Parameters Affecting The Fusion of Unilamellar Phospholipid Vesicles With Planar Bilayer Membranes
Parameters Affecting The Fusion of Unilamellar Phospholipid Vesicles With Planar Bilayer Membranes
Parameters Affecting The Fusion of Unilamellar Phospholipid Vesicles With Planar Bilayer Membranes
ABSTRACT It was previously shown (Cohen, F. S., J . Zimmerberg, and A. Finkelstein, 1980, /.
Gen . Physiol ., 75 :251-270) that multilamellar phospholipid vesicles can fuse with decane-
containing phospholipid bilayer membranes . An essential requirement for fusion was an
osmotic gradient across the planar membrane, with the vesicle-containing (cis) side hyper-
osmotic with respect to the opposite (trans) side . We now report that unilamellar vesicles will
fuse with "hydrocarbon-free" membranes subject to these same osmotic conditions . Thus the
same conditions that apply to fusion of multilamellar vesicles with planar bilayer membranes
also apply to fusion of unilamellar vesicles with these membranes, and hydrocarbon is not
required for the fusion process . If the vesicles and/or planar membrane contain negatively
charged lipids, divalent cation (-15 mM Ca") is required in the cis compartment (in addition
to the osmotic gradient across the membrane) to obtain substantial fusion rates. On the other
hand, vesicles made from uncharged lipids readily fuse with planar phosphatidylethanolamine
planar membranes in the near absence of divalent cation with just an osmotic gradient .
Vesicles fuse much more readily with phosphatidylethanolamine-containing than with phos-
phatidylcholine-containing planar membranes . Although hydrocarbon (decane) is not required
in the planar membrane for fusion, it does affect the rate of fusion and causes the fusion
process to be dependent on stirring in the cis compartment .
The mechanisms causing and controlling fusion of biological branes on the basis oftwo criteria : (a) the transfer of vesicular
membranes are of interest to scientists from many diverse contents across the planar membrane ("exocytosis") (22), and
disciplines . Of the many possible components in the fusion (b) the incorporation into the planar membrane of a mem-
process, the one certainty is that ultimately fusion occurs brane-associated protein originally present in the vesicular
between two lipid bilayers-one from each membrane. Con- membranes (4) . The essential condition for obtaining fusion
sequently, we have been investigating the fusion of phospho- is an osmotic gradient across the planar membrane, with the
lipid vesicles to planar phospholipid bilayer membranes. We cis side (the side containing the vesicles) hyperosmotic with
have tried to answer several questions with this approach: respect to the opposite, trans, side (4) . Although divalent
first, can fusion occur in this system? Second, if it can, what cations at millimolar concentrations on the cis side greatly
conditions are necessary to obtain it and what parameters increase the rate offusion, they are not essential to the process.
control its rate? Third, what are the forces and energetics in We proposed that divalent cations increase the frequency and
the process (that is, what mechanisms underly fusion in this duration of close contact ofvesicles with the planar membrane
system)? Finally, to what extent is the fusion process in this and that fusion results from osmotic swelling ofthese vesicles
model system relevant to biological fusion events, particularly followed by rupture of vesicular and planar membranes in
exocytosis? the region ofcontact (4). In support of this view, Zimmerberg
We previously demonstrated that fusion can occur between et al. (23) reported that micromolar amounts specifically of
phospholipid vesicles and planar phospholipid bilayer mem- Ca" (rather than millimolar amounts of any divalent cation)
1054 ® The Rockefeller University Press - 0021-9525/84/03/1054/09 $1 .00
stimulated fusion if the planar membrane contained a cal- conductance from nonspecific leaks in the planar membrane . Fig. I illustrates
cium-binding protein, but an osmotic gradient across the the voltage-dependent properties of porin inserted from a detergent solution
into a planar membrane . Channels are open at voltages below ±100 mV and
planar membrane was still essential. begin to close at larger voltages of either polarity. The rate of decline of the
Two features detracted from the possible biological rele- macroscopic conductance induced by many porin channels increases with
vance of these previous studies : first, the vesicles were multi- voltage. Porin channels are similar in many respects to the voltage-dependent
lamellar, rather than unilamellar; second, the planar mem- anion channel obtained from the outer membrane of mitochondria (5, 17) and
lar vesicles to planar membranes also hold for unilamellar (University of Virginia). This, and two subsequent preparations of porin, were
carbon in the planar membrane, however, does modify the suspensions were stored in the refrigerator and showed no loss of activity over
fusion process, which we describe and discuss . In the accom- several months.
panying paper (2) we examine the nature of the interaction Planar Membranes: Two types of planar phospholipid bilayer mem-
branes were used in the present study : (a) "hydrocarbon-free" membranes
and attachment of vesicles with the planar membrane, and formed by folding together two monolayers (10), and (b) decane-containing
demonstrate a "pre-fusion" state that is separable from the membranes formed by the brush technique (11) . Experiments were performed
osmotically driven fusion event. at room temperature in a chamber that consisted of a 125 um thick Teflon
partition separating two lucite compartments, each containing 2 to 3 ml of the
desired salt solution. Each compartment contained a small magnetic stirring
MATERIALS AND METHODS bar which permitted vigorous mixing of the compartment's contents. When
Preparation of Vesicles required, the contents of either compartment could be intermittently or contin-
uously perfused with a fresh solution via Teflon tubes connected to a peristaltic
CHOLATE DIALYSIS PROCEDURE: 4-6 mg of egg phosphatidy1choline pump; the total compartmental volume could be exchanged several times in I
(PC)' in chloroform were dried under nitrogen in a glass tube and then in a min .
vacuum desiccator for 30 min. 0 .1 ml of 50 mg/ml cholate (Aldrich Chemical "Hydrocarbon-free" membranes were formed across a 0.36-mm diameter
Co ., Milwaukee, WI) in "buffer (500 mM KCI or NaCl, 10 mM HEPES, 1 hole that was pre-coated with squalene (14) purified on an alumina column ;
MM MgC12, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8 .0), 0 .025 ml of porin stock suspension (I decane-containing membranes were formed across either a 0 .36- or a 1 .0-mm
mg/ml in "buffer") and 0 .375 ml of "buffer" were then added to the lipid- diameter hole from 2 to 5% lipid solutions in ndecane. The salt solutions in
containing tube . (The exact lipid to cholate ratio required to reconstitute porin the two compartments generally consisted of 100 mM KCl or NaCl, 10 mM
into the vesicular membrane varied somewhat among batches of porin and was MES, l mM EDTA, pH 6 .0; for the hydrocarbon-free membranes, 2 mM
empirically determined for each batch.) The mixture was vortexed for l min, MgC1 2 was often included in the salt solution to aid in membrane formation.
sonicated briefly in a cylindrical bath sonicator (Lab Supplies Company, Inc., Asolectin (lecithin type II from Sigma Chemical Co. [St. Louis, MO]) was
Hicksville, NY) to clarity, transferred to a 12,000-mol-wt cutoff dialysis tube purified by the method of Kagawa and Racker (6) to remove neutral lipids; its
(Spectra/Poi 2 membranes, Fischer Scientific Co ., Pittsburgh, PA), and dialyzed composition after this procedure is 40% PC, 33% phosphatidylethanolamine
overnight at 4°C against 200 ml of "buffer." Vesicles were removed from the (PE), 14% phosphatidylinositol, and smaller percentages of lysophosphatidyl-
dialysis tube and stored on ice. Egg PC was from Avanti Biochemical Co . choline and cardiolipin (9) . All other lipids used to form planar membranes
(Birmingham, AL) (see reference 13) . were purchased from Avanti. Salts were reagent grade and used as obtained ;
SON ICATION-FREEZE-THAW PROCEDURE: 5mgofthedesired lipid water was deionized and then distilled in a glass still.
in either chloroform or chloroform:methanol (2:1) was dried under nitrogen in Electrical measurements were made under voltage clamp conditions through
a glass tube and then in a vacuum desiccator for 30 min. 0.475 ml of "buffer" a single pair of saturated calomel electrodes contacting the aqueous solutions
and 0 .025 ml of porin stock suspension (see above) were added to the lipid- through saturated KCI bridges. Generally, a 20 mV potential (cis side positive)
containing tube; the mixture was vortexed for 30 s, transferred to a polycarbon- was applied across the planar membrane and the resulting transmembrane
ate screw-top tube, and sealed under nitrogen . The cloudy suspension was current monitored on a chart recorder and an oscilloscope screen ; the trans-
clarified by sonication for -10 min at 4°C in a Branson Sonifier Model W 185 membrane current is directly proportional to membrane conductance (which
with Cup Horn attachment (Branson Sonic Power Co., Danbury, Conn .). It equals current/voltage), since the voltage is held constant. The compartment
was then rapidly frozen in a dry ice/ethanol bath for 70 s and allowed to thaw to which vesicles were added is called the cis compartment; the opposite
at room temperature . This freeze-thaw cycle was repeated three to five times, compartment is referred to as the trans compartment .
during which time the suspension became cloudy . The cloudy vesicle suspen-
sion was then sonicated in a cylindrical bath sonicator for 15 s to disperse the
vesicles . These vesicles, now ready for use, were prepared fresh daily and stored RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
on ice . All lipids were from Avanti Biochemical Co. (see reference 7).
Reconstitution of porin by both vesicle-formation techniques was assayed Fusion of Unilamellar Vesicles to "Hydrocarbon-
by the vesicles' inability to retain K* when dialyzed against an isosmotic Li' Free" Planar Membranes
solution. (The K* initially inside a vesicle with at least one porin channel in its
membrane will exchange for Li' during the dialysis .) After dialysis, the amount CONDITIONS FOR AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FU-
of K* that remained trapped inside porin-free vesicles was determined, using a SION : When cholate-dialysis, porin-containing unilamellar
K'-selective electrode, from the amount of K* released from the vesicle. by vesicles are added to the aqueous phase on one side (the cis
gramicidin A . This technique was also used to determine the average diameter
of vesicles prepared in the absence of porin. The volume-average diameter of
side) of a "hydrocarbon-free" planar bilayer membrane, no
both cholate dialysis and freeze-thaw vesicles was -700 .4 . incorporation of porin channels occurs in the planar mem-
Porin : Porin is a large (110,000 mol wt) intrinsic membrane protein that brane, regardless of the incubation time. Thus, porin does not
forms channels in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and is spontaneously transfer from vesicular to planar membranes.
responsible for the permeability of that membrane to small solutes (12). It is If an osmotic gradient of -200 mosM or higher is now
established across the planar membrane by addition of urea
easily purified in large quantities, and remains stable even under such harsh
conditions as sonication and exposure to concentrated detergent solutions. It is
a particularly good marker for fusion because of its characteristic voltage- or KCI to the cis compartment, a few porin channels may
dependent properties (18, 19), which make it easy to distinguish porin-induced insert over the next several minutes (Fig. 2). Under voltage-
clamp conditions, these insertions appear as discrete current
'Abbreviations used in this paper. PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, (conductance) jumps. If Ca" is now added to the cis com-
phosphatidylethanolamine ; PS, phosphatidylserine. partment to a concentration of 5 to 15 mM, the rate of
COHEN ET AL . UnilamellarVesiclesandBilayerMembranes 105 5
FIGURE 1 The insertion of porin channels and the voltage-dependent behavior of porin-induced conductance in planar lipid
bilayers . An asolectin membrane clamped at V = 20 mV separates symmetric solutions (100 mM NaCl, 10 mM MES, 1 mM EDTA,
pH 6.0) . At the start of the record, porin in cholate buffer (0 .1 mg/ml porin, 1 mg/ml cholate, 500 mM KCI, 10 mM HEPES, 1 mM
M9Cl 2 , 0 .1 mM EDTA, pH 8 .0) is added to the cis compartment to a concentration of 1 .7 x 10' mg/ml . Shortly after this addition,
the transmembrane current begins to increase in a step-like manner . 31/2 min later an osmotic gradient is formed by addition of
NaCl to the cis side to a concentration of 50 mM . Aside from the instantaneous increase in the membrane conductance due to
the increase in the salt concentration, this does not affect the rate of channel insertion into the planar bilayer . The addition to
the cis side of CaCl2 to a concentration of 10 mM stops the step increases in conductance . Ca*` seems to inhibit the insertion
into the planar membrane of porin in detergent solution, perhaps by chelating the cholate in the compartment . In the inset, the
voltage dependence of the porin-induced conductance is shown . The transmembrane voltage is clamped to the voltages
indicated . At voltages >100 mV the conductance declines; the larger the voltage the faster the decline . The decline in the
conductance is indicative of the closing of the porin channels .
channel insertion is greatly stimulated (Fig. 2). This slows membrane is caused by the osmotic gradient (cis side hyper-
steadily with time, and insertions eventually cease to occur osmotic with respect to the trans side) and not by a direct
after several minutes to more than an hour. If, while channel effect ofosmoticants on the vesicles. (We have never observed
insertion is occurring, the osmotic gradient is abolished by porin insertion when the trans side was hyperosmotic with
addition of osmoticant to the trans compartment, channel respect to the cis side) .
insertion ceases ; it resumes when the osmotic gradient is re- Insertion rates can be so high (as in Figs. 2-4) that individ-
established (Fig. 3) . ual events cannot be resolved. If, however, fewer vesicles are
The osmotic gradient can be created by making either the added to the cis compartment, one can clearly resolve the
cis side hyperosmotic (Fig. 2) or the trans side hypeosmotic individual current jumps and show that each represents the
(Fig. 4). Thus, insertion of porin channels into the planar simultaneous insertion ofmany porin channels into the planar
particularly if the planar and/or vesicular membrane contain
negatively charged lipids. Ca++ is not unique in this respect .
10 nA Mg++ and Ba++ are also effective, although about twofold
I Min higher concentrations of Mg++ are required to achieve similar
rates .
The osmotic requirement and Ca++ stimulation of channel
insertion into planar membranes exist only if porin has been
incorporated into vesicles. Porin-free vesicles added to the cis
compartment, whether followed or preceeded by the addition
ÉÉ É of an osmoticant and Ca++, induce no change in the con-
c) o N ductance of planar membranes. Porin added directly from its
stock suspension, with or without an osmotic gradient and
Ca++, produces no change in planar membrane conductance,
nor does the addition of porin-free vesicles alter this result.
When porin solubilized in cholate is added to the cis com-
partment, channels insert singly, or infrequently as small
multiples, rather than as large multiples (see Fig. 1), and the
insertion rate is not increased by an osmotic gradient across
the membrane. Ca` added to the cis compartment actually
FIGURE 2 Fusion of unilamellar vesicles to a "hydrocarbon-free" inhibits, rather than stimulates, channel insertion, possibly
planar membrane . An asolectin membrane clamped at V = 20 mV because Ca++ chelates with cholate. Thus, only ifporin is first
separates symmetric solutions (100 mM NaCl, 10 mM MES, 3 mM reconstituted in vesicles does an osmotic gradient and Ca++
MgCl 2 , 0 .1 mM EDTA, pH 6 .0) . At the start of the record, cholate promote incorporation of porin channels into planar mem-
dialysis PC vesicles (-10"/ml) are added to the cis compartment. branes.
No fusion events (current jumps) occur during the next 3 '/2 min . SIMILARITY OF RESULTS WITH UNILAMELLAR AND
Urea is then added to the cis compartment to a concentration of
MULTILAMELLAR VESICLES : All of the features of porin
400 mM . Two or three fusion events (current jumps) occur over the
next 4 min . After the addition of CaCl2 to the cis compartment to a channel insertion into planar membranes from unilarnellar
concentration of 15 mM, the rate of fusion (current jumps) dramat-
ically increases. (Inset) Demonstration of the voltage dependence
of the fusion-induced conductance . After fusion has proceeded for
12 min (during which time CaCl 2 was also added to the trans
compartment to a concentration of 15 mM), the voltage across the
planar membrane is stepped from 0 to 20 mV and back to 0, and
then stepped from 0 to 120 mV . Note that in the latter case, the
current (conductance) declines in a manner characteristic of porin
channels closing, thus demonstrating that the current jumps seen
in the main record resulted from the insertion of porin channels
into the planar membrane .
rate by addition ofdivalent cations to the cis compartment-
pertain to insertion of porin channels from multilamellar
vesicles. More importantly, these are the same features pre-
viously described for the fusion of multilamellar vesicles with 100 pA
_y y Ü
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FIGURE 7 The effect of sonicated decane on fusion to a "hydrocarbon-free" membrane . An asolectin "hydrocarbon-free"
membrane clamped at V = 20 mV separates symmetric solutions (100 mM KCI, 10mM MES, 2 MM M9Cl 2, 0 .1 mM EDTA, pH
6 .0) . Vesicles (egg PC ; --10"/ml) are added to the cis compartment, followed by 450 mM urea and 15 mM CaCl 2 . After the
addition of calcium, fusion begins and is not affected when stirring ceases 8 min later . Stirring is resumed in the intervening 12
min, at the end of which fusion has nearly plateaued . 2 min after the addition to the trans compartment of 50 ul of sonicated
decane in buffer (1 ml decane in 15 ml buffer), the fusion rate accelerates . When stirring is now stopped, the fusion rate slows
and eventually ceases after -4 min; fusion resumes when stirring is begun again . This decane-accelerated fusion is still dependent
on the existence of the osmotic gradient . The reduction of the osmotic gradient by the addition of 300 mM urea to the trans
compartment stops fusion .
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