Pre-breeding involves activities before plant breeding such as identification, evaluation, population development, gene mapping, marker searching, hybridization and sequencing.
The success of pre-breeding depends on factors such as identifying gene donor sources that express desired traits, types of gene pools that can be crossed, and agronomic performance of gene sources.
Pre-breeding activities include identifying sources of genes tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses, hybridization between genotypes, genetic studies and marker searches, and sequencing. The goal is to obtain new desired genotypes, identify and determine DNA fragment identity and function, and serve as a process before plant breeding.
Pre-breeding involves activities before plant breeding such as identification, evaluation, population development, gene mapping, marker searching, hybridization and sequencing.
The success of pre-breeding depends on factors such as identifying gene donor sources that express desired traits, types of gene pools that can be crossed, and agronomic performance of gene sources.
Pre-breeding activities include identifying sources of genes tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses, hybridization between genotypes, genetic studies and marker searches, and sequencing. The goal is to obtain new desired genotypes, identify and determine DNA fragment identity and function, and serve as a process before plant breeding.
Pre-breeding involves activities before plant breeding such as identification, evaluation, population development, gene mapping, marker searching, hybridization and sequencing.
The success of pre-breeding depends on factors such as identifying gene donor sources that express desired traits, types of gene pools that can be crossed, and agronomic performance of gene sources.
Pre-breeding activities include identifying sources of genes tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses, hybridization between genotypes, genetic studies and marker searches, and sequencing. The goal is to obtain new desired genotypes, identify and determine DNA fragment identity and function, and serve as a process before plant breeding.
Pre-breeding involves activities before plant breeding such as identification, evaluation, population development, gene mapping, marker searching, hybridization and sequencing.
The success of pre-breeding depends on factors such as identifying gene donor sources that express desired traits, types of gene pools that can be crossed, and agronomic performance of gene sources.
Pre-breeding activities include identifying sources of genes tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses, hybridization between genotypes, genetic studies and marker searches, and sequencing. The goal is to obtain new desired genotypes, identify and determine DNA fragment identity and function, and serve as a process before plant breeding.
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Pre-breeding merupakan kegiatan atau segala aktivitas sebelum dilakukan tahapan pemuliaan
(breeding) tanaman, di antaranya identifikasi, evaluasi, pembentukan populasi, pemetaan gen,
pencarian marka molekular, hibridisasi dan sekuensing. Keberhasilan pre-breeding tergantung pada beberapa faktor, diantaranya proses identifikasi sumber gen donor yang mengekspresikan sifat tertentu yang diinginkan, jenis plasma nutfah (budidaya/kerabat liar) yang dapat disilangkan, dan penampilan agronomis dari sumber gen (donor). PRE-BREEDING KEGIATAN 1. Identifikasi dan evaluasi SDG (mencari sumber gen yang tahan/toleran terhadap cekaman abiotik dan biotik.) - Tahan terhadap pathogen - Tahan terhadap cekaman lingkungan 2. Hibridisasi atau persilangan (Penyerbukan silang antara tetua yang berbeda susunan genetiknya.) - Single gene - Polygene 3. Studi genetik dan pencarian marka molecular - simple sequence repeats (SSR) - single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 4. sekuensing (Sekuensing DNA atau pengurutan DNA adalah proses atau teknik penentuan urutan basa nukleotida pada suatu molekul DNA.) PENGERTIAN Pre-breeding merupakan kegiatan atau segala aktivitas sebelum dilakukan tahapan pemuliaan (breeding) tanaman FAKTOR KEBERHASILAN 1. proses identifikasi sumber gen donor yang mengekspresikan sifat tertentu yang diinginkan 2. jenis plasma nutfah (budidaya/kerabat liar) yang dapat disilangkan 3. penampilan agronomis dari sumber gen (donor). TUJUAN 1. Memperoleh genotipe baru yang diinginkan 2. Menentukan identitas maupun fungsi fragmen suatu DNA 3. Proses sebelum dilakukannya plant breeding PERAN Menjembatani koleksi SDG sebagai sumber gen dengan aktivitas pemuliaan termasuk aspek genomiknya.
Pengaruh Kombinasi Konsentrasi Pupuk Daun Bayfolan Dan Ekstrak Kecambah Kacang Hijau/ Tauge (Vigna Radiata L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Buncis Tegak (Phaseolus Vulgaris (L.) Cv. Balitsa 2)