Form 2 Chapter 1 The World Around Us

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Form 2 Science

Chapter 1


1. Diagram 1 shows the structure of a human ear.

P : ……………………………….

Q : ……………………………….

R : ……………………………….

S : ……………………………….

outer middle inner

Diagram 1
(a) On diagram 1, label structures P, Q, R and S using the following words.

Cochlea Ear ossicles Semi – circular canals Eustachian tube

[4 marks]

(b) Draw lines to match the structures and their functions

Structure Function

P Changes sound vibrations into nerve impulses

Balances the air pressure on both sides of the


R Amplifies sound vibrations

S Helps to maintain the body balance

[4 marks]

(c) Name two parts of the inner ear which are involved in the hearing mechanism.

(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
[2 marks]

JPN Pahang 2009 60

Form 2 Science
Chapter 1

2. Diagram 2.1 shows the parts of a human eye.

R : …………………………….

Q S : ……………………………

DIagram 2.1

(a) Label structures R and S in Diagram 2.1 using the following words.

Retina Cornea Optic nerve

[2 marks]

(b) Based on structures P and Q in Diagram 2.1, complete Table 2.2.

Name of structure Function of structure

Table 2.2
[4 marks]

(c) What happens to Q when a person looks at a distant object?


[1 mark]

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Form 2 Science
Chapter 1

3. Diagram 3 shows the path of a light ray that enters a block of glass.

Q: ………………………………
P: ………………………………


R: ………………………………

Diagram 3.1

(a) Label Diagram 3.1 using the words in the box below.

Incident ray Refracted ray Normal

[3 marks]
(b) What causes the light ray to bend as it travels from air to glass?

[1 mark]

(c) Name two phenomena that are caused by the refraction of light.

(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

[2 marks]

(d) Complete Diagram 3.2 to show what happens to a light ray when it travels from glass to



Diagram 3.2 [1 mark]

JPN Pahang 2009 62

Form 2 Science
Chapter 1

4. Diagram 4 shows the set up of an experiment to investigate the response of seedling

towards external stimuli.


Wire gauge Moist cotton


Calcium chloride

Diagram 4

(a) Name the two stimuli being investigated

(i) …………………………………………………………….………………………………………

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

[2 marks]

(b) Predict what will happen to the following parts of the seedlings after several days.

(i) Shoots: …………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Roots : ………………………………………………………………………………………….

[2 marks]

(c) State the function of the anhydrous calcium chloride.


[1 mark]

(d) Name the growth response shown by the

(i) shoots : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) roots : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

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Form 2 Science
Chapter 1


5. Diagram 5.1 shows the formation of image in the eye of a person with a vision defect.

Diagram 5.1

(a) (i) Name the vision defect shown in Diagram 5.1.


[1 mark]

(ii) Give one reason for this vision defect.


[1 mark]

(iii) How do you overcome this defect of vision?


[1 mark]

(iv) Draw the correction of this vision defect as suggested in (a)(iii) on Diagram 5.2.

Diagram 5.2

[2 marks]

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Form 2 Science
Chapter 1

(b) (i) Name the vision defect which is common among elderly people.


[1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for your answer in (b)(i).


[1 mark]

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