China Daily Latin America Weekly - May 14 2018
China Daily Latin America Weekly - May 14 2018
China Daily Latin America Weekly - May 14 2018
MONDAY-SUNDAY, May 14-20, 2018
Looking ahead
Candid camera: Dog days before summer
Events and stories coming up in the next few days
A child wearing sunglasses mirrors dog-shaped audio speakers on May 3 in Beijing’s Sanlitun shopping district. The display was part
Visit for breaking news and exclusive content of an art project. NG HAN GUAN / ASSOCIATED PRESS
Photos: Take a look inside L’Oreal, with the help of experts from the
museum, to develop the lipsticks. The cur-
the world’s biggest aircraft rent crossover edition has sold out, but
L’Oreal claims that the brand is always open
to opportunities to extend collaboration
Seems like every day is Mother’s Day here
with the museum or other partners.
Perhaps it’s just another of trayed dads as bumbling idi- watching them. the room: Chinese fathers
Tech: Chinese scientists China’s inexplicable (to a for- ots, incapable of much more Whether trying their hand need to suck it up and take a
eigner) cultural quirks — like than paying bills or serving at fishing, riding camels much more active role in rais-
make fire-detecting wallpaper dressing up tiny dogs to look as chauffeurs. through the western deserts ing their kids.
Chinese scientists have developed a fire-re- like Elton John or snapping Sadly, that doesn’t seem far or selling vegetables to earn Granted, it’s easy to judge
sistant wallpaper that can not only with- selfies with plates of food. from the truth — which might bus fare home from the from the outside looking in,
stand flames but also detect fires and Still, from a Western per- also explain the ongoing popu- wilds of Yunnan province, but from a Western vantage
The Russian Antonov An-225 cargo plane is
trigger an alarm. The wallpaper was spective, the apparent lack of larity of Hunan Television’s the dads come across as … point it seems obvious that
the world’s biggest aircraft. The plane,
designed by researchers at the Chinese meaningful interaction reality series Where Are We well … incredibly dopey. most of the grunt work
which is 84 meters long, 89 meters wide
Academy of Sciences’ Shanghai Institute of between Chi- Going, Dad?, in which five In one episode, a father involved in raising Chinese
and 18 meters tall, can transport cargo
Ceramics. It can withstand temperatures as nese fathers celebrity fathers from urban was close to tears because he children is done by the
weighing up to 250 tons. The freight space
high as 1,000 C. It is made of an inorganic and their China accompany their young- didn’t know how to braid his mothers, while the main role
is equivalent to the entire fuselage of a Boe-
fire-resistant hydroxyapatite nanowire kids only sters on 72-hour treks to the daughter’s hair. In another, of the typical urban father is
ing 737. The aircraft was designed by the
paper and a graphene oxide temperature lends cre- countryside, competing as the dad had to survive three to skulk around the periph-
former Soviet Union’s Antonov Design
sensor. The sensor material is applied to the dence to the father-child duos in a series of days in the desert with his ery and earn enough money
Bureau. Visit our website to find out more
back of the wallpaper through a simple notion that contrived competitions against son, subsisting on instant to support the family.
about this amazing airplane.
drop-casting process using an ink contain- Murray this is a socie- other coupled contestants. noodles because he didn’t That ain’t good enough
ing graphene oxide. It is then connected to Greig ty in which The dads come from a know how to cook anything. anymore, dad.
Education: China continues the metal wire as an electrode. Zhu Yingjie, Second mothers have wide variety of backgrounds “I’ve only been taking care Put down your damn cell-
to dominate university ranking the team leader, said that although the wall- Thoughts to work twice and professions — entertain- of my son for three full days, phone once in a while and
China’s domination of the elite Times High- paper is still in the early research phase, the as hard to be ers, actors, former Olympic and I feel like breaking pick up a ball or a picture book
er Education Emerging Economies Rank- team is exploring low-cost mass production appreciated half as much. athletes — but they all share down,” actor Guo Tao said in … anything that can help you
ings continues, with the nation claiming technology. The point was hammered the belief that they haven’t a first-season episode. “I just connect with your kid(s).
one in every five positions of the 2018 table home in several TV commer- spent enough quality time can’t imagine how my wife Do it now.
released last week. The annual ranking Culture: Beijing Dance Festival cials leading up to Mother’s with their offspring. As part managed to do this for the Before you know it, the
includes more than 350 universities —
expanded from 300 last year — from 42
a sizzling treat in midsummer Day. Most of the spots high- of China’s burgeoning mid- past six years.” opportunity will be gone for-
lighted the indispensable dle class, they’ve supposedly Beyond the easy laughs, the ever.
countries and regions, across four conti- role that moms play in keep- faced more exposure to mod- true value of Where Are We
nents. With 94 Chinese institutions repre- ing the family running ern child-rearing techniques Going, Dad? is that it doesn’t Contact the writer at
sented, the country has the highest smoothly, but there were than their own fathers, but shy away from shedding real- murraygreig@
concentration of leading universities among also some that comically por- you’d never know it by world light on the elephant in
emerging economies globally. The perform-
ance indicators of the rankings are divided
into five areas: teaching (or learning envi-
ronment); research (volume, income and
This Day, That Year
reputation); citations (research influence);
international outlook (staff, students and badminton’s top team com- the 2012
For 10 years running, the Beijing Dance Fes-
research); and industry income (knowledge petitions, were held in Kun- London
tival has been one of the biggest summer years
transfer). shan, Jiangsu province. Olympics, it
celebrations of contemporary dance in the
Chinese capital. Every July, it brings more on China defended its 14th won five
Fashion: L’Oreal lipstick than 300 dance artists, more than 200 Uber Cup title with a 3-1 vic- gold medals.
inspired by Chinese beauties dance students and more than 5,000 spec- Editor’s Note: This year tory against South Korea in The phe-
In partnership with tators to Beijing. They come from cities marks the 40th anniversary the final match in Kunshan. nomenal
the National Muse- throughout Asia, as well of China’s reform and open- The men’s badminton achieve-
um of China, French as the US, Europe and ing-up policy. team is a perennial force to ments of
makeup brand Africa. The much-antici- be reckoned with. The nine- Chinese
L’Oreal has pated 2018 edition of the On May 14, 1984, China time champions were sur- players,
launched five limit- festival will raise its cur- won the Uber Cup badmin- prised by Japan, the eventual including two-time Olympic Cups will be held from May
ed-edition lipsticks tain on July 19 and run ton title on its first attempt, winner, in the Thomas Cup champion Lin Dan, have 20 to 27 in Bangkok, Thai-
based on the classic through July 31. The defeating England 5-0 in semifinals in New Dehli, helped fuel badminton’s pop- land.
elegance of five his- event will begin with a Scan it! Kuala Lumpur. The victory India, in 2014. Later, South ularity nationwide. Lin and the current Olym-
toric Chinese beau- dance education week Read was captured in a photo pub- Korea defeated China 3-1 in Nearly 20 provinces and pic champion, Chen Long,
ties: Zhao Feiyan, from July 20 to 26, fol- more on lished in China Daily. the quarterfinals of the 2016 regions field professional are included on the men’s
Wang Zhaojun, Yang Yuhuan, Xi Shi and Li lowed by a performance chinadaily. China’s badminton team Thomas Cup. badminton teams, and the singles list, and Li Xuerui,
Qingzhao. These figures were studied by week from July 26 to 31. has continued to shine with At the 2016 Rio Olympics, number of amateur clubs the 2012 gold medalist from
stellar results. In May 2016, Team China won four gold continues to grow. the London Olympics, is list-
the Thomas and Uber Cups, medals and two silvers. At The Thomas and Uber ed on the women’s team.
China's first domestically built aircraft carrier set out from a dock at Dalian Shipyard,
Liaoning province, for sea trials on Sunday morning. The trials will mainly test the
reliability and stability of the carrier's power system and other equipment.
The J-15
The island twin-engine fighter er jet was developed
Timetable for the new carrier is usually on the starboard side of by Shenyang Aircraft
craft Corp, a subsidiary of
the flight deck and houses the Aviation Industry Corp of China. It can be armed with anti-ship,
November 2013 March 2015 April 2017 May 13, 2018 air-traffic control and the bridge air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles and precision-guided bombs.
Military experts say it has comprehensive capabilities, comparable
Construction begins Work begins in the dry dock The ship is launched Sea trial begins to those of Russia’s Su-33 and the US’ F/A-18 Hornet.
Landing section
Ski-jump ramp Takeoff section of flight deck is where the
carrier’s fixed-wing planes land
places the aircraft at a slight of the flight deck from
upward angle for takeoff which the carrier's
fixed-wing planes take off
Besides China, there are seven countries operating a total of 18 aircraft carriers:
United States Italy United Kingdom Russia France India Thailand
Carrier: Ship differs from predecessor in several ways, from size to mission
From page 1 country working on the ship shorter than that of the Liaon- new carrier will have mis- craft carrier is supposed to Institute, said the Chinese tries — the United States, Rus-
each day. ing; it has three aircraft sions that differ from those of do: run combat-ready patrols Navy needs at least three air- sia, Britain, France, Italy,
China Shipbuilding Industry According to sources from arresting wires (brakes) the Liaoning, which is mainly and safeguard the nation’s craft carriers. When it has Thailand and India — operate a
Corp. They said the vessel has the Navy, several aspects on instead of four on the Liaon- tasked with testing equip- maritime sovereignty and that many, one can be on total of 18 aircraft carriers. The
more than 3,600 cabins, not- the new carrier are different ing; and the landing section is ment and weapons and train- interests. duty, one can train personnel US is the largest operator, with
ing that during construction, from those on the Liaoning — longer than the Liaoning’s, ing personnel. The new Zhang Junshe, a research- and the third can take on 11 nuclear-powered carriers,
there would be at least 3,000 the new ship’s island (the tow- among other differences. vessel, by comparison, will er with the PLA Naval Mili- maintenance, he said. each having a full-load displace-
workers from across the ering section of the ship) is Experts have said that the focus on what a genuine air- tary Studies Research Besides China, seven coun- ment of about 100,000 tons.
Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018
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6 CH INA Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY L AT I N A M E R I CA W E E K LY
We have
The deadly event definitely
forced the country
to improve the
made a lot
emergency rescue of progress
system, as
Hou Liqiang since 2008
reports from Liang Jian, 50, director of the
Beijing with neurosurgery department at
Wuhan Central Hospital, Hubei
Liu Kun in Wuhan. province.
he 2008 Wenchuan n May 12, 2008, I
earthquake, one of was lying on my
the deadliest natural bed resting after a
disasters in China’s long morning of
history, marked a watershed surgery when the building
in the country’s approach to began to shake. It was an
emergency relief. In the 10 earthquake.
years since the temblor, which Soon after, I was called
claimed more than 69,000 and told to leave immediate-
lives and left nearly 18,000 ly for Wenchuan, Sichuan
people missing, there has province, with the Hubei
been a 200-fold rise in the provincial rescue team. The
number of State-backed and damage from the earth-
volunteer rescue groups. quake was widespread, and
Meanwhile, the equipment on the first day of our
used to find survivors and deployment the local airport
save lives has become increas- had been damaged so our
ingly sophisticated. plane was unable to land. It
Many of those who took part was quickly repaired,
in the Wenchuan relief effort though, so we arrived on the
spoke later of the heartbreak second day and started oper-
of seeing trapped people dying ations.
but being unable to help Though it’s been 10 years,
because of a lack of equipment Volunteers from the Blue Sky Rescue Team undertake a practice drill in Xingtai, Hebei province, on Friday. ZHU XUDONG / XINHUA the memories are fresh. We
allied to poor rescue skills. The were dispatched to Shifang
experience was the start of city, and the devastation could
China’s efforts to upgrade the worked together to search a be seen everywhere. For doz-
country’s disaster response collapsed building. “Only one ens of square kilometers, not
capabilities, especially in the or two in every 20 teams were one building remained intact.
establishment of volunteer equipped with that sort of In fact, most of them had col-
rescue teams. equipment,” he added. lapsed.
While even 10 years ago res- The demands on those who Though we brought as
cue work was mainly con-
If disaster want to join the team are many medical supplies as we
ducted with shovels and
ropes, today it is common to
strikes within high. In addition to being in
excellent physical condition,
could carry, we only had a
limited number of disposable
see volunteer teams using China, one of members must be fluent in items, so we had to disinfect
unmanned aerial vehicles, or English. “We conduct rescues the equipment frequently.
drones, and thermal-imaging our teams can with high-tech devices, many The lack of water and no pow-
equipment to pinpoint the of which we have imported er supply made our work
location of survivors trapped be at the scene from overseas. The members extremely difficult.
in rubble. need to know English to read We worked in a simple tent.
When the Blue Sky Rescue in about four the instruction manuals,” In the evening, when patients
Team, the country’s first regis- Xiang said. were sent to us, most of the
tered nonprofit volunteer out-
hours.” doctors had to stop work and
fit, took part in the Wenchuan Growing recognition hold flashlights so that one
Zhang Yong,
relief operation, its members In keeping with its long his- doctor would have enough
leader of the Blue Sky
were untrained outdoors tory, the Blue Sky Rescue Team light to assess and treat the
Rescue Team, China’s
enthusiasts. Team leader has been making efforts to win injured.
first registered nonprofit
Zhang Yong described the international recognition and The patients poured in con-
volunteer group
outfit as a scratch team with support. In May, Zhang invited tinuously, but we also provid-
huge enthusiasm but limited Members of the Clouded Leopard Rescue Team at work during the relief efforts after the Nepal two senior Swiss experts from ed treatment in the field. The
experience and almost no
Recalling the rescue a dec-
earthquake in April 2015. TANG HUAMING / FOR CHINA DAILY
11,000 the International Search and
Rescue Advisory Group, or
Insarag, a network of more
situation was chaotic because
of a lack of equipment, and
there were few nurses to
Number of volunteer
ade later, he said the words years that followed, Zhang Nepal searching for survivors, number of employees had than 80 countries and organi- assist us. There were so many
rescue teams in China,
that sprung to mind were “sad” and his fellow leaders orga- restoring water supplies and rocketed to more than zations that operates under patients that we had no
with 694,000 members
and “powerless” because, lack- nized regular training ses- providing medical services to 250,000, and the earthquake the United Nations umbrella, option but to concentrate on
ing equipment and skills, the sions that focused on a variety more than 2,000 people. rescue system had evolved into to spend three days evaluating treating the most seriously
team could only help to trans- of rescue techniques and the “More than 70 internation- a four-tier organization reach- the team and giving lectures. injured.
port relief materials. use of professional equip- al rescue teams participated ing down to the county level. At imaging equipment. The team is working to In the past 10 years, the
“Often we knew someone ment. The voluntary organi- in the Nepal earthquake oper- the same time, there were “Our high-tech devices can ensure it will pass the Insarag medical sector nationwide
was buried in the rubble near- zation now has about 30,000 ation and found 178 bodies. 11,000 volunteer rescue teams guarantee to search an area of External Classification has made strenuous efforts to
by, but we were powerless to members who form 419 teams Our 84-member team found with 694,000 members. more than 100 square kilome- appraisal procedure. If suc- improve its capabilities as
help,” he said, recalling a man across the country. 24 of them,” Zhang said. Xiang Dong from Wuhan, ters, and can provide an effec- cessful, Blue Sky will become China works to establish a
who was pinned down in a “If a disaster strikes within capital of Hubei province, tive means of finding the 52nd team in the world to complete emergency response
gap between fallen rocks. China, one of our teams can Newcomers founded a volunteer rescue survivors, missing people and pass the appraisal and only the system. For example, my hos-
Zhang and his team were able be at the scene in about four Since 2008, the handful of team in 2009 after friends escape routes in dark, densely second in China, after the Chi- pital regularly holds training
to pass a rope to the man, who hours,” Zhang said. rescue teams in existence told him how frustrated they smoky and foggy environ- nese International Search and sessions on the provision of
tied it around his waist. How- In addition to domestic before Wenchuan, such as had been during the Wen- ments in forests and ravines,” Rescue Team, the national emergency care.
ever, he was wedged so hard operations, the team has tak- Blue Sky, have been joined by chuan relief operation. he said. earthquake rescue team. Meanwhile, we have gained
that it was impossible to pull en part in at least eight relief a raft of newcomers, all dedi- Xiang named the team When he traveled to Nepal to “China is a strong country. experience and learned les-
him free. Despite 10 hours of missions overseas, including cated to providing assistance “Clouded Leopard”, after the assist with relief efforts after Our volunteers have gained sons from taking part in a
efforts to rescue him, the man the Nepal earthquake in April in the face of adversity. big cat renowned for its the 2015 earthquake, Xiang led deep rescue experience and number of disaster relief
died. To make matters worse, 2015. The first batch of Blue According to the recently climbing abilities. a team of three that pulled two have the ability to go beyond efforts, which means the
his mother and brother were Sky members arrived at the established Ministry of Emer- Xiang’s team, which has seriously injured people from China to shoulder the coun- country’s medical rescue
at the scene, constantly affected area just one day aft- gency Management, before more than 300 members, is the rubble during their four try’s international responsi- capabilities have improved
appealing to Zhang and his er the quake, fully trained to Wenchuan there were 27 equipped with 16 drones — days in the country. bilities, so we are making the greatly.
team for help. deal with a variety of tasks. State-backed earthquake res- including ones that can detect He said members of India’s effort to learn and improve,” Now, we are well-equipped
While the members of the Using thermal-imaging cue teams in China — one poisonous gases, and others official rescue team were Zhang said. when we take part in rescue
team were badly affected by apparatus and state-of-the-art national team and 26 provin- designed specifically for res- astonished to discover that a operations. In addition to hav-
their “failure”, the incident lifting and securing equip- cial outfits — that employed cue operations on water or in voluntary team from China Contact the writers at ing enough equipment and
made them determined to ment, the team, including Blue 4,200 people. high-rise buildings — a com- had access to thermal-imag- houliqiang@ materials, including charging
develop their skills. In the Sky experts, spent 15 days in However, as of March, the mand vehicle and thermal- ing equipment when they facilities and apparatus such
as defibrillators, the doctors
are assisted by an adequate
Experts call for improved management of volunteer groups number of nurses. When
injured people are sent to us,
we can concentrate on check-
ing and treating them while
By HOU LIQIANG ty, Yunnan province, Li Feng, remained in the square. teers’ vehicles jammed roads diers, using rope skills to since the Wenchuan quake. the nurses deal with fluid
[email protected] head of the Green Boat Emer- Eventually, Li’s team com- vital to the transportation of access damaged buildings so Its official team, registered in infusions and other proce-
gency Rescue, assessed the mandeered a group of volun- survivors and medical sup- they could be demolished, 2103, can mobilize 300 to 500 dures.
China must strengthen the level of damage with senior teers who joined the members plies in Ludian, even though a thus helping to alleviate the volunteers, and has partici- As a member of the Cloud-
management of volunteer res- colleagues and then dis- in an isolated village in Qiaojia temporary headquarters had danger posed by the unsafe pated in 12 major rescues at ed Leopard Rescue Team in
cue teams to ensure their patched a 15-strong team to county, providing emergency been established for civilian structures. home and overseas, including Wuhan, capital of Hubei pro-
orderly development and reg- the affected area. relief for several days. teams. While Li is concerned that the 2015 Nepal earthquake. vince, I have regularly provid-
ulate their participation in However, when the team According to Li, similar sce- More recently, the govern- resources will be wasted if the In a statement to China ed training for other team
disaster relief operations, members arrived in Ludian, narios are not unusual, given ment had to call on volun- government fails to oversee Daily, the foundation said all members before they headed
insiders have said. they found the county square the rapid rise in the number teers to stop pouring into the the activities of volunteer res- volunteer teams should be to disaster zones, including
While volunteer outfits was packed with volunteers, of volunteer relief organiza- area around Jiuzhaigou fol- cue teams, the China Social officially registered and the 2015 Nepal earthquake. I
have provided essential assist- many of whom were unsure of tions since the 2008 Wen- lowing a magnitude 7 quake Welfare Foundation has should only participate in have also shared the lessons I
ance in emergency situations the role they were expected to chuan earthquake in Sichuan in the mountainous area of called for industry-style regu- emergency relief efforts learned during the Wenchuan
in recent years, a lack of coor- play. province — the recently estab- Sichuan in August. lations to ensure that teams under government guidance. earthquake.
dination and poor communi- “There were more rescuers lished Ministry of Emergency However, there is no doubt become more professional, “They will only provide the Since 2008, China has
cations have occasionally than victims,” Li recalled. Management puts the num- that volunteer teams can with certain outfits specializ- government with effective made great progress in terms
hampered emergency efforts. Having liaised with the local ber at nearly 11,000 civilian complement the work of offi- ing in specific aspects of relief assistance when they are able of emergency medical rescue.
For example, in August government, Li’s team knew rescue teams with about cial rescue teams. In Ludian, work. to carry out orderly opera-
2014, when a magnitude 6.5 exactly where it was needed, 694,000 members. for example, Li’s team The foundation has partici- tions that do not add to the Liang Jian spoke
earthquake hit Ludian coun- but many volunteers She recalled how volun- worked with a group of sol- pated in disaster alleviation existing problem,” it stated. with Liu Kun.
C H I N A DA I LY L AT I N A M E R I CA W E E K LY Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018 C H I NA 7
Around China
Grandpa packs a punch
as custodian of culture
JIANGXI FUJIAN worked for Didi Chuxing, the
Wooden house to Fraudster fails to ride-hailing service, has been
detained for investigation
become museum repay 140m yuan after allegedly brandishing a
A 27-year-old businessman knife and forcing a passenger
has been convicted of fraud in Zhaoqing to delete a nega- He shops in vegetable mar-
and is awaiting sentencing in tive review posted on May 5. kets and takes care of his
Fuzhou after he failed to Footage by a passer-by grandson in his spare time, but
repay 140 million yuan ($22.2 who no longer lives in the showed a highly agitated Mai when Huang Zhenjiang puts
million) in debts. Shi Hualin, county, had to be carried to a pull a kitchen knife and on his kung fu attire, he is
who was branded in court as third-floor office for his annu- threaten to stab the customer strictly a martial arts master.
a dishonest person, once al social security review. if he refused to replace the Huang, 68, is officially recog-
owned five companies that Wuhan resident Bai Ni com- negative review with a posi- nized as an inheritor of Cai Li Fo
sold automobiles and parts plained to the media that she tive one. Negative reviews boxing, a style of martial arts.
across Fujian province. He had to drive her father, now posted by passengers can He is also head of Hongsheng
and his companies were taken living with her in the city, hurt a driver’s ability to get Hall, a kung fu club established
A wooden house more than to court twice this year, in back to Hongan after the business. A Didi Chuxing in 1851 in Foshan, a city in
200 years old in Yichun is to January and March, and bureau ordered him to return spokesperson said Mai has Guangdong province known for
be made into a museum ordered to repay their debts. for the annual review. Bai had been suspended. its martial arts culture.
showcasing the beauty of the CQCB.COM to hire three people to carry GUANGDONG TV STATION Cai Li Fo was created by
rare phoebe wood used in its
her wheelchair-bound father Chen Xiang. Legend has it that
construction. Local authori-
BEIJING to the third-floor office JIANGSU Chen, a native of Guangdong,
ties will also list the property
Workers fill in man’s because there was no lift in Teacher accused of created the style by combining
as a historic relic. Located in a
the old building. After the Cai and Li styles with a form of
back alley in Yifeng county, secret basement review, the man had to be car- hot water torture boxing named for the Buddha,
the building from the Qing
ried back to the car. Police are investigating alle- or Fo in Chinese.
Dynasty (1644-1911) covers
CHUTIAN METROPOLIS DAILY gations that a kindergarten The kung fu system is being
1,000 square meters and fea-
student was forced to drink heavily promoted by the city
tures more than 70 phoebe
scalding-hot water as punish- government, with textbooks
crossbeams and columns esti- Itchy holiday ment for talking during class on the art distributed to 11 kin-
mated to weigh more than 40 tattoo regrettable in Yangzhou. The teacher has dergartens in Foshan recently, Master Huang Zhenjiang at the entrance of his kung fu club,
metric tons. All are in good
A tourist is regretting having been suspended, the school according to the city’s sports Hongsheng Hall, in Foshan, Guangdong province. CAI YANG / XINHUA
his right arm tattooed while said. The boy’s mother, sur- bureau.
visiting Indonesia during the named Li, said her son Huang started learning Cai
May Day holiday. Wang Wei’s returned home from school Li Fo when he was a teenager. cise routine featuring fans. The “I have taught students from
SICHUAN right arm became itchy, red reluctant to eat dinner one “My grandpa used to tell me all “fan dance” combines Cai Li Fo Spain, the Czech Republic,
Grandma, 78, starts and swollen after he returned day last month, complaining about the heroic stories of the boxing and gymnastics, and Argentina and Chile,” he said.
online job search home to Wuhan, and his skin that his throat hurt. A doctor masters,” he said. “I decided I makes the learning process “Many of them came to Foshan,
started peeling. Doctors diag- found the boy’s throat was wanted to be like them.” “more interesting”, he said, rented houses and found jobs
A 78-year-old woman has
A property owner who illegal- nosed contact dermatitis swollen and blistered, making With the help of his grandfa- adding that “the exercise is teaching English while taking
become an internet sensation
ly dug a two-level basement caused by the tattoo dye. They it difficult to swallow. Li ther, Huang managed to meet good for their health”. time to learn boxing here.”
after applying for many jobs
under his apartment was said there might be no scar- approached the school to some Cai Li Fo masters. He Huang noted that his stu- Huang vividly remembers a
advertised online in Santai
detained in Xicheng district ring on his arm after treat- demand an explanation after would practice for three hours dents sometimes perform their Spaniard who came to him in
county. Ding Yuqiong, dubbed
on May 4 on suspicion of ment, but the pigmentation her son said he had been every night. In the 1970s, life dance routines during the 2008 after having practiced Cai
“the granny of employment”,
endangering public safety. An could not be removed. Wang forced to drink scalding-hot was hard and Huang did not opening ceremonies of Asian Li Fo boxing in Spain for nine
said she wanted to find a job
investigation found that the said he had been told the hen- water after talking with class- want to waste money on kung kung fu competitions. years. “He said he wanted to
to ease the burden on her
man, surnamed Deng, had na tattoo would fade auto- mates during class. fu shoes. So he practiced bare- In addition to schools, learn the original kung fu here,
family. In her applications she
secretly dug out more than matically in two weeks and THEPAPER.CN foot. Huang also goes to communi- and I was happy to teach him,”
said the family had been hav-
400 cubic meters of earth for that the dye was natural and Years of effort transformed ties in Foshan to teach Cai Li Fo he said.
ing financial problems since
a basement over the course of would not cause skin prob- ZHEJIANG him into a kung fu master. boxing, particularly in Chan- There may be many admir-
her four children lost their
five years. The unauthorized lems. Hongsheng Hall reopened in cheng district, where Hong- ers of Cai Li Fo boxing, but
jobs. Ding said some employ-
basement had damaged the
Surgery secret ends 1998 after being closed for dec- Huang teaches only those who
sheng Hall is located.
ers had invited her to inter-
structure of the building and engagement plans ades, and Huang was asked to The classes usually begin learn the art to strengthen their
could cause it to subside, local A woman, surnamed Yun, has teach Cai Li Fo boxing. In 1999, during the summer and winter bodies, rather than those who
experts said, adding that been ordered by a court to he was elected head of the hall, holidays, when eager students want to fight.
there could also be other hid- return engagement gifts val- and that’s when he saw an from the community flood the “There has been a rule at
den safety concerns. It took ued at 150,000 yuan ($23,550) opportunity to revive the glory hall to learn from “Master Hongsheng Hall since the
workers 14 hours to fill in the to her fiance, surnamed Hai, of the traditional martial art. Huang”, who teaches them free. beginning: We never teach Cai
basement, which was sealed after he found a scar on her He began to bring Cai Li Fo As the hall is too small to Li Fo boxing to bad people,” he
with concrete. abdomen and learned she had boxing to students in Foshan, host hundreds of students, said. “Morals are important.”
BEIJING DAILY removed an ovary without to pass the style on to young community authorities have When it comes to passing on
telling him. Hai retracted his locals. turned a local field into a prac- the martial art, Huang said the
HUBEI marriage proposal and filed a “I teach boxing to them on Fri- tice venue for the students. government has taken a variety
Bureau apologizes WUHAN EVENING NEWS lawsuit, saying Yun’s father day and Saturday nights,” said “They practice one to two of measures in recent years to
had said his daughter’s scar Huang, whose sessions last two hours a day,” Huang said. support its development.
for retiree’s distress GUANGDONG was the result of an appen- hours. “Sometimes we practice Besides his Chinese stu- “Cai Li Fo boxing is our tradi-
Hongan county’s social secu- dectomy. A court in Huzhou at schools, and sometimes they dents, Huang also has some tional culture,” he added. “We
rity bureau has apologized
Driver flashes knife ruled in favor of Hai after a come to classes at the hall.” foreign apprentices who have must try to pass on our culture.”
after local media revealed after bad review public hearing. To make boxing more popu- come to Foshan out of admira-
that a 90-year-old retiree, A driver surnamed Mai, who ZJ.ZJOL.COM.CN lar, he has even created an exer- tion for the kung fu master. XINHUA
Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018
on tour
Applause and loud cheer-
ing greeted the finale of a
third encore as the audi-
ence in Bucharest’s Athe-
naeum Hall showed their
appreciation for the April
23 performance by the
Hangzhou Philharmonic
As part of its tour across
southeastern Europe that
includes Greece, Bulgaria,
Serbia and Romania, the
A huqin player and a vocalist perform together with the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra at the Shanghai Grand Theatre on May 5 to celebrate a new performance season. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Hangzhou Philharmonic
mesmerized the Romanian
audience with The Flying
Dutchman Overture, The
Butterfly Lovers violin con-
certo and Rachmaninoff’s
Symphonic Dances Op 45.
So enraptured by the
music and the perform-
ance, the audience urged
the recital of three more
The Shanghai Chinese Orchestra kicks off its new performance season with a showcase of pieces from the east China
orchestra: one by Paganini
traditional musical works from Northwest China. Zhang Kun reports. and two Chinese classical
A combination of touch-
ing solos by violinist Ning
he Shanghai Chinese gentle side of Chinese national Feng and a powerful
Orchestra celebrated music, and will find an exclu- orchestral performance,
the opening of its sive sound or expression for conducted by Yang Yang,
new performance each hero,” he said. held the audience in thrall.
season with a concert of music Hero will be performed on The Butterfly Lovers vio-
from Northwest China at the Dec 15, under the baton of lin concerto was particu-
Shanghai Grand Theatre on Tang Muhai, chief guest con- larly well received.
May 5. ductor and honorary artistic Although the love story it
A series of new composi- director of the SHCO. depicts is sad, the music
tions premiered at the concert, “Musicians at the SCHO was acclaimed by some in
which showcased local and view their instruments as if the audience as “marvelous
traditional musical elements they are priceless antiques and breathtaking”.
from Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi from the Palace Museum,”
provinces, Ningxia Hui auton- Tang says in a video clip cele-
omous region and Xinjiang brating the SHCO’s new sea-
Uygur autonomous region. son. “Each sound we make
Vocalists and instrumentalists speaks of the beauty of Chinese
from these northwestern prov- culture — just like our lan-
inces and regions took the lead guage. It’s time for the world to
alongside musicians from the know about China’s culture,
SHCO. and China’s music.”
The concert gave a glimpse Earlier this year, the SHCO
of the mission and style of the concerts that are popular with guzheng shares a similar quali- made a successful European
SHCO, said Luo Xiaoci, direct- young audiences,” Luo says. ty of sound with the sitar, an tour, New Oriental, which fea-
or of the company. The SHCO Among the highlights for instrument used widely in tra- tured the sound of an ancient
was founded in 1952, and was the 2018-19 season will be a ditional Indian and Middle flute made from a bone that
the first large-scale modern concert production commis- Eastern music. dates back 8,000 years, as well Artists of Hangzhou Phil-
orchestra to feature Chinese sioned from Shanghai-based “A conversation can be as compositions by contempo- harmonic Orchestra perform
instruments in the country. composer Huang Lei. achieved between these rary Chinese artists such as on April 23 in Bucharest,
Luo summarized the compa- Under the title, The Com- instruments and the music Zhao Jiping and Tan Dun. Romania. LIN HUIFEN / XINHUA
ny’s mission as “presenting mon Home, Huang will bring styles,” he says. “I am working Last year, the orchestra pre-
Chinese music with an inter- together signature music closely with musicians at the miered a new symphonic pro- “This concert has been
national vision and a contem- styles and instruments from SHCO to explore all kinds of duction Shanghai Odyssey — medicine to my soul, they
porary style”. around the globe to create a possibilities.” The Bund during the China are exceptionally good and
The SHCO has been com- concert about “the destiny of The new production is Shanghai International Arts it’s amazing that such a
missioning new compositions all humanity”. scheduled to premiere on Nov Festival, a piece created by Ger- young orchestra, only nine
with artists from both home “Social development has 3, during the China Shanghai man composer Christian Jost. years since its creation, is so
and abroad. By constantly caused serious environmental Top: Bamboo flute and dramyin performers work with the International Arts Festival. Since then Shanghai Odys- skillful,” says Romanian
bringing out new composi- issues, and this is a problem we Shanghai Chinese Orchestra as part of the performance at the Also due to premiere in the sey has toured extensively, musician, conductor and
tions and music productions, all face,” Huang says. “We are Shanghai Grand Theatre. Above: A suona artist and a ballad singer new season is a concert about performing in Beijing and professor of music, Nicolae
the SHCO has brought Chinese all in it together, and I want to perform with the same orchestra. Chinese mythology named Guangzhou. Racu, who has been playing
folk music to a variety of differ- address the topic by combin- Hero, by composer Li Bochan. “It was a great way to intro- Chinese classical music for
ent audiences. ing traditional Chinese instru- “I will create a symphonic epic, duce Shanghai to other parts the past 40 years.
“In the past few years we ments with folk music from all music from around the world eign instruments that would with each chapter named after of China,” Luo says. Racu adds that the
have presented heavyweight over the world.” in an attempt to find musical fit well with a Chinese orches- an ancient Chinese hero,” he young Chinese orchestra
productions that reflect the Together with musicians elements that would suit being tra, Huang tells China Daily. says. “I will work hard to Contact the writer at has already garnered a ven-
main theme of our times, as from the SHCO, Huang is mak- performed on Chinese instru- For example, the traditional present the depth and dignity, zhangkun@ erable reputation due to its
well as lighthearted chamber ing extensive studies of folk ments, while looking for for- Chinese stringed instrument as well as the exquisite and depth of talent.
During the concert,
exclamations of “bravo”
and “incredible” could be
Dance drama pays tribute to If you go heard emanating from vari-
ous areas of the hall, with
one concertgoer, 50-year-
From left: Jiang Yuhang is rescued out of the ruins during the Wenchuan Earthquake in May 2008; he arrives at Shanghai Railway Station in December 2008 as a new firefighter of the Shanghai fire brigade; Jiang (left) on
rescue mission near a sluice in Shanghai’s Miaohang town in May 2009. PHOTOS BY JIANG HONGJING AND ZHAO YUN / XINHUA
n May 12, 2008, Jiang Yuhang, managing to pick up the child and get
who had just been assigned to him out.
the highway administration At the end of August 2011, Jiang entered
office of Yingxiu town in the Kunming command school of the pub-
Wenchuan county, was buried in the lic security firefighting force, and also
ruins during the Wenchuan Earthquake. joined the Communist Party of China.
At 17:12 on May 17, after being trapped After that, he was promoted to deputy
for 125 hours, Jiang was rescued by the commander of the Pengpu squadron of
Shanghai fire brigade. the special service detachment of the
“It was the firefighters who gave me a Shanghai fire brigade.
second life. So, I was eager to become one At the end of March 2018, Jiang was
of them,” he says. transferred from Shanghai to his home-
At the end of 2008, the 20-year-old town, Kaili city in Guizhou province, as
man’s wish came true and he became a assistant to the war fighting brigade of
firefighter with the same team that the city’s southeastern fire brigade.
saved his life. Speaking about his professional jour-
In May 2009, Jiang received an orange ney, Jiang says: “In the past decade, I have
emergency rescue suit and joined the learned a lot. And I will use what I learned
Pengpu squadron of the special service to give back to my hometown.”
detachment of the Shanghai fire brigade.
Jiang directs rescue missions at a car accident scene in Shanghai in February. XINHUA Then, a house on the fifth floor of a — ZHANG LEI
A group photo of the southeastern fire brigade in Kaili, Guizhou province. Jiang stands in the middle in the first row. JIANG HONGJING / XINHUA
Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018
13 dead in Color photo
Indonesian nuclear
site plan
— The Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea has
scheduled the dismantle-
ment of its nuclear bomb
Attackers from family of six that test site for between May 23
and 25 in order to uphold its
included two young children pledge to discontinue nucle-
ar tests, DPRK media
reported on Saturday a
SURABAYA, Indonesia — spokesman Frans Barung month ahead of a historic
Suicide bombers who car- Mangera told reporters at summit.
ried out deadly attacks on the scene. That blast was fol- The DPRK’s Korean Cen-
three churches in Indone- lowed by a second explosion tral News Agency said dis-
sia’s second-largest city on minutes later at the Chris- mantlement of the
Sunday were a family of six tian Church of Diponegoro Punggye-ri nuclear test
that included two young and a third at the city’s Pan- ground would involve col-
children, police said, as the tekosta Church, Mangera lapsing all of its tunnels
world’s most populous Mus- said. with explosions, blocking its
lim nation recoiled in horror A witness described the entrances, and removing all
at one of the worst attacks on woman’s attack at the Dipon- observation facilities,
its Christian minority. egoro church, saying she was research buildings and
At least 13 people, includ- carrying two bags when she security posts.
ing all six family members, arrived. “The Nuclear Weapon
died in the attacks in Suraba- “At first officers blocked Institute and other con-
ya and at least 41 were them in front of the church- cerned institutions are tak-
injured, according to police, yard, but the woman ignored A man takes a photograph of himself and his child at the ’Color Run’, a 5-kilometer race attracting more than 3,000 participants in Toronto, Canada, ing technical measures for
in acts that Indonesia’s them and forced her way on Saturday. XINHUA dismantling the northern
president condemned as inside. Suddenly she hugged nuclear test ground ... in
“barbaric”. a civilian then (the bomb) order to ensure transparen-
The bombings were the exploded,” said the witness, a cy of discontinuance of the
worst to target churches in
Indonesia since a series of
attacks on Christmas Eve in
2000 killed 15 people and
security guard who identi-
fied himself as Antonius.
Mangera said three unex-
ploded homemade bombs,
Paris stabbings claimed by IS nuclear test,” KCNA said.
“A ceremony for dismant-
ling the nuclear test ground
is now scheduled between
wounded nearly 100. Reli- two at the Pantekosta church May 23 and 25,” depending
gious minorities in Indone- and one at the Diponegoro PARIS — A knife-wielding sion in the immediate area. tion on potential charges of active in the coalition since on weather, the DPRK For-
sia, especially Christians, church, were detonated by a assailant killed a 29-year-old Beyond the police cordon, murder and attempted mur- 2014, and Islamic State adher- eign Ministry said, adding
have been repeatedly target- bomb squad. man and injured four others however, crowds still filled der in connection with terror- ents have killed more than 200 that journalists from the
ed by militants. Meanwhile, police killed in a lively neighborhood near nearby cafes and the city’s ist motives. people in France in recent United States, the Republic
National police chief Tito four terror suspects in West Paris’ famed Opera Garnier night life resumed its normal “At this stage, based on the years, including the 130 who of Korea, China, Russia and
Karnavian said that the Java province’s Cianjur before he was killed by police pace soon after the attack. one hand on the account of died in the coordinated the United Kingdom will be
father exploded a car bomb, regency early on Sunday, on Saturday night. The Islamic The unidentified attacker witnesses who said the attack- November 2015 attacks in Par- invited to witness the dis-
two sons aged 18 and 16 used saying they had planned to State group claimed the targeted five people and then er cried ‘Allahu akbar’ (God is is. mantling.
a motorcycle for their attack, undertake attacks in capital attacker as one of its “soldiers”. fled, according to Paris police great in Arabic) while attack- “All my thoughts are with KCNA said journalists
and the mother was with Jakarta and Bandung. Counterterrorism authori- and a witness. A 29-year-old ing passersby with a knife, and the victims and the wounded would be invited to cover
daughters aged 12 and 9 for The suspects were killed ties took charge of the investi- man was killed, and four oth- given the modus operandi, we of the knife attack perpetrated the event, to “show in a
her attack. in a gunfight with officers in gation, and President ers were injured. When police have turned this over to the this evening in Paris, as well as transparent manner the dis-
Karnavian said the family a Cianjur bus terminal. It Emmanuel Macron vowed officers arrived minutes later, counterterrorist section of the their relatives. On behalf of all mantlement of the northern
had returned to Indonesia was unclear if the shootout that France would not bow to he threatened them and was Paris prosecutor’s office,” the French, I salute the cour- nuclear test ground to be
from Syria, where until was related to the church extremists despite being the shot to death, according to Molins told reporters from the age of the police officers who carried out”. The exact date
recently the Islamic State attacks. target of multiple deadly police union official Yvan Assi- scene. neutralized the terrorist,” of the closure will depend
group controlled significant “Police confiscated fire attacks in recent years. oma. The Islamic State group French President Emmanuel on weather conditions, the
territory. arms, bullets, bows and Paris police officers evacuat- Authorities are working to claimed that the assailant car- Macron tweeted on Saturday agency said.
The extremist group arrows,” Indonesian police ed people from some build- identify the assailant and any- ried out the attack in response night. The ministry said the
claimed responsibility for headquarters Spokesperson ings in the Right Bank one who might have helped to the group’s calls for sup- “France pays once again the DPRK will continue to “pro-
Sunday’s attacks. Setyo Wasisto told a news neighborhood after the attack, him, Interior Minister Gerard porters to target members of price of blood but does not mote close contacts and dia-
The first attack struck the conference. which happened on rue Mon- Collomb told reporters. the US-led military coalition give an inch to the enemies of logue with the neighboring
Santa Maria Roman Catholic signy at about 9 pm. Bar pat- Prosecutor Francois Molins squeezing the extremists out freedom.” countries and the interna-
Church in Surabaya, police AP—XINHUA rons and opera-goers said counterterrorism author- of Iraq and Syria. tional society so as to safe-
described surprise and confu- ities are leading the investiga- France’s military has been AP—XINHUA guard peace and stability on
the Korean Peninsula and
over the globe”.
China Daily Latin America Weekly
hina and the United States have agreed to start
fresh talks in Washington “at an appropriate time”,
which is a positive development to avert an all-out
trade war. Now the two need to think thoroughly
how to achieve more consensus in the talks to push
forward the healthy development of bilateral trade
The key principle the two sides have to abide by should be
mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual benefits,
which is in the interests of both countries and without which the
talks risk being deadlocked.
The China-US trade differences have been brought to the brink
of a dangerous trade war by Washington’s unilateral actions,
despite China repeatedly expressing its commitment to solving
their disputes through dialogues. But since coercion has not
worked, it has now softened its stance.
The US should draw lessons from its previous dealings with
China. It should bear in mind that the outcomes of dialogue
should be mutually beneficial and China will not accept its inter-
ests being damaged.
China, meanwhile, will continue to take a pragmatic approach
to the talks and is willing to take measures to ensure progress is
made to promote the healthy development of China-US trade
relations, so long as its core interests are not jeopardized and the
US respects the principle of equal-footed consultation in the talks.
China has always taken a constructive approach in opening up
its economy to share with the international community its devel-
opment opportunities. It has recently vowed to open up its multi-
trillion-dollar financial sector, for example, and increase imports
from other countries to contribute to global growth.
At a time when global growth is showing an initial trend of sta- OPINION LINE
ble growth, but with its future sustainability remaining question-
able, China’s new opening-up moves will play a vital role in
maintaining global growth and are in stark contrast with the
Better China-Japan ties
in Meat scavenging
“America first” approach adopted by Washington.
The Trump administration, ever since its inauguration, has exposes loopholes
shown an entrenched trend of protectionism, which has led to a
series of offensive steps that risk ruining the existing global trade
and economic order, triggering widespread concern over the
the arm for regional cooperation in disposal system
destructive role of unilateralism.
Having suffered setbacks in dealing with China over trade ALTHOUGH IT IS TOO EARLY TO SAY Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Tokyo last week has brought VILLAGERS living near a landfill in
issues after it threatened to impose tariffs on Chinese products the estranged relations between China and Japan back onto the right track, Li’s visit, the first by a Chinese Jinping county, Southwest China’s Yunnan
worth $150 billion, the US should be aware that it must become premier in eight years, was of practical importance in helping the two countries begin to rebuild their long province, have been collecting and selling
more cooperative and constructive in the trade talks with Chi- lost mutual trust. Beijing Youth Daily comments: the expired or shoddy meat products that
na. the authorities have disposed of there. The-
It should cast away its unilateral mentality so that the two In his speech marking the 40th anniversary of will guarantee the sustainability and vitality of commented on Sunday:
sides can make efforts to find a solution to bilateral trade fric- the China-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty, Li their cooperation.
tions. expressed his anticipation that the two countries That the trade with each other only accounts for It is estimated the villagers recovered
will advance their cooperation by taking advan- 20 percent of their foreign trade, and their capacity and sold nearly 250 tons of meat products,
tage of the the opportunity presented by the in cooperation on industries, environmental pro- ranging from beef to chicken’s feet, until a
Carrier’s sea trials show progress that has been made toward resolving the
Korean Peninsula situation.
tection and energy saving, among other things, is
yet to be tapped speaks volumes about the prospec-
post revealing the practice went viral on
social media and the county government
The consensus reached at the summit of the tive benefits that could be realized through a trilat- put a stop to it last week.
navy ‘stands up in the East’ three countries on advancing their economic coop-
eration paves the way to push forward their long-
eral free tade agreeement.
Also, the memorandums of understanding
Once a new load of meat had been
dumped in the landfill, hundreds of local
anticipated trilateral free trade agreement, which between China and Japan on strengthening their villagers would rush to the site and start
lthough, as the navy said, the trial is only to test the reli- will also give a shot in the arm to efforts to promote service trade and cooperation in third countries, working around the clock to gather as
ability and capacity of its propulsion system, the maid- the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partner- which is closely related to the Belt and Road Initia- much of it as possible.
en sea trials of China’s first domestically designed ship. tive, and their agreements on the building of sea This reportedly had been going on for
aircraft carrier on Sunday morning stirred the emotions This is a different tune to that being sung by and air liaison mechanisms and restarting negotia- years with most of the meat finding its way
of many Chinese. Washington, which is following a unilateralist tions on a currency swap agreement all indicate the to roadside eateries and countryside food
Since its doors were forced open from the outside by Western score that has been building to a protectionist cre- two neighbors have made the first strides toward workshops. And the operation has been
navies in the late 19th century, it has been a dream for China to scendo. greater economic cooperation. going on openly for several years.
have a strong navy, so that there will be no repeat of the gunboat The potential of the three Asian neighbor’s coop- Now is the time to carry on the momentum and To prevent it from happening again, the
diplomacy and seaborne humiliations of the past. eration and collaboration is huge, and it is this that materialize these consensuses. country government is now mixing caustic
Although it is not the latest-generation carrier technology, soda and cement among the meat products
"Type 001A", as the vessel is currently known, is endogenously before dumping them.
designed and built. Expected to be commissioned by 2020, it But it would not have been difficult for
embodies both China’s self-reliance, the industrial and technolog-
ical progress it has made, and the degree to which its naval capa-
Car-hailing firm may be liable in killing the government to discover the dirty trade.
Yet it did nothing to stop it.
bilities have progressed. Even without the scavenging, to bury
As President Xi Jinping said last month when conducting a DIDI CHUXING, a car-hailing service company headquartered in Beijing, has suspended its car-hail- hundreds of tons of meat products in one
review in the South China Sea, notable progress has been made in ing operations for a week to conduct thorough rectification after a 21-year-old flight stewardess, was alleg- place without any processing measures
modernizing the country’s navy. The new carrier reinforces his edly murdered by the driver of a car she ordered in Zhengzhou, Henan province, last week. Beijing News beforehand, not only violates the rules for
message that the Chinese navy has “stood up in the East” with a comments: the disposing of meat products, it also pos-
brand new image. However, it still has a long way to go. es a serious risk to the local ecology and
But that does not mean, as the sniping of some would have peo- According to reports quoting his neighbors, the fied to drive a hail car, but he had in fact earned his environment, contaminating the soil and
ple believe, that the carrier is intended as a means with which to driver of the vehicle hailed by the woman was driv- living in the business for more than two months. water.
grab overseas interests. Rather, it is a means to prevent China’s ing a car registered under his father’s name on the Something the company was unaware of. These expired meat products can be
national interests from being encroached upon. Didi Chuxing platform that night, breaching the Also female passengers have frequently com- turned into organic fertilizers and bio-fuel
Although the Chinese navy has developed rapidly in both size company’ rules. The company said the father had plained about the obscene remarks of male car- for power plants.
and quality over the past five years, the abuse and menace that passed the verification process and criminal back- hailing drivers. So the company must know about Now is the time to track down the indus-
are regularly directed the country’s way means it would be remiss ground checks required by the company. the problem. Yet, it has done nothing about it. trial chain and hold relevant officials,
for it not to have the means to urge caution. Yet despite having a facial recognition system The company needs to stem the loopholes in its including those in the food safety and com-
Nor should the expanded role the navy is being asked to play be for its drivers, the company had no idea who was mode of operations to prevent any such tragedies merce administration departments, and
dismissed. As well as the inshore defense that has been its mis- driving the car until the police found it and made happening again. the sellers responsible, as their dereliction
sion for decades and the safeguarding of the country’s territorial inquiries, and even though the victim complained But although the driver drowned himself in a riv- of duties and dirty business have constitut-
integrity, it also has to be able to protect the country’s develop- of the driver’s verbal sexual harassment to the cus- er after the case — his body was found in the river ed a huge threat to food safety and public
ment interests including its trade routes and Chinese citizens tomer service department of the company before on Sunday — that still should not put an end to the health.
working overseas. her death, the company failed to contact the driv- case. The woman’s family or the public security The case should ring the alarm bells
As the world’s second-largest economy, China is taking increas- er, and did nothing to address the woman’s con- organs have every reason to sue the company and nationwide for the authorities to strength-
ing responsibility for maintaining world peace and protecting the cerns. the culprit’s family for civil compensation, if the en their supervision of the processing of
world economy. This also requires the country to have a strong The police found that the suspect was not quali- court confirms the driver was the killer. refuse, especially in the countryside.
navy, which will enable it to do whatever it can to respond to any
humanitarian and rescue emergency.
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12 VIEWS Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY L AT I N A M E R I CA W E E K LY
Chen Haiming
he threat of a full- chief.
fledged trade war [email protected]
between China and the
United States might
have receded thanks to the recent
Sino-US trade talks. But many
Abe may not be
still fear China will suffer a bigger
blow if a trade war breaks out,
because it relies heavily on the
able to revise
US to keep its enormous export
operation going.
The facts are different. Despite
China exporting more products
to the US than the US exports to
China, there is no reason why
next summer
Washington would emerge the
winner in a trade war. Since having a ripple effect, going n May 3, Japan observed the 71st
many US companies could lose all the way back to the sup- anniversary of its Constitution
access to the Chinese market and pliers across the world, that went into effect in 1947.
products in the event of a trade many third countries Despite strong opposition from
war, US citizens in general would could also suffer collateral people at home and abroad, Japanese Prime
have to not only pay more for damage. Minister Shinzo Abe is eager to amend the
consumer products, but also face Trump’s trade policy is Constitution that, in his words, was
pay cuts or lose their jobs. a reflection of mercantil- imposed by the United States on Japan after
Worse, since farmers in the US ism. Viewing global World War II.
would be caught in the middle of trade as a “zero-sum An opinion poll conducted by Kyodo
a trade war, as their agricultural game”, it favors protec- News in Japan last month showed 61 per-
produce exported to China could tionism in order to cent of the respondents were opposed to
be one of the main retaliation derive maximum profits, any constitutional revisions while Abe is in
targets for Beijing. And regard- when the fact is, interna- office, compared with 38 percent in favor.
less of US President Donald tional trade is a win-win On May 3 last year, Abe gave called for
Trump’s claim that trade wars are game that benefits all par- specifying the Self-Defense Forces in the
“good, and easy to win” — which ticipants. Constitution, arguing that the lack of refer-
was immediately criticized by Trump should realize ence to Japanese armed forces leaves room
many Americans — the US would that the US’ trade deficit for them to be seen as “unconstitutional”.
suffer huge losses in a trade war. with China is not a result of The ruling Liberal Democratic Party has
The tit-for-tat retaliation would China adopting unfair policies. come up with a proposal on how to amend
be beneficial to neither the US Instead, it is a result of many fac- the Constitution in line with Abe’s wishes.
nor China. tors, such as different compara- Under the LDP’s plan, the first paragraph
Besides, a trade war would have tive advantages, the US’ of Article 9, which renounces war, and the
a damaging effect not only on the restrictions on the export of high- second paragraph, which prohibits Japan
US and China, but also on global tech, low savings rate of Ameri- from possessing any “war potential”, would
trade and thus the world econo- cans, and the US dollar being a be retained, but a new clause stating the
my. Tariff barriers would retard global currency. So it is unfair to provisions of the preceding paragraphs do
GDP growth for both countries, discriminate against Chinese not preclude the country from taking “nec-
which in turn would slow the products by accusing China of ples on which it was established essary” self-defense measures would be
global economy even before it has practicing unfair policies. as a nation. Besides, Trump’s added.
fully recovered from the impact of Building tariff barriers as part “America First” policy is against To make the new clause in Article 9 rele-
the global financial crisis. of a trade policy is, to some the rules of the WTO. vant, the Japanese government has defined
China’s would not be the only extent, unilaterally declaring a Protectionism will cause tangi- the SDF as an organization with strength
economy to be affected by US tar- war against multilateralism, ble losses to the US economy. It “below war potential”. And Abe has claimed
iff barriers, because a wide net- and pitting protectionism will also cause intangible losses that the proposed revision of Article 9 will
work of value chains feed against free trade, which is a fla- to its soft power and world lead- bring “no change” to the role and nature of
different materials, components grant violation of the cardinal ership. And mercantilism, which the SDF.
and sub-components into the principles of the World Trade promotes the building of tariff
global manufacturing and Organization. barriers to global trade, not only
assembly base that is China. The US for long saw itself as causes damage to the rule of law
Many other economies could suf- the beacon of non-discrimina- in international trade, but harms Opinion polls show no
fer, as many of the manufactur- tion, fair competition, free trade, global and regional peace.
ing companies operating in openness and rule-based multi- clear rise in popular
China are registered in other lateralism. But under Trump’s The author is director of the Cen-
countries, including in the US. leadership, the US seems hell- ter for Global Governance, Xia- support for constitu-
And with the retaliatory tariffs bent on violating the very princi- men University of Technology.
tional revision.
Alfred Schipke and Longmei Zhang The Abe administration has already sub-
stantially eased the constitutional limits on
Good but uncertain times could be on way the “armed forces”. Japan’s Constitution
allows the SDF to act only in self-defense,
but the national security legislation that
took effect in 2015 allows Japan to respond
to attacks on its allies as well. Japan will
ur Regional Economic emerging markets. Among the mies face the risk of “growing old tion, deal with the demographic now expand its role in United Nations
Outlook suggests a larger economies, growth in before they grow rich”, and the transition, address climate peacekeeping operations, increase contin-
strong global and Japan has been above potential In the longer run, adverse effect of aging on growth change, and support those affect- gency planning with the US, and explore
regional growth for eight consecutive quarters and fiscal positions could be sub- ed by shifts in technology and new areas of defense cooperation with
momentum. But there are also and is expected to remain strong
Asia’s growth stantial. A second challenge is trade. And to reap the full bene- “like-minded states”.
clouds on the horizon for which
all need to prepare and now is
this year at 1.2 percent. And in
India, after temporary disrup-
prospects could be slowing productivity growth.
Besides, the global economy is
fits of the digital revolution, Asia
will need a comprehensive and
Still, the Japanese government is consid-
ering arming the SDF with highly aggres-
the time to do it. China’s reforms tions caused by the currency heavily affected by becoming increasingly digital- integrated policy strategy cover- sive weapons, moving further away from
have stabilized the economy and exchange initiative (called ized, and while some recent ing information and communica- the country’s defense-only policy. It is con-
progress has been made in finan- “demonetization” in India) and demographics, advances could be truly trans- tions technology, infrastructure, sidering modifying its largest helicopter
cial deleveraging. The key will be the rollout of the new Goods and formative, they also come with trade, labor markets and educa- destroyer, the Izumo, so that US F-35B
to stay the course. Services Tax, growth is expected slowing productiv- challenges, including those relat- tion. stealth fighters can land on and take off
As we note in our recently to recover to 7.4 percent, making ed to the future of work. Asia in In China, reforms in the past from its flight deck.
released “Regional Economic it once again the region’s fastest ity growth, and aggregate is embracing the digi- two years have contributed to a And US defense contractor Lockheed
Outlook”, the Asia-Pacific region growing economy. tal revolution, but the degree reduction of near-term risks and Martin Corp., according to Reuters, plans
remains the main engine of the For China, this year is projec-
the rise of the dig- varies significantly across the stabilized the economy. In partic- to offer Japan a stealth fighter design
global economy, and near-term
prospects have improved since
ted to see growth ease to 6.6 per-
cent from 6.9 percent last year, as
ital economy. region. ular, progress has been made in
financial deleveraging, which
based on its export-banned F-22 Raptor
and advanced F-35 Lightning II aircraft.
our report of October last year. financial, housing and fiscal
tightening measures take effect
Aging populations Strong forecasts should continue. Recently issued The proposed aircraft is said to combine
But there are many risks on the regulation on asset management the F-22 and F-35 and “could be superior to
horizon, including a tightening and net exports contribute less. are an important help build buffers products and new liquidity rules both of them”.
of global financial conditions, a Such a slowdown is necessary The strong economic outlook are welcome and should help fur- Japanese lawmakers in favor of a consti-
shift toward protectionist poli- and will benefit China in the long challenge, as provides a valuable opportunity ther unwind risks accumulated tutional revision have a two-thirds majori-
cies, and an increase in geopoliti- run, as it reflects the economy’s to focus macroeconomic policies in the financial sector; the key ty in both houses of parliament, a
cal tensions. In addition, over the transition from a focus on quan- many economies on building buffers, increasing however, will be steadfast imple- threshold for initiating an amendment to
longer run, Asian economies will tity to quality of growth. Inflation resilience, and ensuring sustain- mentation. the Constitution. However, they may lose
face major challenges from aging is expected to rise from 1.6 per- face the risk of ability. In many countries in the It will be important to further this advantage.
populations and slowing produc- cent in 2017 to 2.5 percent in region, continued fiscal support slow credit growth and improve The election to the upper house is sched-
tivity growth, as well as the rise 2018, but remain moderate and
“growing old is less urgent given the strong credit allocation efficiency, which uled for the summer of next year, when
of the digital economy, which
could yield huge benefits but also
in line with the regional trend. before they grow economic performance, and poli-
cymakers should focus on ensur-
should go hand-in-hand with
State-owned enterprise reforms
half of its 242 seats will be contested. The
LDP, Komeito and two small parties that
bring major disruptions. Complex factors rich” ... ing that debt remains under and more forceful exit of zombie favor constitutional revision hold the nec-
Given these uncertainties, control. Some countries should companies. Fiscal policy that fos- essary two-thirds majority in the upper
macroeconomic policies in the
influence outlook also focus on revenue mobiliza- ters consumption, while curtail- house.
region should be conservative Risks to near-term growth are tion to create space for infra- ing excessive investment, Since 69 seats held by LDP members will
and aimed at building buffers balanced, but downside risks and financial vulnerabilities. structure and social spending especially at the local level, be up for grabs, it has to win something
and raising resilience, while tak- prevail over the medium term. More inward-looking policies in and to support structural would facilitate rebalancing and close to this number to hold on to the two-
ing advantage of strong econom- On the upside, the global recov- major global economies, as high- reforms. contribute to higher quality of thirds advantage. And wining a number of
ic conditions to implement ery could again prove stronger lighted by recent tariff actions As for monetary policy, the pol- growth. seats in the mid-sixties range will be no easy
structural reforms to promote than expected. The new Compre- and announcements, could dis- icy stance can remain accommo- And these reforms should be task for the LDP, which won only 55 in the
sustainable and inclusive growth. hensive and Progressive Agree- rupt international trade and dative in much of the region accompanied by further most recent upper house election in 2016.
Regional growth is expected to ment for Trans-Pacific financial markets and have a given that inflation is generally strengthening policy frame- With this in mind, Abe may well push to get
remain strong at 5.6 percent this Partnership and the successful substantial impact on Asia, still muted. Nonetheless, central works, for example, giving the a set of amendments approved by the Diet
year and next — up by about 0.1 implementation of the China- which has benefited so much banks should be vigilant, since People’s Bank of China more before the summer 2019 election.
percentage point from our previ- proposed Belt and Road Initia- from economic integration. our analysis suggests that much operational independence to Abe wants the amendment to be adopted
ous forecast — supported by tive, assuming debt sustainability Finally, geopolitical tensions of the undershooting of inflation implement monetary and in 2020. But he may find it difficult to set a
strong global demand and favor- and project quality are main- could have serious financial and targets in Asia has been exchange rate policy, and allow- date for a national referendum because of a
able financial conditions. tained, could support trade, economic repercussions. explained by temporary, global ing the market to play a more series of big events next year, from Emperor
As in other regions, inflation in investment and growth. In the longer run, Asia’s factors, such as commodity pri- decisive role. Akihito’s abdication to the G20 Summit and
Asia has largely remained sub- Asia, however, remains vulner- growth prospects could be heavi- ces and imported inflation, the Rugby World Cup.
dued despite the pickup in able to a sudden and sharp tight- ly affected by demographics, which could reverse. Alfred Schipke is IMF senior resi- Opinion polls show no clear rise in popu-
growth. We project that inflation ening in global financial slowing productivity growth, and Therefore, tailored measures dent representative for China, lar support for constitutional revision. So
will remain at 1.4 percent on conditions, while extended peri- the rise of the digital economy. are needed to boost productivity and Longmei Zhang is IMF dep- even if a set of amendments is approved by
average in advanced economies ods of easy financial conditions Aging populations are an impor- and investment, narrow the gen- uty resident representative for the Diet, it is not certain they will be ratified
and 3.3 percent on average in could risk a buildup of leverage tant challenge, as many econo- der gap in labor force participa- China. in the referendum.
Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018
Talking Business
100.1 99.9
100.2 101.3
Powering up the world with solar Tenants’
age down;
Znshine adds India to its growing
pan-planet photovoltaic footprint
market is
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chinese solar
solar photovoltaic
photovoltaic From pageYING
By WANG 13 in Shanghai
or PVPV panel
panel manufacturer
manufacturer (There is) new [email protected]
Znshine Solar
Solar has
has nailed
nailed aa has become a major source of
300-megawatt module
module supply
supply momentum for us demand
About in a the
decaderental housing
ago, a TV
agreement withwith India
India renew-
renew- market.
series called Woju (meaning a
able energy developer ACME
energy developer ACME to further explore First-time homebuyers’
narrow dwelling, like that of a
Cleantech Solutions
Solutions Private average age has increased
Limited, responding
responding to
to grow-
the Indian snail) became
among 30Chinese
a huge
in 2013audiences.
to 34 in 2016,
ing market
market demand
demand in in India.
India. according
The series to a depicted
survey on how Bei-
This isis another
another bilateral
market.” jing
hard and it is Shanghai’s
for young leasing people
agreement reached
reached since
since the
the Li market
workingby and Chinese
living in residential
big cities
last year’s cooperation Li Qian,
Qian, president
president of
of sales
sales and
and property agency Homelink. It
last year’s cooperation marketing of
marketing of Znshine
Znshine Solar
Solar to buy an apartment in such
between Znshine Solar
between Znshine Solar and and projected
places. the Chinese leasing
several well-known
well-known Indian
Indian market scale popularity
The series’ will expandcan from be
companies, said
said Li
Li Qian,
Qian, pres-
pres- ket. They have all invested in 1.1 trillion yuan
attributed to many($173.5reasons.
ident of sales and marketing the Indian market in recent now
One of to the
2.9 mosttrillionimportant
yuan in
of the company. years. 2025,
reasonsand wasfurther
that most grow of theto
Znshine Solar will provide India is already China’s big- more than 4.6 trillion
houses were indeed unafford- yuan by
ACME with a variety of PV gest export market for solar 2030.
able for young people. So, the
power output solutions products by sales value. Dur- But struck
series the housing
a chord.industry’s
including graphene-coated ing 2017, China’s exports current
Aspects business
like having modeltoissave yet
PV modules, also known as accounted for 24 percent of to prove its profitability,
every yuan possible toward said
self-cleaning PV modules, India’s solar products, with Zhou Jing, head
making the down payment for of project
1500-volt modules and decen- sales growth seen in both cells sales,
a house JLL Shanghai.
first, followed by allo-
tralized junction box, all of and modules. According
cation of a major to Zhou, part the of
which will be shipped this According to Li, India is a annual
income forrent monthly a mortgage
month and are expected to be major overseas market that receives
payments, forreflected
an average apart-
the reality
delivered by the end of Znshine is looking to expand ment
of the is merely between 1 per-
August, she said. into. In the second half of 2017 cent and 2topercent
In order repay housingof the
India’s PV market has pros- alone, the company has apartment’s
loans, peopleselling became pricerisk- in
pered and attracted the atten- signed orders for more than Shanghai.
averse and couldn’t muster
tion of the global market, 800 mW with companies “The biggest
courage to change challenge
jobs. They will
thanks to the vigorous promo- including OPG, Aditya, Hin- be competition
sacrificed their from new sup-
life quality to
tion of the government. dustan, Harsha Abakus and ply
more. theTheyrelatively
According to the Interna- ACME. pool
named of demand
house slaves in the short who
tional Renewable Energy The cooperation with term
abandoned whichtheir may affect the
Agency or IRENA, India’s new ACME, the biggest independ- operators’
I wonderprofit sometimesmargin. An
if the
solar power generation in 2017 ent power generator in India, additional factor would
situation now is any different. be the
reached 9,628 mW, compared is a win-win as “we can pro- scaling up of asset
The key reason for deciding manage-
with 4,251 mW in 2016 and vide them with the most-ad- ment
to buystaff capable of
an apartment operat-
is to over-
exceeded the markets of North vanced photovoltaic ing
come factors like residential unpredicta-
America, Europe and Japan. manufacturing technology accommodation,”
bility and uncertainty said James that
The Indian government and professional service from Macdonald,
shroud home senior rentals. research
aims to build 100 gigawatts of China, ensuring a profession- director of Savills
An acquaintance was once China, a real
new solar power by 2022. al technological support for estate
out of provider.
a rented flat in
Already, India is set to emerge the country’s photovoltaic To get first-hand experience of Znshine Solar’s world-class energy-related products, prospective clients from India visit the company’s the“The opportunities
middle of the night. are thatShe
as the world’s second-largest power stations”, said Li. factory in East China’s Jiangsu province. PROVIDED
DAILY this
was is a relatively
sharing the flat new territo-
with two
solar PV market by this year- “At the same time, this will ry withgirls.
other no large
As it incumbents.
turned out,
end. So, the market potential is also provide new momentum So,
she newwas entrants
ejected by arethe looking
huge, said IHS Markit, an ana- for us to further explore the gw, the company boasts mod- the cost of all solar installa- The situation has driven promising technologies and to
lordwrest marketchanged
who illegally share and the
lytics company. Indian market.” ule output of 2 gW each year tions, despite the protection many Chinese manufacturers scaling them up are of build
internal reputation.
structureThe of thepossibil-
Josefin Berg, an analyst at As one of the world’s largest and completes more than 5gw for only a few Indian manu- to the Indian market, with essence, he said. ity is also
to lease it tothere
grow into
IHS Markit, said he expects to power plant developers and of power plant construction facturers. exports increasing more than Founded in 1988, the Jiang- other
development niche segments
of long-
see 11 gW of solar power gen- module manufacturers, worldwide. In addition to India, which 1,100 percent between 2012 su province-based Znshine such as student
term rental housing is sup- housing and
erated in India this year, while Znshine Solar has been The Indian government sees trade disputes surround- and 2016. Solar was jointly developed senior
by such from a residen-
factors. The
the US would install 10 gW. actively expanding into over- said earlier it was considering ing the manufacture of solar According to Wang Dong, with the University of Science tial management
population inflowperspective.”
into big cit-
In the face of this huge mar- seas markets. a 70 percent import tax on panels, the European Union technical and quality general and Technology of China. It iesIfinI East
wereChinaone ofisthe millen-
boosted by
ket opportunity and relatively The company currently has Chinese PV manufacturers has imposed anti-dumping tar- manager of Znshine Solar, the has come up with a series of nials, I’d probably
the expansion of rentservicean
favorable government taxa- its PV projects in Japan, that enjoy cheaper costs. iffs on Chinese solar panels in key to continuous success in independently developed gra- apartment
industries and on robusta long-term
tion, Chinese PV companies, Europe, the Middle East, However, developers warn 2013. Before that, the US the solar power sector lies in phene-coated PV modules, basis,
demand. so that Such I candemand
pursue my is
including Znshine Solar, Southeast Asia, and some oth- that imposing import duty on imposed duties of up to 165 per- manufacturing innovation which allow light to pass dreams
caused by without the burdens
the unaffordability
Longi Solar and Trina Solar, er countries. Chinese manufacturers could cent on imports from China, and technology. through more easily and thus of home
home purchases
maintenance and
in first-
are competing with each oth- With its power station see- halt the fast-expanding indus- saying panels were being sold Seeding a next generation convert more light into elec- housing
and second-tierloan repayments
cities. on
er to invest in India’s PV mar- ing an annual capacity of 1.1 try in its tracks and increase too cheaply to the US market. of technology, identifying tricity. my“Another
back. reason is preferen-
HR consultants foresee smaller raises due to GDP factor sified and personalized cul-
tural needs.
Tong Qing, senior vice-
president of Perfect World,
By CHEN MEILING nomic performance in the fol- similar talent in the market,” knowledge and who are able said the digital entertain-
[email protected] lowing years, but the data will said Huang. to leverage their expertise to ment industry has become
keep higher than that of devel- That’s why, although the streamline work processes or a key driver of economic
Salaries of employees in oped countries,” Huang said. growth rate of wages is slow- procedures will be highly growth in China, and the
China are expected to grow The growth rate of wages in ing in China, it may not neces- sought after. Consequently, gaming segment has played
at about 6 percent this year, western Europe was estimat- sarily decrease the cost of such professionals will have a significant role in the
compared with about 9.4 ed to reach 2.3 percent in 2018 human resources for compa- the most room for a larger pay overall market.
percent back in 2012, when and that of North America was nies, because the competition rise,” Lee said. “There is a growing trend
the economy’s focus shifted seen reaching 2.8 percent, for a limited pool of employees Professionals who are of spinoff from hot IP rights
from rapid growth to high- while Africa would reach 8.5 with global prospects, innova- adaptable, good at problem- related to games and other
quality development, experts percent, the company said. tive thinking, high adaptabili- solving and have strong inter- forms of entertainment
said. The group studied wages in ty and multiple skills is even personal skills will also thrive, products.
“We have studied the fluc- more than 25,000 companies fiercer. he said. “Based on our key copy-
tuation trend of salaries in over 110 countries and pub- Driven by government-led The pressure for human righted games, such as
worldwide for decades, and lished an annual report based campaigns such as the Belt resources is even higher when Mengjianji, Perfect World
found it is highly linked to a on its findings. and Road Initiative, Made in the domestic labor market is will develop more deriva-
country’s GDP, whose influ- Internet-based, financial China 2025 and Internet Plus, shrinking amid an aging pop- tive works in the form of TV
ence may take one or two and real estate industries Staff of a brokerage address investor queries at a financial expo in many companies are scram- ulation and a growing number dramas, movies, comics
years to show,” said Huang boast greatest potential for Beijing. The financial services industry is among those with high bling for top-end talent on the of young middle-class profes- and novels in the future.”
Xian, senior director of Korn high salaries, while manufac- annual salaries, said HR consultants. WU CHANGQING / XINHUA way to digitalization, transfor- sionals with more flexible Wang Xu, chief analyst at
Ferry Hay Group, a human turing, chemical, oil, gas and mation, technology upgrade choices for working or not to Gamma Data Corp, said as
resources consulting firm. other traditional industries or going global, Huang said. work, Huang said. the demographic dividend
Data from the National will offer generally lower sala- The lowest salaries were For example, average annu- “For instance, human Charlie Li, head of human is disappearing, game devel-
Bureau of Statistics showed ries, led by either booms in seen in textiles and garments, al salaries of stock market resources personnel should resources at KPMG China, opers need to seek new ways
China’s GDP grew 6.9 per- certain industries and light manufacturing, farming, experts decreased from not only know how to recruit said though remuneration is to keep the momentum
cent last year. The corre- declines of others, according forestry, animal husbandry 639,500 yuan in 2015 to people or calculate KPI (key not a key motivator for great- strong, and the IP rights-
sponding figure was 9.5 to KFHG. and fishing companies, whose 411,100 yuan in 2017. Banking performance indicators), but er performance, uncompeti- protected products will help
percent in 2011. Information provider East- average level was about remained at around 340,000 have a deep understanding of tive remuneration will drive cut the cost to attract users.
The growth rate of wages money studied annual reports 90,000 to 100,000 yuan per to 370,000 yuan in the last two the company’s business and its people less motivated to per- In March, the Beijing-
nationwide was 8.5 percent in of over 3,000 A-share compa- year. years, Eastmoney said. future development strategy.” form. based company reported its
2013, 7.2 percent in 2014, 7.3 nies, showing that high annu- Though the wage gap in dif- “Traditionally, companies Agreed Felix Lee, head of “From this perspective, 2017 revenue surged 29 per-
percent in 2015, 6 percent in al salaries were mainly seen in ferent industries was large, the would decide the salary level executive search and recruit- compensation should reach cent to 7.93 billion yuan.
2016 and 5.8 percent in 2017, financial, securities, banking future of some industries at by judging the value of posi- ment services of KPMG China, the level that can make talents And 5.65 billion yuan came
KFHG data showed. and real estate industries last the top of pyramid was not as tion (job-title), the person’s a global consultancy service feel comfortable and happy to from the gaming sector,
“The salary fluctuation will year, which may surpass glamorous as the public imag- competence and working per- provider. join, stay, and get engaged,” he accounting for more than
keep stable along with the eco- 500,000 yuan ($78,578). ined, Eastmoney said. formance, as well as supply of “Those with strong digital said. 70 percent of the total.
16 BUS IN E S S Monday-Sunday, May 14-20, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY L AT I N A M E R I CA W E E K LY
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