Chemo Practice Problems
Chemo Practice Problems
Chemo Practice Problems
Key Points:
2 – There are various formulas for calculating body surface area (BSA). For our class, please use the Mostellar (also called the New
England Journal method) equation:
3 – Know your own body weight, height, and BSA so that you can do the “eyeball” test with the patient who is in front of you to estimate
if a dose is reasonable
4 – Yes, you need to memorize the conversions to metric, the Cockcroft-Gault equation, and how to calculate absolute neutrophil count
(ANC); we will give you the formulas for BSA and carboplatin dosing
2.54 cm = 1 inch
1 kg = 2.2 pounds
Carboplatin dose (mg) = Target AUC x (CrCl + 25) (this is the Calvert formula; there are various formulas used for
carboplatin dosing but this is the most commonly used. CrCl should be calculated using Cockcroft-Gault and capped at 125
CrCl (mL/min) for men = (140 – age)(actual body weight) / (SCr)(72)
CrCl (mL/min) for women = above x 0.85
*In oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has recommended that actual body weight be used even for
obese individuals with no capping of the dose. This is not necessarily true in other disease states but we follow ASCO
guidelines in oncology practice. When you are on clerkship and when you are a practicing pharmacist, you should check with
your institution regarding the standard method for CrCl estimation, both for oncology and non-oncology patients. In many
non-oncology settings, ideal body weight (IBW) is used for obese patients (those who weigh >30% of IBW)
ANC (the units are “neutrophils”) = WBC x (segs% + bands%)
5 – for this class, provide exact dose and volume; in real life, you often will round to the nearest vial size for monoclonal antibodies and
other expensive drugs. The maximum dose for vincristine is 2 mg no matter the BSA. Round to the nearest whole number for mg, mL,
kg, cm, and absolute neutrophil count (ANC); round to 2 decimal places for BSA (measured in m2).
6 – You will be provided with package inserts or concentration of drug products so that you can calculate both a dose in mg and also the
volume in mL of the drug in question
7 – You will also need to do calculations with some of the oral therapies – for example, how many pills would you dispense when some
of these therapies require multiple pills/dose?
8 – You will be expected to do opioid conversions as well. We will cover this in more detail during the pain and constipation lecture.
You should not memorize these conversions. They will be provided to you and in practice, you should also double-check yourself to
make sure that you do not make an error.
9 – Please pay attention to units for safety. Please also note for safety reasons that documenting the dose in the chart should be written as
generic name of drug YY mg (XX mg/m2). For example, pemetrexed 1000 mg (500 mg/m2). A mg dose by itself does not allow us to
check the dosing of a regimen or protocol. Both the actual dose and the dose expected in mg/m2 should be provided.
10 – Doses should be rounded to whole numbers. For oral chemotherapy, round to nearest pill size, because these pills should not be
11 – Chemotherapy is given in “cycles.” The most common chemotherapy “cycle” is 21 days. Sometimes multiple doses of
chemotherapy are given on different days in a cycle. For example, gemcitabine is often given on day 1, day 8, and day 15 every 28 days.
This means that the patient receives 3 doses per cycle. It is important to know how many doses of chemotherapy are given in a cycle.
The best source is the primary literature/clinical research study for the treatment regimen, which is often referenced in the NCCN
guidelines. You will be asked to calculate the number of milligrams a patient receives per dose and per cycle. In the adjuvant setting
(chemotherapy given after surgery or radiation), a defined numbers of cycles is given to a patient, often 4 – 6 cycles. When the patient
completes all 4 -6 cycles, the patient is said to have been treated with a “course” of chemotherapy. In the metastatic setting, when the
anticancer drugs are changed because the patient progresses, he begins a new “course” of treatment.
1 – JJ is a 54 year-old woman who has been prescribed doxorubicin 60 mg/m2 IV day 1 every 21 days with cyclophosphamide 600
mg/m2 IV every 21 days for metastatic breast cancer. JJ is 5’4” and weighs 135 pounds. Doxorubicin is supplied as 10 mg/mL and is
given as an IV push and Cyclophosphamide is supplied as 20 mg/mL (after reconstitution). What dose in mg will JJ receive for each
drug? How many mL of each drug with JJ receive?
2 – HG is a 73 year-old man who has been prescribed carboplatin AUC 5 IV every 21 days with paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 IV every 21 days
for Stage IV squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer. HG is 5’11” and weighs 180 pounds and his SCr is 1.1 mg/dL. Carboplatin is
supplied as 10 mg/mL (after reconstitution) and paclitaxel is supplied as 6 mg/mL.
3 – FM is a 64 year-old man who has been prescribed capecitabine 1250 mg/m2 PO q12hours days 1 – 14 every 21 days for metastatic
colorectal cancer. He is 6’2” and weighs 190 pounds today. Capecitabine is supplied as 150 mg and 500 mg tablets.
Note: The formulas for carboplatin dosing and BSA will be provided to you on the exam. You will need to memorize metric conversions,
the Cockcroft-Gault equation, and how to calculate absolute neutrophil count (ANC). Use actual body weight in the Cockcroft-Gault
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 kg = 2.2 pounds
Oral prednisone 100 mg/m2 days 1 – 5 x 2.02 m2 = 202 mg/day = 200 mg (four 50 mg tablets)
2 – GB is a 29 year-old female with stage I Hodgkin’s lymphoma who will be treated with the ABVD (Adriamycin ® = doxorubicin;
bleomycin; vinblastine; dacarbazine) regimen. She is 5’5” and weighs 118 pounds. What dose in mg of each drug in ABVD will she
receive? GB returns for cycle 2 post 1 week of grade 3 mucositis, which requires a 50% dose-reduction of bleomycin and doxorubicin.
What will her new dose of these drugs be for cycle 2?
4 – SP is a 74 year-old woman with stage III ovarian cancer who is prescribed the paclitaxel/cisplatin IV/IP (intraperitoneal) regimen.
She is 5’0” tall and weighs 100 lbs. What is her dose in mg for each drug? On cycle 2, her SCr is 1.7 g/dL. Look up cisplatin in
Clinical Pharmacology; what should her new dose of cisplatin be given her new CrCl?
Paclitaxel 135 mg/m2 IV CIVI (continuous intravenous infusion) over 24 hours day 1
BSA = square root of (191 cm x 95 kg / 3600) = 2.25 m2 (note new ASCO recommendations are to not cap doses at BSA of 2 m2)
Pegfilgrastim 6 mg SC day 3 = 6 mg
Cisplatin: decrease dose 25% (which means administer 75% of the dose) for CrCl 45 – 60 mL/min: 158 mg x 0.75 = 118.118.5 mg =
119 mg
Methotrexate: administer 65% of the standard dose for CrCl 46-60 mL/min: 68 mg x 0.65 = 44.2 mg = 44 mg
6 – Cl is a 67 year-old male with stage IIb nonsquamous cell non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who is prescribed adjuvant paclitaxel
and carboplatin with concurrent radiation therapy (RT). He is 5’11” tall and weighs 182 pounds, and his SCr today is 0.8 g/dL. What is
the dose in mg for each drug?
Gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 IV days 1, 8, 15 every 28 days x 2.27 m2 = 2270 mg/day x 3 doses/cycle = 6810 mg
Albumin-bound paclitaxel 125 mg/m2 IV day 1 every 28 days x 2.27 m2 = 283.75 mg = 284 mg
8 – GH is a 56 year-old male with stage IV HER2+ gastric carcinoma (yes, stomach cancers can over-express HER2 just like breast
cancer!) who will be treated with trastuzumab, cisplatin, and fluorouracil (5FU). He is 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 195 lbs. What is
the dose in mg that GH will receive of each drug each day? What is the dose in mg of fluorouracil that GH will receive per cycle?
Grade 1-2 infusion reactions require a 50% rate reduction. 8 mg/kg over 60 minutes x 0.5 = 8 mg/kg over (60 + 30 minutes) = 90
10 – LK is a 72 year-old man who presents to clinic for cycle 4 of cabazitaxel 25 mg/m2 IV for his stage IV castration-resistant prostate
cancer (CRPC). He reports having a fever of 100 degrees F for the last 3 days. His complete blood count (CBC) with differential is:
11 – LK’s chemotherapy is held and he is treated with a course of antibiotics. 3 weeks later, he presents to clinic for evaluation of
continued treatment with cabazitaxel. He is cleared for chemotherapy and receives 2 more cycles. On cycle 6, LK presents with the
following labs:
NO, LK does not meet the requirement to have ANC of at least 1500 nuetrophils/mL to safely receive chemotherapy. He should NOT be
treated today.
12 – TM is a 67 year-old woman who has been prescribed cisplatin 75 mg/m2 IV day 1 every 21 days with pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 IV
day 1 every 21 days for stage IV adenocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer. TM is 5’5” and weighs 126 pounds. Cisplatin is supplied
as 1 mg/mL and pemetrexed is supplied as 25 mg/mL. What dose in mg will TM receive for each drug? How many mL of each drug
with TM receive? Unfortunately TM experiences grade 3 diarrhea following cycle 1. Using the information from the pemetrexed
package insert ( , what should TM’s new doses of pemetrexed and cisplatin be (once her oncologist
determines it is safe to re-start chemotherapy)?
13 – YT is a 75 year-old man who has been prescribed carboplatin AUC 2 IV weekly in combination with daily radiation therapy for his
locoregional cancer of oropharynx. YT is 6’1” and weighs 185 pounds and his SCr is 0.9 mg/dL. Carboplatin is supplied as 10 mg/mL
(after reconstitution). What dose of carboplatin will YT receive and how many mL of the reconstituted drug will be needed for this
14 – SR is a 53 year-old woman who has been prescribed capecitabine 1000 mg/m2 PO q12hours days 1 – 14 every 21 days with
lapatinib 1250 mg PO daily for recurrent HER2+ metastatic breast cancer. She is 5’2” and weighs 110 pounds. Capecitabine is supplied
as 150 mg and 500 mg tablets. What dose in mg will SR receive? Describe the number and strength of capecitabine pills that will be the
closest to providing this dose. At her first follow-up appointment, it is discovered that SR’s CrCl is 45 mL/min. Using the information
from the package insert (, what should the new dose and pill regimen be for
SR? Note, capecitabine is not FDA-approved for use in combination with lapatinib, however, this is a common and recommended drug
therapy option for patients with this disease after failure of a trastuzumab regimen. Please follow dose-adjustment recommendations as
outlined in the package insert as if the drug were used in combination with docetaxel.
16 – MK is a 62 year-old woman who is about to be treatment with modified FOLFOX6 with bevacizumab for stage IV colorectal
cancer. She is 5’6” tall and weighs 150 pounds. What is the dose in mg and the volume in mL of reconstituted drug that MK should
receive of fluorouracil bolus, fluorouracil 46-hour infusion, leucovorin, oxaliplatin, and bevacizumab? For the 46-hour fluorouracil dose,
please provide the dose per day and the total dose that will be needed for the duration of the 46 hours. Doses can be found in the NCCN
colorectal cancer guidelines v.2.2015 on page 30/143 of the pdf, from:
(This is a chance to register your email address and practice using the guidelines! This will be important for you once you are practicing
because new drugs and regimens are added to the guidelines on a regular basis and it is always best to look up the guidelines to verify the
doses.) The drugs are supplied (after reconstitution) as the following:
Leucovorin 20 mg/mL
Oxaliplatin 5 mg/mL
17 – LL is a 60 year-old woman who is about to receive ado-trastuzumab emtansine 3.6 mg/kg IV day 1 every 21 days for recurrent
HER2+ metastatic breast cancer. She is 5’1” tall and weighs 125 pounds. Ado-trastuzumab emtansine is supplied as 20 mg/mL after
dilution. What is the dose in mg and volume in mL that LL will receive? At cycle 3, it is discovered that LL’s serum AST has increased
to 6 times the upper limit of normal (ULN). Using the package insert ( ,
what should LL’s new dose and volume of ado-trastuzumab be?
Leucovorin 20 mg/mL
Irinotecan 20 mg/mL
Cetuximab 2 mg/mL
19 – WR is a 54 year-old man diagnosed with stage III esophageal carcinoma who had surgery and is now scheduled to receive adjuvant
chemotherapy with fluoruracil 800 mg/m2 continuous intravenous infusion (CIVI) over 24 hours daily days 1-5 every 28 days with
cisplatin 100 mg/m2 IV day 1 every 28 days for 3 cycles. WR is 5’8” tall and weighs 150 pounds. What is the dose and volume of
fluorouracil that WR will receive each day and the total dose and volume that he will receive after 5 days? What is the dose and volume
of cisplatin that WR will receive on day 1 of each cycle? Fluorouracil is supplied as 1.5 mg/mL after reconstitution and cisplatin is
supplied as 1 mg/mL after reconstitution.
21 – BN is a 55 year-old man diagnosed with metastatic melanoma with BRAF V600E mutation who is prescribed vemurafenib
(Zelboraf ®) 960 mg PO q12hours every day. Vemurafenib is available as 240 mg tablets. How many tablets will the patient take for
each dose, for each day, and for a 30-month supply? After 3 weeks, BN experiences a grade 3 rash. Using the package insert
(, what should BN’s new dose of vemurafenib be once his
rash resolves to less than grade 2? How many tablets will constitute this new dose for each administration, each day, and for a 30-month
Vemurafenib 960 mg/dose / 240 mg/tablet = 4 tablets/dose x 2 doses/day = 8 tablets/day x 30 days = 240 tablets/30 days.
After first appearance of a grade 3 adverse event, reduce dose to 720 mg po q12hours
720 mg / 240 mg/tablet = 3 tablets/dose x 2 doses/day = 6 tablets/day x 30 days = 180 tablets/30 days