201410281622410.final Report Format 281014
201410281622410.final Report Format 281014
201410281622410.final Report Format 281014
(Two hard copies and a soft copy/ CD, should be submitted within three months of the completion of the project)
1. A brief report as per the format given at the end of this document.
2. Declaration by the PI and the head of the institution that the contents are original work
carried out under the supervision of the PI.
3. Whether any of the staff has submitted/ been awarded research degree on the basis of
work carried out on the project. If so, degree and title of thereon and year of
submission/ award.
4. Detailed technical report of the entire work done on the project.
5. List of Publication in referred journals & those presented in symposia/ conference.
Reprints of not more than 5 best journal publication should be attached)
6. Particulars such as the title of the project, funding agency duration of other projects
under your charge.
7. Details of all the previous DAE projects under your charge (project title, total funds,
8. Other specific remarks/ suggestions.
Date of Start:
Date of Completion:
Total Amount Sanctioned (in Lakhs):
Amount Received (in Lakhs with date)
Institutes involved in case of MoU/CRP
Category: Facility Development / Product Development / Technology Demonstration/ Applied
Research/ Conceptual/Exploratory/ Survey/Others
Name of PI & Affiliation:
Name of CI & Affiliation:
Name of PC & Affiliation:
Name of major Equipments procured and their cost :
Present working status of the Equipment;
Number of other users & their affiliation and % use by others
Details of the High cost consumables used
Patent with brief description
Number of Journal Publications with impact factor (attach list as Annex- I):
Number of symposia presentations:
Number of staff trained under this project
List of Objectives as mentioned in original proposal
(List accomplishments/ short falls against each of the objectives)
Accomplishments of the projects in 3 to 4 bullets
Summary in about 300 words (which is understandable by general scientific fraternity) bringing
out the novelty of the work.
Insert two photographs representing outcome of the project.