Haidt - 2007 - The New Synthesis in Moral Psychology
Haidt - 2007 - The New Synthesis in Moral Psychology
Haidt - 2007 - The New Synthesis in Moral Psychology
f you ever become a contestant on an un- emotion and the “emotive centers” of the brain. drawn on the work of Bargh (7) to argue that the
ere is a thought experiment: A man 2) Images that typically evoke emotionally
goes into a bar to tell a new joke. Two “positive” and “negative” responses were pre-
people are already in the bar. One is sented on a computer screen. Experimental
smiling and one is frowning. Who is more likely participants were asked to indicate when a
to “get” the punch line and appreciate his joke? picture appeared by quickly moving a lever.
Here is another: Two women are walking over a Some participants were instructed to push a
bridge. One is afraid of heights, so her heart lever away from their body, whereas others were
pounds and her hands tremble. The other is not told to pull a lever toward their body. Par-
afraid at all. On the other side of the bridge, they ticipants who pushed the lever away responded
encounter a man. Which of the two women is to negative images faster than to positive im-
more likely to believe that she has just met the ages, whereas participants who pulled the lever
man of her dreams? toward themselves responded faster to positive
You probably guessed that the first person of images (2).
the pair described in each problem was the right 3) Under the guise of studying the quality of
answer. Now consider the following experimen- different headphones, participants were induced
tal findings: either to nod in agreement or to shake their
1) While adopting either a conventional heads in disagreement. While they were “test-
working posture or one of two so-called ergo- ing” their headphones with one of these two
nomic postures, in which the back was straight movements, the experimenter placed a pen on
and the shoulders were held high and back or in the table in front of them. Later, a different ex-
which the shoulders and head were slumped, perimenter offered the participants the pen that
experimental participants learned that they had had been placed on the table earlier or a novel
succeeded on an achievement test completed pen. Individuals who were nodding their heads
Fig. 1. Two ways in which facial expression has been
earlier. Those who received the good news in preferred the old pen, whereas participants who
manipulated in behavioral experiments. (Top) In
the slumped posture felt less proud and reported had been shaking their heads preferred the new
order to manipulate contraction of the brow muscle
being in a worse mood than participants in the one (3). in a simulation of negative affect, researchers have
upright or working posture (1). All of these studies show that there is a affixed golf tees to the inside of participants’ eye-
reciprocal relationship between the bodily ex- brows (42). Participants in whom negative emotion
pression of emotion and the way in which was induced were instructed to bring the ends of the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and emotional information is attended to and in-
University of Clermont-Ferrand, France. E-mail: niedenthal@ golf tees together, as in the right panel. [Photo credit:
wisc.edu terpreted (Fig. 1). Charles Darwin himself de- Psychology Press]. (Bottom) In other research, par-
*Present address: Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et
fined attitude as a collection of motor behaviors ticipants either held a pen between the lips to
Cognitive, Université Blaise Pascal, 34 Avenue Carnot, (especially posture) that conveys an organism’s inhibit smiling, as in the left panel, or else held the
63037 Clermont-Ferrand, France. emotional response toward an object (4). Thus, pen between the teeth to facilitate smiling (39).