Kode Gigi Bpjs
Kode Gigi Bpjs
Kode Gigi Bpjs
acute periodontitis
Chronic periodontitis
Other periodontal diseases
Periodontal diseases, unspecified
Gingival recession ( resesi gingiva )
Gingival Enlargement
Gingival and edentulous alveolar ridge le assoc with trauma
other spec disoder of gingival and edentulous alveolar ridge
disolder of gingival and edentulous alveolar ridge, unspec act
Major anomalies of jaw size
Anomalies of jaw cranial base relationship
anomalies of dental arch relationship
anomalies of tooth posisition
dentofacial functional abnormalities
Temporo mandibular joint disolders ( kelainan TMJ )
Other dentofacial anomalies
Dentofacial anomaly, unspecified
Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes
loss of teeth accident axtraction or local periodontal dis ( gg lepas krn gusi bengkak )
Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge ( atrofi ggv )
Retained dental root ( gangren radix )
Other specifeddisolders of teeth and supporting structure
disolder of teeth and supporting structur, unspecified
Developmental odontogenic cyst
Developmental (non odontogenic ) cyst of oral region
other cyst of jaw
other cyst of oral region, not else wherw classifies
developmental disolder of jaws
giant cell granuloma, central
Inflamatory conditions of jaw
alveolitis of jaws
Oyher specified diseases of jaws
diseases of jaws, unspecified
fracture ot tooth,closed
fracture ot tooth ,open
dislocation of tooth
dislocation of jaw
Sprain and strain of jaw ( ketegangan rahang )
Other forms stomatitis
Candidal stomatitis