Cagayancillo Socio Economic Conditions
Cagayancillo Socio Economic Conditions
Cagayancillo Socio Economic Conditions
This paper presents the results of a socio-economic monitoring survey of 110 sampled respondents/
households across the 12 barangays of Cagayancillo, using a survey instrument through personal
interviews. Findings show that on the average, the respondent was 48 years old, with 7 years of formal
education, has lived in Cagayancillo for 31 years and belonged to a family/household with 6 members.
Cagayanens had shifted to farming as the main source of their livelihood and income, while fishing was
only second. Based on their income data, Cagayanens are living below poverty threshold level of income.
Poverty incidence ranged from 67-79% of the Cagayanen households. The income data for 1999 and
2004 when compared, plus the respondents' perception that present aquatic resources are not in good
condition, somehow allude to the possibility that the Cagayanens may just easily fall on the vicious
cycle of poverty and environmental degradation.
The good news can be the increasing involvement of people in coastal resource management and
conservation. By including the people in the main Cagayancillo islands as beneficiaries of and participants
in the conservation efforts and projects, WWF-Philippines/ KKP has perhaps initiated a good momentum
for a democratized and more sustainable stakeholders management of coastal resources in Cagayancillo.
In order to sustain this momentum for continuous people's participation in coastal resource management
and conservation, and eventually the alleviation of poverty in Cagayancillo, concerned policy makers
and other entities need to consider some options, one of which is the continuation of conservation
efforts started by WWF-Philippines for another 2-3 years.
*Corresponding author
Subade and Subade
to Shemberg's abandonment of the plan, the politicians 20, 1995, Presidential Fidel Ramos issued
backing off from the amendment to Proclamation 306 memorandum circular no. 128 which created the
which was to allow the seaweed farm in Tubbataha, Presidential Task Force for Tubbataha jointly headed
and the ejection of the seaweed farmers at the park per by the DENR Secretary and the chairman of the
order by the DENR. Palawan Council for Sustainable Development
(PCSD). On November 7, 1996, the co-chairmanship
In the late 1980s, conservationists, scuba divers, dive of the task force was designated to the DENR Secretary,
boat owners and Manila-based scientists, organized the Secretary of National Defense and the Governor of
Tubbataha Foundation. This Foundation worked for Palawan, representing PCSD. In this year the
the conservation and protection of Tubbataha, and was management plan for Tubbataha was drafted and
also instrumental in the discontinuation of the seaweed refined through the efforts of Coastal Resource
farm. The foundation was appointed eviction team Management Project (CRMP), Japan International
leader. In 1990, DENR signed a Memorandum of Cooperation Agency (JICA), DENR, PCSD, WWF-
Agreement with the Foundation for the protection of Philippines and the stakeholders of Palawan and
Tubbataha. From 1991-1993 the Foundation received Cagayancillo. In June 1998, the Tubbataha Protected
funds for conservation efforts through the debt-for- Area Management Board (TPAMB) was created
nature swap. However, the Foundation was perceived through the memorandum of agreement between
as lacking in networking with other groups or Governor Salvador Socrates and DENR Secretary
stakeholders. Victor Ramos. In October 13, 1999 the TRNMP
management plan was approved by the TPAMB, and
Recognizing the rich biodiversity in Tubbataha and its in November 26, 1999, the PCSD also approved the
global value/importance, the UNESCO declared it as plan. It is in this year that TRNMP was enlisted in the
a World Heritage Site on December 11, 1993. On July Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance,
Socio-economic Conditions and Perceptions on the Conservation of Tubbataha Reefs
and also when the GEF-supported conservation project matrix; (6) two matrixes consisting of a six-point
administered by WWF-Philippines started. Likert-type scale were used to evaluate residents
perception on changes in over-all economic conditions
It must be pointed out that most of the efforts for (7) 13 questions on residents' perception on
coastal/marine resource management have been conservation programs; (8) a martrix on respondent's
focused on the conservation of Tubbataha, and less on involvemen in conservation programs; (9) a problem-
the other Cagayancillo islands. Though the Tubbataha solution matrix in the management of coastal resources.
Foundation started some work on setting up To complement with survey data, key informant
cooperative in Cawili island in 1990, not so much were interviews were also conducted with the town mayor,
undertaken by any party for coastal resource municipal agricultural officer, some barangay captains,
management in the archipelagic municipality. It could an old age resident who have lived in the village
have been ideal to do so, but perhaps society's focus at through the years and seaweed farmers. These were
that time was glued more on the urgency to save conducted to obtain background information and
Tubbataha. As part of the 5-year GEF grant through history of the study site and conservation programs
WWF-Philippines, community organization/ implemented in Tubbataha and Cagayancillo. A focus
development work was undertaken in Cagayancillo group discussion with a group of fishermen was also
itself, in order to increase awareness and seek the undertaken to evaluate the status of coastal resources
municipality's long-term partnership in conserving and to determine problems in the management of these
Tubbataha and other marine resources of Cagayancillo. resources.
Subade and Subade
Majority (72%) of the used galvanized iron (G.I.) sheets 11:00pm among poblacion barangays. Generator, both
for their house roofing, while 17% used nipa. For their owned and others'/neighbors constitute 10% as lighting
house walling, 33% used sawali (bamboo slits), 22.7% source.
used mixture of cement and wood, 18% used lawanit
and wood and 17.3% used mainly cement. The above In terms of ownership of household appliance, majority
information may imply that Cagayanen households had (or 82%) owned at least one appliance, 23.6% owned
limited capability in house construction expenditures. two appliances, and only 12% owned three appliances.
Eighty-eight percent of households (97 of 110) had This indicates the simple or very modest living
their own toilets. Of these 97 households, 62 had water conditions of Cagayanen households. The most
sealed toilets, 17 used open pit, and 14 used closed pit common appliance owned was the radio (65.6%).
toilets. For water source, 60% were totally dependent
on installed water tanks which gather/ store rain water, Economic Activities and Livelihood
19.1% relied mainly on open wells, and combination
of the two. Income Sources and Livelihood Occupations/Jobs.
The main fuel used for cooking was wood-based (wood The distribution of jobs/ occupation of Cagayanens
or charcoal), which was cited by 69% of the sampled showed variability and less dependence on fishing as
respondents. Seventeen percent (or 19 of 110) used a source of livelihood. Compared to the results of the
combination of LPG, and wood (& charcoal), while 1999 socio-economic survey conducted by WWF-
10% used only LPG. About 3.6% used kerosene gas. Philippines that showed fishing and seaweed farming
Sources varied, but lighting were mainly sourced from as the major sources of livelihood. It is interesting to
kerosene gas (50% of households). Only few note that the leading occupation of the respondents was
households depend on electricity (23%). This is not fishing, but farming as evidenced by 27% who
attributed to the limited and insufficient electric supply, cited this as their first occupation (Table 2). This was
which lasts only for the daily period of 6:00 pm to followed by fishing, (24.5%). Other jobs were along
Socio-economic Conditions and Perceptions on the Conservation of Tubbataha Reefs
To upgrade/ supplement household income, 45.5% (or Perceptions on changes in the over-all socio-
50 respondents) of the respondents had a concurrent economic conditions
second job/occupation. Fishing had become a second
occupation (36%) followed by farming (26%). Others To determine perceived changes in over-all economic
were into home-based livelihood, and seaweed farming conditions, respondents were asked to compare quality
(2%). of life in 1999 with that of the present 2004 (Table 3).
Subade and Subade
Socio-economic Conditions and Perceptions on the Conservation of Tubbataha Reefs
no changes. On the other hand, 50% of the respondents 30.0.% say otherwise. On the other hand, more
also thought that the number of drop-out have respondents observed that aquatic resources in 1994
decreased, while 19% thought they were increasing, and in 1998 were in good condition (Figure 2).
and 13.6% said there was no change.
Subade and Subade
condition at present, are: the disappearance of illegal followed by government agency (e.g. DENR or DA)
fishing (10%), existence of coast patrols and guards at 18.2%.
(7.3%), lessening of illegal activities (5.5%), and
establishment of programs of local government unit With regards to those persons or institutions that
(3.6%) and of Kabang Kalikasan ng Pilipinas (3.6%). significantly contributed in the management and
Perception on and awareness of conservation programs improvement of marine resources, 67.27% of the
Half (50%) of the respondents were members of various respondents cited KKP-WWF. The local government
organizations. Only five respondents were officers and unit and government agency (e.g. DA and DENR) were
members at the same time. They were either chairman also mentioned with 14.54% and 8.18% respectively.
or vice-chairman of the organization. Among the The contributions of the abovementioned institutions
different organizations mentioned, fisherfolk (26.4%), are shown in Tables 7 and 8. Others mentioned are
a fishermen's organization, was the most cited PNP/Tanod, Mayor Joel Carceler, fisherfolk, Bantay
organization that the respondent was involved with. Dagat, BFARMC and individuals who in one way or
Even some of those who were no longer engaged in another helped in various activities or programs.
fishing were still members of the fisherfolk
organization. Other organizations were barangay based, The major contribution of KKP-WWF is in the
religious based and people's organizations. management and protection of marine resources. Other
Respondents (30%) involvement in the different major contributions are provision of training and
organizations were within the period of 2002-2003, seminars and assistance in addressing illegal fishing.
which is within the period when conservation programs These were also mandates of LGU and government
of KKP-WWF were on its implementation. For those agencies. It could be observed that the management
who were not yet members, majority (81%) was willing and improvement of marine resources covers wider
to be a member of an organization. tasks and needs support of different individuals and
institutions for its implementation.
Only a few respondents (12.7%) named organizations
existing before KKP-WWF implemented programs in While many of the respondents (45.5%) were not aware
the area. The aims of these organizations are shown in of any conservation project/program to protect marine
Table 6. When asked of who started conservation resources of Cagayancillo and Tubbataha, it could be
programs in Tubbataha and Cagayancillo, the noted that 40% were aware of these programs. Some
respondents (47.3%) cited KKP-WWF. This was of these programs mentioned were the KKP-WWF
Samaka None
TOTAL 12 100.00
Socio-economic Conditions and Perceptions on the Conservation of Tubbataha Reefs
Subade and Subade
Socio-economic Conditions and Perceptions on the Conservation of Tubbataha Reefs
and national fishery laws in coordination with the local area. In addition, despite being a pristine area, only
government and other agencies. upper level tourist can afford to travel and dive in
Cagayancillo particularly in Tubbataha.
Another major problem is the lack of fund or financial
support for fishery and other livelihood in the area. Changes in the over-all socio-economic conditions
Funding is quite difficult to obtain considering that
Cagayancillo is a fifth class municipality with no Over the span of 5 years from 1999, i.e. when the
sufficient income to support government's projects. WWF-Philippines Tubbataha Conservation Project
The islands are also isolated from mainland Palawan started until 2004, the last year of the project, some
thus there are difficulty in the transportation of goods changes on the socio-economic conditions in
and services. Poor soil condition and lack of irrigated Cagayancillo could be stated.
lands make it also difficult for rice production in the
Subade and Subade
1. More movement/ migration of people. The 1999 stable source of income. In several occasions,
survey of WWF-Philippines showed that only 17% respondents interviewed mentioned they cultivate
have resided in the municipality only for the last 10 cassava and corn which can provide them food / staple
years (decade). This study found that such constituent for about one to two months. Seaweed farming is also
has grown to 23.4%, perhaps as a product of people's no longer a major source of livelihood because of the
in-migration from mainland Palawan, and other seaweed disease that resulted to severe losses.
provinces in the Visayas.
The occurrences of illegal fishing have had also severe
2. Slight increase in high school educational attainment. impact on the population of Cagayancillo, and on the
A small improvement in the educational attainment conservation of Tubbataha Reefs. In the study of
could be noted. From a 17%, those who completed Subade and Subade (2004) shows that 76% of the
high school was about 24% based in this survey for surveyed residents in Cagayancillo cited illegal fishing
2004. Assuming that the high school education was of has negative impact on people's economic conditions
good quality, Cagayancillo now have more trainable and livelihood. They believed that the destructive
people for other livelihood activities other than fishing. methods of fishing would eventually result to no catch,
Improved literacy of these families will have a higher and hence no income, which would results to poor
chance of gainful employment, thus veering away from living conditions, suffering and hunger. Indeed, illegal/
high dependence on fishing. destructive fishing is not sustainable - in the short run,
it may give abundant catch or lots of money to the
3. Decreased/Lower Income Level. At current prices, fishers, however, it would eventually destroy the
the 2004 level of family income is P3418.48, which is marine environment, which is the source of livelihood
lower than the 1999 level of P3812 pesos. Computing of people. In addition,. the declaration of Tubbataha
the real value of peso, the family income in 2004 is Reefs as no-take zone reduced fishing as the primary
only P2784.792 in 1999. Considering constant prices, source of income of Cagayanens. The shift to farming
or converting it to actual purchasing power, the 2004 as another source of livelihood may indicate their
level of income is then much lower than that of 1999. coping mechanism to ensure more stable supply of
This is an indication of a "worse off " condition or food.
lower level of welfare for the Cagayanens.
5. Some indication of ageing population. Comparing
This may imply that the effects or impacts of illegal/ the 2004 with 1999 data, population structure shows
destructive fishing that has occurred in Cagayancillo ageing of Cagayanen population, whereby the senior
have lingered. It would take longer for coral reefs to citizens now compose 21% of the population,
recover and restore the productivity of fishing grounds. compared to 18% in 1999. The 50-59 age cohort this
Moreover, the disease which struck seaweeds for the year has reached 22%% compared to 17% in 1999.
past few years diluted a supposed-to-be very good This will imply higher need for health services for these
source of income and livelihood for many Cagayanens. people, particularly the senior citizens.
No wonder why more residents have resorted to
farming as their main source of income/livelihood. 6. Higher level of people's involvement in governance
system. People's organizations and people's
4. Change in Income Sources Composition/ involvement in several activities seem to show greater
Livelihood. As found by this survey, and compared to participation of Cagayanens in governance. Though
the 1999 survey by WWF-Philippines, the Cagayanens this data were not gathered in 1999 study, 73% (35 of
have shifted towards farming as main source of income 48) of those who mentioned the years/ period of their
and livelihood, relegating fishing only as second source involvement indicated that it was only in the past two-
of livelihood. This is understandable since households three years that they have been involved in
must ensure that staple food (rice, cassava and corn) organizations. People's involvement in organizations,
has to be made available given that fishing is not a particularly fisher folks and other conservation
Socio-economic Conditions and Perceptions on the Conservation of Tubbataha Reefs
organizations are effective ways of hastening better themselves of sustainable sources of livelihood, and
governance towards sustainable resource management. even worsening their poverty conditions. The income
The increasing level of participation of the coastal data for 1999 and 2004 when compared, plus the
residents can be a good take off point and must be people's perception that present aquatic resources are
sustained. not in good condition, somehow allude to the
possibility that the cycle is happening.
Some changes in socio-economic conditions may
As an end-of-project activity of the WWF-Philippines however show that Cagayanens are able to cope or are
Tubbataha Conservation Project, the present socio- coping with the difficulties they are confronting. There
economic monitoring survey was conducted. A total is perception that many of the Cagayanens have moved
of 110 respondents were randomly selected, to other places in search for better opportunities, a sign
proportionately distributed across the 12 barangays of of less stress to the environmental resources. However,
Cagayancillo. Field interviews were undertaken by 11 more people have moved into Cagayancillo in the past
interviewers, spot-checked and supervised by three decade, which may be good if these people are well-
field supervisors. skilled and would utilize resources in more sustainable
manner. Secondly, more people were able to complete
On the average, the respondent was 48 years old, with their high school education, an indication of better
7 years of formal education, has lived in Cagayancillo trainability of the populace, perhaps for other
for 31 years and belonged to a family/household with alternative livelihood outside fishing.
6 members. Almost all respondents owned their lots
and homes, more than 50%of which were made of G.I Despite the decreased income level for Cagayanen
sheets for roof and sawali, wood, wood/lawanit and or households (for the period 1999 to 2004), they were
pawid/nipa for walling. At least 60% admitted they able to cope, such that, the perception is that there are
relied solely on rain-fed water tanks for water source. more families/people who could eat 3 times a day and
Electricity could barely meet a quarter of the have enough food nowadays. The shift to farming as
respondents' lighting needs. main source of livelihood may indicate their coping
mechanisms to ensure more stable supply of staples
As to livelihood and income sources, Cagayanens had corn and cassava, since rice had to be imported yet at
shifted to farming as the main source of their livelihood higher price from mainland Palawan and Iloilo.
and income, while fishing was only second. Household
income per month was P 3418.48 for a 6-member The good news can be the increasing involvement of
family/household, or P 2788.32 for the standard 5- people in coastal resource management and
member household/family. These shows below poverty conservation. Perhaps more people have now realized
threshold level of income for Cagayanens, since rural the importance of protecting and sustainably managing
Palawan had a poverty threshold income benchmark coastal resources, which was their main source of
of P4470.42 way back in 2002. Poverty incidence livelihood. By including the people in the main
ranged form 67-79%of the Cagayanen households, an Cagayancillo islands as beneficiaries of and
indication of further threat to environmental resources participants in the conservation efforts and projects,
in Cagayancillo. WWF-Philippines/KKP has perhaps initiated a good
momentum for a democratized and more sustainable
Cagayanens can/may just easily fall on the vicious stakeholders management of marine/coastal resources
cycle of poverty and environmental degradation, i.e. in Cagayancillo (which also includes Tubbataha Reefs).
due to poverty, people would be pushed to further over- The momentum need to be sustained to ensure genuine
extract from environmental resources and may even success.
use destructive methods to do so, further depriving
Subade and Subade
3. In order to address the problem on illegal fishing, 6. Partnership and alliances with other government
increase the Bantay Dagat or law enforcement and non-government institutions need to be explored.
capabilities of Cagayancillo LGU. The establishment They may provide needed manpower, financial support
of a Bantay Dagay is a laudable move. However, with and scientific inputs to the coastal resource
only two boats running at 7-8 knots, patrolling the vast management in Cagayancillo.
municipal waters of the 31-islands and islets
municipality would be a gargantuan task. Additional 7. Socio-economic monitoring study and survey can
patrol boats, and even faster boats will be needed to be done every two-three years for database
increase law enforcement and further minimize illegal development. Given the data recording can be put in
fishing activities. Moreover, incentives on those who place in the respective barangays the needed time and
help arrest or find illegal fishers must be continued. In resources for data collection and field interviews can
fact, these (cash) incentives must be expedited as soon be lessened later on. Indicators of success/needs based
as the arrest has been done, verified and documented. from future monitoring studies will provide proper
signals on what further interventions still need to be
4. Community-based ecotourism mainly based on undertaken. These information and data are usually
marine and coastal resources and environment will be needed crucial inputs for good proposals for funding
an option with very bright prospects for Cagayancillo. projects for the localities.
Details of this is discussed in Subade and Subade
Socio-economic Conditions and Perceptions on the Conservation of Tubbataha Reefs
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Uychiaoco A.J., Aliño P.M., Miclat E.F.B. & Campos R.T.
1995. Coral Reef Science and Management in the
This study was funded by the Kabang Kalikasan ng Philippines. In Philippines Coral Reef Information Network
Pilipinas Inc. (WWF-Philippines) and by UNESCO (PhilReefs).
(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
Organization) Contract No. 4500014225 through the Uychiaoco A.J. & Aliño P.M. 1995. Coastal Management
Tubbataha Protected Area Management Board. The in the Philippines. In Philippine Coral Reef Information
authors would like to acknowledge the support of Ms. Network (Philreefs).
Marivel Dygico, Team Leader of the WWF-
PhilippinesTubbataha Conservation Project, and Ms. Wells, S.M. 1984. What's Happening to Coral Reefs?
Angelique Sonco, Tubbataha Park Manager and Head Iclarm Newsletter. Metro Manila. Philippines.
of the Tubbataha Management Office, and the field
assistance of Ms. Zoe Latumbo of WWF-Philippines. WWF Philippines. 2000. Tubbataha Reef National Marine
Assistance in data encoding and analysis was ably Park and World Heritage Site: Management Objectives,
provided by Ms. Dianne Hope Tormon. In addition, Strategies and Actions, p. 15.
the authors also thank the travel support of
Conservation International-Philippines through the White A.T., Ledesma M.C. & Ovenden M. 2003. Tubbataha
Philippine Association of Marine Science Foundation Reefs National Marine Park, Palawan. In Philippine Coral
Inc., and of the University of the Philippines in the Reefs Through Time: Workshop Proceedings. Second of
Visayas, to enable the authors in presenting the paper the Atlas of the Philippine Coral Reefs Series. Coral Reef
and participate in the 8th National Symposium in Information Network of the Philippines (PhilReefs),
Marine Science held in Palawan State University, University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute,
Puerto Princesa City on October 20-22, 2005. Quezon City, Philippines and the Marine Parks Center,
Tokyo, Japan.
WWF Philippines 2000. Conservation of the Tubbataha
Arquiza, Y. and A. White. 1994. Tales from Tubbataha: Reef National Marine Park and World Heritage Site. A
Natural history, resource use, and conservation of the Project Proposal submitted to the UNDP-GEF.
Tubbataha reefs, Palawan, Philippines. Mandaluyong City,
Philippines: Rainee Trading and Publishing Inc.
McManus. J.W., Nañola Jr. C.L., Reyes Jr. R.B. & Kesner,
K.N. 1992. Resource Ecology of the Bolinao Coral Reef
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