Monitoring and Controlling of Smart Equipments in Manufacturing Industry Using Iot Applications

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 96-100


Vinay M1, Shivashankar s k2
Dept. of Computer Science Engineering
PES College of Engineering
[email protected]
[email protected]

the upcoming technologies, it is very easy to overcome the

Abstract—This paper describes the implementation of greater issues in the industrial automation.
controlling physical parameters through IoT applications with The term Internet of Things was introduced by K. Ashton in
GSM module. The ever increasing requirements for information the context of supply chain management and it describes a
being accessible at any time, from any place, regardless the type
of remote device or planned operation, together with the need of
system where the digital world is connected to the physical
complete control of a specific scenario or device has paved the world forming a global network [1], [2]. A report of
way towards the next technological revolution: Internet of McKinsey Global Institute regarding the disruptive
Things (IoT). In this project, the parameters are sensed by the technologies defines Internet of Things as to the “use of
respective sensors and are monitored by the individual sensors, actuators, and data communication technology built
microcontrollers. Finally, the values are displayed with the help into physical objects – from roadways to pacemakers – that
of individual LCD displays. The microcontroller is connected to enable those object to be tracked, coordinated, or controlled
the PC through zigbee bus and the output will be displayed in across a data network or internet” with the goal of creating
that PC with the help of RS232 serial communication. This data value [3]. Over the last years IoT is foreseen as the solution
is stored in the Pc and uploaded to the cloud. The system is
reliable and stable. It is the most effective and most economical
for the ever-increasing demand for connectivity between
means of equipment safety monitoring. peoples, organizations, companies, gadgets and devices and it
was born from the desire to achieve software real-time
control and access to information.
Keywords—Zigbee, GSM, IoT, Android, Microcontroller,
Based on machine-to-machine (M2M) concept, fuelled by the
development of smart sensors and actuators, together with
communication technologies (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RFID) and
supported by cloud computing technologies, IoT becomes a
Now- a- days, the industrial monitoring field requires more reality and its goal is to make “things” more aware,
manual power to monitor and control the industrial interactive and efficient for a better and safer world.
parameters such as pressure, temperature, water level, Therefore, any smart device that can be addressed by means
etc…This is one of the most upcoming issues in the industrial of a communication protocol can be part of the Internet of
sectors. If the parameters are not monitored and controlled Things.
properly, it leads to a harmful situation. Most of the industries The objective of this project is to design the monitoring and
are facing these kinds of situation because of some manual control system for industrial parameters using IoT. This
mistakes. In that kind of harmful situations, again the manual system mainly reduces the high manpower requirement in the
power is required to control the parameters. Sometimes, if industrial monitoring field by monitoring the overall
this control process may not be handled properly, it results in industrial parameters through a single PC with the help of IoT
an occurrence of major accidents. So, every process in the application. This system also provides an automatic control of
industrial sector requires more manual power which is also parameters during an emergency situation.
having issues with the unavoidable manual mistakes. With

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 96-100

II. SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND REQUIREMENTS IR sensors are capable of detecting motion of object and heat
emitted by an object. IR detectors are specially filtered for
A. GSM MODULE Infrared light; they are not good at detecting visible light. On
the other hand, photocells are good at detecting yellow/green
A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem, which visible light, not well at IR light.
accepts a SIM card, and operates over a subscription to a
mobile operator, just like a mobile phone. From the mobile D. PROPOSED SYSTEM
operator perspective, a GSM modem looks just like a mobile
phone [4]. A GSM modem can be a dedicated modem device Several architectures of how the implementation of IoT
with a serial, USB or Bluetooth connection, or it may be a should be done are proposed Nevertheless, most of them can
mobile phone that provides GSM modem capabilities. be summarized by a simplistic The goal of the research
GSM/GPRS RS232 Modem from rhydo LABZ is built with project introduced in this paper is to deliver connectivity to
SIMCOM Make SIM900 Quad-band GSM/GPRS engine, smart manufacturing equipment in order to allow them to be
works on frequencies 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and controlled and monitored by software applications running on
1900 MHz it is very compact in size and easy to use as plug Android compatible devices. Therefore, among the identified
in GSM Modem [5]. The Modem is designed with RS232 enablers and issues that need to be addressed, the ones of
Level converter circuitry, which allows you to directly interest for this project are listed below:
interface PC Serial port .The baud rate can be configurable  Networks of smart equipment enhanced with
from 9600-115200 through AT command. Initially Modem is embedded distributed intelligence to deal with
in Auto baud mode. This GSM/GPRS RS232 Modem is scalability challenges.
having internal TCP/IP stack to enable you to connect with
 Micro-electromechanical systems and sensors for
internet via GPRS. It is suitable for SMS as well as DATA
augmented applications or fore knowledge and
transfer application in M2M interface.
awareness of things.
The modem needed only 3 wires (Tx, Rx, GND) except
Power supply to interface with microcontroller/Host PC. The  Plug – and – produce and interoperable thins for
built in Low Dropout Linear voltage regulator allows you to efficient things communication.
connect wide range of unregulated power supply (4.2V -13V)  Extended communication capabilities for
to send & Read SMS [5]. intermittent network connectivity and unique
B. TEMPERATURE SENSOR  Energy efficient and reconfigurable things.
 Remote human machine interaction and interfaces;
A simple temperature sensor using one LM35 precision maintenance service and support.
Integrated-circuit temperature device with an output voltage
linearly-proportional to the centigrade temperature. It can  High computational power and information
measure temperature from -55c to +150c. The voltage output processing, data storage and data availability.
of the LM35 increases 10mV per degree Celsius rise in
temperature. LM35 can be operated from a 5V supply and A manufacturing system is built out of smart reconfigurable
stand by current is less than 60μA.The purpose of this sensor manufacturing resources that are linked by means of wired or
in this system is to monitor the temperature and to regulate wireless communication between them and to the
Air Cooler system .It is designed that whenever the manufacturing system control and information management
temperature goes beyond 35˚ C the Air Cooler system has to layer. Sensors and actuators are part of Reconfigurable
turn on. Temperature sensor LM35 is interfaced to the manufacturing resources, which, if joined together, can create
microcontroller. The conversion of Celsius and Fahrenheit is more complex resources obtaining extended functionalities.
done by certain formula. The output is displayed in the serial Smart reconfigurable resources can be considered things
monitor. When the temperature goes above 35C the cooler because they are addressable by using a communication
system gets ON automatically. network (wired or not) and they have the ability to process,
store, send and receive data and monitor or control devices
C. IR COUNTER MEASUREMENT (sensors, actuators, etc.). Even more, they have the ability to
communicate with other reconfigurable manufacturing
An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument which is used resources and react to changes in order to maintain a
here to detect and count the motion of cones on conveyer [6]. specified process parameter set-point by different means.

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 96-100

A smart reconfigurable manufacturing resource is

enhanced with distributed intelligence, providing local III. RESULTS
control for the physical manufacturing resource, plug – and –
play capability and high computational power. Even more, The proposed system is successfully implemented and desired
the hardware and software building blocks of a outputs are obtained. When the power supply is given
reconfigurable manufacturing resource can be rearranged in through a dc battery, the process starts and the GSM SIM
order to obtain a different then before functionality with a starts to find the network and the sensors start sensing the
minimum effort and delay corresponding parameters and are displayed on the LCD. And
There are three major expected outputs from the simultaneously the results are stored in PC and the same is
proposed architecture at the end of the project. First, the uploaded to the cloud successfully. The authorised person has
development of smart reconfigurable resources, allowing to access the data from any place at any time and can monitor
rearrange their building blocks in order to fit process needs the parameters through IoT successfully. The temperature is
by selecting the right software applications from the displayed in centigrade, and light in terms of LUX.
enterprise or manufacturing cloud within the constraints of The figure 2 shows the overall project module and
the available hardware modules. Out of these resources, more the desired outputs are successfully obtained.
complex reconfigurable manufacturing resources can be The figure 3 shows the data sheet of temperature and
achieved, leading also to reconfigurable manufacturing intensity of light for each varying time 2-3 seconds and is
systems. Their development will be supported by highly monitored continuously using IoT.
interoperable modular hardware and software blocks, generic The figures 4 and 5 show the variation in
embedded systems, real time embedded operating system, temperature and intensity of light with the time and are
intelligent information management algorithms and captured using MATLAB simulator.
informational electrical- mechanical interfaces.


There are three part of system. The remote input/output

data acquisition and control system based on embedded ARM
platform has high universality. Sensors are used for process
monitoring and for process control.
Each I/O channel can select a variety of electrical
and non electrical signals like current, voltage, resistance etc.
This signal is taken into LPC2148 & digitized using the
inbuilt ADC. External memory is used to store this data; we
can directly show this data on LCD display which is
connected & the memory is act as a data base during
Accessing web server mode & GSM mode.

Fig. 2 Complete project module

Fig.1 Block diagram of proposed system.

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 96-100

Fig. 5 Variation of light and temperature with time captured using



Conclusions that can be extracted out of this paperwork and

experimental project denote the fact that the proposed
connectivity solution between a manufacturing resource and a
monitoring device meets our needs at this moment. Still, for
using the Wi-Fi module at its full performances a
microcontroller with better processing power and memory
must be selected. Process data, in this case temperature, has
been successfully transferred using the Wi-Fi shield (from
Roving Networks) from an embedded design and two
Android compatible devices, used for monitoring. Also by
Fig. 3 Data sheet of the module showing values of parameters. sending specific commands, a small fan can be turned on or
off by an Android
Compatible device via the Wi-Fi shield. The user or operator
has access to additional useful information like: the time
since the embedded design or Manufacturing resources is on,
and information about maintenance of the resource.

Based on the result of this work and our vision about how IoT
can be implemented into the manufacturing field, the
following future research directions are established:

 Developing an intuitive, use-centered graphical

human-machine interface for Android devices that
can provide extended access and control to
information stored within the embedded design and
to its functionalities.

 Development of software applications that can be

Fig. 4 Variation of light and temperature with time captured using downloaded from enterprise cloud to a
manufacturing resource and used by this resource for
process control and monitoring.

 Development of a network of manufacturing

resources for scalability testing


[1] K. Ashton, “That ‘Internet of Things’ Thing”, RFID

Journal, 22 June,2009.
[2] T. Goetz, “Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops”,
Wired magazine, 19 June 2011.
[3]J. Manyika; M, Chui et. al, “Distruptive technologies:
Advantages that will transform life, business and the global
ecconomy”, May, 2013.

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International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 4, Issue 3 (May-June, 2016), PP. 96-100

[4] Dr.B.Ramamurthy, S.Bhargavi, Dr.R.ShashiKumar,”

Development of a Low-Cost GSM SMS-Based Humidity
Remote Monitoring and Control system for Industrial
Applications”. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced
Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 4, October
[5] SIM 900 –RS232 GSM/GPRS Modem User Manual.
[6]S.R. DEB (2013), “Robotics Technology and Flexible
Automation”, Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

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