Underground Cable Fault Detection

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2017 International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI)

Zeal Education Society, Pune, India, Feb 24-26, 2017


Mr. M. R. Hans Ms. Snehal C. Kor Ms. A. S. Patil
Zeal College of Engineering and Zeal College of Engineering and Zeal College of Engineering and
Research, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra, Research, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra, Research, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra,
India India India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Abstract: As India emerging as a developing country, civilized
area is also increasing day by day. As underground cables are Murray loop test is simple basic method to
best under such conditions its utilization is also growing because localize cable fault testing. This method uses basic equipment
of its obvious advantages like lower transmission losses, lower that obtained easily. This test is performed for the location of
maintenance cost and they are less susceptible to the impacts of
severe weather and so many. But it is having few disadvantages
either an earth fault or short circuit fault in underground cable.
too like expensive installation and detection of fault location. As In these tests the resistance of fault does not affect the results
it is not visible it becomes difficult to find exact location of obtained except when the resistance of fault is very high.
thefault. In this paper we present two methods which will be very There are two loop tests usually used and are known as
useful to identify the exact distance of fault of underground MurrayLoop and Varley Loop Test. This test works on the
system from base station. One of the methods is Murray loop principle of Wheatstone bridge.
method and other one is Ohm’s Law Method.
Murray loop method uses the whetstone bridge to This test is used to find the fault location in an
calculate exact distance of fault location from base station and underground cable by making one Wheatstone bridge in it and
sends it to the user mobile. Whereas in Ohm’s law method, when by comparing the resistance we shall find out the fault
any fault occurs, voltage drop will vary depending on the length location. But we should use the known length of the cables in
of fault in cable, since the current varies. Both the methods use this experiment. The necessary connection of the Murray loop
voltage convertor, microcontroller and potentiometer to find the testis shown in figure 1 and 2. The figure 1 shows that the
fault location under LG, LL, LLL faults.
circuit connection for finding the fault location when the
Keywords: detection of fault, Murray loop, Ohm’s Law, distance of
ground fault occurs and the figure 2 shows that the circuit
fault, microcontroller, potentiometer. connections for finding the fault location when the short
circuit fault occurs.
It is very crucial to maintain reliability of power
system. That is why it is required to minimize the fault
occurrence in power system and fasten the clearance of fault.

It needs accurate and fast method to identify the

faults and its clearance so that power disturbance can be
resolved in very short period of time. In overhead system it is
quite easy to fine the faulty area than underground system
because of few obvious reasons. There are so many techniques
in overhead system like Phasor Measurement Unit which is
capable of identifying the accurate location of fault and its
types. But in case of underground systems such systems Figure 1: Circuit Connection of Murray Loop test for
cannot be used. Two methods presented in this paper can
resolve this problem related to underground system. Both of ground fault.
these methods are very fast and accurate in finding the fault
location therefore can be proved very useful. Let’s discuss In this test, the faulty cable is connected with sound
these methods in detail. cable by a low resistance wire, because that resistance should

978-1-5090-4083-4/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 5

not affect the total resistance of the cable and it should be able ripples are removed using a capacitive filter and it is then
to circulate the loop current to the bridge circuits without loss. regulated to +5V using a voltage regulator 7805 which is
The variable resistors P and Q are forming the ratio required for the operation of the microcontroller and other
arms. Balance of the bridge is achieved by adjusting the components.
variable resistors. ‘G’ is the galvanometer to indicate the
balance. [R + X] is the total loop resistance formed by the
sound cable and the faulty cable. At the balance condition,
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ܳ ܺ  ܺ

ܺൌ ሺܴ ൅ ܺሻ

When the cross section area of the both sound cable and
faulty cable are equal, then the resistances of the conductors
are directly proportional to their lengths. So, if L X represents
the length between tests end to the fault end of the faulty cable
and if L represents the total length of the both cables, then the
expression for LX is as follows;
‫ ܺܮ‬ൌ ‫ܮ‬
Figure 2: Block diagram of Murray Loop Method

The above test is only valid when the lengths of the The power supply circuit which is used to run the set up
cables are known. In Murray Loop Test, the current consists of step down transformer which is 230 V step-down
circulation through the cable would cause temperature rises to 12 V. In this circuitDB107 is used to form bridge rectifier
due to high voltage or high current. If the resistance varies which delivers pulsating dc voltage & then fed to capacitor
according to the temperature, then the balance collapses. So, filter the output voltage from rectifier is fed to filter to
we need to apply less voltage or less current to this circuit. eliminate any a. c. components present even after
rectification. The filtered DC voltage is given to regulator to
produce 12 V constant DC voltages.
In this method simple OHM’s law is used to locate The simulation presented here is used to detect the actual
the short circuit fault. A DC voltage is applied at the feeder distance of the fault by using both the methods explained
end through a series resistor, depending upon the length of above as Murray loop method and Ohm’s law method.
fault of the cable current varies. The voltage drop across the Simulation program for both the methods is common. When
series resistor changes accordingly, this voltage drop is used we execute the presented simulation program it will first work
in determination of fault location. on the Ohm’s law depending upon the reduction in voltages
This method is assembled with a set of resistors representing and increment in current as an effect of fault occurrence which
cable length in KMs and fault creation is made by a set of will be helpful for detection of open circuit fault i.e. L-L fault.
switches at every known KM to cross check the accuracy of After this execution simulation will be again executed for
the same. The voltage drop across the feeder resistor is given further short circuit faults i.e. L-G faults which will be based
to an ADC which develops a precise digital data which the on Murray loop method.
programmed microcontroller would display the same in Kilo
meters. The fault occurring at what distance and which phase Bridge methods used for locating faults in underground cables
is displayed on a 16X2 LCD interfaced with the are based on modified Wheatstone circuit where direct current
microcontroller. In this method we use a microcontroller is used to measure the resistance in order to calculate distance
ATMega8 which is of 8-bit. The program is burned into ROM of the fault in percentage of the total line length. Murray and
of microcontroller written in either Embedded C or assembly Glaser bridges use the use similar principles for calculating
language. The power supply consists of a step down the distance of the fault. Brief descriptions of these bridges are
transformer 230/12V, which steps down the voltage to 12V given as follows.
AC. This is converted to DC using a Bridge rectifier. The

A Murray bridge loop for cable fault location. Besides the
faulty conductor, one healthy conductor is required as
connected to terminal T1 in the measuring circuit. External
loop wires in the circuit, connecting the resistances at the front
and the conductors at the cable end, should have close to zero
resistance. Fault distances can be calculated from the resistor
values using the conductor resistance per unit length of cable.
The figure below shows a simulation model for the proposed
method of detecting an exact fault location (distance from
base station). The simulation has considered a three phase
system and 1 kΩ resistance is used to indicate the distance of
10 km. connections are arranged so that the Wheatstone
bridge connection is fulfilled.
Figure 4: Display showing L-L fault

Figure 3: Simulation model for faulty area detection.

As we execute this simulation it will first verify the Ohm’s

law as when the fault occurs, there is a voltage drop and Figure 5: Display showing L-L-L fault
therefore there will be the rise in current which will be
scanned by the potentiometer and signals are forwarded to the
ADC which in turn gives the accurate distance of L-L fault.
The potentiometer used MCP41xxx will vary resistances till
the null point is reached (balanced bridge condition), as this
condition is reached using Wheatstone bridge concept,
distance of ground faults can be calculated. These results are
shown in the fig below.

Figure 6: Display showing L-G fault

We have seen the results of simulation under all the faulty
conditions and from that we can conclude that the fault
distance can be calculated successfully by using this project.
Therefore different types of fault analysis and fault location
can be done with ease. Simulation results and prototype’s
results are matching with the distance at which fault is created.
Development for a wide range of cable length will be made in
the further work in terms of safety and compact size for field

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Distance Results Results
(%) (%) [4] Qinghai Shi, Troeltzsch U, Kanoun O. Detection and localization of
(km) (km) (km)
cable faults by time and frequency domain measurements. Conf.
2 2.14 93 1.69 84.5 Systems and Signals and Devices, 7th International conference,
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3 3.15 95 2.78 92.67 [5] M.-S. Choi, D.-S. Lee, and X. Yang, “A line to ground fault location
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6 6.35 94.17 5.91 98.5
7 7.36 94.86 6.84 97.71
8 8.46 94.25 7.94 99.25
9 9.47 94.78 8.88 98.67
For LL Fault in Y-B phase
Actual Simulation Hardware
Accuracy Accuracy
Distance Results Results
(%) (%)
(km) (km) (km)

2 2.04 98 2.01 99.5

3 3.04 98.67 3.25 91.67
4 4.05 98.75 4.02 99.5
5 5.05 99 5.1 98
6 6 100 6.15 97.5
7 6.99 99.86 7.19 97.29
8 7.97 99.63 8.23 97.13
9 8.95 99.44 9.28 96.89
Average Accuracy is above 95%

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