Real Time Implementation of Eye Tracking System Using Arduino Uno Based Hardware Interface
Real Time Implementation of Eye Tracking System Using Arduino Uno Based Hardware Interface
Real Time Implementation of Eye Tracking System Using Arduino Uno Based Hardware Interface
Eye tracking system has played a significant role in many of today’s applications ranging from military
applications to automotive industries and healthcare sectors. In this paper, a novel system for eye tracking and
estimation of its direction of movement is performed. The proposed system is implemented in real time using an
arduino uno microcontroller and a zigbee wireless device. Experimental results show a successful eye tracking and
movement estimation in real time scenario using the proposed hardware interface.
Keywords — Arduino based hardware, eye tracking system, Binarization, eye region classification, Hough
transform, Viola-Jones algorithm and zigbee wireless device.
1. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and
Eye tracking is one of the significant way towards purpose of respect on surface or the look heading.
measuring either the purpose of look (where one is A basic alignment technique of the individual is
looking) or the movement of an eye with respect to generally required before utilizing the eye tracker.
the head. An eye tracker is a gadget for measuring Two general sorts of infrared/close infrared
eye positions and eye development. Eye trackers (otherwise called dynamic light) eye following
are utilized as a part of exploration on the visual procedures are utilized: enhanced pupil and dim
framework, in brain research, in psycholinguistics, pupil. Their distinction depends on the area of the
showcasing, as an information gadget for human- light source as for the optics. On the off chance that
PC cooperation, and in item plan. There are various the luminance is coaxial with the optical way, then
techniques for measuring eye development. The the eye goes about as a retroreflector as the light
most mainstream variation utilizes video pictures reflects off the retina making a splendid student
from which the eye position is extricated. Different impact like red eye. In the event that the light
techniques use look curls or depend on the source is balanced from the optical way, then the
electrooculogram. student seems dull on the grounds that the
The most broadly utilized current plans are video- retroreflection
based eye trackers. A camera concentrates on one from the retina is coordinated far from the camera.
or both eyes and records their development as the Splendid pupil following makes more noteworthy
viewer takes a consideration at some sort of boost. iris/pupil contrast, permitting more vigorous eye
Most present day eye-trackers utilize the focal point following with all iris pigmentation, and incredibly
of the pupil and infrared/close infrared non- diminishes obstruction brought about by eyelashes
collimated light to make corneal reflections (CR). and other darkening features.
The vector between the understudy focus and the It likewise permits following in lighting conditions
corneal reflections can be utilized to process the going from aggregate haziness to brilliant. Yet,
splendid understudy methods are not powerful to
Fig 2: proposed methodology for eye detection and
Fig 1: proposed system
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