Efficient and Secure Video Encryption and Decryption Using Neural Network
Efficient and Secure Video Encryption and Decryption Using Neural Network
Efficient and Secure Video Encryption and Decryption Using Neural Network
Volume 6, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2015
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at www.ijarcs.info
Efficient and Secure Video Encryption and Decryption using Neural Network
Saraswati Singh Nilmani Verma
M.Tech. Scholar, CSE Department, Head, CSE Departments,
School of Engineering & IT, School of Engineering & IT,
MATS University, Raipur (C.G.), India MATS University, Raipur (C.G.), India
Vinay Kumar
Assistant Professor, ET&T Department,
Bhilai Institute of Technology,
Raipur (C.G.), India
Abstract: With the increase of multimedia data are transmitted in the various fields like commercial, video conferencing, medical image system
and military communication etc., which generally include some sensitive data. Therefore, there is a great demand for secured data storage and
transmission techniques. Information security has traditionally been ensured with data encryption and authentication techniques. Different
encryption standards have been developed where secrecy of communication is maintained by secret key exchange. In this paper we proposed the
video encryption algorithm for secure video transmission using permutation and doping function, thereby security of the original cipher has been
enhanced by addition of impurities to misguide the cryptanalyst. Since the encryption process is one way function, the artificial neural networks
are best suited for this purpose in decryption algorithm. The ANNs have many characteristics such as learning, generalization, less data requirement,
accuracy, ease of implementation, and software and hardware availability, which make it very attractive for many applications. Also need of key
exchange prior to data exchange has been eliminated. This paper presents video compression after encryption algorithms such that compressing
encrypted video can still be efficiently performed. In addition, this paper focuses the quality of video to make it efficient using enhancement
Keywords: Artificial neural networks, Back propagation algorithm, Encryption, Decryption, Cipher and Decipher, Normalization, Lossless
compression, Enhancement.
the weaknesses of these methods such as either low security, technique. Here we are using the Brightness preserving Bi-
or low speed, or poor quality or stream size increases. Histogram Equalization (BBHE) technique [11] because it
This paper presents for video using one way gives better quality than other enhancement technique with
cryptography based on Artificial Neural Network. Neural less complexity [14]. As the size of video is very huge hence
network and cryptography together can make a great help in field of it focused on the compression technique [4] [13] so that
networks security. The objective of this paper to make an efficient and efficient use of transmission channel can be done.
secures video transmission and reception. Semantic block diagram of proposed approach is given
below in figure1. The proposed model is divided into four
II. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS USING modules- Enhancement, Encryption, Decryption and
Additional column required: way encryption based on multi-layer neural network have
Step9: Additional one column is added and the value of 117 presented, as shown in figure.2, which produces the hash
is added in that column. This is required for the value of the video data as input.
normalization of the matrix because after addition of 117 in The neural network is trained for standard mapping
pixel value it exceed the range of 256. value and the weights and biases are stored before applying
Table I shows the transformation of the sample pixel values input to it. Finally, the simulation results showed that after
after encryption. training the artificial neural networks.
Table 1: Sample of Encryption Result
Original Pixel Pixel Value after
Value Encryption
1 165
45 423
67 329
165 559
199 401
255 372
Figure 2: 3-Layer Feed Forward Network using Backpropagation
C. Compression module:
Huffman code method is used for the compression of
encrypted video frames; basically it is a lossless
compression method. There are the following steps for this:
Step1: Compression of encrypted video is performed by
Huffman coding.
Step2: Find the pixel value (i.e. intensity value) which is
Step3: Calculate the probability of each pixel value.
Step4: Probability of pixel values are arranged in decreasing
order and lower probabilities are merged and this step is
wi - weight matrix of the ith layer, f - activation function, bij - biasis of jth
continued until only two probabilities are left and codes are
neuron in ith layer
assigned according to rule that the highest probable symbol
will have a shorter length code. Figure 3: Neurons diagram
Step5: Further Huffman encoding is performed i.e. mapping
of the code words to the corresponding symbols will result IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
in a compressed data. Thus a Huffman code tree is generated
and Huffman codes are obtained from labelling of the code MATLAB R2012a have used as a simulation
tree environment. „Uigetfile‟ function is use for loading and
Step6: At the receiving end, decompression of compress showing the input video sequence. The loaded video
encrypted image/video is performed by Huffman decoding. sequence is converted into frames using „move (k).cdata‟
Step7: Generate a tree equivalent to the encoding tree. function. Here figure.4 (a-d) show the result of the frames
Step8: Output the character encodes in the leaf and returns (15-18) is separated from the input video.
to the root, and continues until all the codes of Figure.5 (a-d) shows the result of enhanced frames,
corresponding symbols are known. which is better than the original video frames. The video
Step9: The original encrypted video is reconstructed i.e. quality is measured by parameters such as Image Brightness
decompression is done by using huffman decoding. Thus Mean (IBM) and Image Contrast Standard Deviation (ICSD)
result find in compressed encrypted video. for each original frame with their enhanced frames (figure 9
& 10).
D. Decryption module: Figure.6(a-d) shows the result of the encrypted video
In decryption algorithm, decrypt the compressed without key using one way function. Hence there is no fear to
encrypted video by Artificial Neural Network [12] which is hacking of secret information.
best suited for one way encryption. Also there is no need of Figure.7(a-d) shows the result of the compressed
key to decrypt the video. Where it is provides high level encrypted video without loss of video quality.
security because it‟s able to perform for non linear input- Finally figure. 8(a-d) shows the result of decrypted
output characteristics. MATLAB‟s neural network tool box frames thus the video frames are recovered in better quality.
is used for training and implementing. The system is
designed for three layers-input, output and hidden layers. A. Video quality analysis by parameters:
The input and output have only one neuron while in The quality of video file is measured by parameters
hidden layer the neurons can vary. Large number of neurons which are Image Brightness Mean (IBM) and Image Contrast
is required to achieving high security. The structure of the Standard Deviation (ICSD).Where image brightness mean
network NxMxN has been used with different numbers of should be either minimum or close to original video frame
hidden neurons M = 4, 6,9,16 and 25 etc. to select the best and image contrast standard deviation should be high for
structure for video encryption purpose; there is no certain better result. Figure.9 shows the graph between IBM and
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Figure 9: Image Brightness mean (IBM) Figure 10: Image Contrast standard deviation