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Two Gentlemen of Verona Chapter Wise Important Questions Class 10 English Communicative - Fiction 2016 Extract Based Questions (3 Marks)

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Two Gentlemen Of Verona Chapter Wise were doing various kinds of work to earn more

Important Questions Class 10 English money. Their devotion and dedication to duty
Communicative – Fiction impressed both the author and his friend.
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
Question 1.
Read the extract given below and Answer Question 3 Although Nicola and Jacopo are
briefly the Questions that follow. young boys, the author refers to them as
He smiled uncomfortably, “Just plans, sir, ” he gentlemen. Why does he do so?
Answered in a low voice. Answer:- The author finds that the two brothers
In the above line, who is talking and to whom? are law-abiding, responsible, caring more for
What plans is the speaker referring to? human values, respectful and self-dependent.
Give the antonym of ‘smiled’. They are also honest, diligent and soft-spoken.
For saving the life of their only surviving blood
Answer ->Nicola is talking to the narrator. relative, their only sister, they are sacrificing their
The speaker Nicola is referring to their plans for lot.
saving money for the treatment of their sister.

Question 2.
Read the extract given below and Answer
briefly the Questions that follow.
“We do many things, sir”, Nicola Answered 2013 Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
seriously. He glanced at us hopefully.
Question 4.
a What many things did the boys do? Read the extract given below and complete the
B Why did they have to do them? statements that follow:
C Give the antonym of‘seriously’. “You will get fruit much better in Verona.
Answer:- Besides, these boys… ”
A )The boys did many things such as
shoeshining, selling fruits, hawking newspapers Who speaks these lines and to whom?
and conducting tourists round the town and Why does the speaker disapprove of the boys?
running errands. What fruit has been referred to here?
b)They were doing these things to earn money Answer:-
for the treatment of their sister who was in
c)carelessly. Luigi, the driver, speaks these lines to the
2015Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] The speaker does not like their shabby
appearance. He doubts them as cheats or
Question 1. How did Luigi behave on seeing the thieves.
two boys? Wild strawberries have been referred to here.
Answer:- Luigi behaved in an unfriendly way. 2012
He expressed his disgust for them. Moreover, he
doubted them as cheats or thieves owing to their Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
shabby appearance. He requested the author
not to buy fruits from them. Question 5.
Read the extract given below and Answer
Question 2 Why was the author and his friend briefly the Questions that follow.
attracted towards the two boys? They greeted us with friendly faces.
Answer:- Both the author and his friend “I thought you picked fruit for a living”, I said.
observed that the two boys possessed a series
of virtues. They were diligent, honest, dutiful, Who are ‘they’?
modest and courteous. In their tender age they How did ‘they’ greet the narrator?
What did the narrator think ‘they’ did for a living? Owing to poverty, she became a victim of
Answer:- malnutrition. In course of time, she began to
suffer from tuberculosis of the spine.
‘They’ here stands for the two boys, Nicola and Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
They greeted the narrator in a very respectful Question 9.
and courteous manner. What were the hardships faced by Nicola and
The narrator thought that they picked wild Jacopo?
strawberries for earning their livelihood. Answer:-
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Both Nicola and Jacopo had to work hard from
morning till midnight to make their both ends
Question 6. What did the narrator see when he meet. They had to earn more and spend less as
looked through the glass partition? (Two they had to meet the expenses of the treatment
Gentlemen of Verona) of their only surviving blood relative, i.e. their
Answer:- sister.
The narrator saw that the two boys seated
beside a girl of about twenty, who propped up on Question 10.
pillows. She was listening to their chatter. She Why were the narrator and his companion
bore resemblance to her brothers. They gave impressed by the two boys?
her vase of wild flowers, fruits and several Answer:-
books. Both the author and his friend observed that the
two boys possessed a series of virtues. They
Question 7. What errands did Nicola and were diligent, honest, dutiful, modest and
Jacopo do to earn their living? courteous. In their tender age, they were doing
Answer:-The two boys used to shine shoes, sell various kinds of work in order to earn more
fruits, hawk newspapers, conduct tourists round money. Their devotion and dedication to duty
the town and ran errands. They never bothered impressed both the author and his friend.
for themselves. For earning their livelihood and
saving the life of their sister, they performed Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
even difficult tasks.
Question 11.
2011 Imagine you are the narrator in ‘Two Gentlemen
of Verona’. You were touched by the love and
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] devotion of the boys for their sister. Write a letter
to a friend about the two boys and the attraction
Question 8. you felt for them.
Read the following extract and Answer the Answer:-
Questions that follow.
When the resistance movement began secretly 11, Church Road Venice
to form they were among the first to join. When 25 June 20XX Dear John
the war was over, and we had peace at last, I hope you are hale and hearty. I am writing
they came back to their beloved sister. about selfless action and sacrifice of the two
small boys of Verona.
Who are the ‘they’ referred to here? Life has many surprises. I happened to
Why did they join the resistance movement? encounter two boys in Verona. They were
What had happened to their sister? homeless orphan . But they were working hard
Answer:- to earn more money. They spent less and saved
more to save the life of their only surviving blood
The word ‘they’ here stands for the two boys, relative, their sister Lucia. She was suffering
Nicola and Jacopo. from tuberculosis of the spine. Her treatment
Their spontaneous hatred and anger for the was going on in a hospital.
Germans led them to join the resistance These two boys undertook all kinds of work for
movement. The Germans had ruined their entire saving the life of their sister. Their selfless
family and thrown them into the streets. action, their sacrifice and their total devotion to
their cause impressed me so much. Their series
of virtues earn our respect, sympathy and love
for them. They were too self-respecting and a paid companion named Louisa Mebbin, who
proud to show their personal problems or agony helped her in shooting the tiger.
to any outsider. They never asked for any favour
from anyone. Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
They are indeed two little angels. I salute their
sacrifice and far-sightedness. With love. Question 4.
The story Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger revolves
around big time shooting. Though hunting is
Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Chapter Wise banned nowadays, animals are still being
Important Questions Class 10 English hunted. Write an article for ‘Earth Today’
magazine voicing your concern over the killing of
Communicative – Fiction animals and its impact on the environment.
2016 Answer:-
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] Hunting: A Threat to Environment
by ABC
Question 1.
Who arranged for the tiger shooting and why? Despite much hue and cry and implementation
Answer:- of strict laws by the government, the grim
Mrs. Packletide arranged for the tiger shooting business of hunting animals is still in practice in
because she wanted to show off her exploits and several parts of our country. This evil practice
make Loona Bimberton jealous of her commenced several centuries ago, when
achievements. It was the only way in which she wealthy people had adopted it to show their
could counter all the publicity achieved by Loona bravery and satisfy their whims. In course of
Bimberton. time, millions of animals were killed and such
killings affected the environment badly.
2015 Animals are also the beautiful creation of God.
They help us in many different ways. They are
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] integral part of our ecological system. Any
further reduction in their number will cause
Question 2. severe ecological imbalance. We, Indians, are
Read the extract given below and Answer the known for our love and affection towards
Questions that follow: animals. Our scriptures reveal that our ancestors
“How amused every one would be if they knew used to worship animals.
what really happened. ” Time has now come when we have to use our
best endeavours to stop all sorts of hunting.
Who is the speaker? Government must formulate more effective laws
What had ‘really happened’? to stop this grim business. People have realised
What does the word, ‘amused’ mean? their mistakes and the significance of animals in
Answer:- our ecological system. Good sense will prevail
and animals will never be shot.
Miss Mebbin is the speaker.
Mrs Packletide had missed the aim and the tiger Question 5.
had died of heart attack. Ms. Mebbin’s devotion to Mrs. Packletide is fake
The word ‘amused’ means ‘entertained’. and pretentious. She reminds you of a similar
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] situation when you had been disloyal to one of
your good friends. Write a letter to your friend
Question 3. mentioning the situation: how you had taken
How was Mrs Packletide able to achieve her advantage of the situation and apologizing to
heart’s desire? him/her for your behaviour.
Answer:- Answer:-
Mrs Pacletide offered an amount of? 1,000 to E 44 Safdarjung Enclave
the villagers to help her in shooting a tiger New Delhi 1100XX
safely. They managed a very old and weak tiger 25 June 20XX
whose hunting was absolutely safe. She also got
Dear Rohan,
Hope this letter finds you in the best of your She realised that her vanity was responsible for
health and spirit. I am going to reveal a fact her loss and suffering.
pertaining to an event which took place last year.
You bought a laptop from Dell company and you 2013
damaged it deliberately as it was not functioning
properly. As your laptop was insured, you Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
wanted to Save a new laptop from the company.
As I was the eyewitness of what you had done Question 8.
with the laptop I started blackmailing you. I “Louisa Mebbin had a protective elder-sister
asked you to give me 5,000 if you wanted to attitude towards money in general.” How?
keep me mum. You had no option and you gave Answer:-
me the amount reluctantly. Louisa Mebbin scolded Mrs Packletide for giving
This very incident has been haunting my mind a huge amount to the villagers. She asked Mrs
since then. I confess my guilt. Actually, I had to Packletide not to pay the price of the goat if it
pay a debt and I was in dire need of money. was not touched by the tiger. But all her
Now, I feel that what a big crime pretentions were for the sake of her personal
I had committed. After reading the story ‘Mrs. motive to get a huge amount from Mrs
Packletide’s Tiger’, I form a very bad impression Packletide.
of Miss Mebbin. Owing to her blackmailing
attitude, she became a disgusting figure. I 2012
assure you that I will refund your amount.
Moral values must be given due importance. Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
Hope to see you soon.
Question 9.
Yours sincerely Read the extract given below and Answer the
Manish Questions that follow:
‘The incidental expenses are so heavy’, she
2014 confides to inquiring friends.

Extract Based Question [3 Marks] Who is the speaker in the above lines?
Why had the ‘incidental expenses’ become so
Question 6. heavy?
Read the extract given below and Answer the Why had the speaker incurred the incidental
Questions that follow: expenses?
“How amused every one would be if they knew Answer:-
what really happened. ”
Mrs Packletide is the speaker in the above lines.
Who is the speaker? Mrs Packletide had to keep Miss Mebbin mum
What had ‘really happened’? by paying money as the latter had started
Why would everyone be amused? blackmailing her.
Answer:- The speaker had to satisfy her vanity by
outshining her rival Loona Bimberton.
Miss Louisa Mebbin is the speaker. Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Mrs Packletide had shot the goat instead of the
tiger and the tiger died of heart attack. Question 10.
Mrs Packletide would become a laughing stock Who was Miss Mebbin? What was her
for paying a huge amount for killing a goat. relationship with Mrs Packletide?
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] Answer:-
Miss Mebbin was the paid companion of Mrs
Question 7. Packletide. Actually, she had not any blood
Why did Mrs Packletide give up big-game relationship with Mrs Packletide. She adopted an
shooting? elder-sister attitude (protecting) towards money
Answer:- irrespective of which currency that money
Mrs Packletide had a very sad and bitter beLonged to or who was its owner.
experience of shooting. She had to pay a huge
amount to the villagers as well as Miss Mebbin. Question 11.
How did Miss Louisa Mebbin blackmail Mrs connived at the fiction that I had killed the tiger.
Packletide? They did so as they had to get money from me.
Answer:- On the other hand, my paid companion Miss
Miss Louisa Mebbin was the eyewitness of the Mebbin started blackmailing me. She warned me
shooting. She knew that Mrs Packletide had that she would make me a laughing stock by
killed the goat and the tiger had died of heart disclosing the fact if I didn’t buy a cottage for
attack. So, she asked Mrs Packletide to buy a her. I underwent a great financial loss. Now I feel
cottage for her if she wanted her not to disclose that the conflict of vanity was responsible for this
the fact. loss. I must have been a tolerant and submissive
lady. I have got a lesson and in future I will take
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] every decision sagaciously and judiciously.

Question 12. 2011

Describe how the shooting was arranged and
the role the villagers played in the same. Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
The villagers played a very significant role in Question 14.
arranging the shooting. The offer of a thousand How did Miss Mebbin exploit Mrs. Packletide?
rupees stimulated them. They posted children Answer:-
night and day on the outskirts of the forest. They Miss Mebbin won the faith of Mrs Packletide by
wanted to keep the tiger in the same forest. To adopting a protective elder-sister attitude
keep the old tiger alive, many cheap goats were towards money. After becoming the eyewitness
left in the forest. Mothers were asked not to of the fact of the shooting she blackmailed Mrs.
disturb the restful sleep of the tiger by singing. A Packletide into buying a cottage for her if she
persistent bleating goat was tied near the wanted her not to disclose the fact. Mrs.
platform constructed by the villagers for shooting Packletide had to buy the cottage to keep Miss
purposes. After the shooting, the villagers Mebbin mum.
started a chorus of triumph by thumping tom-
toms. They also connived at the fiction that the Question 15.
bullet of Mrs Packletide had killed the tiger. The Depict the instances of humour in the chapter,
triumph and rejoicing of the villagers found a “Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger”.
ready echo in the heart of Mrs. Packletide. Answer:-
Without the assistance of the villagers the killing Instances of humour can be enumerated as
of even this old tiger could not have been follows:
possible. Thus, the role of the villagers in killing
the tiger can’t be underestimated. Mrs Packletide wanted the tiger skin spread
before her eyes and also wanted the people
Question 13. including Loona Bimberton to talk about it.
A few years later Mrs Packletide writes a daily Mothers were asked not to disturb the tiger by
entry about her experience of killing the tiger. As singing.
Mrs Packletide, write this diary entry. Miss Mebbin protected her monetary interests
Answer:- everywhere and in every way.
The tiger was not killed by Mrs. Packletide.
Sunday Actually, it died of heart attack.
10 July 20XX 9 p.m. Question 16.
Tonight I feel extremely repentant to recall a How did the villagers react to the tiger’s death?
past event. What a sad day it was when I Answer:-
decided to outshine my rival Loona Bimberton. It A crowd of excited natives gathered on the
happened a few years ago. Loona tried to prove scene. They started shouting that Mrs Packletide
her superiority by possessing some items made had killed the tiger. A thumping of tom-toms took
of the organs of tigers. I decided to outshine her. up the chorus of triumph. They pretended that
I paid a huge amount to some villagers who they did not know that the tiger had died of heart
arranged a tiger shooting for me. I was excited in attack.
the beginning. But I missed my aim while
shooting and killed the goat instead of the tiger. Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
It was so shocking for me. But the villagers
Question 17. town, and he was anxiously waiting for news
Miss Mebbin feels extremely elated at the way from her. This worry and anxiety for her
she exploited Mrs. Packletide and made her to daughter changed the postmaster. He
pay a huge sum as bribe. Miss Mebbin takes a understood Ali’s heart and soul and his yearning
merry twinkle at her own cleverness and for his daughter.
expresses her delight in a diary entiy. Write the
dairy entry on her behalf. 2015

Answer:- Extract Based Question [3 Marks]

Monday, Question 3.
15 July 20XX Read the extract given below and Answer the
9 p.m. Questions that follow:
The old man, shivering at times but fixed of
I feel to be in seventh heaven. As Long as fools purpose, plodded on till he came out of the town-
have money on earth, the wise will be enjoying. gate on to a straight road. ALong this he now
Unprecedently, a lady named Mrs Packletide went at a somewhat slower pace, supporting
came to my village and expressed her desire to himself on his old staff.
shoot a tiger safely. She was credulous and
docile. I decided to make money out of her. I Who was the old man and why was he
pretended to be her protective elder sister. She shivering?
appointed me as her paid companion. She took Where was he going so early?
me to the platform from where she had to shoot What does the phrase, ‘plodded on’ mean?
the tiger. I came to know such a secret which Answer:-
could be utilised to blackmail her. At the right
time, I asked Mrs Packletide to buy a cottage for The old man was Coachman Ali. He was going
me if she wanted me not to reveal the secret. to the post office early in the morning. It was
When I made her aware of the consequences of winter and he was wearing limited torn clothes.
revealing the secret before Loona, she became He was going to the post office so early with in
ready to buy the cottage. Now, I am enjoying my the hope of receiving the letter of his daughter.
life in my new cottage. ‘Ploded on’ means walked laboriously.
The Letter Chapter Wise Important
Questions Class 10 English Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
Communicative – Fiction Question 4.
2016 Read the extract given below and Answer the
Questions that follow:
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] The whole universe is built up through love and
that the grief of separation is inescapable.
Question 1.
Ali in the story, ‘The Letter’, is a lonely man. How When did the speaker acquire this philosophy?
does the writer bring out his loneliness? What pain has the speaker gone through?
Answer:- What does the word ‘inescapable’ mean?
Ali lived all alone after his only daughter Miriam Answer:-
had got married and left him. He was passing his
days waiting for a letter from his daughter. Ali The speaker acquired this philosphy when his
walks his lonely way to the post office. The daughter went to the Punjab with her husband.
whole town is wrapped in deathly silence. The speaker has gone through the pain of
separation from his dear daughter.
Question 2. The word ‘inescapable’ means ‘that can’t be
“For now the postmaster understood Ali’s heart escaped or avoided’.
and his very soul.” Explain. Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
The postmaster understood Ali’s heart and soul Question 5.
when his daughter lay ill in another
What was the reason behind Ali’s unshakeable Answer:-
faith that he would receive a letter from Miriam Coachman Ali used to go to the post office
one day? regularly in the hope of receivingthe letter of his
Answer:- daughter. He used to sit on the varandah of the
Ali had immense love and affection for his post office. The staff of the post office began to
daughter. He was also aware of the fact that his make fun of him. They also told the postmaster
daughter loved him so much. He had faith in that Ali was an insane old man who had been
Allah. All this brought conviction in him that he coming to the post office for several months
would receive the letter of his daughter Miriam without any reason. One day, Ali lost his
one day. patience and went to the postmaster to enquire
about the letter of his daughter. The postmaster
2013 lost his temper for this simple reason and began
to reprimand Ali. Neither did he bother about
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] Ali’s age nor did he realise the significance of
love and affection that Ali had in his heart for his
Question 6. daughter. He called Ali a pest. He scolded Ali so
Read the extract given below and Answer the badly that Ali’s eyes were filled with tears of
Questions that follow: helplessness.
The old man got up, raised his eyes to heaven in One day, trouble came to the postmaster when
gratitude and stepping forward put his hands to he began to wait for the letter of his own
the door. daughter, who was ill in another town. Seeing an
envelope of the colour and shape he had
Who was the old man? expected, he eagerly snatched it up. But it was
Why did he raise his eyes to heaven in the letter of Ali. It was then that he realised the
gratitude? significance of letter. Till he did not undergo the
Why had the clerk called out his name? same affliction himself, he could not know the
Answer:- grief of a father.

The old man was Coachman Ali. 2012

When the clerk called out his name, he felt that
his Long cherished desire of getting the letter of Snort Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
his daughter had been fulfilled.
To make fun of Ali and to make the staff of the Question 9.
post office laugh, the clerk called out Ali’s name. What were Ali’s reasons for giving up hunting?
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] Answer:-
After marriage Ali’s daughter went to the Punjab
Question 7. with her husband. Ali felt pangs of separation
Describe the early morning scene when Ali from his daughter. Then he realised that he must
visited the post office. not kill any bird or animal as they would have the
Answer:- same grief of separation.
It was early dawn of the winter reason. The stars
were still glowing in the grey sky. The sound of Question 10.
grinding mills and sweet voices of women Why could Ali not enjoy a sportsman’s pleasure
singing at their work were coming from some of hunting any more after Miriam left him?
houses. The occasional bark of a dog and the Answer:-
screech of a bird could be heard. The whole After the departure of Miriam, Ali began to live in
town was wrapped in deathly silence but Ali was utter solitude. Having felt the agony of
going to the post office. separation, he began to imagine the grief of
separation in the life of birds and animals that
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks] his hunting caused. He became kind and
sympathetic towards animals and left the grim
Question 8. business of hunting.
One feels other’s pain only when one goes
through it himself/herself. Explain the Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
postmater’s change of heart in the story ‘The
Letter’ and why it took place. Question 11.
Rebuked by the postmaster, Ali walks away from
the post office with a heavy heart. That night, he Yours sincerely
writes his diary expressing his feelings about the Miriam
day’s events and his approaching end.
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Monday, 24 August
9 p.m. Question 13.
What will be the fate of the posterity? Every In the story, ‘The Letter’ the postmaster called
member of the society is becoming furious. I did Ali ‘a pest’. Do you find his comment justified?
not harm the postmaster by simply inquiring Explain.
about the letter of my daughter. But he began to Answer:-
rebuke me as if I had committed a crime. I No, the postmaster is not justified. Ali was
began to weep. But I did not reply. Allah gave indeed an epitome of love and affection. His
me courage to tolerate. But he himself is a fatherly love is applaudable. He went to the
father. Why couldn’t he realise the love and postmaster to enquire about the letter only when
affection of another father that he had in his he felt that he would not be able to come to the
heart for his daughter. I will never go to the post office the next day. The postmaster failed in
postoffice. I have been badly humiliated. I am measuring the depth of love in Ali’s heart of
nearing my death. Very soon I will depart from hearts.
this world. But I am worried about deteriorating
human values. Elderly people must be respected Question 14.
in society. I am hopeful that good sense will ‘Ali displays qualities of love and patience.’ Give
prevail and elderly people will get the same evidence from the story to support the
respect as they would get in ancient India. statement.
Question 12. Being ignited by the feeling of love and affection,
Imagine you are Ali’s daughter Miriam. Write a Ali would go to the post office regularly. He
letter to a friend expressing your feelings on never bothered about the heat or cold caused by
learning about your father’s life and death. others. His love for his daughter gave him
Answer:- courage to tolerate all sorts of scolding and
23 A Model Town humiliation. He used to sit on the varandah of
New Delhi 1100XX the post office waiting for the letter. He never
27 August 20XX became impatient.

Dear Nilufa, Question 15.

Hope this letter finds you in the best of your How did the postmaster’s attitude towards Ali
health and spirit. I am writing to you to share my eventually change?
grief which I feel after knowing about the passing Answer:-
away of my father. My father was indeed an The postmaster humiliated Ali as he failed to
epitome of love and sacrifice. After the death 6f realise the fatherly love of Ali. In the course of
my mother, he played, in my life, the dual role as time, he got the news of the illness of his
mother and father. He left no stone unturned to daughter. He became impatient and snatched a
bring happiness in my life. But after marriage, I letter from a clerk thinking it to be the letter of his
forgot him for a Long time. He went on waiting daughter. But it was the letter of Miriam. Then he
for my letter and tolerated all sorts of humiliation confessed his guilt and decided to handover the
in the post office. I feel ashamed for remaining letter to Ali himself.
selfish. My father had to struggle a lot and he
dragged his cheerless existence to know about Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
me before his departure from this world. But my
letter reached there only after the death of my Question 16.
Abbu. I am repentant and confess my guilt. Imagine, Ali writes a letter to one of his friends
I hope that his soul will forgive me. about what he does befofre his death. Write that
Convey my regards to elders. letter on his behalf.
With love. Answer:-
26C Muradabad Read the extract given below and Answer the
Uttar Pradesh 20XXXX Questions that follow:
29 August 20XX “Well, you needn’t be, because I just came to tell
you to stop bothering us for assistance; you ain’t
Dear Karim going to get it. We ’re going on strike! ”
I hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of
Allah. I am trying to justify the last decision of my Who is the speaker?
life. How is ‘you’ bothering ‘us’?
I used to go to the post office to receive the letter What does the word, ‘assistance’ mean?
of my daughter. One day, the postmaster Answer:-
scolded me badly and humiliated publicly. But he
could not kill my desire to receive the letter of my The ghost of Helen is the speaker.
daughter. When I felt that my death was ‘You’ refers to the aspiring writers who needed
approaching nearer and nearer, I decided to help from the ghosts to write their entires.
adopt another way of receiving the letter of my The word ‘assistance’ means ‘help’.
daughter. In the postoffice, there is a descent Question 3.
clerk named Laxmi Das. I gave him five golden Read the extract given below and Answer the
guineas and asked him to forward the letter of Questions that follow:
my daughter to me if it came after my death. I So I went home and set down before my desk
have faith in Laxmi Das. He will certainly forward and … waited, but nothing happened. Pretty
the letter to me. I think that the letter is more soon my mind began to wander off on to other
important than the golden guineas. So my things.
decision is judicious. Now I will depart from this
world with satisfaction. Hope that you will take Who is T?
care of my daughter as you are my most faithful What did T wait for?
friend. What does the phrase, ‘wander oFF mean?
The rest is OK. Answer:-

Yours lovingly ‘I’ is the protagonist, John Hallock, of the story ‘A

Ali Shady Plot’.
‘I’ waited for an idea of a ghost story to strike his
A Shady Plot Chapter Wise Important mind.
Questions Class 10 English ‘Wander off’ means ‘roam around aimlessly’.
Communicative – Fiction Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Question 4.
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] What made the writer believe that he was good
at writing ghost stories?
Question 1. Answer:-
Read the extract given below and Answer the The narrator thought that he was good at writing
Questions that follow: ghost stories because his publisher Jenkins
I sat staring at it and presently noticed always wanted him to write ghost stories. He told
something just taking shape. It was exactly like the narrator that his ghost stories were very well-
watching one of these moving picture cartoons received by the audience.
being put together.
Question 5.
Who does ‘it’ refer to? Why did the ghost of Helen come to see John
How was ‘it’ taking shape? Hallock?
What is meant by the word, ‘presently’? Answer:-
Answer:- The Ghost came to see Hallock because the
people on earth were making the lives
‘It’ refers to the ghost of Helen. of ghosts a hell by calling them every now and
‘It’ was appearing in bits and pieces. then using Ouija Boards and forcing them to
Presently means ‘at that time only’. Answer their Questions. The people had
Question 2. robbed them off all their joy and amusement and
they couldn’t go haunting people.
Why were Helen and other ghosts unhappy with
Question 6. the use of Ouija Boards?
Why did the spirit in the Ouija Board call Hallock Answer:-
a traitor? Helen and other ghosts were unhappy with the
Answer:- use of Ouija Boards because they had to be
The spirit of Helen had come to Hallock with a always on their toes for the Ouija Board fanatics
request. She wanted him to convince all his called them too often to Answer their
friends and relatives to stop using Ouija Board Questions. This did not leave them with any
and there he himself was using Ouija Board in time to amuse themselves by haunting others.
the party. So, she called him a traitor.
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
Question 7.
Why is John’s wife angry and what does she Question 12.
decide to do? How does Helen’s appearance in the party make
Answer:- Lavinia get rid of her superstitious belief in Ouija
John’s wife was angry when all the Ouij a boards Boards?
in the party called him a traitor and another Answer:-
name which was called was Helen. Lavinia Helen was quite superstitious and she bought an
thought that her husband was cheating on her Ouija Board from the sale and organised an
and was going around with a woman named Ouija board party. The author was also forced to
Helen. She decided to leave him and said that participate in the party. All the boards in the
her lawyer would talk to him. party screamed the author’s name and called
him a traitor. Everyone in the party believed that
Question 8. the narrator was having an affair with a woman
John Hallock could never displease Jenkins. called Helen. Lavinia was very angry and she
Why? made up her mind to leave the author. But when
Answer:- Lavinia entered the author’s room and saw
Jenkins was the only publisher who published Helen, the ghost, she forgave her husband. She
John’s books. He wanted John to write books then told the ghost, she forgave her husband
which had supernatural elements in them. All his and told her maid to burn the Ouija Boards in the
ghost stories were liked by the public. So, John kitchen fire.
could never annoy Jenkins.
Question 9.
Why didn’t John want to partner Laura Hinkle at Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
the Ouija Board party?
Answer:- Question 13.
John didn’t want to be partner with Laura Hinkle Read the extract given below and Answer the
during the Ouija Board Party because he had Questions that follow:
been asked by the ghost to not only stop playing “Well, you needn’t be, because Ijust came to tell
but also dissuade others. The ghost made it very you to stop bothering us for assistance; you ain’t
clear that only then it would help him write his going to get it. We ’re going on strike!”
ghost story.
Who speaks these words and to whom?
Question 10. What was the ‘bothering’ that was denied?
What is ‘The Writer’s Inspirational Bureau’ and What does the word ‘bothering’ mean?
what was its protest? Answer:-
It was a bureau which was started by all the Helen, the ghost, speaks these words to John
ghost writers to help the aspiring authors. The Hallock.
main task of this organisation was to scout Assistance for providing ideas for writing ghost
around until a writer without ideas was found. stories was denied.
They would then plant an idea into their The word ‘bothering’ means ‘worrying’ or
inspirational mind. ‘troubling oneself’.
Question 14.
Question 11.
Read the extract given below and Answer the Answer:-
Questions that follow: ” The ghost means to say that she requested her
I only waved denial and gurgled in my throat. to persuade the people to stop the use of the
She went on “It’s bad enough to have you flirt Ouija board. But in his own house his wife has
over the Ouija board with that hussy—. ” arranged an Ouija party. The ghost remains
busy Answering the Questions asked by the
What was John denying? people using Ouija boards. It is the violation of
What does the word ‘hussy’ mean? the promise and John is bound to suffer.
Why did Lavinia think that John was flirting?
Answer:- Question 18.
Why had John forgotten about Lavinia’s
John was denying his love affair with Helen. message?
The word ‘hussy’ means an impudent or immoral Answer:-
girl or woman. At that moment John wanted to conceal Helen
Every Ouija board was telling that John was a from Lavinia because he knew that Lavinia was
traitor who had deceived a lady named Helen. too sensitive to bear the presence of a ghost in
Question 15. her house. So he gave priority to the act of
Read the extract given below and Answer the concealing Helen.
Questions that follow:
And I had never found it healthy to contradict Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
Jenkins. Jenkins always seemed to have an
uncanny knowledge as to when the landlord or Question 19.
the grocer was pestering me, and he dunned me How does the lesson. ‘A Shady Plot’ remind us
for a ghost. And somehow I’d always been able that man has no right to invoke supernatural
to dig one up for him, so I’d begun to get a bit powers through Ouija boards, Tarot cards, etc.
cocky as to my ability. to solve his problems and that one should face
life boldly and overcome difficulties using wit and
Why couldn’t John contradict Jenkins? intelligence. Write in 80-100 words.
What did John ‘dig up’ for Jenkins? Answer:-
What does the word ‘cocky’ mean? Man must honour the balance between earthly
Answer:- creatures and supernatural power as it has been
made by Nature. He has no right to intrude into
Jenkins was the only publisher who used to the placid world of the ghosts. Compelling the
publish whatever was written by John. Moreover, ghosts to Answer the Questions using Ouija
John was in dire need of money at that time. board is an immoral activity. They don’t get time
John dug up ideas for writing ghost stories. to take rest, nor do they get time for recreation.
The word ‘cocky’ means ‘overconfident’. In this scientific world man is not supposed to
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] believe in ghosts. God has given man immense
power of thinking and made him next to Him.
Question 16. Man must have confidence of solving all sorts of
How did ‘The Writer’s Inspiration Bureau’ problems instead of hankering after superstitions
function? and antiquated ideas. Using his wit and courage
Answer:- he himself can do wonders.
Those writers who faced difficulties in gathering
ideas for writing ghost stories 2014
organised ‘The Writer’s Inspiration Bureau’.
They moved around until they found a writer Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
without ideas and with a mind soft enough to
accept impression. Then, the case was brought Question 20.
to the attention of the main office, and one of Read the extract given below and Answer the
them was assigned to it. When that case was Questions that follow:
finished they would bring in a report. “I hadn’t the shade of an idea, but at the time
that didn’t worry me in the least. You see, I had
Question 17. often been like that before ”
What does the ghost mean when it says, ‘It is all
your fault’? Who is ‘I’? What did he not have an idea about?
Why was he not worried?
What had actually happened earlier to make Question 24.
things right for him? Read the extract given below and Answer the
Answer:- Questions that follow:
“I have come to tell you that I am leaving, ” she
There stands for John Hallock. He had no idea staccatoed.
about writing a ghost story “Oh, yes, yes!” I agreed, flapping my arms about
He was not worried because he was to attract attention from the comer.
overconfident that idea would come to him
mysteriously as it had come to him on a previous Who is the ‘she’ referred to here?
occasion. Why had she decided to leave?
While he was struggling for an idea for writing a Why did her husband behave in a strange
ghost story it came to him abruptly and manner?
mysteriously. Then he became successful in Answer:-
writing a ghost story for the magazine of
Jenkins. The word ‘she’ here refers to Lavinia, the wife of
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] John Hallock.
She came to know that her husband had love
Question 21. affair with Helen. She could not tolerate it and
Why did John’s wife get angry with him? What decided to leave John’s house.
did she decide to do? At that time Helen was in his room. He did not
Answer:- want Lavinia to see Helen. Moreover, Lavinia
John’s wife came to know that her husband had was going to leave his house.
fallen in love with a lady named Helen. She Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
decided to leave John’s house and take legal
action against him using her lawyer. Question 25.
Why does Lavinia feel that the Ouija board
Question 22. would help her husband?
At one stage in the story, John wishes that he Answer:-
were dead. Why? Answer:-
Answer:- Lavinia has seen her husband struggling for
John found himself in a vicious cycle. His getting ideas for writing a ghost story. She thinks
publisher was putting pressure to write that her husband will be able to talk to ghosts
the ghost story as soon as possible. Helen was using an Ouija board and then he will have
not going to help him in writing the story. His sufficient ideas for writing a ghost story.
wife had the confusion that her husband had
fallen in love with Helen. She had warned him Question 26.
that she would divorce him. The maid servant Who formed the ‘Writer’s Inspiration Bureau’?
was going to leave the house of John. Under this Why was it formed?
situation, John wished that he were dead. Answer:-
In her previous life, Helen was confused as a
Question 23. writer she hardly got ideas to write stories. In her
What made the writer believe that he was good ghost life she found others who had suffered
at writing ghost stories and how was it similarly and they together formed ‘the Writer’s
disproved? Inspiration Bureau’. It was formed to help a
Answer:- writer without ideas and with a mind soft enough
A ghost story had been the first fiction that the to accept impression.
author had written. As it was liked by the
readers, Jenkins called on him whenever he Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
wanted a ghost story for his magazine. It was
disapproved when he felt that idea had not been Question 27.
coming to him despite his incessant endeavour. What does Helen, the ghost, demand from John
Hallock? Why does she do so?
2013 Answer:-
Helen was the member of ‘The Writer’s
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] Inspiration Bureau’. She had to go to the writers
with no idea of writing ghost stories to help them.
For this purpose only, she came to John. She Dear Robinia
explained her problem saying that she and other Hope this letter finds you in the pink of health. I
ghosts had to respond to the Questions asked am going to explain how I misunderstood my
by the people using Ouija boards. All the ghosts gentle husband who has been so loyal to me
had to work even at odd times and for Longer since our marriage.
time. They had no time for their own Recently, I arranged an Ouijaboard party and
entertainment. Expressing her problems, she invited many couples. When itwas going on a
began to weep. lady appeared on all the Ouija boards and
Helen requested the author to persuade the started calling my husband a traitor. I felt so bad
people to stop using Ouija boards using his own as I was publicly humiliated. All the couples were
influence. If he did so, she would help him by saying that my husband had fallen in love with a
providing ideas for writing a ghost story. If Helen lady named Helen and he deceived her later on.
succeeded in her mission, she and other ghosts The ignominy became so intolerable for me that
would lead a peaceful life. So for getting rid of I decided to leave the house of my husband and
her problems as well as the problems of the divorce him.
other ghosts, she showed her eagerness to help My eyes were opened the next day when the
John and get his help. reality came before my eyes. I saw that Helen
was so ugly. She was a ghost. So there was no
Question 28. Question of love affair between her and my
What problems did Helen, the ghost, cause in husband. As he knew that I would be extremely
John Hallock’s life? afraid to see a ghost he always hid her from me
Answer:- and never told me about her arrival. So I was
Helen came to John to get rid of her own mistaken and doubted my loyal husband. Now I
problems. So she showed her eagerness to help am repenting for what I did.
John in writing a ghost story. In return, she Convey my regards to elders and love to
wanted John’s help. John had to persuade the children.
people to stop the use of Ouija boards. So John With heaps of love.
and Helen promised to help each other. But
John’s wife arranged a Ouija board party in her Yours lovingly
house. It was the violation of the promise made Lavinia
by John. So when the party was going on Helen 2012
appeared and called John a traitor. It was
wrongly interpreted by everyone and John felt Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
humiliated as everybody blamed that he had
fallen in love with Helen. His wife warned John Question 30.
that she was going to leave his house and Read the following extract and Answer the
divorce him very soon. Question that follow:
The maid servant was also going to leave his “It’s those Ouija board fanatics. There was a
house. John was already in extreme stress as time when we had nothing much to occupy us
the publisher was putting pressure on him to and used to haunt a little on the side, purely for
write the ghost story and John was unable to amusement, but not any more. ”
have any idea for writing the same. So we can
say that Helen was the root cause of the various Who is the speaker? Who is being addressed?
problems being faced by John Hallock. What is the speaker’s complaint?
What is a Ouija board?
Question 29. Answer:-
As Lavinia, John Hallock’s wife, write a letter to
your sister on Helen, the ghost and how you Helen is the speaker. She is explaining her
misunderstood your husband. problems to John.
Answer:- The speaker complains that the ghosts don’t get
time for amusement as they have to respond to
182 Z Block the Questions of the Ouija board fanatics.
G.K.9 It is a board on which the letters of the alphabet
New Delhi are marked. Answers to Questions are spelt
15 June 20XX out by a pointer or glass held by the fingertips of
the participants and are supposedly formed by the use of Ouija boards. She warned further that
spiritual forces. the ghosts would go on strike if the use of the
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Ouija boards continued.

Question 31. Question 35.

Why did the ghost want people to stop using the Why did John Hallock’s wife decide to leave
Ouija board? him?
Answer:- Answer:-
The number of the Ouija board fanatics had Lavinia, the wife of John Hallock, came to know
increased alarmingly. The ghosts were facing a from the users of the Ouija boards that John had
lot of problems. They had to Answer the fallen in love with a lady named Helen. When the
Questions of the people anytime. They had no Ouija party was going on in the house of Lavinia,
time for their amusement. Previously they had she felt very much humiliated and took it as a
sufficient time to haunt people. Their life had severe offence on the part of John, she could
became so pathetic that Helen began to weep not tolerate the ignominy and decided to leave
while she was explaining her miseries to John. John for good.

Question 32. Question 36.

Why was John surprised at Lavinia’s reaction on Why did John want his wife to get rid of the Ouija
seeing the ghost? board she had bought?
Answer:- Answer:-
John was of the view that Lavinia would faint John had to write a ghost story for Jenkins. He
after seeing a ghost. But when John saw that had been facing problems in getting ideas for
Lavinia was looking at the apparition, he became writing the same. One evening, Helen came and
surprised. Lavinia also fell forgivingly into the promised to help him in writing a ghost story on
arms of John though she had warned John that one condition. The condition was that John had
she would leave his house and divorce him. The to persuade the people to stop the use of the
drastic change in Lavinia was indeed a startling Ouija board. John promised Helen that he would
fact for John. persuade the people. Then if John’s wife used
an Ouija board it would be the violation of the
Question 33. promise made by John.
Why was John not worried when Jenkins asked
him for a ghost story? Question 37.
Answer:- Why did John Hallock try to prevent Lavinia from
John had been writing ghost stories for several seeing the ghost?
years. It was an easy piece of work for him. He Answer
impressed Jenkins first time by writing a ghost John was well aware of the nature of Lavinia.
story. Since then whenever Jenkins assigned According to him, Lavinia was very sensitive
John the task of writing a ghost story, ideas for who would say boo even on seeing a mouse in
writing the same would come to him without her room. It would be a very terrifying and
making much effort. Like previous occasions he shocking experience for Lavinia, if she saw a
was sure that he would have no difficulty in ghost in her house. So John thought that Lavinia
writing a ghost story. would faint on seeing a ghost. Under this
situation, John thought it his moral duty to
Question 34. prevent Lavinia from seeing the ghost.
‘We’re going on strike!’ Explain the context.
Answer:- Question 38.
When John was facing problems in writing a John’s apprehension about his wife’s reaction to
ghost story, Helen was sent to him by ‘The the encounter with the ghost is unfounded.
Writer’s Inspiration Bureau’ to help him. But she Justify.
explained the problems of the ghosts and said Answer:-
that the ghosts were fed up with the excessive John was of the view that Lavinia would faint on
use of the Ouija boards by the people. They seeing a ghost. Whenever Helen came to John,
were going on strike and they would not help he tried to prevent Lavinia from seeing her.
anyone in writing ghost stories. So she When Helen came last time, Lavinia managed to
requested John to persuade the people to stop see Helen but she didn’t faint. She bagan to
smile. Later, she talked to Helen. So she was Patol Babu, Film Star Chapter Wise
quite normal. Hence, the apprehension of John Important Questions Class 10 English
was indeed unfounded.
Communicative – Fiction
Question 39. 2016
Why did the ghost come to meet John and what
did she announce? Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
When John was facing problems in writing a Question 1.
ghost story, Helen was sent to him by Read the extract given below and Answer the
‘The Writer’s Inspiration Bureau’ to help him. But Questions that follow:
she explained the problems of the ghosts and “This is only the first step on the ladder, my dear
said that the ghosts were fed up with the better-half! Yes. the first that would…..
excessive use of the Ouija boards by the people. God willing….. mark the rise to fame and fortune
They were going on strike and they would not of your beloved husband!”
help anyone in writing ghost stories. So she
requested John to persuade the people to stop What was “the first step on the ladder”?
the use of Ouija boards. She warned further that What characteristic does the speaker display
the ghosts would go on strike if the use of the here?
Ouija boards continued. What does the word, ‘fortune’ mean?
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
The first step was the break in the film, which he
Question 40. had got.
How did the ‘Ouija board party’ prove disastrous The speaker’s overconfidence is displayed here.
for John Hallock? The word ‘fortune’ means ‘luck’.
Answer:- Question 2.
In the Ouija board party, several couples had Read the extract given below and Answer the
been invited by Lavinia. As Mrs Laura Hinkle Questions that follow:
was without her husband, Lavinia requested her “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh… ’’Patol Babu began giving
husband to use the Ouija board aLong with Mrs the exclamation a different inflection each time
Hinkle. All of a sudden, a piece of news spread he uttered it. After doing it a number of times he
in the party that Mr. John had fallen in love with made an astonishing discovery.
a lady named Helen. As he deceived her, she
was calling him a traitor. Some ladies in the Why did Patol Babu repeat the word, ‘oh’ over
party tried their level best to make Lavinia know and over again ?
the rumor that had spread. It was a very What ‘astonishing discovery’ did he make ?
humiliating experience for John. Lavinia doubted What does the word, ‘uttered’ mean ?
the loyalty of her husband and warned that she Answer:-
would leave his house and divorce him. Gentle
and loyal John was unable to prove himself Patol Babu repeated the word ‘Oh’ over and
innocent. He was of the view that Lavinia would over again to bring ofit different meanings of the
faint if she came to know that Helen was a word.
ghost. Later, the maid servant also announced He made that the single word ‘Oh’ could be
that she was going to leave the house. On the spoken with different inflections and when
other side, Helen was angry thinking that John spoken in a different manner it conveyed a
had not kept his promises as the Ouija party was different meaning.
organised in his house. So she would not help ‘Uttered’ means ‘spoke’.
John in writing a ghost story. His publisher Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Jenkins was putting pressure on him to write the
ghost story as soon as possible and John was Question 3.
unable to get ideas for writing a ghost story. So Why does Patol Babu’s wife tell him that he is
the Ouija board party proved so disastrous for counting his ‘chickens before they’re hatched’ ?
John. Answer:-
Patol Babu broke the news about his acting
debut in a movie. He told his wife that it would
be his first step to rise to fame and fortune. But Question 8.
his wife knew that Patol Babu always used to get Naresh Dutt was surprised to see that Patol
overenthusiastic even before anything concrete Babu was so much satisfied with his
happened. So she told him not to count the performance that he did not wait to get his
chicks before the eggs hatched. payment. Comment.
Question 4. Patol Babu was a meticulous man for whom
What did Gogon Pakrashi teach Patol Babu? acting was a passion and not a job. He had got
Answer:- only a monosyllabic dialogue ‘oh’ to utter in his
Gogon Pakrashi was Patol Babu’s mentor. He movie. He practised hard for his role and
was a wonderful actor without a trace of vanity in executed it to the perfection. He was happy with
him. He told Patol Babu that whatever part he his performance and even the director and the
was offered he should never consider it beneath leading actor praised his performance. Patol
his dignity. He told him to squeeze the essence Babu thought that film people would not realise
of every dialogue and serve it to the audience. the importance of the hard work done by him. He
felt that taking money for the small part he
Question 5. performed will be trivialising his performance. He
What idea did Patol Babu have while was a passionate actor to whom creative
rehearsing? What was the director’s reaction? satisfaction mattered more than money. That
Answer:- made Naresh Dutt a little surprised.
Patol Babu got an idea that he should hold a
newspaper in his hands to make the scene more Question 9.
effective. He also suggested that he should wear Who was Mr. Pakrashi and how did he instil the
moustache in the scene. Both his suggestions value of being true to one’s work in Patol Babu ?
were accepted by the director. Answer:-
Mr. Prakashi was the mentor and guru of Patol
Question 6. Babu. He always told Patol Babu whatever small
What attention did Patol Babu pay to the minor part he was offered he should never consider it
role he played in the movie ? below his dignity to accept it. As an artist his aim
Answer:- should be to make the most of the opportunity
Patol Babu was given only a minor role in the and squeeze the last drop of meaning of his
film, as a pedestrian, who was to collide into the lines. When Patol Babu was given only a single
main actor Chanchal Kumar and utter a dialogue ‘oh’ to utter, he thought of quitting. But
monosyllabic sound “oh”. But his passion for the when the worcjs of wisdom of his mentor echoed
job drove him hard and he rehearsed for that in his ears, he came to term with the small,role.
single word many a time. He discovered that He did it so well that everyone was all praise for
each time he pronounced the word it came out Patal Babu. He did it with committment and
differently and conveyed a different meaning. He perfection.
suggested the director that he should hold a
newspaper in his hand and also wear a 2015
moustache to look more authentic. He ultimately
delivered the role to his utmost satisfaction. Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]

Question 7. Question 10.

What good news did Patol Babu receive at the Read the extract given below and Answer the
start of the day? Questions that follow:
Answer:- Were these people pulling his leg? Was the
Patol Babu received the news that one of whole thing a gigantic hoax? A meek, harmless
Nishikanto Babu’s brothers-in-law who was man like him, and they had to drag hirp into the
involved into film-making was looking for a bald, middle of the city to make a laughing -tock out of
middle-aged man for a role in the film. him.
Nishikanto Babu being Patol Babu’s neighbour
and friend had suggested his name to them. Who is the speaker?
Why does he think that he is being made a
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] ‘laughing stock’?
What does the word ‘hoax’ mean?
Answer:- Nepal Bhattachaiji Lane. His life was going on
smoothly. The 2nd World War began in 1939. It
Patol Babu is the speakerj affected his employment. He was retrenched
Patol Babu has been given a monosyllabic from his job.
exclamation as his dialogue.
The word ‘hoax’ means ‘a humorous or Question 14.
malacious deception’. Why did the dialogue given to him disappoint
Question 11. Patol Babu?
Read the extract given below and Answer the Answer:-
Questions that follow: He was of the view that he would get a good role
Patol Babu suddenly felt that he could write a in the film. He would have a big speaking part.
whole thesis on that one monosyllabic But when he was given his role on a piece of
exclamation. Why had he felt so disheartened paper it contained only one monosyllabic sound
when this single word contained a gold-mine of ‘oh!’. He thought that he had been humiliated
Question 15.
Why was Patol Babu disheartened? What was the role offered to Patol Babu?
Which was the word that contained a ‘gold- Answer:-
mine’? Patol Babu was offered a role in a film by a man
What does the word ‘monosyllabic’ mean? named Naresh Dutt. It was the role of a
Answer:- pedestrian. He had to be an absent-minded and
Short-tempered person. As per the role he had
Patol Babu felt that he would not be able to to collide with the hero of the film.
show his talent as he had been given a Question 16.
monosyllabic exclamation as his dialogue. What advice had Mr Pakrashi given to Patol
The word was ‘oh’. Babu?
The word ‘monosyllabic’ means ‘a word of one Answer:-
syllable’. Mr Pakrashi was the mentor and guru of Patol
Question 12. Babu. He had advised him that each word of a
Read the extract given below and Answer the dialogue was just like a fruit of a tree. An actor
Questions that follow: should pluck that fruit and give its essence to the
It is true that he needed money very badly, but audience. The quality of the performance should
what was twenty rupees when measured against matter.
the intense satisfaction of a small job done with
perfection and dedication? Question 17.
Why had Nishikanto Ghost came to Patol Babu’s
Why was Patol Babu badly in need of money? house?
What was the small job which gave him intense Answer:-
satisfaction? Nishikanto Ghosh met his brother-in-law, Mr
What does the word ‘measured’ mean in the Naresh Dutt at a Chemist’s shop.
above context? He was working in a film and was in need of a
Answer:- person who could play the role of a pedestrian.
Whatsoever description of the character he had
Patol Babu was unemployed for a Long time. . given matched Patol Babu. So Nishikanto Ghosh
It was the job of performing his role of a came to Patol Babu to intimate him that his
pedestrian in a film. brother- in-law would come to him with that offer.
In the above context the word ‘measured’ means
‘ascertained the extent of (a thing) by Question 18.
comparison with a fixed unit’. Why does Sosanko say that Patol Babu was a
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] lucky actor?
Question 13. Mr. Baren Mullick was a famous director of films
How did Patol Babu lose his job in Calcutta? at that time. Only lucky people would get a role
Answer:- in his films. Speaking part was given to only a
Patol Babu joined a clerical post with Hudson few persons. Hundreds of people would remain
and Kimberley in Calcutta. He also got a flat in silent as per the role. On the day Patol Babu
was given a monosyllabic sound as a dialogue
even the hero of the film Mr Chanchal Kumar Question 21.
had no speaking role. That’s why Sosanko says How do we know that Patol Babu was a
that Patol Babu was a lucky actor. dedicated actor?
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks] When Patol Babu was given the offer of playing
the role of a pedestrian in a film he started his
Question 19. preparation immediately. He reached Faraday
Patience and hard work go a Long way in House in time. After getting his role he became
achieving your goals. How does Patol Babu win sad. But using his patience he controlled his
the admiration of the director through a very emotions and started the rehearsal work. He
small role ? Write in 80-100 words. continued it for a Long time. Applying his
Answer:- innovative idea he gave suggestion to Baren
Patol Babu was offered the role of a pedestrian Mullick. Ultimately, he proved his ability.
in a film. He had expected to get a speaking
part. He took it as an opportunity to prove his Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
skill. But he was disappointed to see his role as Question 22.
it was a monosyllabic exclamation. He became “Counting your chickens again before they’re
angry to think that he had been humiliated. Then hatched, are you? No wonder you could never
he recalled the precious advice of his mentor, Mr make a go of it. ”
Pakrashi, his guru who would say that a real As soon as Patol Babu gets the offer of a role in
actor should take each word of his role like a the film, he starts daydreaming of the success,
fruit of a tree and then he should pluck it and money and fame he will achieve. Unfortunately it
serve the essence of the word to the audience. does not work out in that way. Write a speech in
Using his patience he made himself calm and 120-150 words for the morning assembly on the
composed. Then he contemplated deeply and topic—Dream big, but follow it up with action.
found that he had an ability to write a thesis on
it. He started his rehearsal. He gave the director Answer:-
the valuable suggestion of reading a newspaper
at the time of collision. Instead of the two Good Morning!
components suggested by the director he added Resppcted Principal Sir/Madam, Vice Principal,
three components in his exclamation. Thus, he teachers and all dear colleagues. Today I am
proved that patience and hard work played an going to throw light on the topic ‘Dream big, but
important role in achieving his goals. follow it up with action’. The mere imagination of
any success gives us immense pleasure. It is
2014 good to dream big. But meticulous endeavours
must be started from the very day that one has
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] the dream. You must have heard that one must
deserve first before one desires.
Question 20. Have you ever heard about a man who has
Read the extract given below and Answer the become successful just by having a big dream?
Questions that follow: A big dream is a motivating factor. It makes one
‘Oh yes. I must say I was quite taken aback. ready to commence one’s hard work. There
After so many years’. must be proper introspection of the efforts after
certain interval. For achieving goal one must be
Who is the speaker of the above lines? sagacious, diligent apd patient. There must be
What offer was made to the speaker? indomitable spirit in the individual. Man should
Which quality of the speaker is highlighted in this dream once but continue his effort regularly. It is
extract? known that everybody will share our success but
Answer:- nobody will share our failures. Keeping this fact
in mind we must continue our efforts
Patol Babu is the speaker. meticulously till the big dream seen by us
He was given the offer of playing the role of a becomes true.
pedestrian in a film. Thanks
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] 2013
value of hard work and the art of putting in your
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] best. Write the Answer in 120-150 words.
Question 23.
Read the extract, given below and Answer the 21Z, G.K.7
Questions that follow: New Delhi 1100XX 7 October 20XX
‘What are you saying, Grandpa? You think that’s
nothing? Why, this is a regular speaking part! Dear Mohanto

Who is the speaker? There is no substitute to hard work. I have heard

Who is referred to as ‘Grandpa’? this sentence so many times. But today I have
What does the speaker mean by ‘a regular realised the practical significance of this
speaking part’? statement.
Answer:- I was given the role of a pedestrian in a film. I
was very excited as I got an opportunity to prove
Sosanko is the speaker. , my ability. I was eager to know my dialogue well
Patol Babu is referred to as ‘Grandpa’. in advance so that I could start my rehearsal
The speaking part usually done by the actors on properly. But I was shocked to know that I had to
regular basis. utter only a monosyllabic exclamation, ‘Oh’. I
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] became very angry and decided to leave the
Question 24. In the meantime, the precious advice of my
What was Patol Babu’s role in Baren Mullick’s mentor, Mr Gogon Pakrashi, came to my mind.
film? He used to say that a true actor should make the
Answer:- best use of any opportunity. An actor must not
Baren Mullick was the director of a film. As per bother about the size of the role. He should take
the requirement of the film he the essence of the word and serve it to the
wanted to have a Short and bald-headed person audience. . Recalling all this I was charged with
to play the role of a Short-tempered pedestrian. a new energy. Using my patience I started my
This offer was given to Patol Babu by Naresh rehearsal and gave my best. Even a great film
Dutt, who was also an employee of the film director like Baren Mullick appreciated me.
division. Now I have realised the immense significance of
the two tools of human life. By dint of hard work
Question 25. and patience even the impossible can be made
What unexpected news does Patol Babu receive possible.
early one morning?
Answer:- With immense love
Patol Babu was passing through financial Your affectionately
problems. After performing many jobs and Patol
running a business he was facing the problem of
unemployment. One early morning, Nisikanto Question 27.
Ghosh of the same colony visited the house of “Jolly good! Why, you’re quite an actor.” What
Patol Babu and gave him the news that his are the difficulties that Patol Babu undergoes to
brother-in-law was working in a film and he earn these words of appreciation form the
would come to his house with an offer of playing director of the film?
the role of a Short-tempered pedestrian in a
film. Answer:-
Patol Babu was taken aback to see his dialogue.
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] He felt that they had deliberately humiliated an
old man publicly. He became so angry that he
Question 26. decided that he would not play his role. In the
Patol Babu always remembered the words of his meantime he recalled the motivating advice of
mentor that one has to accept whatever is his guru and started pondering over the
offered and make the best of any opportunity. monosyllabic exclamation. Then he went to a
Write abetter to a friend telling him about the lonely place and started rehearsal. An innovative
idea came to him that he must be reading a
newspaper at the time of collision. This idea was and patience he prepared himself for the role so
liked by Baren Mullick. He permitted Patol Babu nicely that he gave a splendid performance and
to do so. To make his role effective he mixed won the applause of everyone including the
three components of emotions in pronouncing great director Baren Mullick. He felt spiritual
the sound ‘oh’ instead of the two components pleasure as he had done the job with perfection
suggested by his director, It was his desire to get and dedication. After that he did not bother
the applause of the audience that he became about the remuneration though he was in dire
ready to tolerate ignominy and sufferings of the need of money.
rehearsal. He also gave a message that one is
sure to come across obstacles on one’s way to 2012
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Question 28.
Pick up instances from the story to show that Question 30.
Patol Babu was a good actor. What was the role offered to Patol Babu?
Answer:- Baren Mullick was the director of a film. As per
Right from his youth Patol Babu had proved that the requirement of the film he wanted to have a
he had all the qualities of a good actor. While Short and bald-headed person to play the role
working in a local theatre he started his role as a of a Short-tempered pedestrian. This offer was
dead soldier. Developing his skill he came to a given to Patol Babu by Naresh Dutt, who was
high position in the theatre and started playing also an employee of the film division.
main role in the drama. The audience was so
impressed that they began to come only to see Question 31.
the role of Patol Babu. His name was given in How does Jyoti explain the crucial shot to Patol
bold letter in the poster of the drama. Babu ?
Patol Babu surpassed all the characters when Answer:-
he was offered the role of a pedestrian in a film. Putting his hand on the shoulder of Patol Babu
He prepared for it so nicely that he performed it Jyoti explains him how he has to perform his
in a splertdid manner. Even the director had to role. He informs Patol Babu that in the film the
accept his valuable advice of reading a hero Chanchal Kumar is a young executive who
newspaper at the time of collision. As an actor has got the news of embezzlement in his office.
his greatest quality was his sacrifice that he So Chanchal Kumar comes to find out the fact.
made after playing his role. Though the family He comes out of the car and rushes to his office.
was passing through financial crunch he left the Just then he collides with an absent-minded
place without taking his remuneration. From the pedestrian and Patol Babu has to play the role of
aforesaid instances it is quite conspicuous that that pedestrian.
Patol Babu was an excellent actor.
Question 32.
Question 29. How did Mr. Pakrashi help Patol Babu in
How did Patol Babu prove that money was enacting his role well?
nothing when compared to the satisfaction of Answer:-
doing a job with perfection and dedication? Mr Pakrashi was the mentor and guru of Patol
Answer:- Babu. He had advised him that each word of a
Patol Babu was an unemployed man. He had dialogue was just like a fruit of a tree. An actor
lost his job and did not succeed as a should pluck that fruit and give its essence to the
businessman. His family was facing financial audience. The quality of the performance should
problems. It was difficult for him to run his family matter.
as he had no source of income.
After getting the offer of a role of a pedestrian in Question 33.
a film Patol Babu got a ray of hope to improve Why did Patol Babu leave Calcutta?
his financial condition. But he possessed the Answer:-
latent qualities of a true actor. When he got his Patol Babu joined a clerical post with Hudson
role he became dejected. But very soon he and Kimberley in Calcutta. He also got a flat in
reconciled with the situation and started Nepal Bhattachaiji Lane. His life was going on
meticulous preparation. Owing to his diligence smoothly. The 2nd World War began in 1939. It
affected his employment. He was retrenched
from his job. Question 38.
Who was Gogon Pakrashi and what was his
Question 34. teaching to Patol Babu?
What did Sosanko mean when he said that Patol Answer:-
Babu was lucky? Mr Pakrashi was the mentor and guru of Patol
Answer:- Babu. He had advised him that each word of a
Mr. Baren Mullick was a famous director of films dialogue was just like a fruit of a tree. An actor
at that time. Only lucky people would get a role should pluck that fruit and give its essence to the
in his films. Speaking part was given to only a audience. The quality of the performance should
few persons. Hundreds of people would remain matter.
silent as per the role. On the day Patol Babu
was given a monosyllabic sound as a dialogue Question 39.
even the hero of the film Mr Chanchal Kumar Why does Patol Babu walk away before he can
had no speaking role. That’s why Sosanko says be paid for his role? What does this reveal about
that Patol Babu was a lucky actor. his character?
Question 35. Patol Babu possesses all the virtues of a good
“Counting your chickens before they are actor. He is a born actor who gets pleasure by
hatched.” Who says these words and when? performing his role with utter devotion and
Answer:- dedication. He has whim for the applause of his
These words are said by fhe wife of Patol Babu. audience. For playing his role of a pedestrian he
Patol Babu has got an offer of playing the role of tolerates ignominy and undergoes hardships.
a pedestrian in a film. He gets it when he is But when he gets the applause of the director as
unemployed and is in dire need of a job. He well as other characters present on the shooting
thinks that this opportunity of playing a role will site he becomes extremely happy. Then he does
provide him a ladder to excel in the field of film. not bother about the amount of the
Then he will have sufficient money, name and remuneration. It shows that he is an actor of
fame. He starts making castle in the air then his sacrificing nature.
wife tells him this sentence.
Question 40.
Question 36. What did Nishikanto Ghosh tell Patol Babu one
‘Well, at least he had gathered some useful morning?
information.’ What was the information gathered Answer:-
by Patol Babu? Nishikanto Ghosh met his brother-in-law, Mr
Answer:- Naresh Dutt at a Chemist’s shop.
Patol Babu had already apprised his wife that he He was working in a film and was in need of a
was going to play a role in a film. But when he person who could play the role of a pedestrian.
came to the shooting site he was totally unaware Whatsoever description of the character he had
of the details of the characters of the film. A man given matched Patol Babu. So Nishikanto Ghosh
standing beside him gave him two important came to Patol Babu to intimate him that his
pieces of information about the film viz. the brother- in-law would come to him with that offer.
name of the director and the name of the hero of
the film in which he was going to play his role. Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
Now he was in a position to give Answer to two
important Questions pertaining to the film to be Question 41.
asked by his wife on his return. “That’s odd – the man hadn’t been paid yet.
What a strange fellow!” What traits of Patol Babu
Question 37. make him a strange fellow?
What was Patol Babu’s role in the film? Answer:-
Answer:- Naresh Dutt speaks these sentences. He visited
Patol Babu was offered a role in a film by a man the house of Patol Babu to give him the offer of
named Naresh Dutt. It was the role of a playing the role of pedestrian in a film. He saw
pedestrian. He had to be an absent-minded and two things — the bad economic condition of the
Short-tempered person. As per the role he had family as well as the extreme desire of Patol
to collide with the hero of the film. Babu to play a role in a film. But when Patol
Babu played the role, Naresh Dutt asked him to Answer:-
wait for a few minutes so that he could pay him
the remuneration. After playing his role with Mr. Shultz was in the hospital because his son
perfection and dedication Patol Babu got so Sebastian Shultz was in a critical stage.
much satisfaction that he did not bother about They were sold at a fair and Michael and his
the ar mnt that he had expected as his father bought them,
remuneration. He got spiritual pleasure and was The phrase ‘stock up’ means to fill up.
in the seventh heaven. He measured the value Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
of twenty rupees against his intense satisfaction
and found the latter so important that he decided Question 3.
to leave the place without taking his Why was Michael shocked when he read the
remuneration. When Naresh Dutt came back he name Sebastian Shultz in a newspaper?
found that Patol Babu had already left the place
without taking his remuneration. He was taken Answer:-
aback. Naresh Dutt realised the sacrificing Michael was shocked when he read the name
attitude of a poor actor like Patol Babu and he Sebastian Shultz in the newspaper because
called him a strange fellow. Sebastian Shultz was a character in the virtual
reality game and he had rescued him. It meant it
Virtually True Chapter Wise Important was not a game character but a real human.
Questions Class 10 English
Communicative – Fiction Question 4.
2016 What sort of person was Michael’s dad ?
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] Michael’s dad was nutty about computers. He
was a gadget freak. He visited the computer fair
Question 1. and purchased virtual reality visor and glove and
Read the extract given below and Answer the a handful of the latest interactive psycho-drive
Questions that follow: games.
A real message from the real Sebastian Shultz.
We both knew that by reliving the accident, Question 5.
something wonderful had happened. How was Shultz finally rescued by Michael ?
Who is the narrator? Michael played four games. He first played the
What accident’s he referring to? game the ‘Wildwest’ and lost the
Write the antonym for the word, ‘wonderful’. first game. He then played the, second game the
Answer:- ‘Dragon Quest’. But in that game also Sebastian
was killed. He then played the ‘Jail Break’ but
The narrator is the boy ‘Michael’. there also Michael was unable to rescue
The accident in which ‘Sebastian Shultz’ lost his Sebastian. In the last game ‘Warzone’ Michael
memory and entered into comma. hit jackpot and was able to rescue Sebastian.
The antonyms for the word ‘wonderful’ are
‘dreadful’, ‘awful’. Question 6.
Question 2. What does the narrator mean when he says,
Read the extract given below and Answer the ‘Sebastian Shultz was the game’ ?
Questions that follow: Answer:-
Answering a reporter’s Question as to what the It mean tnat Sebastian shultz was a wonderful
family was going to do next, player. Being a player in the virtual reality game,
Mr. Shultz said that they were off to stock up on he played to the best of his capabilities. He was
some games. “It was while we were in the an enthusiastic player. He fought till the end and
hospital, someone stole the lot. I don’t know was ultimately rescued.
what happened to them. ”
Question 7.
Why was Shultz in the hospital ? How was Shultz rescued from ‘Warzone’ ?
What happened to the games after they were Answer:-
stolen ? ‘Warzone’ was the last game which Michael was
What does the phrase, ‘stock up’ mean ? playing to rescue Sebastian. The Warzone was
a city with tall windowless buildings riddled with transferred into the memory of the laptop. I have
holes. Machine gun fire raked the sky. Michael a feeling of real joy that I was able to help a boy
and Sebastian had to make it to sniper fire when in need. He seems to be an intelligent boy and
a helicopter was waiting for them. They started we will be great companions.
to run but the tank fires sent them scuttling back
to the wall. All of a sudden Sebastian jumped Question 11.
into a jeep, started the ignition key and they both Imagine you are Sebastian’s parents. Write a
went. Suddenly, the jeep skidded and Sebastian diary entry describing your feelings when you
was thrown into the air but Michael somehow come to know what has happened to him.
pulled him up and rescued Sebastian. Michael
cracked the game by hitting a jackpot. Answer:-
I am feeling very sad today. I was very fond of
Question 8. video games and even my son was also fond of
How did Michael and his father indulge in their them. I didn’t realize that these virtual games
taste for new gadgets ? could do so much harm to anyone. My son
Answer:- Subastain was going to school in his car. He
Michael’s father was nutty about computers. He was playing psycho¬drive games on his way to
visited the computer fair aLong with Michael and school. Suddenly the car screeched to a halt and
bought computer of Pentium 150 MHz, 4 he banged his head against the computer. His
processer with 256 of RAM, a 1.2 GB hard disk memory was transferred into the computer’s and
drive and 16 speed CDROM, complete he went into a deep coma. The doctors didn’t
speakers, printers, modems and scanner. He have any hope of his revival but he was some
was very fond of gadgets and gizmos. He how rescued from the game by a boy named
bought some interactive psycho-drive games for Michael. I now realise how much damage these
his son. computer games can cause to us. These games
can lead to cyber addiction and the an lead to
Question 9. desensitisation. They make us violent and also
How did Shultz get trapped in the video games? cut us off from the real world. I will now take care
Answer:- that Sebastian doesn’t play these games.
Shultz was playing one of the virtual video
games in the car. Suddenly, his car met with an Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
accident and his head banged against the
computer and his memory was transferred into Question 12.
the computer’s memory and he .went deep into Read the extract given below and Answer the
the coma. His memory was stored in the Questions that follow:
memory of the computer. On the roof, Sebastian looked round, and
glanced at his watch nervously. ‘It should be
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] here by now. ’

Question 10. Which game was Michael playing?

I magine you are Michael. Write a diary entry Why was Sebastian nervous?
describing your spirit of fellow feeling with which WTiat does the word, ‘nervously’ mean?
you finally rescued Sebastian. Answer:-
Dear diary Michael was playing the game Jailbreak.
I am ecstatic that I saved the life of Sebastian. I Sebastian was nervous because he did not find
never knew that he was actually a human being. any helicopter on the roof. According to his plan,
I got a message from Sebastian ‘Rescue Me’. I a helicopter must have been on the roof by that
didn’t know that he was a real human. I tried time.
rescuing him from the ‘Dragon Quest’ game but I ‘Nervously’ means ‘timidly or anxiously’.
failed. I played another game ‘Jail Break’ where I Question 13.
failed again and then finally I played the game of Read the extract given below and Answer the
‘Warzone’ and I am finally able to save Questions that follow:
Sebastian and hit a jackpot. I think Sebastian When we got therh, I remember some of them
had been playing the psycho-drive game when were not new. Anyway, back at home, I
he met with an accident and his memory got launched myself off into the first of the games.
Question 17.
Who is the speaker? Why did Michael and his father go to the
What did the speaker get? computer fair?
What does the word ‘launched’ mean? Answer:-
Answer:- Michael’s father was crazy about computers. He
had extreme passion for gizmos.
Michael is the speaker. He had a Pentium 150 Mhz4 processor, with 256
The speaker got many gizmos and psycho-drive of RAM, a 1.2 Gb hard disk drive and 16 speed
games. CD ROM, complete with speakers, printer,
The word ‘launched’ means here ‘formally modem and scanner. It could do anything. But
introduced (a new product) with publicity’. technology was advancing everyday and
Question 14. Michael’s father could not resist any of the new
Read the extract given below and Answer the gadgets. So they went to the computer fair.
Questions that follow:
Stupid Question. With the help of a skeleton Question 18.
swipe-card, we were soon out of the cell and Why couldn’t Michael help Sebastian the first
racing down corridors. time?
What was the stupid Question? The first time Shultz appeared as the second
What is a ‘skeleton swipe-card’l sheriff. But he did not tell his name though
Which game was Michael playing? Michael asked him who he was. Both of them
Answer:- jumped out of the window and sped off on a
horse. At that juncture, only a gun shot hit the
The Question asked by Sebastian ‘if Michael second sheriff. He cried and slumped back
had got a plan’ yras the stupid Question. against Michael. Michael was unable to help
A skeleton swipe-card is a plastic card on which him.
data is stored magnetically and that can be read
by an electronic reading device. Question 19.
Michael was playing a game named Jailbreak. Why did the news about Sebastian Shultz shock
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Michael?
Question 15. Michael gasped when he saw the photograph
What did Sebastian write in the final e-mail he that went with the story in the newspaper. The
sent to Michael? boy in the picture was the same boy who was
Answer:- with him in the psycho-driven games and his
The final e-mail sent to Michael by Sebastian name was Sebastian Shultz. He was shocked to
had the feeling of immense gratitude. He wrote know that shultz had been in coma for all the
that he could not know how the process of his time. The situation didn’t make any sense at all
rescue happened. He expressed his desire to and Michael was shocked.
meet Michael very soon. He also requested Question 20.
Michael to keep thethe games with him as he How did Sebastian Shultz request Michael to
had earned them. help him?
Question 16. Sebastian Shultz requested Michael to save his
How did Michael in the last game save life. According to his plan, there was to be
Sebastian? helicopter on the roof and they were to fly in it to
Answer:- escape from the dragon. He conveyed this
Using the Skeleton swipe-card, Michael and message by e-mail. When this plan failed, Shultz
Sebastian came out of the Jail. Then, they ran requested Michael further using an e-mail. He
amidst the fire and gunshots. They jumped onto promised that he would not make any further
a jeep. Sebastian braked the jeep suddenly and request if he didn’t succeed in his next game.
he was thrown into a spin. He landed with a thud
near the hatch but Michael pulled him up in a Question 21.
helicopter. Then the helicopter soared into the How had Sebastian entered the games Michael
sky and Michael succeeded in saving shultz. later on bought?
When Sebastian met with an accident, he was How did Sebastian Shultz communicate with
playing one of the psycho-driven games using Michael? What did he say in his last message?
his laptop. He entered the games when he Answer:-
banged his head in the accident and the laptop Sebastian Shultz communicated with Michael by
saved his memory in its own. When Shultz was e-mail. In his last message, he expressed his
in hospital, his laptop ’ was stolen and sold in the gratitude. He conveyed the fact to Michael that
computer fair. It was bought by Michael’s dad. he could not know how the process of his rescue
happened. He also expressed his desire to meet
Question 22. Michael soon. Further he requested Michael to
Why was the first game complicated for keep the games with him. Thus Shultz
Michael? expressed his felling of obligation.
The first time Shultz appeared as the second Question 26.
sheriff. But he did not tell his name though Why did the news of Shultz’s miracle recovery
Michael asked him who he was. Both of them shock Michael?
jumped out of the window and sped off on a Answer:-
horse. At that juncture, only a gun shot hit the Michael gasped when he saw the photograph
second sheriff. He cried and slumped back that went with the story in the newspaper. The
against Michael. Michael was unable to help boy in the picture was the same boy who was
him. with him in the psycho-driven games and his
name was Sebastian Shultz. He was shocked to
Question 23. know that shultz had been in coma for all the
What was the aim of the game ‘Dragonquest’? time. The situation didn’t make any sense at all
Answer:- and Michael was shocked.
The aim of the game Dragon quest was simple.
In the game, Michael had to rescue the fair 2013
princess Aurora from the wicked dragon, and
collect the wicked creature’s treasure aLong the Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
way. The princess had been imprisoned at the
top of a tall tower. She was a young woman with Question 27.
Long golden plaits. Read the passage given below and Answer the
Questions that follow. At least, that was what I
2014 thought then. Now I knew that Sebastian Shultz,
the boy from . the game, really did exist. I’d seen
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] the proof in the newspaper.

Question 24. What had Michael thought earlier?

Read the extract given below and Answer the Why is Sebastian Shultz called ‘the boy from the
Questions that follow: game’?
It all started a month ago. Dad and I had spent What had Micheal seen in the newspaper?
the entire Saturday afternoon at the Computer Answer:-
Michael had thought earlier that the story of the
Who does T in the extract refer to? Miracle recovery was related to someone else
What started a month ago? and he had nothing to do with that.
What does the speaker have a keen interest in? Sebastian was called ‘the boy of the g^me’
Answer:- because he was involved in all the psycho-
driven games played by Michael. In each game,
‘I’in the extract refers to Michael. the life of Sebastian was to be save.
The process of the miracle recovery started a Michael had seen in the newspaper that a 14
month ago. year-old school boy from South London, awoke-
Michael has keen interest in gizmos and psycho- yesterday from a coma that doctors feared might
driven games. last forever.
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]

Question 25. Question 28.

Why had Michael and his father gone to What are the interactive psycho-drive games
thecomputer fair? played by Michael? What peculiarity did he
Answer:- notice in each one of them?
Michael’s father was crazy about computers. He Answer:-
had extreme passion for gizmos. The interactive psycho-driven games played by
He had a Pentium 150 Mhz4 processor, with 256 Michael are wildwest, dragonquest, Jailbreak
of RAM, a 1.2 Gb hard disk drive and 16 speed and warzone.
CD ROM, complete with speakers, printer, In the first game namely wildwest Michael plays
modem and scanner. It could do anything. But the role of a sheriff. He is playing the game
technology was advancing everyday and properly. All of a sudden, he finds the second
Michael’s father could not resist any of the new sheriff. He wants to know the name of the
gadgets. So they went to the computer fair. second sheriff who remains silent. Michael loses
the game owing to the mistake of the second
Question 29. sheriff whom he wants to save.
What was the aim of the game, ‘Dragonquest’? The second game is full of challenges and risks.
Answer:- Despite their efforts both of them meet with
The aim of the game Dragon quest was simple. failure. The third game also tells the story of the
In the game, Michael had to rescue the fair failure of Michael. But the fourth game i.e., the
princess Aurora from the wicked dragon, and warzone brings good luck for Sebastian Shultz.
collect the wicked creature’s treasure aLong the First Michael is picked up by a helicopter. Then
way. The princess had been imprisoned at the Michael picks up Sebastian when he is thrown in
top of a tall tower. She was a young woman with air owing to the attack of the soldiers on
Long golden plaits. Sebastian’s jeep. In all, these psycho-drive
games Michael plays with virtual pictures on
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] computer. The pictures become the real one
later on. When Michael wins the last game the
Question 30. real Sebastian Shultz comes back to life.
Describe the circumstances under which
Michael saves Sebastian Shultz’ life. 2012
Michael comes to know that Sebastian Shultz is Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
in problem. He feels pity for him and uses his
best endeavour to save the life of Sebastian Question 32.
Shultz. For this, first he plays a game named What news about Sebastian Shultz did Michael
wild west. In this game, Michael plays the role of see in the newspaper?
a sheriff. Sebastian comes to the scene as the Answer:-
second sheriff. But Sebastian remains silent The news that Michael saw in the newspaper
when Michael tries to know his name. Michael is was under the heading ‘Miracle
unable to execute his plan and he is defeated in Recovery’. It was about Sebastian Shultz, a 14
the game. In the second game, namely year-old school boy from South London who
‘Dragonquest’, Michael wants to save Sebastian awoke from a coma that doctors feared might
but the latter does not find the helicopter on the last forever. His condition was critical but stable.
roof and Michael once again loses the game. The doctors were doing all they could. But the
Then he receives the next e-mail of Sebastian parents of Shultz needed a miracle and that
who requests Micheal to make his last attempt to miracle had happened.
save his life. Michael is persuaded by Sebastain
to play the last game namely ‘Warzone’ to save Question 33.
Sebastian. In this game, Michael becomes Why did Michael and his father go to the
successful in saving Sebastian as he uses a computer fair? What did they buy?
helicopter this time. Ultimately, Michael wins the Answer:-
game and Sebastian comes back to life from his Michael’s father was crazy about computers. He
coma. had extreme passion for gizmos.
He had a Pentium 150 Mhz4 processor, with 256
Question 31. of RAM, a 1.2 Gb hard disk drive and 16 speed
CD ROM, complete with speakers, printer,
modem and scanner. It could do anything. But
technology was advancing everyday and Sebastian was in a coma as he had met with a
Michael’s father could not resist any of the new severe accident. His memory had been saved in
gadgets. So they went to the computer fair his laptop as he was playing a psycho-driven
game at the time of the accident. So Sebastian
Question 34. told Michael using an e-mail that he was stuck.
Which was the first computer game played by He requested Michael to retrieve him. It was
Michael? What strange thing happened as he possible only when Michael became victorious in
was playing it? any psycho-driven game. Michael felt pity for
Answer:- Sebastian and played various games. Ultimately,
The first computer game played by Michael was he could save Sebastian after gaining victory in
wildwest. In this game Michael was really the game named warzone.
striding down the dusty track through the centre
of the town. There was a sheriff badge pinned to Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
his shirt. When he burst into a saloon everybody
became silent. He took a sip from the glass of Question 38.
fizzy red stuff. Then he saw Black-Eyed Jed, the In the lesson, ‘Virtually True’ how did Michael
fastest gun in the west. There appeared the unwittingly save Sebastian Shultz’s life?
second sheriff and the game became more Answer:-
complicated. The second sheriff did not tell his Michael comes to know that Sebastian Shultz is
name. Ultimately, Michael lost the game when in problem. He feels pity for him and uses his
the second sheriff was shot and he slumped best endeavour to save the life of Sebastian
back against Michael. Shultz. For this, first he plays a game named
wild west. In this game, Michael plays the role of
Question 35. a sheriff. Sebastian comes to the scene as the
What explanation did Michael find for Sebastian second sheriff. But Sebastian remains silent
Shultz’s miraculous recovery? when Michael tries to know his name. Michael is
Answer:- unable to execute his plan and he is defeated in
Michael found the explanation that Sebastian the game. In the second game, namely
shultz was playing a psycho-driven game when ‘Dragonquest’, Michael wants to save Sebastian
he met with an accident. His memory was saved but the latter does not find the helicopter on the
in the memory of his laptop though he went into roof and Michael once again loses the game.
a coma because of the severity of the accident. Then he receives the next e-mail of Sebastian
When Sebastian was in hospital, his laptop was who requests Micheal to make his last attempt to
stolen and sold in the computer fair. Michael’s save his life. Michael is persuaded by Sebastain
dad bought this laptop. When Michael played a to play the last game namely ‘Warzone’ to save
psycho-driven game and got victory in it, Sebastian. In this game, Michael becomes
Sebastian’s miraculous recovery took place. successful in saving Sebastian as he uses a
helicopter this time. Ultimately, Michael wins the
Question 36. game and Sebastian comes back to life from his
What was common in all the computer games coma. Question 39.
played by Michael? How did Michael save Sebastian with the help of
Answer:- the interactive psycho-drive games?
In all the psycho-driven games namely wildwest, Answer:-
dragonquest, jailbreak and warzone, Michael The interactive psycho-driven games played by
came across virtual reality. Images created by Michael are wildwest, dragonquest, Jailbreak
the laptop appeared to surround Michael as he and warzone. In the first game namely wildwest
was looking at them. They seemed to be almost Michael plays the role of a sheriff. He is playing
real. The theory of Sebastian’s memory being the game properly. All of a sudden, he finds the
saved in the computer and finding its way into second sheriff. He wants to know the name of
the games were virtually true. This uniqueness the second sheriff who remains silent. Michael
was common in all the games. loses the game owing to the mistake of the
second sheriff whom he wants to save. The
Question 37. second game is full of challenges and risks.
What help did Sebastian ask Michael for? How Despite their efforts both of them meet with
did he convey this message? failure. The third game also tells the story of the
Answer:- failure of Michael. But the fourth game i.e., the
warzone brings good luck for Sebastian Shultz. can succeed in life. You can hold the infinity into
First Michael is picked up by a helicopter. Then your palm only if you have the confidence in you.
Michael picks up Sebastian when he is thrown in In the context of the poem, the nightingale was
air owing to the attack of the soldiers on herself responsible for her downfall and death,
Sebastian’s jeep. In all, these psycho-drive because she did not have faith in her ability and
games Michael plays with virtual pictures on did not have the brains to realise the enormity of
computer. The pictures become the real one her talent.
later on. When Michael wins the last game the
real Sebastian Shultz comes back to life. The 2015
Frog and Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]

The Nightingale Chapter Wise Important Question 3.

Questions Class 10 English It is the nightingale’s gullible nature that brings
Communicative – Poetry about its death. Comment.
2016 The nightingale believed blindly whatever the
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] frog told in his appreciation. She never tried to
know the fact. She failed to look through the
Question 1. conspiracy of the frog. Being credulous, she
The frog, who was not at all talented, ruled in the came to the conclusion that the frog was a better
end and the nightingale, who possessed the singer. So, she herself was responsible for her
fineness and versatility of voice, died. Explain death.
the irony of the statement, highlighting the
values the frog should have possessed. 2014
Answer:- Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
The frog, who was not at all talented, ruled in the
end by dint of his cunningness and wickedness. Question 4.
He was jealous of the nightingale and hatched a The nightingale believed blindly whatever the
plot to get rid of her. He was dismissive and frog told in his appreciation. She never tried to
condescending and treated the nightingale as a know the fact. She failed to look through the
stupid creature. The irony in the statement is conspiracy of the frog. Being credulous, she
that the frog was the one who tried to teach the came to the conclusion that the frog was a better
nightingale to’sing differently. He did not let her singer. So, she herself was responsible for her
song to be her own.On the other hand, the death.Read the passage given below and
nightingale was a meek and submissive creature Answer the Questions that follow.
who lacked confidence. Her gullibility and
credulity made her an easy prey to the Now the nightingale inspired,
cunningness of the frog. Despite having the Flushed with confidence, and fired With both art
fineness and versatility of her voice, the and adoration,
nightingale met a fitting end as she was truly Sang – and was a huge sensation.
brainless.The frog philosophized that one’s song Animals for miles around Flocked towards the
must be one’s own. One should realise his self magic sound,
worth and should not think low of oneself. And the frog with great precision Counted heads
and charged admission.
Question 2.
The poem, ‘The Frog and the Nightingale’ What made the nightingale become a huge
highlights the fact that lack of confidence can sensation?
lead to disaster. Keeping this in mind, elaborate What does the phrase, ‘flushed with confidence’
the statement: ‘If you accept yourself, the whole mean?
world accepts you’. Which quality of the frog is evident in this
Answer:- extract?
“If you accept yourself, the whole world accepts Answer:-
you” teaches us that one should exercise one’s
reasoning without letting others lead us blindly. If The melody and the charm of her song made the
one has self-confidence the one can win the nightingale a huge sensation.
whole world. Without self-confidence nobody
The phrase ‘flushed with confidence’ means they began to applaud me. But there was a
‘excited with firm trust’. crafty and boastful frog in the same bog. He
The frog is shrewd and clever, and knows how overstated his qualities and I trusted him like a
to get advantage of the situation. credulous creature. Then, the frog began to
Question 5. exploit me. He became my trainer and started
Read the passage given below and Answer the collecting money from the audience. I had been
Questions that follow. so much impressed by him that I never dared to
Now the frog puffed up with rage. oppose him. The cruel and cunning frog
“Brainless bird you ’re on the stage conspired against me. He scolded me and asked
Use your wits and follow fashion. me to sing louder. Being timid, I followed him
Puff your lungs out with your passion. and I met my death as one of my veins burst.
All creatures must have confidence and
Why was the frog puffed up with rage? courage. Otherwise, they would be exploited.
Give the opposite of ‘Brainless’? Convey my regards to all the elderly birds and
What happened when the nightingale puffed up animals of your forest.
her lungs? With heaps of love.
Answer:- Yours affectionately Nightingale

The number of the audience was going down Question 8.

and he was getting less money as fee. The Nightingale placed her blind trust in the Frog
The opposite opposite of ‘brainless’ is ‘brainy’. but he exploited her. With reference to the poem
One of her veins burst and she died. elaborate on the statement ‘Betrayal always
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] come from those whom you trust.’
Question 6. Being credulous, docile and simple-hearted, the
What message does the poet wish to give in the Nightingale trusted the frog blindly. She never
poem, “The Frog and the Nightingale”? tried to verify whatsoever was boasted of by the
Answer:- frog. She regarded him Mozart and asked him to
Credulous and docile people always suffer in evaluate her song. But the frog was an epitome
this world. Owing to the lack of selfconfidence, of avarice and evil. He was cunning, crafty and a
they are always misguided by others, and they shameless bully. His blind avarice for earning
always suffer disaster ultimately. The made the Nightingale sing for Long hours and
Nightingale never knew her virtues. She could tired her to death. So, it was indeed a betrayal of
not realise that she was far better than the frog. trust.In real life situation, we happen to see
So, the crafty frog exploited her and caused her several examples of betrayal. Those who trust
death. others blindly are considered foolish. Greedy
people start making use of them as such people
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] are considered to be so gentle and tolerant. So,
the treacherous fellows betray such credulous
Question 7. and timid people easily in their own interest.
Imagine yourself to be the Nightingale (The Frog
and the Nightingale). You realise how foolish 2012
you were not to recognize your capabilities and Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
tried to emulate the frog. Write a letter to your
Mend ‘Cuckoo’ describing your feelings. Question 9.
superior to the frog in many respects, the frog What is the irony in the statement of the frog
exploited her and even caused her death. when he says, “That your song must be your
Answer:- own”?
26, North Gir forest Gujarat Answer:-
25 August 20XX Dear Cuckoo The nightingale had been singing her natural
Hope that your melody must be echoing through song since her arrival in the Bingle Bog. It was
your forest. I am going to share my grief caused the frog who impressed her cunningly and
due to my poor confidence. persuaded her for training. He started exploiting
One evening, I visited the Bingle Bog and sat on her and did not allow her to take rest. He
the Sumac tree. Then, I began to sing a song. compelled her to sing louder and louder. It was
All the bog creatures became spellbound, and the part of his conspiracy that caused her death.
Later on, the frog himself told that she must not people. There is no end of the avarice of such
have changed her way of singing. 2011 people. We ourselves will have to know how to
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] protect our interests. Though the Nightingale
was superior to the frog in many respects, the
Question 10. frog exploited her and even caused her death.
Nightingale was responsible for her own fate.
Elucidate. Mirror Chapter Wise Important Questions
Answer:- Class 10 English Communicative –
The nightingale was timid, credulous and Poetry
brainless. She lacked confidence and was a 2016
poor judge of herself. She failed to see through Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
the evil designs of the crafty and heartless frog.
She was prone to betrayal, and she allowed the Question 1.
heartless frog to intimidate and dominate her. Read the passage given below and Answer the
Being submissive, she could not oppose the Questions that follow.
frog. I am silver and exact, I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately Just as it
Question 11. is, unmisted by love or dislike I am not cruel,
To some extent the nightingale was herself only truthful.
responsible for her downfall and death. The
comment. Who is T?
Answer:- What is an important trait of the speaker?
The same as Answer no. 3. What does the word ‘unmisted’ mean?
Question 12.
How did the frog once again become the ‘I’ refers to the mirror,
unrivalled king of the bog? An important trait of the speaker is that it is
Answer:- unbiased and truthful.
On listening to the melodious song of the The word ‘unmisted’ means ‘unbiased’.
Nightingale, the frog was taken aback. But he Question 2.
made a secret plan to kill his rival. He impressed Read the passage given below and Answer the
her by boasting and began to exploit her. He Questions that follow.
compelled her to sing for Long hours without “Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
taking rest. He also compelled her to sing louder Searching my reaches for what she really is.
and louder. One of her veins burst and she died. Then she turns to those liars, the candle or the
Thus, he became the unrivalled king of the bog. moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully”.
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
Why is the mirror called a lake?
Question 13. Which poetic device is used in the first line?
‘The Frog and the Nightingale’ is a symbolic What does the phrase, ‘my reaches’ mean?
poem. What lesson do you learn from it? Answer:-
For survival and success, one must have certain The mirror is called a lake because the person
qualities. One must be able to protect one’s who looks into it will get a flattering view of
interest as well as one’s life. Credulous people herself or himself as a lake is not exact as a
are always misguided by others. Those people mirror.
who lack confidence always suffer. We must not It is a metaphor as the comparison is made
be docile. People may get advantage of this between two different things—lake and mirror.
quality of ours. It is absolutely true that our self- To find her lost looks.
image is often based on what others make us 2015
believe what we have. We lack self-confidence Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
and crafty people start using us. The need of the
time is that one must imbibe those qualities that Question 3.
can protect us from the conspiracy and
exploiting attitude of the heartless and cunning
The Mirror reflects the image of life as it is, but Answer:-
still people find it difficult to come to terms with
the truth. Why? Being omniscient, the mirror is able to see and
Answer:- reflect the truth. It is something mystic and divine
People, in general, like those people who go on which looks at everything with an equal eye. Like
appreciating them. Flattery is so delicious that God it sees people as they really are without
everybody likes it. Nobody likes to be bitten by being biased.
the reality of truth. Mirror is a symbol of ‘Speckles’ refers to the stains or marks on the
truthfulness. It is also known for its objectivity. It pink wall.
does not suffer from any preconceived notions. It People look into the mirror or when it is dark.
is never affected by any sort of emotion, hatred Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
and love. Owing to its objective nature, it reflects Question 6.
the image of the thing that comes before it What important lesson does the ‘Mirror’ teach
faithfully. That is why it is not liked by people of us?
old age. The woman who goes on using it Answer:-
becomes angry with it when it shows her ugly The mirror is an epitome of truthfulness and
face. It is unbearable for her. Then she goes to objectivity. It reflects exactly whatever comes
the liars. They enhance her beauty temporarily. before it. It does not help anyone out of
She flatters herself and indulges in self- romanticism about them. The speckles of the
deception. mirror have been compared to the wrinkles of
human faces. So change is the eternal law of
2014 nature Everyone must accept it gladly. As
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] nothing is permanent in this world, it is
foolishness to have ego or illusion around
Question 4. oneself. When the mirror shows the reality to old
How is the mirror different from most of the women, they behave strangely. They try to see
human beings? in their faces what they had once. They become
Answer:- downcast to see their charmless faces. But the
A mirror is free from any preconceptions and mirror wants them to be truthful like it. They must
prejudice. Unlike human beings, it is not accept the power of time. With the passage of
influenced by feelings and emotions. So, it time human beings undergo many changes in
doesn’t judge others with pre-conceived ideas. It their bodies. So they must be aware of these
is truthful and objective and shows the exact and physical changes and they must compromise
accurate image without any distortion. with them. If they don’t learn how to
compromise, they will incur irritation and anxiety.
2013 If one makes oneself aware of the eternal law of
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] changes of nature, one will never become
restless and depressed.
Question 5.
Read the passage given below and Answer the 2012
Questions that follow. Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time meditate on the opposite wall. Question 7.
It is pink with speckles. I have looked at it so Why are the candles and the moon called liars?
Long I think it is a part of my heart. But it Answer:-
flickers. The candles and the moon are called liars
Faces and darkness separate us over and over. because they create illusion and make the
woman appear beautiful. Both the candles and
Why has the mirror been called ‘a four-cornered the moon are soft and flattering romanticized
god’? light sources that enhance beauty temporarily
What do the speckles refer to? concealing the truthful image.
Faces and darkness separate us because .
i)people look into the mirror or when it is dark. Question 8.
ii)the mirror is covered. Why do you think has the mirror been compared
iii)people wear a mask. to a lake?
iv)it is night time. Answer:-
Owing to its action, the mirror has been World War a bomb blast killed the boys’ father
compared to a lake. In her old age, when the and destroyed their homes.
woman checks her appearance, she is startled
and horrified to see her face as she has lost her 2015
beauty. Then she starts moving the mirror in a Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
way so as to find her face that she had when
she was young. Question 3.
In the poem, “Not Marble, Nor the Gilded
2011 Monuments”, what is time portrayed as?
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Answer:-
Time is portrayed predominantly as a negative
Question 9. force relating to death and decay. It has been
Why does the Mirror state that the pink coloured, compared unfavourably to a female subject who
opposite wall is a part of its heart? loses her glow and beauty. It condemns human
Answer:- attempts to achieve immorality by building stone-
The mirror meditates on the pink coloured, monuments.
opposite wall for most of the time. It is
passionate about it and thinks of it as its heart. It Question 4.
is able to form abstract thoughts and meditate In what way is the poet stronger than powerful
with the help of the pink wall. So, the pink wall rulers?
has become an integral part of its existence. Answer:-
The poet is stronger than the powerful rulers as
Question 10. his creations, i.e. his poetry can’t be destroyed
Why has the mirror been called a four-cornered by time, whereas the creations of powerful
god? rulers, i.e. statues and monuments are
Answer:- destroyed by time. Poetry will outlive mankind
Being omniscient, the mirror is able to see and and will not be ravaged by time unlike the
reflect the truth. It is something mystic and divine statues and monuments.
which looks at everything with an equal eye. Like
God, it sees people as they really are, without Question 5.
being biased. The Kings and the Queens got statues and
Not Marble, Nor The Gilded Monuments monuments erected in a desire to be
Chapter Wise Important Questions Class remembered and immortalized. Recently you
10 English Communicative – Poetry visited a few historical monuments in Delhi.
2016 Write a letter to a friend mentioning some
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] historical buildings and how these monuments
have changed in the course of time. (Nor
Question 1. Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments)
What, according to Shakespeare, outlives the Answer:-
ravages of time? 27 Z, G.K. Extn.
Answer:- New Delhi 1100XX
According to Shakespeare, his poetry outlives
the ravages of time. The poet asserts that his 2 September 20XX Dear Ranjit
portrait of the youngman written in verse will
outlive even marble, memorials of prince, which I have felt that it is a general tendency of
will inevitably become neglected. His poetry is mankind to be liked, loved and remembered by
eternal and will immortalise the subject of the posterity. But the icy hands of time leave none. I
poetry. am going to give a vivid description of the same.
A few days ago, I visited the Red Fort and the
Question 2. Qutub Minar. In my childhood, I had read about
In what ways are wars wasteful? the glory of the rulers who got them built. I was
Answer:- of the view that time must not have been able to
The wars are really wasteful in many ways. First, decay them. But I was amazed and horrified to
a war kills many innocents. Second, it destroys see their dilapidated condition. Though the
houses and other properties; Third, it never government tried to maintain them but they
establishes peace. In the context, In the Second could not retrieve their glaze.
Now, I feel that all the signs of worldly power, cannot destroy them. People must realise it and
grandeur and glory fade away with the passage act accordingly.
of time. All the gold-plated memorials,
monuments and statues of stone lose their glory 2013
and grandeur and fall to utter neglect, decay and Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
deterioration. Only the poetry composed in
applause of one’s beloved can be praised by the Question 8.
posterity. All the agents of destruction are Read the extract given below and Answer the
outlived by such poems. Questions that follow:
Shakespeare has made us know how to Not marble, Nor the gilded monuments
immortalize our friends and patrons. Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;
With love.
Yours affectionately Suresh Why do Princes get monuments made?
What do you mean by ‘gilded’?
2014 Why the Monuments won’t outlive this Rhyme?
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] Answer:-

Question 6. Princes get monuments made so that they would

How do wars affect the monuments erected by be remembered.
greatmen to be remembered after their death? ‘Gilded’ means gold-plated.
Answer:- Rhymes are eternal. They are not affected by
Wasteful and unnecessary wars destroy all wars and time. On the other hand, monuments
monuments, memorials and statues erected by are destroyed with the passage of time. So they
the powerful rulers with a hope to be can’t outlive rhyme.
remembered by posterity. The conflicts of the Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
rulers and the turmoil ruin even the monuments
built of stones. The fire of war leaves nothing Question 9.
except the written memory of a lover for his In what context, does the poet mention “death”
beloved. and “oblivious” enmity?
2013 Man has a desire to be remembered and
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] immortalized in order to overcome death. The
poet suggests that the force that conspires to
Question 7. ensure that an individual is forgotten such as
Materialistic things don’t really last. What war’s quick fire and the all oblivious enmity of
matters most are the people we care about and other people, is worse than death.
the values we live with. Explain this with
reference to the poem Not Marble, Nor the Question 10.
Gilded Monuments. How will the poet’s friend dwell in lover’s eyes?
Answer:- Answer:-
The icy hands of time destroy everything in This poem will immortalize the poet’s friend.
nature sooner or later. With the passage of time, Poetry can’t be ravaged by time, so this poem
all signs of glory, grandeur and worldly power will be a living record of his friend’s memory.
fade away. Even the gold-plated monuments, Neither will time nor war be able to destroy it. He
memorials and statues of stone lose their will stay in the eyes of lovers till doomsday.
grandeur and glory and fall to litter neglect,
decay and deterioration. The powerful people 2011
who had got them built thought that such Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
monuments and memorials would bring them
immortality. But it was nothing but their delusion. Question 11.
Only the love and affection that one has in his or The poet says that neither forces of nature nor
her heart for their beloved or loved ones will war can destroy his poetry. What quality of the
remain permanent. Such things are remembered poet is revealed through these lines?
by posterity. Such things move from generation Answer:-
to generation. Even the powerful swords of Mars These lines state that the poet is proud of his
creations. He is confident of his skill of creating
art and literature. He considers them to be Question 5.
permanent. Moreover, these lines reveal his In the poem, ‘Ozymandias’, the poet says, ‘the
contempt for arrogant rulers. hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed’.
How does the hand ‘mock’ them?
Ozymandias Chapter Wise Important Answer:-
Questions Class 10 English The ‘hand’ here is the hand of the sculptor. The
Communicative – Poetry sculptor was really good at his job as he was
2016 able to read not only the face but also the heart
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] of the king and portrayed the feelings of the king
on the statue so clearly that even though the
Question 1. statue was destroyed, the feelings could be well-
What is ironic about the inscription on the read.
pedestal of Ozymandias’ statue ?
Answer:- Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
The inscription on the pedestal of Ozymandias
statue says I am Ozymandias, the king of kings, Question 6.
look on my works, ye mighty and despair. This Bring out the irony in the words, “My name is
suggests that the king was very boastful, vain Ozymandias, king of kings, Look on my works,
and arrogant. He thought that his kingdom would ye mighty, and despair!” as inscribed on the
remain forever. But his kingdom was no where pedestal of the statue. What lesson does this
to be seen and even his own statue was in a irony teach us?
dilapidated state. He failed to realise that life is Answer:-
ephemeral. Ozymandias, a powerful king of Egypt, was
proud of his glory and achievements. He got a
Question 2. statue built in his name and tried to get himself
Who does the ‘shattered visage’ in the poem, immortalised. But the statue couldn’t withstand
‘Ozymandias’, beLong to and why is it ‘half the powerful influence of time and with the
sunk’ ? passage of time it was destroyed. The statue lay
Answer:- broken in the lonely sands symbolising that time
It beLongs to the kind Ozymandias. It is in a is all powerful, Everything in this life is
shattered condition as it is ravaged by time. King ephemeral and transient. Nothing stays forever.
Ozymandias had got the statue created as a Everything in this world decays with time. The
symbol of his power and mightiness but the time poem highlights the vanity of human glory and
destroyed it. Time is all powerful and can power.
destroy everything.
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Question 3.
Why does Ozymandias refer to himself as ‘king Question 7.
of kings’ ? What quality of King Ozymandias does the poem
Answer:- reflect?
Ozymandias was a mighty king who had Answer:-
defeated many of the kings around his kingdom The poem conveys that Ozymandias was a very
and had acquired those kingdoms. He was powerful ruler. He had immense pride of his
proud of his glory and power. He felt that he was strength. Owing to his achievements he had
the mightiest of all. become arrogant. He was indeed an
authoritarian and a despot. His wishes were
Question 4. laws. He had desire of being remembered by the
What is ironic about the fate of Ozymandias ? posterity as a very powerful ruler.
Ozymandias, the king, had got written at the Question 8.
pedestal of the statue, I am the king of kings’. “The hand that mocked them, and the heart that
But the irony is that the king’s statue was lying in fed.” Whose hand and heart are referred to in
the dust. He got a statue built to immortalise his this line? Why?
name but he forgot that nothing could stand Answer:-
against time and powerful elements of nature. In this line the hand of the sculptor and the heart
of Ozymandias are referred to. The hands of the
sculptor made the statue of Ozymandias. The Describe how Shelley brings out the futility of
sculptor was so skilled that he expressed all the power and riches in the poem, ‘Ozymandias’.
feelings of the heart of Ozymandias on his Answer:-
statue. The face of the statue was telling that the The icy hands of time leave none. Nothing is
man was so cruel and heartless. Question 9. more powerful than time. Our glory, grandeur
What did the traveller see in the desert? and power are only a nine days’ wonder.
Answer:- Ozymandias was ruthless and he had hatred
The traveller intimated the narrator that he came and cold command. He demonstrated pride and
across a queer scene in a desert sneer. The great sculptor of his time also carved
while he was travelling to an ancient land. He out the emotions of Ozymandias on the face of
beheld two vast and trunkless legs of stone his statue. ‘The wrinkled lip’ and ‘sneer of cold
standing in the desert. Near the trunkless legs a command’ say that he was drunk with pelf,
human face lay half buried in the sand. The power and authority. In the course of time all the
sculptor of the statue very aptly carved the pelf and power dwindled to nothingness. The
emotions of the despot whose statue it was. statue of Ozymandias was spilled all around the
desert in a very bad state. The sands
Question 10. symbolising death and extinction had engulfed it.
What message does the poem, ‘Ozymandias’ All the power and riches had become futile. Time
convey? had swallowed them fully. Whatsoever he got
Answer:- carved on the pedestal of his statue could not
The icy hands of time leave nothing in this world. stand against perpetually powerful swords of
All human emotions like arrogance,frown, sneer, time. Ozymandias displays his lamentation and
haughtiness, etc. vanish into thin air in the regret.
course of time. Time is so powerful that even the
statue made of stone could not resist it. 2014
Ozymandias realised the futility of his vices. Extract Based Question [3 Marks] Question
People must take a lesson from his life. 14.
Read the passage given below and Answer the
Question 11. Questions that follow.
What feelings does the partially destroyed statue its sculptor well those passions read
of Ozymandias convey? Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless
Answer:- things,
The partially destroyed statue of Ozymandias The hand that mocked them, and the heart that
conveys the feelings that time is the most fed.
powerful thing in the world. It also expresses that
the sculptor of the statue was a very skilled What do “lifeless things” refers to?
person. The ruler was full of scorn and hostility. How do we know that he was a good sculptor?
He was drunk with power and authority. He How did the heart feed the passions?
threw a challenge to all the powerful persons of Answer:-
the contemporary world.
The ‘lifeless things’ refers to the broken pieces
Question 12. of the statue of Ozymandias.
What words were written on the pedestal of the The sculptor read the emotions on the face of
broken statue? What did they show? Ozymandias and clearly transferred them into
Answer:- stone.
The pedestal of the statue had a brief Using his skill the sculptor expressed the
description of the ruler whose statue it was. The emotions of the cruel heart of the ruler on the
mighty and the most powerful ruler of his time face of his statue.
claimed himself to be ‘the king of kings’. This Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
despot was drunk with authority and power. He
threw a challenge to all the contemporary rulers. Question 15.
His intention was to outshine them. What message does the poem, ‘Ozymandias’
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks] Answer:-
The same as Answer no. 13.
Question 13.
2012 bitter truth of human life. The icy hands of time
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] dwindled his pelf, power, arrogance, brutality,
etc. to nothingness.
Question 16.
Describe the statue of Ozymandias in the desert. The Rime of Ancient Mariner Chapter
The statue was in broken state. There were two
Wise Important Questions Class 10
vast and trunkless legs of stone. The head of the English Communicative – Poetry
statue was lying on the ground, half buried in the 2016
sands of the solitary and vast desert. The broken Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
parts of the statue were conveying that they
were the parts of the statue of a very powerful Question 1.
but cruel and arrogant despot. The powerful What were the blessings the albatross brought
strokes of time had dwindled the statue of stone with it ?
to nothingness. Answer:-
The albatross was considered as a bird of good
Question 17. omen and as a spirit of Christ which had come to
What message did the poet convey in the poem, help them. When the albatross appeared, the
‘Ozymandias’? ship was surrounded by massive icebergs but
Answer:- soon the good South Wind blew, the ice cracked
The same as Answer no. 10. and they were able to move out.

Question 18. Question 2.

Which sight was seen by the traveller in the How did the mariners enjoy the arrival of the
desert? albatross?
Answer:- Answer:-
The same as Answer no. 9. The mariners enjoyed the arrival of albatross
because its arrival was marked by the beginning
Question 19. of good south wind which helped them by
Bring out the irony in the poem, “Ozymandias”. cracking of the icebergs and making a way out
Answer:- for them from the land of ice. It helped their ship
Ozymandias was a despot of an ancient move to the right path.
Kingdom. He had desire of being called asking
of kings. He was drunk with pelf, power and Question 3.
authority. For others he had only sneers of cold Give two examples of the use of the
command. He tried to attain immortality but no supernatural in ‘The Rime of the Ancient
trace of him and his works can be seen in the Mariner’
world. The miserable state of his statue mock at Answer:-
his claim of being king of kings.
The arrival of Albatross as a bird of good omen
Question 20. or a Christian soul.
What message is conveyed through the poem, The polar spirit had all aLong followed the ship.
‘Ozymandias’? The different colours of light emitted by the sea.
Answer:- Question 4.
The same as Answer no. 10. Why were the mariners angry with the Ancient
Mariner ?
Question 21. Answer:-
What was written on the pedestal of the statue? The mariners were angry with the Ancient
What does it indicate? Mariner as he had killed the bird of good omen.
Answer:- He had killed the bird whom the mariner’s hailed
In his endeavour to immortalise himself, in the name of Christ. The bird had helped them
Ozymandias got his vast statue of stone built. steer clear out of the land of ice and snow.
On its pedestal he got carved: ‘My name is
Ozymandias, King of Kings : Look upon my Question 5.
works, Ye mighty, and despair’.These words Why did the mariners hang the dead albatross
indicate that he wanted to convey the people a around the Ancient Mariner’s neck ?
Answer:- The bird was thus an anchor hold of hope for the
The mariners hanged the dead albatross around crew who were able to successfully sail through
the Ancient Mariner’s neck as a symbol of his dangerous waters in such an inclement weather
guilt. They wanted him to constantly remember under the guidance of the albatross.
the sin he had committed and repent for his evil
deeds. 2015
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
Question 8.
Question 6. Read the passage given below and Answer the
You are one of the crew on the ship. After the Questions that follow.
mariner kills the Albatross, you have to suffer He holds him with his glittering eye
and there is no hope of survival. Write a diary The Wedding-Guest stood still,
entry describing your feelings at this point of And listens like a three years’ child:
time. The Mariner hath his will.
Dear Diary, Why did the mariner hold back the wedding
I am fed up with being stuck into the slimy water guest?
of the sea for days. I don’t know what came into Why was the wedding guest unable to move?
the mariner’s mind that he killed the albatross. I What does the word, ‘glittering’ mean?
believe that the albatross was a holy spirit sent Answer:-
to help us. If we defy the orders of God it leads
to disastrous results. I don’t think I will ever be The mariner held back the wedding guest as he
able to see the land again. I will die of hunger had to confess his guilt of killing an innocent
and thirst or the evil spirits in the form of these bird.
creatures would kill me. I think we all are The mariner had hypnotised the wedding guest
partners in Mariner’s crime as we also lauded using his magic which he had learnt for this
him for killing the Albatross. May God forgive me purpose.
for my sins so that I am able to reach my home The word ‘glittering’ means ‘shining’.
and family. Question 9.
Read the passage given below and Answer the
Question 7. Questions that follow.
When the albatross arrived, the mariners ‘Ah! well a-day! what evil looks
experienced a sense of joy and were infused Had I from old and young!
with new hope. It was hailed as a Christian soul Instead of the cross, the Albatross
which brought hope to the ship. Comment. About my neck was hung. ”
When the ship moved southward, the weather Who is the speaker in these lines?
deteriorated and they encountered mist, show Why did others give him evil looks?
and cold. Visibility was reduced and movement What does the word ‘evil’ mean?
slowed down. They were in dangerous waters Answer:-
because there were icebergs all around and
steering the ship through such tricky waters in The ancient mariner is the speaker in these
poor visibility was a nightmare. At this crucial lines.
juncture in their journey, a lone albatross was He had caused them problems by killing an
spotted above the mist and was hailed as a innocent bird whose arrival had brought good
Christian spirit because this bird heralded a turn luck to them.
in their fortunes.The sailors fed it and the bird The word ‘evil’ means ‘morally bad’ or
encircled the waters even as icebergs kept ‘wickedness’.
crackling all around. The bird thus helped the Question 10.
steering team course through the waters, Read the extract given below and Answer the
thereby strengthening the belief among the Questions that follow:
sailors that the bird was a lucky omen guiding “In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud,
their ship to safety.Also, a strong south wind It perched for vespers nine;
blew after its appearance and helped to take the Whiles all the night, through fog-smoke white,
ship forward, with the albatross following above. Glimmered the white moonshine. ”
Why was the Albatross considered as a
Where were the mariners? ‘Christian Soul’?
Who is the ‘It’ referred to in these lines? Answer:-
What does ‘vespers nine’ mean? After the storm there was a drastic change in the
Answer:- condition of the weather and the sea water froze.
The ship was surrounded by icebergs from all
The mariners were in the south sea. Their ship sides. The life of the mariners was at stake.
was now moving as the ice had begun to melt. They had no hope of survival. Piercing the fog
In these lines ‘It’ refers to the albatross. and smoke, an albatross came there. They
‘Vespers nine’ means ‘a fixed time every day thought that it was a Christian soul that had
(the evening church service)’ come to save them. A true Christian soul is
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] supposed to help the needy. The arrival of the
albatross proved auspicious and ice began to
Question 11. melt.
Why did the wedding guest beat his breast? Question 15.
Answer:- What was the crime committed by the mariner?
The wedding guest was a very close relative of Answer:-
the bridegroom. He had extreme desire to attend When the ship was unable to move owing to
the wedding ceremony. Being a close relative he icebergs, the mariners were afraid of death. All
knew that his presence was indispensable. But of a sudden an albatross appeared there. Its
the ancient mariner compelled him to listen to arrival proved to be auspicious and ice began to
his story. The wedding guest was unable to free melt. The ship began to move. The albatross
himself from the magical effect of the ancient was following the ship. Unprecedentedly, evil
mariner. So, his helplessness made him beat his sense prevailed on the Ancient Mariner and he
breast. killed the albatross using his crossbow without
and provocation. It was indeed a very sinful act.
Question 12.
How did the mariners reach the land of ice and Question 16.
snow? Why did the mariners blame the Ancient Mariner
Answer:- for their plight?
The mariners were going towards the south. All Answer:-
of a sudden, there came a storm. It was very The arrival of the albatross proved so auspiciops
powerful and tyrannous. It took the ship for away for the mariners. They saw a ray of hope. They
in the sea. The mariners began to cry out of fear were hopeful that they would return home safely.
that their ship was about to sink in the sea. Then But the Ancient Mariner killed the albatross.
the temperature went down. It was a wonderous After that the wind came to a stop. The ship
cold and sea water began to freeze. The ship appeared to be a painted ship in the painted
was surrounded by icebergs from all sides and ocean. Death fire began to dance at night. The
the mariners found themselves in the land of ice mariners dreamt that the spirit of the albatross
and snow. was taking revenge and they blamed the Ancient
Mariner for their plight.
Question 13.
How were the mariners saved from the land of Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
ice and snow?
Answer:- Question 17.
When the sea water froze and the ship was Respect for all forms of life is an essential value.
surrounded by icebergs from all sides, the Unmindful destruction of nature and its creatures
mariners lost their hope of survival. They thought deserves just punishment. Write in 80-100 words
that they would die of starvation and thirst after this essential value as brought out in the poem,
consuming their limited food and water. All of a ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’.
sudden, there came an albatross piercing the Answer:-
fog and the mist. Its arrival proved auspicious After the storm, the temperature went down
and ice began to melt. Their crewmen started abruptly and the water began to freeze. The ship
steering the ship and the mariners were saved. was unable to move and the lives of the
mariners were at stake. Piercing the fog and
Question 14. mist, an Albatross appeared. All the mariners
welcomed it considering it to be a Christian soul. 2013
They gave it the best food they had and began Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
to play with it. As a creature of God it was
welcomed, God became happy and the ice Question 21.
began to melt..The sailors found the situation How did the mariners reach the land of ice and
favourable to move their ship. But when the snow?
Ancient Mariner killed the albatross without any Answer:-
provocation God became angry and the wind The mariners commenced their voyage in a very
came to a stop. The mariners found that death fine weather. When their ship was in the middle
fire was dancing before them. Then they took a of the sea, there came a storm. It was very
judicious decision of punishing the culprit. They powerful and tyrannous. It took the ship in its
hung the , dead body of the albatross around the grip and took it to the south. Then there was a
neck of the culprit to convey the message that sudden change in weather. The sea water
killing any creature of God is a crime. It is our turned into ice and the ship was surrounded
pious duty to love all the creatures made by from all sides by iceberg. Question 22.
God. How was the ancient mariner punished for his
2014 Answer:-
Extract Based Question [3 Marks] The Ancient Mariner had committed a sinful act
by killing an innocent bird without any
Question 18. provocation. After that the other Mariners began
Read the passage given below and Answer the to suffer. They came across a lot of problems.
Questions that follow. They felt that their end was coming nearer and
He holds him with his skinny hand, nearer. So they hung the dead body of the
“There was a ship, ” quoth he. albatross around the neck of the Ancient Mariner
as a mark of punishment. He was humiliated
Who does ‘He’ refer to in the above extract? publicly.
What do we know about the speaker’s feelings?
Why is his hand called ‘skinny’? Question 23.
Answer:- How did the albatross prove to be a good omen
for the mariners?
‘He’ here refers to the ancient mariner. Answer:-
The speaker was repenting. Hence he wanted to After the storm, the temperature came down
confess his guilt. suddenly and the sea wdter began to freeze.
He is very old and his pouch of skin is hanging . The ship was unable to move and the mariners
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] were scared that they would die of thirst and
starvation. All of a sudden there appeared an
Question 19. albatross piercing the fog. Then the temperature
Why does the Ancient Mariner compel the went up and ice began to melt. The crew
wedding guest to listen to his story? members began to steer the ship. The voyage
Answer:- was resumed and the albatross began to follow
The Ancient Mariner had committed a sinful act the ship.
by killing an innocent bird without any
provocation. He was atoning and lamenting for Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
his crime. He was of the view that if he
confessed his guilt God would reduce his sin. Question 24.
Nobody was interested in listening to him. So he As the wedding guest, make a diary entry of
compels the wedding guest to listen to his your observations about the Ancient Mariner.
confession. Answer:-
Dear Diary
Question 20. 9 p.m. 10 December 20XX
Why did the Ancient Mariner stop the wedding
guest? What a horrible encounter it was! I came across
Answer:- a lunatic person. He captured me when I was
The same as Answer no. 19. going to attend a wedding ceremony with two of
my companions. He used his magic with his
skinny hands. I was totally at his mercy. I asked had no water to drink. The sea did rot and about
him to free me. He dropped his hand and used to boil. The sea water was changing its colour
his magic further using his eyes. He appeared to and slimy creatures were sprawling on the ship.
be a strange fellow. He wanted to confess his Death fire was dancing at night. There was no
guilt by telling a story. His magic was so end to the predicament of the mariners. Some
powerful that I began to listen to his story like a mariners dreamt that a spirit was plaguing them.
three years old child. On listening to the music Their throats became dry and choked. They felt
caused by the musical instrument at the wedding themselves under the spell of a curse. They
spot I began to beat my breast. But he was rigid were of the view that their death was inevitable
to tell his story. This bizarre caused me extreme under the prevailing circumstances.
agony of mind and heart as he deprived me of
attending the marriage ceremony of one of my 2012
close relatives. I will never forget this tragic Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
event of my life.
Question 27.
Question 25. Read the extract given below and Answer the
Describe the circumstances under which the Questions that follow:
albatross was hung around the Ancient And some in dreams assured were Of the Spirit
Mariner’s neck that plagued us so;
Answer:- Nine fathom deep he had followed us
The Ancient Mariner had killed the albatross From the land of mist and snow.
without any provocation. The fellow mariners
were of the view that the albatross had brought Where were the mariners?
good luck to them. So they held the Ancient Which is the Spirit referred to here?
Mariner guilty of committing a crime. After that Why has the Spirit followed them?
there was an improvement in weather condition. Answer:-
The fickle-minded mariners told that the Ancient
Mariner had done the right job by killing the The mariners were in the sea near the south
albatross that had brought fog and mist. Then pole.
the wind came to a stop all of a sudden. The real The spirit is referred to the spirit of the albatross.
ship in the i real ocean appeared to be a painted The spirit has followed them for food and play.
ship in the painted ocean. The mariners were Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
surrounded by water from all sides but they had
no water to drink. Rottening process started in Question 28.
the stagnant sea water. Slimy creatures began How did the mariners escape from the South
to move on the ship. The mariners began to Pole?
think that they would die of thirst and starvation Answer:-
after finishing their limited water and food. Death When the ship of the mariners was unable to
fire began to dance at night. Some mariners move owing to the ice, there came an albatross
.saw in their dreams that the spirit of the piercing the fog and the mist. The arrival of the
albatross was causing all these problems.Under albatross proved so auspicious that ice began to
these circumstances, all the mariners decided to melt. The mariners began to steer their ship and
punish the Ancient Mariner by hanging the dead escape from the polar region.
body of the albatross around his neck.
Question 29.
Question 26. Why couldn’t the wedding guest attend the
The mariners were stranded in the silent sea wedding?
with the hot sun above them. Describe their Answer:-
frightening experience at sea. The wedding guest was captured by the Ancient
Answer:- Mariner all of a sudden. First the mariner held
After the wind came to a sudden stop, the the wedding guest using his hands. Later on he
mariner were under the scorching sun. The controlled the wedding guest by using his magic.
blazing sun appeared to be like copper. The real The wedding guest was under the complete
ship in the real ocean seemed to be just like a control of the mariner and was unable to attend
painted ship in the painted ocean. The mariners the wedding.
were surrounded by water from all sides but they
Question 30. The sailors were of the view that the arrival of
Describe the circumstances under which the the albatross had proved so beneficial for them.
mariner reached the South Pole? It had come to them as a Christian soul to save
Answer:- their life when they were in problem. So they
The mariner had commenced his voyage in a thought that the Ancient Mariner had committed
very favourable weather condition. The fellow a heinous crime by killing this innocent creature
mariners were also very excited and happy. All without any provocation. To show their disgust
of a sudden there came a storm and it was very for the Ancient Mariner they gave him evil looks.
powerful and tyrannous. It struck the ship as if it
had wings and had overtaken it with its immense Question 36.
power. It chased the ship towards the south and How does the Mariner express the fact that the
the mariner reached the south pole. ship was completely surrounded by the
Question 31. Answer:-
How did the mariners react after the death of the The Mariner says that after the storm the
albatross? temperature came so down. Water began to
Answer:- freeze. There came both mist and snow. It grew
After the death of the albatross the mariners intensely cold. Iceberg began to form and it was
reacted strongly against the Ancient Mariner. as high as mast. The entire sea water turned
They were highly obliged to the albatross whose into ice. The mariners were unable to see any
arrival had proved to be so auspicious for them. men or beasts. The ice was everywhere and all
They had regarded it a Christian soul. The killing around.
of such a lucky creature by the Ancient Mariner
infuriated all the fellow mariners. They became Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Question 37.
Question 32. Describe the events that led to the hanging of
What are the miseries the mariners had to face the dead albatross around the mariner’s neck
after the death of the albatross? Answer:-
Answer:- The same as Answer no. 25.
After the death of the albatross, the wind came
to a stop. The sail of the ship of the mariners Question 38.
dropped and the ship was unable to move. The Describe the sufferings faced by the mariners in
real ship appeared to be just like a painted ship the silent sea.
in the painted ocean. They were about to meet Answer:-
with their death owing to thirst and starvation. The same as Answer no. 26.
The sea water began to change its colour. Death
fire began to dance at night. Their tongues 2011
became dry. There was no end to their sad Extract Based Question [3 Marks]
plights and predicament.
Question 33. Question 39.
How did the mariners escape from the land of Read the passage given below and Answer the
mist and snow? Questions that follow.
Answer:- ‘God save thee, ancient Mariner,
The same as Answer no. 13. From the fiends that plague thee thus!
Why look’st thou SO?’
Question 34.
Why is the albatross called a ‘Christian soul’? Who is the speaker?
Answer:- Why do fiends plague him?
The same as Answer no. 14. Which word in the above lines means the same
as ‘to trouble’?
Question 35. Answer:-
Why did the sailors give the ancient mariner evil
looks? The Ancient Mariner is the speaker.
The same as Answer no. 26. Evil sense prevails upon him and that gives
Answer:- chance to friends to plague him.
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Question 46.
Read the extract given below and Answer the
Question 40. Questions that follow. Write the Answers in
How did the Albatross save the mariners from your Answer sheet in one or two lines only.
the land of ice and snow? Number the Answers correctly.
Answer:- But no sweet bird did follow,
The same as Answer no. 13. Nor any day for food or play Came to the
mariners’ hollo !
Question 41. And I had done a hellish thing,
Why did the mariners believe that the ancient And it would work ‘em woe:
mariner was responsible for their misfortunes?
Answer:- Who is the speaker?
First time when the mariners were in problems What is the ‘hellish thing’ done?
after the storm, the arrival of the albatross Explain : “work, ‘em woe.”
proved auspicious for them and they escaped Answer:-
from the land of ice. After a few days, the
Ancient Mariner killed the albatross without any The Ancient Mariner is the speaker.
provocation. After that, the mariners faced a The killing of the albatross by the Ancient
series of problems and they felt that their end Mariner was the hellish thing as it had brought
was quite near. Under the situation, it was quite good luck for the mariners.
natural for the mariners to believe that the The heinous act of killing the albatross by the
Ancient Mariner solely was responsible for their Ancient Mariner caused a lot of problems for all
agony and affliction. the mariners on the ship.
Question 47.
Question 42. Read the passage given below and Answer the
How were the mariners trapped in the South Questions that follow.
Pole? The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
Answer:- The furrow followed free;
The same as Answer no. 30. Question 43. We were the first that ever burst
In ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ who is Into that silent sea.
called ‘a Christian Soul’? Why?
Answer:- Why is the sea called ‘silent’?
The same as Answer no. 14. What according to the mariners was the reason
for their fate?
Question 44. Which poetic device is used in these lines?
What is the “hellish thing” done by the ancient Answer:-
mariner? Why?
Answer:- The sea is not causing any problem in the sailing
The albatross had brought good luck for all the of the ship. It is not stormy.
mariners of the ship. The voyage was resumed The fickle-minded mariners said that they got a
and everyone on the ship was in a elated mood. better fate after the Ancient Mariner killed the
The presence of the albatross was enhancing albatross.
the beauty of the ship. But the Ancient Mariner The poetic device used in these lines is
caused a turmoil in their placid life by killing the ‘alliteration’.
albatross without any provocation. They faced a Question 48.
series of problems. The killing was indeed a Read the extract given below and Answer the
hellish thing done by the Ancient Mariner. Questions that follow. Write the Answers
in your Answer sheet in one or two lines only.
Question 45. Number the Answers correctly.
Why was the wedding guest desperate? It ate the food it ne’er had eat,
Answer:- And round and round it flew.
The same as Answer no. 11. The ice did split with a thunder-fit;
The helmsman steered us through!
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] What is ‘It’ referred to here?
What difficulties did the mariners face before ‘it’ What private griefs they have, alas, I know not,
arrived? That made them do it”:
How did their fate change after its appearance?
Answer:- Who is the speaker ?
What deed have ‘they’ done ?
Here ‘it’ is referred to the albatross. What does the word, ‘griefs’ mean ?
The ship of the mariners had been stuck in ice. It Answer:-
was unable to move.
The ice began to melt. Now the ship of the The speaker is Antony.
mariners could resume its return journey. They have killed Caesar mercilessly.
Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks] ‘Griefs’ here means ‘anger’ or ‘differences’.
Question 3.
Question 49. Read the extract given below and Answer the
What traits of the ancient mariner’s character are Questions that follow:
revealed in the poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Calpumia: Do not go forth today: call it my fear
Mariner’? That keeps you in the house, and not your own.
Answer:- Let me, upon my knee prevail in this.
The protagonist of the poem is feeble, frail and
skinny owing to his old age. He is neither What is Calpurnia’s fear ?
considerate nor positive in his attitude. Being What is the cause of her fear?
cruel and Short tempered he kills an innocent What does the phrase, ‘go forth’ mean?
bird without any provocation. Being Selfish, he Answer:-
compels others to listen to his story so that he
can get his sin reduced by making confession. Calpumia’s fear was that someone would
He has learnt magic for getting his work done murder Caesar.
according to his own wish and desire. She had bad dreams throughout the night and
she saw Caesar being murdered and people
Julius Caesar Chapter Wise Important washing their hands in the blood of Caesar.
Questions Class 10 English phrase ‘go forth’ means ‘move forward’. Here it
Communicative – Drama means ‘go out from the house’.
Question 4.
2016 Read the extract given below and Answer the
Questions that follow:
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] mark’d ye his words? He would not take the
Question 1. Therefore ’tis certain he was not ambitions.
Read the extract given below and Answer the
Questions that follow: Who is ‘He’?
O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, What does his not taking the crown show?
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers! What does the word ‘certain’ mean?
By whom have the above lines been spoken?
Why is the speaker meek with the butchers? ‘He’ is Caesar here.
Write the antonym of the word, ‘gentle.’ This shows that he was not hungry for power.
Answer:- The word ‘certain’ means ‘sure’.
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Antony is the speaker.
Antony was meek because he wanted to take Question 5.
revenge for Caesar’s murder which he knew he How does Brutus interpret Calpurnia’s dream?
wouldn’t be able to do without being friendly with Answer:-
them. Calpumia dreamt that Caesar’s statue was
The antonyms of ‘gentle’ are ‘rude’, ‘harsh’. spouting blood like a fountain and Romans were
Question 2. washing their handkerchiefs in the blood of
Read the extract given below and Answer the Caesar. Brutus said the dream foretold some
Questions that follow: positive events. He said the blood from the
“They that have done this deed are honourable:
statue indicated the Caesar’s influence would in the blood of Caesar symbolised that people
increase. would take inspiration from Caesar and there
would be renaissance.
Question 6.
Describe the superstitions which scared Question 11.
Calpumia? How did Brutus justify Caesar’s assassination ?
Answer:- Answer:-
Calpumia dreamt that Caesar’s statue was Brutus was a patriotic man and he was very well
spouting blood and many lusty Roman came up respected in Rome. People of Rome loved him
to his statue and bathed their hands in the blood. dearly. He said that he loved Caesar dearly but
She cried thrice in her dream ‘Help ho they he loved Rome more than he loved Caesar. He
murder Caesar’. said that he honoured him for his bravery but he
was ambitious so he was killed.
Question 7.
Why did Calpumia not want Caesar to go to the Question 12.
Senate? Cassius knows Antony well and does not want
Answer:- Brutus to let him speak. Why?
Calpumia did not want Caesar to go to the Answer:-
Senate because she had dreamt the previous Cassius knew that Antony was a skilful orator
night that someone had murdered Caesar and and a true friend of Caesar. He knew that
the people were washing their hands in Caesar’s Antony could see through their plans and would
blood. expose them in front of the people of Rome. He
knew that Antony’s speach could do a good deal
Question 8. of harm to them.
Why does Brutus kill Caesar ?
Answer:- Long Answer Type Question [1 Marks]
Bruters was a true Roman and he loved Rome
more than his life. But he was not Question 13.
able to judge the real worth of people. He Caesar’s murder is rightly avenged by Antony.
believed the conspirators when they said Caesar Comment.
was ambitious. Brutus killed Caesar as he was Answer:-
convinced by the conspirators that Caesar Casca, Decius Brutus, Brutus and conspirators
wanted to be a dictator and treat the Romans as killed Caesar on the pretext of him
slaves. The freedom, liberty and democracy of being ambitious. All the conspirators were
Rome was under threat. Question 9. actually jealous of his growing popularity. Only
What did Caesar leave for the Romans in his will Brutus was the one who was actually concerned
? about the betterment of Rome. When Antony
Answer:- came to the Senate he saw Caesar’s body lying
Caesar had bequeathed a major part of his in a pool of blood. He told Brutus to kill him also
wealth to the people of Rome. He had given and with the same weapon with which he had
seventy five drachmas to every Roman. In killed Caesar. Brutus told him to join hands with
addition he had left his private gardens and them and agreed to be their friend but at heart
orchards on one side of Tiber to Romans for he was full of anger and wanted to take revenge
their rest and recreation and also for the for Caesar’s murder. He requested Brutus to
enjoyment by their future generations. allow him to give a funeral speech to the people
of Rome. Brutus allowed him to do so. Antony
Question 10. revealed to the mob how Caesar loved them and
How is Decius Brutus successful in taking that he had given everything to the people of
Caesar to the senate inspite of Calpumia’s Rome in his will. His scathing and sarcastic
efforts to prevent him ? speech drove the mob crazy. It enraged them
Answer:- and the masses set the houses of conspirators
Calpurnia had a very bad dream the previous on fire.
night. She saw people washing their
handkerchiefs in the blood of Caesar. Decius 2015
interpreted the dream in a very positive way
saying that people washing their handkerchiefs Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Question 14.
Read the extract given below and Answer the Question 17.
Questions that follow: Why did Cassius tell Brutus not to allow Antony
Caesar shall forth; the things that threaten’d me to speak on Caesar’s funeral?
Ne’er look’d but on my back; when they shall Answer:-
see The face of Caesar, they are vanished. Cassius knew it well that Marks Antony was a
great diplomat and orator. Using his oratory, he
Where is Caesar planning to go? might win the hearts of the people in his favour.
What are the ‘things’ that threaten him? At that point of time, Cassius and other
What does the word ‘vanished’ mean? conspirators were quite near the crown after
Answer:- assassinating Caesar. Moreover, the Romans
were very emotionally charged at that time.
Caesar is planning to go to the senate-house. Cassius did not want to take any risk at that
The various horrible sights that Calpurnia had in time. Hence, he told Brutus not to allow Antony
her dream are threatening him. to speak on Caesar’s funeral.
The word ‘vanished’ means ‘disappeared.’
Question 15. Question 18.
Read the extract given below and Answer the Why did Caesar’s will infuriate the Romans?
Questions that follow: Answer:-
How foolish do your fears seem now, Calpurnia! Caeser’s will was the most powerful weapon is
Iam ashamed. I did yield to them. the hands of Antony against the conspirators
Give me my robe, for I will go. who were saying that they had assassinated
Caesar as he was ambitious. The revelation of
Why was Calpurnia afraid? the contents of the will proved to be a turning
Where did Caesar decide to go? point in the entire episode. According to the will,
What does the word ‘yield’ mean? all the Romans were to get seventy-five silver
Answer:- coins from the property of Caesar and the
private arbours of Caesar were to become a
Calpurnia had a very horrible dream. Her national property. So the Romans held the
watchman told that he had also seen many conspirators guilty of assassinating a great
unusual things in his dream. Taking these patriot of Rome.
dreams as ominous she was afraid.
Caesar decided to go to the senate-house. Question 19.
The word ‘yield’ means to give way or to How did Antony prove that Caesar was not
surrender. ambitious?
Question 16. Answer:-
Read the extract given below and Answer the Antony being a great diplomat and orator proved
Questions that follow: Caesar’s innocence very meticulously. He
This was the most unkindest cut of all; informed the Romans that Caesar refused to
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, accept the crown thrice when it was offered to
Ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms, him on the eve of Lupercal. If he had been
Quite vanquish’d him: then burst his mighty ambitious, he must have accepted it. He also
heart; told the Romans that Caesar had brought many
captives from the battlefield. Whatsoever
Who speaks these words? amount, he got as ransom to set the captives
Whose ingratitude was he referring to? free, he put it in the national treasure. When the
Why did it break CaesarAnswer:- poor wept, Caesar also wept. Reading the will of
Caesar, Antony disclosed to the Romans that
Mark Antony is the speaker of these lines. Caesar had left seventy-five silver coins for
He was referring to the ingratitude of the every citizen and his personal arbours were o
conspirators who had assassinated Caesar. became national property. These evidences
Caesar had immense trust in the members of were adequate to prove that Caesar was not
the senate particularly Brutus. When he saw ambitious.
them including Brutus stabbing him, his heart
broke. Question 20.
How did Decius Brutus interpret Calpumia’s allowed to blame any conspirator though he was
dream? allowed to praise Caesar. He had to disclose the
Answer:- Romans in his funeral speech that he was
The misinterpretation of Calpumia’s dream by speaking by the permission of the conspirators.
Decius Brutus proved fatal for Caesar. Antony had to accept all the conditions as his
Otherwise Caesar had made up his mind to position was weak at that moment.
remain at home on that unfortunate day. Decius
Brutus said that Calpumia’s dream that blood Question 24.
was coming out of Caesar’s statue signified that How did the Roman mob react to Antony’s
the Romans would get reviving blood. It would speech?
be preserved as an object of reverence by the Answer:-
RomAnswer:- It would serve as colours added Antony’s speech revolutionised the Roman mob.
to a coat of arms. So Decious Brutus succeeded He had become successful in
in persuading Caesar to go the senate-house making the Romans realise that Caesar was not
where his death was waiting for him in the ambitious and the conspirators were guilty. So
daggers of the conspirators. the mob became vindictive. They became ready
to die with Antony. They said that they would
Question 21. bum the house of Brutus. They became ready to
How did Brutus justify Caesar’s assassination? seek the conspirators. They also said that they
Answer:- would bum the dead body of Caesar at a holy
The shrewd, cunning and manipulating Cassius place and using the brands they would bum the
had been successful in poisoning the ears of houses of the traitors.
noble Brutus. After Caesar’s assassination,
Brutus told the Romans that he loved Caesar Question 25.
more than any RomAnswer:- But he loved the Which was ‘the most unkindest cut’ of all? Why
democracy of Rome more than anyone and was it called so?
anything. So he assassinated Caesar when he Answer:-
felt that the growing ambition of Caesar would The cut caused by the dagger of Brutus was the
be perilous to Roman democracy and he was most unkind. It was called so as
not ready to accept it at any rate as he was a Brutus was a very close friend of Caesar.
great patriot. Caesar trusted him blindly. He regarded Brutus
as an angel. So Brutus was not supposed to
Question 22. think of harming Caesar. He was supposed to
Why did Julius Caesar deny the repeal of assist Caesar when the conspirators attacked
banishment of Publius Cimber? him. As Brutus joined hands with the
Answer:- conspirators and stabbed Caesar, it was an act
Caesar was a great ruler and administrator. He of treachery. Hence, it was called the most
was very disciplined and strict in taking decision. unkind.
He would take decision in the welfare of Rome
and the RomAnswer:- Giving reply to the Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
request for the repealing, Caesar said that if he
was moved by prayer on that point, one day Question 26.
prayers would move him completely. He was as Mark Antony, with the help of his oratory,
constant as the northern star. He was of the succeeded in winning the mob over to his side.
view that the repeat of banishment of Publius This led to the downfall of the conspirators. Write
Cimber would not be in the interest of Rome. in 80-100 words, how with the power of words
he could effect a change in his listeners.
Question 23. Answer:-
On what conditions was AAntony allowed to Mark Antony was indeed a great orator and
speak on Caesar’s funeral? Answer:- After the diplomat. After the assassination of Caesar, he
assassination of Caesar, Brutus wanted to justify reached the site and made his plan how to take
the act of the conspirators. revenge on the conspirators and get advantage
Answer:- of the situation. He warned the Romans that
After delivering his speech he wanted Antony to Rome would face natural calamities if they didn’t
address the RomAnswer:- But certain take revenge for the assassination. Further, he
conditions were imposed on Antony. He was not said that Caesar’s spirit would come with the
God of death and cause a great loss of life. Very Brutus asked his countrymen to listen to his
systematically, he proved that Caesar was not enemy Antony for his sake. The speech of
ambitious. As Long as his position was weak, Antony later proved fatal for Brutus.
he pointed out the guilts of the conspirators Question 29.
ironically. Later, he told the Romans that Caesar Read the extract given below and Answer the
had neither accepted the crown nor kept the Questions that follow:
ransom in his personal treasure. He made the Over thy wounds now do I prophesy
mob emotional by saying that Caesar used to Which, like dumb mouths, do ope their ruby lips,
weep for the poor and for the sake of Romans To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue—
he left his entire property. Showing the cuts to
the mob and deliberate delay in reading the will Who spoke the above words?
were the effective endeavours of Antony to Whose ‘wounds’ is the speaker referring to in the
instigate the Romans against the conspirators. above lines?
Thus, the oratory of Antony altered the entire Identify and explain the figure of speech used in
scene. The conspirators, though appeared to be the above extract.
successful in the beginning, were badly Answer:-
Antony spoke the above words.
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] The speaker is referring to the wounds of
Question 27. The figure of speech used in the above extract is
Read the extract given below and Answer the ‘simile’. The wounds of Caesar have been
Questions that follow: compared to dumb mouth using the word ‘like’.
The noble Brutus Question 30.
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious: Read the extract given below and Answer the
If it were so, it was a grievous fault, Questions that follow:
and grievously hath Caesar Answere’d it. This dream is all amiss interpreted.

Who is the speaker? Who are ‘you’? Name the speaker of the above line.
How did Caesar pay for being ambitious? Whose ‘dream’ has been referred to in the
What argument did the speaker give to show extract?
that Brutus was wrong in his judgement of Explain: ‘amiss interpreted’.
Caesar? Answer:-
The name of speaker is Decius Brutus.
Antony is the speaker. ‘You’ here stands for the The dream of Calpurnia has been referred to in
people of Rome. the extract.
The conspirators blamed Caesar for being Decius Brutus tells Caesar that the dream of
ambitious and they assassinated him on this Calpurnia has been wrongly interpreted.
ground. Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
The speaker said that Caesar must have
accepted the crown if he had been ambitious. Question 31.
But he rejected it thrice. Why did Calpumia try to stop Caesar from going
Question 28. to the senate?
Read the extract given below and Answer the Answer:-
Questions that follow: Calpurnia had a very bad dream the previous
Good countrymen, let me depart alone, night. She was also informed by the watchman
And, for my sake, stay here with Antony: that in his dream he had seen many unnatural
things. A lioness had given birth to her little ones
Identify the speaker of the above lines. in the streets. Dead bodies were coming out of
When and where were the above lines spoken? graveyards. A fierce war was going in air and
Bring out the irony in the aboveMarcus Brutus is blood was falling upon the capital. Calpumia saw
the speaker. that blood was coming out of the statue of
The above lines were spoken after Brutus Caesar and lusty Romans were bathing their
delivered his speech. These lines were spoken hands in it with smiling faces. All these were
form the pulpit in the market place.
ominous and Calpumia thought that the life of Antony succeeds fully in his mission. The
Caesar was in danger. conspirators are defeated and Antony becomes
the ruler.
Question 32.
How does Decius Brutus persuade Caesar to Question 36.
accompany him to the senate house? What did Caesar’s will have for the common
Answer:- men of Rome?
Decius Bmtus says that the dream of Calpumia Answer:-
has been wrongly interpreted. Actually the Antony brought the will of Caesar and read it to
Romans will get a reviving blood from Caesar’s the people ofRome. According to the will, all the
blood. They will get their handkerchiefs Romans had to get seventy-five silver coins from
drenched in his blood and the same will be the property of Caesar. The private arbours of
worshipped by the future generations. He also Caesar were to become the national property
tries to entice Caesar by saying that the and every Roman would be enjoying there.
senators have decided to offer him the crown These were the sufficent proofs to prove that
that day. If he does not go, they may change Caesar was not ambitious.
their decision.
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Question 33.
What did Caesar leave for the Romans in his Question 37.
will? ‘Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome
Answer:- more. ’
Antony brought the will of Caesar and read it to Brutus says this as he justifies to the Romans
the people of Rome. According to the will, all the why Caesar was assassinated by them. Do you
Romans had to get seventy-five silver coins from agree with Brutus? Justify your Answer in 120-
the property of Caesar. The private arbours of 150 words by giving examples from the play.
Caesar were to become the national property What values does Brutus display as he says this
and every Roman would be enjoying there. line to the Romans?
These were the sufficent proofs to prove that Answer:-
Caesar was not ambitious. Yes, I agree with Brutus. As a matter of fact,
Brutus was a noble man. He possessed a series
Question 34. of virtues. He was a very close friend of Caesar.
How did nature foretell Caesar’s death? He had a very good image in the eyes of the
Answer:- Rom Cassius was very shrewd and
For nature Caesar was a prominent person. So manipulative. He knew that he would be
she gave a warning of danger in successful in implementing his conspiracy if he
Caesar’s life. Calpumia saw in her dream that won the favour of Brutus. So he poisoned the
blood was coming out of Caesar’s statue and the ears of Brutus saying that the growing power of
lusty Romans with their smiling faces were Caesar would be dangerous to the democracy of
washing their hands in it. The watchman saw Rome. Brutus could not understand the real
that a lioness was giving birth to its little ones in motive of Cassius and believed his words
the street. Dead bodies were coming out of the blindly. He failed to see through the cunningness
graveyards and warriors were fighting in the sky. of Cassius and supported him in the execution of
These ominous signs were the nature’s his conspiracy.
foretelling of Caesar’s death. Brutus displays that he has feeling of patriotism
and loyalty to Roman democracy.
Question 35.
What is the purpose of Antony’s speech? Does Question 38.
he succeed in his mission? Now let it work. Mischief thou art afoot.
Answer:- Take thou what course thou wilt!
Antony is greatly agrieved to see the dead body Antony seeks justice by getting the mob to kill
of Caesar. His purpose is to take revenge for the conspirators. But to correct a wrong, one
Caesar’s death on the conspirators and to cannot commit another wrong. Write a speech
become the rulefby defeating the conspirators for the school assembly on—The ends do not
with the help of the people of Rome. justify the means: (120-150 words)
Good Morning! Now, whilst your purpled hands do reek and
Respected principal, teachers and my dear smoke,
colleagues. I am going to deliver a speech on Fulfil your pleasure. Live a thousand years,
the topic ‘the ends do not justify the me I shall not find myself so apt to die:
In this fast changing materialistic world, it has
become very difficult for mankind to keep control When does Antony say these words?
on his emotions. People have become vindictive What is his request?
in nature. They have neither tolerance nor What does ‘reek’ in the above lines mean?
patience. But vindictive attitude must be checked Answer:-
otherwise there will be the extinction of the
world. For achieving success people should Antony speaks these words after the
follow the right path. assassination of Caesar by the conspirators.
In the case of Antony, we find that he instigates He requests the conspirators to kill him also.
the Roman mob to kill the conspirators and burn The word ‘reek’ here means ‘stench’ or ‘an
their houses. This led to the huge destruction of offensive smell’.
life and property. No civilized society will Question 41.
approve of this act of Antony. He should have Read the extract given below and Answer the
adopted another safe method of reconciliation. Questions that follow:
Taking experience from this event of the drama BRUTUS: Then none have I offended. I have
‘Julius Caesar’ we must take a vow to settel done no more to Caesar than you shall do to
every dispute harmoniously. Vindictive attitude Brutus.
must be discarded and feeling of forgiveness
must be spread in every nook and corner of the In which context does Brutus say these words?
world. How does Brutus justify his action?
I think tolerance and forgiveness will be the two What was the immediate reaction of the
effective tools to save humanity in future. listeners?
Thanks Answer:-

2013 Brutus is justifying the assassination of Caesar

by him aLong with the other conspirators.
Extract Based Questions [3 MarkQuestion 39. He says that the growing power of Caesar made
Read the extract given below and Answer the him ambitious which was dangerous to Roman
Questions that follow: democracy.
‘Shall Caesar send a lie? The listeners begin to admire Brutus and decide
Have I in conquest stretch’d mine arm so far, to give Brutus the same position as Caesar had.
To be afraid to tellgraybeards the truth? Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
Decius, go tell them Caesar will not come’.
Question 42.
Why has Decius come to Caesar’s place? How does Brutus convince the Romans that
What message does Caesar give him? Caesar deserved his death?
Who are the ‘graybeards’ referred to here? Answer:-
Answer:- Brutus tells the Roman that Caesar made
himself very ambitious. He also says that
He comes to Caesar’s place to persuade Caesar Caesar was his friend and he had many good
to go to the senate-house so that the qualities. He was worshipper of the courage of
conspirators can execute their conspiracy. Caesar. But he had to join his hands with the
Caesar told Decius Brutus that he would not go conspirators when he came to know that the
to the senate-house as Calpumia had a very bad growing power of Caesar would be dangerous to
dream last night. the democracy of Rome.
The graybeards referred to here are the
senators of the senate-house. Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Question 40.
Read the extract given below and Answer the Question 43.
Questions that follow: Cowards die many times before their deaths;
I do beseech ye, if you bear me hard, The valiant never taste of death but once.
These words of Julius Caesar bring out the In this swift changing and materialistic world
importance of courage in the face of adversity. people are striving to achieve their goals by
Send an e-mail in 120-150 words to your hook or by crook. But experience says that if a
younger brother on the importance of courage person achieves his goal following a wrong path,
and bravery in one’s life. he has to repent as Long as he lives. Neither
does he get satisfaction nor does he enjoy the
Answer:- real pleasure of achieving his goal. He goes on
feeling himself guilty all through his life.
Date : 15 June 20XX In the play Julius Caesar, Cassius conspired
From: [email protected] against Caesar and assassinated him with the
Subject: Importance of courage and bravery help of other conspirators. But his desire to
To: [email protected] become a ruler remained a mirage. He and his
Dear Suresh friends were defeated and some of them were
killed in the battle. Some of them had to commit
Hope everything is good at your end. I want to suicide. If he had wished to become the ruler, he
make you aware of the significance of courage should have followed a creative way. But
and bravery in one’s life. Cassius thought of only the end but not of the
These two divine qualities are rarely seen in means and he had to lament.
human being. People in general are timid and We must take lesson from his life for our better
afraid of death. But 1 think that it is a blunder. future. Hope you will follow my advice in future.
Death is the necessary end of human life. It will Convey my regards to the elders and love to the
come when it is destined to come. It can’t be children.
avoided by any human being.
A brave person faces all the challenges of life With heaps of love
boldly. It has been seen $iat success has to kiss Your sincerely
the feet of the brave. When it has been observed Rameshwar/Ragini
that cowards are always met with failure, it is
foolishness to behave like a coward. Question 45.
Human history is full of the achievement of the ‘What mean you Caesar? Think you to walk
brave and the courageous. We admire their forth?
achievements even today. Even after more than You shall not stir out of your house today’.
two thousand years, we applaud the bravery of Describe the circumstances under which
Julius Caesar. Caesar’s wife Calpurnia makes this statement.
I hope that you will take lesson from this e-mail
of mine and remain brave and courageous even Answer:-
in adverse situation in future.
Calpurnia and the watchman had seen very bad
With best wishes dreams. In their dreams, they saw many unusual
Yours lovingly and unnatural things. The watchman saw that
Name: Mahesh the lioness was giving birth to her little ones in
the street. Dead bodies were coming out of the
Question 44. graveyards and a fierce fight was going on in the
Caesar was assassinated ruthlessly and the sky. The blood of the warriors was falling on the
conspirators tried to gain power. Write a letter to capital. All these were ominous sights and the
a friend on how important it is to think of not only watchman explained his entire dream to
the end but also the meAnswer:- You are Calpumia. She herself had seen in her dream
Rameshwar/Ragini of 18, Princess Street18 that blood was coming out of the statue of
Princess Street Caesar and the lusty Romans were washing
Kolkata their hands in it. While doing so they were
10 June 20XX smiling. All these sights made Calpurnia afraid.
She decided that she would implore Caesar not
Dear Mohan/Mohini to go to the senate-house. But Caesar was a
Hope this letter finds you in the pink of your very brave man and he said that he would go to
health. In this letter, I am going to make you the senate-house. He also told Calpumia that
aware of the significance of the proper way of cowards die many times before their death. But
achieving the goal.
Calpurnia was rigid and she uttered line ‘you Thus, the oratory of Antony altered the entire
shall not stir out of your house today’. scene. The conspirators, though appeared to be
successful in the beginning, were badly
Question 46. defeated.
How and when did Caesar’s murder take place?
Answer:- 2012
Julius Caesar was a great administrator. His
name and fame was spreading by leaps and Extrdct Based Questions [3 Marks]
bounds. Cassius, one of the senators, was
envious of the position of Caesar and he himself Question 48.
wanted to become the ruler. So he began to Read the extract given below and Answer the
conspire against Caesar with the help of some Questions that follow:
cunning and wicked people. Later on, he O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
poisoned the ears of noble Brutus saying that That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
the growing power of Caesar would be
dangerous to the democracy of Rome. All the What is the ‘bleeding piece of earth’ referred to
conspirators planned to assassinate Caesar in here?
the senate-house. Why was Antony ‘meek and gentle’?
On the scheduled date, Decius Brutus Who are the butchers mentioned here?
persuaded Caesar to go to the senate-house. Answer:-
The conspirators requested Caesar one by one
to repeal the banishment of Publius Cimber. But These words refer to the spot where Caesar has
Caesar turned down their requests and the been assassinated ruthlessly.
conspirators got an excuse to assassinate The position of Antony was weak at that time.
Caesar. Casca attacked Caesar first and he was The conspirators who assassinated Caesar have
followed by other conspirators. Caesar could not been called the butchers.
believe his eyes when he saw Brutus attacking Question 49.
him. Ultimately, Caesar was assassinated in the Read the extract given below and Answer the
senate-house at the feet of the statue of Questions that follow:
Pompey. O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
Question 47. Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
How did Antony prove to the Romans that That ever lived in the tide of times.
Caesar was greatly wronged?
Answer:- Who is speaking these lines?
Mark Antony was indeed a great orator and Why does he call them butchers?
diplomat. After the assassination of Caesar, he How does he praise Caesar?
reached the site and made his plan how to take Answer:-
revenge on the conspirators and get advantage
of the situation. He warned the Romans that Antony is the speaker here.
Rome would face natural calamities if they didn’t They assassinated Caesar mercilessly.
take revenge for the assassination. Further, he He wants the Romans to take revenge on the
said that Caesar’s spirit would come with the death of Caesar.
God of death and cause a great loss of life. Very Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
systematically, he proved that Caesar was not
ambitious. As Long as his position was weak, Question 50.
he pointed out the guilts of the conspirators How did Brutus win the heart of the Roman
ironically. Later, he told the Romans that Caesar mob?
had neither accepted the crown nor kept the Answer:-
ransom in his personal treasure. He made the Brutus tells the Roman that Caesar made
mob emotional by saying that Caesar used to himself very ambitious. He also says that
weep for the poor and for the sake of Romans Caesar was his friend and he had many good
he left his entire property. Showing the cuts to qualities. He was worshipper of the courage of
the mob and deliberate delay in reading the will Caesar. But he had to join his hands with the
were the effective endeavours of Antony to conspirators when he came to know that the
instigate the Romans against the conspirators.
growing power of Caesar would be dangerous to coat of arms. So Decious Brutus succeeded in
the democracy of Rome. persuading Caesar to go the senate-house
where his death was waiting for him in the
Question 51. daggers of the conspirators.
Under what condition does Brutus allow Mark
Antony to make the funeral speech? Question 55.
Answer:- How did Caesar make the Roman his heirs?
After the assassination of Caesar, Brutus Answer:-
wanted to justify the act of the conspirators. Antony brought the will of Caesar and read it to
After delivering his speech he wanted Antony to the people of Rome. According
address the Romans. But certain conditions to the will, all the Romans had to get seventy-
were imposed on Antony. He was not allowed to five silver coins from the property of Caesar. The
blame any conspirator though he was allowed to private arbours of Caesar were to become the
praise Caesar. He had to disclose the Romans national property and every Roman would be
in his funeral speech that he was speaking by enjoying there. These were the sufficent proofs
the permission of the conspirators. Antony had to prove that Caesar was not ambitious.
to accept all the conditions as his position was
weak at that moment. Question 56.
What prophesy did Antony make after Caesar’s
Question 52. death?
Why did Metellus Cimber kneel before Caesar? Answer:-
Answer:- Antony was a great diplomat and a close friend
The brother of Metellus Cimber had been given of Caesar. So he made prophesy to infuriate the
the punishment of banishment by Caesar. So Roman to take revenge. He said that Romans
the conspirators asked Metellus Cimber to would witness civil war. He further said that
request Caesar to forgive his brother. They knew blood and destruction would be common and
it well that Caesar would not forgive Publius dreadful objects would be so familiar that
Cimber. Then the conspirators would also make mothers would smile to see the dead bodies of
request and if it was turned down by Caesar, their children. The spirit of Caesar would come
they would get proper excuse to attack and with god of death and take revenge on the
assassinate Caesar. Question 53. RomAnswer:-
What offer did the conspirators make to Antony
after Caesar’s assassination? Question 57.
Answer:- ‘Let him be Caesar’. What does this line tell us
The conspirators were well aware of the power about the attitude of the Roman mob?
of oratory of Antony. They also knew that Antony Answer:-
was a great diplomat. So they thought it was The Roman mob is very emotional and fickle
better to win the favour of Antony. Therefore minded. The citizens are credulous and docile.
they offered Antony a place in the Only a few sentences of Brutus impress them so
commonwealth. Actually the conspirators greatly that they forget all the contributions of
wanted to pacify the chaotic situation caused by great Caesar. They are also quick in taking
the assassination of Caesar. decision. Without going deep into the matter,
they are going to hand over the bridle of the
Question 54. reins of Rome in the hands of the conspirators
How did Decius Brutus interpret Calpumia’s and the murderers.
Answer:- Question 58.
The misinterpretation of Calpumia’s dream by What was the effect of Antony’s speech on the
Decius Brutus proved fatal for Caesar. Roman citizens?
Otherwise Caesar had made up his mind to Answer:-
remain at home on that unfortunate day. Decius Antony’s speech revolutionised the Roman mob.
Brutus said that Calpumia’s dream that blood He had become successful in
was coming out of Caesar’s statue signified that making the Romans realise that Caesar was not
the Romans would get reviving blood. It would ambitious and the conspirators were guilty. So
be preserved as an object of reverence by the the mob became vindictive. They became ready
Romans. It would serve as colours added to a to die with Antony. They said that they would
bum the house of Brutus. They became ready to ransom in his personal treasure. He made the
seek the conspirators. They also said that they mob emotional by saying that Caesar used to
would bum the dead body of Caesar at a holy weep for the poor and for the sake of Romans
place and using the brands they would bum the he left his entire property. Showing the cuts to
houses of the traitors. the mob and deliberate delay in reading the will
were the effective endeavours of Antony to
Question 59. instigate the Romans against the conspirators.
What are the arguments put forward by Decius Thus, the oratory of Antony altered the entire
Brutus to convince Caesar to go to Capitol? scene. The conspirators, though appeared to be
Answer:- successful in the beginning, were badly
Decius Bmtus says that the dream of Calpumia defeated.
has been wrongly interpreted. Actually the
Romans will get a reviving blood from Caesar’s Question 62.
blood. They will get their handkerchiefs Suppose after the murder Brutus goes back to
drenched in his blood and the same will be his room, he closes his eyes and finds that his
worshipped by the future generations. He also conscience is pricking him. He feels disturbed,
tries to entice Caesar by saying that the upset and restless. Write the page you think he
senators have decided to offer him the crown would have written in his diary expressing his
that day. If he does not go, they may change thoughts and emotions.
their decision.
Question 60.
Why did Cassius object to Antony’s speech at Dear Diary
Caesar’s funeral? 10 pm, 11 June 20XX
Cassius knew it well that Marks Antony was a What a sin I have committed today! I failed to
great diplomat and orator. Using his understan^Jhe selfish motive of cunning and
‘oratory, he might win the hearts of the people in manipulative Cassius. He poisoned my ears
his favour. At that point of time, Cassius and aga|$st my close friend
other conspirators were quite near the crown Caesar saying that Caesar had become
after assassinating Caesar. Moreover, the ambitious and his growing power would be
Romans were very emotionally charged at that dangerous to the Roman democracy. Like a
time. Cassius did not want to take any risk atat credulous and docile person, I bebeved his
that time. Hence, he told Brutus not to allow words and supported the conspirators.
Antony to speak on Caesar’s funeral. After going deep into the matter, I feel that
Caesar was not ambitious and I have committed
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] a sin. God will not forgive me for my betrayal.
Caesar had immense trust in me. I am very
Question 61. much repentant and want to expiate my blunder.
How was Mark Antony successful in setting I confess to my guilt and will remain cautious of
mischief afoot? the manipulative and shrewd people in future.
Answer:- May God forgive me and instill good sanse in
Mark Antony was indeed a great orator and me.
diplomat. After the assassination of Caesar, he Brutus
reached the site and made his plan how to take
revenge on the conspirators and get advantage Question 63.
of the situation. He warned the Romans that What are the conditions imposed on Antony by
Rome would face natural calamities if they didn’t the conspirators before permitting him to speak
take revenge for the assassination. Further, he at Caesar’s funeral?
said that Caesar’s spirit would come with the Answer:-
God of death and cause a great loss of life. Very After the assassination of Caesar, the situation
systematically, he proved that Caesar was not of Rome became chaotic. Caesar was a popular
ambitious. As Long as his position was weak, ruler and the Romans loved him so dearly. The
he pointed out the guilts of the conspirators Romans regarded him a great patriot. So the
ironically. Later, he told the Romans that Caesar conspirators had to justify the assassination of
had neither accepted the crown nor kept the Caesar. Brutus delivered a Long speech and
tried to justify the assassination. But the thinks that if Antony addresses the Roman
conspirators thought that if Antony spoke, the citizens, it will have a better impact on them. He
Romans would be easily convinced. So the is sure that Antony will not be able to harm him
conspirators asked Antony to deliver a speech as he will impose certain restrictions on Antony’s
but he was not permitted to speak anything speech.
against the conspirators. He was permitted to
speak everything in admiration of Caesar. The Question 67.
conspirators also imposed the condition that Why was Cassius unwilling to allow Antony to
Antony had to proclaim in his speech that he speak to the Roman public?
was speaking to them with the permission of the Answer:-
conspirators. Cassius knew it well that Marks Antony was a
Actually the conspirators wanted to make their great diplomat and orator. Using his
good image in the eyes of the RomAnswer:- ‘oratory, he might win the hearts of the people in
They also wanted to keep control on Antony as his favour. At that point of time, Cassius and
he was a great orator. other conspirators were quite near the crown
after assassinating Caesar. Moreover, the
2011Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Romans were very emotionally charged at that
time. Cassius did not want to take any risk at
Question 64. that time. Hence, he told Brutus not to allow
Why did Calpurnia beg Caesar not to go to the Antony to speak on Caesar’s funeral.
senate house?
Answer:- Question 68.
Calpurnia had a very bad dream the previous Why did Cassius decide to assassinate Caesar?
night. She was also informed by the watchman Who were the other conspirators?
that in his dream he had seen many unnatural Answer:-
things. A lioness had given birth to her little ones Cassius is an ambitious man who has extreme
in the streets. Dead bodies were coming out of desire to become the ruler of Rome. He is
graveyards. A fierce war was going in air and envious of the growing power of Caesar. The
blood was falling upon the capital. Calpumia saw name and fame of Caesar is spreading by leaps
that blood was coming out of the statue of and bounds. So Cassius thinks that Caesar must
Caesar and lusty Romans were bathing their be assassinated before he is crowned.
hands in it with smiling faces. All these were The other conspirators are Marcus Brutus,
ominous and Calpumia thought that the life of Decius Brutus, Casca, Metellus Cimber,
Caesar was in danger. Trebonius, Cinna, Popilus, etc.

Question 65. Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]

With what plea did the conspirators approach
Caesar in the senate house? Question 69.
Answer:- How did Antony prove himself to be a clever
The brother of Metellus Cimber had been given orator?
the punishment of banishment by Caesar. So Answer:-
the conspirators asked Metellus Cimber to Mark Antony was indeed a great orator and
request Caesar to forgive his brother. They knew diplomat. After the assassination of Caesar, he
it well that Caesar would not forgive Publius reached the site and made his plan how to take
Cimber. Then the conspirators would also make revenge on the conspirators and get advantage
request and if it was turned down by Caesar, of the situation. He warned the Romans that
they would get proper excuse to attack and Rome would face natural calamities if they didn’t
assassinate Caesar. take revenge for the assassination. Further, he
said that Caesar’s spirit would come with the
Question 66. God of death and cause a great loss of life. Very
Why does Brutus allow Antony to deliver the systematically, he proved that Caesar was not
funeral speech? ambitious. As Long as his position was weak,
Answer:- he pointed out the guilts of the conspirators
Brutus is a noble man and quite unware of the ironically. Later, he told the Romans that Caesar
fact that Antony may harm him and the other had neither accepted the crown nor kept the
conspirators. He is straight in his thinking. He ransom in his personal treasure. He made the
mob emotional by saying that Caesar used to not ready to accept it at any rate as he was a
weep for the poor and for the sake of Romans great patriot.
he left his entire property. Showing the cuts to
the mob and deliberate delay in reading the will Question 72.
were the effective endeavours of Antony to What convinced Caesar to go to the senate
instigate the Romans against the conspirators. house?
Thus, the oratory of Antony altered the entire Answer:-
scene. The conspirators, though appeared to be Decius Bmtus says that the dream of Calpumia
successful in the beginning, were badly has been wrongly interpreted. Actually the
defeated. Romans will get a reviving blood from Caesar’s
blood. They will get their handkerchiefs
Question 70. drenched in his blood and the same will be
Write a character sketch of Julius Caesar. worshipped by the future generations. He also
Answer:- tries to entice Caesar by saying that the
Julius Caesar, the protagonist of the drama senators have decided to offer him the crown
‘Julius Caesar’, was indeed a towering that day. If he does not go, they may change
personality. He possessed a series of virtues their decision.
which had made him a great ruler of the
contemporary world. Under his regime, the Question 73.
Roman Empire expanded greatly and earned How did Antony convince the Roman mob that
good name and fame in the entire world. In the Caesar was not ambitious?
battle field, he was a warrior of warriors and Answer:-
under his leadership, Rome had won many Antony being a great diplomat and orator proved
battles. Rome had never seen a great patriot like Caesar’s innocence very
him. meticulously. He informed the Romans that
Caesar was an eptome of bravery and courage. Caesar refused to accept the crown thrice when
When Calpurnia implored her not to go to the it was offered to him on the eve of Lupercal. If he
senate-house, he said ‘cowards die many times had been ambitious, he must have accepted it.
before their death.’ He was so confident of his He also told the Romans that Caesar had
courage and strength that he said that he was brought many captives from the battlefield.
more dangerous than danger. Being a strict and Whatsoever amount, he got as ransom to set the
able ruler, he never altered his decision under captives free, he put it in the national treasure.
pressure. As he was not a great diplomat, he When the poor wept, Caesar also wept. Reading
failed to guess the motive of the conspirators. the will of Caesar, Antony disclosed to the
The Romans remained indebted to him and took Romans that Caesar had left seventy-five silver
revenge on the conspirators. History rarely sees coins for every citizen and his personal arbours
such a great personality. were o became national property. These
evidences were adequate to prove that Caesar
2010 was not ambitious.

Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Question 74.

Why is Antony’s speech more effective than that
Question 71. of Brutus?
How does Brutus convince the Roman mob that Answer:-
he was justified in murdering Caesar. The speech of Antony was far more effective
Answer:- than that of Brutus. In his speech, Brutus simply
The shrewd, cunning and manipulating Cassius said that he and the other conspirators
had been successful in poisoning the ears of assassinated Caesar as his growing power was
noble Brutus. After Caesar’s assassination, dangerous to the Roman democracy. But Antony
Brutus told the Romans that he loved Caesar proved his statement very systematically and
more than any Romans. But he loved the with adequate evidence. He succeeded in
democracy of Rome more than anyone and winning the favour of the people of Rome and
anything. So he assassinated Caesar when he infuriated them. After listening to his speech, the
felt that the growing ambition of Caesar would Roman citizens became so indignant and started
be perilous to Roman democracy and he was taking revenge on the conspirators
The Dear Departed Chapter Wise to feel proud about the way you treated me….
Important Questions Class 10 English neither of you cared to put up with me”.
Communicative – Drama
2016 Question 4.
Life in metropolitan cities has left no time with
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] members of the family to spend with each other.
As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor
Question 1. of a national daily voicing your concern over the
Mrs. Jordan says that she has a feeling that increasing number of old age homes in
father has not paid his insurance premium. How metropolitan cities (The Dear Departed)
do all react to it? highlighting the values required in the younger
Answer:- generation to care for the elderly.
They all were worried about father’s overdue Answer:-
insurance premium. Mrs. Jordan says that she
has a ‘warning’ from the insurance office. She The Editor
says that father has done it on purpose. After a The Indian Express
Long search, the receipt is found in the bureau. New Delhi 1100XX
The two sisters express anger at father’s
irresponsibility and ‘swindling’ motive. Dear Sir
Subject: Old Age Homes in metropolitan cities
Question 2.
What does the shifting of the bureau tell us Through the esteemed columns of your daily I
about the character of Mrs. Slater? would like to voice my grave concern over the
Answer:- increasing number of old age homes in
Mrs. Slater has always wanted to have the metropolitan cities. It is found that life in
bureau after the grandfather died. She feels she metropolitan cities has left the younger
can easily take it before her sister arrives. It generation no time to look after the elderly souls
shows that she was greedy and selfish. She of the family. They are more interested in what
lacked feelings. they will inherit and try to grab the lion’s share.
They hardly bother to take care of old parents
Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks] and elders. To them, money is more important
than relationships. They lack moral values to
Question 3. respect and care for the old and aged members
Even at the time when the grandfather is of the family who have to take shelter in old age
supposedly dead, the sisters are trying to pull homes.
each other down. With reference to the play, The I would, therefore, request you to publish my
Dear Departed, mention the traits that the sisters letter so that the younger generations realise
display. Do you approve of them ? Give a their duty.
reasoned Answer.
Answer:- Yours faithfully
No, I do not approve of the selfish motive and XYX
morality of the two sisters, Mrs. Slater (Amelia)
and Mrs. Jordan (Elizabeth). 2015Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
At the time when the grandfather is supposedly
dead, the selfish and greedy sisters are craving Question 5.
to grab his wealth. In fact, he was not dead but Read the extract given below and Answer the
merely drunk. Questions that follow:
In the play, both the sisters—Amelia and “Pringle attended him when he was alive and
Elizabeth—are portrayed as greedy and selfish. Pringle shall attend him when he’s dead. That’s
Amelia is after the bureau and Elizabeth wanted professional etiquette. ”
the gold watch. Since their father is alive, the
truth behind their spat comes out. The sisters do Who is Pringle?
not love their father, they only want his wealth Why couldn’t Pringle attend him recently?
and beLongings. So says the grandfather, “It What does ‘professional etiquette’ mean?
seems to me that neither of you has any cause Answer:-
Mr Pringle is the family physician of Abel
Merryweather. Question 9.
Dr. Pringle was out of the city. So he could no What change in the grandfather’s will led to
attend Abel Merryweather recently. another spat between his two daughters? Why?
‘Professional etiquette’ means conventional ..
rules pertaining to every profession.. Answer:-
Question 6 The grandfather, Mr Abel Merryweather
Read the extract given below and Answer the announced that he would change his old will. In
Questions that follow: the new would, there would be a provision that
‘And you, too. Are you such a poor creature that his property would go to the person with whom
you must do every dirty thing she tells you?” he would be at the time of his death. This very
provision was a bone of contention between the
Who is the ‘poor creature’? two sisters. Each of them wanted to keep their
Why is he/she being called a ‘poor creature’? father in her house as both of them had avarice.
Which word in the extract is the opposite of
‘clean’? Question 10.
Answer:- Why does Mrs Slater ask Victoria to go upstairs?
How does Vicky react?
Henry Slater, the husband of Mrs Slater is the Answer:-
poor creature. Mrs Slater asks Victoria to go upstairs in the
He is called so as he had to steal items from the room of the grandfather to bring the bunch of
room of the grandfather under the instruction of keys that is on the dressing table of the grandpa.
his wife. She has to check the receipt of the paid
The opposite of the word ‘clean’ is ‘dirty’. premium in the bureau.
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] Vicky reacts very fearfully. She has seen
grandpa getting up. She is extremely afraid to
Question 7. think that it was the ghost of grandpa.
Why does Abel Merryweather say, “It’s a bit late
to say it (sorry) now”? Long Answer Type Question [4 Marks]
Abel Merryweather knew the real nature of his Question 11.
two daughters. Neither of them had any love and The grandfather had been living with his
affection for him. They regarded him as a burden daughters turn by turn. What he needed was
over him. They simply pretended to have love for only love but what he received was greed and
him. When Mrs Slater came to know that Abel loneliness. Keeping this in view, write an article
was dead, she started stealing his items. The on ‘LUST is all GET… LOVE is all GIVE’.
two sisters started quarrelling over their share in (The Dear Departed)
the property of Mr Abel Merryweather.
Question 8.
What message do you get from the play, ‘The LUST is all GET … LOVE is all GIVE
Dear Departed’?
Answer:- In this swift changing world, people are
The drama ‘The Dear Departed’ throws light on becoming so materialistic that they want to grab
the deteriorating human values in modern the property of the elderly members of their
society. People are hankering after materialistic family. In this changed society, people go on
pleasure and losing real human values. Elderly playing dual role. They keep the elderly
people are regarded as burden on the family. members of the family in a dilemma.
Every member of the family wants to get rid of As a matter of fact, society is losing human
them. The elderly people are helpless. values by leaps and bounds. To satisfy their
Everybody throws greedy glance over their greed, people can go up to any extent. They
property but nobody wants to take care of them. begin to regard the elderly people as burden
over the family. But they hide their evil intentions
2014 so cleverly that one cannot guess it easily. They
pretend that they have immense love and
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks] affection for their elderly members of the family.
They talk politely just to win the trust. But in their He wants to do so for his better future and for
hearts, they keep the evil intention of grabbing giving a lesson to his greedy daughters.
their property. Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
As deteriorating human values are beheld in
every society, we can say that we have Question 14.
damaged the old customs of our forefathers. The What reason does Amelia give for not getting
monster of avarice is growing in size. Everybody another doctor to examine Mr Merryweather?
is becoming its slave sooner or later. But itis not Answer:-
a good sign. For smooth functioning of the Amelia does not want to go to any doctor as she
society, we will have to love our elderly people wants to get rid of Mr Abel so she says that Dr
as everyone has to become old one day. Pringle has been providing treatment to Mr Abel
for a Long time. She pretends that it would not
2013 be a wise step for her to call another doctor to
check Mr Abel. Another doctor might give him
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks] wrong treatment. She tries to prove that her
decision of not calling another doctor is justified.
Question 12.
Read the extract given below and Answer the Question 15.
Questions that follow: Why does Elizabeth wish to draw up a list of
Amelia and Henry. They’ve stolen your clock Grandpa’s things?
and bureau. (working herself up.) They sneaked Answer:-
into your room like a thief in the night and stole Elizabeth is well aware of the nature of her sister
them after you were dead. Amelia. She knows that Amelia is a dishonest
and cunning lady. She also knows that Amelia
Who is Amelia? will try to keep maximum items of the
How did they steal the things? grandfather. It will not be an easy task for her to
Why did they have to steal them? get 50 per cent of her share. For getting her full
Answer:- share and for ensuring proper and smooth
process of the division of the property, she
The real name of Amelia is Mrs. Slater, who is wants to make a list of the things.
the daughter of Abel Merryweather and sister of
Mrs. Jordan. 2012
They closed the main door of the house and
shifted the things from the room of Mr. Abel to Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
their own room.
They stole the things of Mr. Abel so that they Question 16.
would not have to give the share of those items Read the extract given below and Answer the
to Mrs. Jordan. Questions that follow:
Question 13. No? For myself it’s such a relief to get into the
Read the extract given below and Answer the black. And now perhaps you’ll tell us all about it.
Questions that follow: What did the doctor say?
I’ll tell you what I’ve got to do. On Monday next
I’ve got to do three things. I’ve got to go to the What is a great relief for the speaker?
lawyer’s and alter my will. What does the speaker mean by telling “us all
about it”?
Who is the speaker? Who is the speaker of these lines?
Who is he speaking to? Answer:-
What is the speaker going to do and why?
Answer:- Getting into the mourning dress is a great relief
for the speaker.
Mr Abel Merryweather is the speaker. The speaker means that her sister will give her
He is speaking to his two daughters and their the details of the death of their father.
husbands. Mrs Jordan is the speaker of these lines.
He is going to change his will, pay the premium Question 17.
of his insurance and marry at St Philip’s Church. Read the extract given below and Answer the
Questions that follow:
‘She’s never been here since grandfather bought The evil intention of his daughters has made the
it. If it was only down here instead of in his room, speaker decide on three things.
she’d never guess it wasn’t our own. ’ Question 20.
Read the extract given below and Answer the
Who is the speaker? Questions that follow:
Why does ‘it’ have to be shifted? She’ll come fast enough after her share of what
What character trait of the speaker is highlighted grandfather’s left. You know how hard
through this extract? she can be when she likes. Where she gets it
Answer:- from I can’t tell.

Mrs Slater is the speaker. Who speaks these words and about whom?
It has to be shifted because Mrs Slater does not The speaker implies that ‘she’ is .
want to give the share of the bureau to her sister The literary device used in the above lines is .
Mrs Jordan. Answer:-
This extract shows that Mrs Slater was
dishonest, greedy and shrewd. Short Answer Mrs Slater speaks these lines about her sister
Type Question [2 Marks] Mrs Jordan.
The speaker implies that ‘She’ is very cunning
Question 18. and she will be hard about getting her share.
What change in the grandfather’s will led to The literary device used here is repetition.
another spat between his two daughters? Why? Short Answer Type Question [2 Marks]
The grandfather, Mr Abel Merryweather Question 21.
announced that he would change his old will. In Briefly describe the character of Victoria in ‘The
the new would, there would be a provision that Dear Departed.’
his property would go to the person with whom Answer:-
he would be at the time of his death. This very Victoria in the drama ‘The Dear Departed’ is a
provision was a bone of contention between the very precious girl who knows what is good and
two sisters. Each of them wanted to keep their what is bad. She is an innocent girl who has
father in her house as both of them had avarice. nothing to do with the evil deeds of her mother
and her father. She is actually dejected over the
2011 death,of her grandfather as she has real love
and affection in her heart of hearts for him.
Extract Based Questions [3 Marks]
Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
Question 19. Question 22.
Read the extract given below and Answer the You are Abel Merryweather. Express your
Questions that follow: ideas/feelings after you wake up and come to
I’ll tell you what I’ve got to do. On Monday next know about your daughters’ feelings/greed and
I’ve got to do three things. intentions.
These words are spoken by————- to——— My eyes have been opened by my daughters
—- and their husbands. I was of the view that my
The listeners’ reaction to the speaker’s daughters have real love and affection for me in
declaration is that they are ————– their hearts. But the incident of my temporary
————-has made the speaker decide on three Tainting has revealed everything. Now I have
things. come to know that they love my property more
Answer:- than me and I am a burden over them. They
want me ” to depart from this world as soon as
These words are spoken by Mr Abel possible. What a drastic change has,taken place
Merryweather to his daughters and their in the new generation. Their avarice has killed all
husbands. their values.
The listeners’ reaction to the speaker’s Now I will have to think differently. I have come
declaration is that they are astonished and to know about their evil intention. I must remain
terrified. alert in future. I am going to change my will in
such a way that I’Will remain important for them
till my death. For enhancing my importance, I will
pay the premium of insurance in time. I will also
marry an old lady, who will take care of me.
Now, all my doubts have been dispelled and I
am well aware of the nature of the daughters.

Question 23.
Abel in “The Dear Departed” is very upset at the
behaviour of his family. He expresses his
feelings to a close friend in a letter. As Abel,
write this letter.

12A Church Street

29 August 20XX

Dear John

God always comes to help elderly people. I am

going to tell you a fact of this funny but cruel
Owing to a headache, I lost sense for a few
hours. The members of my family thought that I
had passed away. My daughter began to wear
mourning dress aLong with her husband and
her daughter instead of calling a doctor. With the
help of her husband, she began to shift my items
from my room to her room. Only my innocent
granddaughter was sad over my death.
When my second daughter Jordan came, she
didn’t come to check whether I was actually
dead or not. She also got busy getting her share.
Both the sisters began to quarrel. When they
came to know that I had not paid the pr emium
of the insurance company, they called me a
drunken old beggar. The incident opened my
eyes. I will alter my will for my better future. In
future, I will remain alert. The new generation
has so much avarice that they give no
importance to human values.
Convey my blessings to the children of your
The rest is OK.

Your affectionately
Abel Merryweather

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