Najat 1 Semester 8
Najat 1 Semester 8
Najat 1 Semester 8
Competency Area E G S M U
Professionalism X
Planning for learning X
(Includes knowledge & understanding of content)
Implementing and Managing Learning X
(Includes behavior management, language and delivery)
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation X
Critical Reflection X
Strengths of the lesson:
Try and get the students to sit on their seats properly (except the group leader)
Don’t let students shout – they should be using their inside voices
MCT Placement Feedback Form
Student Name: Najat Date: 3 February 2018
MCT: Dr Pauline Keith
Directions: The MCT and MST will use this to formally observe your teaching, offering you
Managing Learning
Uses cooperative learning as part of their learning environment
Uses appropriate classroom management strategies to secure a safe and effective learning environment
Establishes and manages classroom routines and transitions
Implementing Learning
Implement strategies which continually motivate and maintain an effective classroom presence
Include a range of student centered activities in the lesson
Presents material which is accurate, meaningful and accessible to support student engagement and
Sequences learning experiences logically
Lessons are paced to ensure students are appropriately engaged and challenged
Instructions are given at appropriate times within a lesson and are clear and concise
Appropriately uses a variety of questions that fit appropriately within the lesson context
Implements differentiated instruction to lessons taught
Student are monitoring purposively in relation to learning and behavior
Utilize a range of effective formative assessment strategies to gauge student progress
Implement valid and reliable summative assessment strategies where appropriate
Students have organized a system to effectively record student data and information
Constructive feedback is provided to students in a timely and appropriate manner
Assessment data is used to inform planning and instruction
Comments: Continue to work on the above – this is important as you have a separate section for
assessment in your eportfolio
Reflection on Practice
Reflect on wider educational matters such as ethics, morals, culture, historical contexts and how these
impact student learning leading to change of practice
Reflect on student learning
Reflect on their own practice leading to improvement of practice
Reflections are conducted and recorded consistently and are accessible to the MST and MCT
Comments: Include these areas in your reflections or your research, as relevant.