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English Activity: Omar Orlando Valbuena Baena

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Dear learner, the next information taken from a webpage, will help you understand
better the concepts about HTML5; however, it is convenient for you to read and study
the technical documents prepared by your instructor.
Remember to check the unknown vocabulary in the glossary attached to this file.

What is HTML5?

HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML. The previous version of HTML, HTML 4.01, came in 1999.
The internet has changed significantly since then.

HTML5 is designed to deliver almost everything you want to do online without requiring additional
plugins. It does everything from animation to apps, music to movies, and can also be used to build
complicated applications that run in your browser.

HTML5 is also cross-platform (it does not care whether you are using a tablet or a smartphone, a
netbook, notebook or a Smart TV).

HTML5 can also be used to write web applications that still work when you are not online.

The HTML 5 working group includes AOL, Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nokia, Opera, and
hundreds of other vendors.

HTML5 is still a work in progress. However, all major browsers support many of the new HTML5
elements and APIs.

How Did HTML5 Get Started?

HTML5 is a cooperation between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext
Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).

WHATWG was working with web forms and applications, and W3C was working with XHTML 2.0. In
2006, they decided to cooperate and create a new version of HTML.

Some rules for HTML5 were established:

 New features should be based on HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript

 Reduce the need for external plugins (like Flash)
 Better error handling
 More markup to replace scripting
 HTML5 should be device independent
 The development process should be visible to the public

In HTML5 there is only one <!doctype> declaration, and it is very simple:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Minimum HTML5 Document

Below is a simple HTML5 document, with the minimum of required tags:

<!DOCTYPE html>
< html>
< head>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
< title>Title of the document</title>
< /head>

< body>
Content of the document......
< /body>

< /html>

HTML5 - New Features

Some of the most interesting new features in HTML5:

 The <canvas> element for 2D drawing

 The <video> and <audio> elements for media playback
 Support for local storage
 New content-specific elements, like <article>, <footer>, <header>, <nav>, <section>
 New form controls, like calendar, date, time, email, url, search

Browser Support for HTML5

HTML5 is not yet an official standard, and no browsers have full HTML5 support.

But all major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer) continue to add new
HTML5 features to their latest versions.

HTML5 References
At W3Schools you will find complete references about tags, global attributes, standard events, and

New Elements in HTML5

The internet, and the use of the internet, has changed a lot since HTML 4.01 became a standard in

Today, several elements in HTML 4.01 are obsolete, never used, or not used the way they were
intended. All those elements are removed or re-written in HTML5.

To better handle today's internet use, HTML5 also includes new elements for drawing graphics,
adding media content, better page structure, better form handling, and several APIs to drag/drop
elements, find Geolocation, include web storage, application cache, web workers, etc.

The New <canvas> Element

Tag Description
<canvas> Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript)

New Media Elements

Tag Description
<audio> Defines sound content
<video> Defines a video or movie
<source> Defines multiple media resources for <video> and <audio>
<embed> Defines a container for an external application or interactive content (a plug-in)
<track> Defines text tracks for <video> and <audio>

New Form Elements

Tag Description
<datalist> Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls
<keygen> Defines a key-pair generator field (for forms)
<output> Defines the result of a calculation
HTML5 Canvas

The <canvas> element is used to draw graphics, on the fly,

on a web page.

The example at the left shows a red rectangle, a gradient

rectangle, a multicolor rectangle, and some multicolor text
that is drawn onto the canvas.

What is Canvas?

The HTML5 <canvas> element is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript).

The <canvas> element is only a container for graphics. You must use a script to actually draw the

Canvas has several methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and adding images.

Browser Support

Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari support the <canvas> element.

Note: Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions, do not support the <canvas> element.

HTML5 has support for inline SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).

What is SVG?

 SVG is used to define vector-based graphics for the Web

 SVG defines the graphics in XML format
 SVG graphics do NOT lose any quality if they are zoomed or resized
 Every element and every attribute in SVG files can be animated
 SVG is a W3C recommendation

SVG Advantages

Advantages of using SVG over other image formats (like JPEG and GIF) are:

 SVG images can be created and edited with any text editor
 SVG images can be searched, indexed, scripted, and compressed
 SVG images are scalable
 SVG images can be printed with high quality at any resolution
 SVG images are zoomable (and the image can be zoomed without degradation)

Browser Support

Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari support inline SVG.

Embed SVG Directly Into HTML Pages

In HTML5, you can embed SVG elements directly into your HTML page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
< html>
< body>

< svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" height="190">

<polygon points="100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180"
< /svg>

< /body>
< /html>
Differences Between SVG and Canvas

SVG is a language for describing 2D graphics in XML.

Canvas draws 2D graphics, on the fly (with a JavaScript).

SVG is XML based, which means that every element is available within the SVG DOM. You can
attach JavaScript event handlers for an element.

In SVG, each drawn shape is remembered as an object. If attributes of an SVG object are changed,
the browser can automatically re-render the shape.

Canvas is rendered pixel by pixel. In canvas, once the graphic is drawn, it is forgotten by the
browser. If its position should be changed, the entire scene needs to be redrawn, including any
objects that might have been covered by the graphic.

Comparison of Canvas and SVG

The table below shows some important differences between Canvas and SVG:

Canvas SVG
 Resolution independent
 Resolution dependent
 Support for event handlers
 No support for event handlers
 Best suited for applications with large
 Poor text rendering capabilities
rendering areas (Google Maps)
 You can save the resulting image as .png
 Slow rendering if complex (anything that
or .jpg
uses the DOM a lot will be slow)
 Well suited for graphic-intensive games
 Not suited for game applications


Recovered by CARDONA, A.N.,

from: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp, oct 20/2013.

Attribute: Atributo
Browser: Navegador
Content: Contenido
Current: Actual
Data: Información
Draggable: Arrastrable
Draw: Dibujar
Established: Establecidas
Event: Evento
Features: Características
File: Archivo
Graphic: Gráfico
Handling: Manejo
Heading: Encabezado
Location: Ubicación
Manipulate: Manipulación
Playing: Reproducir
Rules: Reglas
Should: Debería
Support: Soporte
Whether: Si
Yet: Todavía
Answer according to your own experience:

0. What time do you wake up? I usually wake up at 6:00 o´clock.

1. What time do you get up on weekdays?

Rta: during the week I get up at 6 a.m and Sundays at 8 a.m.

2. What do you do then?

2. What do you after breakfast?

3. Do you work? If so, where?

4. What do you do after lunch?

5. What kind of sports do you practice?

6. Are you An Architecture Student? If your answer is negative, what do you study?

7. Do you work on weekends?

8. What time do you usually go to bed?

9. How often do you go to the movies?

10. What kind of movies do you like?

Remember to give complete answers

0. ¿A qué hora te despiertas?

Usualmente me levanto a las 6:00 en punto.

1. ¿A qué hora te levantas los días de semana?

Entre semana a alas 6 am. Y domingos a las 8.am

during the week I get up at 6 a.m. and Sundays at 8 a.m.

2. ¿Qué haces entonces?

Llevo a mi hija al colegio

I'm taking my daughter to school

2. ¿Qué haces después del desayuno?

Me preparo para ir a trabajar .

I get ready to go to work .

3. ¿Trabajas? ¿Si es así, donde?

Si claro, en una empresa de tecnología.

Yes, of course, in a technology company.

4. ¿Qué haces después del almuerzo?

Tomar un descanso de 2 horas en el parque.

Take a 2-hour break in the park.

5. ¿Qué tipo de deportes practicas?

Me gusta practicar el futbol.

I like to play soccer.

6. ¿Eres un estudiante de arquitectura? Si tu respuesta es negativa, ¿qué estudias?

No, estudio tecnología en análisis y diseño de sistemas de información en el Sena.

No, I study technology in the analysis and design of information systems in the Sena.

7. ¿Trabajas los fines de semana?

No. el sábado hasta medio dia. Luego descansar.

No. Saturday until noon. Then rest.

8. ¿A qué hora suele acostarse?

A las 9:30 pm junto con mi familia

At 9:30 p.m. along with my family

9. ¿Con qué frecuencia vas al cine?

No tan frecuente. Veo las películas en casa

Not so frequent. I see the movies at home

10. ¿Qué tipo de películas te gusta?

Me gustan las películas de comedia y de acción.

I like comedy and action movies.

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