Mikasa Plot (Without PLC) : (In SQ Yd) (In RS.) (@7496/-Psy) (@rs. 30000/ - PKV) (@ Rs. 200/psy) (@ Rs. 850/-Psy) (In RS.)

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Water Connection Electricity Facility
Plot Area BSP EDC/IDC Power Backup (@Rs. Cost of Property
(In Sq Yd) (In Rs.) (@7496/- psy) 30000/- pkv)
Charges charges
(@ Rs. 200/psy) (@ Rs. 850/-Psy) (In Rs.)

1000 42000000 7496000 600000 200000 850000 51146000

500 21000000 3748000 450000 100000 425000 25723000
400 16800000 2998400 450000 80000 340000 20668400
375 15750000 2811000 300000 75000 318750 19254750
300 12600000 2248800 300000 60000 255000 15463800
250 10500000 1874000 225000 50000 212500 12861500
Water Connection Electricity Facility
Plot Area BSP EDC/IDC Power Backup (@Rs. Cost of Property
(In Sq Yd) (In Rs.) (@7496/- psy) 30000/- pkv)
Charges charges
(@ Rs. 200/psy) (@ Rs. 850/-Psy) (In Rs.)

1000 45950000 7496000 600000 200000 850000 55096000

500 22975000 3748000 450000 100000 425000 27698000
400 18380000 2998400 450000 80000 340000 22248400
375 17231250 2811000 300000 75000 318750 20736000
300 13785000 2248800 300000 60000 255000 16648800
250 11487500 1874000 225000 50000 212500 13849000

*Booking amount 10% of Cost of Property

*All Cheques and Demand Drafts to be made in favor of "St. Patricks Realty Pvt. Ltd."
* PLC Extra, (8% to 20% of BSP)
*IFMSD @ Rs. 150/- per sq. Yd.
* Power Backup (Mandatory 20KV for 1000 Sq Yd, 15 Kv for 500 Sq Yd & 400 Sq Yd, 10 Kv for 375 Sq Yd & 300 Sq Yd,
7.5 Kv for 250 Sq Yd)
*Club Membership @ Rs. 350000/-
* Prices Subject to Change

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