Ventricular Fibrillation/ Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia Algorithm

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Ventricular Fibrillation/

Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia

Assess responsiveness/breathing.
Activate emergency response system
Get AED or Monitor/defibrillator

Check for pulse (no more than 10 seconds)

If no pulse, begin CPR
As soon as defibrillator is available:
Defibrillate 360 J if using monophasic defibrillator. For biphasic energy levels, refer to
defibrillator specifications;
if unknown, use maximal energy setting. PEDS: In children, use 2 Joules/kg.
Resume CPR for 5 cycles.
Secure airway. Obtain IV/IO access; then reassess pulse and rhythm.

Persistent or recurrent VF/VT Return of spontaneous electrical Asystole
circulation activity

Epinephrine 1 mg IV push; repeat Assess vital signs.

every 3 to 5 min Support airway.
(PEDS: 0.01 mg/kg IV/IO or 0.1 Support breathing.
mg/kg ET)) Provide medications
Go to
Vasopressin 40 Units IV/IO may be appropriate for blood Go to PEA
used in place of pressure, heart rate, and Algorithm
first or second dose of epinephrine rhythm. Consider
(adults only). cooling
patient to 32°C-34°C
(90°F - 93°F).
Defibrillate 360 J or equivalent Consider Differential Diagnosis: Hs and Ts
biphasic energy level (if unknown, use
maximum energy level) (PEDS: Hypoxia Tablets/toxins
4 Joules/kg in children). Resume CPR Hypovolemia Tamponade
for 5 cycles then Tension
Hydrogen ion
reassess pulse and rhythm. pneumothorax
Amiodarone 300 mg IV/IO push. May Hypo/hyperthermia Thrombosis, coronary
repeat at 150 Hypo/hyperkalemia Thrombosis
mg IV/IO push in 3 to 5 minutes. pulmonary
(Class IIb)
(PEDS: 5 mg/kg)
Magnesium sulfate 1 to 2 g IV (2 to 4
mL of a 50%
solution) diluted in 10 mL of D5W
used in torsades de
pointes or hypomagnesemia only.
PEDS: In children use 25 to 50 mg/kg.
(Class IIb)
Repeat defibrillation at maximal energy
levels. Do 5
cycles of CPR and reassess. PEDS: ≥ 4
Joules/kg up to a 10 Joules/kg or adult
If patient remains in VF/VT, sequence
follows: drug
intervention, defibrillation, 5 cycles of
CPR, reassess.

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