Test 3 Class

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Раковська ОльгаВасилівна


До підручника М. Є. Ростоцька, О. Д. Карп’юк.

Раковська О. В. Англійська мова. 2 клас. Збірник завдань для
тематичного оцінювання. – Яготин , 2013. - 21с.

Пропонованийзбірникзавдань для тематичногооцінюваннярозроблений

до підручника М.Є. Ростоцька, О.Д. Карп’юк «Англійськамова» для 2 класу і
відповідаєПрограміМіністерстваосвіти і науки, молоді та спорту України з
предмета «Англійськамова» для 2
Вміщенозавданнядля контролю і перевіркинавчальнихдосягненьучнів.
Завдання подано у двохваріантах.
Адресовано вчителяманглійськоїмови, учням 2-х класів та їх

@ Раковська О.В., 2013

Test 1 “Meet my family”……………………….………………………...5-6
Test 2 “Home, sweet home”….………….…….…………………………7-8
Test 3 “My day”……………………….………………………………...9-10
Test 4 “Holidays and celebrations”………….…….…………………..11-12
Test 5 “Leisure and hobbies” …………………………………..............13-14
Test 6 “School life” .……………………………………………….…...15-16
Test 7 “Weather and clothes” ……...………..…………………………17-18
Test 8 “Summerisnear” ……………………….……………………….19-20
Література ………………………….…………………………….……...…21

якідозволяютьвиявитирівеньпідготовкиучнів. Система контролю

сприяєорганізаціїнаполегливої і відповідальноїроботиучнів на уроках,
спрямованої на досягнення позитивного результату.
У збірнику, завдання для тематичногооцінюваннярозробленівідповідно
до шкільноїпрограми з іноземноїмови і охоплюютьпередбачену тематику для
3класузагальноосвітніхнавчальнихзакладів з
Посібникмістить 8 контрольнихробіт. Кожнаконтрольна робота у

Контрольна робота проводиться по закінченнірозділу і

даєзмогувизначитирівеньзасвоєнняучнямизнань, сформованостіумінь і
навичок. Наїївиконаннявідводиться 1 урок.

Test 1 “Meet my family”

Variant 1
1. Fill in the missing letters
bro__her, co__sin, m__ther, a__nt, s__n, w__fe, gr__ndfather, d__d
2. Write in the correct order.

1. are, Lin, Ron, cousins, my. _______________________________________

2. have got, and, I, a brother, a sister. _________________________________
3. this, daughter, is, Whose? _________________________________________

Test 1 “Meet my family”

Variant 2

1. Fill in the missing letters.

sist__r, f__ther, un__le, d__ughter, paren__s, hu__band, m__m, gra__dma
2. Match
He is happy family
She has got curly playing tennis
His eyes are hair
She likes plump and short
They have got a big and blue
3. Choose and write:
have got / is
1. I __________ a mobile phone.
2. Kate _________ a happy girl.
3. She _________ riding a bike now.
4. Jim and Sam ____________ two cousins.
5. Whose computer ________ this?
4. Underline the correct word.
1. This are/is my friend Tom.
2. He is a tall/ long boy.
3. He has got curly brown / plump hair.
4. His eyes are short / blue.
5. He is very clever / straight.
6. He like riding / playing a bike.
5. Write in the correct order.

1. is, Jane’s, This, dad. __________________________________________

2.has got, He, brothers, two. ______________________________________
3. mum, has got, a brother,My, and. _________________________________

TEST 2 “Home, sweet home”

Variant 1

1. Unscramble the words.

r o r rim charimar ofas caboseok beroward
_______ ___________ ______ __________ ___________
2. Complete the sentences using the words
stools, car, shower, table, rooms, sofa
1. We have got a _________ in the garage.
2. There is a big ________ in the living room.
3. There is a _________ in the bathroom.
4. There is a ________ and there are four _______ in the middle of the kitchen.
5. There are four ________ in our house.
3. Underline the correct word.
1. There is a bookshelf between / above the desk.
2. There is a mat on / under the floor.
3. The garden is behind/ in the middle of the house.
4. The flowerbed is in front of / above the house.
5. The bed is opposite / in the desk.
4. Choose and fill in :
There is / There are
1. ______________ a nice kitchen in this house.
2. ______________ many books on the bookshelf.
3. ______________ two posters above the bed.
4. ______________ a computer in the room.
5. Write in the correct order.
1. balcony, a , There, the, in, house, is. __________________________________
2. bedroom, a, is, There, upstairs. ______________________________________
3. armchair, in, an, There, corner, is, the, room, the, of.
TEST 2 “Home, sweet home”
Variant 2

1. Unscramble the words.

ni k s lotso apcbuord irdfeg ags–orocek
_____ _______ ___________ ________ _______________
2. Complete the sentences using the words
bookshelf, cupboard,rooms, garage, bedroom
1. There is a nice __________ in the kitchen.
2. There are many books on the ______________.
3. I like my ___________.
4. There is a ____________ in the yard.
5. There is a ____________ on the floor.
3. Underline the correct word.
1. There is a window under / on the right of the wardrobe.
2. There is a bed on / next to the desk.
3. The TV set is in the corner of /between the room.
4. There is a mirror above/ in the middle of the bath.
5. The iPadison / near the desk.
4. Choose and fill in :
There is / There are
1. ______________ a big sofa in the living-room.
2. ______________ two armchairs in Jane’s room.
3. ______________ many flowers in front of our house.
4. ______________ a green garden behind the house.
5. Write in the correct order.
1. family, My, in, live, big, a, house. ___________________________________
2. got, I, my, have, room, own. ________________________________________
3. many, There, flowers in, trees, are, and, the, garden.
Test 3 “My day”
Variant 1
1. Unscramble the words.
a t ei l m k wchindsa r f u t iij u e c ubetrt hckcine
____ _____ ___________ ______ _______ _______ _________
2. Match the words.
make tidy up do go wash clean sweep

exerciseshome the floor hands a bed the room teeth

3. Write
12:00 It’s _______________________________________________
10:30 It’s _______________________________________________
9:45 It’s _______________________________________________
3:10 It’s _______________________________________________
8:55 It’s _______________________________________________
4. Fill in:
a / an /some
_____ soup _____ chicken
_____ bread _____ sausage
_____ egg _____ pizza
_____ pasta _____ cake
5. Circle the correct word.
1. I get up / gets up at 7 o’clock.
2. Jim go / goes to school at 8 o’clock.
3. He read / reads a book every day.
4. We do / does homework at 5 o’clock.
5. He don’t/doesn’t have breakfast at 6 o’clock.
6. They don’t /doesn’t play football on Monday.
7. Do / Does you help your mum? – Yes, I do / does.
8. Do /Does he watch TV after homework? – No, he doesn’t /don’t.
Test 3 “My day”
Variant 2
1. Unscramble the words.
ap a s t eatm oups aalsd eabdr isfh o occ a
______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _____ _______
2. Match the words.
have feed brush wash mop go get

face the floor up hair to school the pet breakfast

3. Write
9:00 It’s ________________________________________________
6:30 It’s ________________________________________________
8:15 It’s ________________________________________________
2:50 It’s ________________________________________________
1:25 It’s ________________________________________________
4. Fill in:
a / an / some
_____ sandwich _____ apple
_____ tea _____ flower
_____ milk _____ potato
_____ butter _____ juice
5. Circle the correct word.
1. We clean / cleans our room in the morning.
2. Tom do / does his morning exercises every day.
3. They watch /watches TV at 9 o’clock.
4. Bill play / plays football on Sunday.
5. I don’t /doesn’t go to bed at 8 o’clock.
6. He don’t / doesn’t go to school at half past seven.
7.Does / Do she help her mother? – Yes, she does /doesn’t.
8.Does / Do you make your bed? – No, I doesn’t / don’t.
Test 4 “Holidays and celebrations”
Variant 1

1. Unscramble the words.

ip o w l liiv s t omec ocstkign i t s l o ih l y a d
________ ______ ______ ___________ _____ _________
2. Match the words.
Mother’s favourite Christmas make birthday

tree Day holiday party a cake

3. Write.
30 _________________ 100 ___________________
80 _________________ 60 ___________________
40 _________________ 10 ___________________
4. Circle the correct word.

1. My favouriteseason / monthis winter.

2. St. Nicholas comes / finds at night.
3. English children write letters / poems to Santa.
4. New Year / St. Nicholas Dayis a romantic holiday.
5. Ukrainian children get songs / present from Father Frost.
6. Children decorate Christmas tree in December / January.
7. We celebrate St. Nicholas day in January / December.
5. Choose and write :
shall / will / shall not / will not
1.________ your mother bake a cake tomorrow? – Yes, she ______.
2. We _________not celebrate New Year in summer.
3. He _________ write a letter .
4. They ________ visit their relatives on Sunday.
5. ________ he come to school next Saturday? – No, he ________.
6.________ you invite your friends for your party? –Yes, I ________.
Test 4 “Holidays and celebrations”
Variant 2

1. Unscramble the words.

r e fi c e p l a n f d ii d k eebclraet yohdali rtpya
___________ _____ ____ ____________ __________ _______
2. Match the words.
St. Nicholas Father Santa write good

Claus traditions Day Frost an e-mail

3. Write.
20 _____________________ 50 ________________________
70 _____________________ 90 ________________________
30______________________ 100 ________________________
4. Circle the correct word.

1. Santa Claus has got a big bag / box with Christmas presents.
2. Ukrainian children find their presents under the pillows / bed.
3. We like to decorate / find a Christmas tree.
4. My favouriteholiday / seasonis Easter.
5.Children dance / write cards around the New Year’s Tree.
6. We celebrate St. Valentine in January / February.
7.December, January and February are spring / winter months.
5. Choose and write :
shall / will / shall not / will not
1. I _______ not write a card tomorrow.
2. They _______ sing Christmas carols .
3. ______ she write Valentine cards? – Yes, she ______.
4. Helen _______ tidy up her room on Friday.
5. ______ you visit your relatives next week? – No, I _________.
6. ______ they go to school tomorrow? - No, they _________.
Test 5 “Leisure and hobbies”
Variant 1
1. Choose and complete:
played, travelled, watched, walked
1. My family _________ to Kyiv last Saturday.
2. We __________ volleyball on Wednesday.
3. She _________ with her parents.
4. Children ___________ interesting cartoons on Sunday.
2. Fill in the sentences with:
was / were
1. He __________ at school last Friday.
2. I and my mum ___________ at the Zoo last week.
3. Sam __________ at the camp last summer.
4. They ___________ in Italy last month.
3. Write what you did yesterday.
ride - _________ go - __________
see - _________ get - __________
run - _________ fly - __________
4. Complete the sentences.

1. I _______ (do) my homework yesterday.

2. He _______ (make) a big snowman last week.
3. We _______ (play) tennis on Monday.
4. Tom _______ (visit) his grandfather yesterday.
5. Make up negative and interrogative sentences.
1. Sam saw a big elephant in the Zoo.
He _______not______________________________.
_______ he ________________________________?
2. They skated last Sunday.
They _______not _____________________________.
_______ they ________________________________?
Test 5 “Leisure and hobbies”
Variant 2
1. Choose and complete:
cleaned, walked, helped, played
1. I _________ my mum about the house.
2. Jane _________ the rooms.
3. Children _________ snowballs .
4. He ________ his dog yesterday.
2. Fill in the sentences with:
was / were
1. My holidays ________ fantastic.
2. She ________ in France last month.
3. His mum ________ at home yesterday.
4. We ________ at the circus last Saturday.
3. Write what you did yesterday.

sing - ___________ wake up - ___________

come - ___________ blow - ____________
make - ___________ say - ______________
4. Complete the sentences.
1. He _________ (play) table tennis last week.
2. My mum ________(make) a pizza on Sunday.
3. I _________ (go) home at five o’clock yesterday.
4. Kate ________ (visit) England last summer.
5. Make up negative and interrogative sentences.
1. She rode a bike yesterday.
She _______ not ___________________________.
_______she _______________________________?
2. Tom talked with his Dad on the phone.
He ________ not ___________________________.
________ he _______________________________?
Test 6 “School life”
Variant 1
1. Unscramble the words.

usMci erFchn rAt adniHrcfast wmiSmnig

_______ ________ _____ _______________ ____________

2. Choose and complete:

lessons, Maths, Friday, Music
1. I have five ___________ every day.
2. She doesn’t like __________ because she can’t sing.
3. We count at our ___________ lessons.
4. My favourite day is _______________.
3. Complete the verbs.
write - ______________ - written
read - ______________ - ____________
have - had - ____________
begin - ______________ - begun
go - ______________ - ____________
take - took - ____________
4. Fill in the sentences with:
have / has
1. Jim and Sam ________ already read books about animals.
2. She _________ done this exercise.
3. Ann _________ made her project.
4. My parents _________ come home at seven o’clock.
5. Complete the sentences.
1. We _______ not ______ (learn) a poem yet.
2. Have they _________ (go) to the park? – Yes, _______ _______.
3.He _______ not _______ (write) an e-mail yet.
4. Children have _________ (play) volleyball.
Test 6 “School life”
Variant 2
1. Unscramble the words.
ta M h s rDaam reGamn r ii k U a n n a edRiagn

_______ ________ _________ ____________ __________

2. Choose and complete:

Nature Studies, lessons, timetable, fantastic

1. Our school is ________________.
2. On Monday we have got four ____________.
3. _______________ is my favourite lesson.
4. We have got a new _____________ this year.
3. Complete the verbs.
see - ______________ - seen
do - ______________ - _______________
read - read_ _________ - _______________
come - - _______________
make - ______________ - made
blow - blew - _______________
4. Fill in :
have / has
1. Jim __________ already learnt a poem.
2. They _________ gone to the Zoo.
3. I ________ already blown the balloons.
4. She ________ painted a nice picture.
5. Complete the sentences.
1.She ________ not _______ (make) her project yet.
2. I and my friends ________ not ________ (write) this book yet.
3. Has he ________ (play) table tennis? – No, he _________.
4. My cousins have already _______ (write) a nice poem.
Test 7 “Weather and clothes”
Variant 1
1. Unscramble the words.
r d o s p ri a n msrto i s u s n h n e u s n y nn h t a e d r
____________ _______ ___________ ________ _________
2. Choose and complete:
forecast , raining, lightning, weather
1. We can see the ___________ in the sky in spring.
2. Let’s listen to the weather ___________.
3. What is the __________ like today?
4. It’s __________ in autumn.
3. Put the words in the right place.
boots, dress, jacket, fur coat, scarf, tights, trousers, gloves,
shirt, raincoat, mittens, shoes.
In winter we wear _______________________________________________
In spring we wear _______________________________________________
4. Complete.
old - ____________________ - the oldest
young - ____________________ - ___________________
short - shorter - ___________________
favourite - ____________________ - ___________________
special - ____________________ - the most special
5. Fill in :
is going to / are going to
1. Sam ________________ make a greeting card.
2. His mum ________________ make a cake.
3.Children ________________ play snowballsin the yard.
6. Write in the correct order.
1. season, favourite, My, spring, is. _____________________________________
2. is, Easter, special, most, the, day, the, of, year. __________________________
Test 7 “Weather and clothes”
Variant 2
1. Unscramble the words.
n h il g t i g n o n a ri b w cei g n a rii n etewahr
___________ __________ ____ _________ __________
2. Choose and complete:
outdoors, thunderstorm, cold, rainbow
1. We don’t walk in ______________________.
2. It’s sunny today. Let’s go _________________.
3. We can see _______________ in the sky after rain.
4.It is very ____________ today.
3. Put the words in the right place.
shorts, sweater, sandals, raincoat, blouse, T-shirt, hat, coat, socks,
jacket, shirt, suit.
In summer we wear _______________________________________________
In autumn we wear ________________________________________________
4. Complete.
big - ________________ - the biggest
small - ________________ - _____________________
tall - taller - _____________________
fantastic - _________________ - _____________________
exciting - _________________ - the most exciting
5. Fill in the :
is going to / are going to
1. Ann ___________________ make a present for her Mum.
2. We ___________________ go to the Zoo.
3. I and my friends __________________ play hide-and-seek.
6. Write in the correct order.
1. is, My, holiday, Easter, favourite. ___________________________________
2. season, weather, Each, brings, different.______________________________
Test 8 “Summer is near
Variant 1
1. Match the words.
paint fly play race do read

games books puzzles kites cars pictures

2. Choose and complete:

holidays, picnic, sunny, tent
1. We like _________ days.
2. Children like summer _____________ .
3. I like to sleep in a ____________.
4. They are going to have a ___________.
3. Circle the odd word out.
1. spring, cold, summer, autumn.
2. swimming pool, beach, day, camp.
3. make, country, take, swim.
4. pizza, cake, ice-cream, game.
4. Answer the questions.
1. Can you swim? - _________________.
2. Do you like playing team games? - _______________.
3. Does Ann help her Mum? - _________________.
4. Is is hot today? - _______________.
5. Complete the sentences.

1. I am going to _______________________________________________.

2. I want to visit _______________________________________________.

3. My parents are going to _______________________________________.

4. In summer I can ____________________________________________.

Test 8 “Summer is near

Variant 2
1. Match the words.
do play have board ride watch

game bikes cartoons sports a picnic hide-and-seek

2. Choose and complete:
camp, summer, London, fishing
1. We are going to visit _____________.
2. I am good at _____________.
3. Children were in the __________ last summer.
4.Jane’s favourite season is _____________________.
3. Circle the odd word out.
1. hat, warm, coat, dress.
2. zoo, park, yard, rainbow.
3. sun, rain, spring, wind.
4. sandwich, juice, milk, water.
4. Answer the questions.
1. Do you like spring? - ______________.
2. Is she going to live in a tent? - ______________.
3. Can Tom fly a kite? - _______________.
4. Does she like summer? - _______________.
5. Complete the sentences.

1. They are going to ______________________________________________.

2. My best friend can _____________________________________________.

3. In summer I can visit ___________________________________________.

4.In summer children ____________________________________________.


1. Don Dallas, Linda Pelham. New let’s learn English 2. - Longman, 2005. – 78c.

2. Don Dallas, Linda Pelham. New let’s learn English 3. - Longman, 2005. – 78c.

3.Карп’юк О.Д. Робочийзошит для

3класузагальноосвітніхнавчальнихзакладів. – Тернопіль: « Лібра Терра»,
2014.- 80с.

4. MaryBowen, LizHocking. English World.Workbook 3. – Macmillan, 2009. –


5.NickBeare. EnglishWorld.Grammarpracticebook 3. - Macmillan, 2012. – 56c.

6. Ростоцька М.Є., Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: підручник для 3 класу

загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів із поглибленим вивченням англійської
мови. – Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2013.- 192с.

7. Ростоцька М. Є. Англійська мова: Робочий зошит до підручника з

англійської мови для 3 класу спеціалізованих загальноосвітніх шкіл з
поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. – Тернопіль : ЛібраТерра, 2014 –
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