GM3 - in Search of New Gods
GM3 - in Search of New Gods
GM3 - in Search of New Gods
Devised and written by Paul Cockburn
Edited by Basil Barrett, with thanks to Phil G
Art by Jon Baker
Special thanks to Bill, Paul, Carl, Tracey, Sam & Brian for the playtest, and to Elaine and
my first-born for hanging on until the thing was finished
The DM should note the following
gaming conventions, used in this scenario,
ln Search of the New Gods is but not part of the normal AD&D set-up. If
designed to be played by up to 8 players, these clash with your own conventions,
with character levels 4-7. lt can be used for a alteration will have to be made to the
smaller number of adventurers, possibly scenario before it can be played.
even just one. The DM will find certain key
encounters have variables to take account of Clerics - Spell Lists
different party sizes. It is assumed PCs have NPC clerics and druids are servants of
a reasonable number of magical items, but specific deities. Because of the differing
that these do not provide faster natures of these deities, their servants have
transportation than is possible on horseback. different powers, which may mean that
PCs equipped with supersonic carpets of certain abilities and spells are gained at
flying will severely restrict the potential of earlier or later levels (or not at all) than the
this scenario. rulebook allows. Player-character clerics
Whatever the size of the party, it should operate under the same rules. In the
should contain a higher than normal sections Servants of Tarmenel and
proportion of clerics. At least a third of the Servants of the Green Man, there are spell
party should be clerics or druids, and the DM lists for the two named deities, these being
may wish to limit the number of MUs to the the gods the PCs are most likely. to follow.
minimum accordingly. After looking at these sections, the DM
At the end of the module, information should know which PCs will be able to take
is provided which allows this scenario to be part in this campaign, and to find
played as part of the Pelinore or campaign. replacement deities from his or her own
DMs should read the relevant pages and campaign, if desired.
familiarise themselves with the appropriate
Clerics - Weapons
campaign background thoroughly before
proceeding to the next section of this The absolute restriction on the use of
module. edged weapons is not used. The DM should
refer to the text, and inform the players of
The action is based in a well-settled
any restrictions on their choice of weapons.
area, at the heart of which is a great city.
Certain areas nearby contain features Thieves - Alignment
normally associated with the wilderness, and
The normal restrictions on the
it is here the early part of the adventure will
alignment of Thieves is altered. Thieves may
take place. The PCs will journey over great
be of any non-Lawful alignment. DMs
distances. Each decision they make will have
familiar with the concept of Locks and
enormous repercussions for the success of
Locksmiths from Imagine #24 may allow
their enterprise.
Lawful Thief-Locksmiths to take part in this
If you wish to play In thls module, stop
reading now! The remaining information
should only be made known to you by your Thieves - Weapons
DM, and to read it now would spoil the
Thieves may use any type of bow.
Alignment - Neutral and neutral Monsters
Certain characters are described as Monster stats are presented in the
having a neutral (small-n) alignment. In such form: Name: AC; Movement; Hit Dice or
a case, the character has no particular Class/level; hit points; #ATtacks; Damage;
feelings one way or the other, but ignores Special Attacks or Defences; Magic
the struggle between Law and Chaos. Most Resistance; Intelligence; ALignment;
such characters are low-level, ordinary THACO (the ‘to hit‘ roll needed to hit AC0);
people getting on with their lives. This experience points; Source (where applicable)
compares to those of Neutral (big-N)
alignment, who believe in balance between Abbreviations
the forces of Law and Chaos, as defined in The following abbreviations are used
the relevant rulebooks. Small-n neutral for NPC stats, in addition to the normal:
cannot be applied to the Good-Evil axis in the Assassin, Cleric, Druid, Freeman, Illusionist,
AD&D game. Magic-User, Ranger, Thief
Races (where not covered by the
NPCs - Presentation
above: ½- Elf, Human, ½ Orc
NPCs are presented in the format
developed for the Pelinore campaign. That is,
say, major NPCs are shown as:
Race Sex
Certain NPCs are described as being
of the Freeman class. This is an NPC non-
adventurer class giving a broad indication of
the rank of an individual, and allows NPCs
some advantages in terms of hit points etc,
not normally available to NM/F0 types.
BACKGROUND therefore, in stripping the Old Gods' temples
of their wealth.
The information in this section can be
released to the players at any time, even So, the worship of Tarmenel and the
prior to the commencement of the Green Man have declined. Many humble
adventure. It IS information that would be yeomen and their families have followed the
common knowledge to the PCs. However, the example of their Countess and turned to
information given assumes that this module other deities. In High Lygol, at the heart of
is to be used as a one-off adventure; if the her domains, all manner of gods and spirits
DM is intending to use this module with the are followed, and it is quite normal for a man
Pelinore or campaigns, he should consider to declare that he believes in ten or twelve,
their circumstances and histories before or for a woman to say she worships at the
giving the players any kind of introduction. shrines of half-a-dozen.
Men and women have lived in County Against this trend, clerics and
Cerwyn for as long as anyone can remember. teachers of the Old Religions have laboured
They draw their living from the good soil and to keep the countryfolk pure in their
abundant rain, for which they give regular devotion. The clerics wander from place to
thanks to their ancient deities, the Sky God, place, setting up shrines and donative
Tarmenel and the God of Earth, the Green temples, converting, reassuring, healing and
Man. They have never lived entirely worshipping.
peacefully, for others desire this land, and For many years, the greatest of these
the humanoids of the surrounding mountains wandering clerics was Feyr-Panniras, which
and forests have tried hard to get it. The means Brother of Sky-Wrath. Feyr-Panniras
outer settlements are walled against the was a modern man, who used the methods of
raids of gnolls, bugbears, trolls and giants, the New Gods to show how mighty were yet
while at sea to the north, warships have been the Old. He gathered a group of adventurers,
built to provide some protection against men and women of great skill, and journeyed
pirates. all the by-ways of the County; into the
They have been led by Counts, good mountains and forests, and across the sea to
and bad, each wrestling with the problem of other lands.
their enemies. Now, a young woman has just He found treasure and fame, and
come to the throne, who many believe will be brought both back in the name of Tarmenel.
a warrior like her grandfather. The army has The Cerwyn-folk thought of him almost as
been strengthened, new roads built, and the highly as they thought of the God himself,
shipyards on the coast hum with the sound of and many stayed true in their worship
building. through respect and admiration for Feyr-
Everyone knows the costs of these Panniras. Many others, who did not see
actions is horrendous. The greatest burden things his way, were hastened along the way
has fallen upon the temples and institutions to meet whatever spirit they served instead.
of the Old Gods. Though the majority of Inevitably, he could not go on forever.
people still worship these two deities, there One week past, Feyr-Panniras was brought
are many lesser deities to whom others have back from one such journey, slain by an
turned. The Countess herself is said to have illness none could cure. His Followers
no time for the Old Gods, and has chosen to attended the funeral, and then left the City.
follow the martial deity, the God of War and For many, his death marks the end of the
Weapons. She has shown no compunction, time of the Old Gods.
INTRODUCING the ADVENTURE provide any help followers of the Earth God
may require. Feyr-Fordannic will introduce
If you are using this adventure as part
the adventure as follows:
of an existing campaign, you may have to
alter this introduction to fit the current "Brother clerics, kinsfolk druids,
situation. The PCs need to start the honoured guests l must tell you of a calamity
adventure in either the City League or High that has befallen this house. It is a calamity
Lygol, or some other location in which they that threatens everything we have achieved
might find a Temple to Tarmenel. The clerics in the centuries since this Kingdom came
in the party who belong to the Church of into being. You do not need me to tell you of
Tarmenel or the Green Man will be the loss we have suffered in the last few
approached at their current residence days. The death of Feyr-Panniras has injured
(which may be the Temple, of course) and the church most gravely. And now we learn
asked to attend Feyr-Fordannic immediately. that the wound has been poisoned!”
Any other party member who has made some "On his last journey, Feyr-Panniras
public donation to either God's temple may travelled further than ever before, to the
attend also. Feyr-Fordannic can be Lands of the Priest-Kings. There, as you
introduced as a high-level cleric in the know, they worship different gods to those
service of Tarmenel, who oversees the we know here. To them, a God is not a spirit
training of lesser members of the church. of air or fire, nor of water or earth, but a
The PCs will know him well. mere symbol of the emotions that wrack
If no PCs are servants of either deity, men. Thus, they call their Gods Rage, Love,
the DM will need to introduce some Patience and Hope. How they magnify the
motivation for Feyr-Fordannic to hire them trivial! There are many different Gods, and
rather than to use brothers and sisters of the the Priest-Kings use them to bend their
Temple. Quite possibly, the hostility of the subjects’ knees; for where a man here can
Countess to to the Old Gods might make him follow but one God, in that far-off place they
feel the adventurers will move around more must worship them all. No man can deny
easily. The DM will also need to devise their that Lust lives within him, nor Rage or Pride.
reward. Each must acknowledge all the Gods, or
none of them. And those who acknowledge
Feyr-Fordannic, whose name means
no god perish in the dungeons of their
Brother of Grey Clouds, will be delighted if
the PCs attend swiftly. He is very distressed.
Greeting rituals will be impolitely brief, and “When Feyr-Panniras walked their
non-cleric PCS will be barely acknowledged. lands, he found many poor people ready to
Feyr-Fordannic will only insist that the non- be converted to a truer way. They adopted
clerics be sworn to secrecy, and that a detect Tamenel and his kinsman, the Green Man,
lie be cast on them while this is done. and the more the brother preached, the
more he converted. The Priest-Kings uttered
Feyr-Fordannic is accompanied by
curses against him, and sent soldiers to hunt
three other clerics of the Tarmenel Temple,
him down. And so, Feyr-Panniras determined
and by four brothers of the Green Man. The
to go to the Citadel of the Priest-Kings at
most senior of these is Barranus. The
Jrebb, and to cast them down.”
meeting is conducted by Feyr-Fordannic, but
Barranus is on hand to "But in that City, the Followers
became separated, and were hunted down
one-by-one. They were placed in the hands of
the High Priest, Cavarnhissern. Each his fellows instead. Though he returned with
thought lingering death awaited them, for them, he then disappeared. The only sign of
there was no escape. But Feyr-Panniras was him is this letter, for it bears his mark.
taken before the High Priest, and when he "Brothers, l beg you solve this most
returned, he said a great mistake had been unwholesome mystery. Find the Followers of
done to the Lands of the Priestkings, and Feyr-Panniras; find the truth of what this
they must convince the people to return to letter has said; and if it be the truth, use all
the ways of the past.” your powers to undo that which has been
"One of the Followers, the druid, done and bring back those items the
Oakfriend stood up and asked: "How can this Followers carry as part of their mission, that
be? Will you deny your own God?“ Feyr- they too may be laid beside the great hero."
Panniras did not answer. but took each aside
and privately begged them to follow him in DMs' INTRODUCTION
his task. And all agreed. They were released. The introduction to the Adventure is a
For five weeks they toured the land, guide on how to present the scenario to
retracing their steps, releasing all they had players, but it is not an entirely accurate
converted from their vows. Sometimes, one representation of the last journey of Feyr-
of the Followers would falter, but Feyr- Panniras. Essentially, all the details in the
Panniras rallied them to their strange cause. Background and introduction are correct,
When the journey was done, they were taken but certain details are missing.
to the borders and all their belongings
restored - even some of the treasures they the CITADEL at JREBB
had found in the Lands of the Priest-Kings.” The story as told by Feyr-Fordannic is
"Five days after they crossed the accurate up to the point where Feyr-
frontier, Feyr-Panniras sickened. His fever Panniras reached Jrebb. The Followers were
consumed him quickly. Though his hunted down and imprisoned, but the
colleagues rushed him back, they were too process took longer than might be apparent
late. In this Temple, we laboured long to from the way Feyr-Fordannic tells it. Feyr-
bring him back, but Tarmenel chose to take Panniras was captured first, having been
him from us. And thus, three days ago, we turned to stone by a deadly trap in the
buried him as well you know. The Followers laboratory of the High Priest, Cavarnhissern.
attended briefly, then packed up their While his comrades were hunted down, Feyr-
belongings and left the City.” Panniras was restored to flesh, and used by
"Then, yesterday, a letter was Cavarnhissern as the subject of an
delivered here. It said Feyr-Panniras had experiment to create a replica-golem. The
exacted one last duty from his Followers as powers of this strange creature (see The
he lay dying. He called each to his side, and Mausoleum of Feyr-Panniras) allowed it to
asked them to carry the message of the New subjugate the minds of the Followers.
Gods here, to the County of Cerwyn. Each of Thus it was the replica which ordered
them he converted on the spot, and made a the reconversion of the Lands of the Priest-
missionary for the New Gods, granting each Kings, and began the journey back to County
a gift from the treasures he owned as a Cerwyn. Once out of range of
symbol of his trust. l say each; but one man Cavarnhissern‘s magicks, the replica began
refused. The druid, Oakfriend, would not to ‘die’, and made its final request of the
turn his back on the Green Man, and forsook Followers. They - helpless before the
undetectable magical onslaught - agreed.
‘Feyr-Panniras' was brought back to the The following potions will be put at
Temple of Tarmenel, where lesser clerics the PCs’ disposal: control animal, control
found they could not trace the soul naturally plant, fire resistance (2 max), growth (1
enough, for it remains within the body of the only), healing, heroism (1 only).
real Feyr-Panniras), and declared the cleric ln terms of further information, there
lost. With all the pomp one would expect, is not much the Temples can do. At this time,
Feyr-Panniras was laid to rest. there can be no question of the PCs being
All this is according to the plan allowed to disturb the body of Feyr-Panniras.
devised by Cavharnissern. It is his intention Oakfriend's letter contains no more
Feyr-Panniras should ‘come back to life‘ in than described by Feyr-Fordannic. His
circumstances which will cause the whereabouts are unknown, although the
wholesale conversion of the Cerwyn-folk. Temple might be a starting point in the
First, the Followers of Feyr-Panniras, each search for him (see Section Four,
carrying the item which marks them as a Oakfriend The Druid). The other Followers
chosen disciple, are to tour the Kingdom, have left a perfectly followable trail from the
stirring up talk by converting the more Great City, and it is this which will occupy
gullible. Then, returning the items back to much of the early part of the adventure. The
the body of the fallen hero, they will cause DM should give no clue of what is to follow
the Replica-Golem to rise - restored - and to beyond those few to be had from the sections
overthrow the Old Gods at the very seat of above - for the time being the players should
their power. In the confusion, the New Gods believe this is no more than a hunt for four
will take over. Even though they know NPCs.
nothing of it, this is the plan the PCs must
defeat. Feyr Fordannic; C10; NG; hp 42; AC 10;
Javelin +3
At the conclusion of his tale, Feyr- S 9 Tall, handsome and authorative;
Fordannic will ask the PCs if they will help. I 14
pale skinned; wears robes of sky
PC clerics and druids of the Old Gods must blue; carries javelin fastened to
W 17 staff of command; wears ring of
do so, but Feyr-Fordannic will offer wealth
spell storing
D 14
and magical items to tempt the others. The
Patriarch for the Church of
DM should also allow PCs to seek assistance C 14
Tarmenel in County Cerywn
from the Temples as they wish. Ch 18
Disciplined, ordered, dedicated;
Within reason, any request will be brooks no interference in the work
granted. They will be given the very best of the Temple, demands much of
brother clerics; moves easily
horses. If they ask, a limited number of
among the aristocracy of the State
scrolls and potions may be provided. and among other clerics of equal
The DM must place some limit on this, stature; knows the Countess and
respects her, though he fears what
and it may be that a limit of three scrolls or
she intends; also knows many
potions per character for a party of 4-6 other monarchs and nobles
would be ample. The scrolls should be for
spells up to a maximum of 4th-level, and
appropriate for the deity concerned (see the
sections Servants of Tarmenel and
Servants of the Green Man which follow).
Barranus; D8; N; hp 40; AC 3;
Clerics' Spell Lists
Scimitar +2 1 -level: bless, ceremony, combine,
Human Male command, create water, cure light wounds,
detect evil, detect magic, endure cold/heat,
S 16 Bulky, overweight, but still very
nimble; old, worn features, beard light, portent, precipitation, protection from
I 12
and stringy white hair; wears evil, resist cold, sanctuary
W 18 craftsman's leather jerkin; carries nd
2 -level: aid, augury, chant, cloudburst,
scimitar almost all the time; also
D 13
carries darts; wears bracers of detect charm, detect life, enthrall, hold
C 12 defence AC 4 and cloak of person, holy symbol, know alignment,
Ch 16 protection +1 messenger, resist fire, silence, withdraw
High Druid of the Temple of the 3rd-level: continual light, create food &
Earth God
water, cure blindness, dispel magic, locate
Likeable, although often noisily
object, magical vestment, negative plane
drunk; careless attitude hides
great commitment to deity.
protection, prayer, remove curse, slow
Solitary when sober, but still poison, wyvern watch
known by most high-ranking th
4 -level: abjure, air walk, cure disease, cure
clerics and druids and a favourite
serious wounds, detect lie, divination,
patron in many isolated taverns
exorcise, imbue with spell ability, protection
from evil 10' radius, rainbow, remove
paralysis, spell immunity, tongues
SERVANTS of TARMENEL 5th-level: aerial servant, atonement,
commune, cure critical wounds, dispel evil,
Tarmenel is an ancient deity,
flame strike, magic font, plane shift, quest,
worshipped since first there were men. His
true seeing
chosen sphere of influence means he is an
even-handed, if slightly beneficent deity, 6 -level: control weather, forbiddance, heal,
overseeing the daily lives of his subjects. heroes‘ feast, neutralise poison, wind walk,
Followers of Tarmenel therefore find no word of recall
difficulty in interfering in |ust about 7 -level: astral spell, exaction, gate, holy
anything, and this leads many of them to word, regenerate, restore, resurrection,
follow the path of the adventurer. PCs of succour, symbol
virtually any class - except, possibly, Thieves st nd
Only 1 -2 -level spells may be
- would find it simple to continue their
relearned if the cleric is not in sight of the
adventures as followers of this ‘deity.
Sky, and there is a 50% chance that any spell
In alignment terms, the God himself is
of 3rd-level or higher will fail if cast
NG, but will admit virtually any alignment underground.
among his followers that is not Evil. Clerics
In addition, certain powers are
bound to the God will find they have a strong
granted to clerics of Tarmenel as they attain
array of spells to do with weather, flight, air
certain class levels. At third level they gain
and suchlike. DMs following a campaign with
the ability to feather fall, at sixth the ability
an elemental theme - as described in GM1's th
to fly and at 11 to call lightning. Each
article by Bryan James - should treat the God
ability may be called upon once a day.
as concerned with the element of air.
Clerics of Tarmenel prefer to use
hand-hurled missile weapons in combat,
particularly javelins. Finally, clerics must
take extreme care when handling items own, and additional children are required for
made of metal, since these attract lightning, each level rise thereafter.
favoured by their God as a means of The Green Man is True Neutral, and
chastising unbelievers. All metal items used so must be all followers. ln elemental terms,
by the clerics of Tarmenel must undergo the God is indisputably earthy.
lengthy magical processes to render them
Clerics and druids may select from the
less susceptible to the conduction of
full range of weapons, but may only ever
electricity. Essentially, this means all metal
have one weapon as a proficiency, which will
items obtained by clerics must be presented
be learned at the commencement of the
to the Temple to undergo a process which
individual's career.
costs four times the original purchase cost.
This means few clerics of Tarmenel romp Clerics' Spell Lists
around in full plate.... lt also means they will 1st-level: bless, ceremony, combine,
also not carry coin, preferring to pay in
command, cure light wounds, darkness,
gems. Apart from the usual 10% loss in value
detect evil/good, detect magic, endure
converting wealth into gems, this also
cold/heat, invisibility to undead, magical
becomes expensive when they can't accept stone, penetrate disguise, portent, protection
change in an inn for a 50gp ruby.
from evil/good, purify food & drink, resist
cold, sanctuary
2nd-level: aid, augury, chant, create water,
SERVANTS of the GREEN MAN detect charm, detect life, dust devil, enthrall,
find traps, hold person, holy symbol, know
The God of Earth and Nature is
alignment, light, messenger, resist fire,
worshipped in many different lands in many
silence, slow poison, snake charm, speak
different guises. ln each, the God fulfills the
with animals, spiritual hammer, withdraw
same role, representing the power of the
3rd-level: animate dead, cure blindness,
land to grow and be abundant. The God
death‘s door, dispel magic, feign death,
takes no side in trials of strength between
glyph of warding, locate object, magical
other gods, except where they interfere with
vestment, meld into stone, prayer, remove
the continuance of life. This does not mean
curse, remove paralysis, speak with dead,
the God's followers protect life at all times,
wyvern watch
since their faith says life and death are the
same, each coming from the other. So, 4 -level: abjure, cure disease, cure serious
reducing the ranks of less Neutral spirits wounds, detect lie, divination, exorcise, giant
through the scourge of mace or staff is insect, imbue with spell ability, lower/raise
perfectly acceptable. Also, druids are not water, neutralise poison, protection from
forced into the protection of life in the evil/good 10' radius, speak with plants, spell
extreme fashion normally associated with the immunity, spike stones, sticks to snakes,
class. Some life must cease that other life tongues
may continue. Only wanton or pointless 5 -level: animate dead monsters,
destruction excites their anger. atonement, commune, cure critical wounds,
On the other hand, the creation of life dispel evil-good, golem, insect plague, magic
is very important to them, and one bar on a font, plane shift, quest, raise dead, spike
lengthy adventuring career is that clerics growth, true seeing
and druids cannot advance beyond fifth level 6th-level: animate object, blade barrier,
until they have produced offspring of their conjure animals, earthquake, find the path,
flame strike, forbiddance, heal, heroes‘ feast, One peculiarity of the worship of this
speak with monsters, stone tell, word of deity is that spell-casters must be mildly
recall intoxicated before they can learn their spells.
7th-level: astral spell, excation, gate, This normally makes them -1 on all ‘to hit‘
regenerate, restore, resurrection, succour, rolls, and may cause them to suffer
symbol additional hazards.
Druid Spells
1st-level: animal friendship, ceremony,
detect balance, detect magic, detect poison,
detect snares and pits, entangle, faerie fire,
invisibility to animals, locate animals, pass
without trace, predict weather, purify water,
shillelagh, slow poison, speak with animals
2 -level: barkskin, charm person or
mammal, cure light wounds, feign death,
goodberry, heat metal, locate plants,
neutralise poison, obscure merit,
precipitation, reflecting pool, summon
insects, trip, warp wood
3 -level: create water, fire trap, flame
blade, hold animal, know alignment, plant
growth, protection from fire, pyrotechnics,
snare, spike growth, stone shape, tree
4 -level: animal summoning I, call
woodland beings, cloudburst, cure disease,
cure serious wounds, dispel magic,
hallucinatory forest, hold plant, plant door,
protection from lightning, speak with plants
5 -level: animal growth, animal summoning
II, anti-plant shell, commune with nature,
control temperature, insect plague, pass
plant, repel insects, spike stones, sticks to
snakes, transmute rock to mud
6th-level: animal summoning III, anti-animal
shell, conjure earth elemental, cure critical
wounds, feeblemind, fire seeds, live oak,
transmute water to dust, transport via
plants, turn wood, wall of thorns, weather
7 -level: animate rock, changestaff, chariot
of Sustarre, confusion, control weather,
creeping doom, finger of death, reincarnate,
transmute metal to wood
SECTION FOUR The obvious starting point in the
search for Oakfriend will be to ask the druids
OAKFRIEND the DRUID attending the initial meeting where their
In many ways, Oakfriend is the easiest brother might be. Roll a d4 and give them
of the quintet to find. The druid is not the location thus obtained from the table
crusading on behalf of the New Gods, being below:
the only one to resist the power of the 1d6 Location
Replica-Golem (see Introducting The
1 The Temple of the Green Man
Adventure, DMs' Introduction and
Section 7 The Mausoleum of Feyr- 2 The Gardens of Garenikes
good d3 punch might put him in a coma. in a Tartham's stats are in Section Seven,
public place like the gardens, killing Jarry Servants of the New Gods. Under no
will be a serious business - the DM should circumstances will he reveal himself to the
refer to Section 4.6 concerning the actions PCs at this point. Carvanak has no idea of
of the Watch. where he might be found.
If the PCs question Jarry, he will
suggest the Temple as a place to look. If 4.3 The HOUSE of MAERNARKA
offered a bribe in excess of 10gp, Jarry will "Seek the house of Maernarka. If anyone
send the PCs on a wild goose-chase, while he knows where he is, she should. They've lived
lies low for a few days. together as man and wife for ten years, on
Only if the PCs convince Jarry they are and off."
trying to help Oakfriend will the Garden Maernarka lives in a slum by the river,
Guide tell them anything useful. In such scratching out a living in various ways,
circumstances, the DM should roll d4+1 and mostly shady or immoral. She is tough and
reveal the location shown to the PCs. He will unyielding, unless money is involved. She is
only reveal one location, even if it is one the a great actress, and difficult to trip up in her
PCs already know. fantasies.
An additional element of the plot The PCs can reach her two-room hovel
begins here. If the PCs question Jarry in the up a long, rickety stairway. She lives with
Gardens, they will be observed by one of the three children she had as Oakfriend followed
the dictates of his deity. Once a beautiful and where Ramanai will tell the PCs where her
talented stage actress, Maernarka now lives father is, and lead them to the Carpenters‘
in the most abiect poverty. Small wonder she Guild Club.
has little affection for Oakfriend.
No persuasion works on Maernarka,
not even money, because she doesn't know "There is a place outside the City where he
where Oakfriend is. The druid has only seen would go and talk to himself when he was
his daughter, Ramanai. Maernarka becomes troubled. A ruined wayside tavern, it is. l'm
abusive if pressed, and if the noise is too sure he will go there."
great, neighbours will investigate. If offered Journeying to and from the Fallen
money, she is charming, and will offer to sell Stone will take one day. The inn lies off the
the location of either Oakfriend‘s father's main road south of the City League, amid a
house (a lie, she doesn't know) or the stand of oaks. The building has been open to
location of his friend, Jarry (see Section 4.2) the elements for 25 years, and is in
for 100gp. As the interview ends, there is a dangerous condition. A broken-down fence
50% chance that she tries to pick the pocket surrounds the greater part of the grove. At
of whoever paid her this money, having the far end from the broken-down inn, partly
watched carefully where it came from. It is covered in moss and vegetation, is a stone
then a 90% certainty that her youngest, plinth, some 8' long, 3' wide and 4" thick.
'Tozz', will try to copy his mother if she The stone is cracked, but still has a curious
succeeds. light about it, as if it were once far more
than the landmark by which a pub was
Maernarka: ½E; T3; hp 12; Dx 18, Ch 17; Pick
Pockets 55% known. It will radiate a faint aura if detect
Ramanai (her daughter): Fri; hp 3; INT i6 magic is cast, but the only property left to
Maerlar (her eldest son): Frl; hp 2
the stone is that anything metal left on the
'Tozz‘ (her infant son): T0; hp 1; Pick Pockets 25% stone will immediately receive a razorsharp
edge. Embarrassing when you're sitting on it
In a disturbance, 2d4 neighbours run wearing chain mail.
towards her hovel.
The oak trees are inhabited by dryads.
Neighbours: Fri; hp 3; AC 9; use knives (1-4) or fists There are four of these wood creatures, and
(1-3) it was to them that Oakfriend came when he
If the PCs melee with these, the DM ‘spoke to himself‘. An incident long ago
should use the guidelines in Section 4.6 to convinced the dryads that Oakfriend could
see how the City authorities will react. be trusted, and they love him dearly.
Finally, if Tartham (see Section 4.2) The dryads are unlikely to show
has started following the PCs, he will not themselves unless they hear the PCs speak
of Oakfriend, or the trees are harmed in
interfere until after they leave. He has
some way. if the latter occurs, the dryads
already spoken to Maernarka and learned
will use their charm spells, spiriting away
nothing, but one drawback with being a
male PCs with 16+ Charisma, and
cleric of the God Doubt is that he is not so
convinced after the PCs visit. After they immobilising the others. Any who resist the
spell and continue their aggression will be
leave, other Servants of the New Gods
resisted with daggers.
torture Maernarka to find out what she said,
and then kill her. The orphaned children The dryads will make themselves
then appear at the Temple of the Green Man, known to a party which speaks concernediy
about Oakfriend, offering a means to find Religions, Prassel will be more cooperative.
him. The dryads possess a small amulet, in such circumstances, he has two pieces of
which combines the powers of an amulet of information. First, he knows of the Fallen
inescapable location with the power of Stone (Section 4.6), and he will reveal this
two-way clairaudience. The holder of one of location at once. If pressed, he will also
the twin amulets (Oakfriend wears the other) reveal the existence of Maernarka and the
can hear everything spoken or heard by the children, and direct the PCs to them.
other. The PCs will be pointed accurately to If Tartham is following the PCs (see
the Carpenters Guild Club by this device. Section 4.2), he will not interfere with the
4 Dryads: AC 9; Mv 120’; HD 2; hp 20 each; #AT 1; interview. As soon as they leave, however, he
Dmg 1-4; SA charm; SD dimension door; MR 50%; will arrange to have Prassel‘s house
Save as F4; Int High; AL N; THACO 16; xp 165 each; searched. This will take place between the
time of the PCs‘ two visits. Three hired louts
will break in - and Prassel will kill all three.
Because of this intrusion, Prassel will
take precautions to protect his home from
“Not many people know this, but Oakfriend's further break-ins. If the PCs seek to enter
father lives in t’League. Prassel the Hunter, (secretly in accordance with Oakfriend's
he's called. They don't speak much, but he wishes – the second of the circumstances
might know where his son is." which might bring them here (see Section
There are two circumstances in which 4.6) - they will meet all the locks and traps
the PCs might visit the house of Prassel. in
he has had installed. Since Oakfriend can
the first, they will be trying to find give no warning, these will come as a nasty
Oakfriend. In the second, they will be surprise. The DM should note that none of
seeking to recover his possessions, as he has these will have been installed in the event of
requested (see Section 4.6). the PCs making a break-in attempt on their
Prassel and his son are estranged, first visit.
since there have been several hearty Tartham will not know of the PCs‘
arguments which have driven a wedge burglary, unless they are remarkably noisy
between them. Oakfriend had decided he about their plans....
could not tolerate the taking of life for food
when there were alternatives, and he begged PRASSEL'S HOUSE
his father to cease his trade. The silence
a) Entrance Hall
between them has continued, even though
Prassel has long retired, having become Behind the main double doors is a
wealthy through his quests after rare game. tiled foyer, with plants and ceramics for
decoration. The major feature is the arched
If the PCs call at his home looking for
doorway. The doors are of stout, thick wood,
Oakfriend, Prassel will be polite, but
fastening with metal bars. The lock is
uninformative. He will invite them in for food
hideously complicated (Level 4, if you are
and wine - he keeps a very fine cellar - and
will ask why his son is sought. if this using the Imagine Locks system from #24, or
open at -20% chance), but this will only
information is not forthcoming, he will show
the PCs to the door. matter if the PCs do not have Oakfriend's key
and if their plans do not include ringing the
If the PCs are honest about their
doorbell. The new security arrangement is
motives, and reveal the threat to the Old
that a stone at the side of the entrance must
be pressed whenever the door is opened, or benefit of waking up the entire
a false keystone will fall from the arch - neighbourhood.
anyone in the doorway must save vs. wands
e) Guest Rooms
or take 2d6 damage.
These rooms are plain and spartanly
b)Reception Room furnished. Neither has been used tor a while,
This is Prassel's favourite room, and although both are clean. Strong shutters bar
the one where he will entertain the PCs if the windows, fastened with sturdy padlocks.
they come asking about his son. There are
f) Prassel's Bedroom
several items of comfortable furniture, wall-
hangings worth 5,000gp, and some attractive If the house is entered at night,
pieces of crystal worth 8,000gp as a set, or Prassel will be sleeping in this room, quite
250gp for each of the ten pieces. soundly, since it is his habit to consume
some wine before retiring. The room is
A huge, bronze-handled, two-handed
comfortable, with a large bed, lockers,
sword hangs over the fireplace, as does a
cupboards and a desk. Locked inside the
shield +1 emblazoned with a stag's head.
desk, a diary contains the trivia of an old
There are five bottles of wine in a cabinet
man's life; it will take two hours for someone
worth 25gp each, and a hidden compartment
to discover that it has no clues at all, beyond
in the south wall with deeds, titles, receipts,
a fleeting reference to Prassel's grand-
bonds, etc, four 200gp gems and 550gp in
daughter, Ramanai.
assorted coinage.
The only windows look into the garden
The room is not adequately protected -
and these are shuttered at night 50% of the
even after the break-in. Prassel can find no
time. The door has an ordinary lock, but it is
way to protect these items that will not cost
protected by a magic mouth which will
him more than their worth. The secret com-
awake Prassel if anyone approaches the door
partment, however, has a glyph of warding
between dusk and dawn.
so placed that whoever opens the
compartment will take 3d6 points of damage. A few treasures in this room might
tempt PCs of less Lawful persuasion.
c) Garden Prassel's chain mail +1 is stored in a
The garden is attractive and light- cabinet, while a locker at the foot of the bed
filled. The beds in the centre are filled with holds his hunting gear: traps, snares, sacks,
flowers, and a pear tree gives some shade to rope and an axe. All told, this is worth
the library. A set of wooden steps leads to 180gp. A small lamp with a delicate base
the cellar. All the doors into the house trom depicting a dryad emerging from a tree is
the garden are stout and have strong locks worth 150gp. Prassel will have deposited his
(Level 2, or -10% to pick). purse by the bed, and that will have 20gp
therein, as well as the keys to the various
d) Kitchen
locks in the house.
A very basic room, with simple
utensils and a stone hearth. Prassel is a good g) Library
cook, but it does not involve a lot of fancy Prassel has an ambition to own a large
preparation. The larder is well-filled, and the collection of books, but the shelves are
room clean. The windows are shuttered, and mostly empty. Each bookcase sits on a stout
could only be broken into with the added cupboard - there are nine of these in all.
Some comfortable furniture completes the dearer bottles were presents from Oakfriend
contents. for birthdays, etc.
Numbered clockwise round from the
door, cupboards 1, 4 and 5 are empty;
number 2 contains household junk; number
Prassel; R7; NG; hp 56; AC 2;
3, which is locked, a folded-up tent and other
Two-handed sword
camping equipment. The remaining
Human Male
cupboards contain the belongings for which
Oakfriend will send the PCs. Each is locked S 18 Greyhaired, overweight, but still a
rare handful in a scrap; not often
(Lvl 3, -15%), and trapped with a poison I 9
armed or armoured, but wears
needle (save vs poison or take d12 W 9 chainmail+1, shield +l and
damage). wields a two-handed sword if given
D 8
time to prepare
#6: Hammer +1, a uniquely-styled dagger C 17
Retired hunter (formerly R9, but
+3 in a silver scabbard (worth 5500gp), a Ch 13 age has robbed him of vitality and
finely chased shield with silver inlay special abilities
(1250gp), a pack containing sealed bottles Tough, argumentative, solitary;
filled with herbs and other neccessities. has soft spot for grandchildren
#7: Leather armour +3, a sling, bullets, Quite lonely, estranged from
family, most friends long dead;
stout leather boots, thick gauntlets.
Rarnanai visits occasionally
#8: A travelling backpack with many
pouches contains 3 small glass scroll cases Prassel fights vigourously and to the
with scrolls of animal summoning +1, death in defence of his home, even if he
tree and plant growth; 5 sealed pottery recognises his opponents.
vials with potions of healing, growth,
undead control (x2) and water breathing;
and wrapped carefully in a lace scarf - a ring "Oakfriend Is drunk. He eats, sleeps and
of protection +2. brawls his way through each day at a club ln
the slums. if you can help him, l will show
#9: Three boxes. The first contains a
you where he is."
quantity of semi-precious gems of 180gp
value (total 800gp). The second has 3 bags of Ramanai or the dryad's necklace can
gold dust worth 500gp each. The last - and lead the PCs to Oakfriend at last. The druid
largest - has a wayside altar with chalices, is to be found, night or day, slumped over a
holy symbol, bowls, incense burners and table or carousing with other rowdy
several flasks of incense, holy water and companions in the Carpenters‘ Guild Arms.
basalm, worth 3,500gp. He is morose, and close to being sick. His
grief at the fate of Feyr-Panniras and the
h) Cellar changing faith of the other Followers has
There are many items of household driven him to self-pity.
trivia in the cellar, behind the strong door He recognises Ramanai or the amulet
(20hp to break down; Level 4 lock or -20%), of the dryads, but suspected that someone
but the principle content is wine. Bottles of would come for him eventually, and follows
it. In all, 550 bottles with values of 10- the PCs resignedly, stopping only to bawl
5,000gp (only one of the latter, a special across the club that he is “being rescued
vintage) to a total of 55,000gp. Most of the from the bottle" by the PCs. Among the ‘good
friends’ that Oakfriend has made with some Tartham will also stir up trouble
free spending, this will be unwelcome news. outside the club, so that there will be 3d10
Before they reach the door, the PCs street roughs to join in the affray. Tartham's
are blocked by club thugs, trying to hang aim is to cause a bloodbath, with the PCs at
onto their meal-ticket. There are ten Fr1 the centre, hoping - at the very least, to see
attackers, armed with clubs, chairs, bottles Oakfriend killed and the PCs delayed. To this
and fists. Two have daggers - and the Fr2 end, he will ensure that the Watch arrive on
barman sides with his regulars, wielding a time to break up the fight outside the club.
mace with a +2 bonus for strength. The fight
is noisy, but should not prove deadly to the
PCs unless a dagger strike or two proves so. On a number of occasions in this
Section, and particularly in 4.6, the Watch
10 Club Thugs: AC 10; Mv 90’; Fr1; hp 3 each; #AT 1;
may become involved with the PCs’ activities
Dmg 1-4 (x2; daggers), 1-3 (x5; fists) or 1-3 (x3; chairs,
jugs); SA-SD none; MR Std; Save as F1; Int Low-Avg;
in the City. The information here relates
AL nE; THACO 20; xp 13 particularly to events in 4.6, but can be used
to gauge what they will do if the PCs are
Barman: AC 7; Mv 90’; Fr2; hp 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6+2;
SA-SD none; MR Std; Save as F2; Int Avg; AL nE; overly energetic in other parts of Section
THACO 18; xp 30 Four.
After 12 rounds of indoor sport, or 5
If the fight spills out into the street,
rounds in the street, the Watch will appear.
the club thugs follow, attracting support
Their reaction will depend entirely on the
from the n'er-do-wells of the area, and a
methods the PCs have used to defend
huge street brawl will break out, involving
2d10 street roughs. themselves. If they are not wearing full
dungeon regalia, defend themselves with
Street Roughs: AC 10; Mv 90’; Fr1; hp 3 each; #AT 1; non-lethal blows, and - most of all - if they
Dmg 1-3 (fists); SA-SD none; MR Std; Save as F1; Int
are outnumbered, the Watch will come in on
Low-Avg; AL n; THACO 20; xp 13
their side, chasing off the local bravoes.
The final twist in this episode will If, on the other hand, heavily-
come if Tartham has been following the PCs armoured PCs are surrounded by corpses,
and realises that they now have Oakfriend. the Watch will draw swords rather than
As the fight in the club breaks out, he will batons, and try to force the PCs to ‘come
send two assassins into the fray, men along quietly‘. Help will be summoned, and
indistinguishable from the other ruffians. the DM should deploy a sufficiently powerful
These will be able to backstab at +4 ‘to hit‘ force of the Watch after 6-8 rounds to force
and treble-damage 25% - of the time. They the PCs to flee or give in.
will look to kill Oakfriend first, the PCs
Watch Officer: AC 3; Mv 90'; F4; hp 22; #AT 1; Dmg
second, but neither will take ridiculous risks,
1-8+2 (sword + strength); SA-SD none; MR Std; Save
they will flee if the other combatants are
as F4; Int High; AL LG; THACO 16; xp 148
beaten off. Nor will they give away any
Watchmen: AC 5; Mv 90'; F1; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4
information about Tartham if captured.
(baton) or 1-8 (longsword); SA-SD none; MR Std; Save
2 Assassins: AC7; Mv 90’; A3; hp 12 each; #AT 1; as F1; Int Average; AL LN; THACO 20; xp 10/16
Dmg 1-4+2 (dagger +1 + strength. Save vs poison or
take additional d6 damage); SA Backstab, poison, The repercussions of any run-in with
strength; SD none; MR Std; Save as T3; lnt High; AL
the Watch will have to be judged carefully. lf
LE; THACO 18; xp
a system like the Law & Order tables from
Imagine #18 is used, normal processes can
be followed. Otherwise, the DM must judge
Oakfriend; Dr8; N; hp 40; AC 4;
the reaction of the City authorities,
Hammer +1
depending on how often the PCs are involved
Human Male
in fracas of this nature, and how many
citizens end up cluttering the hospices and S 14 Drawn, pale features; thin, blond
hair; slender; wears leather
mortuaries. If captured, the PCs will face I 10
armour +3 or robes, dryad
time in a lock-up, maybe even a trial, W 15 amulet, and stout boots
although the Temples will use influence to Druid of the Church of the Green
D 13
5.3 A FORK in the ROAD Tredmar will ambush them along the
road a way, just as he did with Shirna's
"I seen her; she passed this way with
group, casting levitate on a party member,
her henchmen. They tried to make me one of
and dropping that person from 30‘ for 6d6
‘em too, but I weren‘t havln' none of it and l
damage. He will not show himself, and will
told ‘em so, make no mistake about it...."
run off as soon as he has cast the spell.
After the debacle in Ploughvane,
Shirna and the others paused in the woods to Tredmar; MU6; NE; hp 17; AC 10;
the east to make repairs and see if Galstred Rusty dagger (d1-4, + disease as giant rats)
assault on the town by Razax the Giant and 10 Bugbears: AC 5; Mv 90'; HD 3+1; hp 16; #AT 1;
others of the hill-humanoids. Dmg 2-8; SA-SD none; MR Std; Save as F3; Int Low-
Avg; AL CE; THACO 16; xp 121; (MM)
Wicbold is attacked at night by some
of the inhabitants of a cave system to the 14 Gnolls: AC 5; Mv 90‘; HD 2; hp 4; #AT 1; D 1-6;
SA/SD none; MR/Std; Save as F2; Int Low-Avg; AL CE;
east, stirred up by the Followers. Razax
THACO 16; xp 50; (MM)
breaches the gate, and the hordes rush in to
sack the Temples. If the PCs seek to help, c) Shrines and Altars
they will be directed by terrified inhabitants These have been violently pillaged.
to the Temple of Tarmenel, where Razax and
some chums are making merry, as in the d) Vaults
following descriptions. Where there are only A ramp leads down to the vaults,
1-3 PCs, the DM should allow them the where another leader of the attack is
assistance of fighting men from the town so searching for treasure. Magnyar is smarter
that they have to deal with a smaller number than the average troll after being a servant
of foes. The greatest threats should always for a high-level mage. He learned that the
be faced by the PCs, however. simplest way to get things done was to have
others do them, so he has a number of
a) The Plaza
servants with him.
Razax is enjoying the raid by
Magnyar, the troll: AC 4; Mv 120’; HD 6+6; hp 32;
challenging fighting men to take him on
#AT 3; Dmg 5-8/5-8/2-12; SA none; SD regeneration;
outside the Temple. A dozen bodies show he MR Std; Save as F6; Int High; AL CE; THACO 13; xp
knows how to use the awesome club he 606; (MM)
carries. He is far too sure of himself. He will
Frod, the Blink Pup: AC 5; Mv 120'; HD 2; hp 9; #AT
challenge a PC to single combat; if more 1; SA 75% from behind; SD blink; MR Std; Save as F4;
than one rushes in, the hobgoblins from the lnt Avg; AL LG; THACO 16; xp 46; (MM)
temple (b) will set fire to the place, then join
Leucrotta: AC 4; Mv 180'; HD 6+1; hp 30; #AT 1;
in on the third round. Dmg 3-18; SA imitate human voice; SD backward kick
2d6 damage; MR Std; Save as F6; Int Avg; AL CE;
Razax the Hill Giant: AC 4, Mv 120'; HD 8+2; hp 45;
THACO 13; xp 465; (MM)
#AT 1; Dmg 2-16; SA hurl rocks 2-16 damage; SD
Su-monster: AC 6; Mv 90'; HD 5+5; hp 28; #AT 5; however, the PCs have caused harm to the
Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-4/1-4/2-8; SA psionic (if applicable); SD
homesteaders, or if Tartham has made it look
none; MR Std; Save as F5; Int Avg; AL CE; THACO 15;
that way (see 5.4), the Cerwyn Horse will
xp 318; (MM)
arrive in the town, looking to arrest them,
Bugbears: AC 5; Mv 90'; HD 3+1; hp 16; #AT 1; Dmg
and they will be warned to leave by the
2-3; SA-SD none; MR Std; Save as F3; lnt Low-Avg; AL
CE; THACO 16; xp 124; (MM)
print gives some indication of their normal Adventurer; leader of the Follower
Galstred Maceholder; C7; N(E); hp 33; AC 2; against formidable-looking opponents. In
Javelin +2; Dagger +1 melee, she will constantly look to go back to
Human Male missile range or backstab. She attacks twice
each round, at -2 with the dagger.
S 16 Burly, heavy; huge black beard and
long hair; wears plate mail and
I 12 Kellenides; MU9; N(E); hp 25; AC 7;
carries a shield +1 (protects from
W 17 Staff of Striking; poisoned dagger
all paralysing attacks and reflects
5 gaze attacks); scarab of protection Human Male
around neck
C 15 S 13 Tall, elegant; nearly 65 years old;
Cleric of Tarmenel; Follower white hair, dark skin; wears thick
Ch 13 I 17
The irresistable force; very hard to robes to ward off the cold
dissuade once started on a course; W 12 Mage, Follower
recklessly brave; morose
D 17 Single-minded, coarse, brutal; a
A slowly-rising star in the church of miser and cheat
Tarmenel; least well-known of all C 9
Famous enough as long-term
Followers Ch 14
Follower, but ostracised in MU
Spells Memorised: cure light wounds circles for failing to obey Guild
(x3), blight (x2), hold person (x3), instructions and thus pays dearly for
know alignment, silence 15' radius, training; a supplier of tricks and
cure disease, curse, prayer, cure spells to many rogues
serious wounds
C4 AC 1 hp 18
of the NEW GODS
C5 AC 0 hp 22
Many Servants of the New Gods will
be encountered in this module, particularly Note: Guards will not carry wealth; 3 -level Guards
use +1 weapons; 4 -level Guards will have 1-2
towards the end when the PCs are in Jrebb. th
potions or scrolls; 5 -level Guards will have an
The DM is encouraged to let his or her additional magical item.
imagination go when dealing with these
meetings. The stats in this section are only When considering spells for clerics of
the bare bones, and many interesting and the New Gods, the DM should first think
amusing events can take place if the which God the clerics serve. Normally, all
different Gods’ servants are well played. those clerics encountered at one time will be
Clerics serving any of the New Gods of the same deity - the exception to this is
are usually too bogged down in the tedium of Tartham's retinue, which will be a mixed
administration to be adventurers, and bag. There is a wide variety of Gods from
therefore rarely pick up magical items. Very which to choose - Hate will obviously grant
often, they have not bothered to learn a full spells like cause light wounds, detect good,
complement of spells. They are, in contrast, protection from good, blight, curse, striking,
usually very wealthy, and the DM should etc; while clerics of Greed will have spells to
allocate money to Priests according to the make robbery and money-collecting simple,
following table: such as detect magic, find traps, hold person
and locate object.
PRIESTS of the NEW GODS STATS The same goes for the actions of en-
countered Priests. Some examples are given
in the text, but here are a few more ideas:
C1 AC 6 hp 5 30gp cash, 50gp jewelry
C2 AC 6 hp 8 50gp cash, 150gp jewelry Awe: Very easily impressed; will listen to lies
½ Elf Female
S 17 Plaited blonde hair, strong features, The ship approaches the capital city-
big-boned; wears armour under port of Corratical in the Kingdom of Korrath
I 11
seaclothes, cutlass through sash sometime towards evening. This port offers a
W 12
Captain of the Phoenix; smuggler safe haven. The Old Gods are worshipped
D 13 Cheerful, lifeloving woman with taste here, and there has been no attempt to
for strong grog
C 17 infiltrate this Kingdom by the Servants of the
Knows a man in every port; many
Ch 13 New Gods. All supplies, potions, spells etc
authorities cast a blind eye to her
activities purchased here should be at normal
campaign prices.
8.1 The FREEPORT At noon, Laza calls the PCs to the
After only one day at sea, Laza pulls in deck, to point out two ships anchored one
towards the coast and proceeds cautiously mile apart. This is the border-marker
into a deep fjord. After a few hours, she between the Kingdom of Adrani and the
docks beside a run-down wharf in a small, Lands of the Priest-Kings. These two are in a
hidden town in the mountains west of County state of perpetual conflict, manifesting itself
Cerwyn. This secret community is made up more as a ‘cold war‘ than actual armed
of ‘free traders‘ - buccaneers, freebooters strife. The nearer ship is an Adrani war-
and others on the very fringes of the law, galley, with twin catapults and 250 marines.
making a living by smuggling and passing The further is a magically-propelled warship
stolen goods. of the Priest-Kings. Laza insists everyone be
Laza explains that if she is to go to the very careful; the officials aboard the two
ships must hear only what they want to hear.
Lands of the Priest-Kings, she intends to pick
up some ‘consumer goods‘ as profit-making Coming alongside the Adrani vessel,
cargo. if the PCs are interested and have Laza is ordered to halt. After a short
some ready money, they too could speculate interchange, a boat comes over with an
in a few goods for re-sale. officer and ten F1 marines. He is brusque,
and very suspicious. Laza informs him she is
The PCs can decline her offer, but if
trying to make a profit selling the Priest-
they choose to go they can buy the following
goods, at the price mentioned in the first Kings all the junk she can, at which the
column. The second column shows the price officer laughs, bitterly. He then asks who the
PCs are (being particularly nosy if they are
the goods will fetch in the Land of the Priest
standing on deck in full armour; a risky
Kings, assuming the PCs get the opportunity
business at sea, by the way), and the DM
to sell them there. The last figure is what
must decide how satisfactory their answer is.
they will fetch in County Cerwyn or the City
League. if all is well, a small bribe (200gp - to come
out of the PCs purse) and the Phoenix can be
on its way. If the officer gets suspicious,
there is bound to be a fight, and Laza will
have to try and run before the missiles from 8.5 NIXIES
the Adrani ship sink her. The PCs could find
At the mouth of the river, as the
themselves swimming to shore – any that are
Phoenix is taking on fresh water, the PCs are
metal-armoured will drown.
attacked by the charm abilities of 20 nixies
Adrani Officer: AC 6; F5; hp 34; armed with (since the ship's crew are engaged in other
longsword +2; wears leather armour +1
duties, the PCs represent the only target).
Adrani Marines: AC 7; F1; hp 6; armed with The nixies are looking to drag two PCs into
the water to act as slaves for a year.
Adrani Ship: AC 7; 120 hull points; 2x catapults; If the nixies are defeated, their only
Speed 120'
surviving prisoner will come to the surface
Regardless of what happens at the near the ship, coughing and gasping for air.
first blockade, the PCs (Swimming or The woman, Jorna, knows where the lair of
otherwise) cannot proceed by sea without the nixies is, and can dive to it. She will
being stopped by the second ship. The bring the adventurers 250gp in pearls from
proceedure is the same; a challenge, and a the sea bed - a fortune for her, but nothing
small boat rowed across for an inspection. much to any adventurer. It the PCs give her
The Priest-Inspector (a cleric of the God the money, she will provide them with a safe
Curiosity) will not need much pursuading if place to hide while they are in Jrebb.
the PCs came under fire from the Adrani, 20 Nixies: AC 7; Mv 120'; HD 1-4hp; hp 3 each; #AT
and they may proceed after the 200gp is 1; Dmg 1-4; SA charm; SD none; MR 25%; Save as F1;
passed over. Otherwise, they must convince AL N; THACO 20*; xp 35
the Priest-lnspector of their good intentions,
facing similar wrath if there is a struggle.
Priest-Inspector: AC 6; C6; hp 33; armed with mace Alkegarr, the Storm Giant, lives in a
+2; wears bracers of defence AC6 cloud island above the coast, a friendly exile
from the ways of his kind. When he sees the
Priest Kings‘ Marines: AC 7; F1; hp 6; armed with
maces Phoenix passing, he sweeps down on his pet
roc. If attacked, he will use all his power to
Priest Kings' Warship: AC 7; 130 hull points; 1x
destroy the ship, but his intent is good.
catapult firing salvo stones with cause disease cast
upon them. If the PCs‘ ship is hit, all must make saving If allowed to settle on an island near-
throw vs Spells at -2 or fall into a coma for d4 days; the path of the ship, he offers to predict
Speed 120'
weather for Laza, or even control winds if
8.4 MERCHANT spoken to with proper respect. In this case,
the DM should reduce the journey by four
At this point, the Phoenix meets
another vessel coming in the opposite
If provoked, Alkegarr casts call
direction. The two crews exchange
lightning, and causes the sea to rise
greetings, and the merchant-captain asks for
violently, swamping the vessel in 4-16
news of the way ahead. If told about the
rounds. The storm only abates if he is
troubles in County Cerwyn, he is grateful
defeated. While in the grip of the storm, the
enough to tell the PCs to contact Korap, a
PCs must make Dexterity checks (at -4 if
merchant in Jrebb, who knows his way
fighting the giant) or fall overboard. ln such
around the City. The PCs may also make any
seas, there is an automatic 50% chance of
trades they require.
drowning for all characters, in addition to
normal chances. lf lucky enough to be swept
ashore, individual characters will be lifted to
the border of the Lands of the Priest Kings JREBB
and dumped there by a giant roc.