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CMN 465 Review

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PURPOSE, FOCUS Relative to the purpose and focus of the plan, describe the factors and forces in the inter- The bull’s-eye target audience for your
Note the social issue the plan will be nal and external environment that are anticipated to have some impact on planning marketing efforts is selected and de-
addressing (e.g., obesity), including a decisions. scribed. A marketing plan ideally
statement of the problem. Summarize focuses on a primary target audience,
Factors and Forces Influencing Your Target Market and Your Effort
factors that led to the development of although additional secondary audi-
the plan. Organizational Factors External Forces ences are often identified and strate-
gies are developed for them as well.
Then develop a purpose statement that (Strengths & Weaknesses) (Opportunities & Threats)
reflects the benefit of a successful cam- Resources External Publics This is a 3 step process:
paign (e.g., reduce obesity) and a focus
Past Performance Political/Legal Forces 1. Segment the market.
that narrows the scope of the plan’s Current Alliances and Partners Economic Forces
purpose to one the plan will address 2. Evaluate segments.
Service Delivery Natural Forces 3. Choose one or more as a focal point.
(e.g., physical activity).
Internal Publics Demographic Forces

Social marketing plans always include STATEMENT
a behavior objective – something you
want to influence the target audience Barriers are reasons your target audience cannot (easily) or does not want to adopt the Positioning is the act of designing the
to do. behavior. organization’s actual and perceived
Knowledge objectives include infor- Benefits are reasons your target audience might be interested in adopting the behavior or offering in such a way that it lands on
mation or facts that might make the what might motivate them to do so. and occupies a distinctive place in the
target audience more likely to perform Motivators are intervention strategies the target audience says will reduce barriers and mind of the target market – where you
the desired behavior. provide benefits. want it to be. Fill in the blanks to :
Belief objectives relate more to feelings Competitors are behaviors your target audience prefers or organizations that support or “We want (TARGET AUDIENCE) to
and attitudes. promote “undesirable” behaviors. see (DESIRED BEHAVIOR) as
Goals are quantifiable desired out- (DESCRIPTIVE PHRASE) and more
comes. beneficial than (COMPETITION).


A product is anything that can be Price is the cost that the target market Place is where and when the target Promotions are persuasive communica-
offered to a market to satisfy a want or associates with adopting the desired market will perform the desired tions designed and delivered to highlight
need. In social marketing, major prod- behavior. Pricing-related strategies to behavior, acquire any related the offer and inspire your target audi-
uct elements include: reduce costs and increase benefits tangible goals, and receive any ence to action. At this step you deter-
include these 6: associated services. mine messages, messengers, creative
 Core benefit of behavior Options include: strategies, and communication channels.
 Goods or services you promote 1. Increase monetary benefits for Major social marketing communication
for adoption the desired behavior  Physical locations
 Phone/Mobile devices channels include:
 Additional product elements to 2. Decrease monetary costs for the
assist in behavior adoption desired behavior.  Mail
 Fax  Advertising
3. Increase non-monetary benefits  Public Relations
for the desired behavior.  Internet
 Mobile Unit  Special Events
4. Decrease non-monetary costs for  Printed Materials
the desired behavior.  Where people shop
 Where people hang out  Special Promotional Items
5. Increase monetary costs for the  Signage and Displays
competing behavior  Drive-throughs
 Home Delivery/House Calls  Personal Selling
6. Increase non-monetary costs for  Social Media
the competing behavior.  Kiosks
 Vending Machines  Popular/Entertainment Media


An evaluation plan outlines why you will be evaluating, what will be measured, how and Identify price tags for strategies PLAN
when. What is measured often falls into one of the categories below: and activities with cost-related The implementation plan functions as a
implications. concise working document to share and
Inputs Outputs Out- Impact Return on track planned efforts. Most commonly,
comes Investment  Product-related costs plans represent a minimum of 1-year
Resources Program activi- Audience Indicators Cost per activities, and ideally 2 or 3 years.
 Price-related costs
allocated to ties conducted to response that show behavior
the cam- influence audi- to levels of change  Place-related costs
paign or ences to perform outputs impact on  Promotion-related costs MUCH
program a desired Social Issues  Evaluation-related costs
effort behavior

Copyright Social Marketing Services Inc. 2015

Nancy Lee QUICK
Philip Kotler GUIDE


“Social marketing is a process that applies See Reverse Side for Detailed Descriptions of Each Step
marketing principles and techniques to create,
communicate, and deliver value in order to influ- Step #1. Describe the Background, Purpose and Focus for the Planning Effort
ence target audience behaviors that benefit society Step #2. Conduct a Situation Analysis
(public health, safety, the environment, and com- Step #3. Select and Describe the Target Audience
munities) as well as the target audience.” Philip Step #4. Set Marketing Objectives and Goals (Behavior, Knowledge, Beliefs)
Kotler, Nancy Lee, and Michael Rothschild, 2006 Step #5. Identify Audience Barriers, Benefits, Motivators, and the
Similarities to commercial marketing include: Step #6. Craft a Desired Positioning Statement
 Exchange theory is fundamental Step #7. Develop a Strategic Marketing Intervention Mix (The 4Ps)
 Customer-orientation is critical  Product
 Audiences are segmented  Price
 All 4Ps are considered  Place
 Market research is key to success  Promotion
 Results are measured for improvement Step #8. Determine an Evaluation Plan
Step #9. Establish a Campaign Budget and Find Funding
In commercial marketing, however: Step #10. Outline an Implementation Plan
 Financial versus societal gain is the goal
 Competitors are similar organizations Although steps appear linear in theory, they are actually spiral in reality with each step subject to
_______ revision as the process unfolds.
Stages of Change Model describes six stages that people
go through in the behavior change process.
Social Norms Theory is based on the central concept that
much of people’s behavior is influenced by their percep- Most social marketing efforts are applied to: Market research has a role to play when developing
tions of what is “normal” or “typical.” Improving public health (e.g. HIV/AIDS, tobacco use, each step and properly focused research can make the
obesity, teen pregnancy, tuberculosis, malaria) difference between a brilliant and mediocre plan.
Health Belief Model emphasizes target audiences are
influenced by perceived personal susceptibility and Preventing injuries (e.g., traffic collisions, domestic Formative Research is used to help select and under-
seriousness of the health issue, and benefits, barriers and violence, senior falls, drowning) stand target markets and develop draft marketing
cues to action for the desired behavior. strategies. It may be new research (primary data)
Protecting the environment (e.g., water quality, air
quality, water conservation, habitat protection) that you conduct, or it may be research conducted by
Theory of Reasoned Action /Theory of Planned Behavior someone else that you are able to review (secondary
suggests the best predictor of behavior is intention to act Contributing to communities (e.g., voting, spaying data).
and this intention is influenced by perceived benefits, and neutering pets, volunteering, crime prevention)
costs and social norms. Pretest Research is conducted to evaluate a short list
Enhancing financial wellbeing (e.g. saving for retire-
ment, living within a budget, having a checking ac- of alternative strategies and tactics, ensure that
Social Cognitive Theory states that likelihood of adopting potential executions have no major deficiencies, and
the behavior is determined by perceptions that ______________ fine-tune possible approaches so that they speak to
benefits outweigh the costs and belief in self-efficacy your target audience in the most effective way.
(ability to perform the behavior). UPSTREAM & MIDSTREAM &
DOWNSTREAM Monitoring Research provides ongoing measurement
Exchange Theory postulates that in order for an Downstream social marketing focuses on influencing of program outputs and outcomes, often used to
exchange to take place, target markets must perceive individual behaviors, while midstream social market- establish baselines and subsequent benchmarks rela-
benefits equal to or greater than perceived costs. ing focuses on influencing those “closer” to the target tive to goals.
audience (e.g. friends, family, teachers, healthcare
Behavioral Economics Framework helps explain how providers), and upstream social marketing focuses on Evaluation Research, as distinct from monitoring, is
environmental and other factors prompt personal influencing policy makers, media, corporations and research that supports a final assessment of the
decisions and that we do not always behave rationally. other social influencers. The same ten step process is campaign.
applicable for each.

1. Take advantage of prior and existing successful campaigns. 9. Make access easy.
2. Start with target audiences most ready for action. 10. Have a little fun with messages.
3. Select single, doable behaviors with significant potential impact. 11. Use media channels at the point of decision making.
4. Identify and remove barriers to behavior change. 12. Try for popular/entertainment media.
5. Bring real benefits into the present. 13. Get commitments and pledges.
6. Highlight costs of competing behaviors. 14. Use prompts for sustainability.
7. Promote tangible goods or services to help target audiences perform the 15. Create plans for social diffusion.
behavior. 16. Track results and make adjustments.
8. Consider non-monetary incentives such as recognition & appreciation.

SOURCE: Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good , Fifth Edition Nancy R. Lee and Philip Kotler (SAGE 2015)
Contact: Nancy Lee at: WWW.SOCIALMARKETINGSERVICE.COM OR [email protected] Copyright Social Marketing Services Inc. 2015

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