Alternate Welding Processes For In-Service Welding
Alternate Welding Processes For In-Service Welding
Alternate Welding Processes For In-Service Welding
Darren Begg
Reference: 5637C.FR
Date: April 24, 2009
Submitted to:
US Department of Transportation
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
400-7th Street S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590-0001
Submitted by:
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BMT Fleet Technology Limited 5637C.FR
Darren Begg
Program Manager, Welding and Inspection
Nick Pussegoda, Phd, P. Eng.
Program Manager, Materials and Metallurgy
Aaron Dinovitzer, P. Eng.
Conducting weld repairs and attaching hot tap tees onto pressurized pipes has the advantage of avoiding
loss of service and revenue. However, the risks involved with in-service welding need to be managed by
ensuring that welding is performed in a reproducible and consistent manner within an optimal heat input
window. The optimal heat input window avoids burn-through (upper limit of heat input) and weld faults or
hydrogen induced cold cracking (lower limit of heat input).
Welding on live pipelines has been successfully performed for years, using mainly the shielded metal arc
welding (SMAW) process. Over the past 25 years, failures have occurred in welds deposited on in-
service pipelines, and these failures have been attributed to weldment hydrogen cracking, and
inconsistent bead size or penetration profile. Numerous investigations have been completed to address
the most significant in-service welding hazards, namely burn-through and hydrogen-induced cracking.
Weld procedures designed to avoid burn-through and hydrogen cracking consider primarily the thermal
cycle, while pipe chemistry and internal pressure are additional influencing parameters for delayed
cracking and burn-through, respectively. The thermal cycle itself depends on the welding heat energy
input, heat sink capacity of the pipeline (pipe wall thickness, fluid type and flow rate), and any preheat or
post heat applied.
A significant, process dependant, in-service welding concern that can be addressed by modern power
sources is the reliable control of heat input and weld size that are often difficult to maintain in all position
welding. To increase in-service welding productivity, improve welder safety and assure weld integrity,
alternative arc welding processes and other recent technological developments were evaluated with the
objective of defining parameters and conditions associated that can preclude hydrogen cracking and
burn-through in a reproducible manner.
The five alternative welding processes that were identified and evaluated in comparison to the benchmark
(i.e., SMAW with low hydrogen electrodes) were:
allowing higher deposition rate without burn-through. This can be achieved by virtue of a soft
arc and reduced penetration, or by running a cold arc, i.e., by allowing a lower heat input for a
given deposition rate;
allowing lower heat input without causing hydrogen induced delayed cracking. This can be
achieved through the use of processes/consumables with lower weld metal hydrogen
potential. The arc efficiency of each process is another factor which can influence cooling
rate, and hence the susceptibility of the weld zone microstructures to delayed cracking at a
given energy input;
having a reduced susceptibility to weld flaws;
providing better and consistent control of the weld metal puddle;
rugged and portable equipment for field use; and
requiring reduced operator skill.
Each of these semi-automatic processes can be used with mechanical tracking devices, and thus remove
the variability in weld deposition and thus improve the safety and integrity of in-service welding.
To assess if the alternative processes/variations do indeed offer some or all of the expected advantages,
the alternative processes were subjected to mutual head to head experimental comparisons, as well as
with the current practice, viz., shielded metal arc welding using low hydrogen electrodes. The
comparison or performance trials focused on the prevention of hydrogen cracking, burn-through, and
weld flaws. The results of the trials can be used to demonstrate the range of welding parameters that
could be expected to produce sound welds for each process and develop comments on ease of welding,
preparation requirements, and productivity. The evaluations were performed on instrumented pipe of both
low and high strength pipe with a range of heat sink conditions, including static air and water backing,
thus representing the extremes of expected in-service heat sink conditions that could be encountered
during welding on thin wall live pipelines.
(a) Each have the potential to provide slower cooling rates over a range of heat inputs, compared to the
SMAW process.
Slower cooling resulted in lower CGHAZ hardness and thus lower susceptibility to hydrogen
PMCAW and PGMAW demonstrated lower CGHAZ hardness compared to SMAW at the same
calculated heat input level.
(b) Each alternative process exhibited a higher susceptibility to burn-though compared to SMAW, likely
due to their higher process arc efficiencies and resulting higher peak inside surface temperature for a
given calculated heat input level. The SSFCAW process had demonstrated the highest susceptibility
to burn-through, however SMAW with 2.4mm electrodes had demonstrated the lowest.
Possible that adjusting pulse waveform parameters could reduce their susceptibility
(c) Alternative processes offer the advantage of mechanization to enhance consistency of the welding
procedure in all positions of welding as well as enhanced productivity with continuous wire feed and
less interruptions.
PMCAW and PMCAW processes demonstrated enhanced tempering of HAZ’s in previously weld
deposits at heat inputs 50% lower than the FCAW process, as demonstrated in Task 8.
(d) Alternate welding processes passed the requirements for bend and nick break testing as per API
1104 specifications.
(e) Each process demonstrated longer hydrogen delay times in the simulated hydrogen model when
welding on water filled pipe compared to the static air conditions.
The author would like to thank the following organizations for their participation and support in this project:
US Department of Transportation
TransCanada Pipelines
TDW/Williamson Industries
RMS Welding Systems
Hobart Brothers
Miller Electric
Bohler Thyssen
Enbridge Pipelines
1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................... 1
2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................. 5
3 WORK SCOPE ................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Task 1: Literature and Industry Practice Review: Establish the Current State-of-the-Art In
Welding Process and Procedure Application for Hot Tapping and Repairs for the Linepipe
Materials of Interest. ............................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Task 2: Establish Practical Welding Parameter Ranges for Out-of-Position Welding ........... 7
3.3 Task 3: Examination the Potential for Burn-Through for the Selected Processes ................. 7
3.4 Task 4: Examine Cooling Rates as a Function of Welding Process Arc Efficiency ............... 8
3.5 Task 5: Establish Diffusible Hydrogen Characteristics .......................................................... 8
3.6 Task 6: Prediction of Delay Times for Hydrogen Cracking .................................................... 8
3.7 Task 7: Weld Zone Characterization for a Variety of Simulated Pipeline In-service Welding
Conditions .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.8 Task 8: Hot-tap Joint Simulation ............................................................................................ 9
4 RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Task 1.1: Literature and Industry Practice Review............................................................... 10
4.2 Task 1.2: Pipe Selection....................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Task 1.3: Welding Consumable Selection ........................................................................... 12
4.4 Task 2: Establish Practical Welding Parameter Ranges for Out-of-Position Welding ......... 15
4.5 Task 3: Examination the Potential for Burn-Through for the Selected Processes ............... 20
4.5.1 Weld Burn-through – Static Air (No Flow) .................................................................... 22
4.5.2 Water Backed Burn-through Predictions ...................................................................... 31
4.6 Task 4: Examine Cooling Rates as a Function of Welding Process Arc Efficiency ............. 37
4.7 Task 5: Establish Diffusible Hydrogen Characteristics ......................................................... 43
4.8 Task 6: Establish Delay Time Predictions ............................................................................ 44
4.9 Task 7: Weld Zone Characterization for Various Repair Scenarios..................................... 56
4.9.1 Flowing Air – Bead on Pipe Welds ............................................................................... 56
4.9.2 Water Mist Spray – Bead on Pipe Welds ..................................................................... 59
4.9.3 Air and Water Backed Results for Bead on Pipe and Sleeve Fillet Welds ................... 64
4.10 Task 8: Hot-tap Joint Simulation .......................................................................................... 76
5 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 92
Figure 1.1(a): Cooling Time 800 to 500°C against Thickness for T-Joint (Equal Thickness) ...................... 1
Figure 1.1(b): Cooling Time 1500 to 100°C against Thickness for T-Joint (Equal Thickness) .................... 1
Figure 1.2: BMT Hydrogen Diffusion and Delayed Cracking Model ............................................................ 2
Figure 1.3: Wall Thickness vs. Weld Cooling Time for 40 kJ/in Weld.......................................................... 3
Figure 4.1: Welding Positions .................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4.2: Sleeve Simulation Joint Configuration ..................................................................................... 16
Figure 4.3: Weld Cross-sections for 6.4mm Pipe Wall X52 Simulations ................................................... 18
Figure 4.4: Cross-sections for 19mm Pipe Wall X80 Simulations ............................................................. 18
Figure 4.5: Weld Cross-sections for 6.4mm Pipe Wall X52 Simulations ................................................... 20
Figure 4.6: Cross-sections for 19mm Pipe Wall X80 Simulations ............................................................. 20
Figure 4.7: Slotted Pipe to Achieve 3.2mm Thickness .............................................................................. 21
Figure 4.8: Thermocouple Set-up .............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 4.9: Set-up for Controlled Welding with Semi-Automatic Processes .............................................. 22
Figure 4.10: Set-up for Controlled Welding with SMAW Process .............................................................. 23
Figure 4.11: Thermal History of Weld and Back Surface ........................................................................... 23
Figure 4.12: Thermal History of Weld and Back Surface ........................................................................... 24
Figure 4.13: Peak Back Surface Temperatures vs Heat Input and Process ............................................. 24
Figure 4.14: Weld A62 Macro, 0.53 kJ/mm, 2.5X Mag .............................................................................. 25
Figure 4.15: Weld A63 Macro, 1.29 kJ/mm, 2.5X Mag. ............................................................................. 25
Figure 4.16: Methodology and Calculations for Determining Burn-through............................................... 26
Figure 4.17: Burst Pressure / MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process – 0.53kJ/mm .......................... 30
Figure 4.18: Burst Pressure / MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process - 1.29kJ/mm ........................... 30
Figure 4.19: Burst Pressure / MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process, Combined Heat Inputs .......... 31
Figure 4.20: Water Backed Set-up ............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 4.21: Weld FW62 Macro, 0.53 kJ/mm, 2.5X Mag ........................................................................... 32
Figure 4.22: Weld FW63 Macro, 1.29 kJ/mm, 2.5X Mag. .......................................................................... 33
Figure 4.23: Burst Pressure / MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process - 0.53kJ/mm ........................... 36
Figure 4.24: Burst Pressure / MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process - 1.29kJ/mm ........................... 36
Figure 4.25: Burst Pressure / MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process – 0.53 and 1.29kJ/mm ........... 37
Figure 4.26: Cooling Rate vs. Heat Input, P-MCAW Process.................................................................... 39
Figure 4.27: Cooling Rate vs, Welding Process, Heat Input 1.29 kJ/mm .................................................. 39
Figure 4.28: Heat Input vs. Hardness, 6.4mm ........................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.29: Heat Input vs. Hardness, 7.9mm ........................................................................................... 41
Figure 4.30: Heat Input vs. Hardness, 11mm ............................................................................................ 41
Figure 4.31: Heat Input vs. Hardness, 16.1mm ......................................................................................... 42
Figure 4.32: Heat Input vs. Hardness, 19.1mm ......................................................................................... 42
Figure 4.33: Diffusible Hydrogen Comparisons of Each Electrode Evaluated .......................................... 44
Figure 4.34: BMT Fleet Technology Limited Hydrogen Cracking Susceptibility and Delay Time Prediction
Model ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 4.35: Cells Monitored in Model ....................................................................................................... 46
Figure 4.36: Hydrogen Concentration vs. Time (Specimen A68, Welded in Static Air) ............................ 46
Figure 4.37: Specimen W4 – Static Water – Hydrogen vs. Time History .................................................. 49
Figure 4.38: Specimen A4 & W4 – Comparison of Hydrogen Time Histories – Static Air and Static Water
– Cell 2..................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4.39: Specimen W5 – Static Water – Hydrogen vs. Time History .................................................. 51
Figure 4.40: Specimen A5 & W5 – Comparison of Hydrogen Time Histories – Static Air and Static Water
– Cell 2..................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 4.41: Specimen W12 – Static Water – Hydrogen vs. Time History ................................................ 53
Figure 4.42: Specimen A12 & W12 – Comparison of Hydrogen Time Histories – Static Air and Static
Water – Cell 2 .......................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4.43: Specimen W64 – Static Water – Hydrogen vs. Time History ................................................ 55
Figure 4.44: Specimen A64 & W64 – Comparison of Hydrogen Time Histories – Static Air and Static
Water – Cell 2 .......................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 4.45: Weld and Back Surface Cooling Rate, Flowing Air Heat Sink Conditions ............................ 58
Figure 4.46: Heat Input vs. HAZ Hardness, Flowing Air Conditions .......................................................... 59
Figure 4.47: Weld and Back Surface Cooling Rate, Flowing Water Mist Spray ........................................ 61
Figure 4.48: Heat Input vs. HAZ Hardness, Flowing Water Mist Spray ..................................................... 62
Figure 4.49: Cooling Time vs. Welding Process, 0.53kJ/mm Heat Input .................................................. 63
Figure 4.50: Cooling Time vs. Thickness, 1.29kJ/mm Heat Input ............................................................. 63
Figure 4.51: Coarse Grain Heat Affected Zone (CG-HAZ) Hardness (Hv) vs Cooling Rate and Carbon
Equivalent (CE), Regardless of Heat Sink Condition .............................................................. 64
Figure 4.52: Thermocouple Locations ....................................................................................................... 65
Figure 4.53: Typical Thermocouple Output................................................................................................ 65
Figure 4.54: Welding Process vs Cooling Rate, Fillet Weld vs. Bead on Pipe, 0.53 kJ/mm ..................... 70
Figure 4.55: Welding Process vs. Cooling Rate, Fillet Weld vs. Bead on Pipe, 1.29 kJ/mm .................... 70
Figure 4.56: Heat Input vs. Hardness, PMCAW ........................................................................................ 71
Figure 4.57: Heat Input vs. Hardness, GSFCAW ...................................................................................... 71
Figure 4.58: Heat Input vs. Hardness, PGCAW......................................................................................... 72
Figure 4.59: Heat Input vs. Hardness, SMAW, 2.4mm Diameter Electrode .............................................. 72
Figure 4.60: Heat Input vs. Hardness, SMAW, 3.2mm Diameter Electrode .............................................. 73
Figure 4.61: Heat Input vs Hardness vs Cooling Rate, Bead on Pipe, Air Backing................................... 74
Figure 4.62: Heat Input vs. Hardness vs. Cooling Rate, Sleeve Fillet Welding, Air Backing .................... 74
Figure 4.63: Heat Input vs. Hardness vs. Cooling Rate, Sleeve Fillet Welding, Water Backing ............... 75
Figure 4.64: Sleeve Assembly ................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4.65: Sleeve Fit-up .......................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4.66: Mechanized Welding Head and Travel Band Set-up ............................................................ 78
Figure 4.67: FCAW First Pass ................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 4.68: FCAW Second Pass .............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 4.69: FCAW Third Pass .................................................................................................................. 81
Figure 4.70: PMCAW First Pass ................................................................................................................ 81
Figure 4.71: PMCAW Second Pass ........................................................................................................... 82
Figure 4.72: PMCAW Third Pass ............................................................................................................... 83
Figure 4.73: PGMAW First Pass ................................................................................................................ 84
Figure 4.74: PGMAW Second Pass........................................................................................................... 85
Figure 4.75: PGMAW Third Pass ............................................................................................................... 85
Figure 4.76: Mechanized Fillet Welding ..................................................................................................... 86
Figure 4.77: Weld Pass Staggering ........................................................................................................... 87
Figure 4.78: PMCAW Weld Passes and Average CGHAZ Hardness per Pass ........................................ 88
Figure 4.79: PGMAW Weld Passes and Average CGHAZ Hardness per Pass ........................................ 88
Figure 4.80: FCAW Weld Passes and Average CGHAZ Hardness per Pass ........................................... 88
Figure 4.81: FCAW Face Bend Test Results ............................................................................................. 89
Figure 4.82: PGMAW Face Bend Results ................................................................................................. 89
Figure 4.83: PMCAW Face Bend Results.................................................................................................. 90
Figure 4.84: FCAW Nick Break Results ..................................................................................................... 90
Figure 4.85: PGMAW Nick Break Results ................................................................................................. 91
Figure 4.86: PMCAW Nick Break Results.................................................................................................. 91
Conducting weld repairs and attaching hot tap tees onto pressurized pipes has the advantage of avoiding
loss of service and revenue. However, the risks involved with in-service welding need to be managed by
ensuring that welding is performed in a reproducible and consistent manner within an optimal heat input
window. The optimal heat input window avoids burn-through (upper limit of heat input) and weld faults or
hydrogen induced cold cracking (lower limit of heat input).
Numerous investigations have been undertaken in the past to study welding on pressurized pipelines.
Some of these are numerical in nature and aim to model heat flow to determine:
(a) the heat input to cause burn-through in pipes of various thickness, carrying fluids at various
pressures and flow rates; and
(b) 800°C to 500°C cooling time as an indicator of the weld zone microstructure and hardness, and
therefore of the susceptibility to delayed cracking.
For example, Figures 1.1(a) and 1.1(b)1 display, in a quantitative manner, the general understanding that
the effect of the water backing on cooling rate increases as the energy input increases or thickness
decreases. From such data, one can estimate a critical thickness above which the water backing has no
affect on the cooling rate.
Welding on live pipelines has been successfully performed for years, using mainly the shielded metal arc
welding (SMAW) process. Over the past 25 years, failures have occurred in welds deposited on in-
service pipelines, and these failures have been attributed to weldment hydrogen cracking, and
inconsistent bead size or penetration profile. Numerous investigations have been completed to address
the most significant in-service welding hazards, namely burn-through and hydrogen-induced cracking.
Weld procedures designed to avoid burn-through and hydrogen cracking consider primarily the thermal
cycle, while pipe chemistry and internal pressure are additional influencing parameters for delayed
cracking and burn-through, respectively. The thermal cycle itself depends on the welding heat energy
input, heat sink capacity of the pipeline (pipe wall thickness, fluid type and flow rate), and any preheat or
post heat applied.
Figure 1.1(a): Cooling Time 800 to 500°C Figure 1.1(b): Cooling Time 1500 to 100°C against
against Thickness for T-Joint (Equal Thickness for T-Joint (Equal Thickness)
Morrison, K.G.; “Repair Welding of Stiffeners to Hull Plating in Low Temperature Marine Environments without Preheat”; Fleet Technology
Limited Report E83366C; November 1990
BMT and Graville Associates2,3,4 developed and continue to refine an engineering tool for multi-pass weld
hydrogen management which addresses many of the concerns related to hydrogen cracking. The current
model considers a wide range of welding, environmental and material parameters influencing the risk of
hydrogen cracking, and can also be applied to welding of the newer microalloyed, high strength steels
used for major pipeline projects. This delayed cracking risk assessment approach is based upon a two-
dimensional weld representation, assuming that hydrogen diffusion and heat flow are primarily normal to
the weld axis. The inputs include a user-defined welding procedure, material description and weld cross-
section, as shown in Figure 1.2 for a six pass fillet welded sleeve welding procedure. Weld cracking
susceptibility is based upon local hydrogen concentration, microstructure susceptibility (quantified in
terms of hardness) and stress effects, thus developing a time history of cracking risk for all locations
within the weldment. This model has been validated against lab trial results and continues to be
Other investigations have been experimental in nature and focused on weld zone cooling time and/or
heat-affected zone hardness5 as an indicator of the potential of hydrogen induced cold cracking (for
example, see Figure 1.36). Variables considered include heat input, pipe thickness and fluid flow
characteristics. Analytic tools and graphical outputs are developed from these studies to help define ideal
heat inputs for in-service welding.
Dinovitzer, A., (1998), “Modelling Weld Hydrogen Diffusion and Predicting Delayed Cracking in Multi-Pass Welds”, Fleet Technology
Limited internal development report
Dinovitzer, A., Graville, B., Glover, A., Pussegoda, N., “Multi-Pass Weld Hydrogen Management to Prevent Delayed Cracking”, International
Pipeline Conference, Calgary ,2000
Graville, B.A., (1997), “The risk of delayed hydrogen cracking in pipeline welds”, report P398/1 for Nova Gas Transmission Ltd., November
Coe, F.R., “Welding Steels without Hydrogen Cracking”, The Welding Institute, UK, 1973.
Bruce, W.A.; “Hydrogen Cracking of Water-backed Welds”; International Conference on Advances in Welding Technology: Joining of High
Performance Steels, Columbus, Ohio, November 1996
Figure 1.3: Wall Thickness vs. Weld Cooling Time for 40 kJ/in Weld
BMT has focused its numerical and experimental in-service welding investigations on three primary issues:
the prevention of hydrogen cracking, the effectiveness of tempering on multi-pass weld hardness control and
the development of welding procedures that ensure fault free high toughness welds. The prevention of
delayed cracking involves the control of hydrogen, microstructure susceptibility, and tensile stresses. To
understand the interaction of these factors, BMT has developed several tests to characterize the
susceptibility of a base metal or weld metal to hydrogen cracking. These tests have been used along with
other industry data to calibrate the BMT numerical model predicting the susceptibility of multi-pass weld
procedures to hydrogen cracking. The constant deflection and slow bend tests, being standardized in a
PRCI funded project are used to quantify susceptibility of materials and welding procedures to hydrogen
cracking by identifying the relationship between applied stress and hydrogen concentration required for
cracking7. This data has been used to develop a preliminary quantitative relationship between HAZ critical
hardness, weld metal hydrogen content, local stress (Figure 1.4) that compares well with current industry
standard hardness limits.
Malik, Pussegoda, Graville, Glover, "Prediction of Maximum Time for Delayed Cracking in a Simulated Girth Weld Repair", International
Pipeline Conference 1998.
This data is used in the BMT hydrogen cracking numerical model to identify hydrogen cracking risk,
maximum cracking delay time and allows the user to investigate the effect of environmental, applied
loading and welding procedure parameters on these results.
Experimentally, BMT has made extensive use of its welding expertise to evaluate welding equipment,
consumables and procedures to produce sound welds with desired mechanical properties (e.g., fracture
toughness). This work has been completed for a range of steels on plate and pipe in air and in the BMT
in-service welding simulation flow loop facility.
The primary objective of this project is to define parameters and conditions associated with each
advanced welding process that can preclude hydrogen cracking and burn-through in a reproducible
A significant, process dependant, in-service welding concern that can be addressed by modern power
sources is the reliable control of heat input and weld size that are often difficult to maintain in all position
To increase in-service welding productivity, improve welder safety and assure weld integrity, alternative
arc welding processes and other recent technological developments were evaluated. Welding process
and procedure characteristics that aid in achieving these goals include:
(a) allowing higher deposition rate without burn-through. This can be achieved by virtue of a soft arc
and reduced penetration, or by running a cold arc, i.e., by allowing a lower heat input for a given
deposition rate;
(b) allowing lower heat input without causing hydrogen induced delayed cracking. This can be
achieved through the use of processes/consumables with lower weld metal hydrogen potential.
The arc efficiency of each process is another factor which can influence cooling rate, and hence
the susceptibility of the weld zone microstructures to delayed cracking at a given energy input;
(c) having a reduced susceptibility to weld flaws;
(d) providing better and consistent control of the weld metal puddle;
(e) rugged and portable equipment for field use; and
(f) requiring reduced operator skill.
Five alternative welding processes were identified and evaluated that possessed one or more of the
above desirable characteristics, compared to the SMAW process, and these were:
(b) Gas metal arc welding with Controlled Dip Transfer Technology, (Miller Electric's Regulated Metal
Discharge (RMD)):
higher productivity compared to SMAW;
ability to achieve a higher deposition rate at a given energy input due to some flexibility in
controlling the wire feed speed independent of the energy input;
lower weld metal hydrogen content; better and consistent control of the weld puddle and root
bead profile;
out of position welding capability; may require higher operator skill level; and
equipment designed for field use, pipeline girth welds being a prime application.
(c) Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding (PGMAW) using state-of-the-art power sources with closed loop
feedback control:
higher productivity compared to SMAW;
lower weld metal hydrogen content;
better and consistent control of the weld puddle, reduced susceptibility to flaws in all position
Each of these semi-automatic processes has the potential to be used with mechanical tracking devices,
and thus remove the variability in weld deposition and thus improve the safety and integrity of in-service
welding. Mechanized welding also requires less welder skill to operate and apply welding procedures.
The improved weld bead profiles that can be realized with mechanized welding also make these potential
variants excellent candidates for temper bead welding procedures. Temper beads are used for high
carbon equivalent pipe where weld parameters cannot on their own reduce heat-affected zone hardness
to levels that would avoid hydrogen cracking.
To assess if the alternative processes/variations do indeed offer some or all of the expected advantages,
the alternative processes were subjected to mutual head to head experimental comparisons, as well as
with the current practice, viz., shielded metal arc welding using low hydrogen electrodes. The
comparison or performance trials focused on the prevention of hydrogen cracking, burn-through, and
weld flaws. The results of the trials can be used to demonstrate the range of welding parameters that
could be expected to produce sound welds for each process and develop comments on ease of welding,
preparation requirements, and productivity. The evaluations were performed on instrumented pipe of both
low and high strength pipe with a range of heat sink conditions, including static air and water backing,
thus representing the extremes of expected in-service heat sink conditions that could be encountered
during welding on thin wall live pipelines. A description of each task is provided below.
3.1 Task 1: Literature and Industry Practice Review: Establish the Current State-of-the-Art In
Welding Process and Procedure Application for Hot Tapping and Repairs for the Linepipe
Materials of Interest.
Work Scope: Pertinent documents were procured along with other pipeline research reports on this
subject. A significant source of this information was from PRCI reports outlining the results of previous
initiatives. All the gathered information was reviewed and a state-of-the-art summary was prepared that
(a) burn-through tendency and weld zone cooling rate as a function of the welding process, energy
input, thickness and the backing medium; and
(b) practices for hot tapping and build-up repair in the field..
It was suggested from the onset that X52 and X80 be chosen for the evaluations, as these would
demonstrate higher CE and strength, respectively, each having very different susceptibilities to cracking.
3.2 Task 2: Establish Practical Welding Parameter Ranges for Out-of-Position Welding
Work Scope: The intention of this task was to define the range of parameters that would be practical for
in-service welding applications and not induce lack of fusion type of flaws. The consumables of interest
for all evaluations were slightly over-matching and matching strength with respect to the X52 and X80
base materials, respectively.
Practical welding parameter ranges were established for buttering and for fillet welds of various sizes.
The variables involved position of welding and the main pipe wall thickness. The highest and lowest
ranges of heat inputs were established based on the following weld trial characteristics: weld bead visual
appearances, weld pool fluidity and base metal wetting, weld depth of penetration and shape, and,
susceptibility to interpass and lack of side wall fusion flaws.
3.3 Task 3: Examination the Potential for Burn-Through for the Selected Processes
Work Scope: Using the range of heat input limits established in Task 2, the critical material thicknesses
and pressures for burn-through to occur were established with each welding processes of interest. This
task was conducted with "still air" backing to simulate worst-case conditions. Thermocouples were placed
on the opposite side of the pipe along the weld axis to measure the temperature of the base metal
ligament between the root of the weld bead and the backside of the plate surface. These temperature
measurements, along with macro sectioning and empirical correlations were used to numerically estimate
the yield strength reduction (vs. increasing temperature) of the remaining base metal ligament and the
susceptibility to significant bulging or blow out at various pipeline pressures.
3.4 Task 4: Examine Cooling Rates as a Function of Welding Process Arc Efficiency
Work Scope: The arc efficiency of each welding process type is known to have an effect on the cooling
rate for a given heat input, therefore different results can be obtained when measuring the HAZ hardness
and the susceptibility to cracking from one process to another. For example, the submerged arc welding
is rated at approximately 95% arc efficiency and will have a slower cooling rate at a given heat input in
comparison to the GMAW process, which is rated at approximately 75% arc efficiency. Although the arc
efficiency differences for the SMAW, GMAW, and FCAW processes are small, they can still have a
pronounced effect on the cooling rates and the resulting HAZ hardness, especially when welding on a live
A series of bead on plate welds were conducted with each process over the range of heat inputs
established in Task 2. Each plate was instrumented with a series of thermocouples attached to a multi-
channel high-speed temperature data acquisition system, to examine the 1000 to 100°C and 800 to
500°C cooling times for each process. Samples were extracted from each weld to examine bead profiles,
depth of penetration, and weld zone hardness. The results were compared to those obtained in Task 7
that simulated various operating and environmental in-service welding conditions (i.e., static air, flowing
air, air-mist, and water backing) for each material of interest.
3.7 Task 7: Weld Zone Characterization for a Variety of Simulated Pipeline In-service Welding
Work Scope: Deposit a series of bead on pipe and fillet welds on pipe with flowing air, water-mist spray,
and water backing using each welding process (at the predetermined highest and lowest heat inputs) and
base materials of interest. Samples were extracted from each weld to examine the weld penetration
depths and profiles, measure weld zone hardness, and to compare the results compared back those in
Tasks 3 and 4. The intention of this task was to determine if susceptibility to burn-through could reduce
with increasing heat sink capacity, at a given heat input level, and, if one or more processes could extend
the safety envelope of in-service welding compared back to the SMAW process.
Although one of objectives in Task 1 was to review the application of state-of-the-art mechanized welding
of sleeves to in-service pipelines, insufficient information was available from publicly published reports.
The research reports reviewed included a series of experimental procedures for depositing welds on thin
walled pipe and preventing the incidence of burn-through, using the SMAW process. The main variables
used to establish burn-through limitations in these reports were the pipe wall thickness, electrode
diameter, heat input, and flow rate and medium. A number of these procedures were duplicated in the
lab to confirm their effectiveness to control burn-through on thin walled pipe, and are discussed in more
detail in Tasks 3, 4, and 7 herein.
In developing a framework to establish optimal procedures for welding on “live” pipelines, three goals
need to be achieved, that being:
Of these, prevention of burn-through and of weld flaws depend on physical properties of the pipeline steel
and welding parameters, and so any recommendations developed in this regard would be valid
irrespective of the pipeline steel grade, since physical properties such as thermal conductivity are not
altered by steel composition, at least within the range applicable to pipeline steels.
The incidence of hydrogen cracking, on the other hand, is strongly influenced by the composition and
strength, and hence the grade of the steel. Older pipelines (e.g., 1950-60’s vintage), were typically X52
grade, and steel composition used to be C-Mn type, with carbon in the range of 0.15 to 0.30%. Under
fast cooling conditions of welding on live pipelines, the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) in these steels can be
quite hard (>350 VPN) thus increasing the potential for hydrogen cracking in the HAZ.
More recent pipelines have utilized X80 grade pipeline steels since they have lower carbon content
(typically 0.05%) and thus represent better HAZ weldability in spite of their higher strength. However,
research in recent years has suggested that critical hardness to prevent HAZ hydrogen cracking is lower
in lower carbon steels and therefore any reliance on models predicting HAZ hardness as a function of
composition and cooling rate must take this into account. Secondly, even if the potential for HAZ
hydrogen cracking might be acceptably small, the necessary use of higher strength and therefore more
highly alloyed weld metal increase the potential for weld metal cracking.
In the experimental program being undertaken here, including both these grades of pipeline steels (i.e.,
X52 and X80) will thus ensure that the hydrogen cracking resistant procedures recommended would have
taken into account HAZ and weld metal susceptibilities as well as the effects of base metal and weld
metal strengths.
The project sponsors were consulted to determine if candidate off-the-shelf electrodes were available for
the SMAW benchmark procedures, as well as the PGMAW, Self Shielded FCAW, and Controlled Dip
Transfer Welding Process (i.e., RMD) that were examined. Based on their input, the electrodes shown in
Table 4.2 were utilized. Each electrode was selected based on its ability to provide matching strengths to
the pipe grade as well as exhibit low diffusible hydrogen characteristics
Hobart E71T8-K6 Fabshield 5/64 H01629 X52 .04 .91 .06 .005 .012 <.01 .04 .74 .02 <.01 .72 .25 74 62 30 120 -40
71K6 (1)
Hobart E81T8-Ni2 J Fabshield 5/64 H02453 X80 .02 1.02 .05 .004 .011 <.01 .08 2.28 .02 <.01 .69 .35 88 76 26 96 -40
81N2 (1)
Hobart E7018-1 H4R 718MC 3/32 X52 Not reported
Hobart E7018-1 H4R 718MC (1) 1/8 X52 .05 1.07 .61 .012 .009 .02 .06 <.01 .01 79 66 30 81 -50
ESAB E10018-G Filarc 1/8 1136191 X80 .07 1.98 .008 .006 .96 .02 .01
108MP (1)
ESAB MIL-10018-M1 Atomarc 1/8 4A321M02 X80 .035 1.18 .29 .010 .009 .02 1.95 .31 .01
10018-M1 Not reported
ESAB ER70S-G Spoolarc .035 X80 .08 1.62 .64 .006 .012 .01 .045
XTi (3)
Bohler Thyssen ER70S-6 Thyssen K- .035 X52 .081 1.33 .61 .012 .008 .12 .04 .03 .005 .002 .021 88 81 24.5 87 -40
Nova (3)
Bohler Thyssen ER70S-6 Thyssen K- .047 X52 .069 1.10 .50 .014 .007 .08 .05 .02 .009 .001 .021 82 69 26.2 53 -20
Nova (3)
The project sponsors were consulted to determine if candidate off-the-shelf electrodes were also
available for the PMCAW and gas shielded FCAW processes. Hobart Brothers recently had developed
two metal cored electrode products for this application and the trade names are MC70 and MC100.
Trans Canada Pipelines Limited (TCPL) had been concurrently evaluating the MC100 electrode for X80
grade pipe and their findings were sufficiently appealing to warrant further investigation in this test
program. Previous testing by Hobart on their MC70 product demonstrated all weld metal mechanical
properties of 78 ksi Yield Strength (YS), 91 ksi Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS), and an average of 18 ft-
lbs at -40°F, which are sufficient properties for X52 grade pipe. The MC100 product had demonstrated
95 ksi YS, 106 ksi UTS, and 41 ft-lbs at -40°F, which are sufficient properties for X80 grade pipe.
TCPL had also been examining gas shielded flux cored products from ESAB for various applications and
these are the Dual Shield II 70T-12MJ H4 and Dual Shield II 80Ni1H4 electrodes. The Dual Shield II 70T-
12MJH4 is an all position flux cored wire intended for applications with weld metal impact toughness
requirements of more than 50 ft-lbs at -60°F, as well as Cracking Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD =
industry accepted measurement of fracture toughness characterising a material’s resistance to rapid
crack extension) requirements of more than 20 mils at -40°F. The weld metal composition, strength, and
diffusible hydrogen characteristics are reportedly similar to an E7018-1 shield metal arc welding (SMAW)
electrode, and the typical properties as well as the AWS A5.1 requirements for an E7018-1 electrode are
shown in Table 4.3. As shown in Table 3, both electrodes can produce welds with ultimate strength and
elongation of the same order of magnitude. The apparent differences in toughness and yield strength are
due to the different manner in which they are specified for each material.
Table 4.3: Dual Shield II 70T-12 Typical Properties and E7018-1 Requirements
Composition (%)* Mechanical Properties
Tensile Yield Charpy V- Notch Impact
Electrode %
C Mn Si P S Ni Strength Strength Temperature Avg. Energy
(Mpa) (Mpa) (°C) (J)
Dual Shield II 0.05 1.16 0.31 0.008 0.012 580 531 28 -40 122
E7018-1 NS 1.6 0.75 NS NS 0.3 482 min. 399 min. 22 min. -46 27 min.
Requirements max. max.
per AWS A5.1
NS = Not
The weld metal analysis of the Dual Shield II 80Ni1H4 is reportedly similar to an E8018-C3 low hydrogen
SMAW electrode and produces excellent weld metal toughness in both the as-welded and stress relieved
condition, and the typical properties as well as the AWS A5.5 requirements for E8018-C3 electrodes are
shown in Table 4.4. As shown in Table 4.4, both electrodes can produce welds with ultimate strength,
yield strength and elongation of the same order of magnitude. The apparent differences in toughness are
due to the different manner in which it is specified for each material.
Table 4.4: Dual Shield II 80Ni1H4 Typical Properties and E8018C3 Requirements
Composition (%)* Mechanical Properties
Tensile Yield Charpy V- Notch Impact
Electrode %
C Mn Si P S Ni Strength Strength Temperature Avg. Energy
(Mpa) (Mpa) (°C) (J)
Dual Shield II 0.048 1.18 0.32 0.015 0.009 0.91 600 545 28 -40 156
E8018-C3 0.12 0.40 to 0.80 0.03 0.03 0.80 to 550 min. 470 to 24 min. -40 27 min.
Requirements max. 1.25 max. max. max. 1.10 550
per AWS A5.5
NS = Not
Both of the above flux cored products are considered low hydrogen that can produce <4ml of diffusible
hydrogen per 100g of weld metal over a wide range of welding parameters. Low hydrogen electrodes are
essential for reducing the risk for cracking under the conditions typical for in-service welding.
4.4 Task 2: Establish Practical Welding Parameter Ranges for Out-of-Position Welding
Each of the electrodes selected were used to produce fillet welds in each position of welding for a range of
base metal thickness combinations. Each position of welding evaluated simulates those that would be
experienced in the 5G position, i.e., the carrier pipe fixed in the horizontal position with welding progressing
around its circumference, as shown in Figure 4.1.
2F - Horizontal
5F – Inclined Up
5F – Inclined Overhead
4F Overhead
This information was used to establish baseline welding conditions for the welding trials in later tasks. Mild
steel plates were used for the welding parameter development trials instead of conventional pipeline materials
as the steel grade, at least within the range of steels evaluated in this study, are not likely to have any
influence on the process applications.
The simulated sleeve joint utilized a plate of “T” thickness (representing the parent pipe thickness) and a
plate of at least “1.5T” (representing the sleeve thickness) which was selected based on input from TCPL,
as shown in Figure 4.2. Parameters were developed for the 2F, 3F, 5F - 45º over-head, and 5F - 45º
inclined positions.
The range of all parameters tested with the SMAW, PGMAW, self shielded FCAW, and RMD processes
are tabulated in Appendix B. Note that BOP welds were rated as safe, marginal, and burn-thorough in
the table in Appendix B, where:
These safe and marginal limits were verified in the burn-through susceptibility task based on back surface
temperature measurements and weld penetration depths during welding.
The welding parameters that were developed in each position of welding with the PMCAW products and with
C15 gas (15%CO2 – bal. Argon) are shown in Table 4.5, using the Miller Axcess 450 power source with their
Accu-Pulse technology. Several trials were conducted with various combinations of wire feed speed and
pulse parameters to fine tune the arc and the final procedures are considered suitable for depositing single
fillet welds (5 and 6mm leg size) in each position as well as for multi-pass welding to achieve larger fillet weld
sizes. Cross-sections were extracted from each mock-up to evaluate the depth of penetration and
soundness, and a sample weld cross section for MC70 and MC100 are shown in Figure 4.3 and 4.4,
respectively, illustrating each position of welding for the smallest X52 and largest X80 pipe wall thicknesses
being evaluated. Each cross-section exhibited acceptable bead profiles with equal leg lengths and suitable
penetration to the root region. Note that the simulated sleeve thickness was at least 1.5 times the thickness
of the thinner base plate.
X52 – MC70
6.4 5 180 115 19.5 6 0.88
8 6 180 130 18.5 8 0.71
X80 – MC100 3F - up
11 6 180 130 18.5 8 0.71
16.1 6 180 130 18.5 8 0.71
19.1 6 180 130 18.5 8 0.71
X52 – MC70
6.4 5 180 135 20.5 10 0.65
8 6 180 135 19.5 8.5 0.73
X80 – MC100 4F
11 6 180 135 19.5 8.5 0.73
16.1 6 180 135 19.5 8.5 0.73
19.1 6 180 135 19.5 8.5 0.73
X52 – MC70
6.4 5 180 135 20.5 8 0.82
8 6 180 130 20 7.5 0.82
X80 – MC100 5F
11 6 180 130 20 7.5 0.82
16.1 6 180 130 20 7.5 0.82
19.1 6 180 130 20 7.5 0.82
Figure 4.3: Weld Cross-sections for 6.4mm Pipe Wall X52 Simulations
The welding parameters that were developed in each position of welding with the gas shielded FCAW
products and C25 gas (25% CO2 – bal. Argon) are shown in Table 4.6 and 4.7, using a conventional
constant voltage (CV) power source. The final welding procedures are considered suitable for depositing
single fillet welds (5 and 6mm leg size) in each position as well as for multi-pass welding to achieve larger
fillet weld sizes. Cross-sections were extracted from each mock-up to evaluate the depth of penetration
and soundness, and sample weld cross sections are shown in Figure 4.5 and 4.6 illustrating each
position of welding for the smallest X52 and largest X80 pipe wall thicknesses being evaluated. Each
cross section exhibited acceptable bead profiles with equal leg lengths and suitable penetration to the
root region.
Figure 4.5: Weld Cross-sections for 6.4mm Pipe Wall X52 Simulations
4.5 Task 3: Examination the Potential for Burn-Through for the Selected Processes
The objective of this task was to numerically predict the susceptibility of each welding process and
procedure to burn-through over the entire range of practical heat inputs developed in Task 2. The
primary factors determining the susceptibility to burn-through include the peak back surface temperature,
depth of weld penetration and wall thickness, and pipeline operating pressure. Calculations based upon
the “ASME B31G” formulation were used to determine the required operating pressure to cause a burn-
through / bulging event with each of the welds deposited. The “ASME B31G” type calculations
considered material with a peak temperature above 1000oC as a corrosion feature and applied a
temperature based material strength reduction to the remaining ligament.
Bead on pipe welds were deposited over the range of pipe thicknesses evaluated (i.e. 3.2, 6.4, 7.9, 11,
16.1, and 19mm) for the X52 and X80 materials. The 3.2mm wall thickness was achieved by slotting a
6.4mm wall X52 pipe, using a 20mm wide square bottom machining mill cutter, as shown in Figure 4.7,
for simulating welds on thin walled pipe. The 3.2mm thicknesses were verified in each region using an
ultrasonic thickness gauge. Each intended weld zone was instrumented with K-type thermocouples along
the centreline axis of the welds, on both the back surface of the pipe and in the weld. This method is
effective in acquiring the actual thermal history at both the back surface and at the weld fusion line (as
shown in Figure 4.8), compared to thermocouple plunging. The thermocouples were attached to a high
speed temperature acquisition system at a collection frequency of 25Hz.
Back Surface
Location along
Weld Weld Centerline
Drilled Thermocouple
All welding was initially performed in still air (no flow conditions) to simulate the worst case scenario for
burn-through to occur, however the same welds were repeated at a later stage with water backing to
determine if a higher heat sink capacity could extend the safety envelope for in-service welding with the
alternative welding processes.
All welding data for bead on pipe welds for static air (no flow) conditions is shown in Appendix C. The
thermocouple data was acquired at a scanning frequency of 25Hz. The thermocouple ID number is the
same as the weld number. An example of the typical thermal history plots showing both weld and back
surface temperature histories are shown in Figure 4.11 and 4.12, for welds A62 and A63, respectively.
Note the increase in peak back surface temperature and as well as the longer weld cooling rate with
increasing the heat input from 0.53kJ/mm to 1.29kJ/mm.
Weld A62
X52, 7.9mm Thickness Pulsed MCAW
0.53kJ/mm Heat Input
1.20E+03 Weld
Back Surface
Temperature (C)
Time (hh:mm:ss)
Weld A63
X52, 7.9mm Thickness, Pulsed MCAW
1.29 kJ/mm Heat Input
Back Surface
Temperature (C)
Time (hh:mm:ss)
Each of peak back surface temperature measurements was plotted vs. welding process for heat inputs of
.53 and 1.29 kJ/mm, and are shown in Figure 4.13. This data shows that for a given heat input, the
PMCAW provides the greatest peak back surface temperature, followed by the GSFCAW, PGMAW, and
SMAW process. The self shielded FCAW process demonstrates the highest peak back surface
temperatures at the 1.29 kJ/mm level.
Figure 4.13: Peak Back Surface Temperatures vs. Heat Input and Process
Welds were cross-sectioned to measure the depths of penetration and to determine the remaining base
metal ligament thickness between the root of the weld and the back surface of the pipe. Sample weld
cross-sections for welds A62 and A63 using the P-MCAW process on 7.9mm X52 pipe at heat inputs of
0.53 kJ/mm and 1.29 kJ/mm, are shown in Figures 4.14 and 4.15, respectively. All remaining bead on
pipe weld cross-sections for static air conditions are shown in Appendix D.
Since the weld temperature history of the weld fusion line and back surface were obtained, the thermal
transients between these two regions could therefore be interpolated. This thermal history, along with the
weld travel speed, was used to estimate a flaw size based on a zero strength at 1000ºC temperature limit
correlation, as calculated in Figure 4.16.
Weld Travel
L Speed v (mm/s)
T1000 d
Welding Conditions
2 f g
Pint = Burst Pressure (MPa)
1 A
f = hoop stress @ burst flow
1 A M T 1
Dm = mean pipe diameter (mm)
A = area of “flaw” L d
Ao = area of plate L g
1flow 2flow 3flow 4flow 5flow
flow = average flow stress for remaining ligament
L2 L 2
MT = Folias Factor 1 0.6275 0.003375 2 4 2 for 50
Dg D g Dg
L2 L2
0.032 3.3 for > 50
Dg Dg
YSi = Yield Stress at layer i = YS 1.38 x10 9 Ti 3 2.51x10 6 Ti 2 1.85 x10 4 T 1.0
YS = Room Temperature Yield Stress (MPa)
Ti = Temperature at layer i
C if = flow stress correction = 68.95 1.38 x10 9 Ti 3 2.51x10 6 Ti 2 1.85 x10 4 T 1.0
Figure 4.16: Methodology and Calculations for Determining Burn-through
The results of the burn-through calculations are presented in Tables 4.8 and 4.9 where the information
can be plotted as Burst Pressure over Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP = 72% pipe yield pressure).
Note that the values in red are for welds where the back surface temperature (ID of pipe) during welding
reached at least 1000°C and that the effective flow stresses to cause a burst event is essentially any
pressure over 0 Mpa. This data can be used to estimate the susceptibility to burn-through with each
welding process over a range of heat inputs and material thicknesses, at a given percentage of MOP, as
shown in Figures 4.17 and 4.18, where any value below each curve for a given welding process is
considered a safe region. In the examples shown, these curves illustrate that as heat input increases
from 0.53 to 1.29 kJ/mm, the arc efficiency of the process has a greater influence on heat transfer, depth
of penetration, and the susceptibility to burn-through. For example, the FCAW and P-GMAW processes
have theoretically higher arc efficiencies (i.e., transfer heat from the arc to the base metal more efficiently)
when compared to the SMAW process, and are therefore more susceptible to burn-through at a given
heat input. As heat input increases from 0.53 kJ/mm to 1.29 kJ/mm, the arc efficiency characteristics
become more apparent as demonstrated by the increasing separation of their curves with increasing heat
input. This is consistent with what was illustrated previously in the peak back surface temperature plot in
Figure 4.13. Figure 4.19 illustrates the results of both the combined 0.53 and 1.29 kJ/mm heat inputs.
Because these burst pressure values are presented in non-dimensional form, ratio of burst pressure to
maximum operating pressure (MOP), the results may be used to consider a range of pipe material grades
and geometries.
0.53 kJ/mm
0.400 P-GMAW
Burst Pressure / MAOP 0.350
0 5 10 15 20 25
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.17: Burst Pressure/MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process – 0.53kJ/mm
1.29 kJ/mm
0.450 P-GMAW
Burst Pressure / MAOP
0.350 MCAW
0 5 10 15 20 25
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.18: Burst Pressure/MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process - 1.29kJ/mm
Burst Pressure / MAOP
3.2mm SMAW - 1.29kJ/mm
0.250 PGMAW - 1.29kJ/mm
SS-FCAW - 1.29kJ/mm
0.200 GS-FCAW - 1.29kJ/mm
MCAW - 1.29kJ/mm
0.150 3.2mm SMAW - 0.53kJ/mm
MCAW - 0.53kJ/mm
0.050 2.4mm SMAW - 0.53kJ/mm
0 5 10 15 20 25
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.19: Burst Pressure/MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process, Combined Heat Inputs
All welding data for bead on pipe welds deposited with water backing is shown in Appendix E. The
thermocouple data was acquired at a scanning frequency of 25Hz. The thermocouple ID number is the
same as the weld number. An example of the typical thermal history plots showing both weld and back
surface temperature histories are shown in Figure 4.21 and 4.22, for welds FW62 and FW63,
respectively. All remaining bead on pipe weld cross-sections for water backed conditions are shown in
Appendix F.
The results of the burn-through calculations for water backed conditions are presented in Tables 4.10
and 4.11 where the information can be plotted as Burst Pressure over Maximum Operating Pressure
(MOP = 72% pipe yield pressure). Note that the values in red are for welds where the back surface
temperature (ID of pipe) during welding reached at least 1000°C and that the effective flow stresses to
cause a burst event is essentially any pressure over 0 Mpa. This data can be used to estimate the
susceptibility to burn-through with each welding process over a range of heat inputs and material
thicknesses, at a given percentage of MOP, as shown in Figures 4.23 and 4.24, where any value below
each curve for a given welding process is considered a safe region. It should be noted that none of the
welding procedures evaluated with water backing reached a peak back surface temperature of 1000°C,
and therefore shows that the higher heat sink capacity of forced cooling provides a greater heat input
window for safe in-service welding practice. Figure 4.25 illustrates the results of both 0.53 and 1.29
kJ/mm heat inputs combined.
0.53 kJ/mm
0.45 MCAW
Burst Pressure / MOP
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.23: Burst Pressure/MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process - 0.53kJ/mm
1.29 kJ/mm
0.40 SMAW
Burst Pressure / MOP
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.24: Burst Pressure/MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process - 1.29kJ/mm
MCAW - 0.53kJ/mm
SMAW - 0.53kJ/mm
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.25: Burst Pressure / MOP (%) vs. Thickness and Weld Process – 0.53 and 1.29kJ/mm
4.6 Task 4: Examine Cooling Rates as a Function of Welding Process Arc Efficiency
The weld temperature history, calculated cooling rates, HAZ and weld metal hardness measurements,
and maximum back surface temperatures from each of the welds under static air (no flow conditions) are
shown in Table 4.12. Only the alloyed weld metals were measured for hardness as mild steel “weld
metals” are typically not as sensitive to delayed cracking compared to those highly alloyed weld metals
typically used in low CE high strength pipeline materials.
To acquire the required data, each test weld deposited on pipe measured a length of six (6) inches and
the travel speed was maintained at a predetermined rate with mechanized travel. Using the methods
outlined previously, thermocouples were used to acquire the thermal data from both the weld and back
surface temperature for each weld deposited. The collected weld thermal data can be used to plot the
cooling rate of each process over a range of thickness, as shown in Figures 4.26 and 4.27.
Ocular Reading Hardness (Hv5)
Cooling Rate CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld Peak Hardness (Hv5) Average Hardness (Hv5)
Pipe Thickness Heat Input
Weld ID Grade C.E Process ∆T 800-500C Slope at 540C
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld
(mm) (kJ/mm) (s) (degC / sec)
A1 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.35 6.06 -38 218 217 215 216 214 195 197 201 199 202 202 199
A2 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.53 9.2 -20 221 218 213 217 220 190 195 204 197 192 204 196
A3 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.74 14.59 -18 215 217 210 213 214 201 197 210 204 202 210 203
A4 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.35 2.56 -59.5 155 164 175 172 166 386 345 303 313 336 386 337
A5 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 6.56 -29.5 188 176 199 182 182 262 299 234 280 280 299 271
A6 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.74 12.3 -22.5 199 200 201 200 202 234 232 229 232 227 234 231
A7 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 22.36 -19.5 209 205 207 205 204 212 221 216 221 223 223 219
A8 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 6.57 -17.5 214 227 226 231 232 202 180 182 174 172 202 182
A9 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 25.54 -12 223 226 224 224 223 186 182 185 185 186 186 185
A10 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 0.53 5.02 -52.5 215 215 213 216 215 201 201 204 199 201 204 201
A11 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 1.29 23.29 -14.5 221 223 223 223 211 190 186 186 186 208 208 191
A12 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.35 4.63 -46 157 180 181 167 172 376 286 283 332 313 376 318
A14 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 0.53 3.34 -63 182 182 181 180 180 177 182 180 184 280 280 283 286 286 296 280 286 274 286 296 283 284
A15 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 1.29 10.88 -6 194 193 199 194 194 187 196 195 192 246 249 234 246 246 265 241 244 252 249 265 244 250
A16 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 0.53 2.66 -92 172 171 174 171 171 175 180 180 179 313 317 306 317 317 303 286 286 289 317 303 314 291
A17 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 1.29 10.04 -23 173 179 178 180 179 184 191 190 190 310 289 293 286 289 274 254 257 257 310 274 293 260
A18 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 0.53 2.5 -88.5 175 175 180 178 176 176 183 176 181 303 303 286 293 299 299 277 299 283 303 299 297 290
A19 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 1.29 9.35 -29.5 190 190 193 199 198 184 186 188 191 257 257 249 234 237 274 268 262 254 257 274 247 265
A20 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.19 2.55 -80.5 211 211 213 209 206 208 208 204 212 218 218 210
A21 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.35 5.96 -43 212 211 212 212 213 206 208 206 206 204 208 206
A22 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.53 8.49 -20 212 213 213 214 211 206 204 204 202 208 208 205
A23 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 0.53 5.89 -28.5 180 181 187 192 193 286 283 265 252 249 286 267
A24 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 1.29 30.59 -0.5 209 209 211 214 211 212 212 208 202 208 212 209
A25 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.19 2.9 -68 211 213 214 211 212 208 204 202 208 206 208 206
A26 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.35 7.14 -36.5 211 212 217 213 217 208 206 197 204 197 208 203
A27 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.53 14.13 -20 217 212 215 215 215 197 206 201 201 201 206 201
A28 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.53 8.01 -23.5 222 181 195 192 193 188 283 244 252 249 283 243
A29 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 1.29 24.46 -8.89 209 212 208 215 216 212 206 214 201 199 214 206
A30 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 0.53 7.63 -37 213 216 219 217 217 204 199 193 197 197 204 198
A31 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 1.29 27.49 -8 229 224 227 225 222 177 185 180 183 188 188 183
A32 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 0.53 2.83 -37 186 182 181 180 182 186 186 189 188 268 280 283 286 280 268 268 260 262 286 268 279 264
A33 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 1.29 23.02 -8.34 198 198 197 197 198 203 204 204 207 237 237 239 239 237 225 223 223 216 239 225 237 222
A34 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 0.53 4.14 -66.5 173 169 172 173 173 179 184 185 181 310 325 313 310 310 289 274 271 283 325 289 313 279
A35 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 1.29 12.62 -25 182 182 183 182 185 198 199 185 198 280 280 277 280 271 237 234 271 237 280 271 278 245
A36 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 0.53 3.11 -86 181 184 179 178 176 175 175 180 178 283 274 289 293 299 303 303 286 293 299 303 288 296
A37 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 1.29 7.22 -32 193 197 194 188 189 196 194 198 198 249 239 246 262 260 241 246 237 237 262 246 251 240
A38 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 1.06 31.44 -8.5 215 214 216 217 217 201 202 199 197 197 202 199
A39 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 1.29 37.09 -8.5 212 219 217 217 219 206 193 197 197 193 206 197
A40 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 1.06 18.9 -13.5 225 225 229 225 221 183 183 177 183 190 190 183
A41 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 1.29 27.73 -6 223 228 228 226 230 186 178 178 182 175 186 180
A44 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 1.29 22.71 -14.5 197 196 199 200 200 204 203 203 204 239 241 234 232 232 223 225 225 223 241 225 236 224
A45 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 1.99 39.91 -2.5 202 202 204 202 204 206 211 205 208 227 227 223 227 223 218 208 221 214 227 221 225 215
A46 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 1.29 7.68 -23 180 179 180 184 180 191 190 192 196 286 289 286 274 286 254 257 252 241 289 257 284 251
A47 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 1.99 17.51 -8 192 190 192 191 196 202 203 199 200 252 257 252 254 241 227 225 234 232 257 234 251 230
A48 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 1.29 4.99 -24.4 192 196 196 196 195 191 197 193 198 252 241 241 241 244 254 239 249 237 252 254 244 245
A49 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 1.99 16.2 -15 201 201 201 204 205 203 203 206 206 229 229 229 223 221 225 225 218 218 229 225 226 222
A50 6.4 X52 0.43 GS-FCAW 1.06 21.12 -7.2 208 209 217 209 210 214 212 197 212 210 214 209
A51 6.4 X52 0.43 GS-FCAW 1.29 35.24 -6.375 210 208 210 208 213 210 214 210 214 204 214 211
A52 8 X52 0.14 GS-FCAW 1.06 16.16 -10.625 222 223 226 224 221 188 186 182 185 190 190 186
A53 8 X52 0.14 GS-FCAW 1.29 24.04 -9.875 226 225 226 225 225 182 183 182 183 183 183 183
A54 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 1.29 7.56 -77.25 199 201 198 198 198 200 202 201 200 234 229 237 237 237 232 227 229 232 237 232 235 230
A55 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 1.99 37.88 -3.75 211 212 209 210 210 209 211 212 212 208 206 212 210 210 212 208 206 206 212 212 209 208
A56 16.1 X80 0.27 GS-FCAW 1.29 6.01 -37.5 183 182 181 182 185 194 197 197 201 277 280 283 280 271 246 239 239 229 283 246 278 238
A57 16.1 X80 0.27 GS-FCAW 1.99 15.62 -6 195 188 192 187 191 202 202 203 203 244 262 252 265 254 227 227 225 225 265 227 255 226
A58 19.1 X70 0.24 GS-FCAW 1.29 6.38 -34.5 190 197 197 194 191 194 194 202 202 257 239 239 246 254 246 246 227 227 257 246 247 237
A59 19.1 X70 0.24 GS-FCAW 1.99 13.42 -25.5 202 204 203 204 206 211 210 209 211 227 223 225 223 218 208 210 212 208 227 212 223 210
A60 6.4 X52 0.43 MCAW 0.53 7.28 -25.75 198 191 203 190 195 237 254 225 257 244 257 243
A61 6.4 X52 0.43 MCAW 1.29 41.4 -6.5 215 214 222 219 220 201 202 188 193 192 202 195
A62 8 X52 0.14 MCAW 0.53 4.6 -13.32 218 219 223 220 218 195 193 186 192 195 195 192
A63 8 X52 0.14 MCAW 1.29 28.52 -9.375 228 227 231 231 228 178 180 174 174 178 180 177
A64 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 0.53 3 -73.125 189 187 188 186 187 175 176 177 178 260 265 262 268 265 303 299 296 293 268 303 264 298
A65 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 1.29 16.08 -12.875 207 205 206 205 209 191 194 195 194 216 221 218 221 212 254 246 244 246 221 254 218 248
A66 16.1 X80 0.27 MCAW 0.53 2.92 -95 175 175 175 176 174 175 173 178 186 303 303 303 299 306 303 310 293 268 306 310 303 293
A67 16.1 X80 0.27 MCAW 1.29 6.93 -66 187 194 185 188 189 188 188 190 191 265 246 271 262 260 262 262 257 254 271 262 261 259
A68 19.1 X70 0.24 MCAW 0.53 2.76 -88.875 182 181 185 177 194 179 178 176 177 280 283 271 296 246 289 293 299 296 296 299 275 294
A69 19.1 X70 0.24 MCAW 1.29 6.64 -36.625 197 195 196 198 196 196 190 190 189 239 244 241 237 241 241 257 257 260 244 260 240 254
6.4 8 11 16.1 19.1
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.27: Cooling Rate vs. Welding Process, Heat Input 1.29 kJ/mm
Figure 4.27 shows that at a constant heat input of 1.29 kJ/mm, the P-MCAW process produces a slower
cooling rate for a given thickness compared to the GS-FCAW process. This again is an effect of arc
efficiency and could be advantageous in terms of using a specific process to produce softer weld zone
microstructures that are less susceptible to delayed hydrogen cracking.
The hardness results when plotted vs. heat input and process (shown in Figures 4.28 to 4.32), show a
general trend of decreasing hardness with increasing heat input as expected, however there is an even
more interesting trend that shows the SMAW process results in the highest hardness at a given heat input
level, with a downward trend in hardness vs. process at a given heat input level proceeding from the
PGMAW to FCAW to PMCAW processes. This indicates that the processes with the higher arc
efficiencies (i.e., transfer more heat from the arc to the base material) result in lower CGHAZ hardnesses
regardless of material type and thickness. Based on these results, the SMAW process has the lowest arc
efficiency (as demonstrated by the highest hardness) and the PMCAW has the highest arc efficiency (as
demonstrated by the lowest hardness). As demonstrated in Figure 4.27, the MCAW process produced
slower cooling rates vs. the FCAW process for a given heat input which in theory should provide a softer
HAZ hardness. The plots in Figures 4.29 to 4.32 prove this theory is correct.
CGHAZ Hardness (Hv)
290 SMAW 2.4
270 SMAW 3.2
0.5 1 1.5 2
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
CGHAZ Hardness (Hv)
SMAW 3.2
0.5 1 1.5 2
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
CGHAZ Hardness (Hv)
SMAW 3.2
0.5 1 1.5 2
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
CGHAZ Hardness (Hv)
SMAW 3.2
0.5 1 1.5 2
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
CGHAZ Hardness (Hv)
SMAW 3.2
0.5 1 1.5 2
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
All low hydrogen mild steel SMAW electrodes received were baked at 400ºC for one (1) hour at a
maximum layer depth of 25mm. The electrodes were immediately transferred into an electrode storage
oven set at 120ºC. Each of the mild steel SMAW electrodes, except the 2.4mm diameter, were tested for
diffusible hydrogen as per AWS A4.3 Standard using the under mercury method, in the as-received and
baked condition. The results are shown in Table 4.13. No real trend was visible between the electrodes
that were tested in the as-received and baked conditions, however a significant trend was apparent
between increase of welding amperage and hydrogen. One possible reason for this hydrogen increase is
that as amperage increases with the SMAW process using a constant current power source, the voltage
across the arc and the arc length will increase. It is possible that this arc length increase allows for more
moisture to be picked up and transferred across the arc in the form of hydrogen into the weld pool.
All other electrode/process combinations were subjected to diffusible hydrogen testing in the as-received
condition to estimate the hydrogen potential and susceptibility to delayed cracking in Task 6, and the
results are shown in Figure 4.33. The 10% C02 – 90% Argon shielding gas used for the GMAW
processes was analyzed for moisture and the results indicated a 1ppm moisture concentration. Gas
moisture and other factors have a direct correlation with available hydrogen, and 1ppm is considered to
be on the low side of the range of most industrial gases which typically contain 5 to 10ppm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The delay time to peak hydrogen was determined using the BMT Fleet Technology Limited Hydrogen
Cracking Susceptibility and Delay Time Prediction software. A typical example of a weld model used in
the modeling software is shown in Figure 4.34. The weld profile (taken from an actual weld cross
section) in this case is identified by green cells marked 1 and the dimensions were measured from the
cross section of the bead-on-pipe weld A68 (P-MCAW weld using MC100 filler metal on 19.1mm thick
X80 pipe, heat input of 0.53 kJ/mm)). The grey cells represent parent/base metal. The cells identified by
0 (yellow) are open space. A cell is 0.5mm x 0.5mm.
The hydrogen diffusion through the weld model is calculated using a finite difference technique, based on
the thermal history and the apparent hydrogen diffusivity. The thermal history is calculated based on an
analytical solution to the moving point heat source equation, and the apparent hydrogen diffusivity is
calculated based on the trap density input for each weld model.
A diffusion analysis was conducted in this case for static air (no flow conditions). The analyses were
carried out for a total hydrogen level equal to unity (Htotal = 1.0). Two trap densities were considered for
each model, vd = 0.05 and vd = 0.10. These trap densities span those that have been experimentally
determined from apparent diffusivity for single pass welds encompassing SMAW and GMAW welds.[8,9]
The hydrogen levels for four cells located in the HAZ (orange cells 1 and 2 (root location), and, 3 and 4
(weld toe location) in Figure 4.35) were monitored for a time period of 48 hours. A typical result, in terms
of the hydrogen level versus time, is presented in Figure 4.36 (for Specimen A68 in a static air
environment). The time to peak hydrogen in Figure 4.36 represents a 1mm wide HAZ band where
delayed cracking is most likely as it covers the hard HAZ. The important output from these plots is the
maximum delay to peak hydrogen in the 1mm HAZ band and not the level of hydrogen, as the focus of
this task is guidance for determination of optimal inspection times after welding. Thus, in this example for
weld A68 the time to peak hydrogen concentration at the cell 2 location takes approximately 10.25 hours,
and therefore the likelihood for hydrogen cracking is minimal after that time period has lapsed assuming a
Vd = 0.1.
To assess the likelihood of delayed cracking before this delay time, knowledge of the susceptibility of the
microstructure (hardness level is one of the parameters), and tensile stress (applied and residual) is
required in addition to the actual peak hydrogen level, therefore the actual susceptibility of this weld to
delayed cracking is uncertain.
L. N. Pussegoda et al: “Delayed Cracking in Simulated Naval Platform Repair Welds”, Trends in Welding
Research-Proc. 6th Int. Conf.”, ASM International, (2002), pp. 581-585.
L. N. Pussegoda et al: “Determination of critical hydrogen curves from loe bend tests”, Proc. IPC 2004 (IPC 04-
Figure 4.36: Hydrogen Concentration vs. Time (Specimen A68, Welded in Static Air)
The complete modeling results of the delay times in the welds that were considered highest susceptible to
hydrogen cracking (CGHAZ above 300VHN), are shown in Table 4.14. These welds were produced in
the NPS20 X52 pipe that had the highest carbon equivalent of 0.43 CE. Also note that the flowing air and
water mist spray delay time results are based on the thermal history and hardness results achieved in
Task 7. The columns identified as time to peak hydrogen are the delay times for Vd = 0.05 and 0.1,
Several of the welds deposited with static air and with water backing were plotted against each other as a
comparison, and these are shown in Figures 4.37 to 4.44. These illustrate that the addition of the heat
sink from the water containment results in a significance difference in delay time. The primary reason for
this is the rapid cooling of the weld to the pipe temperature while in-service. One of the main controlling
factors for the diffusion of hydrogen is temperature, therefore if the weld cools quicker to the pipeline
operating temperature, then it will take longer for the hydrogen to migrate to a specific point within the
weld zone, and thus a require a longer delay time.
Cell 1
0.35 Cell 2
Cell 3
Cell 4
Hydrogen Concentration.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (Hours)
Water Backing
Air Backing
Hydrogen Concentration.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (Hours)
Cell 1
0.3 Cell 2
Cell 3
Cell 4
Hydrogen Concentration.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (Hours)
Air Backing
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (Hours)
Cell 1
Cell 2
0.25 Cell 3
Cell 4
Hydrogen Concentration.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (Hours)
Figure 4.41: Specimen W12 – Static Water – Hydrogen vs. Time History
Hydrogen Concentration.
Air Backing
0.12 Water Backing
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (Hours)
Figure 4.42: Specimen A12 & W12 – Comparison of Hydrogen Time Histories –
Static Air and Static Water – Cell 2
Cell 1
Hydrogen Concentration.
Cell 2
0.2 Cell 3
Cell 4
0 5 10 15 20
Time (Hours)
Figure 4.43: Specimen W64 – Static Water – Hydrogen vs. Time History
Hydrogen Concentration.
Cell 2
0.08 Series3
0 5 10 15 20
Time (Hours)
Figure 4.44: Specimen A64 & W64 – Comparison of Hydrogen Time Histories –
Static Air and Static Water – Cell 2
Table 4.15: Cooling Rate and Hardness Results – Flowing Air Conditions
Ocular Reading Hardness (Hv5)
Cooling Rate CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld Peak Hardness (Hv5) Average Hardness (Hv5)
Pipe Thickness Heat Input
Weld ID Grade C.E Process ∆T 800-500C Slope at 540C
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld
(mm) (kJ/mm) (s) (degC / sec)
FA1 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.35 5.57 -37.5 211 215 215 216 220 208 201 201 199 192 208 200
FA2 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.53 7.73 -31 220 217 211 211 215 192 197 208 208 201 208 201
FA3 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.74 10.4 -20.5 215 215 210 216 217 201 201 210 199 197 210 201
FA4 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.35 4.27 -62.5 168 170 166 170 166 329 321 336 321 336 336 329
FA5 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 5.17 -38 179 176 183 178 172 289 299 277 293 313 313 294
FA6 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.74 12.52 -20 182 178 195 188 189 280 293 244 262 260 293 268
FA7 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 20.94 -11 203 206 209 188 210 225 218 212 262 210 262 226
FA8 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 7.78 -31.5 196 203 184 187 190 241 225 274 265 257 274 252
FA9 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 26.86 -14.5 214 212 208 210 212 202 206 214 210 206 214 208
FA10 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 0.53 4.72 -40 213 212 213 213 212 204 206 204 204 206 206 205
FA11 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 1.29 13.91 -14 218 220 220 223 225 195 192 192 186 183 195 190
FA12 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.35 4.41 -52 172 181 183 173 177 313 283 277 310 296 313 296
FA14 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 0.53 3.78 -64.5 184 183 182 181 181 181 182 185 183 274 277 280 283 283 283 280 271 277 283 283 279 278
FA15 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 1.29 9.67 -26 194 193 194 196 193 193 189 192 194 246 249 246 241 249 249 260 252 246 249 260 246 252
FA16 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 0.53 2.95 -74 170 174 174 184 170 171 176 173 177 321 306 306 274 321 317 299 310 296 321 317 306 306
FA17 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 1.29 7.22 -34.5 181 177 179 180 181 191 192 184 192 283 296 289 286 283 254 252 274 252 296 274 288 258
FA18 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 0.53 2.44 -98 178 185 184 176 179 173 180 172 173 293 271 274 299 289 310 286 313 310 299 313 285 305
FA19 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 1.29 10.13 -23 190 190 193 195 188 193 194 193 191 257 257 249 244 262 249 246 249 254 262 254 254 250
FA20 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.19 2.4 -86.5 214 210 211 212 212 202 210 208 206 206 210 207
FA21 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.35 5.13 -45.5 211 213 209 210 212 208 204 212 210 206 212 208
FA23 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 0.53 5.95 -32 184 199 199 198 187 274 234 234 237 265 274 249
FA24 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 1.29 25.32 -3 209 210 213 205 211 212 210 204 221 208 221 211
FA25 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.19 3.39 -27 246 214 216 212 218 153 202 199 206 195 206 191
FA26 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.35 6.9 -37 218 216 212 216 219 195 199 206 199 193 206 198
FA27 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.53 10.97 -23 249 215 216 216 217 150 201 199 199 197 201 189
FA28 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.53 7.76 -25.5 196 177 193 186 182 241 296 249 268 280 296 267
FA29 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 1.29 26.79 -8 214 204 211 206 207 202 223 208 218 216 223 214
FA30 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 0.53 6.51 -28 219 216 219 215 221 193 199 193 201 190 201 195
FA31 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 1.29 23.38 -9 225 225 225 224 229 183 183 183 185 177 185 182
FA32 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 0.53 3.49 -68.5 180 179 180 182 181 193 190 191 189 286 289 286 280 283 249 257 254 260 289 260 285 255
FA33 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 1.29 22.26 -11 200 201 198 196 198 207 207 205 206 232 229 237 241 237 216 216 221 218 241 221 235 218
FA34 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 0.53 3.23 -65.5 175 170 172 172 173 183 188 185 183 303 321 313 313 310 277 262 271 277 321 277 312 272
FA35 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 1.29 7.87 -37.5 188 182 184 181 182 198 196 194 198 262 280 274 283 280 237 241 246 237 283 246 276 240
FA36 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 0.53 2.82 -71.5 176 176 179 176 177 175 168 1881 182 299 299 289 299 296 303 329 3 280 299 329 297 228
FA37 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 1.29 9.69 -22.5 193 192 192 190 187 192 192 197 198 249 252 252 257 265 252 252 239 237 265 252 255 245
FA38 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 1.06 23.73 -12 219 214 214 214 218 204 204 206 210 201 210 205
FA39 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 1.29 33.79 -5.5 213 213 212 210 215 188 186 188 185 182 188 186
FA40 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 1.06 17.49 -9 222 223 222 224 226 188 186 188 185 182 188 186
FA41 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 1.29 25.19 -9 221 228 229 228 224 190 178 177 178 185 190 182
FA44 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 1.29 20.21 -13.5 197 197 200 200 199 202 203 203 205 239 239 232 232 234 227 225 225 221 239 227 235 224
FA45 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 1.99 39.3 -4.47 204 204 204 203 202 198 210 194 210 223 223 223 225 227 237 210 246 210 227 246 224 226
FA46 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 1.29 8.21 -20 182 184 185 185 184 198 200 196 197 249 262 257 260 246 237 232 241 239 262 241 255 237
FA47 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 1.99 17.34 -9 193 188 190 189 194 199 203 208 210 246 252 241 249 252 234 225 214 210 252 234 248 221
FA48 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 1.29 8.82 -43.5 194 192 196 193 192 190 194 191 198 246 252 241 249 252 257 246 254 237 252 257 248 248
FA49 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 1.99 15.55 -17 203 198 199 201 201 205 203 205 202 225 237 234 229 229 221 225 221 227 237 227 231 223
Temperature (C)
Time (hh:mm:ss)
Figure 4.45: Weld and Back Surface Cooling Rate, Flowing Air Heat Sink Conditions
The sections that were removed from the mid-length of each bead on pipe each (outside the
contamination zone from the melted thermocouple) for HAZ hardness measurements for flowing air
conditions are shown in Appendix H.
Trends were plotted between heat input and HAZ hardness for each weld / process over the range of
materials evaluated. Figure 4.46 is a plot for welds deposited on NPS 20 grade X52 with a CE of 0.43
under flowing air conditions with each process. This plot shows that for a given heat input the differences
in weld process arc efficiency has a direct influence on weld cooling rate and thus HAZ hardness. For
example, the SS-FCAW process is a higher arc efficiency process compared to SMAW, and therefore
transfers heat more efficiently at a given heat input in comparison. This higher arc efficiency at a given
heat input results in slower weld cooling rates and a lower HAZ hardness.
Hardness (Hv 5kg)
SMAW - 2.4mm
SMAW - 3.2mm
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Figure 4.46: Heat Input vs. HAZ Hardness, Flowing Air Conditions
Each weld deposited measured a length of six (6) inches and the travel speed was maintained with
mechanized travel. A water mist nozzle system (consisting of spray nozzle, feed water, and compressed
air), was used to simulate natural gas heat sink conditions and its affect on weld cooling rates over a
range of material thicknesses, types, and welding procedures. To ensure consistency from one test to
another, the air pressure and water feed rate to the spray nozzle was controlled by calibrated metering
valves. The air pressure was adjusted to achieve an average flow rate of 5.5 meters per second (m/sec)
at the back surface of each test weld, and the air speed was measured using an anemometer. The water
pressure was adjusted to achieve a fine mist and wide spray pattern from the spray nozzle for maximum
pipe wall coverage. To ensure the same spray pattern was used for all test welds, the indexed metering
valves were locked to achieve a consistent air pressure and water flow rate. To determine if the flowing
water mist spray would provide sufficient heat sink to achieve the cooling conditions of a in-service
flowing natural gas pipelines, heat sink capacity spot heating tests were conducted to determine the
250°C to 100°C cooling times (procedure as specified in PRCI report L51713e) on the NPS 20 x 6.4mm
wall X52 pipe. The results of spot heating tests provided an average cooling time of 23 sec from 250°C to
100°C. The linear flow rate and resulting heat sink cooling capacity measurements are within the range of
tests from past research for PRCI (PRCI report ref. L51713e), conducted on the High Pressure Loop at
the GRI Metering Research Facility, on a simulated 6.4mm wall natural gas pipeline flowing at a
volumetric flow rate of 16.9 mmscfd.
A hole was drilled at the mid-length of the intended test weld location and along its centreline, and a K-
type thermocouple was inserted from the inside diameter and exposed to the outside diameter surface.
The temperature of the flowing water mist spray was measured with a thermocouple attached to the back
surface of the test weld before welding commenced, and the temperature ranged from 10 to 12°C for all
welds deposited. The test weld was deposited over the exposed thermocouple and was consumed by the
weld metal. The weld temperature history, calculated cooling rates, and HAZ and weld metal hardness
measurements from each of the welds deposited with flowing water mist spray, are shown in Table 4.16.
All welding data is provided in Appendix I. A typical temperature-time plot achieved from a test weld, and
the back surface, with flowing water mist spray conditions is provided as Figure 4.47.
Table 4.16: Cooling Rate and Hardness Data vs. Process – Water Mist Spray Conditions
Ocular Reading Hardness (Hv5)
Cooling Rate CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld Peak Hardness (Hv5) Average Hardness (Hv5)
Pipe Thickness Heat Input
Weld ID Grade C.E Process ∆T 800-500C Slope at 540C
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld
(mm) (kJ/mm) (s) (degC / sec)
WMS1 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.35 4.72 -51 214 216 218 218 216 202 199 195 195 199 202 198
WMS2 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.53 7.05 -31 211 212 214 214 216 208 206 202 202 199 208 204
WMS3 3.2 X52 0.16 SMAW 0.74 11.98 -23 212 213 213 212 217 206 204 204 206 197 206 204
WMS4 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.35 2.53 -80 155 152 159 150 156 386 401 367 412 381 412 389
WMS5 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 5.5 -37.5 186 180 182 176 184 268 286 280 299 274 299 281
WMS6 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.74 11.04 -23.5 194 197 178 175 196 246 239 293 303 241 303 264
WMS7 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 20.17 -17 205 212 209 202 203 221 206 212 227 225 227 218
WMS8 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 5.16 -31 167 174 182 182 185 332 306 280 280 271 332 294
WMS9 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 16.75 -2.5 204 208 212 214 212 223 214 206 202 206 223 210
WMS10 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 0.53 3.59 -57 211 216 215 214 212 208 199 201 202 206 208 203
WMS11 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 1.29 15.74 -17.5 227 226 222 221 221 180 182 188 190 190 190 186
WMS12 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.35 4.07 -55 175 177 200 178 183 303 296 232 293 277 303 280
WMS14 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 0.53 3.21 -66.5 182 186 184 182 182 183 187 187 184 280 268 274 280 280 277 265 265 274 280 277 276 270
WMS15 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 1.29 12.56 -11.5 202 195 196 197 200 197 199 200 194 227 244 241 239 232 239 234 232 246 244 246 237 238
WMS16 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 0.53 3.19 -66.5 172 173 171 172 174 180 181 179 183 313 310 317 313 306 286 283 289 277 317 289 312 284
WMS17 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 1.29 5.36 -57 184 184 185 183 183 190 192 192 192 274 274 271 277 277 257 252 252 252 277 257 274 253
WMS18 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 0.53 2.72 -60.5 174 181 181 181 180 179 181 186 183 306 283 283 283 286 289 283 268 277 306 289 288 279
WMS19 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 1.29 6.62 -34 188 191 193 193 190 193 193 191 191 262 254 249 249 257 249 249 254 254 262 254 254 252
WMS20 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.19 1.91 -91.5 212 208 210 206 207 206 214 210 218 216 218 213
WMS21 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.35 4.41 -17.5 212 207 210 210 210 206 216 210 210 210 216 211
WMS22 3.2 X52 0.16 GMAW - RMD 0.53 6.84 -31.5 211 215 210 216 210 208 201 210 199 210 210 206
WMS23 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 0.53 6.25 -32 191 184 196 181 196 254 274 241 283 241 283 259
WMS24 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 1.29 27.81 -8.5 209 211 205 208 207 212 208 221 214 216 221 214
WMS25 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.19 3 -71.5 217 211 211 212 213 197 208 208 206 204 208 205
WMS26 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.35 6.31 -46 208 205 211 206 208 214 221 208 218 214 221 215
WMS27 3.2 X52 0.16 P-GMAW 0.53 10.15 -48 215 213 217 213 215 201 204 197 204 201 204 201
WMS28 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.53 7.85 -26 176 178 190 192 190 299 293 257 252 257 299 271
WMS29 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 1.29 25.58 -11 222 212 179 176 177 188 206 289 299 296 299 256
WMS30 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 0.53 5.46 -39.5 220 215 217 213 217 192 201 197 204 197 204 198
WMS31 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 1.29 26.72 -6 222 232 227 224 223 188 172 180 185 186 188 182
WMS32 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 0.53 3.48 -77.5 183 181 184 184 186 185 190 185 191 277 283 274 274 268 271 257 271 254 283 271 275 263
WMS33 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 1.29 12.84 -17 195 194 196 196 198 203 206 206 204 244 246 241 241 237 225 218 218 223 246 225 242 221
WMS34 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 0.53 2.75 -97 173 172 173 173 175 183 180 181 180 310 313 310 310 303 277 286 283 286 313 286 309 283
WMS35 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 1.29 9.09 -20 186 177 187 179 186 195 201 197 199 268 296 265 289 268 244 229 239 234 296 244 277 237
WMS36 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 0.53 1.71 -106 177 178 177 173 175 176 168 181 174 296 293 296 310 303 299 329 283 306 310 329 299 304
WMS37 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 1.29 7.41 -40.5 188 188 189 186 190 193 191 192 190 262 262 260 268 257 249 254 252 257 268 257 262 253
WMS38 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 1.06 26.44 -8 211 208 211 207 209 208 214 208 216 212 216 212
WMS39 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 1.29 33.07 -3 209 206 212 208 213 212 218 206 214 204 218 211
WMS40 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 1.06 19.51 -12.5 220 223 229 224 226 192 186 177 185 182 192 184
WMS41 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 1.29 26.7 -6 228 221 227 222 224 178 190 180 188 185 190 184
WMS44 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 1.29 12.57 -22 195 199 203 198 199 205 205 206 204 244 234 225 237 234 221 221 218 223 244 223 235 221
WMS45 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 1.99 29.54 -9 203 205 206 201 199 211 212 209 212 225 221 218 229 234 208 206 212 206 234 212 226 208
WMS46 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 1.29 8.01 -20 183 185 186 184 183 194 196 197 197 277 271 268 274 277 246 241 239 239 277 246 273 241
WMS47 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 1.99 15.59 -11.5 194 192 191 190 186 204 205 208 208 246 252 254 257 268 223 221 214 214 268 223 255 218
WMS48 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 1.29 6.46 -36.5 196 190 202 194 192 195 197 190 192 241 257 227 246 252 244 239 257 252 257 257 245 248
WMS49 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 1.99 11.68 -26.5 193 198 202 197 199 205 205 201 207 249 237 227 239 234 221 221 229 216 249 229 237 222
Weld and Back Surface Cooling Rate, Flowing Water Mist Spray
Temperature (C)
Time (hh:mm:ss)
Figure 4.47: Weld and Back Surface Cooling Rate, Flowing Water Mist Spray
The sections that were removed from the mid-length of each bead on pipe weld (outside the
contamination zone from the melted thermocouple) for HAZ hardness measurements for flowing air
conditions are shown in Appendix J.
Trends were plotted between heat input and HAZ hardness for each weld / process over the range of
materials evaluated. Figure 4.48 is a plot for welds deposited on 0.43 CE X52 under flowing water mist
spray conditions with each process. This plot shows that for a given heat input the differences in weld
process arc efficiency has a direct influence on weld cooling rate and thus HAZ hardness. For example,
the SS-FCAW process is a higher arc efficiency process compared to SMAW, and therefore transfers
heat more efficiently at a given heat input in comparison. This higher arc efficiency at a given heat input
results in slower weld cooling rates and a lower HAZ hardness.
SMAW - 2.4
SMAW - 3.2
Hardness (Hv 5kg)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Figure 4.48: Heat Input vs. HAZ Hardness, Flowing Water Mist Spray
To examine the differences in arc efficiency between each of the welding processes and its influence on
cooling rate, a trend is plotted for 0.53 kJ/mm and 1.29 kJ/mm heat inputs in Figures 4.49 and 4.50,
respectively, for each process and conditions between static air, flowing air, and water mist spray. These
plots demonstrate that cooing time from 1000°C to 100°C rate is less affected by the “external” cooling
conditions or the process as thickness increases at the lower heat input setting, compared to at the higher
heat input. As heat input increases the differences between arc efficiency of each process and cooling
rate become more apparent. These plots also demonstrate that the heat sink has less of an influence on
cooling rates as the pipe wall thickness approaches 20mm, in other words it is likely that the cooling rate
of welds deposited on 20mm and higher thickness will not be influenced by the flowing fluid/gas. In
addition, these plots demonstrate that for a given heat input, welding process, and heat sink condition, the
SMAW process has the fastest cooling rate compared to the other welding processes. The SS-FCAW
and P-GMAW processes provide the slowest cooling times and could be beneficial in terms of allowing
more time for hydrogen to escape from the weld pool before returning to ambient or service temperature,
and reduce the risk of hydrogen cracking. Furthermore, these plots demonstrate the effect of accelerated
cooling as thickness decreases, as the flowing conditions draw more heat from the weld pool. For the low
heat input welds, the effect of heat sink becomes most noticeable at a thickness of 6.4mm, as opposed to
the higher heat input welds at 11mm, regardless of the welding process used.
In addition, each of the welds evaluated under static air, flowing air, and water mist spray were plotted for
cooling rate (slope @ 540°C) vs. CGHAZ hardness, irrespective of the welding process or simulated in-
service welding condition. The results are shown in Figure 4.51, and demonstrate how each material
behaves with respect to cooling rate and hardness. As the pipeline materials carbon equivalent increases
the slope of the hardening curves increases rapidly with increasing (higher) cooling rates. This type of
plot could be useful for identifying lower heat input and cooling rate boundaries for specific material
chemistries in order to produce a weld CGHAZ hardness below a desirable level to avoid cracking.
SMAW - Flowing
Time from 1000 to 100C (sec)
300 Air
P-GMAW - Air
P-GMAW - Flowing
100 Air
50 P-GMAW - Water
Mist Spray
0 5 10 15 20
Thickness (mm)
Figure 4.49: Cooling Time vs. Welding Process, 0.53kJ/mm Heat Input
Air - FCAW
1000 to 100 C ooling Tim e (sec)
Flowing Air -
Flowing Air -
200 FCAW
Flowing Air -
Water Mist
100 Spray - SMAW
Water Mist
50 Spray - FCAW
Water Mist
0 Spray -
0 5 10 15 20 PGMAW
Thickness (mm)
(Hv 5kg)
1000 100 10 1
Figure 4.51: Coarse Grain Heat Affected Zone (CG-HAZ) Hardness (Hv) vs. Cooling Rate and
Carbon Equivalent (CE), Regardless of Heat Sink Condition
4.9.3 Air and Water Backed Results for Bead on Pipe and Sleeve Fillet Welds
Sleeve fillet and bead on pipe welds were manufactured with both air and water backing to demonstrate
how the cooling rates of the sleeve fillet welds compare back to the welds deposited on pipe with air
backing. The plots of heat input vs. CGHAZ hardness for bead on pipe welds with air backing and each
process in Figures 4.28 to 4.32 can be referenced. To re-summarize, these plots shown a general trend
of decreasing hardness with increasing heat input as expected, however there is an even more interesting
trend that shows the SMAW process results in the highest hardness at a given heat input level, with a
downward trend in hardness vs. process at a given heat input level from the PGMAW to FCAW to
PMCAW processes. This indicates that the processes with the higher arc efficiencies (i.e., transfer more
heat from the arc to the base material) result in lower CGHAZ hardnesses regardless of material type and
thickness. Based on these results, the SMAW process has the lowest arc efficiency (as demonstrated by
the highest hardness) and the PMCAW has the highest arc efficiency (as demonstrated by the lowest
The set-up for fillet welding the sleeves and bead on pipe welds with water backing was illustrated
previously in Figure 4.20. In the case of the sleeves, thermocouples were positioned along the weld axis
on the back surface, at the weld fusion line, and 10mm away from the edge of the sleeve, as shown in
Figure 4.52.
Table 4.17: Cooling Data and Hardness Results – Bead on Pipe – Water Backing
Ocular Reading Hardness (Hv5)
Cooling Rate CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ - Pipe Side CG-HAZ Sleeve Weld Peak Hardness (Hv5) Average Hardness (Hv5)
Pipe Thickness Heat Input
Weld ID Grade C.E Process ∆T 800-500C Slope at 540C
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld CGHAZ Pipe CGHAZ Sleeve Weld
(mm) (kJ/mm) (s) (degC / sec)
FW4 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.35 3.16 -63.25 162 165 175 183 161 198 196 195 196 353 341 303 277 358 237 241 244 241 358 244 326 241
FW5 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 4.12 -50.75 160 167 189 174 158 195 195 189 197 362 332 260 306 371 244 244 260 239 371 260 326 247
FW6 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.74 6.16 -33 182 183 195 168 179 204 205 205 206 280 277 244 329 289 223 221 221 218 329 223 284 221
FW7 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 10.92 -17.25 194 195 182 208 194 205 209 206 206 246 244 280 214 246 221 212 218 218 280 221 246 217
FW8 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 0.53 6.6 -27.25 196 195 196 165 173 202 203 202 203 241 244 241 341 310 227 225 227 225 341 227 275 226
FW9 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 1.29 16.04 -13.625 195 203 213 204 199 212 210 208 214 244 225 204 223 234 206 210 214 202 244 214 226 208
FW10 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 0.53 6.1 -44.4 213 216 224 218 217 199 200 199 199 204 199 185 195 197 234 232 234 234 204 234 196 234
FW11 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 1.29 5.75 -40.7 209 213 217 209 210 199 197 200 197 212 204 197 212 210 234 239 232 239 212 239 207 236
FW12 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.35 3.12 -64.75 155 155 180 150 150 190 189 189 189 386 386 286 412 412 257 260 260 260 412 260 376 259
FW14 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 0.53 3.55 -59.2 179 179 179 179 179 180 184 178 183 289 289 289 289 289 286 274 293 277 289 293 289 282
FW15 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 1.29 6.25 -57.4 190 189 189 190 190 191 193 192 191 257 260 260 257 257 254 249 252 254 260 254 258 252
FW23 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 0.53 6.8 -27.875 177 175 201 169 177 200 199 197 197 296 303 229 325 296 232 234 239 239 325 239 290 236
FW24 6.4 X52 0.43 GMAW - RMD 1.29 15.28 -13 197 195 210 189 200 211 205 206 204 239 244 210 260 232 208 221 218 223 260 223 237 218
FW28 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 0.53 5.56 -36.25 167 171 194 181 177 201 200 200 201 332 317 246 283 296 229 232 232 229 332 232 295 231
FW29 6.4 X52 0.43 P-GMAW 1.29 24.64 -9.25 204 194 214 183 207 213 213 216 214 223 246 202 277 216 204 204 199 202 277 204 233 202
FW30 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 0.53 3.9 -48.7 215 217 220 213 217 201 201 196 197 201 197 192 204 197 229 229 241 239 204 241 198 235
FW31 8 X52 0.14 P-GMAW 1.29 24.3 -7.9 220 226 223 226 225 218 214 214 214 192 182 186 182 183 195 202 202 202 192 202 185 201
FW32 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 0.53 3.05 -75.1 178 179 179 177 176 181 181 186 183 293 289 289 296 299 283 283 268 277 299 283 293 278
FW33 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 1.29 7.35 -33.2 178 177 177 178 178 185 189 187 192 293 296 296 293 293 271 260 265 252 296 271 294 262
FW50 6.4 X52 0.43 GS-FCAW 1.06 14.44 -19.875 198 210 212 186 205 204 202 199 207 237 210 206 268 221 223 227 234 216 268 234 228 225
FW51 6.4 X52 0.43 GS-FCAW 1.29 16.2 -11.5 205 202 192 179 202 211 203 209 214 221 227 252 289 227 208 225 212 202 289 225 243 212
FW52 8 X52 0.14 GS-FCAW 1.06 6.15 -22.2 209 209 216 212 208 194 200 196 199 212 212 199 206 214 246 232 241 234 214 246 209 238
FW53 8 X52 0.14 GS-FCAW 1.29 23.4 -10.3 224 224 222 222 222 216 216 216 217 185 185 188 188 188 199 199 199 197 188 199 187 198
FW54 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 1.29 7.7 -28.57 190 191 191 190 189 194 193 198 193 257 254 254 257 260 246 249 237 249 260 249 256 245
FW55 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 1.99 27.9 -6.3 200 194 196 196 200 200 202 203 205 232 246 241 241 232 232 227 225 221 246 232 239 226
FW60 6.4 X52 0.43 MCAW 0.53 7.48 -22.375 170 175 196 181 183 200 203 201 199 321 303 241 283 277 232 225 229 234 321 234 285 230
FW61 6.4 X52 0.43 MCAW 1.29 20.92 -11.375 200 194 219 196 205 211 214 215 214 232 246 193 241 221 208 202 201 202 246 208 227 203
FW62 8 X52 0.14 MCAW 0.53 3.55 -66.6 220 219 225 220 218 205 203 203 203 192 193 183 192 195 221 225 225 225 195 225 191 224
FW63 8 X52 0.14 MCAW 1.29 9.65 -25.8 213 212 211 213 213 192 195 192 193 204 206 208 204 204 252 244 252 249 208 252 206 249
FW64 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 0.53 2 -81.11 174 174 174 173 171 171 170 166 168 306 306 306 310 317 317 321 336 329 317 336 309 326
FW65 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 1.29 10.6 -18.18 192 193 193 190 195 186 189 188 193 252 249 249 257 244 268 260 262 249 257 268 250 260
Table 4.18: Cooling Data and Hardness Results – Sleeve Fillet Welds – Static Air (No Flow)
Ocular Reading Hardness (Hv5)
CG-HAZ Sleeve CG-HAZ Sleeve
Pipe Thickness Heat Input Cooling Rate CGHAZ - Pipe Side Side Weld CGHAZ - Pipe Side Side Weld Peak Hardness (Hv5) Average Hardness (Hv5)
Weld ID Grade C.E Process Welding Position
∆T 800-500C Slope at 540C CGHAZ CGHAZ
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 CGHAZ Pipe Weld CGHAZ Pipe Weld
(mm) (kJ/mm) (s) (degC / sec) Sleeve Sleeve
SA1 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 2F 0.53 5.55 -36.6 163 167 160 154 160 158 187 196 349 332 362 391 362 371 265 241 362 391 265 348 375 253
SA2 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 3F-UP 1.29 13.25 -17.3 198 185 186 185 170 169 196 196 237 271 268 271 321 325 241 241 271 325 241 258 305 241
SA3 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 2F 0.90 9.35 -19.5 177 180 180 173 174 173 196 195 296 286 286 310 306 310 241 244 296 310 244 289 309 243
SA4 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 3F-UP 1.29 13.85 -17.6 194 176 185 181 174 177 199 198 246 299 271 283 306 296 234 237 299 306 237 272 295 235
SA5 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 2F 0.90 5.05 -44.3 210 211 213 136 139 140 185 187 210 208 204 501 480 473 271 265 210 501 271 208 485 268
SA6 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 3F-UP 1.56 12.6 -15.7 220 213 214 164 161 160 192 195 192 204 202 345 358 362 252 244 204 362 252 199 355 248
SA7 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 3F-DWN 0.90 4 -88.3 179 179 180 148 150 156 160 165 289 289 286 423 412 381 362 341 289 423 362 288 405 351
SA8 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 2F 1.29 4.65 -45.2 184 183 183 160 157 153 165 169 274 277 277 362 376 396 341 325 277 396 341 276 378 333
SA9 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 3F-DWN 0.90 2 -71.42
SA10 16.1 X80 0.27 SMAW 2F 1.29 3.95 -67.1 170 168 167 140 144 142 159 163 321 329 332 473 447 460 367 349 332 473 367 327 460 358
SA11 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 3F-DWN 0.90 2.35 -99 174 173 175 137 137 139 147 147 306 310 303 494 494 480 429 429 310 494 429 306 489 429
SA12 19.1 X70 0.24 SMAW 2F 1.29 3.9 -60.8 177 178 179 139 141 140 160 160 296 293 289 480 466 473 362 362 296 480 362 293 473 362
SA13 6.4 X70 0.43 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 8.2 -30.9 173 168 170 166 174 170 200 196 310 329 321 336 306 321 232 241 329 336 241 320 321 237
SA14 6.4 X70 0.43 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 10.65 -18.9 188 189 181 187 183 195 201 201 262 260 283 265 277 244 229 229 283 277 229 268 262 229
SA15 8 X80 0.14 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 3.4 -65.2 217 216 216 148 150 149 192 191 197 199 199 423 412 418 252 254 199 423 254 198 418 253
SA16 8 X80 0.14 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 3.35 -60.8 218 218 218 159 150 155 192 193 195 195 195 367 412 386 252 249 195 412 252 195 388 250
SA17 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 2.9 -72.8 173 170 175 146 152 152 173 171 310 321 303 435 401 401 310 317 321 435 317 311 413 313
SA18 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 5.25 -46.4 182 176 176 162 160 164 177 182 280 299 299 353 362 345 296 280 299 362 296 293 353 288
SA19 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 1.75 -80.64 166 167 167 140 142 140 166 160 336 332 332 473 460 473 336 362 336 473 362 334 469 349
SA20 16.1 X80 0.27 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 4.85 -47.5 173 174 173 141 147 147 182 182 310 306 310 466 429 429 280 280 310 466 280 309 442 280
SA21 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 2.05 -118.7 178 173 177 143 142 153 161 169 293 310 296 453 460 396 358 325 310 460 358 299 436 341
SA22 19.1 X70 0.24 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 3.8 -73.3 179 174 174 143 145 142 170 163 289 306 306 453 441 460 321 349 306 460 349 301 451 335
SA23 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 3F-DWN 1.29 12.8 -18.4 203 186 202 185 182 193 204 209 225 268 227 271 280 249 223 212 268 280 223 240 267 218
SA24 6.4 X52 0.43 SS-FCAW 2F 1.99 21.8 -9.7 204 211 205 200 206 206 214 211 223 208 221 232 218 218 202 208 223 232 208 217 223 205
SA25 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 3F-DWN 1.29 14.1 -17.7 214 213 211 152 150 150 204 202 202 204 208 401 412 412 223 227 208 412 227 205 408 225
SA26 8 X52 0.14 SS-FCAW 2F 1.99 30.4 -30.6 226 220 225 178 173 178 216 215 182 192 183 293 310 293 199 201 192 310 201 185 298 200
SA27 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 3F-DWN 1.29 5 -38.8 185 185 184 160 160 171 182 188 271 271 274 362 362 317 280 262 274 362 280 272 347 271
SA28 11 X70 0.22 SS-FCAW 2F 1.99 11.7 -17.2 194 192 190 177 173 183 188 183 246 252 257 296 310 277 262 277 257 310 277 252 294 270
SA29 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 3F-DWN 1.29 5 -47.6 170 172 168 148 146 150 180 180 321 313 329 423 435 412 286 286 329 435 286 321 423 286
SA30 16.1 X80 0.27 SS-FCAW 2F 1.99 5.45 -21.9 177 175 175 149 150 152 183 183 296 303 303 418 412 401 277 277 303 418 277 300 410 277
SA31 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 3F-DWN 1.29 4.05 -56.7 182 180 184 148 145 155 181 179 280 286 274 423 441 386 283 289 286 441 289 280 417 286
SA32 19.1 X70 0.24 SS-FCAW 2F 1.99 6.35 -40.7 183 185 185 146 149 157 175 175 277 271 271 435 418 376 303 303 277 435 303 273 410 303
SA33 6.4 X80 0.43 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 21.4 -9.6 198 205 204 188 189 193 204 206 237 221 223 262 260 249 223 218 237 262 223 227 257 221
SA34 6.4 X80 0.43 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 8.3 -22.3 183 178 182 172 161 168 192 192 277 293 280 313 358 329 252 252 293 358 252 283 333 252
SA35 8 X70 0.14 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 18.44 -18.54 211 217 216 184 182 174 204 208 208 197 199 274 280 306 223 214 208 306 223 201 287 219
SA36 8 X70 0.14 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 8.16 -24 214 214 216 139 144 147 195 195 202 202 199 480 447 429 244 244 202 480 244 201 452 244
SA37 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 2.05 -50 191 184 187 167 164 154 189 188 254 274 265 332 345 391 260 262 274 391 262 264 356 261
SA38 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 3.25 -63.7 187 187 186 160 163 171 182 186 265 265 268 362 349 317 280 268 268 362 280 266 343 274
SA39 16.1 X80 0.27 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 6.6 -24.4 176 174 175 151 146 149 178 179 299 306 303 407 435 418 293 289 306 435 293 303 420 291
SA40 16.1 X80 0.27 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 5.1 -50 171 170 171 137 145 145 175 180 317 321 317 494 441 441 303 286 321 494 303 318 459 294
SA41 19.1 X70 0.24 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 5.05 -52.85 180 179 178 148 145 149 172 168 286 289 293 423 441 418 313 329 293 441 329 289 427 321
SA42 19.1 X70 0.24 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 3.25 -68.7 175 175 180 147 143 143 184 180 303 303 286 429 453 453 274 286 303 453 286 297 445 280
SA43 6.4 X80 0.43 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 6.6 -33.7 175 172 172 165 167 180 194 194 303 313 313 341 332 286 246 246 313 341 246 310 320 246
SA44 6.4 X80 0.43 MCAW 2F 1.29 7 -31.2 167 164 183 164 170 182 199 198 332 345 277 345 321 280 234 237 345 345 237 318 315 235
SA45 8 X70 0.14 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 5.48 -39.375 213 212 214 144 141 143 193 193 204 206 202 447 466 453 249 249 206 466 249 204 456 249
SA46 8 X70 0.14 MCAW 2F 1.29 4.52 -35.97 210 215 215 140 139 139 191 191 210 201 201 473 480 480 254 254 210 480 254 204 478 254
SA47 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 3.7 -59.7 177 175 176 148 154 153 153 151 296 303 299 423 391 396 396 407 303 423 407 299 403 401
SA48 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 2F 1.29 3.5 -57.33 185 182 182 152 161 158 174 173 271 280 280 401 358 371 306 310 280 401 310 277 377 308
SA49 16.1 X80 0.27 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 3.4 -80.8 168 167 168 138 143 145 158 156 329 332 329 487 453 441 371 381 332 487 381 330 460 376
SA50 16.1 X80 0.27 MCAW 2F 1.29 3.45 -68.2 168 169 168 137 141 148 160 159 329 325 329 494 466 423 362 367 329 494 367 327 461 364
SA51 19.1 X70 0.24 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 2.7 -95.3 173 173 174 140 143 141 154 159 310 310 306 473 453 466 391 367 310 473 391 309 464 379
SA52 19.1 X70 0.24 MCAW 2F 1.29 4.85 -52.7 176 179 180 142 145 154 156 160 299 289 286 460 441 391 381 362 299 460 381 292 431 372
Table 4.19: Cooling Data and Hardness Results – Sleeve Fillet Welds – Water Backing
Ocular Reading Hardness (Hv5)
CG-HAZ Sleeve CG-HAZ Sleeve
Pipe Thickness Heat Input Cooling Rate CGHAZ - Pipe Side Side Weld CGHAZ - Pipe Side Side Weld Peak Hardness (Hv5) Average Hardness (Hv5)
Weld ID Grade C.E Process Welding Position
∆T 800-500C Slope at 540C CGHAZ CGHAZ
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 CGHAZ Pipe Weld CGHAZ Pipe Weld
(mm) (kJ/mm) (s) (degC / sec) Sleeve Sleeve
SW1 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 2F 0.53 3.56 -63.25 143 153 145 146 149 147 177 177 453 396 441 435 418 429 296 296 453 435 296 430 427 296
SW2 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 3F-UP 1.29 6.28 -37.25 180 151 158 164 162 160 186 193 286 407 371 345 353 362 268 249 407 362 268 355 353 258
SW3 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 2F 0.90 3.48 -92.5 149 144 142 150 151 150 167 171 418 447 460 412 407 412 332 317 460 412 332 442 410 325
SW4 6.4 X52 0.43 SMAW 3F-UP 1.29 4 -64.5 147 145 152 153 152 153 184 189 429 441 401 396 401 396 274 260 441 401 274 424 398 267
SW5 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 2F 0.90 4.25 -42.6 210 209 216 139 139 140 174 185 210 212 199 480 480 473 306 271 212 480 306 207 478 289
SW6 8 X52 0.14 SMAW 3F-UP 1.56 7 -32.8 211 211 217 137 142 139 191 189 208 208 197 494 460 480 254 260 208 494 260 204 478 257
SW7 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 3F-DWN 0.90 4.25 -53.3
SW8 11 X70 0.22 SMAW 2F 1.29 7 -30.2
SW13 6.4 X70 0.43 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 6.24 -43.47 139 143 143 146 154 148 182 180 480 453 453 435 391 423 280 286 480 435 286 462 416 283
SW14 6.4 X70 0.43 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 5.8 -40.25 151 141 152 159 159 158 190 187 407 466 401 367 367 371 257 265 466 371 265 425 368 261
SW15 8 X80 0.14 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 3.35 -68.9 208 210 215 144 138 138 182 181 214 210 201 447 487 487 280 283 214 487 283 208 474 281
SW16 8 X80 0.14 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 4.15 -50.8 216 218 217 139 140 140 190 193 199 195 197 480 473 473 257 249 199 480 257 197 475 253
SW17 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 3F-UP 0.53 2 -115.1 174 172 173 148 149 148 162 169 306 313 310 423 418 423 353 325 313 423 353 310 421 339
SW18 11 X70 0.22 P-GMAW 2F 1.29 3.85 -68.3 182 176 179 165 162 154 179 178 280 299 289 341 353 391 289 293 299 391 293 290 362 291
SW33 6.4 X80 0.43 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 10.08 -23.125 163 167 151 167 164 173 191 193 349 332 407 332 345 310 254 249 407 345 254 363 329 252
SW34 6.4 X80 0.43 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 3.84 -50 153 148 157 164 156 165 194 182 396 423 376 345 381 341 246 280 423 381 280 399 355 263
SW35 8 X70 0.14 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 10.6 -25.7 210 210 210 138 140 141 191 191 210 210 210 487 473 466 254 254 210 487 254 210 475 254
SW36 8 X70 0.14 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 5.85 -32.6 216 214 215 141 146 151 198 190 199 202 201 466 435 407 237 257 202 466 257 201 436 247
SW37 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 3F-UP 1.99 4.35 -22.7 178 179 178 166 162 161 178 177 293 289 293 336 353 358 293 296 293 358 296 292 349 294
SW38 11 X70 0.22 GS-FCAW 2F 1.29 7.8 -33.34 184 184 182 158 157 159 170 173 274 274 280 371 376 367 321 310 280 376 321 276 371 315
SW43 6.4 X80 0.43 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 3.04 -90.9 140 144 143 150 149 150 186 187 473 447 453 412 418 412 268 265 473 418 268 458 414 267
SW44 6.4 X80 0.43 MCAW 2F 1.29 5.8 -28.57 143 156 146 163 152 157 187 184 453 381 435 349 401 376 265 274 453 401 274 423 375 270
SW45 8 X70 0.14 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 3.2 -76.3 206 211 210 136 139 139 184 184 218 208 210 501 480 480 274 274 218 501 274 212 487 274
SW46 8 X70 0.14 MCAW 2F 1.29 5.7 -40 215 212 216 140 149 157 195 192 201 206 199 473 418 376 244 252 206 473 252 202 422 248
SW47 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 3F-UP 0.53 4 -62.5 179 178 177 158 157 160 169 169 289 293 296 371 376 362 325 325 296 376 325 293 370 325
SW48 11 X70 0.22 MCAW 2F 1.29 4.5 -50.4 184 184 183 163 162 166 170 169 274 274 277 349 353 336 321 325 277 353 325 275 346 323
Cooling rate comparisons between bead on pipe and fillet welds for 0.53 and 1.29kJ/mm heat inputs and
each process are shown in Figures 4.54 and 4.55. These comparisons show that the weld cooling rate
for the fillet welded sleeves increase considerably over the bead on pipe welds for the same heat inputs.
This is due to the additional mass and heat sink capacity when the sleeve is attached.
Cross-sections were extracted from each weld and hardness measurements were made to develop a
relationship between heat input, cooling rate, and CGHAZ hardness in the base metal (i.e., carrier pipe).
Cross-sections for air and water backed sleeve fillet welds are provided as Appendix M and Appendix N
(note that air and water backed bead on pipe cross-sections are included as Appendix D and Appendix F,
as previously discussed in Task 3). Figures 4.56 to 4.60 show the general trend of increasing hardness
with increasing heat sink capacity going from bead on pipe with air backing, to sleeve fillet welds with air
backing, to sleeve fillet welds with water backing. These examples are shown for the 6.4mm thick X52
pipe with the highest carbon equivalent (C.E.) of all materials evaluated.
Figures 4.61 to 4.63 shows the result of the CGHAZ hardness of the carrier pipe for each repair scenario
(i.e., direct bead on pipe with air backing, sleeve fillet welding with air backing, and sleeve fillet welding
with water backing) as a comparison with each welding process. To the right of each plot are the cooling
times (800 to 500°C in seconds) vs. heat input to show the relationship between the resulting hardnesses
and “actual” cooling times for each weld deposited. The trend of increasing hardness with shorter cooling
times (i.e., faster cooling rates) is apparent, however there does not appear to be a trend of any process
resulting in softer CGHAZ’s at a given cooling rate compared to the others. The water backed sleeve fillet
welds demonstrate overall higher hardnesses and the air backed bead on pipe welds have the lowest
hardnesses over the same heat input range.
Figure 4.54: Welding Process vs. Cooling Rate, Fillet Weld vs. Bead on Pipe, 0.53 kJ/mm
Figure 4.55: Welding Process vs. Cooling Rate, Fillet Weld vs. Bead on Pipe, 1.29 kJ/mm
CGHAZ Hardness (Hv)
PMCAW - Sleeve -
200 Air
PMCAW - Sleeve -
100 Water
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
CGHAZ Hardness (Hv)
GSFCAW - Sleeve -
200 Air
GSFCAW - Sleeve
100 Water
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
300 Air
200 Sleeve - Air
100 Sleeve - Water
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
SMAW 2.4 - BOP -
SMAW 2.4 -
200 Sleeve - Air
SMAW 2.4 -
Sleeve - Water
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
Figure 4.59: Heat Input vs. Hardness, SMAW, 2.4mm Diameter Electrode
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Heat Input (kJ/mm)
Figure 4.60: Heat Input vs. Hardness, SMAW, 3.2mm Diameter Electrode
150 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Heat Input (kJ/mm) Heat Input (kJ/mm)
Figure 4.61: Heat Input vs. Hardness vs. Cooling Rate, Bead on Pipe, Air Backing
Heat Input vs CGHAZ Hardness vs Process Heat Input vs Cooling Rate vs Process
6.4mm X52, 0.43C.E., Sleeve Fillet Welds, Air Backing 6.4mm X52, 0.43 C.E., Sleeve Fillet Welds, Air Backing
500 100
C o o lin g T im e (8 00 to 5 00 C ) -
C G H A Z H a r dne s s (H v
SMAW 3.2 SMAW 3.2
SMAW 2.4 SMAW 2.4
Figure 4.62: Heat Input vs. Hardness vs. Cooling Rate, Sleeve Fillet Welding, Air Backing
Heat Input vs CGHAZ Hardness vs Process Heat Input vs Cooling Rate vs Process
6.4mm X52, 0.43 C.E., Sleeve Fillet Welds, Water Backing 6.4mm X52, 0.43 C.E., Sleeve Fillet Welds, Water Backing
500 100
SMAW 3.2
400 SMAW 3.2
SMAW 2.4
350 SMAW 2.4
150 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Heat Input (kJ/mm) Heat Input (kJ/mm)
Figure 4.63: Heat Input vs. Hardness vs. Cooling Rate, Sleeve Fillet Welding, Water Backing
The processes that were successfully evaluated included pulsed gas metal arc welding (PGMAW), pulsed
metal cored arc welding (PMCAW) and gas shielded flux cored arc welding (FCAW). An attempt was
made to implement self shielded FCAW however the welding control system and power source could not
accurately control the parameters required to deposit a sound weld with a 2mm diameter electrode.
However, a fillet weld will be made semi-automatically at a later date to compare the results of the weld
zone hardnesses between all of the processes investigated.
The welding equipment used included Miller’s Pipe Pro Axcess 450 power source (serial number
LF310619) and Pipe Pro feeder. The welding head used for this evaluation was from RMS Welding
Systems, which is a modified “bug and band” circumferential welding system with torch fixturing that was
designed specifically to perform fillet welding. The welding head is shown in Figure 4.66.
The welding procedures that were developed for each of the welding processes are shown in Table 4.20.
It should be noted that the welding parameters for each individual weld pass for each process application
did not change as the weld head progressed around the sleeve. This is an obvious advantage in that
complex welding procedures do not have to be implemented for this application.
The first, second, and third pass of the FCAW process are shown in Figure 4.67, 4.68, and 4.69,
respectively. The first, second, and third pass of the PMCAW process are shown in Figures 4.70, 4.71,
and 4.72, respectively. The first, second, and third pass of the PGMAW process are shown in Figures
4.73, 4.74, and 4.75, respectively. An example of the mechanized welding system in operation is shown
in Figure 4.76.
Long Seams
The ends of the welds for each pass for each process were staggered by approximately four (4) inches
(see Figure 4.77), to demonstrate the effectiveness of weld and HAZ tempering from subsequent passes
by each process evaluated.
Macro and micro sections were extracted from each of the mechanized welds and then prepared for weld
bead penetration profile examination and hardness evaluations, as well as nick break and face bend
tests. The macro cross-section of each completed fillet weld and each weld pass for each process are
shown in Figures 4.78 to 4.80. Shown on each of the cross-sections are the heat inputs and average
HAZ hardness measurements for each weld pass that demonstrate the degree of tempering of the
previous weld deposits by the subsequent weld passes. It is interesting to note that each weld with each
process demonstrated similar hardness results and degree of hardness reductions (i.e., tempering),
however the PGMAW and PMCAW processes achieved the same degree of tempering at heat inputs
50% less than those of the FCAW process. This infers that the FCAW process is not as effective at
tempering compared to the other two processes. The PMCAW and PGMAW processes therefore have
the potential to provide weld zones that are less susceptible to hydrogen induced cracking compared to
the FCAW process, since increasing hardness and susceptibility to cracking are directly related.
Face bend specimens were extracted from each completed mechanized fillet weld and tested in
accordance with API 1104. The results are shown in Figures 4.81 to 4.83. Each weld was acceptable in
that they demonstrated no signs of discontinuity exceeding 1/8” in size.
Nick break specimens were also extracted from each weld and tested in accordance with API 1104. The
results are shown in Figures 4.84 to 4.86. Each weld was acceptable in that they demonstrated good
fusion with no signs of cracks, lack of fusion, slag inclusions, or porosity exceeding the acceptance
Heat Input
1 pass - 1.01 kJ/mm
2 pass – 0.52 kJ/mm
3 pass – 0.83 kJ/mm PMCAW
Figure 4.78: PMCAW Weld Passes and Average CGHAZ Hardness per Pass
Heat Input
1st pass – 0.90 kJ/mm
2nd pass – 0.54 kJ/mm PGMAW
3rd pass – 0.79 kJ/mm 342
Figure 4.79: PGMAW Weld Passes and Average CGHAZ Hardness per Pass
Heat Input
1st pass - 1.42 kJ/mm
2nd pass – 1.13 kJ/mm
3rd pass – 1.42 kJ/mm
Figure 4.80: FCAW Weld Passes and Average CGHAZ Hardness per Pass
Based on the results of the alternative welding processes evaluated
(a) Each have the potential to provide slower cooling rates over a range of heat inputs, compared to the
SMAW process.
Slower cooling resulted in lower CGHAZ hardness and thus lower susceptibility to hydrogen
PMCAW and PGMAW demonstrated lower CGHAZ hardness compared to SMAW at the same
calculated heat input level.
(b) Each alternative process exhibited a higher susceptibility to burn-though compared to SMAW, likely
due to their higher process arc efficiencies and resulting higher peak inside surface temperature for a
given calculated heat input level. The SSFCAW process had demonstrated the highest susceptibility
to burn-through, however SMAW with 2.4mm electrodes had demonstrated the lowest.
(c) Possible that adjusting pulse waveform parameters could reduce their susceptibility
(d) Alternative processes offer the advantage of mechanization to enhance consistency of the welding
procedure in all positions of welding as well as enhanced productivity with continuous wire feed and
less interruptions.
(e) PMCAW and PMCAW processes demonstrated enhanced tempering of HAZ’s in previously weld
deposits at heat inputs 50% lower than the FCAW process, as demonstrated in Task 8.
(f) Alternate welding processes passed the requirements for bend and nick break testing as per API
1104 specifications.
(g) Each process demonstrated longer hydrogen delay times in the simulated hydrogen model when
welding on water filled pipe compared to the static air conditions.