Contactless Sheet Metal Feeder For Metal-Forming Machines: Sergej Teichrib, Richard Krimm and Bernd-Arno Behrens
Contactless Sheet Metal Feeder For Metal-Forming Machines: Sergej Teichrib, Richard Krimm and Bernd-Arno Behrens
Contactless Sheet Metal Feeder For Metal-Forming Machines: Sergej Teichrib, Richard Krimm and Bernd-Arno Behrens
Abstract - This paper deals with the investigation of a contactless sheet metal feeder for metal forming machines.
The concept is based on an asynchronous linear motor in which the sheet metal is used as the eddy currents runner.
First numerical analyses were performed by means of a parameterized finite-element (FE) - model of the feeder. The
focus was on the investigation of the operational characteristics in dependence on the material and geometrical
properties of the sheet metal. The simulation results were validated by experiments using a demonstrator of the
feeder. The results show that the feeding forces of partially above 1,000 N using the electromagnetic feeder can be
doubled in comparison to mechanical roll feeders.
1. Introduction
To produce sheet metal workpieces in high quantities within a short time mechanical roll and gripper
feeders are used for the automatic feeding of sheet metals from a coil into the press [Schuler, 1998;
Behrens and Doege, 2010]. However, in press lines with high stroke rates of about 1000 min-1 primarily
servo motor powered roll feeders are used (Web-1). To ensure a resource efficient production the sheet
metal has to be positioned precisely with an accuracy below 50 µm (Web-2). Thereby the sheet metal is
clamped with a high contact pressure of several kN to achieve a slip-free operation during high
accelerations for a high position accuracy. A considerably problem of present mechanical roll feeders are
represented in the damage of the sheet metal surface due to the high surface pressures in the almost linear
contact region (Fig. 1b).
Fig. 1. Contact region in mechanical feeding systems: a) gripper feeder, b) roll feeder.
Common resulting errors are rolling marks and pit formations on the surface. In practice, therefor,
preferable gripper feeders are used for feeding thin or sensitive sheets, since here comparatively low
pressures arise due to relative large contact region (Fig. 1a). If sensitive materials, such as aluminium or
copper, or polished sheet metals are fed with roll feeders the mechanical contact has to be limited to avoid
a damage of the sheet surface. In these cases the maximum acceleration forces have also to be limited for
a slip-free operation result in higher feeding times and therefor in a reduced production rate. Another
problem is that contamination such as metal particles on the sheet metal may cause a permanent damage
of the rollers and grippers which leads to downtimes of the press line and maintenance costs for renewing
the feeder’s elements.
2. Solution Approach
To solve these problems a novel method has been developed at the IFUM providing a completely
contactless feeding by means of electromagnetic forces (Behrens et al., 2009; Teichrib, Krimm, 2013).
The major advantage is that no mechanical components are required to initiate the feeding forces to the
sheet metal. Therefor surface damages are avoided and sensitive sheet metals can also be fed with high
feed rates. Due to the fact that just the sheet metal itself has to be accelerated higher dynamics can be
achieved in comparison to conventional feeders
The feeder is based on the asynchronous linear motor wherein the sheet metal is used as the moving
secondary part. It consists of two stators, which consist of a laminated iron package and a three-phase
winding, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
U -V W -U V -W vB sheet metal
pole pitch τP
magnetic wave
optimal operating point
feeding force
sheet metal
The stators are symmetrically positioned above and below the sheet to compensate the forces of
attraction in ferromagnetic materials as well as the repulsive forces in non-magnetic sheet metals such as
aluminium. By means of the three phase winding in the stators a transient sinusoidal magnetic wave B is
induced in the air gap according to equation 1 (Budig, 1983).
Bx, t B0 cos x 2 f t . (1)
The velocity vB of the magnetic wave is controlled within the frequency f of the phase voltage or the
phase current applied to the stators. In addition, the wave velocity depends on the pole pitch P (Eq. 2)
(Boldea, 2013), which defines the distance between two coil sides of inverse polarity of the same phase
(Fig. 2a). The wave’s amplitude B0 and velocity is regulated via a frequency converter.
v B 2 f P . (2)
In case of a relative velocity vrel between the magnetic wave and the sheet eddy currents are induced
in the electrically conductive sheet metal (Rajput, 2005). Due to their interaction a translational force is
applied to the sheet metal according to the Lorentz law (Budig, 1983). The generated Lorentz force is
proportional to the cross product between the induced eddy current I and the magnetic induction B
multiplied with the sheet width ws:
FL B I ws . (3)
As known from the asynchronous motors the Lorentz forces strongly depend on the relative velocity.
Thereby an optimal operating point exists as shown in Fig. 2c (Toliyat, Kliman, 2004; Rajput, 2005). This
is inversely proportional to the electrical resistance (Budig, 1983):
vrel ,opt ~ . (4)
Since the sheet metal acts as the secondary part of the feeder, its magnetic and electrical properties
have a decisive influence on the operational performance of such a feeder (Budig, 1983; Boldea, 2013).
These properties vary significantly for different metals (Table 1). Consequently other feed characteristics
result in dependence on the sheet material which have to be investigated.
Table 1. Electrical and magnetic properties of typical sheet metals (Gobrecht, 2006; Bargel, Schulze, 2008)
influence on the achievable forces, a three-dimensional model was built. Due to the symmetry properties
the feeder was modelled as a ¼ model to reduce the computing time.
air ¼ -model
iron core of the feeder
magnetic induction B in the stator
3-phase winding
sheet eddy currents in the sheet metal
meshed model
Fig. 3. FE modelling and simulation of the contactless feeder.
On the model symmetry and boundary planes the corresponding conditions for the eddy currents in
the sheet metal and the magnetic field distribution were set. To take into account the magnetic leakage
field near the stator, the surrounding air space with its magnetic properties was also modelled. The virtual
coils were simplified as single conductor bars. The material properties for the sheet metal, the iron core
(ThyssenKrupp Steel, 2009) and the coils were considered as viable parameters. To take into account the
eddy currents as well as the nonlinear B/H-curve of the iron core and ferromagnetic sheet metals transient
simulations were performed.
Based on the simulation results a real demonstrator of the feeder was manufactured to validate the FE
model and to test the functional ability in practice (Fig. 4). The feeder can be controlled via a standard
frequency converter with which the magnetic wave is modulated concerning the magnitude and velocity.
Therefore the feeding forces as well as the sheet metal position are controlled. The rated voltage of the
converter is 400 V at a maximum current of 50 A. To achieve the required low phase inductance of only
2.4 mH preformed coils were installed. With this winding a rated frequency range of 140 Hz can be
achieved. In comparison, conventional electrical motors feature rated frequencies of 50 to 80 Hz. Due to a
wire cross-section of 5 mm² an electrical resistance of 0.5 Ω results. An additional benefit is the reduced
heating losses.
parameter value
rated voltage / current 400 V / 50 A
rated frequency 140 Hz
Poles 7
pole pitch 63 mm
resistance/phase 0.5 Ω
inductance 2.4 mH
length x width x height
780 x 250 x 150 mm³
sheet guidance
guidance with
incremental encoder
Fig. 4. Demonstrator of the feeder.
3. 2. Results
A main focus of the numerical analyses was the identification of the optimal control voltage
frequencies of the feeder, referred to as slip frequencies, depending on the sheet material and geometry.
With the voltage frequency the magnetic wave can be controlled in its velocity (Eq. 2). The simulation
results indicate that a major dependence of the slip frequency exists with regard to the sheet metal
material as well as to the respective cross section. In Fig. 5 the simulation results for the optimal slip
frequency are shown. Within the simulations the cross sections for steel, aluminum and copper are varied.
1000 1000
sheet thickness 1 mm sheet thickness 2 mm
slip frequency [Hz]
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 0
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
a width [mm] b width [mm]
sheet thickness
slip frequency [Hz]
800 3 mm
steel 600
aluminum 400
copper 200
20 40 60 80 100
width [mm]
Fig. 5. Simulated optimal slip frequencies for steel, aluminum and copper in dependence on the sheet width and
It was identified that for low conductive materials, such as steel, very high slip frequencies result.
Which are above 1,000 Hz in most cases. Therefor the optimal operation point (Fig. 2c) cannot be reached
due to the limited power output of the converter resulting in a lower efficiency. Even when processing a
100 x 3 mm² steel sheet 400 Hz are required. The higher electrical conductivity of aluminum and copper
leads to significantly lower slip frequencies (Eq. 4). For sheet width of 50 mm these amount below 200
Hz. This results in higher efficiency of the electromagnetic feeder and higher feeding forces. It is also
shown in Fig. 5 that a general increase of the sheet thickness leads to lower slip frequency due to the
reduced electrical resistance of the sheet.
The developed electromagnetic feeder was designed for feeding sheets with a maximum thickness of
3 mm and a width of 100 mm. For this purpose the maximum forces were examined in dependence on the
geometry as well as the material by means of simulations and experiments. Here the static forces of the
feeder applied to the sheet were measured. The results for aluminium and ferromagnetic steel are shown
in Fig. 6. The sheet width was varied between 20 to 100 mm, the thickness between 1 to 3 mm. The
experimental investigations show a very good correlation to the numerical studies with a deviation of less
than 10 %.
Generally, an increase of the sheet width causes higher feeding forces due to the larger acting area
between the magnetic field and the eddy currents according to Eq. 3. Since aluminum has a significantly
higher electrical conductivity (Table 1) higher forces can be generated feeding a 1 mm sheet. For a 100 x
1 mm² aluminium sheet about 1,000 N can be achieved. Compared to current mechanical roll feeders of a
comparable size the feeding forces could be more than doubled (Behrens, Marthiens, 2011). In contrast, a
maximum of just 400 N were achieved by feeding a 1 mm steel sheet. This is caused by the limited power
output of the frequency converter. By using a higher performance converter higher slip frequencies could
be achieved, and correspondingly the feeding forces could be increased. The results also show that for
sheet width of 20 mm and 30 mm low forces can be generated. For such sizes an improvement of the
feeder is required.
For aluminum an increase of the sheet thickness leads to decrease feeding forces due to its
paramagnetic properties. Thereby the magnetic resistance in the air gap is increased and lower forces
result according to the less magnetic magnitude. When feeding steel, a higher sheet thickness results in a
reduced electrical resistance. Therefor higher eddy currents are induced in the sheet metal. Since the
magnetic field is uninfluenced due to the ferromagnetic material properties, a higher feeding force can be
generated. The maximum force was thus achieved with a 100 x 3 mm² steel sheet and is above 1,000 N.
experiment simulation
1200 1200
Aluminium Aluminium Steel
1000 1000
feeding force [N]
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 0
20 30 60 80 20 30 60 80 1 2 3 1 2 3
a sheet width [mm] (1 mm thickness) b sheet thickness [mm] (100 mm width)
Fig. 6. Feeding forces for ferromagnetic steel and aluminum depending on the sheet width (a) and thickness (b).
should have the contour of the workpiece. To reduce the costs and to increase the flexibility of such a
feeder, a modular system should be investigated. An approach is a feeder consisting of two static stators
and variable iron core elements to concentrate the magnetic field. These field formers are adapted to the
respective contour of the workpiece which have actually to be fed (Fig. 7a). The mounted field formers
consist of a stack of electric sheets to suppress eddy currents and retroactively the heat losses. This is a
comparable cheap construction and can be produced inexpensively. Thereby the magnetic field form
elements can be flexibly interchanged. With these elements the magnetic field is focused and directed
onto the workpiece. The magnetic field leakage can be reduced and the feeding forces can be increased
significantly. First numerical analyses indicate that advantage feeding forces of more than 2000 N can be
achieved using this feeder concept (Fig. 7b)
elements for magnetic
field concentration
a magnetic field former
feeding forces [N]
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
b rod radius [mm]
Fig. 7. Structure of a contactless feeder for rods or tubes (a) and simulated feeding forces in ferromagnetic steel
depending on its radius (b).
5. Conclusion
The feeding system of a press line has a significant influence on the output rate. An innovative
system has been developed at the IFUM which provide a contactless feeding of electric conductive sheet
metals by means of electromagnetic forces. Numerical simulations have been performed and were
validated by experiments using a demonstrator. In comparison to mechanical roll feeders the feeding
forces were doubled. Future works are aimed at the investigations of such electromagnetic feeding system
for complex workpiece cross-sections such as rods, tubes or other profiles.
The IGF-project 16749N/1 of the German Machine Tools' Association (VDW) was funded via the
German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) within the framework of industrial
collective research and developement by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology on the basis
of a decision by the German Bundestag.
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