Preparation of Enzyme Based Strips Through Immobilization For Calorimetric Determination of Uric Acid
Preparation of Enzyme Based Strips Through Immobilization For Calorimetric Determination of Uric Acid
Preparation of Enzyme Based Strips Through Immobilization For Calorimetric Determination of Uric Acid
Please cite this article in press Namra Tufail et al., Preparation of Enzyme Based Strips through Immobilization
for Calorimetric Determination of Uric Acid, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2018; 05(05).
INTRODUCTION: Uric acid + 2H2O + O Allantoin +
Uric acid is waste produced during the breakdown of CO2 + H2O2
purines in human beings. Uric acid is normally In general, the amount of H2O2 produced was
carried in the blood, passes through kidneys and spectrophotometrically determined by measuring an
eliminated in urine. A high uric acid level may amount of dye produced through the following
appear prior to the development of high blood reaction catalyzed by peroxidase. Horseradish
pressure, heart disease or chronic kidney disease. A peroxidase (HRP) is a heme-protein with the heme
lot of diseases and pathological disorders are related group in a ferric state. This protein reacts with H2O2
to the variations of uric acid concentration in body through a complex mechanism in which different
fluids (e.g. serum and urine), such as gout, arthritis reaction intermediates showing different heme
[1], kidney diseases [2], cardiovascular diseases [3], oxidation states are involved [14]. The concentration
and neurological diseases (Moallem, Taningo, Jiang, of dye produced as end product is directly
Hirschhorn, & Fikrig, 2002). On the other hand, as a proportional to the concentration of uric acid[16].
substitute antioxidant, it could be involved in many
pathological changes and may play a protection role Chromogen + 2H2O2 Dye + 4H2O
However, the enzymatic colorimetric method
The quantitative analysis of serum uric acid is very becomes expensive when used for a large number of
important in the diagnosis and medical management samples that limits there use routine purpose [15].
of various diseases [5]. Since uric acid is found in
human serum in relatively low concentrations (0.21 The use of biosensors with immobilized enzymes has
to 0.42 mmol/L in men and 0.16 to 0.36 mmol/L in been extensively investigated for hydrogen peroxide
women), it is necessary to use specific and sensitive analysis based on spectrophotometry[17],
methods for its determination [6]. Different methods fluorometry [18], chemiluminescence (Spohn et al.,
of uric acid analysis are available such as chemical 1995) and electrochemical techniques (Li et al.,
[7], colorimetric [8], mass fragmentography and 1996). The biosensor has many advantagessuch as
Radiochemical–HPLC method [9] and enzyme simple measurement procedure, short response time,
electrode[10]. sensitivity and selectivitydue to which they can be
used for the analysis of many metabolites (Akyilmaz,
The existing methods could be conveniently divided Sezgintürk, & Dinçkaya, 2003).Many uric acid
into two groups: reductive and enzymatic. The biosensors have been made by immobilization of
reductive methods are non-specific and involve the enzyme uricase on egg shell membrane (Wang et al.,
oxidation of uric acid with phosphotungstate reagent 2006), alkylamide glass beads immobilized on poly
to allantoin with resultant blue coloring of tungstate alanine-polypyrole film (Dungchai, Chailapakul, &
solution. The enzymatic methods are specific and Henry, 2010). Dispersion of the enzyme molecules
eliminate the interferences intrinsic to chemical by immobilization provides better accessibility and
oxidation. They involve the catalytic oxidation of extra stability to the enzymes towards denaturation
uric acid with the enzyme uricase to allantoin with by the organic medium (Sheldon, 2007).
the formation of hydrogen peroxide [11]. The
enzymatic colorimetric method employing uricase Point-of-care testing (POCT) has become relatively
and peroxidase is more suitable for routine, as it is common place in developed nations as a way to
simple, sensitive and specific and doesn’t require augment traditional medicine and increase patient
expensive apparatus. The method is so popular that compliance (Price, 2003). POCT is also needed in
its commercial kit is available (Sigma Technical developing nations because it can reduce the number
Bulletin. 1997: Kit No. 686-10, St. Louis, MO, of clinical visits, decrease costs to the patient and
USA). healthcare system, increase patient satisfaction,
improve clinical outcomes, and provide clinical
There are two types of the uricase methods, i.e., the services for people in low resource settings (Myers &
direct uricase method that quantifies uric acid itself Lee, 2008). Paper strip tests are currently used in
by the absorbance at 293 nm and the indirect uricase these scenarios that are commercially available for
method that quantifies the uricase product hydrogen pregnancy (One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test
peroxide by diverse methods. The concentration of Strip, AI DE Diagnostica Co. Ltd., Shandong, China,
H2O2 is directly proportional to the concentration of 2009), diabetes (Kristensen, Monsen, Skeie, &
uric acid, which could be determined by a number of Sandberg, 2008), drugs of abuse (One Step Drugs of
methods [12,13] . Abuse Test, Core Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing,
China, 2009.) and biomarkers of pathogens test
(Mosley & Sharp, 2005) (Zhao et al., 2009).The colorimetric determination of uric acid on the bases
present study aims to develop the test strips with of the principle shown in the equation:
immobilized uricase and peroxidase for the
Immobilized CHO
Enzyme layer C H N O (allantoin) Guaiacol
7 8 2
4 6 4 3
5 4 4 3 2 2 2 28 24 6
Uric Acid Tetra-Guaiacol
Multiple steps that were carried out for strips preparation are as follow (Figure 1).
Uric acid standard curve preparation by direct 0.2mM, 0.1mM) were used to record the absorbance
method at 436nm.
The reaction was set by adding 3.0 ml of 20mM
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9) in control. In test Strips preparation
cuvette 2.9 ml of 20mM potassium phosphate buffer To prepare the test strips for uric acid the two
(pH 9) and 100µl of 25mM uric acid. To prepare the parameters were analyzed: i) Selection of solid
standard curve of uric acid concentrations of (18mM, support: Nitrocellulose membrane and filter paper
16mM, 14mM, 12mM, 10mM, 8mM, 6mM, 4mM, were selected and cut in size of 1cm×0.8cm to
2mM) and (0.9mM, 0.8mM, 0.7mM, 0.6mM, perform different experiments. ii) Selection of
0.4mM, 0.5mM, 0.3mM, 0.2mM, 0.1mM) were used coloring agents: At start the three different coloring
to record the absorbance at 293nm. agents were analyzed as chromogen for the
development of color during reaction that are
Preparation of standard curve of hydrogen potassium iodide, o-tolidine and guaiacol. Different
peroxide (H2O2) experiments were performed with different
The reaction was set by taking 2.8ml of 20mM concentrations but satisfactory results were obtained
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9), 100µl of with guaiacol so it was used for further experiment.
peroxidase solution (0.0002U\µl), 50µl of 0.018M
Guaiacol in cuvette and then the reaction was started Methods of enzyme immobilization
by adding 50µl of 1µM H2O2. In control reaction Different methods of enzyme immobilization were
50µl of 20mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9) used to immobilize enzymes on nitrocellulose
was added instead of H2O2 solution. The membrane and filter paper.The method used for
absorbancewas recordedat 436 nm. To prepare the enzyme immobilization on nitrocellulose membrane
standard curve of H2O2 concentrations (35µM, 30µM, is physical adsorption method and for filter paper
25µM, 20µM, 15µM, 10µM, 5µM, 1µM) were used enzyme immobilization was done by chemical
to record the absorbance at 436 nm. method, bovine serum albumen (BSA) and
gluteraldehyde (cross linker) and bovine serum
Uric acid standard curve preparation by indirect albumen (BSA) and gluteraldehyde in combination.
The reaction was set by taking 2.8 ml of 20mM Enzyme immobilized on nitrocellulose membrane
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9), 20µl of uricase strips
solution (0.001U/µl), 100µl of horseradish The enzymes were immobilized on nitrocellulose
peroxidase solution (0.0002U/µl), 50µl of 0.018M membrane by physical adsorption through i)Dip
Guaiacol, then the reaction was started by adding method: In this method nitrocellulose membrane of
50µl of uric acid in sample cuvette. In control size 1cm×0.8cm was dipped in enzyme mixture
reaction 50µl of 20mM potassium phosphate buffer containing4µl of 0.04U/µl of uricase, 20µl of
(pH 9) was added instead of uric acid.The absorbance 0.004U/µl of horseradish peroxidase and 10µl of
was recorded at 436 nm.To prepare the standard 0.018M guaiacolfor 30 minutes at room temperature.
curve, different concentrations of uric acid (0.9mM, The strip was removed and air dried. Then 30µl of
0.8mM, 0.7mM, 0.6mM, 0.4mM, 0.5mM, 0.3mM, uric acid of 18mM was applied and the color change
was observed on the strip and ii) Pouring method: In
this methodnitrocellulose membrane of size The filter paper of size 1cm×0.8cm was dipped in 5%
1cm×0.8cm was taken. The enzyme mixture bovine serum albumen (BSA) for 20 minutes. Then
containing 4µl of 0.04U/µl of uricase, 20µl of removed it from the BSA and rised with 20mM
0.004U/µl of horseradish peroxidase and 10µl of potassium phosphate buffer. Then the filter paper was
0.018M guaiacol was prepared and 20µl of this dipped in 2.5% gluteraldehyde again for 20 minutes.
mixture was poured on the membrane and air dried. Then removed it and washed with buffer. The filter
Then the ten pieces of nitrocellulose membrane with paper was allowed to dry. The enzyme mixture
the immobilized enzyme were fixed at the one side of containing 4µl of 0.04U/µl of uricase, 20µl of
the photographic film of size 5cm×0.8cm. The 30µl 0.004U/µl of horseradish peroxidase and 10µl of
of 18mM uric acid sample was applied on the 0.018M guaiacol.From this mixture 20µl was poured
enzyme immobilized membrane and the color change on the filter paper and was allowed to dry. Then 30µl
was observed. of 18mM uric acid was added and the color change
was observed.
Enzyme immobilization on filter paper strips
Chemical method Methods of sample application
The filter paper of size 1cm×0.8cm was dipped into 1 Two different methods were used for sample
ml chilled 2 N HCl in a test tube and solid NaNO2 application that are i) Dip method in which enzyme
was added to tube and the occasional shaking was immobilized nitrocellulose membrane of size
done for 30 minutes with on shaker. The strip was 1cm×0.8cm was taken. Then dipped in 30µl of uric
removed and washed thoroughly in 20mM potassium acid of 18mM and the color change was observed on
phosphate buffer and air dried. The enzyme mixture the strip and ii) Pouring method in which Enzyme
containing 4µl of uricase (0.04U/µl), 20µl of immobilized nitrocellulose membrane and filter paper
horseradish peroxidase (0.004U/µl) and 10µl of of size 1cm×0.8cm was taken. Then the nitrocellulose
guaiacol (0.018M). From this mixture 20µl was membrane and filter paper with the immobilized
poured on the membrane. It was kept for 48 hrs at enzyme were fixed at the one side of the
4ºC with occasional shaking. Then 30µl of 18mM photographic film of size 5cm×0.8cm. The 30µl of
uric acid was poured on the strip and the color 18mM uric acid sample was applied on the enzyme
change was observed. immobilized membrane and filter paper and the color
change was observed.
Bovine serum albumen (BSA)
The filter paper of size 1cm×0.8cm was dipped in 5% Optimization of experimental parameters
bovine serum albumen (BSA) for 20 minutes. Then Different experimental parameters can affect the
removed it from the BSA and raised with 20mM activity of immobilized enzymes and strips so
potassium phosphate buffer. The filter paper was air different experiment were performed for there
dried. The enzyme mixture containing 4µl of optimization. For optimization of pH 20mM
0.04U/µl of uricase, 20µl of 0.004U/µl of horseradish potassium phosphate buffer of different pH (6, 6.5, 7,
peroxidase and 10µl of 0.018M guaiacol. From this 8, 9, 10) were prepared and used in the different
mixture 20µl was poured on the filter paper and was experiments. To determine the effect of temperature
allowed to dry. Then 30µl of 18mM uric acid was on strips storage, immobilized strips were stored at
applied and the color change was observed on the 4ºC and at room temperature and used for analysis
strip. after every 24 hours. For the optimization of the
reagent volume which can carried out successfully on
Cross-linking with gluteraldehyde solid support a range of reagent volumes (10µl, 15µl,
The filter paper of size 1cm×0.8cm was dipped in 20µl, 25µl, 30µl, 35µl) was applied to the solid
2.5% gluteraldehyde again for 20 minutes. Then support.The minimum reagent volume necessary to
removed it and washed with 20mM potassium wet entire detection zone was determined to develop
phosphate buffer. The filter paper was allowed to dry. the color on strip.
The enzyme mixture containing4µl of 0.04U/µl of
uricase, 20µl of 0.004U/µl of horseradish peroxidase Different ranges of samples volume (20µl, 30µl, 40µl
and 10µl of 0.018M guaiacol. From this mixture 20µl and 50µl) were used to determine the minimum
was poured on the filter paper and was allowed to sample volume requires to develop color on strip. By
dry. Then 30µl of 18mM uric acid was applied and applying different volumes of samples lower
the color change was observed on the strip. detection limit, optimum response time of strip
andthe stability of coloron the strip was also
Bovine serum albumen (BSA) and gluteraldehyde optimized. At the end, Storage stability experiments
in combination were made for storage of 15 days period to detect
decreases in the strip response and measurements of time. To increase the efficacy of color
were carried out periodically after every 2 days. development uricase and horseradish peroxidase were
During this period enzymes immobilized on the strip immobilized on filter paper BSA- gluteraldehyde in
lost their activities as related to time. The prepared combination. The enzyme mixture was poured on
strips used for this purpose and were stored at 4ºC. filter paper. Then the 30µl sample was applied to
monitor the color development. Bright color was
Results: developed on strip after 30 minutes by applying 30µl
Uric acid standard curve preparation by direct of 18mM uric acid. The color was stable for 7-8
method hours on strip.
By using the standard curve of uric acid, the
concentration of uric acid in unknown sample can be Enzyme immobilization on nitrocellulose
determined. For the preparation of standard curve membrane by physicaladsorption
different concentration of uric acid were used and Enzymes were immobilized on nitrocellulose
absorbance at 293 nm was recorded (Table 1) and membrane by dipping the strip in enzyme mixture.
used to prepare the standard curve of uric acid When 30µl of 18mM uric acid was applied in strip
(Figure 2a). clear, visible, bright pink color was developed after
Standard curve of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 30 minutes. Same results were obtained when strips
For the preparation of standard curve of hydrogen were prepared by pouring the reaction mixture on
peroxide (H2O2) different concentration of hydrogen nitro cellulose membrane as obtained when strips
peroxide (H2O2) were used and absorbance at 436 nm were prepared by dipping in reaction mixture so any
was recorded (Table 2) that was used to prepare method can be used to prepare strips.In the present
standard curve (Figure 2b). This standard curve can study, strip preparation by dip/pour method was
be used to determine the amount of H2O2produced by selected for further experiments.
the action of uricase on uric acid.
Color development on strips
Uric acid standard curve preparation by indirect In Dip method, enzymes immobilized nitro cellulose
method: membrane was dipped in 30µl of 18mM uric acid. A
The indirect method was also used for quantifying clear, visible, bright pink color was developed after
the uric acid by determining the amount of hydrogen 30 minutes in strips (Figure 4a). Same results were
peroxide formed by the action of uricase on uric acid, obtained by pouring the sample on the prepared strips
by taking absorbance at 436nm. After the completion of nitro cellulose membrane (Figure 4b) and filter
of reaction, a colored product was produced (Figure paper (Figure 4c) as obtained by dipping the prepared
3b). Absorption values at 436nm was recorded with strips in sample so any method can be used to prepare
different concentration of uric acid (Table 3) and strips. Sample application by dip/pour method was
were used to prepare standard curve (Figure 3a). The selected for further experiments.
color development with different concentrations of
uric acid with soluble form of enzymes is shown in
Figure 3c.
Optimization of UA strips
Strip preparation Optimization of enzyme concentrations
Enzyme immobilization on filter paper In order to optimize the enzyme concentration for
Firstly, chemical method was used for strips different concentrations of uricase and
immobilization. There was no color development on peroxidase were used ranging from 0.0001U/µl to
strip by applying 30µl of 18mM uric acid even after 0.04U/µl for uricase and 0.0002U/µl to 0.004U/µl for
2hours. The enzymes may lose their activity during horseredish peroxidase. It was observed from the
chemical immobilization so this method was not results that in case of immobilized enzymes in high
selected for further study. In Bovine Serum Albumen concentration 0.04U/µl of uricase and 0.004U/µl of
(BSA), commercially available uricase and horseredish peroxidase were required for color
horseradish peroxidase were immobilized on filter development. While in case of soluble enzyme color
paper along with BSA. The color did not develop on was developed at low enzyme concentration
strip by applying 30µl of 18mM uric acid even after 0.0001U/µl of uricase and 0.0002U/µl of horseredish
one hour. So, this method was rejected. peroxidase.
Cross linking method using gluteraldehyde was also
used.Very light color was developed after 60 minutes Optimization of guaiacol concentration for strips
by applying 30µl of 18mM uric acid. The developed In order to optimize the guaiacol concentration for
color was not stable and vanished after short period strips different concentrations of guaiacol were used
ranging from 5µl of 0.018M guaiacol to 10µl of limit of detection was 14mM (Supplementary Figure
0.018M guaiacol. It was observed from the result that 4).
in case of immobilized enzymes in high
concentration of 10µl of 0.018M guaiacol was Storage stability
required for color development. While in case of Storage stability experiments were made for a long
soluble enzyme color was developed at low guaiacol storage period to detect decreases in the strip
concentration 5µl of 0.018M guaiacol. response. In order to determine the storage stability
of the strip at 4ºC, measurements were carried out
Optimization of reagent volume periodically every 24 hours (Supplementary Table 3).
The minimum volume of reagent was determined and After the storage period, (120 hours) observed that
toreduced reagents consumption while still making it the activity of the strip was not more than 25% of its
large enough to wet the entire detection zone and initial activity.
sufficient for analysis. Therefore, 20µl from the 34µl .
of the reagent solution was used for the further
experiments. The result of experiments showed that Color stability
20µl of reagent (mixture of enzymes and colored The color stable on the strip for one day after
reagents) was required to determine from (low development.
0.1mM to high 18mM) uric acid concentrations.
Optimization of pH A method for analysis of uric acid has been
The 20mM phosphate buffer of various pH (6, 6.5, 7, developed by using uricase and horseradish
8, 9) was used which was used in strip preparation for peroxidase immobilized nitrocellulose membrane and
the preparation of enzyme mixture (Supplementary filter paper. The method is not only economical for
Table 1). It was found that the response increased routine purpose but also suitable for the clinical
when the buffer concentration increased but no laboratories of the developing countries.
further increase when the pH was above 9.0. The
optimum pH of reaction was 9.0. Therefore, 20mM In the present study for the preparation of standard
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9) was chosen for curve of uric acid different concentration (from 0.1
further experiments. Color development at different mM to 18 mM) of uric acid was used and absorbance
pH is shown in Supplementary Figure 1. at 293 nm was recorded (from 0.21 nm to 2.00 nm)
by direct and indirect method. These absorbance
Optimization of temperature values were used to prepare the standard curve of uric
The optimum temperature of UA strips storage was acid. A straight line standard curve of uric acid was
also determined. For this purpose, prepared strips obtained. For the preparation of standard curve of
were stored and best results were obtained when hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) different concentration of
strips were stored 4ºC after preparation hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (from 1µM to 35µM) were
(Supplementary Figure 2). used and absorbance at 436 nm was recorded (from
0.05nm to 0.10nm). These absorbance values were
Response time: used to prepare the standard curve of hydrogen
The enzyme immobilized strips stored at 4ºC were peroxide (H2O2). A straight line standard curve of
used to optimize the response time (Supplementary hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was obtained.
Figure 3). The best results were obtained after 30
minutes by applying the different concentrations of For the preparation of standard curve of uric acid
uric acid (Supplementary Table 2). different concentrations of uric acid were used and
absorbance at 520 nm was recorded by indirect
Optimization of sample volume method. These absorbance values were used to
The minimum sample volume that can spread prepare the standard curve of uric acid. A straight
through the entire was also studied. It was found that line standard curves of uric acid was obtained.The
30µl of sample was required to wet all detection content of H2O2 generated in the reaction was
zones and strip development of sharp color. determined from the standard curve of uric acid
(Bhargava et al., 1999).
Detection limit
The detection limit of uric acid strips was also An entirely new matrix for immobilizing glucose
investigated. It was observed the experiments that oxidase was reported. The matrix cotton cheese cloth
minimum concentration of uric acid which can be was found to be very useful as highly reproducible
determined by these strips was 0.1mM and upper enzyme membranes could be prepared. The biosensor
used in the present work consists of GOD enzyme solutions were prepared in 0.1M potassium
immobilized cheese-cloth membrane, which is phosphate buffer (pH 6) (Dungchai et al., 2010).The
mounted on a platinum disc inner sensing element. buffers for the biosensor measurements and for
The other advantages of the cheese cloth as a support storage of the sensor was prepared from potassium
for the GOD enzyme over other membranes are its phosphate (pH 6.5) for uricase immobilization in
easy availability, high porosity, mechanical stability poly-N-methylpyrrole (Santha et al., 2002).
and flexibility, simplicity in the method of
immobilization, its ability to incorporate high To construct the biosensor, DO probe was covered
amounts of enzyme per unit area, besides being with high-sensitive teflon membrane by using an O-
highly economical (J.-C. Chen et al., 2005). ring 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) was used.
After this step, urate oxidase (110 U), peroxidase
A new amperometric biosensor was reported based (600 U) and gelatin (20 mg) were mixed in 300ml of
on the coupling two enzymes, which are urate 50mM phosphate buffer (Akyilmaz et al., 2003).The
oxidase and peroxidase for high sensitive, not time optimum pH of reaction was 9.0. Therefore, 20mM
consuming and specific measurement of uric acid. potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9) was chosen for
Measurements were carried out by standard curves further experiments. In the present study the
which were obtained by the determination of detection limit of uric acid strips was also
consumed oxygen level, related to uric acid investigated. The detection limit of uricase
concentration in the enzymatic reactions. To immobilized egg shell membrane-based biosensor
construct the biosensor, DO probe was covered with was estimated 2.0 µM (Zhang et al., 2007). The lower
high-sensitive teflon membrane by using an O-ring. detection limit of the method in which serum glucose
The biosensor was cross linked with 2.5% determined by using co-immobilized glucose oxidase
glutaraldehyde and a bioactive layer was formed on and peroxidase onto arylamine glass beads affixed on
the DO probe so a new biosensor based on urate a plastic strip was obtained 5mg/dl and upper
oxidase-peroxidase coupled enzyme system which detection limit was 100mg/dl. The enzyme
was sensitive and specific for uric acid determination immobilized strips were placed at 4ºC and at room
was developed (Akyilmaz et al., 2003). temperature from 10 minutes to 60 minutes and then
remove after every 10 minutes and 30µl of 18mM
Uricase was initially covalently immobilized on a uric acid was applied to optimize the response time.
fresh eggshell membrane using BSA and The response time of uricase immobilized egg shell
gluteraldehyde as cross-linking reagents, and was membrane-based biosensor was estimated more than
subsequently mounted onto the surface of an oxygen 100 seconds (Zhang et al., 2007).
electrode. The oxygen electrode was then placed in
contact with a sample solution for the determination In the present study, storage stability experiments
of uric acid. The detection scheme was based on the were made for a long storage period to detect
decrease of dissolved oxygen level in the sample decreases in the strip response. In order to determine
solution. Our proposed method has been successfully the storage stability of the strip at 4ºC, measurements
applied to determine the uric acid level in serum and were carried out periodically every 24 hours. After
urine samples (Zhang et al., 2007).It was found that the 120 hours observed that the activity of the strip
the sensitivity of the biosensor without BSA was was not more than 25% of its initial activity. The
three times less sensitive than that of a biosensor with alkylamine bound uricase and arylamine bound
BSA. The speed of the enzymatic reaction depends peroxidase were stored at 4ºC in the reaction buffers,
greatly on the enzymatic activity. The amount of until use (Bhargava et al., 1999).The biosensor
immobilized enzyme on the solid support would also prepared based on urate oxidase -/peroxidase coupled
affect the sensitivity of the biosensor. enzyme system for uric acid determination in urine
was used for only this purpose and during the period
The buffer solutions for preparing uric acid standards it was stored at 4ºC. After the storage period, it was
were 200mM monosodium di-hydrogen phosphate- determined that the remain activity of the biosensor
disodium hydrogen phosphate solutions at pH 8.0 for was more than 83% of its initial activity. Storage
the Immobilization of uricase on eggshell membrane stability experiments were made for a long storage
(Zhang et al., 2007). The Phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) period to detect decreases in the biosensor response.
was used as the supporting electrolyte for whole During this period enzymes used in the strips
blood glucose determination using glucose oxidase construction lost their activities as related to time
immobilized on cotton cheese cloth (J.-C. Chen et al., (Akyilmaz et al., 2003). From this study it was
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