Merlin Gerin
Now there’s
a new name
MV circuit breaker for flexibility
and security
For cost calculation, you must add: b Basic fixed circuit breaker including:
v IEC labels,
v 1 bloc of 4 O/C position contacts,
v 1 shunt release MX.
b Circuit breaker options.
E054 E053
E058 E057
25 kA 630 A 7P1-630 4965 4965
2500 A 7P1-2500 8059
E060 E059
31.5 kA 630 A 7P2-630 6085
1250 A 7P2-1250 7093
12 kV
E056 E055
2500 A 12P1-2500 8059
17.5 kV
2500 A 17P1-2500 E072 E071 E070 9363
31.5 kA 630 A 17P2-630 7093
1250 A 17P2-1250 8252
1600 A 17P2-1600 9141
E087 E086 E085 E084
2500 A 17P2-2500 11363
40 kA 630 A 17P3-630 9025
1250 A 17P3-1250 10474
2500 A 17P3-2500 14362
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
E099 E098 E097
2 Schneider Electric
Modular Performance tables
version 7P1 1250 at 17P3 2500
Characteristics according to IEC 60 056 7P1-1250 7P2-1250 7P2-2500 7P3-2500 17P1-630 17P1-1250
rated voltage Ur (kV) rms 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 12/17.5 12/17.5
rated insulation level Ud (kV) rms 20 20 20 20 38 38
Up (kV) peak 60 60 60 60 95 95
rated short-circuit breaking current Isc (kA) rms 25 31.5 31.5 40 25 25
rated normal current (-25°C,+40°C) Ir (A) rms 1250 1250 2500 2500 630 1250
climatic version -25°C + 40°C c c c c c c
More performances
c Protection against phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth short-circuits, with logic
Protection monitoring,
discrimination management
Fully compatible with the Modbus standard, it enables remote operation of
c Reading of all available information (measurements, logical states, settings, etc)
c Circuit breaker remote control.
c Network diagnosis: trip currents, unbalance ratio, disturbance recording, etc.
c Circuit breaker diagnosis: number of switching operations, operating and
charging time, cumulative A2 broken, etc.
c Protection unit diagnosis: permanent self-testing, watchdog function, etc.
More modularity
c Optional modules can be easily added at any time:
v logic inputs/outputs,
v communication,
v temperature sensor module,
v analog output module.
More simplicity
Easy cubicle installation
c Compact base unit, depth of less than 100 mm.
v flush-mounted on the front panel,
v or mounted inside the control compartment, the user-machine interface (UMI)
can then be placed in the best position for operation purposes.
c Low power consumption limiting the size of auxiliary supply batteries.
c All information is accessible on the advanced UMI
c Operator language of the advanced UMI can be customised
c Direct setting of real values using manufacturer's data
c Setting and operation software enabling the uploading and downloading of
settings files amongst other things.
v 11 signal lamps,
v 1 "reset" key to clear faults and to reset,
v 1 connection port for the RS232 link with the PC.
General characteristics
Unit with standard UMI and
remote advanced UMI Supply voltage
module range
48 to 250 VDC and 110 to 240 VAC -20/+10%
24 VDC -20/+50%
Operating conditions according to IEC 60 068
Protection monitoring,
control and metering
remanent undervoltage 27R c c
phase-to-phase undervoltage 27 c c
phase-to-neutral undervoltage 27S c c
phase to phase overvoltage 59 c c
neutral voltage displacement 59N c c
overfrequency 81H c c
underfrequency 81L c c
rate of change of frequency 81R c
recloser (4 cycles) 79 v
thermostat / Buchholz v
temperature monitoring(2) 38/49T v v
phase current I1, I2, I3 RMS c c c
residual current Io c c c
average current I1, I2, I3 c c c
peak demand phase current IM1, IM2, IM3 c c c
phase-to-phase voltage U21, U32, U13 c c
phase-to-neutral voltage V1, V2, V3 c c
residual voltage Vo c c
positive sequence voltage rotation direction c c
frequency c c
temperature measurement(2) v v
Network diagnosis
tripping current I1, I2, I3, Io c c c
unbalance ratio / negative sequence current c c c
running hours counter c c
thermal capacity used c c
remaining operating time before c c
overload tripping
waiting time after overload tripping c c
starting current and time c
start inhibit time delay, c
number of starts before inhibition
disturbance recording c c c c c
Switchgear diagnosis
cumulative breaking square current c c c
trip circuit supervision v v v v v
number of operations v v v
operating time v v v
charging time v v v
watchdog c c c c c
output relay test (3) v v v v v
Control and monitoring
circuit breaker / contactor control v v v v v
logic discrimination v v v
4 addressable logical outputs c c c c c
Additional modules
8 temperature sensor inputs v v
1 low-level analog output v v v v v
4 inputs/4 outputs or 10 inputs/4 outputs v v v v v
RS485 communication interface v v v v v
c basic,
v according to parameter settings and input/output module options
(2) with temperature sensor inputs option,
(3) with advanced UMI option.
Metering Protection
c Display of operational measurements on the UMI Phase overcurrent (ANSI 50/51)
display. 4 three-phase protection functions against phase-to-phase short circuits,
c This information can be obtained remotely: set independently.
v by adding the analog output MSA 141 together with c Adjustable timer hold, for detection of restriking faults.
the factory-built cables c Switching function between 2 sets of settings.
v by adding the communication function. Earth fault (ANSI 50N/51N or 50G/51G)
4 protection functions against earth faults, set independently.
c Adjustable timer hold, for detection of restriking faults.
c 2nd harmonic restraint, for stability on transformer energizing.
c Switching function between 2 sets of settings.
Unbalance / negative sequence (ANSI 46)
Protection against phase unbalance.
Thermal overload (ANSI 49)
c 2 protection functions against thermal damage due to an overload, to take
account of:
Setting ranges
Functions Settings Time delays
Phase overcurrent (1)
Protection monitoring,
0.2 to 30 A CSH 120/200 2 A rating
The current In, the rated voltage Unp and the current Ino are general settings that are set when commissioning Sepam 1000+.
They are expressed in terms of values at the primary of metering transformers.
In is the rated current of current sensors (CT rating) (adjustable from 1 A to 6250 A).
Unp is the rated phase to phase voltage of the voltage sensor primary (adjustable from 220 V to 250 kV).
Ino is the rating of the residual current sensors.
Ib is the current corresponding to the equipment's rated power, adjustable from 0.4 to 1.3 In.
The setting of current, voltage and frequency values is carried out by directly inputting the value; (resolution: 1A, 1V, 0.1 hz, 1°C or F).
(1) adjustable timerhold DT or IDMT, according to tripping curve.
(2) with adapter core balance CT ACE 990 for core balance CT with a ratio of n between 50 and 1500 turns.
26 Schneider Electric
Presentation Sepam 1000+
The Sepam 1000+ series 20 B21 and B22 voltage units are suitable for the
following situations:
b Monitoring of network voltage and frequency.
b Loss of mains detection by rate of change of frequency protection for installations
with local power generation.
Sepam 1000+ series 40, with its current and voltage metering capabilities, offers
high-performing solutions for more demanding applications.
Sepam 1000+ series 40 units perform the following functions in addition to those
performed by Sepam 1000+ series 20:
b Protection of networks with parallel incomers by directional protection.
b Directional earth fault protection suitable for all earthing systems, impedant,
isolated or compensated neutral.
b All the necessary electrical measurements: phase and residual current, phase-to-
Schneider Electric 45
Presentation Sepam 1000+
In order to adapt to as many situations as possible and allow for subsequent
Simple to install
5 b No constraints for integration in cubicles due to the compact size of the base units
and remote installation of optional modules.
b Universal auxiliary power supply.
Simple to commission
7 b All the functions are ready to use.
b User-friendly, powerful PC setting software to utilize all the possibilities offered by
6 Sepam 1000+.
Simple to operate
1 Base unit, with various User/Machine Interface levels (UMI): With the advanced UMI, all local operations are made easier by a clear, complete
b Basic UMI presentation of all the required information in your language.
b Advanced UMI with graphic LCD screen.
PowerLogic System
Sepam 1000+ is a component of PowerLogic System and may naturally be
associated with SMS centralized industrial and commercial electrical network
management software.
46 Schneider Electric
Sepam 1000+ Base unit
v 11 signal lamps,
v 1 "reset" key to clear faults and to reset,
v 1 connection port for the RS232 link with the PC.
v 11 signal lamps,
v a "graphic" LCD display, enabling display of metering values, parameter
settings and alarm and operation messages,
v a 9 key pad with 2 usage modes:
- white keys for current operation:
- displaying measurements, diagnosis information and alarms
- blue keys for parameter and protection setting:þ
access to device parameters and protection settings. Modification protected by
v 1 connection port for the RS232 link with the PC.
General characteristics
Supply voltage Sepam 1000+ series 20 Range
48 to 250 VDC and 110 to 240 VAC -20/+10%
24 VDC -20/+50%
Supply voltage Sepam 1000+ series 40
24 to 250 VDC and 110 to 240 VAC -20/+10%
Unit with basic UMI and remote advanced UMI module Operating conditions according to IEC 60068
from -25°C to +70°C
Operating language
English/local language (1)
(1) please consult us.
Schneider Electric 47
Sepam 1000+ Selection table
Sepam 1000+ series 20
48 Schneider Electric
Sepam 1000+ Selection table
Sepam 1000+ series 40
Schneider Electric 49
Sepam 1000+ Protection and metering
50 Schneider Electric
Sepam 1000+ Protection and metering
Thermostat, Buchholz
Protection of transformers against internal faults detected by integrated devices.
Temperature monitoring (ANSI 38/49T)
Schneider Electric 51
Sepam 1000+ Protection functions
Setting ranges
52 Schneider Electric
Sepam 1000+ Protection functions
Setting ranges
Schneider Electric 53