Energies 11 00425 PDF
Energies 11 00425 PDF
Energies 11 00425 PDF
Short-Circuit Current Analysis for DFIG Wind Farm
Considering the Action of a Crowbar
Yan Hong Yuan ID
and Feng Wu *
College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;
[email protected] or [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-530-518-7449
Abstract: With the increasing capacity of wind farms integrated into the power grid, the short-circuit
current analysis for wind farms becomes more and more important. Since the wind turbine is
usually integrated into the power grid via power electronic devices, the “crowbar” is installed in
the wind turbine to protect the power electronic devices and to improve the fault ride through
capability. The impact of the crowbar has to be considered during the short-circuit current analysis
for the wind farm. In order to fully analyze the short-circuit current characteristics of a wind
farm, the short-circuit currents for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine under
symmetrical and asymmetrical faults considering the crowbar action characteristic are derived firstly.
Then the action situation of the crowbar of a DFIG wind turbine is studied and the action area curve is
obtained. Taking the crowbar action, or not, as the grouping criterion, wind turbines in the wind farm
are divided into two groups, and the wind farm is aggregated into two equivalent wind turbines.
Using the equivalent model, the short-circuit current of a wind farm can be calculated accurately.
Finally, simulations are performed in MATLAB/Simulink which is the commercial math software
produced by the MathWorks company in Natick, Massachusetts, the United States to verify the
proposed short-circuit current calculation method for the DFIG wind farm.
Keywords: crowbar; doubly-fed induction generator; short-circuit current; wind farm; wind turbine
1. Introduction
With the increasing capacity of wind farms (WF) integrated into the power grid, the impact
of WFs on the operation of power grid becomes more and more significant [1]. The short-circuit
current of the WF under the system fault is quite different from that of the traditional power plant.
The result of the fault analysis and the evaluation of protection action characteristics are affected
by imprecise short-circuit current calculations, and it is of great significance to the electric design of
the WF. Additionally, a “crowbar” is usually installed in the wind turbine (WT) with a doubly-fed
induction generator (DFIG) to increase the fault ride-through capability by limiting the short-circuit
current flowing through the power electronic devices under the system fault [2–4]. Hence, the effect of
the crowbar has to be considered in the short-circuit current analysis for the power grid integrated
with large-scale WFs.
Previously, a great deal of studies have been carried out to study the short-circuit current of WTs
with DFIG. The impact factors on the short-circuit current was investigated in [5,6]. The effect of the
low-voltage ride-through control strategy on the short-circuit current of WTs with DFIG was analyzed
in [7,8]. The short-circuit current of the WT with DFIG protected by a crowbar was also studied
in [9,10]. In [9], the sudden short-circuit process was regarded as a superimposition of the steady
state operation and the transient state operation provoked by the reverse voltage, stator three-phase
short-circuit current expression was obtained by carrying out the Laplace transformation and the
inverse transformation
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEERto the
REVIEWstate space equation. The studies mentioned above mainly focused 2 of 16 on
the short-circuit current of a single WT with DFIG. Moreover, because the WF usually consists of
three-phase short-circuit current expression was obtained by carrying out the Laplace
hundreds of WTs, the short-circuit current analysis of the WF is more efficient for the operation of
transformation and the inverse transformation to the state space equation. The studies mentioned
the power grid, but there are fewer studies on it. A simple DFIG WF equivalent model, which can be
above mainly focused on the short-circuit current of a single WT with DFIG. Moreover, because the
usedWF to quantify a WF’sofshort-circuit
usually consists hundreds of WTs, current contributions
the short-circuit to the
current grid, was
analysis presented
of the WF is more inefficient
[11], and the
amplitude range of short-circuit
for the operation of the power grid,current
but supplied by the
there are fewer WF was
studies on it.determined
A simple DFIG by analyzing
WF equivalent the short
model, which can be used to quantify a WF’s short-circuit current contributions to the grid, was with
behavior of a DFIG with a crowbar. In [12], the WF was also equivalent to a single WT
DFIG to study in
presented the[11],
short-circuit current of range
and the amplitude the WF, of where the effect
short-circuit of the
current crowbarbywas
supplied thenotWFconsidered.
However, whenbythe analyzing
system thefaultshort circuit the
happens, behavior
actionsof aofDFIG with a crowbar.
the crowbars in a WF In are
the WF was
also equivalent
For example, undertoa asystem
single WTfault,with
some DFIG to study
of the the short-circuit
crowbars current of while
would be triggered, the WF, thewhere
others thewould
effect of the crowbar was not considered. However, when the system fault happens,
not. In this condition, the detailed actions of the crowbars have to be discussed before the short-circuit the actions of
the crowbars in a WF are very complicated. For example, under a system fault, some of the crowbars
current analysis for the WF.
would be triggered, while the others would not. In this condition, the detailed actions of the
In this paper, a method for the short-circuit current calculation for a DFIG WF under constant
crowbars have to be discussed before the short-circuit current analysis for the WF.
power factor
In thiscontrol
paper,is a proposed.
method for The short-circuit
the short-circuit current
current for the WT
calculation for awith
DFIG DFIG underconstant
WF under symmetrical
and power
asymmetrical grid faults are presented firstly, where the action of Crowbar
factor control is proposed. The short-circuit current for the WT with DFIG under symmetrical can be considered.
The curve for action area
and asymmetrical gridof Crowbar
faults is obtained,
are presented based
firstly, where onthe
Crowbarof each
can be crowbar of the WT
in the
TheWF can for
curve be action
decided areausing the terminal
of Crowbar voltage
is obtained, basedand onthe input
which thewind
of eachTaking
crowbarthe crowbar
of the
action, the asWFthecan be decided
clustering using the
criterion, theterminal
WTs involtage
the WFand are the input wind
aggregated intospeed.
two WTs TakingwiththeDFIG.
Usingcrowbar action, or not, as
the two-machine the clustering
equivalent model,criterion,
the the WTs in the current
short-circuit WF are aggregated
of the WFinto is two WTs withA WF
DFIG. Using the two-machine equivalent model, the short-circuit current
consisting of 36 WTs which has considered the wake effect and is close to the actual WF is performed of the WF is calculated. A
WF consisting of 36 WTs which has considered the wake effect and is close to the actual WF is
in MATLAB/Similink, which is the commercial math software produced by the MathWorks company
performed in MATLAB/Similink, which is the commercial math software produced by the
in Natick, Massachusetts, the United States and approximates the real-time operating conditions.
MathWorks company in Natick, Massachusetts, the United States and approximates the real-time
A comparison is made between
operating conditions. the calculated
A comparison and the the
is made between simulated
calculatedshort-circuit currentshort-circuit
and the simulated of the WF under
current ofand the WFasymmetrical fault, respectively.
under symmetrical and asymmetrical Thefault,
respectively. of The
the effectiveness
proposed short-circuit
of the
current calculation
proposed method
short-circuit for acalculation
current DFIG WF method is evaluated by the
for a DFIG WFcase studies. by the case studies.
is evaluated
2. Short-Circuit Current
2. Short-Circuit ofofWT
Current WTwith
withDFIG Consideringthe
DFIG Considering the Action
Action of of Crowbar
2.1. Model of WT
2.1. Model with
with Equipped
DFIG Equippedwith
with a Crowbar
TheThe configuration
configuration ofof theWT
the WTwith
with DFIG
DFIG equipped
witha crowbar under
a crowbar constant
under power
constant factorfactor
control is shown in Figure
control is shown in Figure 1. 1.
rotor-side grid-side
converter converter
Figure 1. Configuration of wind turbine (WT) with doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) equipped
Figure 1. Configuration of wind turbine (WT) with doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) equipped
with a crowbar.
with a crowbar.
Currently, the commercial WT with DFIG usually adopts the three-phase three-wire system
where the
there is nocommercial
zero-sequenceWT with DFIG
component usually
in the adopts
short-circuit the three-phase
current. three-wire
Therefore, according system
to the
there is no symmetrical
zero-sequencecomponent theory,
component inthe
thestator and rotorcurrent.
short-circuit voltage, current and according
Therefore, flux vectorsto the
can be decomposed
instantaneous into the
symmetrical corresponding
component positive
theory, and negative
the stator and rotorsequence
currentin the
flux vectors
and reverse rotating synchronous coordinate systems. They are called positive and negative
can be decomposed into the corresponding positive and negative sequence vectors in the positive
sequence vectors in the following part of this paper, respectively, and they can be written as:
and reverse rotating synchronous coordinate systems. They are called positive and negative sequence
vectors in the following part of this paper, f N fP e j t
f f P respectively, and
j t
fN ethey
,can be written as:
N − jωs t
f = f P + f N = f+
P jωs t
e + f− e , (1)
Energies 2018, 11, 425 3 of 15
where f represents voltage, current or flux vector; the subscript “+” and “−” represent the forward
and reverse synchronous rotating coordinate systems, respectively; the superscript P and N represent
the positive and negative sequence components, respectively.
The positive and negative sequence models of WT with DFIG are given by:
dΨ P
Us,P+ = Rs Is,P+ + dts,+ + jωs Ψs,P+
dΨ P
Ur,+ = Rr Ir,P+ + dtr,+ + j(ωs − ωr )Ψr,P+ (2)
Ψs,P+ = Ls Is,P+ + Lm Is,P+
Ψr,+ = Lr Ir,P+ + Lm Ir,P+
dΨ N
Us,N− = Rs Is,N− + dts,− − jωs Ψs,N−
dΨ N
Ur,− = Rr Ir,N− + dtr,− − j(ωs + ωr )Ψr,N− (3)
Ψs,N− = Ls Is,N− + Lm Ir,N−
Ψr,− = Lr Ir,N− + Lm Is,N−
where Us , Ur , Is , Ir , Ψs , Ψr are the voltage, current, and flux of the stator and rotor, respectively; Rs ,
Rr , Ls , Lr are the resistance and inductance of the stator and rotor, respectively; Lm is the mutual
inductance of the generator; and ωs and ωr are the electrical angular velocities of the stator and
rotor, respectively.
The negative sequence component is zero when the system is symmetrical.
When the power grid operates normally or the terminal voltage of WT with DFIG equipped with
the crowbar drops slightly, the crowbar will not be triggered and the WT with DFIG is excited by the
rotor side converter, which is the just like the WT with DFIG equipped without a crowbar. When
the power grid fault happens and the terminal voltage drops deeply, the stator and rotor currents
increase quickly with the decrease of the terminal voltage. Then, the crowbar is activated to prevent
the converter from over-current shock and consumes the unbalanced energy in the WT after the system
fault, which improves the fault ride through capability. Hence, the crowbar plays a very important
role in the WT under the system fault, and it has to be included in the model of the WT with DFIG for
the short-circuit current analysis.
Therefore, the positive and negative sequence vectors of stator and rotor currents need to be
calculated firstly. According to the positive and negative sequence flux in Equations (2) and (3),
the relations between stator, rotor currents and fluxes can be obtained as follows:
After the action of the crowbar, the rotor is shorted by the crowbar resistance, and the rotor
side resistance is changed to Rr0 = Rr + Rcb , where Rcb is the crowbar resistance. According to
Energies 2018, 11, 425 4 of 15
Equations (2), (3), and (5), and neglecting the stator resistance, the differential equations of stator and
rotor flux can be written as:
dΨ P
dts,+ + jωs Ψs,P+ = Us,P+
dΨs,− − jωs Ψ N = U N
dt s,− s,−
Ls Rr0
P Lm Rr0 Ψs,P+ (6)
dt + L L − L 2 + j ( ω s − ω )
r Ψr,+ = L L − L2
N s r 0m s r
L R0 Ψ N
dΨr,− +
L s Rr
− j(ωs + ωr ) Ψ N = m r s,−
dt Ls Lr − L2m r,− Ls Lr − L2m
When the power grid operates under normal condition, the stator flux is constant and the stator
voltage equals to 1 pu. The initial values of the positive and negative sequence components can be
obtained as follows: P
Is,+ (0) = Is (0)
Ψs,P+ (0) = Ψs (0)
Ψ P (0) = Lr Ψ P (0) − Ls Lr − L2m IP (0)
r,+ Lm s,+ Lm s,+
Ir,P+ (0) = − Lm 2 Ψs,P+ (0) + Ls P
2 Ψr,+ (0)
L s L r − L m L s L r − L m
Ψ N (0) = 0
Ψr,− (0) = 0
Substituting Equation (7) into Equations (6), the differential equations can be solved:
P Us,P+
P = Us,+ + Us −( jωs t+ τts )
Ψs,+ jω s jω s
− jω s
Ψ N = − Us,− + Us,− e−(− jωs t+ τts )
s,− jωs jωs (8)
A1 Us,P+ Us,P+ t t
P = + B Us
− e−( jωs t+ τs ) + C1 e−( jωs t+ jωr t+ τr )
Ψ r,+ jω s 1 jω s jω s
Ψ N = − A Us,N− + B Us,N− e−(− jωs t+ τts ) + C e jωs t+ jωr t− τtr
r,− 2 jωs 2 jωs 2 ,
Ls − L2m /Lr /Rs is the time constant of stator, τr Lr − L2m /Ls /Rr0 is
where τs = =
Lm Rr0 Lm Rr0
the time constant of rotor, and A1 = , B1 = ,
( jωs + jωr +1/τr )( Ls Lr − L2m ) (1/τr −1/τs − jωr )( Ls Lr − L2m )
Ur.P+ (0) A1 Us,P+ B1 (Us −Us,P+ ) Lm Rr0
C1 = Ψr.P+ (0) − jωs + jωr +1/τr − jωs − jωs , A2 = − e− jωs t ,
(1/τr − jωs − jωr )( Ls Lr − L2m )
Lm Rr0 A2 Us,N− B2 Us,N−
B2 = , and C2 = jωs − jωs .
(1/τr −1/τs − jωr )( Ls Lr − L2m )
When the crowbar is triggered, the stator and rotor currents of WT with DFIG can be obtained
by Equations (4), (5), and (8). If the fault is symmetrical, the negative sequence component is zero.
The stator and rotor currents can be converted into a three-phase stationary coordinate system through
coordinate transformation.
2.3. Short-Circuit Current of WT with DFIG When Crowbar Does Not Act
If the terminal voltage falls slightly, the crowbar will not be triggered and the rotor voltage will
not be zero. According to the stator flux in Equations (2) and (3), the positive and negative sequence
vectors of stator current can be written as:
IP = Ψs,P+ − Lm Ir,P+
s,+ Ls Ls (9)
I N = Ψs,N− − Lm Ir,N− .
s,− Ls Ls
As shown in Equation (9), the short-circuit current is mainly determined by the stator flux and
rotor current.
Energies 2018, 11, 425 5 of 15
Since the action of the crowbar has no effect on the stator flux, the stator flux can be written as in
accordance with Equation (8):
Us,P+ Us,P+ t
Ψs,P+ = + Us
− e−( jωs t+ τs )
jωs jωs jωs
Ψ N = − Us,− + Us,N− −(− jωs t+ t )
jωs e
τs .
s,− jωs
During the grid fault, the rotor side converter can keep track of the reference value very well if
the controller’s closed-loop bandwidth is large enough. The response of the converter is very fast,
hence, if the rotor side converter control strategy is constant power factor control, the rotor current can
be approximated to the reference value [13]:
Ir = Ir,re f . (11)
According to Equations (4) and (9)–(11), the stator and rotor currents of WT with DFIG can
be obtained when the crowbar is not triggered. If the fault is symmetrical, the negative sequence
component is zero.
Table 1. Parameters of wind turbine (WT) with doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG).
Parameters Values
rated power/MW 1.5
rated voltage/V 575
system frequency/HZ 60
stator resistance/p.u. 0.023
stator inductance/p.u. 0.18
rotor resistance/p.u. 0.016
rotor inductance/p.u. 0.16
mutual inductance/p.u. 2.9
rotor speed/p.u. 1.2
The crowbar resistance is 30 ∗ Rr. The wind speed flowing into the WT is 11 m/s. A system fault
is applied at the terminal of the WF via a short resistance at t = 0, and the terminal voltage drops to
0.5 pu. The short-circuit currents of phase A of these two simulation systems are shown in Figure 2.
From Figure 2, it can be seen that the short-circuit current of the WT equipped with a crowbar is
different from that of the WT without a crowbar. Since the terminal voltage drops deeply to 0.5 pu,
with a crowbar, the converter can be prevented from over-current shock and the unbalanced energy
can be consumed by the crowbar in the WT. However, without a crowbar, the converter may face
over-current shock and the unbalanced energy will affect the power grid. Their impact currents are
also listed in Table 2.
rotor inductance/p.u. 0.16
mutual inductance/p.u. 2.9
rotor speed/p.u. 1.2
The crowbar resistance is 30*Rr . The wind speed flowing into the WT is 11 m/s. A system fault
is applied at the terminal of the WF via a short resistance at t = 0, and the terminal voltage drops to
Energies 2018, 11, 425 6 of 15
0.5 pu. The short-circuit currents of phase A of these two simulation systems are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Short-circuit currents of WTs equipped with a crowbar and without a crowbar.
Figure 2. Short-circuit currents of WTs equipped with a crowbar and without a crowbar.
From Figure 2, it can be seen that the short-circuit current of the WT equipped with a crowbar is
from that of the WT
2. Impact without
currents ofaWTs
crowbar. Since the
equipped terminal
with voltage a
and without drops deeply to 0.5 pu,
with a crowbar, the converter can be prevented from over-current shock and the unbalanced energy
can be consumed by the crowbar in the WT. However, without a crowbar, the converter may face
WT with Crowbar/pu WT without Crowbar/pu Absolute Error/pu Relative Error/%
over-current shock and the unbalanced energy will affect the power grid. Their impact currents are
Impact current
also listed in Table 2.268
2. 2.505 0.237 10.4
3. Short-CircuitFrom
Current ofitacan
Table 2, DFIG WF
be seen Considering
that Crowbar
the difference of Operation
the impact Characteristics
current is larger than 10%, hence,
the effect of the crowbar has to be considered in the short-circuit current analysis.
3.1. Curve for the Action Area of the Crowbar
3. Short-Circuit Current of a DFIG WF Considering Crowbar Operation Characteristics
In a WF, the time-lag effect and wake effect lead to the different input wind speeds flowing
3.1. Curve for the Action Area of the Crowbar
into each WT because of their different locations. Since the WT in the WF operates under different
conditions, its In a WF, thewould
crowbar time-laghave
effect and wake effect
different lead to
actions the different
under input wind
the system speeds
fault. flowing intowhen the
each WT because of their different locations. Since the WT in the WF operates under different
system fault is not very severe, only part of the crowbars in the WF would be activated, while the
conditions, its crowbar would have different actions under the system fault. Especially when the
others would not. At this scenario, if the WF is aggregated into one equivalent machine to calculate
the short-circuit current, the errors will be significant.
Therefore, it is necessary to decide the action condition of the crowbar in the WF before the
calculation of the short-circuit current. The crowbar is triggered when the rotor current is greater than
the current limitation. However, it is difficult to collect the instantaneous rotor current of each WT in
the real WF. It has to be pointed out that the action of the crowbar has a strong relationship with the
input wind speed and the terminal voltage drop [14].
The critical curve of the crowbar action for a single WT under different wind speeds and voltage
drops is drawn by the following steps, as shown in Figure 3:
Step 1: Input the cut-in wind speed to the WT with DFIG, and it remains constant.
Step 2: Apply a system fault at the terminal of the WF via a short resistance at t = 0, and the short
resistance is set to 0.
Step 3: Simulate the dynamics of the WT.
Step 4: Check the status of the crowbar. If the crowbar is triggered, increase the short resistance
by 0.001 Ω and go to step 3; otherwise, go to step 5.
Step 5: Write down the current wind speed and the critical terminal voltage.
Step 6: If the current wind speed is smaller than the cut-out speed, increase the wind speed by 0.5
m/s and go to step 2; otherwise, go to step 7.
Step 7: Stop and draw the curve for the action area of the crowbar using the wind speeds and
their corresponding critical terminal voltages.
by 0.001 Ω and go to step 3; otherwise, go to step 5.
Step 5: Write down the current wind speed and the critical terminal voltage.
Step 6: If the current wind speed is smaller than the cut-out speed, increase the wind speed by
0.5 m/s and go to step 2; otherwise, go to step 7.
Step 7: Stop and draw the curve for the action area of the crowbar using the wind speeds and
Energies 2018, 11, corresponding
their 425 critical terminal voltages. 7 of 15
Figure 3. Flowchart drawing curve for the action area of the crowbar.
Figure 3. Flowchart drawing curve for the action area of the crowbar.
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16
Figure 4. Curve
4. Curve forfor actionarea
action areaof
the crowbar.
Figure 5. Equivalent model of DFIG WF (wind farm).
Figure 5. Equivalent model of DFIG WF (wind farm).
4. Simulation Examples Figure 5. Equivalent model of DFIG WF (wind farm).
4. Simulation Examples
4.1. Crowbar Actions
4. Simulation Simulation
4.1. A
Crowbar Actions Simulation
WF consisting of 36 WTs is built in MATLAB/Simulink which is the commercial math
4.1. Crowbar
software Actions
produced Simulation
byofthe MathWorks
A WF consisting 36 WTs is built incompany in Natick, Massachusetts,
MATLAB/Simulink the United
which is the commercial mathStates, as
shown in Figure
A WFby
produced 6. The
consisting parameters
of 36 WTs
the MathWorks of each
is built
company WT
in in with DFIG are
Natick, listed in
Massachusetts, which Table 1. Considering
is theStates,
the United the
commercial wake
as shown in
software 6. wind speeds
produced byflowing
The parameters intoWT
the with
each WT in the WF
DFIG in are
are listed
listed in Table 3.
in Massachusetts,
Table the United
1. Considering States,
the wake as
the wind in Figure
speeds 6. The parameters
flowing into the WTof each
in theWTWFwith DFIG in
are listed areTable
listed3.in Table 1. Considering the wake
effect, the wind speeds flowing into the WT in the WF are listed in Table 3.
input wind
PCC 15.7kV/220kV
input wind
Applying a system fault at the terminal of the DFIG WF via a short resistance at t = 0, the voltage
drops to 0.68 pu. According to the simulation results, the actions of the crowbars in the WF are shown
in Table 4. The crowbars that were triggered are represented by “+”, while the others are represented
by “−”. From Table 4, it can be seen that 22 crowbars are triggered and the other 14 crowbars are not.
Crowbar Actions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
line 1 + + + + + +
line 2 + + + + + +
line 3 + + + + + −
line 4 + + + − − −
line 5 + + − − − −
line 6 − − − − − −
Using the curve for the action area of the crowbar, the crowbar action conditions for each WT
in the WF can also be obtained and listed in Table 5. The result is that 22 crowbars are triggered
and the other 14 crowbars are not, which is very close to that obtained from simulation. In Table 5,
three crowbars in WTs have different actions comparing to those in Table 4. It has to be pointed out
that the operation condition of these three WTs are very close to the critical curve. If the interval of
the wind speed and terminal voltage is decreased further when the curve for the action area of the
crowbar is produced, the accuracy of the decision can be improved.
Crowbar Actions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
line 1 + + + + + +
line 2 + + + + + −
line 3 + + + + − −
line 4 + + + − − −
line 5 + + − − − −
line 6 + − − − − −
short-circuit currents. The short-circuit currents are shown in Figure 7a,b, respectively. It can be seen
that the calculation values of the short-circuit current is consistent with those of the simulations.
According to Table 5, only some of the crowbars are triggered when the terminal voltage drops to
0.68 pu. Therefore, the WF has to be aggregated to two equivalent WTs to calculate its short-circuit
current. The short-circuit currents are shown in Figure 7c. In addition, the WF is also equivalent to
a single WT to calculate its short-circuit current and show the difference between these two calculation
methods. It can be seen that when the terminal voltage drops to 0.68 pu, the calculated short-circuit
current of the WF which is equivalent to two WTs is closer to the simulation results than that of the
WF, which2018,
is11, x FOR PEER
equivalent toREVIEW
a single WT. 11 of 16
Comparisons of the calculated impact currents and simulated impact currents under different
voltage drops by an asymmetrical fault are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Comparison of the impact currents under different voltage drops by an asymmetrical fault.
Comparisons of the calculated impact currents and simulated impact currents under different
voltage drops by an asymmetrical fault are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Comparison of the impact currents under different voltage drops by an asymmetrical fault.
Impact Current
Terminal Voltage/pu
Simulation Value/pu Calculation Value/pu Absolute Error/pu Relative Error/%
0.8 1.354 1.362 0.008 0.591
0.2 2.328 2.341 0.013 0.558
0.68 (2 WTs) 1.792 1.804 0.012 0.670
0.68 (1 WT) 1.418 1.890 0.098 5.469
Energies Table
2018, 6, itPEER
11, x FOR can REVIEW
be seen that the WF can be equivalent to a single WT to calculate 12 its
of 16
short-circuit current when all the crowbars are triggered or not, since the error of impact current
is very
very small. However,ififonly
small. However, onlypart
thethe crowbars
crowbars areare triggered,
triggered, the the
errorerror of impact
of impact current
current of theofWF,the
which is equivalent to two WTs, is much smaller than that of the WF, which is equivalent to a single a
WF, which is equivalent to two WTs, is much smaller than that of the WF, which is equivalent to
WT.single WT.short-circuit
Precise Precise short-circuit current calculations
current calculations will help the will helpofthe
result theresult of the fault
fault analysis andanalysis and the
the evaluation
evaluation of the protection
of the protection action characteristic. action characteristic.
Based calculations andandsimulation
simulation results,
results, it it
cancanbebe concluded
concluded that
that this
this DFIG
needs totobebe
equivalent twoWTs WTs toto calculate
calculate itsits short-circuit
short-circuit current
current when
when the
the terminal
terminal voltage
voltage dipdip
is is between
0.61 and 0.71. If not, it can be equivalent to
0.61 and 0.71. If not, it can be equivalent to a single WT. a single WT.
4.3. SymmetricalFault
Applyinga athree-phase
Applying three-phasefault
faultat at the
the terminal
terminal of the DFIG
resistanceatatt =t 0,
= the
the voltagedrops
process is
is the same as the
the asymmetrical
equivalent toto twoWTs
two WTs toto calculate
calculate thethe short-circuit
short-circuit current.
current. The
The comparison
comparison between
between thethecalculation
values andsimulation
impact currents
currents ofof them
them are
are shown
shown inin Table
Table 7. 7.
Table Comparison
7. 7. ofof
Comparison the impact
the currents
impact under
currents symmetrical
under fault.
symmetrical fault.
Figure8. 8.Comparison
Figure Comparison of
of the
the short-circuit
short-circuit current
current calculation
calculation values
values and
and simulation
simulation values
values for
for a
three-phase fault.
a three-phase fault.
From Figure 8 and Table 7, it can be seen that the calculation values of short-circuit current
under a symmetrical fault are also consistent with those of the simulation results.
From Figure 8 and Table 7, it can be seen that the calculation values of short-circuit current under
a symmetrical fault are also consistent with those of the simulation results.
30 37
25 26 28 29
2 27
3 18 17 G
39 16 21
4 14 24 36
5 13 23
9 6
12 19
7 11 20 22
31 32 34 33 35
Figure 10.Curve
10. Curvefor
Curve foraction
for actionarea
action areaof
area ofofthe
the crowbar.
Applying phase-phasefault faultbetween
terminalof ofthe
Applying a phase-phase fault between phase A and phase B at the terminal of the DFIG WF
resistanceatatt t==10
via a short resistance at t = 10 s, the voltage drops to 0.55 pu. Using the curve for the action area of the
crowbar inFigure
crowbar in Figure 10, the result is that 66 crowbars are triggered and the other 15 crowbars are not,
and theWF
equivalentto totwo
WTsto tocalculate
and the WF is equivalent to two WTs to calculate the short-circuit current. The comparison between
the calculationvalues
valuesand andsimulation
shownin inFigure
the calculation values and simulation values of the short-circuit current is shown in Figure 11, and the
the impact currents of them is shown in
the impact currents of them is shown in Table 10.Table 10.
impact currents of them is shown in Table 10.
Figure 11.Comparison
Comparisonofofthethe short-circuitcurrent
current calculationvalues
values andsimulation
simulation valuesfor
for a
Figure 11. Comparison of the short-circuit
short-circuit current calculation
calculation valuesand
and simulationvalues
values fora
phase-phase (a
(a and
and b)
b) fault.
a phase-phase (a and b) fault.
Table 10.Comparison
Table 10. Comparison of the impact currents under symmetrical fault.
Simulation Value/pu Calculation
Value/pu Absolute
Error/pu Relative
Impact current
Impact current Simulation Value/pu
3.308 Calculation Value/pu
3.413 Absolute Error/pu
0.105 Relative Error/%
Impact current 3.308 3.413 0.105 3.174
From Figure
From Figure 11 11 and
and Table
Table 10, 10, itit can
can be
be seen
seen that
that the
the calculation
calculation values
values ofof the
the short-circuit
From are consistent
11 and with
with those
Table 10, of of the
the be
it can simulation
simulation results.
seen thatresults.
the calculation values of the short-circuit current
are consistent with those of the simulation results.
5. Conclusions
calculationmethod methodfor forthe
WFhas hasbeen
proposedin inthis
has considered
considered thecurrent
short-circuit actioncalculation
action ofaacrowbar
of crowbar andisfor
method issuitable
suitable under
the WFunder
has both
been symmetrical
proposed andasymmetrical
in thisand asymmetrical
paper, which has
grid faults.
grid faults.
considered theThe
The simulation
action isis conducted
of a crowbar conducted in MATLAB/Simulink,
and is suitable MATLAB/Simulink, which isis
under both symmetrical and the
the commercial math
asymmetrical math
faults. produced
simulation by
by theMathWorks
isthe MathWorks
conducted companyin
in MATLAB/Simulink, inNatick,
Natick, Massachusetts,
which theUnited
is the commercial United States
mathStates and
approximates thereal-time
Basedon onthe
Energies 2018, 11, 425 14 of 15
produced by the MathWorks company in Natick, Massachusetts, the United States and approximates
the real-time operating conditions. Based on the short-circuit current analysis of the WT with and
without the crowbar, the crowbar has a significant impact on the short-circuit current of the WT.
The simulation results of a WF has demonstrated that only some of the crowbars were triggered under
a certain grid fault. Hence, the action condition of the crowbar has been studied to obtain the curve
for the action area of the crowbar, which is very useful to decide whether the crowbars are triggered.
A two-machine equivalent model has been proposed to calculate the short-circuit current of the WF.
The calculated short-circuit currents have been compared with those simulated, and they are close
with each other. The proposed method is effective to calculate the short-circuit current of the DFIG WF
even when there are different kinds of WTs in the WF, which is meaningful for further analysis for the
influence of the DFIG WF on the fault analysis, protection action characteristics, and electric design of
the WF. Analysis on an actual WF with different kinds of WTs is one of our future research directions.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation of China under
grant no. 51422701. This article is funded by the National Science Foundation of China: 51422701 and China
‘111’ project of ‘Renewable Energy and Smart Grid’: B14022. The founding sponsors had an important role in the
design of the study; in the collection, analyses, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in
the decision to publish the results.
Author Contributions: Feng Wu conceived and designed the experiments; Yan Hong Yuan performed the
experiments; Feng Wu and Yan Hong Yuan analyzed the data; Feng Wu contributed analysis tools; Yan Hong Yuan
and Feng Wu wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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