Two Gentlemen of Verona Chapter Wise Important Questions Class 10 English Communicative - Fiction 2016 Extract Based Questions (3 Marks)
Two Gentlemen of Verona Chapter Wise Important Questions Class 10 English Communicative - Fiction 2016 Extract Based Questions (3 Marks)
Two Gentlemen of Verona Chapter Wise Important Questions Class 10 English Communicative - Fiction 2016 Extract Based Questions (3 Marks)
Important Questions Class 10 English money. Their devotion and dedication to duty
Communicative – Fiction impressed both the author and his friend.
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
Question 1.
Read the extract given below and Answer Question 3 Although Nicola and Jacopo are
briefly the Questions that follow. young boys, the author refers to them as
He smiled uncomfortably, “Just plans, sir, ” he gentlemen. Why does he do so?
Answered in a low voice. Answer:- The author finds that the two brothers
In the above line, who is talking and to whom? are law-abiding, responsible, caring more for
What plans is the speaker referring to? human values, respectful and self-dependent.
Give the antonym of ‘smiled’. They are also honest, diligent and soft-spoken.
For saving the life of their only surviving blood
Answer ->Nicola is talking to the narrator. relative, their only sister, they are sacrificing their
The speaker Nicola is referring to their plans for lot.
saving money for the treatment of their sister.
Question 2.
Read the extract given below and Answer
briefly the Questions that follow.
“We do many things, sir”, Nicola Answered 2013 Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
seriously. He glanced at us hopefully.
Question 4.
a What many things did the boys do? Read the extract given below and complete the
B Why did they have to do them? statements that follow:
C Give the antonym of‘seriously’. “You will get fruit much better in Verona.
Answer:- Besides, these boys… ”
A )The boys did many things such as
shoeshining, selling fruits, hawking newspapers Who speaks these lines and to whom?
and conducting tourists round the town and Why does the speaker disapprove of the boys?
running errands. What fruit has been referred to here?
b)They were doing these things to earn money Answer:-
for the treatment of their sister who was in
c)carelessly. Luigi, the driver, speaks these lines to the
2015Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] The speaker does not like their shabby
appearance. He doubts them as cheats or
Question 1. How did Luigi behave on seeing the thieves.
two boys? Wild strawberries have been referred to here.
Answer:- Luigi behaved in an unfriendly way. 2012
He expressed his disgust for them. Moreover, he
doubted them as cheats or thieves owing to their Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
shabby appearance. He requested the author
not to buy fruits from them. Question 5.
Read the extract given below and Answer
Question 2 Why was the author and his friend briefly the Questions that follow.
attracted towards the two boys? They greeted us with friendly faces.
Answer:- Both the author and his friend “I thought you picked fruit for a living”, I said.
observed that the two boys possessed a series
of virtues. They were diligent, honest, dutiful, Who are ‘they’?
modest and courteous. In their tender age they How did ‘they’ greet the narrator?
What did the narrator think ‘they’ did for a living? Owing to poverty, she became a victim of
Answer:- malnutrition. In course of time, she began to
suffer from tuberculosis of the spine.
‘They’ here stands for the two boys, Nicola and Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
They greeted the narrator in a very respectful Question 9.
and courteous manner. What were the hardships faced by Nicola and
The narrator thought that they picked wild Jacopo?
strawberries for earning their livelihood. Answer:-
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Both Nicola and Jacopo had to work hard from
morning till midnight to make their both ends
Question 6. What did the narrator see when he meet. They had to earn more and spend less as
looked through the glass partition? (Two they had to meet the expenses of the treatment
Gentlemen of Verona) of their only surviving blood relative, i.e. their
Answer:- sister.
The narrator saw that the two boys seated
beside a girl of about twenty, who propped up on Question 10.
pillows. She was listening to their chatter. She Why were the narrator and his companion
bore resemblance to her brothers. They gave impressed by the two boys?
her vase of wild flowers, fruits and several Answer:-
books. Both the author and his friend observed that the
two boys possessed a series of virtues. They
Question 7. What errands did Nicola and were diligent, honest, dutiful, modest and
Jacopo do to earn their living? courteous. In their tender age, they were doing
Answer:-The two boys used to shine shoes, sell various kinds of work in order to earn more
fruits, hawk newspapers, conduct tourists round money. Their devotion and dedication to duty
the town and ran errands. They never bothered impressed both the author and his friend.
for themselves. For earning their livelihood and
saving the life of their sister, they performed Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
even difficult tasks.
Question 11.
2011 Imagine you are the narrator in ‘Two Gentlemen
of Verona’. You were touched by the love and
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] devotion of the boys for their sister. Write a letter
to a friend about the two boys and the attraction
Question 8. you felt for them.
Read the following extract and Answer the Answer:-
Questions that follow.
When the resistance movement began secretly 11, Church Road Venice
to form they were among the first to join. When 25 June 20XX Dear John
the war was over, and we had peace at last, I hope you are hale and hearty. I am writing
they came back to their beloved sister. about selfless action and sacrifice of the two
small boys of Verona.
Who are the ‘they’ referred to here? Life has many surprises. I happened to
Why did they join the resistance movement? encounter two boys in Verona. They were
What had happened to their sister? homeless orphan . But they were working hard
Answer:- to earn more money. They spent less and saved
more to save the life of their only surviving blood
The word ‘they’ here stands for the two boys, relative, their sister Lucia. She was suffering
Nicola and Jacopo. from tuberculosis of the spine. Her treatment
Their spontaneous hatred and anger for the was going on in a hospital.
Germans led them to join the resistance These two boys undertook all kinds of work for
movement. The Germans had ruined their entire saving the life of their sister. Their selfless
family and thrown them into the streets. action, their sacrifice and their total devotion to
their cause impressed me so much. Their series
of virtues earn our respect, sympathy and love
for them. They were too self-respecting and a paid companion named Louisa Mebbin, who
proud to show their personal problems or agony helped her in shooting the tiger.
to any outsider. They never asked for any favour
from anyone. Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
They are indeed two little angels. I salute their
sacrifice and far-sightedness. With love. Question 4.
The story Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger revolves
around big time shooting. Though hunting is
Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Chapter Wise banned nowadays, animals are still being
Important Questions Class 10 English hunted. Write an article for ‘Earth Today’
magazine voicing your concern over the killing of
Communicative – Fiction animals and its impact on the environment.
2016 Answer:-
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] Hunting: A Threat to Environment
by ABC
Question 1.
Who arranged for the tiger shooting and why? Despite much hue and cry and implementation
Answer:- of strict laws by the government, the grim
Mrs. Packletide arranged for the tiger shooting business of hunting animals is still in practice in
because she wanted to show off her exploits and several parts of our country. This evil practice
make Loona Bimberton jealous of her commenced several centuries ago, when
achievements. It was the only way in which she wealthy people had adopted it to show their
could counter all the publicity achieved by Loona bravery and satisfy their whims. In course of
Bimberton. time, millions of animals were killed and such
killings affected the environment badly.
2015 Animals are also the beautiful creation of God.
They help us in many different ways. They are
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] integral part of our ecological system. Any
further reduction in their number will cause
Question 2. severe ecological imbalance. We, Indians, are
Read the extract given below and Answer the known for our love and affection towards
Questions that follow: animals. Our scriptures reveal that our ancestors
“How amused every one would be if they knew used to worship animals.
what really happened. ” Time has now come when we have to use our
best endeavours to stop all sorts of hunting.
Who is the speaker? Government must formulate more effective laws
What had ‘really happened’? to stop this grim business. People have realised
What does the word, ‘amused’ mean? their mistakes and the significance of animals in
Answer:- our ecological system. Good sense will prevail
and animals will never be shot.
Miss Mebbin is the speaker.
Mrs Packletide had missed the aim and the tiger Question 5.
had died of heart attack. Ms. Mebbin’s devotion to Mrs. Packletide is fake
The word ‘amused’ means ‘entertained’. and pretentious. She reminds you of a similar
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] situation when you had been disloyal to one of
your good friends. Write a letter to your friend
Question 3. mentioning the situation: how you had taken
How was Mrs Packletide able to achieve her advantage of the situation and apologizing to
heart’s desire? him/her for your behaviour.
Answer:- Answer:-
Mrs Pacletide offered an amount of? 1,000 to E 44 Safdarjung Enclave
the villagers to help her in shooting a tiger New Delhi 1100XX
safely. They managed a very old and weak tiger 25 June 20XX
whose hunting was absolutely safe. She also got
Dear Rohan,
Hope this letter finds you in the best of your She realised that her vanity was responsible for
health and spirit. I am going to reveal a fact her loss and suffering.
pertaining to an event which took place last year.
You bought a laptop from Dell company and you 2013
damaged it deliberately as it was not functioning
properly. As your laptop was insured, you Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
wanted to Save a new laptop from the company.
As I was the eyewitness of what you had done Question 8.
with the laptop I started blackmailing you. I “Louisa Mebbin had a protective elder-sister
asked you to give me 5,000 if you wanted to attitude towards money in general.” How?
keep me mum. You had no option and you gave Answer:-
me the amount reluctantly. Louisa Mebbin scolded Mrs Packletide for giving
This very incident has been haunting my mind a huge amount to the villagers. She asked Mrs
since then. I confess my guilt. Actually, I had to Packletide not to pay the price of the goat if it
pay a debt and I was in dire need of money. was not touched by the tiger. But all her
Now, I feel that what a big crime pretentions were for the sake of her personal
I had committed. After reading the story ‘Mrs. motive to get a huge amount from Mrs
Packletide’s Tiger’, I form a very bad impression Packletide.
of Miss Mebbin. Owing to her blackmailing
attitude, she became a disgusting figure. I 2012
assure you that I will refund your amount.
Moral values must be given due importance. Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
Hope to see you soon.
Question 9.
Yours sincerely Read the extract given below and Answer the
Manish Questions that follow:
‘The incidental expenses are so heavy’, she
2014 confides to inquiring friends.
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] Who is the speaker in the above lines?
Why had the ‘incidental expenses’ become so
Question 6. heavy?
Read the extract given below and Answer the Why had the speaker incurred the incidental
Questions that follow: expenses?
“How amused every one would be if they knew Answer:-
what really happened. ”
Mrs Packletide is the speaker in the above lines.
Who is the speaker? Mrs Packletide had to keep Miss Mebbin mum
What had ‘really happened’? by paying money as the latter had started
Why would everyone be amused? blackmailing her.
Answer:- The speaker had to satisfy her vanity by
outshining her rival Loona Bimberton.
Miss Louisa Mebbin is the speaker. Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Mrs Packletide had shot the goat instead of the
tiger and the tiger died of heart attack. Question 10.
Mrs Packletide would become a laughing stock Who was Miss Mebbin? What was her
for paying a huge amount for killing a goat. relationship with Mrs Packletide?
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] Answer:-
Miss Mebbin was the paid companion of Mrs
Question 7. Packletide. Actually, she had not any blood
Why did Mrs Packletide give up big-game relationship with Mrs Packletide. She adopted an
shooting? elder-sister attitude (protecting) towards money
Answer:- irrespective of which currency that money
Mrs Packletide had a very sad and bitter beLonged to or who was its owner.
experience of shooting. She had to pay a huge
amount to the villagers as well as Miss Mebbin. Question 11.
How did Miss Louisa Mebbin blackmail Mrs connived at the fiction that I had killed the tiger.
Packletide? They did so as they had to get money from me.
Answer:- On the other hand, my paid companion Miss
Miss Louisa Mebbin was the eyewitness of the Mebbin started blackmailing me. She warned me
shooting. She knew that Mrs Packletide had that she would make me a laughing stock by
killed the goat and the tiger had died of heart disclosing the fact if I didn’t buy a cottage for
attack. So, she asked Mrs Packletide to buy a her. I underwent a great financial loss. Now I feel
cottage for her if she wanted her not to disclose that the conflict of vanity was responsible for this
the fact. loss. I must have been a tolerant and submissive
lady. I have got a lesson and in future I will take
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] every decision sagaciously and judiciously.
Monday, Question 3.
15 July 20XX Read the extract given below and Answer the
9 p.m. Questions that follow:
The old man, shivering at times but fixed of
I feel to be in seventh heaven. As Long as fools purpose, plodded on till he came out of the town-
have money on earth, the wise will be enjoying. gate on to a straight road. ALong this he now
Unprecedently, a lady named Mrs Packletide went at a somewhat slower pace, supporting
came to my village and expressed her desire to himself on his old staff.
shoot a tiger safely. She was credulous and
docile. I decided to make money out of her. I Who was the old man and why was he
pretended to be her protective elder sister. She shivering?
appointed me as her paid companion. She took Where was he going so early?
me to the platform from where she had to shoot What does the phrase, ‘plodded on’ mean?
the tiger. I came to know such a secret which Answer:-
could be utilised to blackmail her. At the right
time, I asked Mrs Packletide to buy a cottage for The old man was Coachman Ali. He was going
me if she wanted me not to reveal the secret. to the post office early in the morning. It was
When I made her aware of the consequences of winter and he was wearing limited torn clothes.
revealing the secret before Loona, she became He was going to the post office so early with in
ready to buy the cottage. Now, I am enjoying my the hope of receiving the letter of his daughter.
life in my new cottage. ‘Ploded on’ means walked laboriously.
The Letter Chapter Wise Important
Questions Class 10 English Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
Communicative – Fiction Question 4.
2016 Read the extract given below and Answer the
Questions that follow:
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] The whole universe is built up through love and
that the grief of separation is inescapable.
Question 1.
Ali in the story, ‘The Letter’, is a lonely man. How When did the speaker acquire this philosophy?
does the writer bring out his loneliness? What pain has the speaker gone through?
Answer:- What does the word ‘inescapable’ mean?
Ali lived all alone after his only daughter Miriam Answer:-
had got married and left him. He was passing his
days waiting for a letter from his daughter. Ali The speaker acquired this philosphy when his
walks his lonely way to the post office. The daughter went to the Punjab with her husband.
whole town is wrapped in deathly silence. The speaker has gone through the pain of
separation from his dear daughter.
Question 2. The word ‘inescapable’ means ‘that can’t be
“For now the postmaster understood Ali’s heart escaped or avoided’.
and his very soul.” Explain. Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
The postmaster understood Ali’s heart and soul Question 5.
when his daughter lay ill in another
What was the reason behind Ali’s unshakeable Answer:-
faith that he would receive a letter from Miriam Coachman Ali used to go to the post office
one day? regularly in the hope of receivingthe letter of his
Answer:- daughter. He used to sit on the varandah of the
Ali had immense love and affection for his post office. The staff of the post office began to
daughter. He was also aware of the fact that his make fun of him. They also told the postmaster
daughter loved him so much. He had faith in that Ali was an insane old man who had been
Allah. All this brought conviction in him that he coming to the post office for several months
would receive the letter of his daughter Miriam without any reason. One day, Ali lost his
one day. patience and went to the postmaster to enquire
about the letter of his daughter. The postmaster
2013 lost his temper for this simple reason and began
to reprimand Ali. Neither did he bother about
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] Ali’s age nor did he realise the significance of
love and affection that Ali had in his heart for his
Question 6. daughter. He called Ali a pest. He scolded Ali so
Read the extract given below and Answer the badly that Ali’s eyes were filled with tears of
Questions that follow: helplessness.
The old man got up, raised his eyes to heaven in One day, trouble came to the postmaster when
gratitude and stepping forward put his hands to he began to wait for the letter of his own
the door. daughter, who was ill in another town. Seeing an
envelope of the colour and shape he had
Who was the old man? expected, he eagerly snatched it up. But it was
Why did he raise his eyes to heaven in the letter of Ali. It was then that he realised the
gratitude? significance of letter. Till he did not undergo the
Why had the clerk called out his name? same affliction himself, he could not know the
Answer:- grief of a father.
Who is the speaker? Who are ‘you’? Name the speaker of the above line.
How did Caesar pay for being ambitious? Whose ‘dream’ has been referred to in the
What argument did the speaker give to show extract?
that Brutus was wrong in his judgement of Explain: ‘amiss interpreted’.
Caesar? Answer:-
The name of speaker is Decius Brutus.
Antony is the speaker. ‘You’ here stands for the The dream of Calpurnia has been referred to in
people of Rome. the extract.
The conspirators blamed Caesar for being Decius Brutus tells Caesar that the dream of
ambitious and they assassinated him on this Calpurnia has been wrongly interpreted.
ground. Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
The speaker said that Caesar must have
accepted the crown if he had been ambitious. Question 31.
But he rejected it thrice. Why did Calpumia try to stop Caesar from going
Question 28. to the senate?
Read the extract given below and Answer the Answer:-
Questions that follow: Calpurnia had a very bad dream the previous
Good countrymen, let me depart alone, night. She was also informed by the watchman
And, for my sake, stay here with Antony: that in his dream he had seen many unnatural
things. A lioness had given birth to her little ones
Identify the speaker of the above lines. in the streets. Dead bodies were coming out of
When and where were the above lines spoken? graveyards. A fierce war was going in air and
Bring out the irony in the aboveMarcus Brutus is blood was falling upon the capital. Calpumia saw
the speaker. that blood was coming out of the statue of
The above lines were spoken after Brutus Caesar and lusty Romans were bathing their
delivered his speech. These lines were spoken hands in it with smiling faces. All these were
form the pulpit in the market place.
ominous and Calpumia thought that the life of Antony succeeds fully in his mission. The
Caesar was in danger. conspirators are defeated and Antony becomes
the ruler.
Question 32.
How does Decius Brutus persuade Caesar to Question 36.
accompany him to the senate house? What did Caesar’s will have for the common
Answer:- men of Rome?
Decius Bmtus says that the dream of Calpumia Answer:-
has been wrongly interpreted. Actually the Antony brought the will of Caesar and read it to
Romans will get a reviving blood from Caesar’s the people ofRome. According to the will, all the
blood. They will get their handkerchiefs Romans had to get seventy-five silver coins from
drenched in his blood and the same will be the property of Caesar. The private arbours of
worshipped by the future generations. He also Caesar were to become the national property
tries to entice Caesar by saying that the and every Roman would be enjoying there.
senators have decided to offer him the crown These were the sufficent proofs to prove that
that day. If he does not go, they may change Caesar was not ambitious.
their decision.
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Question 33.
What did Caesar leave for the Romans in his Question 37.
will? ‘Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome
Answer:- more. ’
Antony brought the will of Caesar and read it to Brutus says this as he justifies to the Romans
the people of Rome. According to the will, all the why Caesar was assassinated by them. Do you
Romans had to get seventy-five silver coins from agree with Brutus? Justify your Answer in 120-
the property of Caesar. The private arbours of 150 words by giving examples from the play.
Caesar were to become the national property What values does Brutus display as he says this
and every Roman would be enjoying there. line to the Romans?
These were the sufficent proofs to prove that Answer:-
Caesar was not ambitious. Yes, I agree with Brutus. As a matter of fact,
Brutus was a noble man. He possessed a series
Question 34. of virtues. He was a very close friend of Caesar.
How did nature foretell Caesar’s death? He had a very good image in the eyes of the
Answer:- Rom Cassius was very shrewd and
For nature Caesar was a prominent person. So manipulative. He knew that he would be
she gave a warning of danger in successful in implementing his conspiracy if he
Caesar’s life. Calpumia saw in her dream that won the favour of Brutus. So he poisoned the
blood was coming out of Caesar’s statue and the ears of Brutus saying that the growing power of
lusty Romans with their smiling faces were Caesar would be dangerous to the democracy of
washing their hands in it. The watchman saw Rome. Brutus could not understand the real
that a lioness was giving birth to its little ones in motive of Cassius and believed his words
the street. Dead bodies were coming out of the blindly. He failed to see through the cunningness
graveyards and warriors were fighting in the sky. of Cassius and supported him in the execution of
These ominous signs were the nature’s his conspiracy.
foretelling of Caesar’s death. Brutus displays that he has feeling of patriotism
and loyalty to Roman democracy.
Question 35.
What is the purpose of Antony’s speech? Does Question 38.
he succeed in his mission? Now let it work. Mischief thou art afoot.
Answer:- Take thou what course thou wilt!
Antony is greatly agrieved to see the dead body Antony seeks justice by getting the mob to kill
of Caesar. His purpose is to take revenge for the conspirators. But to correct a wrong, one
Caesar’s death on the conspirators and to cannot commit another wrong. Write a speech
become the rulefby defeating the conspirators for the school assembly on—The ends do not
with the help of the people of Rome. justify the means: (120-150 words)
Good Morning! Now, whilst your purpled hands do reek and
Respected principal, teachers and my dear smoke,
colleagues. I am going to deliver a speech on Fulfil your pleasure. Live a thousand years,
the topic ‘the ends do not justify the me I shall not find myself so apt to die:
In this fast changing materialistic world, it has
become very difficult for mankind to keep control When does Antony say these words?
on his emotions. People have become vindictive What is his request?
in nature. They have neither tolerance nor What does ‘reek’ in the above lines mean?
patience. But vindictive attitude must be checked Answer:-
otherwise there will be the extinction of the
world. For achieving success people should Antony speaks these words after the
follow the right path. assassination of Caesar by the conspirators.
In the case of Antony, we find that he instigates He requests the conspirators to kill him also.
the Roman mob to kill the conspirators and burn The word ‘reek’ here means ‘stench’ or ‘an
their houses. This led to the huge destruction of offensive smell’.
life and property. No civilized society will Question 41.
approve of this act of Antony. He should have Read the extract given below and Answer the
adopted another safe method of reconciliation. Questions that follow:
Taking experience from this event of the drama BRUTUS: Then none have I offended. I have
‘Julius Caesar’ we must take a vow to settel done no more to Caesar than you shall do to
every dispute harmoniously. Vindictive attitude Brutus.
must be discarded and feeling of forgiveness
must be spread in every nook and corner of the In which context does Brutus say these words?
world. How does Brutus justify his action?
I think tolerance and forgiveness will be the two What was the immediate reaction of the
effective tools to save humanity in future. listeners?
Thanks Answer:-
Mrs Slater is the speaker. Who speaks these words and about whom?
It has to be shifted because Mrs Slater does not The speaker implies that ‘she’ is .
want to give the share of the bureau to her sister The literary device used in the above lines is .
Mrs Jordan. Answer:-
This extract shows that Mrs Slater was
dishonest, greedy and shrewd. Short Answer Mrs Slater speaks these lines about her sister
Type Question [2 Marks] Mrs Jordan.
The speaker implies that ‘She’ is very cunning
Question 18. and she will be hard about getting her share.
What change in the grandfather’s will led to The literary device used here is repetition.
another spat between his two daughters? Why? Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
The grandfather, Mr Abel Merryweather Question 21.
announced that he would change his old will. In Briefly describe the character of Victoria in ‘The
the new would, there would be a provision that Dear Departed.’
his property would go to the person with whom Answer:-
he would be at the time of his death. This very Victoria in the drama ‘The Dear Departed’ is a
provision was a bone of contention between the very precious girl who knows what is good and
two sisters. Each of them wanted to keep their what is bad. She is an innocent girl who has
father in her house as both of them had avarice. nothing to do with the evil deeds of her mother
and her father. She is actually dejected over the
2011 death,of her grandfather as she has real love
and affection in her heart of hearts for him.
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Question 19. Question 22.
Read the extract given below and Answer the You are Abel Merryweather. Express your
Questions that follow: ideas/feelings after you wake up and come to
I’ll tell you what I’ve got to do. On Monday next know about your daughters’ feelings/greed and
I’ve got to do three things. intentions.
These words are spoken by————- to——— My eyes have been opened by my daughters
—- and their husbands. I was of the view that my
The listeners’ reaction to the speaker’s daughters have real love and affection for me in
declaration is that they are ————– their hearts. But the incident of my temporary
————-has made the speaker decide on three Tainting has revealed everything. Now I have
things. come to know that they love my property more
Answer:- than me and I am a burden over them. They
want me ” to depart from this world as soon as
These words are spoken by Mr Abel possible. What a drastic change has,taken place
Merryweather to his daughters and their in the new generation. Their avarice has killed all
husbands. their values.
The listeners’ reaction to the speaker’s Now I will have to think differently. I have come
declaration is that they are astonished and to know about their evil intention. I must remain
terrified. alert in future. I am going to change my will in
such a way that I’Will remain important for them
till my death. For enhancing my importance, I will
pay the premium of insurance in time. I will also
marry an old lady, who will take care of me.
Now, all my doubts have been dispelled and I
am well aware of the nature of the daughters.
Question 23.
Abel in “The Dear Departed” is very upset at the
behaviour of his family. He expresses his
feelings to a close friend in a letter. As Abel,
write this letter.
Dear John
Your affectionately
Abel Merryweather