Who Should Use this Section If you installed Cisco CP on your PC to manage routers, use this section.
Who Can Skip this Section If you did not install Cisco CP, you can skip this section.
Note There are training videos available on the Cisco CP CD. To run the videos, click on the file
ciscocp-video.html and choose the video clips that you want to view.
Cisco CP works with device communities. A community consists of one or more devices that you specify
by providing their IP addresses and login credentials. After you create the community, you can begin
working with the devices in it.
This section contains the following parts:
• Creating a Community
• Creating an Initial Configuration of a Feature
• Editing a Configuration
Creating a Community
To create a community, complete the following tasks:
Step 1 If Cisco CP is not running, start it by going to Start > All Programs > CiscoCP, or by clicking the
Cisco Configuration Professional icon on the desktop. The screen in Figure 11 on page 20 appears.
When Cisco CP completes startup, the Select / Create Community screen (Figure 12) is displayed.
Step 4 In the wizard Add/Edit Community Member screen, click Add. The Create Community Entry dialog
(Figure 14) is displayed over the Add/Edit Community Member screen.
Step 5 To create the community entry, you must provide the IP address and login credentials of a device that
you want to add to the community. The username that you specify must have a privilege level of 15.
Step 6 When you have entered the community member information, click OK. The Create Community Entry
dialog closes and the Add/Edit Community Member screen is updated with the IP address of the device
you added (Figure 15).
Step 7 To add another device to the community, click Add and provide the information in the Create
Community Entry dialog.
Step 8 When you are finished adding devices to the community, click Next. The Complete screen (Figure 16)
is displayed.
Step 10 To begin using Cisco CP to configure the router, read “Creating an Initial Configuration of a Feature.”
Step 1 To start, choose the community that the device belongs to, and click OK. The Community Information
screen (Figure 18) is displayed.
Step 2 In the Community Information screen, choose the device that you want to work with, and click Discover.
Depending on network conditions, Cisco CP may take several minutes to discover the device. If you
want to work with additional devices in the community, choose them and click Discover.
Step 3 To begin configuring a discovered device, click on the row for the device, and in the left pane, click
Configure. Figure 19 shows the Configure tree expanded in the left pane.
Step 4 In the Configure tree choose the configuration task that you want to perform. The screen for that task
appears in the right pane. Figure 20 shows the Interfaces and Connections screen.
The Interfaces and Connections screen has a Create Connection Tab and an Edit Connection/Interface
tab. The Create tabs in Cisco CP screens provide access to smart wizards that guide you through the
configuration and that let you know if changes you are making will conflict with the existing
configuration. The Edit tabs provide access to screens with additional settings. It is a good practice to
create a starting configuration using the wizards, and then to examine the configuration in the screens
available from the Edit tab and make any further changes that you need.
Step 5 To begin using a wizard, click the Create or the Launch button provided on the Create tab. The wizard
welcome screen is displayed, which describes the tasks you will perform. Figure 21 shows the ADSL
connection wizard Welcome screen.
Step 6 To begin configuration using the wizard, click Next. Figure 22 shows the ADSL Encapsulation screen,
which allows you to choose the type of encapsulation to use.
Step 7 Choose or enter the values that the screen prompts you for.
Step 8 To complete the wizard, use the Next button to move to subsequent screens and complete them. When
you have entered all required values, the wizard displays the summary screen. This screen displays the
values that you have entered. Figure 23 shows the ADSL Connection Summary screen.
Step 9 Review the information. If you want to change anything, click Back to return to the screen in which you
need to make changes, make them, and then return to the Summary screen.
Step 10 Click Finish to deliver the changes to the router.
Step 11 If you want to save the running configuration to the router startup configuration or to the PC, use the
buttons described in Table 4.
Button Function
Editing a Configuration
Once a configuration has been created using a wizard, you can edit that configuration without returning
to the wizard again. Editing the configuration gives you access to additional configuration values that
are not available in the wizards. The following example procedure describes editing a Fast Ethernet
Step 1 To access the edit screens, click the Edit tab. Figure 24 on page 28 shows the Edit Interfaces/Connections
Step 2 To edit a configuration entry, double click the entry. If the screen has an Edit button, choose the entry
that you want to change and click Edit. A tabbed dialog is displayed. Figure 25 shows Interface and
Connections dialogs for a Fast Ethernet connection.
Step 4 Click the tab for the next dialog that you need to make changes in, and make those changes.
Step 5 Click OK to send the changes to the router, and to close the dialog.
You can access the Cisco website at this URL:
See the quick start guide for the router you have just configured for information on obtaining other
documentation, providing documentation feedback, and obtaining technical assistance.
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