Breast Imaging
Breast Imaging
Breast Imaging
Breast Imaging
Donald L. Renfrew, MD
Breast cancer is the most frequent non-skin detect possible breast cancer. It then discusses
cancer diagnosis in women, with an estimated diagnostic studies.
192,370 new cases in 20091. Knowing what
diagnostic imaging tests are available, which test to Screening studies
order when, and what to do with the results Screening studies are usually chosen for a
presents a challenge to the primary care practitioner. combination of factors including relatively low cost
This chapter reviews three key concepts regarding and high sensitivity: the screening test should pick
breast imaging: up as much disease as possible, with the idea that
subsequent studies will provide more specificity
1. There are certain relatively widely accepted regarding the diagnosis.
rules about how to screen asymptomatic
Screening mammography
women, and how to image symptomatic Mammography remains the king of breast
women. imaging (Figure 1). It has been shown in multiple
2. Mammography is the mainstay of diagnosis, trials to reduce mortality in the screened population
frequently supplemented by ultrasound, by about 30%2. It’s the best screening test we have.
with MR playing a minor role. That being said, it has problems as a screening test:
3. Careful follow-up and handoff of the patient it is relatively insensitive, it involves ionizing
is critical for optimal patient care. radiation, it is at least somewhat painful for most
women, and it can be inconvenient. It also results in
a fair number of false positives, causing a lot of
RULES TO GUIDE BREAST IMAGING needless worry on the part of patients and driving
up the costs of medical care. If we had some
There are a few relatively widely accepted rules alternate method of early diagnosis – for example, a
regarding breast imaging that are helpful to know serum test for tumor markers – this would be a great
when ordering imaging studies. Breast imaging advantage. This may happen, but it hasn’t yet, so
studies may be divided into screening and we continue to do mammography.
diagnostic exams, and the rules differ for these two General recommendations are that women have
categories of exams. This chapter first covers screening commencing at age 40, and continue as
screening studies, done on asymptomatic patients to long as life expectancy is at least ten years 3. For
For additional free educational material regarding symptoms and imaging, please visit
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patients who have had a mother, sister, recommendation to return for an annual screening
grandmother, or aunt diagnosed at a young age mammography in one year, if the study is normal;
(prior to 40) with breast cancer, it is generally or 2) a recommendation for additional imaging
accepted that screening should begin at an age studies if the screening study is abnormal (see
earlier than 40. One commonly used rule is to start below). Usually, the additional imaging study is
screening at 5 years prior to the age of diagnosis of either additional mammography, with, for example,
cancer in the relative. spot compression or magnification views, or
Note that a screening mammography report will ultrasound evaluation. It is uncommon to proceed
usually contain one of two recommendations: 1) a directly to biopsy on the basis of a screening study.
Figure 1. Normal digital screening mammogram, mediolateral oblique (MLO) views. Modern digital mammography
technique shows exquisite detail of breast tissue allowing screening for malignancy. Note the inclusion of the pectoralis
muscle along the posterior margin of the study. Screening mammography usually includes both bilateral mediolateral
oblique views (shown) and craniocaudal views (not shown).
Chapter 9 Breast Imaging Page 119
Figure 2. Abnormal screening mammogram, prompting recall of the patient for a diagnostic mammogram with additional
views showing normal tissue. A. Screening mammogram from 7-23-07 is normal. B. The patient’s left craniocaudal view
from 7-24-08 shows an apparent developing mass in the inner aspect (arrow). C. Spot compression study shows no
discrete mass but normal, although dense, breast tissue. D. Follow-up mammogram study of 8-3-09 is normal.
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Figure 3. Abnormal screening mammogram, prompting recall of the patient for a diagnostic mammogram with additional
views prompting biopsy. A. Screening cradiocaudal mammogram shows a small, dense cluster of calcifications (arrow).
The patient was recalled for a diagnostic mammogram. B. Spot magnification craniocaudal mammogram better shows
these calcifications (arrow), which demonstrate variable size. Stereotactic needle biopsy was performed, and the pathology
interpretation was an involuted fibroadenoma and focal ductal hyperplasia without atypia.
diagnostic studies, and again this usually occurs the results of that additional evaluation are clearly
either because of an abnormal screening benign (Figure 2), then the patient returns to a
examination or patient symptoms. yearly screening schedule. If the results of the
additional evaluation are not clearly benign, it may
Abnormal screening studies resulting in diagnostic be necessary to proceed with biopsy (Figure 3).
studies Ordering of studies and the decision to proceed with
Nowadays, most radiology departments handle biopsy should generally follow the radiologist’s
callbacks internally, with the department notifying recommendations.
the patient that additional evaluation is necessary. If
Figure 4. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma in a 39 year old woman with a breast mass found at breast self examination.
A. Right mediolateral oblique (MLO) diagnostic mammogram is normal. B. Left MLO diagnostic mammogram
demonstrates a large, dense mass (arrow).
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Figure 5. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma in a in a 75 year old woman with a palpable lesion found at clinical breast
examination. A. Craniocaudal mammogram spot compression views (following initial full field exam) shows a subtle lesion
of the right breast by the radio-opaque marker. B. Breast ultrasound demonstrates a hypodense, shadow-casting, irregular
lesion (arrows) worrisome for malignancy. Biopsy revealed infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
Breast lump or focal pain, age > 35 the patient’s breast at the time of the physical
Generally speaking, lumps and focal pain should examination, prior to sending the patient for
be worked up in a similar fashion. Lumps found at imaging. This way, the technologist will know
clinical breast examination (CBE) or breast self where to place the radiographic marker. The
examination (BSE) are both evaluated using the mammogram should include both breasts if the
same algorithm, although lumps found at CBE are asymptomatic breast has not undergone
more likely to be malignant than those found at BSE3. mammography in the past year.
For patients over the age of 35 with a lump or If the mammogram fails to show, or does not
focal pain, mammography should be performed first adequately characterize, an explanatory lesion at the
(Figure 4), with ultrasound to follow if necessary location of the palpable abnormality or focal pain,
(Figure 5)8. The mammogram should be scheduled the patient will typically proceed to ultrasound
as a “diagnostic” (not a “screening”) study, and the (Figure 5). The ultrasound study is done because
technologist will typically put a radiographic ultrasound will demonstrate some malignant lesions
marker at the location of the palpable lump or area that escape detection on mammography, and
of maximum pain. If the palpable abnormality is ultrasound may better demonstrate some lesions
subtle on clinical exam, particularly if the patient which are poorly demonstrated on mammograms.
cannot feel the abnormality herself, it is best to mark
Chapter 9 Breast Imaging Page 123
Figure 8. Superior detail with digital mammography. Film-screen (A.) versus digital (B.) normal screening mammogram.
Note the superior visualization of both the central, dense parenchymal tissue, and also the peripheral, predominantly fatty
breast tissue, with digital mammography.
demonstrated a significant reduction of the call-back
Digital mammography rate for digital mammography versus film
Digital mammography uses different technology mammography in return patients (2.4 % versus
than analog mammography, and provides greater 3.6%)15, without a decrease in the rate of malignancy
detail, particularly in the superficial tissues and in detection. This reduction in call-back rate is
dense breasts (Figure 8). Image data is collected, important, since women being recalled for
stored, and displayed electronically rather than with additional views may experience significant,
film. Digital mammography shows greater ongoing anxiety17. When comparing the data at the
sensitivity for detection of cancer in women with same small community hospital (Table 2 again), note
dense breasts, as seen in women under the age of 50 that following implementation of digital
or women who are premenopausal and mammography, there was a decrease in the recall
perimenopausal . In addition, Sala et al
16 rate (in this table, both initial and return recall rates
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are pooled), similar to the Sala et al study, while the Ultrasound is used frequently and MR is used
biopsy rate (the percentage of screening patients occasionally for problem solving
eventually undergoing biopsy) fell, while the biopsy Ultrasound is used to distinguish normal
yield (the likelihood that a given biopsy tissue and cysts from solid masses. Ultrasound
demonstrated cancer) increased. The cancer can be used to evaluate palpable lesions, focal
detection rate showed a statistically insignificant, tender spots, or lesions seen on mammography
small decrease. or MRI requiring further work-up. Lesions seen
Wherever mammography is done, these metrics on ultrasound may be placed into one of four
should be available. If, as is often the case, there is basic categories, two of which typically require
more than one available location for mammography no further evaluation or work-up. If a normal
service, these metrics provide a handy way to ridge of breast tissue or a cyst explain the
compare the locations. abnormality, then no further evaluation is
Metric Benchmark Analog Digital necessary (Figure 9). If a solid lesion is identified,
(5742) (6128) this typically requires biopsy, although some
Recall Rate <10% 6.3% 4.6% solid lesions are relatively typical of benign
Biopsy Rate <1% 1.6% 1.1% lesions such as fibroadenomas (Figure 10),
Biopsy Yield >25% 30.4% 40.6%
Cancer 0.2 – 0.5% 0.49% 0.46%
Detection Rate
Table 2. Mammography data from Door County
Memorial Hospital, Sturgeon Bay, WI. Rates are for
screening mammograms performed in a community
hospital, with historical comparison between Analog and
Digital examinations.
Figure 9. Cyst in a 47 year old woman with an abnormal screening mammogram, with ultrasound demonstrating a benign
cyst at the location of the new lesion. A. Craniocaudal screening mammogram (cropped) shows a circumscribed
hypodense lesion of the inferior right breast (arrow). B. Ultrasound (right) demonstrates a simple cyst at the location of
the lesion (arrow), and no further work-up required.
Chapter 9 Breast Imaging Page 127
while others are quite suspicious for malignancy MRI shows malignancy as a mass or enhancing
(Figure 5). Some women would rather have even tissue
benign appearing solid lesions removed rather than In addition to its role as a screening tool in
followed, whereas other women would rather avoid patients with a high risk of breast malignancy, MR
biopsy. Malignant appearing solid lesions should may be used to evaluate the ipsilateral breast for
certainly undergo biopsy. mammographically occult disease, the contralateral
breast in a patient with known malignancy (Figure
11), and, on occasion, to better characterize a lesion
seen on mammography or ultrasound18.
Figure 10. Fibroadenoma in a 48 year old woman with an abnormal screening mammogram, with ultrasound
demonstrating a solid, benign appearing lesion at the location of the abnormality. A. Screening mammogram shows a
circumscribed isodense mass (arrow) in the right breast. B. Breast ultrasound (with a different magnification) shows an
oblong, sharply marginated, isodense solid mass without shadowing (arrow), characteristic of a fibroadenoma. The patient
wanted the lesion removed despite its benign appearance, and pathology confirmed a fibroadenoma.
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Figure 11. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma in a 41 year old woman with MRI demonstrating additional disease not detected at
initial surgery. A. Right craniocaudal screening mammogram shows a mass in the lateral breast (arrow). B. US of the
breast confirms a malignant appearing mass (arrow). C. Contrast enhanced MR examination of the breasts done following
excision of an infiltrating ductal carcinoma demonstrates the operative site (arrow). Abnormal tissue extends from the
biopsy site to the nipple (double arrow). Imaging directed biopsy of this region demonstrated multifocal high-grade DCIS
beyond the margins of the initial surgery.
CAREFUL HANDOFFS ENSURE of missed reports “falling through the cracks”. With
the development of BI-RADS, the responsibility to
notify the patients to return for additional views or
ultrasound examination largely shifted from the
Careful handoffs from practitioner to practitioner referring physician to the radiology department.
prevent the tragic mistakes that can happen because Many of these same departments also schedule and
Chapter 9 Breast Imaging Page 129
Randomized trials. Lancet 2002; 359:909-919. effects of false-positive mammograms. Ann Intern
3 Fletcher SW. Screening for breast cancer. Med 2007; 146:502-510
UpToDate, accessed 7/27/09. 18 Esserman LJ, Joe BN. Diagnostic evaluation and
4 Macura KJ et al. Patterns of enhancement on breast initial staging work-up of women with suspected
MR images: interpretation and imaging pitfalls. breast cancer. UpToDate, accessed 7/28/09.
RadioGraphics 2006; 26:1719-1734
5 Saslow D et al. American Cancer Society
7 Berg WA. Rationale for a trial of screening breast