CMN 465 Review
CMN 465 Review
CMN 465 Review
PURPOSE, FOCUS Relative to the purpose and focus of the plan, describe the factors and forces in the inter- The bull’s-eye target audience for your
Note the social issue the plan will be nal and external environment that are anticipated to have some impact on planning marketing efforts is selected and de-
addressing (e.g., obesity), including a decisions. scribed. A marketing plan ideally
statement of the problem. Summarize focuses on a primary target audience,
Factors and Forces Influencing Your Target Market and Your Effort
factors that led to the development of although additional secondary audi-
the plan. Organizational Factors External Forces ences are often identified and strate-
gies are developed for them as well.
Then develop a purpose statement that (Strengths & Weaknesses) (Opportunities & Threats)
reflects the benefit of a successful cam- Resources External Publics This is a 3 step process:
paign (e.g., reduce obesity) and a focus
Past Performance Political/Legal Forces 1. Segment the market.
that narrows the scope of the plan’s Current Alliances and Partners Economic Forces
purpose to one the plan will address 2. Evaluate segments.
Service Delivery Natural Forces 3. Choose one or more as a focal point.
(e.g., physical activity).
Internal Publics Demographic Forces
Social marketing plans always include STATEMENT
a behavior objective – something you
want to influence the target audience Barriers are reasons your target audience cannot (easily) or does not want to adopt the Positioning is the act of designing the
to do. behavior. organization’s actual and perceived
Knowledge objectives include infor- Benefits are reasons your target audience might be interested in adopting the behavior or offering in such a way that it lands on
mation or facts that might make the what might motivate them to do so. and occupies a distinctive place in the
target audience more likely to perform Motivators are intervention strategies the target audience says will reduce barriers and mind of the target market – where you
the desired behavior. provide benefits. want it to be. Fill in the blanks to :
Belief objectives relate more to feelings Competitors are behaviors your target audience prefers or organizations that support or “We want (TARGET AUDIENCE) to
and attitudes. promote “undesirable” behaviors. see (DESIRED BEHAVIOR) as
Goals are quantifiable desired out- (DESCRIPTIVE PHRASE) and more
comes. beneficial than (COMPETITION).
1. Take advantage of prior and existing successful campaigns. 9. Make access easy.
2. Start with target audiences most ready for action. 10. Have a little fun with messages.
3. Select single, doable behaviors with significant potential impact. 11. Use media channels at the point of decision making.
4. Identify and remove barriers to behavior change. 12. Try for popular/entertainment media.
5. Bring real benefits into the present. 13. Get commitments and pledges.
6. Highlight costs of competing behaviors. 14. Use prompts for sustainability.
7. Promote tangible goods or services to help target audiences perform the 15. Create plans for social diffusion.
behavior. 16. Track results and make adjustments.
8. Consider non-monetary incentives such as recognition & appreciation.
SOURCE: Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good , Fifth Edition Nancy R. Lee and Philip Kotler (SAGE 2015)
Contact: Nancy Lee at: WWW.SOCIALMARKETINGSERVICE.COM OR [email protected] Copyright Social Marketing Services Inc. 2015