Arduino Tutorial 6 Data Types and Structures
Arduino Tutorial 6 Data Types and Structures
Arduino Tutorial 6 Data Types and Structures
Recap : We have used a variable of type integer, to store the pin number that our LED connects to.
For example : int blue_led = 4; // our blue led is connected to Arduino pin 4.
Project : Today we look at types of data used with Arduino, plus arrays, pointers and strings.
The number 40; the name John and the condition Open/Closed are examples of different data types.
Computers ( including the Arduino) at their core, only perform simple arithmetic – on integers.
The ALU (Arithmetic Logic unit ) doesn’t care what that data represents to you - the user, be it text, integer
values, floating point values, or even part of the program code.
You, the programmer, tell the compiler that this value is an integer and that value is a floating point number.
The compiler converts the instructions in your script ( which includes your data statements), into binary
code the computer chip can process or execute. The CPU never “understands” the code, it just executes it.
Data Types - Here is a list of the data types commonly seen in Arduino sketches: (Yes – there are others).
boolean (8 bit) - simple logical true/false. For example boolean door_closed = false;
byte (8 bit) - unsigned integer from 0 to 255. For example byte motor_speed = 147;
char (8 bit) - signed integer from -128 to +127.
word (16 bit) - unsigned integer from 0 to 65535 .
int (16 bit) - signed integer from -32768 to +32767. For example int blue_led = 4;
unsigned int (16 bit)- the same as ‘word’. Use ‘word’ instead for clarity and brevity
unsigned long (32 bit) - unsigned integer 0 to 4,294,967,295. For example, to store the result of the
millis() function, which returns the number of milliseconds the current code has been running
long (32 bit) - signed integer from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
float (32 bit) - signed decimal from -3.4028235E38 to +3.4028235E38. Floating point on the Arduino is
not native; the compiler has to jump through hoops to make it work. Avoid using “float” if you can.
The number in brackets is the memory SIZE the variable takes. To understand what a BIT is, read on:
The Arduino Uno uses an 8 bit CPU (Central Processing Unit). What does this mean?
It means the CPU can process (transfer and store) 8 bits of information at a time.
(The first most widely used processor - the Intel 8080 made in 1972 – used 8 bits).
Think of a highway - a single lane can handle one car (bit); 8 lanes can “process” 8 cars (bits).
A “bit” is a single numeric value of either 1 or 0. It is the basis of all computers.
It encodes a single unit of information in digital form – vis on or off.
This can be done with a transistor being ON or OFF for example.
(The word BIT comes from BInary digiT).
Combine 8 bits and you get a BYTE. ( eg change from a single lane to an 8 lane highway).
The “lanes” of a computer are called a “Bus” (from the Latin omnibus, meaning "for all").
There are 256 different combinations of ON/ OFF with 8 bits ( 2 states for each of 8 bits = 2↑8) .
Try it on your calculator. 2 x 2 is 4; Try 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 ( = 256 ).
Since computers include 0 as the first “number”, this lets you store up to 255 (See BYTE above).
The BYTE was also used to store the ALPHABET. In 1963 a standard was created called the
“ American Standard Code for Information Interchange “ or ASCII (See table on last page).
Every “Character” ( including graphics) used in teletypes was assigned a number from 0 to 255,.
For example , upper case “A” is 65, lower case “a” is 97. Number “1” is 49; “=” is 61.
( Open a text editor, Hold the ALT key; using the numeric keypad, press 6 5 then release the ALT).
Arduino (and the language C++) use the keyword “byte” as a type of data. It takes up 8 “bits” of
memory, and can hold an unsigned number from 0 to 255. Now you know why.
The data type “word”, takes up 16 bits , and can hold a number from 0 to 65,535.
Use your calculator to work out 2↑16.
The data type “int” also uses 16 bits, and can store a signed number from -32768 to +32767.
The data type “unsigned long” uses 32 bits.
Modern computer chips currently use 64 bit processors (eg 64 wide highway or Bus).
Computer memory – including USB memory sticks and camera/phone memory cards - is often in
Gigabytes (for example your USB memory stick may hold 16 gigabytes. )
A Kilobyte (kB) is 1000 bytes;
A Megabyte (MB) is 1000 KB = 1 million bytes (1 MiB = 2 to the 20th power = 1,048,576 bytes;)
A Gigabyte (GB) is 1000 MB, so your 16 GB USB stick holds 16 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 8 bits.
Hard disk drives are commonly in TB or Tetrabytes. Larger computers use Petabytes and Exabytes.
To display the size in bytes of each data type, run the sketch on the last page of this tutorial.
(For an excellent tutorial -
You now know enough about Bits and Bytes. Let's return to the main topic of data types.
Characters - So you know how to handle numbers – either integers or decimal, large and small.
Bits and bytes are all “numbers”, so how do we deal with text or strings?
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Begin serial communication – eg to your PC monitor
Serial.println(greeting); // Print to your monitor, the variable called - greeting
Serial.println(greeting[0]); // Print to your monitor the 1st element of greeting.
Serial.print( "The value in greeting[0] is : ");
Serial.println(greeting[0], DEC); // Print the DECimal value of the first element
void loop()
Guess what the ASCII code is for “H” ? So your Arduino is really only dealing with integers after all.
You can even have a “group” of arrays. In this special case, we use char*, where the * means pointer.
Note – avoid char*. Use String as explained in the next section.
You can do things (functions) to a String - length(); concat(): compareTo(); equals(); replace() .
For simplicity, think of String as a type of variable. Here is an example -
String greeting = “Hello”; // declare a variable of type String, and store Hello.
You can have an array of String - for example to store the names of gem stones.
String gemStones[] = {“Diamond”, “Sapphire”, “Ruby”, “Emerald”, “Zircon”}; // Note use { }
If you print gemStones[3], you would get - Emerald (the 4th item).
( You can also have an array of integer or any variable type - int decade[] = {10,20,30,40,50}; )
void loop() {
Note 1– we will cover the “for” loop later. It is simply a loop, controlled by a counter or index.
Note 2 - Character arrays are referred to as strings with a small s,
Instances of the String class are referred to as Strings with a capital S
How the String ( char array) “Hello” is stored in computer memory.
“Hello” is a String of 6 char ( the 5 letters, plus one extra char for the null terminator ).
H is the first char, and it has been assigned the decimal value of 72 in the ASCII standard.
Computers only store binary (on/off). How do we store the decimal number 72, using only 0 and 1?
Each CHAR has 8 bits (see small boxes below – with labels bit0; bit1; bit2......bit7)).
From the example above, we know that H is stored as binary 01001000; e is stored as 01100101 .
Example – Try this on your Arduino : (Note – you need void setup(); Serial.begin(9600); and void loop()
char myChar = 'H'; //A single char. Note single quotes for a single character. Double quotes for a string.
Try these on your Arduino. Note – you need void setup(); Serial.begin(9600); and void loop() as usual
1. int myInt = 33000;
Serial.println(myInt); // How did that happen ???
2. int myInt = 10 ;
float myFloat ;
myFloat = 234 * myInt / 100 ;
Serial.println(myFloat) ; // Answer is Wrong!. Solution - change 234 to 234.00 to force float.
This uses the “standard” data types – such a String, int, boolean etc..
In addition to these “standard” data types , you can create a “user defined” data type.
This is like a wrapper, that encloses the various types of data..
Try the example below on your Arduino.
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Start Serial communication, so we print info on our PC monitor
} // end of setup
void loop() // print the details of the 2nd element ( eg array index is 1);
Serial.print("Gemname = "); // Print a heading so we know the part of the variable.
Serial.print(myGem[1].gemname); // You access the internal structure by .gemname
Serial.print(" Colour is ");
Serial.print(myGem[1].colour); // here we print the colour, by using .colour
Serial.print(" Hardness: ");
Serial.println(myGem[1].hardness); // use println so we drop to the next line.
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial communication with your PC monitor
void loop()
Serial.print("sizeof(boolean) ="); Serial.println(sizeof(boolean));
Serial.print("sizeof(byte) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(byte));
Serial.print("sizeof(char) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(char));
Serial.print("sizeof(int) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(int));
Serial.print("sizeof(word) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(word));
Serial.print("sizeof(long) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(long));
Serial.print("sizeof(float) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(float));
Serial.print("sizeof(double) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(double));
Serial.print("sizeof(int8_t) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(int8_t));
Serial.print("sizeof(int16_t) ="); Serial.println(sizeof(int16_t));
Serial.print("sizeof(int32_t) ="); Serial.println(sizeof(int32_t));
Note – 128 to 255 are called “Extended” character set.