Artefact 2

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Stage 1 Desired Results Commented [SC1]: Dividing the unit plan into Stages to

demonstrate the teaching strategies for the teaching area.


1. Weather and seasons and the ways in Students will be able to independently use their learning to describe and compare season weather
which different cultural groups, including change within their local community as well as understand calendars from other countries and com-
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peo- munities around the world and within Australia.
ples, describe them (VCGGK067).

2. Describing the daily and seasonal weath-

er of their place by its rainfall, temperature,
sunshine and wind, and comparing it with UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS
the weather of other places that they know
or are aware of. 1. Students will understand main principles of
1. How am I and other people around the world
weather and seasons by comparing and describ-
connected by weather?
3. Comparing the Aboriginal or Torres Strait ing weather in other places around the world.
2. How do the seasons help us predict the weath-
Islander People’s seasonal calendar for the 2. Students will understand how predictions of the
local area with one students are familiar weather impact our daily lives.
3. How does the weather impact my family and
with, such as the four-seasons calendar de- 3. Students will understand how weather is de-
rived from Europe. scribed and seen in other cultural groups, includ- Commented [SC2]: List of content areas being explored
4. What are the key characteristics of daily and
ing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. and goals to be achieved at the end of the unit.
seasonal weather conditions?
4. Students will understand characteristics of
weather and the effects of seasonal change.

Students will know… Students will be skilled at…
1. The weather, seasons and connecting vocabu- Places and our connection to them
2. Alternative weather seasons and calendars Weather and seasons and the ways in which different
such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. cultural groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, describe them (VCGGK067)
3. Key features and characteristics of daily and
seasonal weather locally.
Skilled at identifying symbols/ visual representations of
4. How to connect weather characteristics to visu-
al images and representations.

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
Stage 2 - Evidence

Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence Commented [SC3]: Second stage shows how the evidence
of students work through an evaluation and assessment crite-
Students will be assessed on two pieces of summative works. The first a) Seasons Booklet Rubric (learning disadvantaged students as well) ria.
work piece is their Seasons Booklet which students work continually on b) Lessons 9 & 10 research poster
through out the unit.
a) Commented [SC4]: Areas where students will be assessed
Below Standard At Standard Above Standard based on their overall performances.
Similar illustrations are used for different sea- Relevant illustrations are used to show Illustrations are clearly distinguished between
sons changes between the seasons the seasons
Irrelevant and incorrect vocabulary used in Appropriate language is used to describe sea- Additional language is used to describe sea-
booklet. Students haven’t connected the book- sons drawn from class vocabulary poster sons other than just words from the class vo-
let and class vocabulary poster cabulary poster
Rubric for learning disadvantaged
No connection between work and season Obvious illustrations or vocabulary is used to identify season

Below Standard At Standard Above Standard
Students used irrelevant images and visuals Students use only relevant images that were Students used relevant, additional images and
on poster collected in class discussion visuals found in research as well as class dis-
Information is irrelevant to chosen season Information is relevant to selected season and Information collected and displayed is relevant
collected from seasons booklet and other and collected from research
class resources
Information is inaccurate to chosen season Information is accurate to chosen season
Poster is cluttered and hard to understand Poster is laid out clearly with both visuals and content easily read

All formative assessments test students in Students will be completing a variety of formative assessments throughout the unit such as a class
completing tasks that require connection weather-board and glossary poster, science experiments, drama role-play, class discussion and meas-
between content and either visuals or vo- urement. Several of these are cross-curriculum.

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
Stage 3 – Learning Plan Commented [SC5]: Third and finial stage of how the
lesson will be taught through a variety of activities.
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
Students will complete a unit on daily weather conditions associated with the individual seasons. Students will work towards a research project on a
chosen season will be used as a summative assessment of their pedagogical content knowledge. Teachers will incorporate cross-curriculum activities
such as drama, mathematics, English and science throughout the unit.

Unit of work – the Seasons and Weather

Inquiry Phase Curriculum Links Teaching & Learning Activities Assessment Resources Commented [SC6]: Shows the content of the curriculum
being explored from the Victorian Curriculum.
Commented [SC7]: General assessment catered for the
specific lesson.
Lesson 1: What is weather? Commented [SC8]: Each lesson has a specific lesson
focus that is based on the Curriculum links.
Geography (Level F – 2) Using visuals (see Appendix 1)
Commented [SC10]: Appendices are used throughout to
Weather and seasons and students and teacher discuss what
Tuning In elaborate on content through effective learning.
the ways in which different each visual means and whether
they have seen it before.
cultural groups, including
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Students discuss different kinds of Whole class weather-
Islander peoples, describe daily weather conditions and make board
Finding Out them connections between visuals (see
(VCGGK067) App. 1) and the vocabulary used. Commented [SC9]: Curriculum link sourced from Victo-
rian Curriculum, 2017.

As a group the class make weath- Student engagement and Whole class weather-
er-board featuring daily weather participation in conversa- board
Sorting Out
conditions. This will be referred tion
back to in future lessons.

Using the visuals (see App. 1) stu- Students can accurately Whole class weather-
dents as a group order daily connect conditions to board
Going Further
weather conditions from hottest to weather type e.g. when it
coldest. is sunny it is hot

Students connect the daily weather Students can describe the

Making Connections conditions to what the current out- outside weather using cor-
side weather is. Pose the question rect language.
– what do I do when it is…. e.g.

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
cloudy or sunny.

Discuss students and how they can

Reflection & Action
impact the weather

Lesson 2: Day or night?

Geography Level F-2 Using a globe of the world, discuss

Identify how people are with students northern and south-
Tuning In connected to different plac- ern hemisphere in terms of how
es they are opposites with day and
(VCGGC059) night.

Geography (Level 2) Show students where Australia is Students are to make

Describe and explain where located (and where they live). Dis- connections between day
Finding Out places and activities are cuss how when it is day where they and night and what they
located live, where in the world it is also do during these times
(VCGGC058) day but also where it is night.

The Arts – Drama (Level 2)

What weather conditions from our
Explore roles, characters
Sorting Out weather-board would we see at
and dramatic action in dra-
day and which ones at night?
matic play, improvisation
and process drama
Using the performing arts, use Students are to accurately connect activities and con-
stimulus cues (see Appendix 2) ditions between day and night
Going Further and students demonstrate an ac-
tion that will involve day and night
and weather conditions (discussed
in Lesson 1).
Making Connections

Reflection & Action

Lesson 3: Summer

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
Geography (Level 2) Collect Video showing all different kinds of changes in weather. Appendix 4: Video Link
Tuning In
and record geographical data :ABC Dirt Girl
and information from the field
and other sources. Students discuss different changes in seasons and how it af- Use weather-board see
Finding Out (VCGGC060) fects us. Uses this discussion to make connections between App. 1
the video and explored vocabulary.
Mathematics (Level 2) Name
and Order months and Sea- Whole class make a vocabulary Students use appropriate
sons (VCMMG118) poster including characteristics vocabulary and able to App 3 will be used in
Sorting Out on the focused Season Summer. make connections to sea- future lessons
English (Level 2): Create Poster will be added to for fol- sonal topic Summer.
short imaginative, informative lowing lessons (See App. 3).
and persuasive texts using
growing knowledge of text Students create a writing piece Assess students individual written recount based on
structures and language fea- about and activity they experi- relevant experiences, connections and appropriate
Going Further tures for familiar and some enced during the season Sum- use of language in relevance to topic of Summer.
less familiar audiences, se- mer.
lecting print (VCELY231) Refer to Appendix 7 for assessment

Students connect seasonal weather Summer to describe and

Making Connections
understand changes in weather conditions.

Students complete Summer Seasons Booklet (see

Reflection & Action page in their My Seasons Book. Appendix 6)
(Appendix 6)

Lesson 4: Season- Autumn Calling

Geography (Level 2): Students observe and collect in- Students are able to use the
Collect and record geograph- formation from external environ- external environment to
Tuning In ical data and information from ment outside the classroom. make connections using
the field and other sources. Make observations to what they appropriate language.
(VCGGC060) see and know.

Mathematics (Level 2) Name Students discuss the different characteristics of season Autumn. Use explored knowledge
Finding Out
and Order months and Sea- of external observation with explored vocabulary.

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
sons (VCMMG118) Refer to (Appendix 3). Whole Students use appropriate Appendix 1:
class completes and discusses vocabulary and able to
Geography (Level 2) Collect characteristics of focused season make connections to sea- Appendix 3:
Sorting Out
and record geographical data Autumn. This poster will be used sonal topic Autumn.
and information from the field as a resource for future lessons.
and other sources.
Student’s use collected resources Students are able to de-
Mathematics (Level 2) Com- to observe and record length, scribe features of their cho-
Going Further pare and order several shape and features and make sen resource using appro-
shapes and objects … using comparison between resourced priate language and math-
appropriate uniform infor- data. ematical terminology.
mal units
- comparing lengths using finger Students connect seasonal Appendix 7
length, hand span or a piece of weather Autumn, with the external
Making Connections string environment and own experienc-
Science (Level 2) Use infor-
mal measurements in the col- Students complete Autumn page Seasons Booklet (see
Reflection & Action lection and recording of ob- in their My Seasons Book. Appendix 6)
servations (VCSIS052)

Lesson 5: Winter Wonderland

Identify and describe the Show video clip of Frozen’s Let It Access to internet to
features of places at a local Go. Discuss language and visu- show video
Tuning In
scale and how they change, als that identify that it is during
recognising that people de- winter. Link to video in (Appen-
scribe the features of places dix 4)
differently Discuss winter characteristics;
(VCGGC057) vocabulary, weather conditions Whole class brainstorm
and what do people do in winter? poster (Appendix 3)
Finding Out
Mathematics (Level 2) What happens to the environ-
Whole class weather-
Name and order months ment?
and seasons
Complete science experiment of Use Appendix 7 rubric Link to video in (Appen-
Sorting Out making snow using salt and wa- dix 4)
Science (Level F-2)
ter – use video as teacher to fol-
People use science in their Water and salt
EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment
Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
daily lives (VCSSU041) low Containers to make ice

Science (Level F-2) Students complete winter page in The booklet is an on-going Seasons Booklet (see
Going Further Everyday materials can be their seasons booklet summative assessment of Appendix 6)
physically changed or com- the season content which
bined with other materials in will ultimately be a summa-
Making Connections a variety of ways for particu- tive assessment of the unit.
lar purposes (VCSSU045)
Reflection & Action

Lesson 6: Sensational Spring

Mathematics (Level 2) Teacher has a several items of Variety of clothes such

Name and order months clothes such as hat, coat, umbrella, as hat, coat, gloves, t-
and seasons gloves etc.) students need to iden- shirt, gloves, sunglass-
Tuning In
(VCMMG118) tify the appropriate season each es, long pants, short
item is for. Discuss why it is and is pants
not used in particular season.
Whole class brainstorm
Discuss spring characteristics; vo- Appendix 7 poster (Appendix 3)
cabulary, weather conditions and
Finding Out Appendix 1
what do people do in spring? What
happens to the environment?

Students create a student calendar Students accurately con-

Sorting Out wheel of the seasons. Use tem- nects months and seasons
plate in Appendix 5. together
Students accurately con-
Going Further Students label and decorate calen- nect weather conditions to
dar wheel with appropriate visuals the appropriate months
Making Connections that connect to the season and seasons

Students complete spring page in The booklet is an on-going Seasons Booklet (see
their seasons booklet summative assessment of Appendix 6)
the season content which
Reflection & Action
will ultimately be a sum-
mative assessment of the

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
Lesson 7: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander seasonal calendar.

Geography (Level 2) Students listen and respond to picture Picture story book: Walking
Weather and seasons and story text. with the Seasons in Kakadu,
Tuning In
the way in which different by Diane Lucas and Ken
cultural groups, including Searle.
Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples, Whole class discussion on the six Assess students use of
describe them. seasons that represent the Aboriginal vocabulary and en-
(VCGGK067) and Torres Strait Islander (TSI) peo- gagement with picture
Finding Out
ple’s seasonal calendar. Make con- story book through
Mathematics (Level 2) nections from text and explored vo- whole class discussion.
Name and Order months cabulary.
and Seasons
(VCMMG118) Whole class explores website (App. Assess students en- Use link in Appendix 4
4). Read and discuss the six seasons gagement and inde-
Mathematics (Level 2) in the Aboriginal and TSI calendar. pendent ICT learning
Sorting Out
Name and Order months Make connections to knowledge
and finial completion of
and Seasons learnt from the picture book.
(VCMMG118) worksheet using rele-
vant examples.
Geography (Level 2) Students are to work in pairs to ex- App. 8: Aboriginal and
Weather and seasons and plore App. 4 Website using their own Torres Strait islander Peo-
Going Further the way in which different ICT devices. Students are to fill in ples seasonal calendar
worksheet (App. 8) based on worksheet.
cultural groups, including knowledge explored on the website.
Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples, Students connect researched knowledge with the picture story
Making Connections describe them. text to make connections and elaborations that discuss the ide-
(VCGGK067) as on an Aboriginal and TSI people’s seasonal calendar.

Reflection & Action Students complete their Seasonal Tables Work sheet. App. 8.

Lesson 8: Making connections between, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Calendar and our calendar.

Geography (Level 2) Using Appendix 9, Students are to Assess students prior Appendix 9: Aboriginal
Tuning In Weather and seasons and analyse and describe key elements of knowledge and new and TSI peoples’ seasonal
the way in which different the image they understands well as knowledge being ex- calendar wheel.

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
cultural groups, including wonder. plored throughout the
Aboriginal and Torres unit throughout this dis-
Strait Islander peoples, cussion.
describe them.
(VCGGK067) Students are to discuss similarities
and differences between our calendar
Finding Out
Mathematics (Level 2) and an Aboriginal and TSL people’s
Name and Order months seasonal calendar.
and Seasons

Mathematics Content De- Whole class brainstorm on making Assess students new
scriptors Level 2: Use a comparisons and contrasts between knowledge learnt from
Sorting Out calendar to identify the the two calendars. Extend on wonder- previous unit lessons.
date and determine the ing ideas.
number of days in each
month. (VCMMG119).

Geography (Level 2) Col- Students are to design their own Abo- Assess students com- Appendix 10: Aboriginal
lect and record geograph- riginal and TSI people’s seasonal cal- pletion of Seasonal and TSI people’s Season-
ical data and information endar wheel. Use explored knowledge Wheel. Students are al Wheel
Going Further
from the field and other from Appendix 9 to demonstrate ide- able to use appropriate
sources. (VCGGC060) as. Template used in Appendix 10. vocabulary to describe
the seasonal wheel.
Mathematics (Level 2)
Name and Order months Students are able to connect pedagogy learnt from previous les-
Making Connections sons and resources to make connections and elaborate on their
and Seasons
Season’s wheel.
Students are able to complete their Aboriginal and TSI people’s
Reflection & Action seasonal wheel and understand how the wheel operates and
compares/ contrasts to our four seasons.

Lesson 9: Let’s research what we loved!

Geography (Level F – 2) Class review all the seasons they Using App 1 and 3 as
Tuning In
Weather and seasons and have covered well as completed 6

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
the ways in which different Using ICT students explore a sea- Rubric in Stage 2 Devices with ICT and
cultural groups, including son they are interested in and research capabilities
Finding Out Aboriginal and Torres Strait begin to note visuals and vocabu-
lary associated.
Islander peoples, describe
Sorting Out & (VCGGK067) Students sort out which information
they believe is most important for
Going Further their research project

Making Connections Students are to make connections Students have made appropriate research into their
between all seasons while still fo- selected season and enough to make a start on their
cusing on their selected season. poster.
Reflection & Action

Lesson 10: Let’s put our research into action!!!!

Geography (Level F – 2) Using research from Lesson 9 stu- Rubric is in Stage 2 Research collected in
Tuning In Weather and seasons and dent begin their final research Lesson 9
the ways in which different posters
cultural groups, including Students use important information
Finding Out Aboriginal and Torres Strait collect to display on poster Poster paper and pens
Islander peoples, describe to create poster
Sorting Out them Students use seasons booklets,
(VCGGK067) weatherboard and vocabulary
Going Further
poster to create their posters
Making Connections

Completed posters are displayed in

Reflection & Action
the classroom

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work

Black, P. & Wiliam, D. (2010). ‘Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment’. Phi Delta Kappan. 92 (1), pp. 81-90.

Brown, J. (2017) Making the most of Understanding by Design. Chapter 1. Implementing Understanding by Design: A Summary of Lessons
Learned. Retrieved from,

Murdoch (2004) Classroom Connections Introduction pp. 1-10.

Reynolds, R. (2014).Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences in the Primary School. (3rd Edition). Oxford: Sydney.

Wiggins & McTighe (2011) Understanding by Design Guide to creating high quality units (e-book)

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
Appendix 1 Appendix 3 n-wheel/
Vocabulary poster
Appendix 6
SEASON: Sum- Autumn Winter Spring Seasons booklet
mer ** the page with the tree is x4 (one for each
Months: seasons)
Appendix 7
bing Below Standard Above
Standard Standard
Relevant ex-
WINDY SNOW perience and
** increase Vocab Poster in size for class- connection to
room display topic.
use of lan-
Appendix 4 guage that
Link for Lesson 3 describes the
RAINING THUNDER!/media/2035 characteristics
485/seasons-with-dirtgirl of Summer.
Ability to se-
quence con-
** increase Weather-Board in size for class- Link for Lesson 5 tent and elab-
room display orate on text
nbgk purpose.
** add additional weather conditions if nec-
essary UeW8

Appendix 2 Link for Lesson 7

Performing arts actions for students to com-
plete: seasons.html

1. What would you do at night time? Appendix 5

2. What could you do at day time? Seasons wheel template
3. If you were rain what would it look
4. What is something you could do on
a hot day?
5. What does a thunderstorm sound
6. Expand

EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work
Appendix 9
Appendix 8
Six Seasons on the Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander calendar

Season: Months: Tempera- Information:





Appendix 10



EDSS428: Connecting Society and Environment

Assignment Task 2A: Unit Of Work

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