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ESL Composition Profile Edited

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ESL Composition Profile (Jacobs et al, 1981, in Weigle, 2002; Boardman & Frydenberg, 2002)

Category Score Criteria

25-21 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: knowledgeable • substantive
•thorough development of thesis • relevant to assigned topic
20-16 GOOD TO AVERAGE: some knowledge of subject • adequate range •
limited development of thesis • mostly relevant to topic, but lacks detail
15-11 FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge of subject • little substance
•inadequate development of topic
10-0 VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of subject • non-substantive •
non pertinent • OR not enough to evaluate
25-21 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent expression • ideas clearly
stated/ supported • succinct • well-organized • logical sequencing •
20-16 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat choppy • loosely organized but main
ideas stand out • limited support • logical but incomplete sequencing
15-11 FAIR TO POOR: non-fluent • ideas confused or disconnected • lacks
logical sequencing and development
10-0 VERY POOR: does not communicate • no organization • OR not enough
to evaluate
25-21 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective complex constructions • few
errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, article, pronouns,
20-16 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple constructions • minor
problems in complex constructions • several errors of agreement, tense,
number, word order/function, article, pronouns, prepositions but meaning
seldom obscured
15-11 FAIR TO POOR: major problems in simple/ complex constructions •
frequent errors of negation, tense, number, word order/function, article,
pronouns, prepositions and/ or fragments, run-ons, deletions • meaning
confused or obscured
10-0 VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules •
dominated by errors • does not communicate • OR not enough to evaluate
15-13 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: sophisticated range •effective
word/idiom choice and usage • word for mastery • appropriate register
12-10 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range • occasional errors of effective
word/idiom form, choice, usage but meaning not obscured
9-7 FAIR TO POOR: limited range • frequent errors of effective word/idiom
form, choice, usage • meaning confused or obscured
6-0 VERY POOR: essentially translation • little knowledge of English
vocabulary, idioms, word form • OR not enough to evaluate
10 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: demonstrates mastery of conventions •
few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing
9-8 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured
7-6 FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing • poor handwriting • meaning confused or obscured
5-0 VERY POOR: no mastery of conventions • dominated by errors of
spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing • handwriting illegible •
OR not enough to evaluate

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