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Minimal Inhibitory Concentration Test

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Chapter 3.

Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test

and determination of antimicrobial resistant bacteria
Ruangpan, Lila
Date published: 2004

To cite this document : Ruangpan, L. (2004). Chapter 3. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test
and determination of antimicrobial resistant bacteria. In Laboratory manual of standardized
methods for antimicrobial sensitivity tests for bacteria isolated from aquatic animals and
environment (pp.31-55). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian
Fisheries Development Center.

Keywords : Agar, Growth, Tests, Standards, Antibiotics, Bacteriology, Microbiological analysis,


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Minimal Inhibitory Concentration

(MIC) Test and Determination of
Antimicrobial Resistant Bacterial

Lila Ruangpan
Chanthaburi Coastal Fisheries Research and Development Center
Department of Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
32 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria


The agar dilution technique is used to measure qualitatively the in vitro activity
of an antimicrobial agent against the test bacteria. In this method, graded amounts
of antibiotics are incorporated in agar plates and inoculated in spots with the
organisms under study. If the organism under study is susceptible to the incorporated
antibiotic, no bacterial growth is expected in agar plates with higher amounts of
the drugs. Bacterial growth is observed as the antibiotic concentration in the agar
plate diminishes. Inhibition of growth at the minimum or lowest concentration of
antibiotic is regarded as the end point.
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Refer to Appendix 3.1 for the different culture media, solvents, antimicrobial
agents, control strains and apparatus needed for the minimal inhibitory concentration
(MIC) test.

The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test is performed using Mueller-

Hinton Agar (MHA), which is the best medium for routine susceptibility tests because
it has good reproducibility, low in sulfonamide, trimethoprim, and tetracycline
inhibitors, and gives satisfactory growth of most bacterial pathogens.

The inoculum is prepared using a suitable broth such as heart infusion broth (HIB).
This medium is prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions, dispensed in
tubes at 3 ml and sterilized. Sterile 0.9% salt solution may also be used.

Media are supplemented with 1-2% sodium chloride (NaCl) if intended for
marine species.

Preparation of antimicrobial ag ent stock solution

1 Remove the antimicrobial

agent from the freezer, and
warm to room temperature
before opening to avoid
condensation of water.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
2 Weigh appropriate amount of the powdered antimicrobial agent.

NOTE: The standard units of activity of the antimicrobial agents may differ widely by the actual weight of
the powder or may differ within a drug production lot. Each laboratory must standardize the antimicrobial
agent solutions whenever they are being used. See Appendix 3.2 for the formula used to determine the amount
of powder needed for a standard solution.
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3 Dissolve the antimicrobial

agent powder in solvent
to make a concentration
of 1,000 µg/ml.

NOTE: Stock Solutions

a. At least 1,000 µg/ml or 10 times the highest concentration to be tested is to be prepared as

an antimicrobial agent stock solution. Some antimicrobial agents are of limited solubility.
Therefore, lower concentration may be required. However, in all cases, drug manufacturers
provide directions for determining solubility.

b. Some drugs must be dissolved in solvents other than water. In such cases, it is necessary to:

1) Use only enough solvent to dissolve the antimicrobial agent powder;

2) Dilute to the final stock concentration with distilled water as indicated in Appendix 3.3;
3) Prepare appropriate volumes of distilled water, the desired volume for serial dilution.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
34 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

4 Dispense the stock solution into sterile diluent using two-fold dilution

NOTE: As an example, a range of 0.012-100 µg/ml two-fold dilutions may be used as test concentrations
for different antibiotics. For Sulfadimethoxine and Sulfadiazine, 400 µg/ml may be used as the highest test
concentration (see Appendix 3.4).
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5 Set aside.

Preparation of antimicrobial agar plates

1 Label each empty sterile plate in order to identify the antimicrobial agent and
their concentrations.

Example: 0. 024 OTC means 0.024 µg/ml of oxytetracycline

2 Place the label on the upper portion of the bottom side of the petri dish to
ensure that the plate is inserted at the correct point of the basal stand A of the
multiple inoculating apparatus.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment

3 Draw a scheme to locate each

bacterial strain in a well on a
reference paper that will be used to
read the results.
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4 Prepare MHA following manufacturer’s direction and supplement with 1-2%

NaCl, if intended for marine organisms. Keep in a water bath at 48-50°C until

5 Pipette 1 ml of appropriate dilutions of the test antimicrobial agent

(previously prepared, page 32) into the labeled plate (prepared in number 1).
Two replicates must be made for each concentration.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
36 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

6 Pipette 9 ml of MHA
(keep warm at 48-
50°C), add into the
plate with appropriate
dilution of the test
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antimicrobial agent and

mix thoroughly.

7 Allow the agar to solidify

at room temperature
and use the plates
immediately after the
agar surface has dried
completely. If necessary,
dry the surface of agar in
a laminar flow chamber
under UV light, but
avoid excessive drying.

Control agar plates/Drug-free agar plates

Prepare control agar plates by pipetting 10 ml of MHA into a sterile petri dish. Do
not add any antimicrobial agent. There should at least be 2 control plates.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment


1 From a pure 18-24 hour

bacterial culture get 4-
5 isolated colonies (to
minimize the risk of
picking bacteria which
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have lost their resistance)

and subculture to a tube
with 3 ml HIB containing
0.3% yeast extract and
2% NaCl.

2 Shake vigorously in a
water bath at 30°C until
it achieves or exceeds the
turbidity of 0.5 MacFarland
standard (prepared by
adding 0.5 ml of 0.048 M
BaCl2 to 99.5 ml of 0.36
NH2SO4; commercially
available). The inoculum
may also be standardized
based on optical density
[OD625 of 0.08-0.1 (1cm
light path)] using a
spectrophotometer. This is
usually achieved after 18-
24 hours.

NOTE: Standardized inoculum has a concentration of 1-2 × 108 cfu/ml.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
38 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

3 Dilute the standardized

inoculum 1:10 in sterile
saline solution to obtain
the desired concentration
of 106 cfu/ml.
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4 Pipette 0.1 ml of the 106 cfu/ml

inoculum and transfer to a well, of a
multi-dispenser containing 0.9 ml of
HIB with 0.3% yeast extract.

In the absence of a multi-dispenser

(photo at right), sterile test tubes of
the same size, may be used to hold the
diluted standardized inoculum.

NOTE: The final concentration of the bacterial suspension is approximately 105 cfu/ml well.

5 Store at room temperature for not more than 2 hours before testing.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
Inoculation volume

Inoculate plates with 1-3 µl of the inoculum if automatic multi-dispenser is used

and 10 µl if done manually. Inoculated volume should be uniform for good results.

Inoculation sequence

1 When using automatic multiple inoculating apparatus, drug free or control

plate should be inoculated first, followed by the plate with the lowest
antimicrobial concentration. Inoculate a second control agar plate last to
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ensure that there is no contamination or antimicrobial agent carry-over

during the inoculation.

2 When inoculating manually, it is only important to include a drug free or

control plate at the beginning of the inoculation series.

Inocula tion

1 Place a completely dried agar plate on the basal stand A of the multiple
inoculating apparatus. Insert the plate on the basal stand A of the multiple
inoculating apparatus in such a way that the label on the plate is facing the
front direction.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
40 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

2 Place the multiple

well tray of the multi-
dispenser, which contain
1 ml of inocula, onto the
basal stand B to ensure
that the marking on the
tray is arranged at the
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front direction.

3 Set the tray to ensure

that each inoculator
stick will properly dip
into the inoculum and
carry a uniform volume
of each test bacteria.

4 Set the apparatus to

ensure that the surface of
each multiple inoculator
stick will properly touch
the surface of the medium
in agar plate.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment

5 Inoculate the bacterial

suspensions onto the
surface of the agar plate.
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Include a control strain on each plate (see Appendix 3.1).


1 Let the inoculated agar plates remain at room temperature until the moisture
in the inoculum spot is absorbed by the agar or until all spots are dry.

2 Incubate the plates in

an inverted position at
30°C for 18-24 hours

NOTE: The incubation time is extremely important to obtain reliable end points when reading the results.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
42 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria


1 Lay the agar plates on a

non-reflecting dark surface
and observe bacterial
growth with the naked eye.
Place the inoculated plate
on or beside the reference
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paper to identify the spot

or position of each tested

2 Check bacterial growth on the 2 control plates, disregard the results if no

growth is observed in some control strains. The test should be repeated.

3 Read and record the MIC at the lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent
that completely inhibits growth of the organism as detected by the naked

a) No growth
in plates
with 250
µg/ml OTC,
this means
that OTC at
250 µg/ml
completely inhibited all strains.

b) Based on the reference paper, spots

inoculated with bacterial strains # 1, 2, 31,
4, 30, 37, 15, 22, 34, 33, 36, 5, 31, 3 and 18
did not grow in plates with 1.953 µg/ml OTC,
this means that OTC at 1.953 µg/ml inhibited
the growth of these strains.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
4 The MIC is the lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that completely
inhibits colony formation.

5 Disregard a single colony or a faint haze caused by the inoculum.

6 Repeat the test if two or more colonies persist in concentrations of the

agent beyond an obvious end point; that is, if there is no growth at lower
concentration but there is growth at higher concentrations.
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7 When reporting the MIC values of antimicrobial agents that will prevent
the growth of bacterial strains, include important information such as the
locality and date the samples were isolated or collected.

8 Evaluate the MIC range of each antimicrobial agent.

9 Compare the MIC breakpoint of the test isolates with those in the chart
(Appendix 3.5).

10 Report result as Resistant (R), Intermediate (I) or Susceptible (S).

Antibiotic: oxytetracycline
MIC breakpoint: 0.2 µg/ml
Interpretation: susceptible

NOTE: The “true” MIC value is the lowest test concentration that completely inhibits the growth of
organisms in both replicate plates. However, if the “observed” MIC values of the tested plates are different,
for example, two-fold dilutions were used to test OTC and the “observed” MIC value of OTC in the first
plate was 6.25 µg/ml, and the second plate was 3.125 µg/ml, the “ true” MIC of OTC would be between 6.25
µg/ml and 3.125 µg/ml.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
44 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

This activity will determine and provide baseline data on bacterial drug resistance
that could be useful to policy makers and surveillance teams or systems.


After the MIC values are read, further interpretation of the inhibitory concentration
at 50% (IC50) and 90% (IC90) of the bacterial strains are carried out.
Basically, the IC50 or IC90 is used to determine the dosage regimen of antimicrobial
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agent for in vivo treatment against the pathogen in the field to know the effectiveness
of each drug. The formula used to determine IC50 and IC90 values are presented in
Appendix 3.6.
When the IC50 and IC90 values could not be determined from any value of the MIC
series results, these must be determined from the average value between the nearest
percent that is lower and higher than the IC50 and IC90 values (see Appendix 3.6).


The results for antimicrobial resistant bacteria can be evaluated according to

the NCCLS standard for interpretative categories and correlative minimal inhibitory
concentration (MICs)(NCCLS, 1998). Since the NCCLS standard does not include
breakpoint recommendations for all of the agents tested, and the data are based on
human drugs, which are recently used in shrimp production activity, therefore, data
shown in Appendix 3.5 are standard categories used for determining drug resistance
for bacteria which are close to food borne pathogenic bacteria, e.g., Vibrio cholerae.

In case a number of bacterial strains have been tested using MIC standardized
method, the MIC values obtained from the study can be used to determine the
breakpoint of each agent and interpretation of results for drug resistance.

The following steps should be applied:

1 A large number of bacterial strains (at least 300 strains) should be tested for
each antimicrobial agent using MIC standardized method.

2 Arrange the MIC values of each bacterial strain against an agent and fill into
the assigned table (see example in Appendix 3.7).

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
3 Analyze the results by using a program in WHONET to evaluate the breakpoint
of each antimicrobial agent. To access the program: go to www.who.int, click
drug resistance on the right side of the web page. On the left side of the web
page is the table of contents, click # 2 How to obtain WHONET 5 through the
internet. This will give you instructions on how to download the software.

4 Determine the resistant bacterial strains according to the breakpoint of each

antimicrobial agent.
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Some notes on laboratory practices are presented in Appendix 3.8.


Alderman, D.J. and P. Smith. 2001. Development of draft protocols of standard

reference methods for antimicrobial agent susceptibility testing of bacteria
associated with fish diseases. Aquaculture, 196: 211- 243.

Baker, C.N., C. Thornsberry and R.W. Hawkinson. 1983. Inoculum standardization in

antimicrobial susceptibility tests: evaluation of the use of overnight agar cultures
and the rapid inoculum standardization system. Clin. Microbiol., 17: 450-457.

Ericsson, H.M. and J.C. Sherris. 1971. Antibiotic sensitivity testing. Report of an
international study. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. B, 217 (suppl.): 1-90.

Japan Society of Chemotherapy. 1981. Method of minimal inhibitory concentration.

Chemotherapy, 29: 76-78.

Jones, R.N., A.L. Barry, T.L. Gavan and J.A. Washington. 1985. Susceptibility tests:
Microdilution and macrodilution. In: Lennette, E.M., Balows, A., Hausler, W.J.
and Shadomy, H.J. (eds.), Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Fourth Edition.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 972-977.

McDonald, C.L., W.E. Maher and R.J. Fass. 1995. Revised interpretation of oxacillin
MICs for Staphylococcus epidermidis based on MecA detection. Antimicrob.
Agents Chemother., 39: 982-984.

NCCLS. 1998. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution

Susceptibility Tests of Bacteria Isolated from Animals; Approved Standard.
NCCLS Document M31-A, NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne,
Pennsylvania 19087, USA.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
46 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

NCCLS. 2002. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution

Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Animals; Approved Standard,
Second Edition. NCCLS document M31-A2 (ISBN 1-56238-461-9). NCCLS, 940
West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.

Thornsberry, C., T.L. Gaven and E.H. Gerlach. 1977. New developments in
antimicrobial agent susceptibility testing. Cumitech, 6: 1-13.

Thornsberry, C. and L.K. McDougal. 1983. Successful use of broth microdilution

in susceptibility tests for methicillin-resistant (heteroresistant) stapthylococci.
Clin. Microbiol., 18: 1084-1091.
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Watts, J.L. and S.C. Nickerson. 1986. Evaluation of a rapid inoculum standardization
system of antibiotic susceptibility testing of bovine mammary gland isolates. Vet.
Microbiol., 2: 269-276.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
APPENDIX 3.1. List of culture apparatus, culture media, solvents, control strains,
and antimicrobial agents needed for the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)


1. MIC multiple inoculating apparatus set

2. Autoclave
3. Incubator
4. Analytical balance
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5. Laminar flow hood

6. Water bath shaker
7. Refrigerator
8. Micropipette (20-100 and 200-1000 µl)
9. Vortex mixer
10. Glass pipette 2, 5, 20 ml
11. Test tubes
12. Dissecting set
13. Petri dishes (glass and disposable)

Culture media:

1. Thiosulphate-citrate-bilesalt-sucrose agar (TCBS, Difco)

2. Glutamate starch phenol-red agar (GSP, Merck)
3. Muller Hinton Agar (MHA, Merck)
4. Tryptic soy agar (TSA, Difco)
5. Sterile normal saline solution (NSS)
6. Heart infusion agar (HIA, Difco)
7. Heart infusion broth (HIB, Difco)
8. Sodium chloride (NaCl)


1. Distilled water
2. 0.1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
3. Absolute ethanol
4. Dimethyl sulfoxide
5. N-N-Dimethyl formamide

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
48 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

APPENDIX 3.1. Continuation

Control bacterial strains:

1. Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212

2. Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

Antimicrobial agents:
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1. Chloramphenicol (CP)
2. Erythromycin (E)
3. Furazolidone (FD)
4. Oxolinic acid (OA)
5. Oxytetracycline (OTC)
6. Norfloxacin (NFX)
7. Prefloxacin (PFX)
8. Trimethoprim (TM)
9. Sulfadiazine (SD)
10. Sulfadimethoxine (S)

NOTE: Each laboratory should consider which agents to routinely test or report, in accordance with the
needs of each institute’s study plan or of the farmers in particular aqua culture areas. The test reports should
help to minimize the resistant strains due to misuse or overuse of the agents. At present, except for CP and
FD, the listed antibiotics are FDA approved agents for use in food animal production (NCCLS, 1998).

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
APPENDIX 3.2. Preparation of antimicrobial agent stock solution.

Formula to determine amount of antimicrobial agent powder needed for a standard


Volume (ml) = weight (mg) × assay potency ( µg/mg)

concentration ( µg/ml)

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To prepare 10 ml (volume) of a stock solution containing 1,000 µg/ml (desired

concentration) of antimicrobial agent with a potency of 94.5 µg/ml:

Volume = actual weight × potency

desired concentration

10 ml = actual weight (mg) × 94.5 µg/ml

1,000 µg/ml

Actual weight = 1,000

= 105.8201 mg

Therefore, 105.8201 mg of powdered antimicrobial agent is needed for a 10 ml


Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
50 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

APPENDIX 3.3. List of solvents and diluents needed for the preparation of stock
solutions of antimicrobial agents.

Antimicrobial agent Solvent Diluent

Oxolinic acid 0.1 N NaOH Distilled water
Norfloxacin 0.1 N NaOH Distilled water
Prefloxacin 0.1 N NaOH Distilled water
Sulfadiazine 0.1 N NaOH Distilled water
Sulfadimethoxine 0.1 N NaOH Distilled water
Chloramphenicol 95 % ethanol Distilled water
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Erythromycin 95 % ethanol Distilled water

Furazolidone N-N-Dimethyl formamide Distilled water
Oxytetracycline Distilled water Distilled water
Dimethyl sulfoxide
Trimethoprim or 0.05 N (0.05 mol/L) lactic Distilled water
or hydrochloric acid 10% of final volume

NOTE: For antimicrobial agents which must be dissolved in solvents other than water, it is necessary to
follow this guide:

a. Use only enough solvent to dissolve the powdered antimicrobial agent (in our case, 1 ml of
solvent was used).

b. Dilute to the final stock concentration with distilled water.

c. If sterile solutions are desired, they are to be filtered through a membrane filter.

d. Use antimicrobial solution immediately after preparing and discard unused portion at the end of
the day.

e. Stock solution of antimicrobial agents can be stored at – 70°C or colder for 6 months without
significant loss of activity.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
Appendix 3.4. Preparation of dilutions of antimicrobial agents for use in the agar
dilution method of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) test.

Final Conc. At 1:
Concentration Volume Intermediate
Step Source Distilledwater 10 dilution in Agar
(µg/ml) (ml) Conc. (µg/ml)
1 1000 Stock 10 10 1000 100
2 1000 Step 1 5 5 500 50
3 500 Step 2 5 5 250 25
4 250 Step 3 5 5 125 12.5
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5 125 Step 4 5 5 62.50 6.25

6 62.5 Step 5 5 5 31.25 3.125
7 31.25 Step 6 5 5 15.625 1.56
8 15.625 Step 7 5 5 7.812 0.781
9 7.82 Step 8 5 5 3.906 0.390
10 3.906 Step 9 5 5 1.953 0.195
11 1.953 Step 10 5 5 0.977 0.098
12 0.977 Step 11 5 5 0.488 0.0481
13 0.488 Step 12 5 5 0.244 0.024
14 0.244 Step13 5 5 0.122 0.012


a. Modified from Ericsson and Sherris (1971).

b. For S and SD, stock solutions were prepared at 4,000 µg/ml and the concentrations were made
by the same method as shown in the scheme.

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52 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

APPENDIX 3.5. Interpretative categories and correlative minimal inhibitory

concentration (MICs) for food-borne pathogens (source: NCCLS, 1998).

MIC Breakpoint μg/ml

Antimicrobial agent
Susceptible Intermediate Resistant
Chloramphenicol* ≤8 - > 32
Oxytetracycline* ≤4 - > 16
Erythromycin* ≤ 0.5 - >8
Furazolidone ≤ 0.5 - > 128
Norfloxacin ≤ 0.5 - > 16
Prefloxacin ≤ 0.5 - > 16
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Sulfadiazine ≤ 0.5 - > 152

Sulfadimethoxine ≤ 256 - > 350
Trimethoprim ≤2 - > 16
Oxolinic acid ≤8 - > 32

* based on NCCLS publication M31-A2- Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution
Susceptibility Test for Bacteria Isolated from Animals: Approved Standard- Second Edition (ISBN 1-

NOTE: The data are based on human drugs.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
APPENDIX 3.6. Determination of inhibitory concentrations at 50% and 90% (IC50
and IC90 values).

50 × MIC value of the next % lower than 50%
IC50 = A+B
2 : when A = the next % lower than 50%

50 × MIC value of the next % higher than 50%

B =
the next % higher than 50%
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90 × MIC value of the next % lower than 90%

IC90 = C+D : when C =
2 the next % lower than 90%

90 × MIC value of the next % higher than 90%

D =
the next % higher than 90%

Example: How to find IC50 and IC90 of OTC from the following MIC values.

MIC (μg/ml) % of Inhibiting Strains

0.0125 5
0.025 20
0.05 30
*0.1 46 *
**0.2 58 **
0.4 63 The next lower * and higher ** values of IC50
0.8 70 The next % lower * and higher ** than 50%
*1.6 84 *
**3.2 95 **
6.4 100 The next lower * and higher ** values of IC90
100 100
The next % lower * and higher ** than 90%

Calculation for IC50 Calculation for IC90

A = 50 × 0.1 = 0.1087 C = 90 × 1.6 = 1.7143
46 84

B = 50 × 0.2 = 0.1724 D = 90 × 3.2 = 3.0316

58 95

IC50 of OTC = 0.1087 + 0.1724 IC90 of OTC = 1.7143 + 3.0316

2 2
= 0.1406 µg/ml = 2.3729 µg/ml

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
54 CHAPTER 3. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Test and Determination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

APPENDIX 3.7. Table of assigned values to evaluate the breakpoint, which

correlates to the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC).

Example: The MIC values of the bacterial strains against OTC, OA, S, SD, CP and TM
in various provinces of Thailand in 2002.

Source of MIC Values (µg/ml)

No. of Strain
01 Chanthaburi 0.2 0.2 >400 >400 0.1 25
02 Chanthaburi 0.4 0.1 200 >400 0.4 50
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03 Chanthaburi 0.1 0.4 >400 200 0.4 12.5

- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
81 Samutsakhon 0.8 0.2 200 200 0.4 6.28
82 Samutsakhon 0.2 0.4 >400 >400 0.2 3.50
83 Samutsakhon 0.2 0.1 >400 200 1.25 25
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
150 Phuket 0.1 0.2 >400 >400 0.2 50
151 Phuket 0.1 0.4 >400 >200 0.4 25
152 Phuket 0.4 0.2 200 >400 0.4 25

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment
APPENDIX 3.8. Notes on laboratory practice (adapted from NCCLS, 2002)

1) Guidelines for Quality Control

The goal of a quality control program is to monitor the following:

a. The precision and accuracy of the MIC test procedure;
b. The performance of reagents and the viability of the microorganisms used
in the test; and
c. The performance of personnel who carry out the tests and interpret the
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2) Responsibilities of the Laboratory

The following are the responsibilities of the laboratory:

a. Storage to prevent drug deterioration;
b. Personnel proficiency;
c. Adherence to procedure [e.g., inoculum standards, incubation conditions
such as time, temperature, and atmosphere (aerobic or anaerobic)]; and
d. Media preparation and storage.

3) Common Sources of Error

The following are common sources of error and should be checked whenever
the results of MIC are outside the accuracy control limits:
a. Reader error in observation of the apparent bacterial growth on each
b. Contamination or other changes in the control plates;
c. Inoculum adjusted too heavy or too light;
d. Failure to thoroughly mix the antimicrobial dilution tube;
e. Variability in the performance of antibiotic media. Each new lot should be
checked before use;
f. Loss of drug potency during handling or storage in the laboratory; and
g. Mistake in labeling antimicrobial concentration and/or bacterial code.

4) Safety in Laboratory Practice

Carry out all procedures in accordance with the local code of practice of a
microbiological laboratory such as ISO/IEC standard.

Laboratory Manual of Standardized Methods for Antimicrobial Sensitivity Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals and Environment

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