EEI Lesson Plan Template: Vital Information
EEI Lesson Plan Template: Vital Information
EEI Lesson Plan Template: Vital Information
Author Sonya McDuffie
*Subject(s) Phonics
Topic or Unit of
Study Pronoun I
*Grade/Level Kindergarten
Students will be able to capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I
Students will learn the pronoun I is always capitalize in a sentence
ELAGSEKL2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing
Instruction Pair above/lower level students together to compare sentence using I as a pronoun.
Teacher will tell the students that today we are going to learn about using the pronoun I in a
Teacher will explain that the pronoun I is always capitalized in a sentence
Teach Lesson / Teacher will explain that a pronoun takes the place of a noun. The pronoun I stands alone
Model Teacher will state that we only use lowercase I in words
Teacher will write an incorrect sentence using pronoun I on the anchor chart.
Teacher will model the lesson
Teacher will write sentences on the anchor chart using the letter I as a pronoun and in a
Guided Practice sentence. Teacher will assist student with the letter I as a pronoun.
Teacher will
Students will share their work
*Assessment/Rubri Teacher will have students to create a 5 word sentence using I as a pronoun.