Re Ordered Rules For Wreck of The BSM Pandora
Re Ordered Rules For Wreck of The BSM Pandora
Re Ordered Rules For Wreck of The BSM Pandora
Crew member and any bots under his control may move between spaces and make discovery checks.
i. Units move 1 space per turn. (Specimens and berserk bots move during Reaction Phase).
1. Can move from a risor on one deck to a risor on any other deck in 1 turn.
ii. A unit can only leave a space containing an unstunned enemy if its speed is equal to or
greater than the enemy’s. Bot speeds are on back of rule book.
iii. All locks adjacent to a breached space are inactive therefore no movement is permitted
through inactive locks except EVA
iv. A crew member can scan a space instead of entering it during his movement phase.
1. executes normal discovery and reaction procedures as if had entered space.
Except Reaction: subtract 3 from the intelligence rating of specimen.
2. May not move (normally or hastily) during the phase in which he scans an
adjacent space.
v. Only the EVA bot, units in rigs or scapecraft ‘Epithemeus’ may move outside the ship.
vi. Crew members may move 2 spaces per turn using ‘hasty movement’.
1. Reaction checks: Intelligence and Aggression of specimens are increased by 2.
2. Discovery and Reaction of the space moved through (but not ended up in) is
executed as if the space had been scanned.
i. When a crew member enters or scans a space for the 1st time make a discovery check:
1. 1-3 = that number of chits are drawn from the cup and placed in the space. If the
space is a pod, the pod marker is turned face up and left there to identify its
2. 4-6 = space is empty.
Whenever a phasing unit enters, occupies, exits, or visually scans a space containing a specimen check for
its reaction.
i. Generate specimens Intelligence and Aggression ratings by rolling 2 dice for each
attribute. Numbers on the specimen counter are modifiers to the dice roll. Shaded
numbers are subtracted from the die roll instead of added.
ii. Cross-index the specimens Intelligence with its Aggression rating on the Reaction Table
to get 3 numbers (flee, move, kill)
iii. Roll 2x dice and total. Find the highest flee, move or kill number which equals or is less
than the dice total. (e.g. 4,5,10. dice total = 8. Specimen moves (5)).
1. FLEE: specimen drops any carried tools and leaves the space, if multiple exits
then exit at highest die roll.
a. If the Flee number is (bold) then the specimen picks up and carries any
tools it can from the space. (Specimens may acquire but never use
2. MOVE: if it’s not there already the specimen moves into the space occupied by
the crew member.
a. If the Move number is (bold) then the specimen moves into the unit’s pod
and executes a Kill result.
3. KILL: specimen attacks one unit in the space.
a. If the Kill number is (bold) then the specimen makes a charge attack: it’s
Impair rating is doubled and its Shield rating is halved for that attack.
iv. If more than one enemy is in a space roll a die. 1-3 = attacks unit with lowest Shield
rating; 4-6 = attacks crew member with lowest Shield rating.
v. When a direction cannot be followed e.g. breached space, it is ignored and the specimen
remains stationary.
Occurs during Reaction phase or Equipment phase.
i. Generate Shield and Impair ratings for specimen (2x dice). Numbers on specimen
counters are modifiers, if number is shaded it is subtracted from the die roll instead of
ii. Take the Shield rating of the defender from the Impair rating of the attacker(s) = Combat
1. if CD is negative, no combat occurs.
2. if CD is positive find column on the Impair Table which is the same as the CD.
Roll a die, cross index die result with the CD column to get a result.
iii. Before applying the result, check for damage:
1. Take the attacker’s Shield rating from the defender’s Impair rating = CD.
2. if CD is positive find column on the Impair Table which is the same as the CD.
Roll a die, cross-index die result with the CD column to get a result.
3. A negative CD is treated as a zero for resolving the check.
iv. Losses
1. in crew member functioning are subtracted from their Stamina level.
2. in specimen functioning are subtracted from the Shield rating.
a. When a crew’s stamina level or specimen’s shield rating is reduced to zero
they are dead and are removed from play.
3. in bot functioning are subtracted from the current Readiness level. When it is
reduced to red it stays on the map but can’t be used until repaired.
v. All combat results affect only the defender. All damage check results affect only the
original attacker.
vi. Apply results immediately and simultaneously before resolving any other combat.
vii. When 2 or more units engage in combat during a phase they remain engaged until either
the defender or all attackers are stunned or killed. Engaged units may only be involved in
combat with the units with which they are engaged. They may not engage in any other
activity except to defend if attacked by units with which they were not previously
engaged. Units must attack one unit with which they are engaged during their Reaction
phase (if specimens) or Equipment phase (crew) if such an attack is possible.
viii. Berserk bots attack as if reacting specimens. They always attack with their normal ratings
and never charge.
ix. If there is more than one unit in a space which could be attacked:
1. on a die roll of 1-3 the defender is the unit with the lowest Shield rating,
2. on a die roll of 4-6 the defender is the crew member with the lowest Shield rating
3. in this case shield rating doesn’t include tools held/rigs worn.
x. All specimens and berserk bots are hostile toward each other, crew members and non-
berserk bots.
xi. Crew members are hostile towards specimens and berserk bots.
xii. Non-berserk bots are hostile towards specimens and berserk bots but only if under
command of a crew member.
xiii. Only enemies can be attacked except via the stun bomb.
xiv. Only one enemy per phase may be attacked except when using the stun bomb:
1. Stun bomb affects all specimens and crew not wearing rigs in any space in which
it is used. It can be thrown through a functional lock into an adjacent space.
xv. All enemy units (bots, specimens or crew) which are attacking a particular unit during
the same phase must do so in one combined attack.
1. All attacking units have their Impair ratings combined for purposes of combat
resolution. They undergo damage checks separately.
a. The phasing player’s units may acquire control of unclaimed equipment and pick up stunned
units occupying the same space.
i. When a tool or pod counter is acquired roll 2 dice and compare to Attribute Generation
1. If tool/pod is at green place a green marker in its box on the Equipment Status
2. If it is yellow or red place that marker upper half up in the display.
3. Except: red status weapons, comm. devices and rigs are put back in the cup. Red
bots, kit, and pod equipment remain in place and may be repaired.
b. Pod equipment is immovable, useable only by crew in that space or in control of the pod
containing the equipment. Tools are portable and only useable by crew who posses them or bots
who control them.
i. Crew can take position of a tool or functional area of a pod if occupies the same space as
the counter during the Acquisition phase. Place counter under the crew member to denote
this. May then use the tool/facilities during any succeeding Equipment phase. Tools can
be carried within limits of Port capacity. If crew member leaves the space pod markers
must be left behind.
ii. Any number of tools can be in possession but must be within Port capability of the unit
to carry them during Movement or Reaction phases.
The phasing player’s units may use and repair ship’s equipment.
a. The phasing player may attack during this phase using his own Impair rating or the Impair
rating of any one tool in his possession.
b. Similarly when checking for damage he may use his own Shield rating or that of any one tool in
his possession – not necessarily the same one he attacked with.
i. Killing: is accomplished by reducing a specimen’s shield rating to zero. Restraining them
also removes them from the game but that doesn’t reduce victory levels.
ii. Stunning: tools with an s next to their impair rating may be used to stun instead of
damage a specimen/crew but not bot.
1. The Impair rating of a tool is tripled when it is used in stun mode. Only results of
2 or 3 on the Impair table affect a crew member/specimen attacked in this manner.
All 2 and 3 results are read as stun results.
a. Stunned = can’t move, attack or use tools until recovered. Can be carried
between spaces. Flip the unit.
b. Recovery takes place in phase 5.
2. It is possible to combine normal attacks with attacks involving other units using
tools in stun mode.
a. In such cases the defender suffers normal damage of 1-3 levels of
functioning lost as result of the normal attack. In addition the defender is
stunned if the damage result is a 2 or 3.
3. A stunned specimen may be restrained during any Equipment phase when it and
crew occupy the same Restraint Pod or Specanal Pod. It is automatically
restrained and removed from the game.
4. The pod can be used once per phase to restrain as many stunned specimens as
occupy the pod during that phase.
i. Instead of attacking phasing player may use tools in other ways – repair, scanning,
restarting systems etc. only during this phase.
1. The attributes of tools are always fixed but their effects may be enhanced by
employing them in stun mode.
ii. There are 5 types of tools, only one tool of each type may be used in a phase. Except: any
number of bots may be controlled and used. In addition the capabilities of the pod
currently occupied may be employed. Units can’t use tools for anything other than
combat during phases in which they are involved in combat.
iii. Some tools/pods have several capabilities but only one capability can be used per phase.
Capabilities are on the back on the rules.
iv. Berserk bots reacting as specimens can’t use tools.
v. Crew can wear any one rig instead of carrying it, it doesn’t count against Port and
wearing it is the only way to use the rig’s capabilities. Takes 1 movement phase to put on
or remove a rig and no other activity may be engaged in during that phase.
i. Once per equipment phase a crew member may attempt to repair an yellow or red item of
equipment. The repair rating of the crew member or of any one tool being used in the
repair attempt is cross-indexed with the result of a die roll and a result is found. The
result is applied immediately and the markers on the Equipment Status Display are
moved to indicate it’s new status.
1. Equipment in green condition can be used normally. Pods not shown on the
Equipment Status Display are presumed to be in condition green.
2. Whenever yellow equipment is used roll a die. 1-2 = item is degraded to
condition red after tool use.
3. Red status weapons, comm. devices and rigs are put back in the cup. Red bots,
kit, and pod equipment remain in place and may be repaired.
4. Whenever a bot is first discovered and found to be in yellow condition or is
repaired to condition yellow or when it enters yellow as a result of combat, a die
is rolled. 1-2 = the bot becomes berserk.
a. Flip the counter. It reacts in the same manner as a specimen. They have a
Intelligence and Aggression rating of 9 for each.
b. Berserk bots don’t roll for degradation like other yellow equipment.
c. They can be made non-berserk only if reduced to red and then repaired to
ii. Repair Tables:
1. crew members = number of points added to Stamina rating.
2. specimens can’t have a sheild rating higher than what they began with.
3. equipment: 1 = raises equipment in red to yellow. 2-3 = raises it to green. A ‘D’
result in the table means one level of functioning or readiness is lost.
i. Bots
1. bots are acquired in same manner as other tools or via remote-control. Once
acquired a non-berserk, functioning bot moves with the player in possession of it
at no cost to Port.
2. any one capability of a bot may be used during a phase at no penalty to the crew’s
ability to use the same capability himself.
3. any number of bots can be controlled and used during a phase.
4. crew using the Dcon, Scan, Specanal, and Crew Pods may exercise remote-
control over bots from those pods.
a. Only bots listed for each pod on the equipment capabilities chart may be
controlled from that particular pod.
b. Remote-controlled bots may move about the ship and employ their
capabilities as if they were accompanying a crew member.
c. Remote control is broken when a bot goes berserk or is in condition red or
when a controlling player is no longer in control of a terminal with a
remote capacity.
d. Remote-control may be established or re-established only if a bot is on the
map, green or yellow, non-berserk, and not controlled by another crew
ii. Scanner
1. crew can use the Scanner to scan one adjacent space during his Equipment phase
and it’s done in the same manner as scanning during the Movement phase.
2. Scanning can be conducted in both phases.
3. Use of the Scanner does not trigger a reaction check.
iii. EVA
1. crew members in rigs and/or specimens in the scapecraft and the EVAbot may
employ EVA.
2. units in EVA are moved across the shop display as if inside the ship except that
moving between decks doesn’t require risors.
3. crew, specimen, tools may move one deck up or down between pods with the
same ship’s number or symbol. E.g. from B3 to A3 or C3 or to tube BC.
4. units in EVA are considered to be in non-adjacent spaces for purposes of combat,
detection, acquisition, but not discovery.
iv. Crew, specimens, tools may exit ship via exterior locks or through hull breaches.
1. Exlok, Landlok, Scapelok all contain exterior locks. It costs 1 movement phase to
exit/enter via exterior lock.
2. A hull breach is automatically opened during the Equipment phase by any crew
using the Turbolaser. It costs 1 movement phase to exit/enter the ship via a hull
3. The Scapecraft may not enter or exit the ship through hull breaches.
4. Only the EVAbot or Turbolaser may repair a hull breach. The EVAbot needs to
occupy the breached space and be controlled by the crew during the Equipment
phase. Crew with Turbolaser occupies the same pod as the breach during
Equipment phase.
5. Unprotected crew/specimens are killed if in a space containing an open exterior
lock or hull breach.
6. Locks between spaces don’t allow movement into/out of spaces with
breaches/open exterior locks. (EVA is permitted between spaces regardless)
a. If either Power or Envio is found to be at level 4 or less, cold shutdown is in progress. Multiply
the lower of the two levels by 5 and place the cold shutdown marker in that box on the display.
i. If only 1 system is known and the other is later found to be lower, move the marker to the
lower point on the display.
b. At the end of each game turn if cold shutdown is in progress its marker is moved one space
along the display in the direction of the ‘all systems down’ box.
c. When it reaches the end the ship is completely shutdown and may not be restarted. Everyone is
dead and the game is over!
Ship must in control at the end of a full game turn and:
All hull breaches must be sealed and all exterior locks closed
All specimens in the game must be restrained or dead.